A Digital Orrery
A Digital Orrery
A Digital Orrery
A Digital Orrery
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6 authors, including:
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1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Partitioning the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Existing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Language Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.7 Structure of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 Force Algorithm 8
4.1 Direct Summation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.1.1 Tweaks to Direct Summation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Hierarchical Force Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.1 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.2 Grouping Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2.3 PseudoBodies and Force Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2.4 Performance and Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5 Numerical Integrators 17
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Accuracy Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3 Simple Euler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4 Leapfrog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.5 Time Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.6 Hermite Predictor-Corrector Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.7 Further Integrator Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.7.1 Variable Timesteps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.7.2 Individual Timesteps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.7.3 Time Control and the Front End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8 Acknowledgements 36
A Test Results 39
A.1 Force Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
A.1.1 Grouping Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
A.1.2 Force Calculation Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
A.2 Numerical Integrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
B.2.5 The PseudoBody Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.2.6 The Orbit_Parameters Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.2.7 The TimeAndDate Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
B.2.8 The Universe Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
C Code 54
C.1 Force_Algorithm.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
C.2 Force_Tree_Algorithm.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
C.3 Integrator.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Chapter 1
that is attractive and appealing to a casual observer. Though accuracy is an
important factor, our aim is to please the lay observer, so our design must prize
an intuitive display and responsiveness to the user over accuracy of simulation.
ORSA. The advantage of this approach is that a true simulation is being carried
out. Thus the user is free to modify, add to, or indeed completely re-dene the
physical set-up of the gravitational system being simulated. Programs based on
this type of backend could simulate the solar systems of extra solar planets just
as easily as our own solar system, and could easily handle the addition of space
craft, new comets, etc., to the simulation.
1.5 Objective
Given the above, where can we improve on what already exists? The answer lies
in the GUI. Celestia provides a high-quality 3D display engine, much like high-
end computer games. However, its simulation is somewhat limited. ORSA, on
the other hand, provides a powerful and exible simulation, but is geared toward
scientic data analysis. Its presentation style resembles Matlab. As far as we
are aware, there is no program available that provides a 3D graphical game-like
display driven by a numerical-integration based backend. This is what we set
out to develop in this project.
The result should be useful as an educational tool. What would happen
if the Moon were twice as massive? If a planet were added or removed from
the solar system? If we orbited a binary star? Our program should allow the
user to engage easily in this kind of exploration, and have the results presented
immediately and in an appealing way. We have somewhat expanded upon our
original aim of translating an orrery into a computer program. The objective
now is to provide an engaging educational tool for the exploration of the physics
of gravitational systems.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
spheres of uniform density, as in the Newtonian scheme, so cannot truly be
considered as point masses.
Directly determining tidal eects on orbital motion is a problem of signicant
complexity, requiring detailed knowledge of the form and internal physical prop-
erties of the bodies. The author is not aware of any simulation that currently
handles these eects dynamically.
Semi-empirical corrections to the Newtonian eld can be used [2], however
these are essentially a t to observed data, and need to be developed on a case-
by-case basis - the approximation used for the Earth's moon would be useless
for a moon of Jupiter, for example.
It was considered that the modeling of tidal eects was too complex an issue
to include in the simulation.
3.2 Class Structure
The Universe object is the fundamental class in our simulation. To start a new
simulation, the front end creates a new Universe object, which then provides
all the methods used to control the simulation. A full listing of its methods and
data members is provided in Appendix B.2.8.
Each body within the simulation is represented by an instance of the Body
class, outlined in Appendix B.2.4. The Universe stores a vector containing all
the Body objects in the simulation. Further classes and data structure will be
described in the sections following.
Chapter 4
Force Algorithm
The primary task of the backend is to calculate updated positions for the bodies
in the simulation when the front end calls Advance(). Performing the calcu-
lation is a two-step process. First, we must determine the acceleration of each
particle, by calculating the gravitational force acting upon it. This is the job
of the force algorithm, discussed in this chapter. Then, knowing the accelera-
tion, we must determine the positions and velocities of the particles at the next
timestep. This is the numerical integration step, discussed in Chapter 5.
The force algorithm performs the rst stage of the Advance() process -
determining the acceleration of the particles at the current timestep. For the
N-Body case, the acceleration of the ith particle is given by:
~ai = 3~
|~rij |
Some of our numerical integration procedures also require the rst derivative
of acceleration, known as the jerk. This could be estimated from the dierence
in acceleration between timesteps, but it is more accurate to dierentiate the
above expression to get the explicit formula below:
à !
X GMj 3 (~rij .~vij ) ~rij
~ji = ~vij −
3 2
|~rij | |~rij |
3 3
a little work by noting that |~rij | = |~rji | , and hence cut the number of calcu-
lations in half. However, we must still evaluate the force expression for every
particle pair. Since for n particles there are n(n−1) 2 pairs, the algorithm is un-
avoidably O(n2 ). Evaluating the force expression is costly, since for ever particle
3 ¡ ¢3
pair we must calculate|r~ij | , or in components x2 + y 2 + z 2 2 . This involves
an expensive square root calculation and as n grows it comes to dominate the
running time of the entire program.
We set our threshold at 1017 Kg (a factor of 10−5 smaller than the lightest
planet). Bodies smaller than this have no gravitational inuence in the sim-
ulation. However, this is not such a gross approximation; even at the surface
of a body of this mass (assuming a typical density), the acceleration due to
gravity is < 0.07ms−2 . So even in the case of two light objects making very
close approaches, in most cases the error will be negligible and well worth the
increase in speed. Thus with the default threshold, comets, most asteroids, and
the minor moons, will be considered as test particles.1
The distinction between interacting and non-interacting bodies is unknown
to the front end. All bodies in the simulation are stored together in the bodies
vector of the Universe object. However, for speed we segregate interacting and
1 There is a slight worry that the aggregate mass of many of these small bodies could have
a signicant eect on the solar system, and we would be overlooking this eect. However,
the total mass of all asteroids is only 2% of that of the Moon, and about 75% of this mass is
concentrated in the 5 largest asteroids, whose mass is above our cuto and hence will interact.
So, even in aggregate, the light bodies are not gravitationally signicant.
Figure 4.1: Organization of the bodies vector.
non-interacting bodies within this vector. This allows the force calculation rou-
tine to loop over the relevant part of the vector only, rather than looping through
all the bodies and checking if they interact. The AddBody(), AlterBody() and
RemoveBody() methods of Universe ensure that this structure is maintained.
4.2.1 Strategies
In the O(n2 ) algorithm, often the strength of many of the interactions computed
will be completely negligible. For example, the motion of the Earth is dominated
by the inuence of, at most, 3 or 4 other objects. However, we calculate the
eect of all 35. Most of these other interactions are comparatively minuscule.
A natural strategy would be to discard many of these minor inuences.
However, the structure of the solar system allows us to do better than this.
Figure 4.2: A remote group of particles can be replaced by a single particle.
Figure 4.4: A greatest attractor tree on an example system. Planets are shown in
blue, moons in grey. The graph is not connected due to the presence of binaries
(e.g Pluto/Charon and Neptune/Triton within the solar system). Links shown
in red are unwanted.
Figure 4.5: A modied greatest-attractor tree. This structure contains success-
fully groups our system.
Figure 4.6: Our modied groupings tree. PseudoBodies are shown in white.
Each node in the tree is the barycentre of the nodes below that point.
Pseudobodies do not refer to any physical body, and are invisible to the
front end. They simply record the barycentre information. Like the Body class,
PseudoBody extends BasicBody. Since our direct summation function uses only
the attributes of BasicBody, it will also work over vectors of PseudoBody.
Once this tree has been constructed the operation of the algorithm is ba-
sically as outlines in Section 4.2.1, and is illustrated in Fig. 4.7. Staring on
the level below the root, we calculate the interaction of all the bodies on that
level using the O(n2 ) algorithm. We then examine the bodies on that level.
If a body has no descendants, its acceleration has been completely determined
and we need to do nothing more. Otherwise, we trickle down its acceleration
to the bodies directly below it, then recursively call the evaluation function on
that level.
4.3 Collisions
A nal issue to consider regarding force evaluations is the issue of collisions.
Since collisions are rare within the solar system, this issue was not considered a
priority and is currently not handled by our program; at present particles pass
through each other.
However, since we already calculate the separation between particles every
timestep, detecting collisions would be straightforward. Accurately modeling
what happens during a collision between similarly sized objects is probably too
complex an issue to include in any simulation of this type, but it would be easy
to model collisions as perfectly inelastic, for example.
¯ ¯An alternative is to include a softening factor in the force equation e.g.
¯~ ¯ PN GMj
¯f i ¯ = j6=i |~
rij |2 +e
. The small factor e is chosen so that it has negligible
impact at long distances, but prevents innite forces during collisions.
Chapter 5
Numerical Integrators
5.1 Introduction
The second step in advancing the simulation is the numerical integration step.
Knowing the acceleration of bodies at t, we need to integrate to get their position
and velocity at t + δt. There exist a large number of procedures for doing this.
Even for the specic case of N-Body simulations, which method to use is far
from obvious. The algorithms that exist fall into a number of general categories:
1. Predictor-Corrector Schemes
2. Multi-Step Schemes
3. Extrapolation Methods
4. Symplectic Methods
Even within these categories, the number of methods to choose from is very
large. The best choice will depend on the level of speed/accuracy required, the
number of particles in the simulation, the smoothness of the force eld, the type
of hardware the algorithm will run on and many other factors.
After a literature review, symplectic methods were ruled out as being mainly
suitable for very long-term, qualitative simulations. However, each of the other
classes has its proponents. In search of some guidance, we contacted some
researches in the area, however opinions diered widely. One contact, the au-
thor of NASA's ephemeris generation software, recommended multi-step or PC
schemes, but specically warned against extrapolation methods as being in-
ecient. Another, the author of the well-regarded Solex program, reported
excellent results with a extrapolation scheme.
In the absence of any clear favourite method, it was decided that we would
attempt to implement and compare several methods. With a little care in
the design of the program structure, the nature of the underlying numerical
integration procedure can be changed without aecting the interface to front
end. The change is also largely transparent to most of the backend methods.
5.2 Accuracy Criteria
"All our measurements and observations are only approximations to
the truth".
Gauss, Theoria Motus
Conservation Test
The simplest and most widely used test of accuracy is to check for conservation
of energy and angular momentum. These quantities can be directly calculated
from simulation data:
X Gmi mj
Ei = mi vi2 +
2 |~rij |
hi = mi |r~ij × v~ij |
Forward-Reverse Test
Another test is the forward-reverse test. The simulation is run forward a certain
time interval, then backward to the starting time. Since the original positions
at the starting time are known, we can assess the errors made by the integrator.
However, for integrators that are time-symmetric, the errors made in the reverse
direction will cancel with the forward errors, making this test unsuitable. Since
we made heavy use of time-symmetric schemes, this test was not used.
v1 = v0 + a0 δt
s1 = s0 + (v1 + v0 )
where v is velocity and s is displacement, and the subscript indicates the time.
As expected, the Simple Euler method does not perform very well. Even for
small timesteps, this method exhibits large progressive energy errors. Clearly,
something more advanced is required.
5.4 Leapfrog
The next method we implemented was the Leapfrog or Verlet method [10, 12].
The update-equations appear very similar to the Simple Euler method:
s1 = s0 + v 12 δt
v 32 = v 21 + a1 δt
The above update equations, known as the interleaved form, require the position
and velocity to be dened a half-timestep apart. While this gives a computa-
tionally ecient form of the scheme, it is more convenient to have both position
and velocity dened at the same time. The equivalent, non-interleaved form of
the scheme, shown below, is the form used by the program.
s1 = s0 + v0 δt + a0
v1 = v0 + (a1 + a0 )
This form brings out more clearly the fact that leapfrog is a second-order
scheme. The performance dierence compared to Simple Euler can be clearly
seen in Fig. 5.1. The gure shows the results of a simple test where a light
body is in a circular orbit about a massive central body. The orbital path for
the two integrators is shown for 10 periods. The integrations took almost equal
amounts of CPU time. However, while the leapfrog orbit is perfectly circular,
the Simple Euler method has progressive energy errors which cause the orbiting
planet to spiral outward.
In fact, the dierence in performance is even more dramatic than the gure
might suggest. Comparing the initial and nal system energy:
The dierence in energy error is nine orders of magnitude, and even larger
for angular momentum errors! This astonishingly large dierence between two
apparently similar methods is due to the fact that the Leapfrog method is time-
Figure 5.1: Trace for ten periods of a circular orbit. Leapfrog trace is shown in
green, Simple Euler in red.
are equal and opposite to those experienced during the rst half. So travelling
the second half of the orbit is essentially the same as travelling the rst half of
the orbit in the time-reverse direction. Time-symmetry means the errors made
during the second half cancel with those made during the rst half. As a result,
errors are periodic, and do not accumulate between orbits. This can be clearly
seen in Fig. 5.2
Figure 5.2: Energy prole for Simple Euler and Leapfrog for the test case shown in
Fig. 5.1. The vertical scale of the Leapfrog error has been magnied by 107 . Observe
that the energy error for leapfrog is periodic.
5.6 Hermite Predictor-Corrector Scheme
Hermite scheme is a fourth-order predictor-corrector scheme [7, 9, 12]. Like the
Leapfrog scheme, it is also time symmetric. The update equate equations are
as follows:
The predictor step simply a truncated Taylor series:
(δt)2 (δt)3
spred = s0 + v0 δt + a0 + j0
2 6
vpred = a0 δt + j0
The force algorithm is now called to determine a and j at spred .This is known
as the evaluator step. Finally we apply the corrector step:
δt (δt)2
v1 = v0 + (a0 + apred ) + (j0 − jpred )
2 12
δt (δt)2
s1 = s0 + (v0 + v1 ) + (a0 − apred )
2 12
We can iterate the Evaluator-Corrector stage for higher accuracy. However,
each iteration requires a force evaluation, and thus is expensive. Generally, when
force evaluations are expensive, the single-iteration P EC scheme was found to
give the best trade-o, though P (EC)2 is preferable in situations where we want
high accuracy with a small number of bodies.
The accuracy of our implementation was veried by comparison to test data
from a reference implementation published by Hut and Makino [12]. For a
full comparison of the speed and accuracy of this integrator with Leapfrog and
Simple Euler, see Appendix A.2.
Though considerable research time had been spent investigating other inte-
grators (especially the Radau quadrature method [13], and the Burlisch-Stoer
method [15, 16]), at this point it was decided that the Leapfrog and Hermite
integrators were performing so well that it was time move on to another area of
the project. We had already more than met the performance goals set out in
our spec.
All three implemented methods are available in the nal program, and the ex-
isting program structures should support the implementation of further schemes.
xed time length, the distance the particle moves during a step is much greater
near the central body, since the particle is travelling faster. However, this is
precisely the region where the force eld is changing most rapidly, so the error
per step here is large. By varying the step length so that we take large steps
where the force eld is changing slowly, and smaller steps where it is changing
rapidly, we could have a large gain in accuracy.
Figure 5.3: Sequence of locations along an elliptical orbit (e = 0.99) with xed
Many heuristics exist for choosing a new timestep. We tried a widely used
one due to Aarseth [14], shown below:
u ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
u η |a| . ¯a(2) ¯ + ¯a(1) ¯2
∆tc = ¯t ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯a(1) ¯ . ¯a(3) ¯ + ¯a(2) ¯2
5.7.2 Individual Timesteps
As currently implemented, all bodies in the simulation move with the same
global timestep. This is quite inecient; in general some bodies will be in a
region where the gravitational force is slowly varying, so could aord to take
large steps, whereas others will be undergoing close encounters and will require
smaller timesteps. With global timesteps all particles must move at the speed of
the smallest step. Allowing individual timesteps thus oers large performance
gains. However, as far as we are aware, there is no known way to maintain
time symmetry with individual timesteps ; though performance gains are often
enough to oset this [7]. Again, this is an area that time did not permit us to
explore fully.
Chapter 6
6.1 Rotation
The force evaluation and numerical integration algorithms deal with updating
the positions of the bodies in the system, but we must also consider their ro-
tation. To deal with rotation, each body stores three attributes: its rotation
axis, its angular velocity about that axis, and an angle by which it is currently
rotated about the axis. (See details of the Body class in Appendix B.2.4). When
we advance a timestep, we simply update the angle attribute by an appropriate
amount. The axis and rate of rotation are xed.
This model of rotation is very simplistic. Over long timescales, both the
rotation rate and rotation axis are aected by gravitational interactions. This is
the origin of such phenomenon as locked rotation of moons and the precession of
the equinoxes on Earth. However, the origin of these eects is tidal gravitational
interaction. As explained in Section, tidal eects were not modeled.
It would be relatively straightforward and computationally inexpensive to
incorporate an empirical correction into our model to include these rotational
eects without actually modeling the underlying processes. It was decided not
to include these corrections. Any corrections would necessarily be tied to the
present structure of the solar system. We are giving the user free reign to modify
the simulation, and after any modication our empirical corrections would be
invalid. Furthermore, the timescale over which the eects are noticeable is on
the order of thousands of years, so not modeling these eects should not be
noticeable to most users.
6.2 Orbit Visualization
6.2.1 Strategy
Another task of the backend is to support orbit visualization. There are several
approaches that can be taken here. One simple solution is to have each body
store a record of its past locations. This would allow a trail to be drawn, as
in Fig. 6.1. This is simple to implement, and is included in the program. The
number of points stored in the history, and how frequently a point is added, are
controllable by the front end.
However, trails alone do not provide exactly the eect we are seeking. We
would like to be able to visualize the entire orbit of the body, not just where it
has been recently, as in Fig. 6.3.
To draw an orbit line, the front end needs to know many points along the
orbit of the body. Some of these points will be ahead of the body's current
position. This presents a problem for the backend - after all, positions ahead of
the body lie in the future and have not yet been calculated.
One possible solution would be to buer our output, so that out current
position lies in the middle of our position history. This would allow us to
draw some of the points that lie in front of the body. However, the problem
then becomes to ensure that position histories are large enough that the points
stored encompass the entire orbit. Unless we are very careful to account for the
variations in speed and length of orbit for the dierent bodies, and adjust the
size of their histories accordingly, the eect we achieve is likely to be as in Fig.
6.2.2 Implementation
To support orbit visualizations, we require the analytic solution of the 2-body
orbit that most closely matches the body's real orbit. This task is handled by
the class Orbit_Parameters, outlined in Appendix B.2.6. Each body stores its
own orbit parameters, which the front end uses to draw its orbit line.
Figure 6.3: Orbit lines.
we set the validOrbit ag to false and exit. This tells the front end to draw
no orbit line for this body.
Otherwise, we will continue and determine the orbit of B with respect to C.
Figure 6.4: Some situations, such as this gure-of-eight orbit, cannot be well-
approximated as a collection of two-body problems. In this situation, orbit lines
are not drawn, and we revert to drawing trails only.
where h is the body's angular momentum, |~r × ~v |, E is its specic energy, 0.5v 2 +
r , M is the mass of the central body, and G is the gravitational constant.
All positions and velocities are relative to the central body. These quantities
can be directly obtained from the data available in the simulation.
The values of these parameters should not change very much. They are
stored in an Orbit_Parameters attribute of a body, and re-calculated only occa-
Finally, to draw the orbit, we also need to know θ, the present true anomaly.
This will change as the body moves, so we calculated it each time we need to
draw the orbit. It is given by:
µ µ ¶¶
1 l
θ = cos−1 −1
e |~r|
This will given us a value between 0 and π . Whether the angle between the
~r and ~v vectors is acute or obtuse resolves the ambiguity of whether we are in
the rst or second half of the orbit, to give us a value between 0 and 2π .
6.3 Ephemerides
6.3.1 The JPL Ephemeris
We now have outlined the functioning of a working simulation. However, we are
missing a vital ingredient: data. Our simulation, so far, is a general gravitational
simulator. It knows nothing about the solar system. Our nal task was to read
from a standard data source.
A dataset giving the position of the bodies within the solar system is known
as an ephemeris. Several ephemerides are publicly available, most commonly
used are those published by the JPL at NASA, and the Bureau De Longitudes
in Paris. Alternative sources publish ephemerides for comets, asteroids, etc.
We chose to use the JPL DE406 ephemeris, which gives the positions of the
nine planets, plus Earth's moon, over the interval 3000BC to 3000AD, to an
accuracy of 25m (and 1m for the Moon). The le provides exact positions every
64 days, and Chebyshev polynomials to interpolate between these points, so
that the ephemeris can generate a position for any date within its range. The
size of the data le is approx 5 MB per 150 years. C++ code to read from the
NASA datales is publicly available [18]. This code, with minor modication,
was incorporated into the project for this task.
Reading from the dataset is controlled by the JumpToDate(TimeAndDate
&t) method of the Universe class. A call to this method causes the backend to
reset simulation, and reinitialize at the new date by reading from the ephemeris.
Possible Behaviours:
1. Custom bodies are removed from the simulation.
2. Ignore the ephemeris and try to run the simulation backward of forward
to the requested date. While this will certainly work, for a long jump
of 1000 years, say, it could easily take 30 minutes or more. The user is
unlikely to be pleased by our diligence!
3. Planets move to new ephemeris positions for the date, custom bodies stay
where there are. Potentially, the custom bodies might end up inside a
While not ideal, our function implements option 1, as being the most acceptable
alternative. There is scope for more sophisticated handling of this problem -
perhaps presenting the above alternatives to the user, etc.
Chapter 7
7.1 Achievements
Overall, I believe this project has been a success. We achieved the primary
things we set out to do: a working simulation that meets our performance and
accuracy goals. In the process we developed a tailored force determination
scheme, investigated several numerical integration methods and provided sup-
port for various visualizations. The nal simulation is fast, exible and accurate.
Also, importantly, we maintained an arms-length separation between the
frontend and backend. The backend is a general simulation engine that is en-
tirely agnostic on the nature of the frontend (indeed for much of the development
process Matlab was used as the front end).
7.3 Problems
They say, best men are moulded out of faults,
And, for the most, become much more the better
For being a little bad.
William Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure", Act 5 scene 1
Any extended development process will run into problems, and this project was
no exception. At the most basic level, a sizable proportion of project develop-
ment time was spend debugging; but this is to be expected, and I don't believe
we suered more in this department than is normal. The most problematic issue
was in debugging the numerical methods; it can be hard to determine if poor
behaviour is due to a coding bug or is a feature of the underlying algorithm.
This was an area where I feel I learned a lot.
At a more general level, in hindsight some issues could have been handled
better. Most prominent in my mind is the internal structure of the backend.
I developed this project concurrently with learning C++ and taking my rst
course in OOP. Consequently, in retrospect, I feel the backend could do with a
It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the
act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When I
have claried and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in
order to go into darkness again; the never-satised man is so strange
- if he has completed a structure, then it is not in order to dwell in
it peacefully, but in order to begin another.
Carl Friedrich Gauss, Letter to Bolyai, 1808.
Chapter 8
First and foremost, we would like to thank our supervisor Je Sanders for pro-
viding sure and sane guidance through the wilderness, for teaching us the real
meaning of design and most importantly for teaching us the skill of thinking for
[2] Vitagliano,A., Numerical Integration for the Real Time Production of Fun-
damental Ephemerides over a Wide Time Span, Celestial Mechanics 66,
[6] Eisenstein, D.J. and Hut, P., HOP: A New Group-Finding Algorithm for
N-Body Simulations, Astrophys. J., 1998
[7] Kokubo, E., Keiko, Y., and Makino, J., On the time-symmetric Hermite
integrator for planetary N-body simulation, Notices of the Royal Astronom-
ical Society, 1998.
[8] Funato, Y., Hut, P., McMillan, S., and Makino, J., Time-Symmetrized
Kustaanheimo-Stiefel Regularization, The Astrophysical Journal, 1996.
[9] Makino, J. and Aarseth, S.J., On the Hermite Integrator with Ahmad-
Cohen Scheme for Gravitational Many-Body Problems, Astron. Society of
Japan, 1992.
[10] Hut, P., Makino, J. and McMillan, S., Building a Better Leapfrog, The
Astrophysical Journal, 1995.
[12] Piet Hut and Jun Makino, The Art of Computational Science, forthcoming.
(Draft available at www.artcompsci.org)
[13] Everhart, E., An Ecient Integrator that uses Gauss-Radau Spacings, Dy-
namics of comets: their origin and evolution, 1985.
[15] Press, W.H., Saul, A.T., Vetterling, W.T., and Flannery, B.P., Numerical
Recipes in C++, etc, etc
[16] Burlisch, R. and Stoer, J., Introduction to Numerical analysis, Springer,
[18] Dybczynski, P.A., and Gray,B.J., C++ translation of the JPL import code,
http://www.projectpluto.com/jpl_eph.htm, 2003.
Appendix A
Test Results
These tests were carried out on a full solar system containing 35 bodies. Data
sourced from the JPL Horizons ephemeris system, for the conguration of the
solar system on Jan 1st 2004. The simulation contains the sun, the planets,
their major moons, and the comet Wild 2.
The Sun
A.1.2 Force Calculation Stage
This test assesses the quality of the force approximation scheme. Using the test
system, we rst calculated all the forces using the Direct Summation scheme.
Then, we calculated the forces using the Force-Tree scheme. The force tree
scheme was 2.5 times faster than the direct method. As can be seen from the
table, the accuracy penalty is very slight.
Oberon 2.3 × 10−7 1.2 × 10−5
Neptune 8.0 × 10−9 8.5 × 10−7
Triton 2.5 × 10−9 < 10−15
Pluto 8.2 × 10−9 8.5 × 10−7
Charon 8.1 × 10−9 < 10−15
A number of things can be seen for the above test. Firstly, the performance
gain from using the tree-based force determination scheme is considerable, and
the accuracy penalty is slight. With a timestep as large as 1 Day, there is little
dierence in accuracy between the integrators. The dierence becomes more
apparent at higher levels of accuracy.
At this smaller timestep, the accuracy dierence between the schemes begins
to grow. As might be expected, the use of the force approximation scheme also
begins to have a more signicant impact when we want the very highest levels
of accuracy - e.g. with the P (EC)2 Hermite scheme in this example. However,
we will rarely want a level of accuracy so high in practice.
Surprisingly, for our purposes Leapfrog appears to be superior to the Her-
mite scheme. It delivers comparable levels of accuracy and a signicant speed
advantage. In other tests conducted with a smaller simulation (e.g. A two body
elliptical orbit, and gure-of-eight orbit), Hermite outperformed Leapfrog sig-
nicantly in most cases. The anomalously good behaviour of Leapfrog in the
above test can be accounted for by the fact that it tends to perform particularly
well on circular or near-circular orbits. Since the orbits of most bodies in our
simulation are very close to circular, we might expect Leapfrog to do better
than in the general case. Also, the improved performance of Hermite was often
not noticeable until we used small timesteps and looked for levels of accuracy
approaching machine precision (e.g. 10−15 ). With this large simulation, the
force evaluations are costly and we are restricted to larger timesteps, so the
Hermite scheme does not really come into its own.
For the purposes of our simulation, Leapfrog/Tree with δt = 0.02 seems
to provide a happy medium between high speed and high accuracy. With a
calculation time of 6.3 secs per year, and a an Energy error per year of 3.4 ×
10−9 (not necessarily cumulative), this conguration meets both our performance
goal and our accuracy goal (See B.1). This was chosen as the default setting for
the backend.
Integrator Force Scheme Run Time Energy Error Angular Momentum Error
Hermite P (EC)2 Tree c. 30 mins 8.1 × 10−10 2.7 × 10−7
Hermite P EC Tree c. 20 mins 5.6 × 10−7 9.9×10−7
Leapfrog Tree c. 10 mins 1.26 × 10−9 3.2 × 10−6
Simple Euler Tree c. 10 mins 9.0 × 10−3 7.0 × 10−4
However, the symmetric schemes have complex error behaviour, so examin-
ing the nal energy error is not very informative. Much more can be seen from
the graph of energy error against time. The energy error vs time, sampled every
2 days, is shown below.
Figure A.1: Energy errors in the 100-year test. The error of the Simple Euler
scheme (green) is comparatively so large that both Hermite and Leapfrog errors
appear at.
Figure A.2: Energy errors in the 100-year test, showing Hermite PEC in blue,
Hermite P (EC)2 in black, and Leapfrog in red. The Hermite P EC integration
seems to have suered a close encounter. While Hermite P (EC)2 shows the best
performance, it took 3 times longer to compute than Leapfrog.
The second gure shows a zoomed view, demonstrating the periodic nature of
the error.
Appendix B
• Calculate diagnostic data for use in testing (System energy and system
angular momentum, etc.)
• Allow the front end to visualize the gravitational eld (Rubber sheet
Public Methods
double X() Returns the x co-ordinate.
double Y() Returns the y co-ordinate.
double Z() Returns the z co-ordinate.
Vec3 operator=
Vec3 operator+=
Vec3 operator-=
Vec3 operator/= p
double Mag() Returns the magnitude: x2 + y 2 + z 2
double MagSq() For eciency, this routine that¡ returns the¢ magni-
tude squared is also included: x2 + y 2 + z 2
double distTo(Vec3 &other) Returns the distance between this vector and the vec-
tor other.
Vec3 Unit() Returns the unit vector in the same direction as this
Associated Global Methods
Vec3 operator+
Vec3 operator-
Vec3 operator*
Vec3 operator/
Vec3 Cross(Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2) Cross product
double Dot(Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2) Dot product
bool operator==
ostream &operator< <
Set true if the body inuences other bodies gravita-
bool interacts
Predictor-corrector integrators need to know the val-
Vec3 sold, vold, aold, jold
ues of s,v,a,j from the previous timestep.
Public Methods
Add the body's current position to the positionHistory
void putHistory(Vec3 &v)
Semilatus Rectum The chord through a focus parallel to the conic section
Semimajor Axis Half the distance across an ellipse along the longest of its
three principal axes. Loosely speaking, the 'average' radius of a non-
circular orbit. Applies only to closed orbits.
Public Methods
Returns the radius of the orbit for the given value
double OrbitRadius(double theta)
of theta, where theta is the true anomaly.
double calcTrueAnomaly() Returns the current value of the true anomaly.
Returns the radial position vector from the central
Vec3 getR()
body to the orbiting body.
Returns the velocity vector for the orbiting body
Vec3 getV()
relative to the central body.
Vec3 getCentrePos() Returns the position vector of the central body.
Calculates the semimajor axis of the orbit. If e ≥
double SemiMajorAxis()
1 this quantity is undened.
Calculates the radius of the orbit at the pericentre
double rPericentre()
. If e > 1 this quantity is undened.
Calculates the radius of the orbit at the apocentre
double rAporcentre()
. If e ≥ 1 this quantity is undened.
Drawing function used by the front end. Calcu-
void PlotOrbit(double phi) lates points at phi degree intervals around the or-
bit, and hence draws the orbit line.
Associated Methods in Universe Class
Given the index of a body, calculates the orbit pa-
rameters of that body. Automatically determines
GetOrbitParameters(int i)
the central body c.
Orbit_Parameters Calculates the orbit parameters of body i, relative
GetOrbitParameters(int i, int c) to the body c.
Finds the body that attracts body i most strongly.
int GetGreatestAttractor(int i)
Used to determine the central body of the orbit.
Public Data Members
A pointer to the Universe which the body belongs
Universe *u
Some bodies cannot sensibly be said to orbit any-
bool validOrbit thing (e.g. the Sun within the solar system).
In this case, the ag is set, and the front end
draws no orbit line.
The index of the body which these Or-
int thisBody
bit_Parameters describe.
int centralBody The index of the central body of the orbit.
The unit normal vector to the plane of the orbit,
Vec3 axUnit
from the primary focus.
The specic energy of the orbiting body relative to
double energy
the central body: 0.5v 2 + GM
The specic angular momentum of the orbiting
double h
body: |~r × ~v |
double GM The G ∗ M ass value of the central body.
√ eccentricity of the orbit, given by:
double e
1 + 2Eh2
double slr h2
The semilatus rectum of the orbit, given by: GM
Method Eect
TimeAndDate GetTime()
double GetTimeStep()
Returns the position of the ith body, rel-
Vec3 getObserverAdjustedPos(int &index)
ative to the observer position.
Body getBody(string &name)
Assignment Operators
void SetTimeStep(double &tstep) Sets the internal times tep δt
Sets the accuracy parameter for variable
void SetAccuracy(double &aparam)
timestep scheme.
void AddBody(Body &b)
void RemoveBody(string &name)
void AlterBody(string &name,Body &b)
Positions are returned to the front end
in the frame of reference of body name.
void SetObserverPosition(string &name)
Body name appears xed at the origin,
and other bodies move relative to this.
General Methods
Records the initial system energy and
angular momentum, and performs some
void Initialize()
other setup tasks that cannot be done in
the constructor.
Advances the simulation to t+interval.
This may result internally in several
void Advance(double &interval)
smaller timesteps of length δt being
void JumpToDate(TimeAndDate &t) Reads from an ephemeris, if available.
Diagnostic Methods
Returns the fractional energy error
double EnergyError()
since the simulation started.
double AngularMomentumError()
Public Data Members
Rather than having to pass all the body
positions back to the front end through
vector<Body> bodies an accessor function, this vector is left
public. It should be treated as read-only
by the front end.
Private Data Members
double time Internal representation of time. Serial day number.
double tstep Internal base timestep, in seconds.
double ap Accuracy parameter for the variable timestep
int observerPos The index of the body that corresponds to the observer
string observerLoc The name of the above body.
int forceAlgorithm Selects between direct summation and treecode.
int integrator Selects between Simple Euler, Leapfrog and Hermite.
bool initialized Set true when the universe has been initialized.
int histUpdateCount Counter to determine when to add a position to
body's history list.
int orbUpdateCount Counter to determine when to refresh the Or-
bit_Parameters of bodies.
double initAngularMomentum
double initEnergy
map<string,int> nameToIndex Mapping from the names of bodies to their position
in the bodies vector.
PseudoBody SSBC Root of the PseudoBody tree
int rootnode Root of the Greatest Inuence tree
Private Methods For a full listing of the private methods, see the
header le.
Appendix C
Due to space considerations, only a selection of project code has been included.
C.1 Force_Algorithm.cpp
template <class T> void SimpleForceAlg(vector<T> &b, const int &interactLim)
int i,j;
int size = b.size();
Vec3 invsq;
//Update acceleration fields of non-interacting bodies
for(i=0; i<interactLim; ++i)
for(j=interactLim; j<size; ++j)
b[i].a += (b[j].mass)*InverseSquare(b[i].s,b[j].s);
//Add the accel component due to the Jth interacting body.
//There is no equal but opposite force, since body i does not interact
//Now update acceleration fields of interacting bodies
for(i=interactLim; i<size; ++i)
for(j=i+1; j<size; ++j)
//Note, potential roundoff error. Should get all accel
//for a given body, sort, and add in order
//smallest to largest, otherwise we loose precision.
invsq = InverseSquare(b[i].s,b[j].s);
b[i].a += invsq*(b[j].mass);
b[j].a -= invsq*(b[i].mass); //Body j experiences an equal but opposite force
//Similar to SimpleForceArg, but also calcultes Jerk (da/dt).
//Would be cleaner to get jerk in it's own function, calculates this.
template <class T> void SimpleForceAndJerkAlg(vector<T> &b, const int &interactLim)
int i,j;
int size = b.size();
Vec3 accelco,jerkco;
double r2,r3;
//Update a and j fields of non-interacting bodies
for(i=0; i<interactLim; ++i)
for(j=interactLim; j<size; ++j)
Vec3 sab = b[j].s - b[i].s;
Vec3 vab = b[j].v - b[i].v;
r2 = 1/sab.MagSq(); //1/|r^2|
r3 = r2/sab.Mag(); //1/|r^3|
b[i].a += (b[j].mass)*(sab*r3);
b[i].j += (b[j].mass*r3)*(vab - 3*r2*(Dot(sab,vab))*sab);
//Same for jerk. Might be nicer to parcel off jerk to a function,
//as in SimpleForceAlg,
//but for efficiency, we'll do it all here.
//Update acceleration fields of interacting bodies
for(i=interactLim; i<size; ++i)
for(j=i+1; j<size; ++j)
Vec3 sab = b[j].s - b[i].s;
Vec3 vab = b[j].v - b[i].v;
r2 = 1/sab.MagSq(); //1/|r^2|
r3 = r2/sab.Mag(); //1/|r^3|
accelco = sab*r3;
jerkco = r3*(vab - 3*r2*(Dot(sab,vab))*sab);
b[i].a += accelco*(b[j].mass);
b[j].a -= accelco*(b[i].mass);
b[i].j += jerkco*(b[j].mass);
b[j].j -= jerkco*(b[i].mass);
C.2 Force_Tree_Algorithm.cpp
//Contents: A custom tree-based force determination scheme.
//Author: Mark Cummins
//Created: 2004/03/31
#include "backend.h"
int Universe::GetGreatestAttractor(int i) const
int c = -1;
double F=0.0;
double maxF=0.0;
int size = bodies.size();
for(int j=interactLimit; j<size; ++j)
F = (bodies[j].mass)*InverseSquare(bodies[i].s,bodies[j].s).Mag();
//Find the acceleration toward the jth interacting body
c = j;
maxF = F;
return c;
void Universe::BuildGreatestInfluenceTree()
int size = bodies.size();
//Reset rootnode
rootnode = -1;
//First, reset children fields to be empty
for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
//Now set them appropriately
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
int c = GetGreatestAttractor(i);
if((rootnode < 0)|(bodies[rootnode].mass < bodies[i].mass))
//Set body as new rootnode
rootnode = i;
//Not a binary
void Universe::BuildPseudoBodyTree()
SSBC = makePseudoBody(bodies[rootnode]);
PseudoBody Universe::makePseudoBody(const Body &b)
PseudoBody pb;
int size = b.children.size();
//Leaf node
//Constructor copies across all the info except the index.
pb = PseudoBody(b);
//Look up the index of this body and record it
pb.index = getBodyIndex(b.name);
//Non-leaf node
//Make this body a pb
//Don't need to worry about interactLim,
//since non-interacting bodies can't have children
PseudoBody thisb = PseudoBody(b);
thisb.index = getBodyIndex(b.name);
vector<PseudoBody>::iterator pos;
pos = pb.subtrees.begin();
advance(pos, pb.interactLim);
pb.subtrees.insert(pos,childb); //Insert the new body.
pb.interactLim +=1; //Increment our index
pb.j = Vec3(0,0,0);
//Leaf node
pb.s = bodies[pb.index].s;
pb.v = bodies[pb.index].v;
// cout < < "Updated " < < bodies[pb.index].name < < endl;
//Barycentre node
//Set s,v to zero
pb.s = Vec3(0,0,0);
pb.v = Vec3(0,0,0);
//Update children recursively
int size = pb.subtrees.size();
for(int i=0; i<size; ++i)
//Recalculate this barycentre's position as the average of its children
pb.s += pb.subtrees[i].s*pb.subtrees[i].mass;
pb.v += pb.subtrees[i].v*pb.subtrees[i].mass;
pb.s /= pb.mass; //Average position
pb.v /= pb.mass; //Average velocity
void Universe::TreeCodeAlg(PseudoBody &pb, const bool needJerk)
//This function updates the acceleration fields of all the
//bodies using the force tree algorithm
//It assumes a valid tree already exists
//First, update all the accelerations at this tree level(and jerks if needed)
//Now, examine the level
int size=pb.subtrees.size();
for(int i=0;i<size;++i)
if(pb.subtrees[i].index >= 0)
//This PB refers to a real body.
//Update the real body's accel field
bodies[pb.subtrees[i].index].a = pb.subtrees[i].a;
bodies[pb.subtrees[i].index].j = pb.subtrees[i].j;
//This PB is a barycentre
//Trickle down its acceleration to all its children
//Then recurse
PseudoBody bary = pb.subtrees[i];
int num = bary.subtrees.size();
for(int j=0;j<num;++j)
bary.subtrees[j].a += bary.a;
bary.subtrees[j].j += bary.j;
C.3 Integrator.cpp
//Contents: Definitions of the numerical integration routines which
// update the positions and velocities of all the Bodies in bodies
// based on the acceleration field and the timestep.
//Author: Mark Cummins
//Created: 2004/01/05
#include "backend.h"
#include <cmath>
void Universe::InitializeIntegrator(const int &integrator)
case SIMPLE:
GetForces(); //DEFENSIVE - Make sure the acceleration fields are current.
//May do a little needless work.
//Because the call to update acceleration is in the middle of the Hermite loop,
//rather than at the start, unless we do this,
//the first time we call Hermite we may have no valid accel data.
cerr < < "ERROR in InitializeIntegrator(): Integrator " < < integrator
< < " does not exist." < < endl;
// This simple integrator is basic school level applied maths.
// It updates the velocity and positions of bodies according to.
// vnew = v + at
// s = 0.5t(vnew + v) (Equivalent to ut + 0.5a(t^2) )
// v = vnew;
// This is a simple Euler method. Its not very accurate unless tstep is very small.
void Universe::SimpleIntegratorStep()
int i;
int size = bodies.size();
Vec3 vnew;
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
vnew = bodies[i].v + tstep*bodies[i].a;
bodies[i].s += tstep*0.5*(vnew +bodies[i].v);
bodies[i].v = vnew;
//Non-Interleaved Version
// The non-interleaved representation of leapfrog, where v and s are all defined at the same timestep.
// s[1] = s[0] + v[0]*t + 0.5*a[0]*t
// v[1] = v[0] + 0.5*t*(a[0] + a[1])
// Though this is slightly more computationally expensive, it's much more more convenient,
//for example when calculating the system energy, etc
// Probably worth the cost of a few extra FP Mults.
void Universe::LeapFrogStepPartA()
int i;
int size = bodies.size();
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
bodies[i].v += 0.5*tstep*bodies[i].a; //At this point we have vtemp = v[0] + 0.5*t*a[0]
bodies[i].s += tstep*bodies[i].v; // This gives us s[1] = s[0] + t*(v[0] + 0.5*t*a[0])
//Acceleration field is updated between PartA and PartB.
void Universe::LeapFrogStepPartB()
int i;
int size = bodies.size();
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
bodies[i].v += 0.5*tstep*bodies[i].a;
//Now v[1] = vtemp + 0.5*t*a[1] , i.e. v[1] = v[0] + 0.5*t*(a[0] + a[1])
//*********Hermite Integrator************
//This is a 4th Order time-symmetric Predictor-Corrector integrator
//For a full explanation see the report.
//0) Store values of a,v,s,j
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