WondrousEX Forests Book V4
WondrousEX Forests Book V4
WondrousEX Forests Book V4
Writers: Alex Clippinger, JVC Parry, Jeff Lee, Elf Vesala
Product Director: Chris van der Linden
Development Manager: Christopher Mahon
Editors: Paul Wright, Patrick Rosenthal
Special Thanks:
Thanks to all our crowdfunding supporters and Loresmyth customers,
Christopher Haskins and Nord Gams, BackerKit team, New Energy Books,
Karel Teurlings, and everyone else who helped along the way.
And most of all, to our families for their love and support.
This product has been released under the OGL (Open Gaming License Version 1.0a).
For details please reference the full license at the back of the book.
Softback ISBN: 9789493135161 | Hardback ISBN: 9789493135154
Manufactured in Europe. Copyright ©2021-2022 LoreSmyth Publishing
Table of Contents
Introduction 4 Atmosphere 58
A dventure with Conditions 58
every step 4 Sensory Stimulation 58
Using this book 5 Smells 60
Travel In Roleplaying Games 6 Forest Discoveries 62
The Forest Beckons 7 Wondrous Forests 64
The Marrowgrove
Forests Of The World
Forest of Carbion
What Makes Forests Special?
Forest Types
Traveling 113
Acts of Violence 113
Common & Uncommon Forests 38
Sinkhole 114
Uncommon Forest Types 41
Fallen Trees 115
Wondrous Forest Types 43
Dwarven Idol 116
Forest Terrain 47
Discovering the Dwarves 117
Landmarks 52
Adventure Maps 118
Natural Landmarks 55
Shadows of the Marrowgrove 122
Adventure Background 122
Synopsis 123
Introduction 123
Augury Tree Grove 123
Ruined Tower 125
Bone Bridge 126
Reclamation Marsh 127
Sylvanus' Resting Place 127
Conclusion 128
Adventure Maps 129
A ppendix: 5e Monster Statblocks 134
Early Bird Backers 142
Open Game License Version 1.0a 146
Thank You 147
Open Game License Version 1.0a 148
Thank You From Loresmyth 149
Introduction e’re headed to a place called the Forest of and thrilling danger. Constantly changing and
Eons. I’ve heard it’s a deathtrap, and evolving, even the most mundane forests endure
not just because of the predators. Time the ravages of time and disaster to become places
is warped there, and you might spend of history, mystery, and eventually...legend.
Adventure with
a lifetime among those trees without
knowing it. Somewhere in there is an amber sap that
foretells the future—that’s what we have to find. every step
— Diary of Ezrian the Ranger, Day 1 Somewhere in the forest, a single disturbed branch
holds a vital clue to track a ranger’s quarry, the
dreaded Groveghast. Tricksome fey dart between the
Among wild spaces, nothing conjures a sense of the towering heights of the Feyspire Forest, beckoning to
untamed and the primal as strongly as the gnarled tangle a druid’s companions. But are they leading travelers
of a forest. The close press of tree trunks can present a to a place of wonder or danger? Adventure, mystery,
barrier between civilization and wilderness that feels as and peril could lie in wait behind any tree trunk.
impassable as any mountain range, and the shadowed
depths can seem as mysterious as the depths of the ocean. Many adventurers are familiar with stories of
the woods ruled by noble elves, resplendent with
Forests are more than a collection of trees—they are graceful Sylvan-grown architecture and light casting
the feeling of dew-slicked moss yielding beneath your a warm glow as though liquid gold. Tavern tales
feet, the subtle smell of petrichor, and the beams of speak of haunted forests, where werewolves and
golden sunlight that filter through the canopy. It’s the fouler things creep hungrily between the trees,
lively cacophony of birds and insects in a summer- and the woods themselves weep living blood.
soaked glen and the eerie, muffled silence of mist- A great explorer may boast that she was the first in a
covered deadwood broken only by the groans of thousand years to set foot in the Forest of Eons and
dying beeches and the mocking squall of ravens. commune with the ancient spirits dwelling there.
Forests are as plentiful and varied across the realms Journeys into these wild places promise ancient threats
as the flora and fauna they hold. They are the and miraculous wonders, just waiting to be discovered...
lungs of the earth, a source of bountiful resources
Using this book Continue Your Expedition
Wondrous Expeditions: Forests is designed to In addition to the main chapters, you will find
turn overland travel into an extraordinary and several appendices, which include the Expediton
exciting experience for you and your players— System, two forest-themed adventures,
we want the journey to be the adventure. 5e monster stat blocks, and more.
This book is divided into three major sections
that allow you to create, run and bring to life A ppendix 1:
your own wondrous forest expeditions. The Expedition System
Chapter 1: This chapter outlines a new way to handle travel
Running Forest Expeditions in your games, from planning the journey at a local
tavern all the way to carving a path through the
Make your wilderness journeys matter. New wilderness. It offers new rules, roles, and activities for
gameplay ideas and roleplaying opportunities will party members, as well as the required tools for Game
help you turn wilderness travel through a forest Masters to make wilderness expeditions truly epic.
into a memorable adventure, complete with new
encounters, foraging, and navigation challenges. A ppendix II: The Root Of
Sylvanus A dventure
Chapter 2:
Creating Forest Environments After finding themselves trapped in a forest by the
vengeful spirit of a druid, the players must find a way
This chapter covers the unique traits of forests, to make peace with the spirit before blood is spilled…
outlines specific forest types, and gives you a plethora This adventure is designed for characters of all levels and
of topography, landmarks, and ideas to make your can be easily slotted into an ongoing forest expedition.
forests interesting and immersive locations that
A ppendix III: Shadows of the
are more than just a backdrop. Turn your forests
M arrowgrove A dventure
into places of intrigue, peril, and wonder.
Travel In Roleplaying Games
n many roleplaying games, travel is a Both new and experienced Game Masters use this
series of random encounters or approach when they want to move forward quickly and
hand-waved, fast-forwarded narration not dwell on the actual travel. While useful in certain
just to get to the next dungeon. situations, no one ever tells stories about their favorite,
However, a wilderness journey done fast-forwarded, and quickly-summarized travel montage.
well can become one of the most exciting experiences R ealism
at the table. It’s the perfect opportunity to present new
and varied encounters, challenge players to problem- The opposite of the travel montage is a ‘realistic’
approach to travel, that emphasizes practical aspects
solve in unusual ways, and of course, provide an such as sustenance, encumbrance, survival, and
engaging change of scenery. navigation. Food and water supplies, carry weights
and encumbrance, fatigue, travel times, and so on
Some approaches to travel try to avoid as much are all utilized in a ‘realistic’ approach. Many Game
spontaneous complication as possible, opting for a travel Masters and players relish the feeling of a gritty,
montage just to move players onto the next adventure. measurable journey, but the interaction and upkeep of
The wilderness journey rarely becomes the adventure every single survival and travel rule on a day-to-day
itself, which is a missed opportunity for roleplaying, basis can involve a frustrating amount of bookkeeping
memorable action and breathing life into your world. for Game Masters and players alike. What seems
This book provides you an in-depth look at how to exciting on paper can quickly become repetitive for
turn wilderness travel into wondrous expeditions, players who aren’t fans of this rules-heavy approach.
including a new optional gameplay system for it.
Travel Montage A fusion of the travel montage and realistic approach
One of the most common methods to handle travel is aimed to strike a balance between emphasizing the
is the montage approach. It requires the least amount arduous aspects of travel, all while infusing it with
of work on the Game Masters’ part. Overland heroic moments the players will remember. Survival
journeys are described with little more than a mechanics, narrative elements, and encounters are
sentence or two of narrative summary, and perhaps often rolled on a random table. Even for Game Masters
a few rolls on a random encounter table. This with experience under their belt, achieving this best-of-
is meant to get players from one point to both-worlds balance is no easy feat. Without a ready-
the next, without much interaction. made system, it requires quite some effort to engross
your players in an engaging wilderness journey that
keeps them thrilled just as much as a dungeon crawl.
The Forest Beckons
can feel the unfathomable strength
of the trees, standing like bastions in
the swirling eddies of time that move
through this place. The animals have
become old and wise enough to speak, but
the spirits…the spirits of this place are wary of us. They
know we seek the Fruit, and they are not yet sure if our
hearts are pure.
These unknowable and labyrinthine qualities of a Nature Against Civilization
forest create the threat of danger at every turn, as While the bounty of forests is freely given, they are often
well as an aura of mystery that only the bravest of overexploited by humanoids of all varieties. Some hack
souls can penetrate. The dense confines of Forests down the oldest trees for lumber to build their homes,
makes combat, navigation, and spotting threats others turn the land into plantations for food, and some
more challenging and the challenges of traversing hunt the game until the ecosystem collapses. Because
them can take a heavy toll on travelers’ morale. of the incessant growth of humanoid settlements
and cultures, forests are often threatened. However,
Vibrant Vistas forests are not defenseless — the natural life within
Every way you look in a forest, you’re usually confronted often seems to unify against the intruders. Natural
with a vibrant menagerie of natural life: new and predators such as wolves and bears keep the foolish
exciting animals, potent herbs, and towering trees. out of their territory, and where bolder adventurers set
Vibrant flowers unfurl, perfuming the air with their foot, hydras and manticores may ward them away.
scent, and babbling brooks catch the light in their clear
waters. As well as being things of beauty, each of these Where humanoids do leave their mark on a forest, the
marvels is a resource for adventurers to use — there is restoration process can often be painful. Sacred groves
perhaps no environment denser in natural resources that have been cut down may cause their dryads to weep
than a forest. Here, travelers can survive off the bounty tears of sap upon the ragged stumps, and where a trophy
of the land and even create magical concoctions from stag has been gutted, poisonous toadstools may erupt
rare barks and plants. For those who have the right from the bloody ground. All life in forests is in a delicate
knowledge, a bountiful forest is far more valuable balance, and they can hold a grudge for generations.
than a chest of treasure hauled up from a dungeon.
“When you find yourself being lost,
trust your friends to guide you back to the light.”
C H A P T E R O2
FORESTForest Expeditions
“It cutlooked for the howling
through monolithwind on thelike
other side.through ice.
a pick
The had gone
chilling before
shriek of a us,
distance washave
never dangerous.“
lit that fire,
but we could stand the biting cold no longer.”
Running Forest Expeditions
’ve given up on keeping track of time, Setting Player Expectations
but I feel like this is the fifth or sixth Players who aren’t used to travel experiences being the
attempt. We’ve found the Fruit, but main focus of the session tend to expect nothing more
every time we take it, we end up back than a simple summary, a roll or two on an encounter
at the beginning of the 21st day. Vatala’s table, and maybe a question about setting a watch for the
spell to stop time backfired and now she’s aged fifteen night.
years. I want to call this expedition off, but we can’t
leave without the Fruit. A journey using the expedition system and the ideas
presented in this book are far more engaging than a
simple travel engagement. Adequately conveying the
— Dorgal the Paladin, Day 21 intention of the travel system to the players is vital to
Instilling Reverence - Ancient and wild places are often
filled with magic and creatures beyond the ken of even
heroes. The power of these places should fill adventurers
with a sense of awe and trepidation. As a Game Master,
you should try to instill reverence for forests before and
during the expedition by emphasizing that even the
strongest (and most experienced) of heroes might still
find themselves at the mercy of nature and its guardians.
Establishing Goals
Sometimes you’ll give your players a quest that involves
undertaking an expedition, but other times your players
might naturally create their own expedition to achieve
their goals.
Gathering Knowledge Information Sources
Even more important than a general aptitude for There are plenty of opportunities for players to learn
navigation and survival is knowledge about the forest more about a forest, including interviewing guides,
itself. For example, knowing how forest spirits ambush hunters, and foragers who’ve worked in the forest.
travelers is generally useful; knowing that a spire Reading up on the specific woodland in a nearby library,
guardian specifically protects the crystals at elevated
communing with nature deities or fey patrons, or even
areas of particular forests is an even better means of taking short scouting excursions into the woods may
avoiding a fight entirely. Other important information also give advantages to the would-be adventurers.
could include the current weather conditions and
forecasts. Is an influx of rain likely to cause a mudslide or For example, if characters want to know about large
wipe out important trails. Uncovering potentially useful predators, they might be better off talking to a trophy
resources within the woodland could aid the expedition, hunter than a local farmer. Similarly, if the forest is on
such as the future-sight inducing augury roots that grow an island, they’ll stand a better chance with sailors who
in the Marrowgrove. have stopped there rather than druids who’ve never left
the mainland.
R eward Preparation
Reward player characters that take the effort to prepare Information Source Benefit
for the journey in a meaningful way, by having their Talk to local woodcutters Advantage on checks
smart thinking pay off. They may discover a shortcut about the trails they use made to navigate while on
that takes several miles off the journey, or that a to transport their timber. a trail for 1d4 + 1 days.
particular forest path is best avoided, due to warring
goblin tribes. Characters that depart haphazardly are Pay merchants who ship Reveal a useful waypoint
likely to discover such ill-prepared ventures quickly goods through the forest on the map to the
drain supplies, valuable time, strength, and morale. to reveal the location of a characters.
A character with a backstory, background, race, or class resting place.
relating to a specific woodland area might leverage their
Buy a meal or drinks Advantage on checks
innate knowledge about certain forests, terrain, flora,
for local hikers to made to notice and
and fauna. This information is a perfect opportunity
get rumors about the overcome a specific forest
to make a journey’s key moments interactive through
dangers of the forest. hazard for 1d4 + 1 days.
ability checks or roleplaying.
Purchase a map from a Provide the characters
The following tables list various types of knowledge local cartographer that with a map that has 1d4 +
players can collect about a forest. has a detailed depiction 1 landmarks detailed on it.
of the forest.
Knowledge Example Converse with a ranger Mark 1d4 + 1 potential
Topography Specific terrain that requires who knows the forest hazards on a map for the
specialist equipment or precautions. well and can warn you characters.
about what needs to be
Monsters and Insights into weaknesses or habits, avoided.
creatures and how to exploit those.
Consult a druid whose Advantage on checks
Hazards Particular hazards and how to sacred grove is in the made to interact peacefully
avoid or overcome them, such as a forest, and who has with forest inhabitants for
Reclamation Marsh conversed with its’ 1d4 + 1 days.
Season and Seasonal weather patterns and
Weather dangers inform when to travel and Conduct reconnaissance Automatic success on the
how to dress appropriately. missions to scout out the first navigation check of
edges of the woodland the expedition.
Condition of Informs what methods of travel are within a day of the
trails and roads possible, such as broad, flat trails origin location.
for wagons. Some routes may be
overgrown entirely. Read wildlife guides Advantage on checks
detailing plants and made to forage for food or
Foraging The variety and abundance of animals within the medicine for 1d4 + 1 days.
animals and edible/medicinal forest.
plants, such as nutritious tree roots
Magical rffects Unusual magical effects or natural
and phenomena phenomena that might require
special preparations.
Truths and Falsehoods Plotting The Course
Depending on the source of information, checks made by
Plotting the course of the expedition is a huge
the characters to acquire information, and the amount of
opportunity for the heroes to shape the expedition
gold or resources spent to get information, the characters
ahead. Long journeys may take several days, weeks, or
might come across either false or helpful information.
even months, and careless planning can turn a normal
False results could be the result of rumor, deliberate
trek into a perilous ordeal.
misleading, or a simple misunderstanding, whereas
helpful insights can greatly increase the heroes’ luck on
Characters are encouraged to use the knowledge they’ve
the road.
acquired about the forest, including its terrain, wildlife,
or other difficulties. For example, having a map of a
Consult the following tables for examples of such
forest’s topography will make things much easier, or
perhaps the adventurers took the effort to acquire a
travelers’ guide to the Crystalspire Grove.
d6 False Information
Typically, when plotting their course, adventurers will
1 A creature, half-plant and half-beast, has want to find the shortest distance, or fastest route to
been stalking the woods of late. It decapitates arrival, especially if there is a time constraint on their
intruders and buries their heads by the trailside. expedition. Possible exceptions to this might include
2 One of the major trails through the woods has avoiding dangerous, difficult, or impassable terrain,
been washed away by flooding thanks to high or dangerous areas such as monster lairs or regions
rainfall. frequented by bandits. Sometimes characters might
deviate from the shortest course in order to use known
3 High winds have caused many trees to fall, landmarks to aid in navigation. They’ll also need to plan
obscuring the shortcuts that would normally be suitable waypoints to recuperate, which might alter the
available. route.
4 Forest spirits have animated poisonous plants What M akes the Best Route?
in the woodlands and are using them to make
barricades to stop carts and carriages passing When planning an expedition’s course, players should
through. try to strike a balance between time, effort, and
safety. For example, if the heroes learned from a local
5 A blight is spreading through the trees. The woodcutter that they could cut several days from their
last travelers that came through swore it was journey if they pass through the twilight valley in
spreading onto them too. Feyrise Forest. Rumors whisper this place of eternal
6 Faeries have been leaving parcels of food and gloom is strange and dangerous, so the characters will
potable water for hikers passing through the need to choose between speed and safety.
Terrain, wildlife, weather conditions, and magic can all
tip the balance of an expedition, so make sure players are
d6 Helpful Information aware of these factors when they’re planning their route.
1 There is a shortcut around a hazardous piece of Challenges and T wists
terrain that can be obtained from a local druid.
As a Game Master, you should be
2 The main trail through the woods is frequently thinking about opportunities
targeted by a bandit gang who live in the woods and challenges to throw
- avoid it if possible. at your players as
they plan their
3 A specific plant has just spread to the area.
route. Consider the
Its fruit is delicious but causes hallucinations
following questions
within a few hours unless you eat it with a
to help you turn the
handful of mud.
expedition into an
4 An injured dragon has taken up residence in a engaging adventure.
hazardous area of the forest. It could be a place
to avoid, or a chance to defeat a great wyrm. - What challenges are
the characters likely to
5 Although it’s not on most maps, there is a river face along the way?
that flows through the woodland that can be
used for rapid travel - take a canoe! - What meaningful choices
could the characters make?
6 A bizarre gnome alchemist who lives in the - How can you take advantage of
forest has a recipe for potions of flying. He can the forest’s unique traits to make the
be bribed with a certain variety of mushrooms. expedition unique?
Prepare, A dapt and Overcome Difficult terrain can further impede traveling on foot,
Planning is important to a successful expedition, but making a journey take longer, and thus requiring even
part of the fun is having players blaze new trails, and more supplies to be carried. Traveling at a faster pace,
adapt to unexpected roadblocks. Reward characters who where possible, can reduce travel times, as can a forced
have carefully chosen a specific route, by experiencing a march, but both of these are likely to drain
swift and uneventful trek. Subvert their expectations by morale and increase the likelihood of
having an essential navigational landmark being ambushed.
shrouded from view by a lingering
fog, challenging them to find ways As well as being tough on the body
to overcome a change of course. and mind, walking is also the
Introducing NPCs to help most dangerous method of travel,
or harm players during the since the characters are likely to be
expedition is a fantastic way exposed to forest hazards, wildlife,
to infuse story. Listening and monsters. Traveling on foot
attentively to your players’ limits potential escape methods
plans for an expedition the characters could take, often
almost always provides requiring them to drop supplies
ideas on things they if they need to flee at speed or
anticipate, what they hope climb trees or rock formations to
to achieve, and what they get clear of a threat. Some hazards,
seek to avoid. such as arboreal landslides, are almost
impossible to avoid on foot, and might
R eward Player create terrain so disruptive that it becomes
Preparation impassable.
If the characters have worked hard to gather knowledge
about the coming expedition, they should fare much d6 Slowing factors while walking
better than if they go in blind. Prepared characters might
have brought repellent to avoid being bitten by plague- 1 Caustic fungi underfoot damage characters’
ridden insects, or climbing gear so they can traverse the boots, forcing them to stop for repairs.
trees and avoid the deadly ghavix vipers. Those who 2 A mudslide covers the trail ahead, forcing
haven’t prepared will be beset by challenges they may travelers to detour or dig themselves out.
struggle to overcome. Without appropriate supplies,
they can’t cross a raging river or bribe the yellowgut 3 The area is covered with sticky giant spider
goblins. This might mean they miss their rendezvous webs which must be hacked down.
with the queen, or fail to deliver essential medicine to
the injured soldiers in time. 4 High winds force the characters to brave strong
gusts and climb over fallen trees.
d6 Surprising factors d6 Fatigue & Morale factors
1 The party must shed their packs and supplies to 1 The horses can’t find enough to eat and become
outrun a dangerous creature. increasingly tired.
2 A party member’s leg becomes infected after a 2 The wagon is in constant need of repair - a
minor skirmish, causing them to become rabid draining, tiresome process.
and violent.
3 One of the characters drops a personal item,
3 Lightning strikes a tree right beside the which falls under the wagon’s wheel and is
characters causing it to explode. broken.
4 The characters must quickly find refuge as a 4 The horses are unsettled for nights on end and
stampede of wildlife comes charging past. refuse to sleep, keeping the characters awake.
5 The party must surrender their weapons lest 5 Something important falls out the back of the
they anger the forest’s guardian spirit. wagon while no one is paying attention.
6 You accidentally step on a hunter’s snare and 6 One of the horses is badly injured and a
are strung up in a net. character has to put it down.
d6 Slowing factors
1 You go over an unexpected bump on the path
which snaps your wagon’s axle.
2 Your horse develops an infection in an
unnoticed wound on its foot, making it lame.
3 The well-traveled path up ahead has become
degraded, preventing your wagon from passing.
4 Fallen branches litter the trail, forcing your
horse to carefully pick its way through.
5 One of the characters’ horses loses its shoe
whilst walking through thick mud.
6 One of the wagon’s wheels falls off after
colliding into a tree stump.
Travel Methods & Pace
The following tables present common, uncommon, and wondrous modes of travel suitable for a forest.
This typically means traveling across roads and trails, but why not fly above the forest canopy or swiftly traverse the
wilds on the back of the mystical Elk Riders?
Common Travel The Journey
Routinely available and most commonly used, these The plans have been laid and the route inked onto the
methods of travel consist of commonplace vehicles, map. The dotted line marks a path through lands both
mounts, and the use of one’s own two feet. Heroes fair and foul, and now challenges and opportunities
can usually rely on the nearest beacon of civilization await. As the characters pull their backpack straps tight,
to have a simple vehicle or standard mount available they take the first steps on their wondrous expedition.
for a reasonable price. However, common methods of
Expedition Roles
travel are used for well-traveled roads and may find
the unpredictability of forest routes difficult or even
impossible to overcome. As the characters make their way along a forest trail,
they might decide to stop for a while and collect the ripe
Uncommon Travel raspberries that burst from the thickets on either side of
As heroes make new connections and discoveries, they them. Perhaps another character takes the opportunity
may find animal allies or mounts who can help them to scout ahead for potential shortcuts or watches over the
navigate the forests or carry their burdens. Alternatively, foragers to ensure they’re not ambushed by meddlesome
adventurers might need to take to the trees, swinging bugbears. In less dangerous parts of the forest, a
between vines or clambering from branch to branch to character might tell a tale or sing a song to raise the
avoid some impassable terrain on the forest floor. morale of their companions. Each of these actions can be
considered an expedition activity that aids the journey.
Wondrous Travel
Wondrous travel methods are precious things, often This section presents four expedition roles that are
earned through a combination of tenacity, luck, or influenced most by the forest environment: crafter,
animal handling. They might not be perfect or available forager, hunter, and navigator. It describes how the
for long, but they can completely change the expedition forest plays into each role, and provides examples of
experience for a time by circumventing the challenges forest-themed challenges the Game Master might give
of travel. Clinging onto the back of a giant eagle might to a character in that role. All expedition activities and
make completing some expedition tasks impossible, related expedition roles can be found in the Expedition
but it’s a small price to pay for soaring unhindered over System Appendix.
✦ Crafter Role
the treetops. These unusual methods of travel can be
attained before or during the expedition.
Within a forest, a crafter has easy access to a variety of
materials and resources that can be used to repair or
create items. Mundane materials may include timber and
feathers, while magical ones may include giant spider
webs and prismatic crystals. Crafters can help their party
overcome difficult terrain by fashioning rope swings or
climbing gear, and can make the expedition easier by
creating makeshift shelters and improvised weapons.
✦ Hunter Role
Wildlife is abundant in forests, which means that a
skilled Hunter should have no trouble feeding their
party, as well as finding new materials that can be used
as spell components. Animal parts can also be given to
Crafters and Foragers for use in the construction of items
or the creation of potions.
✦ Navigator Role Travel and R espite
Navigation in a forest can be a nightmare: the Waypoints help define the journey’s rhythm; on days
undergrowth grows so fast that it might entirely cover a where the adventurers reach a planned campsite with
route that was well-traveled the year before. Depending energy and daylight to spare, do they dare to push
on the season and canopy, it can also be difficult to forward and sacrifice a safer night’s rest for greater
get a view of the sun or stars, which prevents many progress? When the sun begins to sink below the
traditional navigation methods. A Navigator has a key horizon and their waypoint isn’t yet within sight, do they
role in forest expeditions in keeping the party from push on after darkness falls to meet their goal?
getting lost or wandering into dangerous territory.
As heroes are met with challenges and detours around
Challenge. The Navigator may be confronted with obstacles, they may need to reassess and choose new
weather effects such as thick fog that forces them to leave waypoints.
their pre-planned route. The Navigator helps guide the
party through the unknown. Getting lost means more than The Challenges of Long Expeditions
just a delay; supplies and morale dwindle, and more time When expeditions stretch on for weeks or even months,
on the road means higher chances of encountering danger. the dangers faced by weary travelers begin to compound.
If the characters have a friendly ranger’s outpost as
their next waypoint, but discover that the path has been
✦ Forager Role blocked by a landslide, the detour could mean slogging
Forests provide a cornucopia of plant life that is ready through unfamiliar territory, draining their energy.
and waiting to be harvested. The quantity and diversity This, of course, has a knock-on effect on their morale.
of forageable plants and fungi here are probably higher
than in any other expedition environment. This means One of the more dire challenges of long expeditions
foragers have a lot of opportunities to find new and rare is the slow build-up of fatigue, which makes every
ingredients including herbs, berries, mushrooms, bark, action the characters undertake harder. Once fatigue
and sap. Foragers are crucial when looking for medicinal and low morale set in, the characters are likely to
plants that can aid the characters when they’re injured or run into the dangers of the forest; their perception of
suffering from disease. the environment might falter, leaving them prone to
dangerous terrain, environmental hazards, and even
Challenge. The Forager might need to find a specific ambush predators. Where before the lookout might have
set of ingredients in order to brew a potion or poultice spotted a patch of rustling leaves from hundreds of feet
that counteracts the dangerous effects of another plant away, now their tired eyes don’t notice the threat until
or animal in the forest. There are numerous venomous the giant boar’s tusks erupt from the undergrowth.
creatures and plants that can cause characters to
become poisoned, diseased, or even paralyzed.
The trailside camps that adventurers make during
a stretch are far less comfortable and safe than the
temporary encampments they can erect at a waypoint,
and unlike making camp during a stretch, resting at a
waypoint gives explorers a chance to truly recuperate by
relaxing and restoring their spirits.
Combat in Forests
Forests are not battlefields where opponents wheel d10 Critical Fail Effects
for position on an open plain, or even a place where
foes usually see one another approaching. The forest 1 Blinding light shines through the canopy,
is a place for ambush and ever-changing line of sight. causing you to miss.
Traps and other dangers can be disguised under a carpet 2 The roots of a nearby tree trip you, leaving you
of fallen leaves, and any number of foes can be waiting open for attack.
behind tree trunks or ready to drop down from the
shadowed branches overhead. 3 Your weapon becomes wedged in a tree that
was closer than you thought.
Even once a fight has broken out and enemies reveal
4 You turn quickly and whack your head against
themselves, skilled combatants are constantly using the
a branch, stunning you briefly.
trees for cover or ducking back out of sight. If the fight
looks like it isn’t going well, the attackers can attempt to 5 You slip on wet leaves underfoot, causing you
disappear into the trees again. Forest predators are rarely to slide into an adjacent space.
desperate enough to fight to the death and will similarly
slip away if the tide turns against them. 6 A bird flies in front of your foe just as you loose
an arrow, taking the shot instead.
Evolving Odds 7 You charge through a patch of nettles and are
A forest can work to hinder or help a combatant in a overcome with stinging agony.
variety of ways. The forest floor is warped by roots
and fallen branches that can trip a dashing ally. The 8 The branch you put your weight on snaps,
undergrowth might be so thick as to slow or restrict sending you plummeting.
movement, or even injure those moving through it. 9 As you move, you become entangled in hanging
Stealth is hampered by crisp leaves underfoot that vines.
make it impossible to conceal your slinking steps. In
some places, a forest might be so thick with trees that 10 A bird calls out as you disturb it, alerting your
it’s impossible to swing a two-handed weapon, or even enemy to your attack.
anything longer than a dagger. Perhaps the trunks might
also prevent line of sight to a foe with a ranged weapon
or spell. d10 Critical Success Effects
1 Your strike lands with such force that your foe
stumbles and trips over a stump.
2 Your strike snags in your foe’s clothing,
pinning them to a tree trunk.
3 You grab a sturdy vine and use it to swing
toward your foe for a dramatic blow.
4 Your attack breaks a heavy bough above you,
causing it to fall and pin your foe.
5 You stir up the leaves on the forest floor,
making it harder for foes to hit you.
6 Your attack disturbs a flock of birds, who
distract your opponents for a moment.
7 Your strike draws blood, causing a cloud of
insects to swarm around your foe.
8 Your attack fells a tree that crushes an
opponent under its weight.
9 A forest spirit comes to your aid, imbuing your
weapon with elemental magic.
10 Your blow knocks your foe into a poisonous
mushroom, which sprays them.
Forest Navigation
Ever-Changing, A lways the Same
Overgrown roads, wild magic, and the green veil
of foliage can turn a forest into a labyrinth for the
unprepared. Even using landmarks or the sun and stars The woods are a living thing that is always growing,
to navigate becomes difficult once the forest canopy shifting, and changing. Old paths become overgrown,
closes overhead. A journey into the darkest wood game trails shift and vanish as animal populations grow
demands constant vigilance to avoid losing one’s way. and shrink. Wind, rain, and snow wash out paths and
footholds or hide them from view. As roots dig into
Spotting & Wayfinding
the earth and flowing streams erode the soil, the forest
slowly makes maps out-of-date and obsolete. At the same
A naturally keen eye might easily follow the line of time, one stretch of forest may start to look like another,
a path or spot a possible shortcut hidden behind the or the landscape may begin to blur together thanks to
underbrush, but a clever scout can find those same the masking of the seasons.
game trails by following tracks and other animal signs.
A skilled map-reader will track a party’s All of this means that it’s easy for characters to
progress with confidence, though become lost in forests without ways to confirm
climbing a tree to get a clear their course. In particularly thick woodlands,
view of the surrounding the navigation check for each day’s travel
landscape can be an may be difficult. On a failure, the characters
essential way to double- may start walking in circles or deviate into
check the group’s progress dangerous territory.
relative to a recognizable
landmark. Forest L andmarks
Anything that breaks up the endless
The difficulty of navigation span of trees can serve as a landmark
checks in the forest is by which the characters can navigate.
increased by the blocked These can include a mountain
lines of sight and obscuring peak that looms above the canopy,
canopy, which blocks out the a floating castle that hovers over
sun and stars, essential keys for the western borders, a lone tree
wayfinding. Landmarks and the older than the forest itself that rises
trails which lead to them are often hundreds of feet into the cloud-
masked by dense growth, fallen strewn sky, or an obelisk etched with
leaves and brush. profane curses that glows with an
eerie green aura.
The Green Veil
The greatest challenge to navigating a forest These landmarks are usually known by
is line of sight. The sea of tree trunks limits the locals, and often have names. The
visibility in every direction, from a few hundred mountain peak may be Jagged Tooth,
feet in sparse pine barrens, to barely arm’s reach in the castle could be Yith’s Flying Fortress,
the gnarled tangle of an overgrown jungle. A thicket the ancient tree might be the Evertrunk, and
can render trails, creatures, and objects nigh-invisible, the obelisk may be called the Column of Curses. Each
even when a character is within a step of stumbling over should have lore surrounding it that can be uncovered
them! by collecting rumors or reading guides. Each landmark
should serve as more than just a navigation aid. In some
The forest also has a way of making sounds deceptive. cases, a landmark might be the entire reason for an
Noises can bounce strangely through the trees and expedition, as they are the perfect place to rendezvous,
obscure the true location of their source, while the and often have magic associated with them.
foliage muffles the sound. Only in a forest can a shout
of alarm be drowned out by a cacophony of birds and Because landmarks can be natural or man-made, it’s
insects in one place, and the sound of a single twig worth considering how the denizens of the forest view
snapping be a heart-stopping noise in another. them. Guides in local settlements are likely to point the
characters toward man-made landmarks whose history is
The natural camouflage of foliage and fallen leaves known, and where there might be easy access to certain
presents a serious challenge for lookouts, which is only supplies like food and water. Conversely, druids and
made worse by the muffling and dulling of sounds. rangers who live in the woodlands might shun man-
Checks made to spot natural forest denizens may even made landmarks and recommend natural ones such as
have disadvantage, unless the characters have prepared gulleys or giant toadstools instead.
by researching the habits of specific creatures.
Traversing the Woods
When adventurers’ boots finally begin to tread beneath journey. Terrain such as an Arboreal Landslide presents a
the boughs of a forest, unexpected meetings, treacherous risk to the characters in that they might be crushed beneath
terrain, and strange twists of fate can turn an expedition debris, but the aftermath can be just as disheartening; the
into a true adventure; sodden earth may cause trees to twist trail that the characters were following may be blocked,
and fall atop unwitting caravans, or malicious dryads may preventing them from reaching the landmark they had
protect their heart trees with gruesome curses. intended for their next waypoint.
H azards and Lucky Breaks Conversely, if the characters are struggling to make
Crafting an engaging forest expedition means offering headway in their expedition because they’ve failed to
your players a mix of challenges and opportunities. If the prepare or had a bad run of luck, you can alleviate their
“Creating Forest Environments” chapter functions as a struggling by introducing Lucky Breaks (listed in the table
toolbox for terrain, monsters, landmarks, and magic, it’s up below). You can even provide ways for the characters to
to you to put the hazards and boons they offer into play. turn a bad situation into a good one - if they encounter
an awful piece of terrain, you could give them a chance to
If the characters are making short work of their expedition rescue an NPC trapped there. The NPC might be a local
(easily overcoming combat encounters, staying high on ranger who knows where to find much-needed game to
morale, and managing to hit their waypoints on time), hunt, or a druid capable of clearing difficult obstacles from
hazards can be used to create drama by derailing their their path.
Roleplaying Opportunities
Forest expeditions require problem-solving and diverse skill sets, allowing the Game Master
opportunities to foster bonds between characters as they cooperate. A navigator might need
an athletic character to climb a nearby rock formation to confirm the party is on the right
track, or a forager might need a cleric to purify food and drink they have sourced from a
tainted grove. These moments can become more than an exchange of abilities and roll of
the dice, allowing the characters to create a memory together.
As well as interacting with each other, the forest provides an amazing cast of NPCs
the Game Master can use to draw exciting responses from the characters. Curious
wildlife or mischievous fey can melt the heart of even the edgiest rogue, and lost
explorers or injured couriers can draw even the most reserved cleric out of their shell.
The opportunity to help another living thing, especially something innocent such as
an animal, can encourage interactions on a deeper level. Forests also provide an opportunity for
otherwise overlooked characters to take the spotlight, or even the lead, for a time. Rangers who might feel
out of place in a city are suddenly at the front of the expedition, finding paths and shortcuts for the rest of the
characters. Druids are absolutely in their element surrounded by beasts and plants with whom they can converse to gain
additional information. Even barbarians can show off their survival skills in such wildernesses.
Survival, Foraging, Crafting
While on an expedition, characters will have an opportunity to discover rare
and useful natural resources within the forest. Well-prepared adventurers
will know what to keep an eye out for--some things are obviously
valuable because of their material or their rarity, but others are
sought after for their practical use as spell components or
alchemical ingredients.
d10 Uncommon Forest Animals Resources Effect
1 Owlbear Pelt (8gp), beak An owlbear cape, or even its beak and claws, are
(3gp), claws (5gp) seen as a status symbol for accomplished hunters.
2 Blistered Toad Blisterpods (1gp The ‘blisters’ contain a tiny drop of bitter liquid that
each) slakes a hero’s thirst for a full day.
3 Giant Spider Eggs (20gp/sac), Spider silk is valuable, if difficult to harvest. Egg
silk (5gp), venom sacs are worth a hefty sum as long as they don’t
(2gp/vial) hatch in transit.
4 Snake Skin (1gp to 25gp) Snakeskin is a prized material, increasing in price
based on the pattern, rarity, or size of the serpent in
5 Direwolf Pelt (10gp) Direwolf fur is tougher than a standard wolf’s, and
tailors pride themselves on making a full piece from
a single pelt.
6 Giant Insect Legs (1gp/bundle), The body of something like a giant centipede doesn’t
venom (1gp/vial) make for a great meal, but roasting its many legs
provides an unusually good trail ration.
7 Chimera Heads (300gp set) A full set of chimera heads makes for an impressive
8 Warg Pelt (8gp), teeth Warg teeth are used in necromantic rituals and
(2gp/set) other questionable magics.
9 Animated Tree Bark (2gp/bundle) Its bark contains trace magic useful as a spell
10 Giant Forest Rat Paw (2gp) Superstition says that in death, a giant forest rat’s
paw curls to point towards lost or stolen treasure.
d20 Wondrous Animals Resources Effect
1 Broadleaf Hulk Amber Heart (80gp), The amber heart can be turned into a potion that cures most
Broadleaf Bark diseases.
2 Whisperghast Whispering Skull Once per day, the skull will truthfully answer a question about
(50gp) the forest where the Whisperghast lived, if it would have
known the answer in life.
3 Berryback Bear Berryback Pelt The symbiotic vines that grow in its thick pelt continue to
(30gp) produce nutritious berries for weeks after its death.
4 Cervydra Antlers (10gp to Each head of this deer-hydra has antlers made of unusual
300gp per set) material, including copper, gold, and sometimes gemstone.
5 Mosswolf Moss (3gp) Its mossy fur can be applied as a poultice to purge toxins and
accelerate healing.
6 Hedge-Hog Tusks (2gp) With sufficient strength, cracking a tusk allows the breaker to
create a magical barrier made of plants.
7 Eldritch Moose Tentacles, obsidian The tentacles of the moose’s mouth are a hearty meal, but its
antlers (350gp) glittering black antlers are the real prize.
8 Bark Glider Fins (3gp), hide (5gp) This manta-ray-like creature’s hide blends in with tree bark
and is used to make camouflage clothing.
9 Sableheart Horns (10gp each), This bipedal goat-beast’s heart is used in rituals. Undead and
heart (30gp) demonic creatures are allergic to a puff of its powdered horn.
10 The Nameless White Eye (100gp), tongues When you look into its dreadful eye, you will know its name.
(5gp each) Do not speak it.
11 Pixie Thrush Alive (120gp) The song of this minuscule bird can break mind-clouding
enchantments or end the grip of supernatural madness.
12 Zipmunk Pelt (40gp) These chipmunks transform into tiny bolts of electricity as
they travel near-instantly through the canopy. Cleaning a
weapon with its pelt grants a short-lived lightning shock
13 Memento Vulpi Eyes (50gp), fur The fur of this violet fox has an unusual effect: the moment
(40gp) it’s out of sight, it takes enormous willpower to remember you
ever saw it in the first place.
14 Emerald Eagle Beak (450gp), talons As its name implies, the beak and talons of these eagles are
(100gp each) made from solid emerald.
15 Elder Stag Antlers (40gp), Its antlers and hooves are used to reverse magical aging effects.
hooves (5gp each)
16 Mortar’s Skunk Glands (30gp), fur This skunk’s stench is so powerful, victims will cough loudly
(10gp) for 1d4 hours, hurting their stealth chances.
17 Owl-o-Mist Tailfeathers (10gp These owls can teleport short distances to get the jump
each) on prey. Their feathers are used as quills when scribing
teleportation magic.
18 Hivecat Venom sacs (4gp These feral cats construct wasp-like hives for family groups of
each) up to 20. Their bite contains painful venom.
19 Imperial Slug Toxic Slime (5 gp/ Its gluey slime can preserve body parts and magical specimens
vial) for long periods of time. Can temporarily close wounds.
20 Revenant Rat Brain (50gp) This rat continuously revives and regenerates to plague
adventuring parties by consuming their rations. Its brain is a
coveted point of study in schools of healing and necromantic
An experienced druid or ranger is well-versed in the identification and use of many
common flora, along with rarer species of plants from the region where they were raised
or trained. Even a wide-traveled druid or well-researched sage can’t predict what strange
new flora or fungus the world may produce in the name of adaptation or at the whims
of wild magic.
d20 Wondrous Flora Value Effect
1 Sorrowbell Petals (1 gp) A tea infused with sorrowbell helps recover repressed memories or
soothe the sting of painful ones.
2 Corpse-Winder Flowers (10gp) These flowering vines grow through old skeletons and eventually puppet
them, killing other creatures to provide new bodies for growth. Its
flowers are used in rituals to ward against the undead.
3 Golic’s Thistle Golic Thorns This thistle creates a flash-freeze around itself when disturbed. Its spines
(5gp) are harvested for potions of fire resistance and the treatment of burns.
4 Gorgondrupe Fruit (10gp) A tree of living stone that grows peaches of solid rock. The soft pumice-
like pit of the fruit is used to cure petrification.
5 True Blaze Maple Leaves (20gp) This ever-burning maple tree grows near dryad glades. Its leaves make a
tonic that elevates one’s speachcraft and singing for 1d4 days.
6 Clockwillow Heartwood Time bends around these willows as they bend in the wind. Wands made
(50gp) from clockwillow are better at casting chronomancy spells.
7 Busterpuff Seeds (2sp) This tall reed-like plant sends seeds scattering when disturbed. The seeds
grow into a full-sized busterpuff the instant they hit the ground. They
can be used to provide instant cover.
8 Ghost Pine Pinecones These pine trees are opaque and intangible except under the light of
(8gp) certain phases of the moon. Their pine cones are used to magically see
and enter the ethereal plane.
9 Fate’s Foxglove Flowers (2gp) A tea brewed from these gives the drinker flashes of insight into the next
24 hours of their life.
10 Dryad’s Cry Petals (2gp) These flowers are used as components in magic to calm, control or speak
with animals.
11 Selman’s Walnut Sap (5gp/vial) Its sap is a symbiotic ooze that emerges to defend the tree when attacked.
Boiled down, the sap-ooze becomes a sugary gum that suppresses fatigue
for a few hours.
12 Walnut Beyond Pristine When a healthy walnut is cracked open, it teleports itself and anything
Time and Space Walnut (20gp) around it into a time-suspended pocket dimension until it reappears as a
sapling a short time later.
13 Wyvern Lily Flower (5gp) The wyvern lily’s nectar is a deadly toxin. Assassins and criminals covet
14 Hydragea Flowers (2gp) The flowers have powerful disease-cleansing properties, but they’re
guarded by rapidly regenerating flytrap-like heads.
15 Morden’s Shelf Full shelf This shelf fungus hardens as it grows until it is as strong as steel. Forest
(8gp) denizens shape weapons and armor by controlling its growth.
16 Echo Oak Echo Acorn Rare and difficult to grow, an echo oak remembers and repeats things
(100gp) said to them. A status symbol for noble families and royalty.
17 Tickthicket Thorns (8gp) This thorny bush actively digs into creatures and drains their blood for
nutrients. It is most commonly used in crafting poisons.
18 Floating Yarrow Petals (4gp) This bright red cluster-flower floats above the ground. It is an essential
component in flying magic.
19 Diamond Lilies Bulb (10gp) These silver-white lilies twinkle even in the darkest nights. Diamond
lilies produce a small radius of dim light that can overcome even magical
20 Molarorel Mushroom The head of these mushrooms grows as teeth. They usually appear
Camps (5gp) in haunted places and on cursed ground and are important for spells
warding against elemental evil.
Defensive Survival Tactics
Adventurers familiar with the dangerous creatures of the
forest may use special techniques to ward them off while
traveling or resting. None of these methods are foolproof,
but savvy travelers use them to reduce the chance of
ambushes and other attacks. However, most of the common
methods also involve a degree of risk.
Lighting a campfire is sure to scare off wolves and giant
spiders, but reveals your location to intelligent creatures
such as bugbear assassins or green dragons. Despite these
potential risks, it might still be worth employing these
defensive survival tactics, especially if you know the
woods well enough to avoid areas where the downsides are
exaggerated. Many of these defensive survival tactics might
need to be prepared in advance, which should occur during
the planning stage of the expedition system.
Seasons and Weather
Forests are ever-changing and the arrival of a new d10 Advantages of Springtime
season can radically change their character. Likewise,
weather can transform an otherwise peaceful expedition 1 Lack of foliage makes it easier to hunt.
into a harrowing trek, or force players to make unique 2 New undergrowth doesn’t impede movement.
preparations. For example, there is little
point in packing extra traps for 3 More individuals on the road gives an
catching rabbits in the dead opportunity to restock while traveling.
of winter when they
4 Even temperatures remove the need for extra
are hibernating.
Similarly, strapping
on layers of furs 5 Most predators are still hibernating.
or heavy armor
may cause 6 Days are starting to lengthen, allowing for
heatstroke when extended travel time.
the weather is 7 Some dangerous plants have not yet grown.
hot and humid.
8 Fine flowers and fragrances boost morale.
Ways in which 9 Melting snow is a source of water.
the seasons and
weather can 10 Higher chance of finding dropped or damaged
affect planning supplies and vehicles.
and traveling are
detailed in the
sections below. d10 Challenges of Springtime
1 Flash frosts create dangerously cold nights.
2 Sudden showers wash away an important trail.
Spring is perhaps the
best season to travel - it’s 3 New plants aren’t easy to identify, so foraging is
rarely too hot or too cold, difficult.
new growth is appearing
but isn’t so thick as to hinder 4
Monsters that have emerged from hibernation
progress, and animals might not yet are hungry.
have emerged from their hibernation. It is
a season of new growth and high hopes. Life emerges 5 Crowded trails slow the party's pace.
from the frost, restoring itself after the harsh winter 6 Flash floods can wash travelers off hillsides.
has passed. As plants bloom and trees blossom, they fill
the air with fragrances that cannot be rivaled by the 7 Lack of foliage makes it harder to hide.
perfumer, and the call to adventure can be felt in many a 8 Storms cause difficult weather conditions, such
hero’s heart. Travelers and traders alike take to the forest as heavy rain and lightning.
9 Heatwaves slow the pace and increase water
Springtime weather is somewhat less steady than requirements.
autumn, but far more temperate than during summer or
winter. This means that characters can be fairly certain 10 More people on the roads draws more monsters
that the trails will be intact when they set out. The only and criminal activity.
challenge is a surprise wet spring, which washes trails
away and could even cause landslides or flash frosts.
Although summer is a boon thanks to its fair weather, d10 Challenges of Summer
warming sunshine, and long days, it can be deceptively 1 Wildlife and monsters are out in full force,
dangerous. If the temperature rises too high, hiking can which can be dangerous.
become an ordeal and hydration may become a serious
concern. Forest fires start when the undergrowth dries 2 Temperatures can rise to uncomfortable or
out rapidly and even if the flames aren’t close enough dangerous levels.
to impact an expedition, the smoke certainly will. 3 Increased traffic means increased criminal
Resources are plentiful during summer, but so is wildlife. activity.
Furthermore, there is more traffic on the main trails,
meaning bandits and other marauders are especially 4 Dry undergrowth and strong sunshine can
common. Despite this, summer is truly a beautiful time cause forest fires.
to mount an expedition. If you know how to plot a
course that is sheltered from the sun and heat, there’s a 5 Droughts can seriously reduce the chance of
great chance the journey will be easier than normal. finding fresh water.
6 Undergrowth and thickets have grown,
One of the main advantages of summer is the light. slowing the pace of travel.
Although it can cause immense heat that drains the
energy of hikers, it also means that days are much longer. 7 Tree branches are full of leaves, reducing line
These long days provide extra opportunities for walking, of sight.
either spreading the miles out over more hours, or 8 Insects are at their most active and may spread
pushing yourself to keep up a demanding pace. These disease or lower morale.
light hours also give the opportunity for more expedition
activities, such as foraging, searching for campsites, and 9 Increased temperatures mean food spoils faster.
10 Summer storms can be sudden and violent.
Plentiful sunlight makes it harder to use stealth, but
easier to spot foes. In some cases, the abundance of Autumn
blossoming growth makes it easier to hide. Summer heat Autumn is the season of harvest; the food available
makes wearing heavy armor a nightmare and heatstroke in woodlands is at its peak. This varies wildly from
can have a serious impact on long treks. bounties of berries and stone fruits to even fungi.
Unfortunately, it is also mating season for many beasts
d10 Advantages of Summer and monsters of the forest, which means they become
territorial and aggressive. The new blanket of fallen
1 Long days mean plenty of time for walking and leaves means it’s easier to see through what would have
extra activities. been verdant thickets, but also obscures pathways and
trails. It also makes it much harder to sneak anywhere
2 Warmer temperatures mean less heavy due to the telltale sound of crunching leaves underfoot.
clothing needs to be packed.
3 Other travelers are more common, so the Travel in autumn can be pleasant - the temperatures are
chance of getting lost is lower. usually moderate, but the weather is often poor thanks
to the humidity and cold, causing thick fog and storms.
4 Plants may begin to bear fruit, making foraging As nature prepares for winter, so does civilization. There
easier. are usually fewer travelers on the roads at this time of
5 Bountiful foliage makes it easier to use stealth. year, reducing the chance of combat encounters with
criminals or disturbed animals.
6 Plentiful rests in sunny glades boost morale.
7 Hot nights mean that tents are not always d10 Advantages of Autumn
1 Bare trees make it easier to spot landmarks for
8 Trade on the roads is at a high point, making navigation.
resupplying easy.
2 Trees still bear fruit and some shrubs still have
9 Wood is drying, making it easier to build and berries.
start campfires.
3 Moderate temperatures mean heavy clothing
10 A wide variety of wildlife is active, making usually isn’t needed.
hunting easier.
4 Fewer travelers mean less chance of bandit
5 Fruiting bodies of mushrooms are ready to
6 Clearer ground makes it easier for mounts. situations. Foraging and hunting usually result in meager
returns and though there are fewer creatures in the
7 Fallen wood is readily available, making it woodlands, winter wolves and other creatures may still
easier to start fires. be hunting.
8 Fallen leaves make it difficult for monsters to
ambush travelers. d10 Advantages of Winter
9 Plentiful rainfall is a source of fresh water. 1 Insects have died off removing the need for
repellent or cures.
10 Prey is easier to hear thanks to crisp leaves
underfoot. 2 Crunching snow underfoot makes it hard for
monsters to ambush.
d10 Challenges of Autumn 3 Snowfall makes for easy tracking of quarry or
1 Shorter days mean limited opportunity for
expedition activities. 4 Low temperatures mean rations last for longer
without spoiling.
2 Fallen leaves obscure trails, making navigation
harder. 5 Snow and ice make other means of travel, such
as sleds, possible.
3 Mating season for animals makes them more
aggressive. 6 Most monsters are hibernating, so the risk of
encounters is lower.
4 Cold snaps can be dangerous for the
unprepared. 7 Higher chance of discovering abandoned
supplies or vehicles.
5 Frequent rain reduces morale and slows travel
pace. 8 Lack of foliage makes it easier to spot
landmarks and navigate.
6 Leaf-covered ground makes it harder to use
stealth. 9 Snow can be melted to use as a water source.
7 Insects are still present and can pass on disease. 10 Chance to scavenge dead animals that have not
yet spoiled.
8 Monsters may want to feast on flesh before
their hibernation.
9 Hazards are masked by fallen leaves. d10 Challenges of Winter
10 Strong gales slow travel pace and can create 1 Many animals are hibernating, meaning there
difficult terrain. is less to hunt.
Winter 2 Freezing temperatures necessitate the packing
of extra layers.
Inclement weather, frozen ground, heavy snowfall, and
short days make winter the worst season in which to 3 Frequent precipitation and winds make travel
undertake an expedition. Preparations for winter may difficult.
include extra layers of clothing, goggles, snowshoes,
shovels, torches, and even skis to help deal with the 4 Deep snowfall and frozen ground can make for
intense cold and heavy snow. difficult terrain.
5 Potential for falling trees and rocks due to
Despite these hardships, the views during winter are storms and rotting.
often glorious. Icicles may hang from trees and snow
may cover some of the more difficult terrain which can 6 Very limited chance of meeting friendly or
make some stretches of the journey easier, provided the useful characters on trails.
adventurers have skis or snowshoes. Snow also provides 7 Cold makes it harder to shake fevers and other
a constant supply of freshwater that only needs to be diseases.
boiled to be safe to drink.
8 Frigid nights mean tents and fires are an
The two worst elements of winter travel are the cold and absolute necessity.
the burden of equipment. In the worst cases, snowstorms
and whiteouts can cause a traveling party to become 9 Snowstorms can cause travelers to become
entirely lost or succumb to frostbite and hypothermia. entirely lost.
However, bundling up in layers and carrying other cold- 10 Near impossible to start fires due to lack of dry
weather gear makes travel far more difficult and it often wood.
means that the characters are far less agile in dangerous
Weather Effects
Torrential rain, high winds, scorching heat, and heavy obscures landmarks. No matter what the precipitation,
fog can turn a challenging expedition into a deadly one. it’s essential to pack waterproofed tents and coats for the
Though not as tangible as a map or a piece of treacherous expedition. If precipitation gets dangerously bad, floods
terrain, weather can have a major effect on an expedition might occur, or mass snowfall could entirely bury the
by hampering travel--or making it easier. characters. In response, characters might wish to take
boats, bring shovels, or water-proof their supplies.
Fair Weather
Strong Winds
Fair weather is what most travelers hope for; low levels
of precipitation and wind, and a moderate temperature High winds can cause trees to fall, make tents impossible
that doesn’t require packing extra layers, but isn’t so to pitch, and make walking and climbing slower. In
hot as to exhaust you. Characters should consider extreme cases, winds might make magical flight and
how to make the most of fair weather by packing or flying mounts dangerous or even impossible to use;
utilizing items that can give them an edge. For example, the same is true for traveling through the canopy.
characters might consider taking a vehicle knowing that Furthermore, high winds can cause boughs or entire
it won’t become stuck in wet mud. trees to fall, which can cause injury or even death. Trees
can also fall across trails or landmarks, obscuring them.
In addition, wind can hamper communication and make
Precipitation it harder to hear encroaching threats.
Rain, hail, and snow are always the bane of the traveler.
Even a light rain can drench you from head to toe if
you’re not properly prepared. Hail can tear through tents
and turn the ground to slush. Snow covers trails and
Snow Travel pace reduced. Attempts made to Dowse for Extreme cold means characters
Terrain is obscured. Water automatically succeed. without extra layers become
Expedition Arrival
The arrival is the final stage of any journey and could
be utterly joyous or totally crushing. Depending on the
journey, the characters might have fond memories of
crunching through fallen snow under a canopy hung
with icicles, or miserable experiences of being snowed
under in their freezing tents. Looking back on these
memories, both fair and foul, serves to establish the
journey within a party’s ongoing tale, and provides
a moment of poignancy that the end of a wondrous
expedition deserves.
two weeks ago. Deeper we plunge into The following table contains several ideas to populate
the endless stands of trees, towering your fantasy world with common types of forests.
around us like the pillars of the halls
of home. Yet there is no merriment in
d6 Common Forest Types
this place at night–no hearth-fires to light our way,
no sound of song, save snapping twigs or a mournful 1 Colonizing Forest
howl. No, here in the forest, I could not feel further 2 Littoral Forest
from home.” 3 Temperate Broad/Needleleaf Forest
– Diary of Hardun Bronzeguts the Dwarf, Day 15 4 Tropical Dry Forest
5 Tropical Moist Forest
This chapter of the book is designed to help the Game 6 Swamp Forest
Master create unique and engaging forest scenes
in which to set encounters, or to simply paint an d10 Uncommon Forest Types
amazing picture of the woodlands the characters are 1 Bamboo Forest
traveling through. It contains a wealth of descriptions, 2 Cloud Forest
as well as optional rules that allow characters to
interact with the scenery in a meaningful way. 3 Crystal Forest
Forest Types
4 Elysian Forest
5 Fungal Forest
Forests can be classified into general types that give 6 Geode Forest
a rough idea of the flora and fauna, the weather 7 Laurisilva
conditions, the temperature, and the sort of hazards
and boons the characters might encounter. 8 Sacred Grove
9 Taiga
10 Underforest
Colonizing Forest Temperate Broadleaf/
When a forest is destroyed by wildfire, earthquakes, Needleleaf Forest
flooding, or some other means, the ground might lay These forests are among the richest in terms of
bare for a time, but not for long. A colonizing forest foraging, whether it’s fragrant herbs or the meat
is a place filled with new growth as young saplings of a wild boar. Broadleaf forests are mostly made
and fresh plants rise up from the fertile earth. These of trees like ash, elm, maple, and oak, along with a
young forests are often stalked by lingering earth layer of thick undergrowth, such as ferns and shrubs.
or fire elementals, as well as child-like dryads who Needleleaf forests are characterized by pines, firs,
attempt to make the nascent forest flourish. Wild or and spruce trees with less brush; though a mixture of
natural magic is especially weak here, and harming any broadleaf and needleleaf trees are common. In addition
flora can invoke the wrath of the inhabitants. Druids to the diversity of flora and fauna, these woodlands
may establish a circle in a colonizing forest, using are often home to classic fantasy creatures, ranging
elaborate rituals to help its growth and recovery. from slumbering dragons to towering giants.
Tropical Moist Forest Swamp Forest
Colloquially referred to as jungles, these verdant Where low-lying basins fill with boggy water and
forests are always near rivers, oceans, or lakes, and sucking muck, warped and hardy trees form dense
sport impressive canopies of towering trees with groves filled with moss. Swamp Forests are a nightmare
dense foliage. Forests of this type can hold a wide to navigate on foot and their complex networks of ponds
variety of dangerous creatures; from dinosaurs to giant and streams make canoeing or rafting treacherous.
carnivorous plants or humanoid tribes to snake-human These forbidding forests are often the domains of
hybrids. The flowers and plants here are often poisonous hags who use powerful curses and warding magics to
and exotic. The dense vegetation may hide the ruins protect their territory. Cults that worship dark forces
of ancient civilizations where weird, eldritch magics may also hide within a swamp forest, conjuring strange
long forgotten by the world wait to be rediscovered. creatures from beyond with their eldritch rituals.
Uncommon Forest Types Crystal Forest
The following section contains several ideas to In these forests, trees, plants, and even living animals
populate your fantasy world with uncommon forests. are made of crystal-like glass. As sunlight pours into
the forest, the crystalline forms absorb and refract it,
Bamboo Forest taking energy for themselves to live and grow. The
prismatic glow these forests create can create many
In these forests, dusty trails lead through thickets of magical effects depending on the color–blue light,
bamboo dozens of feet high, forming near-solid walls of for example, can cause sleep. Those that wander
stalks in places and shaded groves in others. The canopy too deep into a crystal forest may become lost in
of soft leaves above provides a respite from the sun, the maze of reflecting surfaces, seeing themselves
but makes the interior of the forest humid and sweaty. mirrored over and over in the crystalline groves.
Creatures can often be glimpsed moving between the
shoots, their footfall disguised by the creaking and
clattering of the wind-stirred bamboo, whose colors may Crystal Forest Features
vary from lime green to lustrous gold to solid black. Monsters: Crystal elementals,
! doppelgangers, mimics
Bamboo Forest Features
A Terrain: Raging rivers, chronotrees,
elemental confluences
Monsters: Giant spiders, werebears,
! ettercaps, couatl, oni, deer Magic: Reflections in the crystal trees
Z are stolen, then birthed as crystal hunters
A Terrain: Moss field, enchanted
waterfall, farstride trees that track down their originator.
Magic: Bamboo forms walls and mazes Landmarks: Stranded caravan,
Z guiding creatures to spots they can safely rest N elemental fountain, floating tower,
mirror visions, prismatic crystal
Landmarks: Cattle range, forsaken boundary,
N meditation circle, tree houses, dancing grove
Fungal Forest Geode Forest
In these strange and disgusting forests, enormous Slow-growing and unimaginably ancient, a geode
mushrooms make up the canopy, toadstools provide forest is formed from dense mineral growths that
mid-level cover, and slimes make up the undergrowth. tower overhead like trees. Their quartz-crystal leaves
Inhaling toxic spores is a major danger here, as are create dappled purple shadows that dance through
the poisonous plants and even animals. Fungus is the the holes in the canopy. Oftentimes, these forests
primary food source for much of the wildlife, but Fungal start in caves beneath the earth and slowly spread out
Forests have their own breed of horrific predators over eons into the light of day. The undergrowth of
adapted for the dim conditions and toxic environment, these forests consists of stalagmites and crystalline
such as oozes. Due to their flammable nature, these shards, which are feasted upon by mineral-devouring
forests are often disturbed by fire, and may even monstrosities such as trolls, giants, and basilisks. Hidden
attempt to smother or dispel flames through magic. between these shards are veins of precious metal and
glittering gemstones of immense value, but mining
Fungal Forest Features them is sure to unsettle the forest’s inhabitants.
Monsters: Dark elves, shadow dragons,
Geode Forest Features
! giant fire beetles, giant spiders, gray
ooze, ropers, stirges, troglodytes Monsters: Basilisk, grick, grimlock,
! roper, stone giant, troll
A Terrain: Fungal canopies, grisly
glade, webweaver terraces
A Terrain: Fungal canopies, elemental
confluences, timestreams
Magic: Fire magic is less effective, rations
Z become rotten or poisoned quickly. Magic: Creatures that cut themselves on
Z the minerals slowly begin to crystallize.
Landmarks: Toadstool grove, fungal mass,
N primitive shelters, hot springs, faerie ring Landmarks: Levitating river, prismatic crystal,
N meteorite, collapsed mine shaft, stone circle
L aurisilva
With low canopies of laurel trees, laurisilva forests
are moist and mild, and often extremely old. The
aged trees have warped and twisted trunks, and the
forest floor is littered with their leaves. Sometimes,
the ancient magic of the forest will animate certain
plants, creating awakened shrubs or even groves of
young dryads. Treants in such forests may have powers
and spellcasting abilities similar to druids. Ancient
laurels are said to provide potent components for
protective magics, and hidden groves may have magical
healing powers for those who rest within them.
Laurisilva Features
Monsters: Awakened shrubs and trees,
! dangerous fungi, giant bats, giant
spiders, harpies, powerful treants
A Terrain: Splitroot canyons, grisly glade
Magic: Fog-filled groves provide rapid
Z healing, trees and plants animate
and move, creating mazes.
Landmarks: Dancing grove, root spiral,
N moonbridge, graveyard, mirror visions
Sacred Grove Underforest
Sacred groves are woodlands that have been touched Beneath the earth, in caverns that have never felt the
by celestials or other deities. Often, these angelic beings warmth of the sun’s light, grow dank Underforests. The
take up residence within the woods, though usually in albino trees, luminescent fungi, and strange slimes that
some disguised form. Though many forests play host grow here form weird canopies and bizarre undergrowth
to nature deities, sacred groves are different due to seen nowhere else in the mortal realms. Oozes and
how they take on aspects of the being they house. This other predators stalk the forest floor, while bats–both
normally means that only followers of that being may normal types as well as the giant variety–fly above the
enter without risk of capture or death, and that the canopy in search of insects and other prey. Fungus folk
forest changes to fit the deity’s need, becoming sculpted and other underground-dwelling sentient races often
or manicured as they see fit. They are places of intense hunt the Underforests to harvest their flora and fauna.
magical power and extremely dangerous to trespassers. Not only does the underforest thrive without sunlight,
it seems to sap the magic of light-generating magics,
Sacred Grove Features seeking to maintain the normal gloom of the forest.
Monsters: Blink dogs, celestials,
Underforest Features
! dragons (bronze, gold, silver), firbolgs,
lamassu, pegasi, unicorns Monsters: Cave giants, dark elves,
! shadow dragons, oozes, giant centipedes,
A Terrain: Enchanted waterfall,
farstride trees, wooded barrows purple worms, ropers, shadows
Magic: Healing spirits in the form of A Terrain: Fungal canopies, twilight
valleys, webweaver terraces
Z balls of light bless good creatures, undead
rapidly decay or are forced to flee. Magic: Light sources only produce
Landmarks: Woodland guardian, Z dim light, inhaled fungal spores cause
N rock formation, obelisk, sylvan creatures to glow, preventing stealth.
temple, reinvigoration pool Landmarks: Fungal mass, prismatic
N crystal, cave network, collapsed
mine shaft, sacrificial altar
Snow Forest
A nimated Woods
These woodlands have been brought to life by natural
magic that runs through their roots just as the wind A blightwood is a type of fungal forest that has
blows through their branches. Almost impossible to gained a kind of primitive sentience. Made of a single
navigate, the trees of these forests rise from the ground organism with a vast web of mycelial networks
each night and wander aimlessly. While terrestrial that link its disparate parts, this connected mass
creatures find such woods terrifying and strange, some consumes and assimilates anything that wanders into
avian and arboreal creatures have adapted to life in a its grasp. These forests infest creatures with their
forest on the move. They have thrived by developing spores, hybridizing them into the fungal body and
an entire ecology suited to a constant life in the creating mind-controlled fungal thralls. Disturbingly,
treetops, relocating with the woods as they move. a blightwood can puppet these creatures so expertly
that it can even speak through them. Blightwoods
can be wise and peaceful, or cruel and deadly, but they
Animated Woods Features always seek to expand by spreading their spores.
Monsters: Blood hawks, flying
! snakes, harpies, stirges, treants
Blightwood Features
A Terrain: Arboreal landslides, elemental
confluences, metamorphosing glades,
Monsters: Fungi; shriekers, violet fungus,
! fungal hybrids, giant bats, giant spiders
Magic: Objects that are brought within the
Z forest boundaries may spontaneously animate. A Terrain: Fungal canopies, grisly
glades, humus ponds
Landmarks: None, as any fixed landmarks Magic: Blightwood spores have varying
N are quickly left behind by the walking forest
Z effects ranging from mind control
A ntediluvian Woods
to accelerated decomposition.
Landmarks: Forsaken boundary, fungal
Antediluvian Woods are forests so ancient that N mass,root spiral, sacrificial altar, toadstool grove
time itself has become warped around them. They
exist almost within their own planes of existence,
and their ancient magic is controlled by primal
forest spirits who protect them. Aberrant creatures Celestial Forest
and powerful fey capable of controlling time flit These forests are intimately connected with the heavens,
between the trunks of magnificent trees, while especially the stars. Their trees glow with internal
twisting elemental cores create treants, change starlight and their undergrowths are populated with
terrain, and offer glimpses of the past and future. medicinal plants that grant healing and regenerative
properties. Each night, the forest transforms to resemble
Antediluvian Woods Features the firmament above; the fruit on the trees and the
blooms of the plants become star-like jewels, while the
Monsters: Legendary monsters, centaurs, streams and rivers take the form of flowing galaxies
! green dragons, dryads, lycanthropes, with droplet stars. Creatures who harvest the star-
nymphs, sprites, treants, worgs, unicorn like jewels can channel their power to imbue items
A Terrain: Chronotrees,
timestreams, farstride trees
with divine or radiant magic, but the streams become
bottomless demiplanes into which the unwise might fall.
Magic: Time passes differently–days equate
Z to weeks or months in the outside world. Celestial Forest Features
Landmarks: Portal, heartseed, faerie Monsters: Angels; deva, planetars, solars,
N throne, ruined tower, forlorn prison ! couatl, guardian nagas, pegasi, unicorns
Elemental Forest Floating Forest
Here, the boundaries between elemental realms and As befits their namesake, floating forests float through
the mortal realm have almost broken down. Thus, the the air, their roots twisted together into a giant basket-
plants and animals manifest elemental features such shaped island that supports the entire forest. Dangling
as burning leaves, stony hides, and watery vines. The roots may drift behind the forest and even touch the
weather here is heightened and varied, ranging from ground, allowing creatures to grab on and climb to
intense lightning storms to flash floods. Elemental the forest itself, but this is difficult and dangerous.
spells, specifically ones that deal with the four main The forest survives by passing through clouds and
elements—air, earth, fire, and water—have their powers soaking in the water, as well as periodically collecting
enhanced within the boundaries of this forest. soil with its dangling roots. These forests can change
altitude and direction to get closer to the land or sun,
Elemental Forest Features but are normally out of reach for ground-dwellers.
Monsters: Elementals, monsters commonly
found in forest settings, but with elemental Floating Forest Features
! traits (fire-breathing dire wolves, rock-skinned Monsters: Chimera, dragons, griffons,
trolls, sprites that radiate intense cold) ! hippogriffs, rocs, wyverns
Primeval Forest Slumbering Forest
Typified by gigantic creatures and vegetation, Primeval These forests grow from the living flesh of a slumbering
Forests are wild, unpredictable places where the fight creature of enormous scale, such as a titan, giant, or
for survival is taken to the extreme and the landscape dragon. The plants here feast on the flesh and blood
can transform itself in the blink of an eye. Both wildlife of the host creature, as if its rough skin was the earth.
and plant life are prone to rapid mutations to deal with Occasionally, the forest suffers from ‘earthquakes’
threats, and nearly anything can be a predator. Naturally, and changes in topography when the slumbering
these forests are incredibly dangerous for even seasoned creature shifts in its sleep. Animals may burrow into
adventurers, but their rare and exotic flora and fauna the creature’s flesh, carving tunnel networks and
can be powerful and valuable to the right people. even creating caves. Nearly all the creatures who
live in a slumbering forest are carnivores, and most
Primeval Forest Features plants feed on blood instead of water. If something
damages the forest on a large scale, such as a forest
Monsters: Axe beaks, dinosaurs, giant fire, the slumbering creature might awaken and
! animals (apes, bats, boars, centipedes, destroy parts of the forest to remove the ‘itch’.
crocodiles, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers)
Forest Terrain Moss Field
Smothering the undergrowth or spilling across vast
he physical features of the area that glades, this moss field forms a sprawling carpet of lush
characters are traveling through has green vegetation. While these moss fields might initially
a tremendous impact on the type of seem like the perfect place to rest, careful observation
journey and the encounters. A deep of the surroundings reveals that some of the lumps
beneath the verdant blanket aren’t boulders or branches,
overgrown gorge has a different look, but skeletons and suits of armor. These moss fields
atmosphere and roleplaying potential than a busy trade spread at an amazing rate, covering tents overnight
road crossing the forest. Differences in topography and smothering the inhabitants, or attaching to boots
determine the kinds of plants and wildlife drawn to and continuing to grow over an adventurer's clothes.
the area, and even influence the kinds of hazards or
encounters characters might come across. Here are Insidious Spread: Each hour a traveler moves through
several distinct parts of a forest, which can help inform a moss field, there is a moderate chance that the moss
you what roleplaying opportunities they might provide. will attach itself to the character in some hidden spot.
From then on, the moss continues to grow, weighing
the character down and using up their carrying
No forest is made up entirely of blankets of fallen leaves capacity. Tents pitched on moss fields are overgrown,
and pine needles or green grass and bluebells sprouting and their inhabitants risk being smothered.
from the earth. Each is a collage of different terrain
Splitroot Canyons
types ranging from the mundane to magical, and from
beneficial to hazardous. The following terrain types
can be thrown into forest environments to diversify These deep, broad chasms are formed where ancient
the expedition experience for your characters. trees have been holding together the earth, but
floodwaters have washed much of the soil away, leaving
the rocky walls of a canyon and several thick roots
d20 Forest Terrain crossing it. These canyons range from twenty to a
1 Moss Field hundred feet deep, and usually have running water
2 Splitroot Canyons at the bottom, though some can be dry remains of a
past flood. Their sides usually consist of stronger soil
3 Humus Ponds or rock, and are usually difficult to climb. Splitroot
4 Metamorphosing Glade Canyons can be treacherous to cross - typically
one must find a way to swing across the chasm, or
5 Fungal Canopies carefully traverse the roots that span its breadth.
6 Overgrown Spires
7 Twilight Valley Dangerous Traversal: Crossing a Splitroot Canyon
via the thick roots demands good balance or careful
8 Enchanted Waterfall crawling, and usually requires a check to execute
9 Raging Rivers successfully. On a failure, a creature may fall into
the canyon below. Alternatively, putting too much
10 Arboreal Landslide weight on a root may cause it to collapse.
11 Grisly Glade
12 Grasping Roots
13 Wooded Barrows
14 Reeking Bog
15 Chronotrees
16 Elemental Confluences
17 Timestreams
18 Farstride Trees
19 Bridges
20 Overgrown Gorge
Humus Ponds
Black, sludgy pools filled with rancid water and decaying Overgrown Spires
organic matter, humus ponds are some of the worst- Reaching up beyond the canopy of leaves is a jagged
smelling terrain found in forests. The noxious fumes shard of rock, covered from base to tip in twisting
exuding from the pools are bad enough, but these ponds vines and clinging ivy. These natural rock formations
often harbor diseases thanks to the rotting animals provide an amazing opportunity to view the forest from
and plants trapped within them. If the viscous water high above, making navigation incredibly easy, but
contaminates food or water carried by explorers, it each climber runs the risk of getting caught up in the
must be burnt and destroyed lest the disease spread wrapping vines or even causing the crumbling stone of
rapidly onto other supplies. Falling into a humus the spire to collapse under their weight. Spires vary in
pond can be a death sentence: the thick fluid sticks length and width. Some barely pierce the understory,
to limbs, hair, and clothing, and the steep sides of the while others break through into the clouds. They
ponds make it almost impossible to pull yourself out. might be as wide as a tavern, or as narrow as a cart.
Rancid Reek: Creatures that come too close Towering Vines: Ascending an Overgrown Spiure requires
to a pond must make saves to avoid retching. several challenging climbing checks to make it past the
Plugging nostrils can prevent this. contorted lattice of vines, which can trip or catch on
clothes and backpacks. Falling from a spire, depending
on the height, could be lethal. Critical failures can cause
Metamorphosing Glades spire collapses, putting all creatures nearby at risk.
In a metamorphosing glade, boulders may suddenly
erupt from soft soil or the earth may collapse in
on itself, dragging trees down with them. These
instances of rapid, volatile change are unique to
Metamorphosing Glades, where the earth itself can
fluctuate without warning. Though normal at first
glance, a Metamorphosing Glade can be spotted by
keeping an eye out for signs of violent upheavals
or freshly exposed soil. Travelers who encounter
them should take care to avoid being caught in
the roiling flux, or else they might be crushed.
Fungal Canopies
In some forests, the verdant leafy canopy is replaced
by the caps of mushrooms, their great gills spreading
out like the beams of a feast hall. The stalks of these
toadstools and mushrooms are as thick as those of
trees, though tend to be much softer and therefore
prone to collapse. The mushroom caps also block
out far more light than a canopy of leaves would,
cloaking the undergrowth in perpetual night.
Sometimes, these fungal canopies disgorge spores
onto the forest floor below, with dangerous effects
on the creatures living there or traveling through.
dodge floating logs being carried by the river or rocks
T wilight Valleys hidden by the spray. Successfully navigating these
Where the trees grow thick and fast in deep gorges hazards allows movement at more than twice the normal
or vales, twilight valleys are formed. These regions walking pace and makes it harder for foes to hit you.
are bathed in eternal night, barely becoming dusk-
like in the middle of the day when the sun beats
down on other parts of the forest. This profusion A rboreal L andslides
of darkness in these areas makes them prone to An arboreal landslide is an enormous barrage of
fungal growth, withered vegetation, and monstrous soil and stone, held in place by the roots of trees and
creatures whose vision allows them to lurk in dark plants. When unleashed, the roots begin to give way,
places. The darkness makes navigation difficult, snapping in showers of splintering wood, dirt, and
and can lose one's sense of time. Prolonged stay can plant fiber, the mass of earth thundering down the
cause anxiety and disorientation in those who linger slope in a landslide that snaps trees like matchsticks
there, sapping their physical and mental endurance. and pushes boulders aside. The aftermath is difficult
and dangerous to traverse: the giant pile of soil is
Depressing Dusk: For each hour spent in a twilight littered with debris, and careless creatures may slip into
valley, characters suffer a cumulative penalty to Morale a crevice or sink up to their chests in the soft dirt.
Saves. Waypoints in night valleys don’t restore morale.
Earth’s Passage: Creatures unfortunate enough to be
Enchanted Waterfall
caught in the path of an arboreal landslide must make
checks to outpace the rolling earth, and saves to dodge
Sparkling in the moonlight and cascading over the away from thrown boulders and toppling trees.
roots of the surrounding trees, this waterfall seems
to glow with ethereal light. Its waters are cool and
clean to drink, and the pool at the bottom is as clear Grisly Glade
as glass, allowing travelers to glimpse strange and
Grisly Glades are clearings created by undead powers,
colorful shapes moving through the water. The
such as liches, wraiths, or mummy lords, that take
waterfall may be a wellspring of natural magic beloved
the appearance of a normal forest but corrupt them.
by forest spirits, or it might be the bathing place of
The trees here are made of bone and stretched sinew,
forest nymphs. Whatever the source of its magic, it
the soil is moist with fresh blood, and reeks with
has the power to raise the spirits of mortals and even
a pungent, ferrous tang. Horrifying to behold, the
bestow boons on those who drink from or bathe in it.
knowledge of its existence twists your gut. Travelers
are known to be haunted by nightmares for weeks
Waters of Life: Upon drinking from the waterfall or
on end. Grisly glades are alive and attempt to attack
bathing in it for 1 hour, players and NPCs regain Health
those that foolishly stumble within, trying to trap
Points rapidly and heal from all but the direst of wounds.
the souls of the travelers. Those caught linger, their
In addition, their Morale improves greatly. If the waterfall
distant voices constantly crying out for help.
is defiled or dammed, it places a curse on the perpetrator(s).
Unholy Ambush: Creatures that set foot in the
R aging R ivers glade are attacked by it. The bone trees strike
out, aiming to pierce the armor and skin of
Sometimes, when floodwaters run fast, these rivers intruders and drain them of their blood.
transport fallen branches or even entire felled trees
with them, or become obstructed by trunks that have Haunting Nightmares: Those that hear the
collapsed in their path. These raging rivers are fast ways mournful cries of the glade are haunted by it in
to cover a lot of distance, but the obstacles of broken their dreams for 2d4 days after, preventing them
tree limbs and slick rocks pose a serious challenge. from getting the benefits of a proper rest.
Kayaking or canoeing down the rapids can be even
more dangerous, with the risk of capsizing increased
Grasping Roots
by rocks hidden beneath the splashing waters.
By Land: Travelling alongside riverbanks means Grasping Roots are not connected to any tree or plant-
adventurers are less likely to become lost, but the noise -instead, they exist on their own, crawling around
makes resting difficult, harder to spot foes, and its the forest in search of living creatures or lying in wait
difficult terrain makes for slow going. Slippery rocks beneath the soil. They can move surprisingly fast
cause clumsy characters to fall into the rapids, and when ensnaring prey, wrapping them in a cocoon-like
fallen trees may block the path and line of sight. mass in seconds. When they find a creature, the roots
immobilize their legs or wings and pierce their skin to
By Water: Travelling down rivers by boat can be exciting, leech their blood. Although the larger masses are big
fast, and hazardous. Difficult checks are required to enough to take down an adult boar, smaller Grasping
Root colonies might be mistaken for tree roots.
Leeching Radicles: Creatures attacked by Grasping R eeking Bog
Roots can make escape or agility checks to escape A reeking bog is marked by the rank, smoky stench
their grasp, but the larger the colony, the more of peat or of decaying plant material. A reeking bog
difficult it is. When they drain a creature’s blood, is one of the most formidable and dangerous pieces
that creature gains levels of exhaustion. of forest terrain; more than a mere mire, reeking
bogs are cursed with malicious magic. This terrain is
imbued with necrotic energy that gives it a vague form
Wooded Barrows of sentience, like a wild animal. It can emit a noxious
Burial mounds are a common sight in many forests; miasma that causes drowsiness and confusion in those
these sacred places are where the dead of local who inhale it. The bog itself then crawls across the
settlements or communities are interred so that their forest floor, and shoots out pseudopods of muck in an
bodies are recycled by the forest and their spirits attempt to pull the disoriented creatures down into its
set free into nature’s embrace. Wooded barrows, acidic depths, decompose them, and spit them out as
however, are different. If a malignant creature is slowly decayed corpses doomed to shamble across its surface.
bringing about the forest’s demise, or a cursed item
is causing it to wither, a forest can try to consume it Mystifying Miasma: The bog emits a cloud of
as a last-ditch attempt to save itself. Roots might trap miasma which obscures the terrain around it.
the creature or object, while the earth itself opens Creatures that inhale the miasma must make a
up to bury the source of the corruption. Finally, a save or become confused and disorientated.
bulging pile of grassy earth is the only marker.
Creeping Threat: The bog tries to drag disoriented
Evil Excavation: If anything uncovers the evil sealed creatures into its fluid, acidic form using pseudopods
in by the burial mound, it is released as if no time has of dripping mud. Creatures pulled into the
passed for it. Alternatively, it may have decayed within depths are digested and emerge as undead.
the mound, becoming an undead version of itself.
Chronotrees Farstride Trees
These magnificent trees are typically the oldest in the Although they may look superficially unremarkable,
entire forest. Their gnarled branches curl upward and farstride trees are one of the most useful aids to a canny
outwards like the goblet of a forest titan, and contained traveler. These trees are connected together in a vast
within this twisting natural sculpture is a swirling network by their magical root systems, which can spread
vortex of disarrayed time. Strange sensory anomalies across miles and miles of forest. These roots are the only
often leak forth from these trees--smells from long- giveaway of a farstride tree, and can only be interpreted
lost times or sounds from the future. Chronotrees by the most seasoned rangers. Touching a farstride
warp the flow of time around them for animals and tree causes creatures to be teleported to a connected
plants alike, and thus are normally avoided by travelers trunk elsewhere in the woodland. Those who spend
wherever possible. However, it is rumored that the time deciphering the overground roots can see a vague
roots of this tree, often called ‘augury roots’, grant map of the forest, made from all the connected trees.
the power of foresight when brewed as a potion.
Tree Stride. Touching a farstride tree causes a
Time Warp. Time passes differently around these creature to be teleported to another, random farstride
trees. Animals that walk nearby might find that tree in the forest, which could be tens or even
time is slowed or sped up by hours, days, or even hundreds of miles away. Rangers who study the
weeks. Animals that rest nearby sometimes find overground roots of farstride trees can decipher the
that time skips forward or backward, causing topography of the forest they are in, and can tailor the
them to wake up days in the future or past. teleportation to a connected tree of their choosing.
Canopy Roosts
Elemental Confluences Where flying creatures settle to sleep for the night
Elemental Confluences are formed by minor overlaps or care for their young, they create roosting spots.
between the mortal and elemental planes, which These might look like nests woven from branches or
become attached to natural features such as ancient silk, or might be totally unique, such as a piled circle
trees, natural rock formations, fast-flowing rivers, of stones or a knitted basket of humanoid hair. These
or deep caverns. These features serve as nexuses for roosts are typically found in the canopy, or climbing
elemental power which might manifest as torrential to or hanging from precipices. Sometimes they are
rain, raging winds, lightning strikes, and scorching humanoid-made and managed, where you can pay a
fire. Each core has its own unique effect related to the handler to ride the flying animal that lives within.
kind of forest it is in and the plane which it intersects.
Flying Mounts. Befriending the flying creature that
Elemental Manifestation: Consider what the confluence roosts in these places might allow you to use them as a
is (a tree stump, boulder, etc.), what plane it acts as a mount for a short period of time, avoiding hazardous
nexus for (earth, air, water, or fire), and how the two terrain and accessing new landmarks. Sometimes
combine into an effect (a tree intersecting the Plane of Air you might need to pay for the service in some way.
might create a vortex of leaves for example). Determine
whether this helps or hinders exploration; the leaves might
blind characters, or give them a temporary fly speed. Webweaver Terraces
Great strands of sticky web cross over the path,
intersecting into a marvelous yet terrifying web, whose
Timestreams creature must be even greater in both regards. These
Sometimes a river, stream, or brook gets caught up sprawling terraces start in the undergrowth and reach up
with the flow of time through a forest, and the two into the mid-story, typically stopping short of the canopy
intertwine in an inseparable flow called a timestream. where it is too light for their arachnid weavers. Prey are
They might seem normal to the uninitiated, but subtle easily trapped within the webs, where they are cocooned
signs reveal their true nature: currents flowing in or left to starve until they’re ready for consumption.
reverse, near-invisible or perfectly clear water, and
the presence of significantly older creatures and plants Alerting Tremor: Creatures that touch the webs
on the banks are the telltale signs. Any creature or become restrained, and can only escape with a
plant that drinks of a timestream’s water is aged by the hard strength check. Creatures in the web for
imbibing, but also gains a glimpse into the future. 1d4 turns trigger a giant spider encounter, or an
encounter with another web-weaving creature.
Futuresight: Sentient creatures that drink the water get a
vision that must be interpreted with an arcana or magic
check. A success allows a character to interpret whether
they’re seeing the future or an alternate timeline.
Landmarks can be used by characters to help them navigate while on their expedition. When characters reach a
landmark, you can use the description provided to create a scene around it, and use the interaction mechanics if
an encounter takes place there. Some landmarks are the work of mortal hands, and can indicate the presence of
other outsiders in the forest. Others are remains from the past, left behind to molder in the depths of the woods.
Common L andmarks
d10 Landmark Description Hazard or Boon
1 Abandoned Tattered tents and a long-dead Roll a d6.On a 6, a magic item has been left in the
Campsite fire pit are all that remain of camp, but there are monsters lurking nearby.
the campsite in this grove.
2 Ranger’s Hut Nestled in a nearby clearing is a Roll a d6. On a 6, the hut contains useful supplies.
moss-covered wooden shack, which Rangers who study the books within have
appears to be uninhabited. advantage on their next expedition activity.
3 Well A short circle of stones capped with Roll a d6. On a 1, the water harbors a
a thatched gable surrounds a well foul disease. On a 6, the Dowse for Water
that plunges deep into the earth. expedition activity automatically succeeds.
4 Stranded Sitting by the side of the trail is aRoll a d6. On a 6, the Hunt for Food
Caravan cart; lost, forgotten, or abandoned. expedition activity automatically
succeeds as there is food left within.
5 Stone Wall Spanning the woodlands ahead Roll a d6. On a 6, there are scrawled
is a stone wall, crumbled and instructions for a shortcut written on the
ancient, veined with ivy. stones. The Search for Shortcuts expedition
activity automatically succeeds.
6 Wooden A rickety wooden bridge extends before The Search for Shortcuts expedition
Bridge you. Its boards are soft with rot. activity automatically succeeds. If a creature
moves across the bridge roll a d6. On a 6,
they break a rotten board and fall.
7 Abandoned The earth has been cleared from this Checks made to navigate using this landmark
Quarry area, exposing the stone beneath. have advantage. Roll a d6. On a 6, there
Resources have been quarried out is a map of the local area left behind.
of the ground some time ago.
8 Primitive A ramshackle hut of stones with The Make Camp expedition activity
Bothy a tiled ceiling provides some automatically succeeds.
shelter from the biting cold.
9 Cattle Range A tall wooden fence forms a Crossing the fence requires a moderate climb
boundary in the forest, keeping check. On the other side, the next Hunt for
cattle or large animals contained. Food expedition activity has advantage.
10 Bandit Hideout Hidden behind a natural stone crest is Roll a d6. On a 1, the bandits return
the entrance to a hollowed-out hideout. within 24 hours. On a 6, the hideout
contains useful equipment.
Uncommon L andmarks
d10 Landmarks Description Hazard or Boon
1 Elemental Vines wrap tightly around a stone Roll a d6. On a 1, the waters contain an
Fountain fountain that still spurts sporadically.
elemental. On a 6, the Dowse for Water
expedition activity automatically succeeds.
2 Graveyard Jutting up from the earth like petrified Hostile undead rise from the graves here each
teeth are dozens of cracked gravestones. night. This effect can be dispelled by holy magic.
3 Stone Circle A wide ring of menhirs encloses Resting in the stone circle provides additional
this glade, their surfaces healing, but serves as an antimagic field.
engraved with symbols.
4 Beacon Spearing the sky is a twisted cage Roll a d6. On a 6, the fire is lit, and checks made
of iron, filled with dry firewood. to navigate using this landmark have advantage.
5 Forsaken Wooden stakes driven into the ground The boundary marks the range of monsters
Boundary have been topped with humanoid or evil creatures. Crossing it increases the
heads, forming a foreboding barrier. chance of combat encounters by 50%.
6 Ruined Tower Tilting dangerously over the Any weight applied to the tower causes it to
undergrowth is a ruined tower, its topple. Creatures in its path must succeed on
foundations crumbling and cracked. an agility save or be crushed beneath it.
7 Collapsed Where once was an entrance to a If a creature comes close to the mine shaft, roll a
Mine Shaft mine, now only shattered rubble d6. On a 6, the earth beneath them gives way.
and broken beams remain.
8 Meditation This enclosed ring of soft earth is A monk or druid can meditate in the shelter.
Circle decorated with colorful garlands and Their next expedition activity has advantage.
windchimes which tinkle in the wind.
9 Totem Pole Rising high alongside the trees Barbarians and druids can leave an offering at the
is a wooden pole carved with pole. Their next expedition activity has advantage.
the likeness of animal faces.
10 Reinvigoration A pool of invitingly bright blue Creatures that bathe in the pool regain
Pool water calls to you from the clearing. double hit points and automatically
Surrounding it are marble blocks succeed on their next morale save.
carved with floral motifs.
Wondrous L andmarks
d10 Terrain Description Hazard or Boon
1 Ancient Skeletal remains and rusted armor and Roll a d6. On a 1, undead rise from the
Battlefield weapons dot the landscape around you. battlefield. On a 6, there is magical treasure to
be discovered with a successful search check.
2 Sylvan Temple Through the trees you spot an alabaster Only paladins and clerics can enter the
temple of towering spires and arches. temple. Their morale is instantly restored.
3 Floating Tower Floating ten feet off the ground ahead is a Checks made to navigate using this landmark
tower that rotates slowly on its vertical axis. have advantage. The tower contains magic items
guarded by magical creatures, but can only be
accessed by flight or climbing grappling hooks.
4 Ghost Town All around you are empty buildings in Roll a d6. On a 6, ghosts haunt the
various states of decay. They look as if they ghost town and drain morale.
haven’t been inhabited in some time.
5 Tree Houses High in the canopy above are dozens of The houses could belong to elves, gnomes,
houses, connected by rope bridges. or other woodland beings. They might
be abandoned, or their inhabitants
could be adversarial or welcoming.
6 Sacrificial Blood-stained and etched with Resting near the sacrificial stone causes a creature
Altar dark sigils, the altar-like stone up to become temporarily mad, and try to sacrifice
ahead looks best avoided. another creature or themselves on the stone.
7 Mirror Visions Embedded in the loamy earth is a perfect If a character views the reflections, roll a
cube with polished, mirrored sides. d6. On a 1, they become confused and attack
Visions swim in the reflections. their allies. On a 6, they gain advantage
on their next navigation check.
8 Forlorn PrisonBuilt between pine stands is a great iron Roll a d6. On a 1, a demon is trapped within. On a
cage. It is sunk into the earth and rusted 6, a fey is trapped within. Free them at your peril.
with age. Within, something stirs.
9 Giant For centuries folk have kept this giant The Entertain your Allies expedition activity
Geoglyph figure, a horse, man, dragon, or similar, automatically succeeds at this landmark.
cut into the forest ground. Many
tales have been woven around it.
10 Hunting Cabin Adorned with trophies, this well- The next Hunt for Food expedition
maintained log cabin boasts a grand activity automatically succeeds. On a
fireplace and comfortable beds. 6, there are weapons in the cabin.
Natural Landmarks
These landmarks are created by nature itself, either through natural processes or magical effects. Some
are the handiwork of strange beings, while others may have stood there from the beginning of time.
Uncommon Natural L andmarks
d10 Landmark Description Hazard or Boon
1 Toadstool Gigantic toadstool groves break the Checks made to navigate using this landmark
Grove canopy with their brightly colored have advantage. Toadstool groves glow
caps. Their iridescent glow makes them through the night, reducing the chance of
natural lighthouses once the sun has set. encounters but making it harder to sleep.
2 Fungal Mass Rupturing from the forest floor is Creatures in a large radius of the mass must
a colossal mass of fungal bodies; succeed on hard vitality check or become poisoned.
lumps, bumps, and boils in a variety
of toxic colors and noxious textures.
3 Geyser A great vent of steam and water vapor Checks made to navigate using this landmark
explodes from the earth and streams up have advantage. Crossing the geyser at the
into the sky with a deafening clamor. wrong time deals major fire damage.
4 Meteorite Sunk into the clearing, surrounded Roll a d6. On a 6, the meteorite has
on all sides by trees leaning as it attracted a covetous monster.
to be clear of the alien object, is a
meteorite of glistening star metal.
5 Dancing Grove The trees here spiral and twist like Checks made to navigate through this landmark
dancers at play. Their trunks contort have disadvantage. Alcoholic beverages
into strange shapes then uncoil, consumed within are twice their usual
never taking the same form twice. strength, and inspire dancing in the drinker.
6 Frozen An eerily silent sight to behold, a Checks made to navigate using this landmark
Waterfall waterfall gushes over the cliff ahead. have advantage. Creatures that linger near
Rather than surging as nature intended, the waterfall suffer from extreme cold.
the outlet of nature’s wrath is frozen.
7 Root Spiral A strange, interconnected web This landmark can be climbed with an easy check.
of roots climbs up into their air, From the top, navigation checks advantage.
forming adjacent cells that can
be climbed for a better view.
8 Root Bridge Twisting and clawing its way across Crossing a root bridge means the Search for
the chasm is a bridge formed from the Shortcuts expedition activity automatically
herculean roots of a brawny fig tree. succeeds, but requires an agility check.
Failure destroys the bridge, and injures the
failing creature, reducing their speed.
9 Prismatic A colorful crystal juts up from the Checks made to navigate using this landmark
Crystal fallen leaves, refracting rainbows of have advantage. If creatures rest here, roll
light in kaleidoscopic patterns over a d6. On a 6, then awaken blinded.
the trunks of the nearby trees.
10 Forest Gate The branches of nearby trees One character can walk through the
have been interwoven to form forest gate each day. Doing so gives
an arched gateway, large enough advantage on their next morale save.
for a person to walk through.
Wondrous Natural L andmarks
d10 Landmark Description Hazard or Boon
1 Behemoth Half-consumed by the moss-covered Checks made to navigate using this landmark
Skeleton forest floor is the gigantic skeleton have advantage. Necromancy spells cast
of some ancient behemoth. near the skeleton are empowered.
2 Faerie Ring The ring of toadstools quivers with Casting spells causes wild magic surges.
magical potential, as if obscured by Roll a d6. On a 6, faeries appear and
heat haze. Butterflies flit around create magical food and drink.
it in a state of perpetual joy.
3 Moonbridge You glimpse the vague, ethereal Roll a d6. On a 6, it is a full moon, and the bridge
outline of an arched bridge up ahead. provides a shortcut; the Search for Shortcuts
expedition activity automatically succeeds.
4 Heartseed A vibrantly colored, oblong seed You restore maximum hit points from healing
as tall as a wizard’s tower provides and resting by the seed. Natural spellcasters
all life energy in the forest. roll a d6, learning a new spell on a 6.
5 Portal Not far from the trail is a tree Roll a d6. On a 1, passing through the
with a split trunk. In the gap is portal gives a level of exhaustion. On
a portal of distorting energy. a 6, it leads to a faerie realm.
6 Woodland A grand statue-like construct made A certain action triggers the guardian to animate
Guardian of timber looms high amongst such as making fire or drawing weapons. It
the trees. It is inert, for now. might obey or attack the triggering creature.
7 Levitating Passing through the air at shoulder Navigating the river with a hard difficulty
River height is a river, rippling just as if it pilot check in a waterborne vehicle works
were rushing along its rightful course. as a shortcut - the Search for Shortcuts
expedition activity automatically succeeds.
8 Ghost Grove Spectral animals and plants appear Resting in a Ghost Grove does not
in this strange grove. Ghostly birds restore morale or hit dice.
fly through the trees, and ethereal
bugs crawl through your boots.
9 Singing Tree This willow sings in beautiful tones Roll a d6. On a 1, the song causes magical
that carry for miles, though only druids sleep. On a 6, it restores morale.
and fey can understand the song.
10 Faerie Throne A high-backed chair has been carved Sitting on the throne summons a fey creature
from a tree stump and covered with who, depending on their reception, offers
foliage and flowers. Fey creatures hold a morale boost or tricks the characters.
court in the surrounding glades.
he atmosphere of a scene can be just as Conditions
important as the individual elements While the terrain defines the base aspect of a forest
that make it up. Sometimes you might scene, conditions are a great way to add another
want to invoke a fearful vibe, other times dimension to the location. This includes making them
you might want to inspire them with a more interesting or challenging, subverting expectations,
wondrous feeling. or perhaps even turning them into lucky breaks that
help the expedition along. Conditions are especially
Such emotions, feelings, and ambiances have certain useful when describing wilderness locations in more
tropes that will automatically put the feel into the intimate detail, and often inform the type of encounters
players’ minds, and hopefully manifest through the that are about to take place. These can be natural
behavior of the characters. A table of atmospheres and hazards such as a flooded road that stranded a caravan,
some of their associated elements are detailed below. or an animated gorge, with chunks of rock floating
mysteriously, forming ever-moving stepping stones.
d6 Atmosphere Elements
Scene conditions, such as flooded or muddy can be
1 Beautiful/ Enchanted, Sweet Nectar, applied to different parts of a scene as you see fit. The
Inspiring Mirror Pools, Crystals, table below contains a wealth of different conditions,
Bioluminescent Plans a description of how it could be applied to a scene,
2 Peaceful/ Babbling Brook, Tranquil as well as a way for characters to interact with the
Idyllic Birdsong, Whistling condition if you’re looking to deepen your encounter.
Wind, Fragrant Blossom
3 Vibrant/Alive Animated, Teeming, Sensory Stimulation
Overgrown, Buzzing Insects, Suddenly, my nostrils were filled with a fragrant odor.
Pine Sap, Woodsmoke,
Petrichor, Animal Manure, Something so sweet as to almost be sickly. I couldn’t
Animal Marks fathom what around me had caused such a musk. As
I scanned the low bracken for a source, I realized the
4 Mysterious/ Cultivated, Petrified, Flooded, entire forest had fallen silent around me. I realized I
Strange Ethereal Song, Symbol,
was holding my breath, and as I released it the leaves in
Will o’ the Wisp, Forest
Throne, Augury Roots the trees seemed to rustle as if caught in a breeze.
5 Foreboding/ Burnt, Broken, Infested, It can be very challenging to describe a wilderness
Tense Muddy, Cracking Twigs, scene beyond its visual appearance. Game masters
Creaking Branches, Rustling often rely on sight alone to describe a scene. This
Leaves, Poisonous Plants serves well for speed and clarity but often falls short
of the evocative descriptions that can be achieved by
6 Horror/Scary Rotten, Charnel, Twisted, drawing on all senses. The following section offers
Howling Monsters, Fighting you inspiration to add detail to your forest location
Animals, Putrid Mud, Rotting descriptions, using sights, sounds, and smells.
Wood, Blood Smears
Sounds can be very important to a location, not only to
describe its teeming wildlife and rushing river, but it
can also be used to offer subtle clues when visibility is
limited. Sounds can be used for a number of roleplaying
effects such as offering a clue to creatures nearby, the
direction of a quarry, to hamper characters hearing
advancing foes, or simply delight in the lush forest
beauty. Sounds may not always be what they first
appear, as the thick growth and trunks of a forest
naturally muffle and distort sounds. A great way to
add mystery and intrigue. Consider using sound to
give characters a reason to be curious and explore.
Creaking Branches
Use the following table and descriptions to
add sound to your scene descriptions:
Overhead, the branches of the swaying trees creak and
groan as they are buffeted by the wind. The strain upon
d20 Sounds the great boughs is clear, and the creaks begin to turn
1 Babbling Brook into cracks.
2 Buzzing Insects Most commonly caused by heavy winds or the
passage of arboreal creatures, creaking branches
3 Cracking Twigs can be used to instill stress and paranoia in
4 Creaking Branches players. At any point a bough might break and
5 Ethereal Song fall down upon the characters, or a hideous
monstrosity could swing down to ambush them.
6 Fighting Animals
7 Howling Monsters Ethereal Song
8 Rustling Leaves Drifting through the serene woods comes a hauntingly
9 Tranquil Birdsong beautiful song. You can only make out a word here and
there, never a full verse, but what does alight upon
10 Whistling Wind your ears brings tears to your eyes.
Babbling Brooks Often, we associate ghostly or otherworldly music
in woodlands with mystery and alluring beauty.
The gentle babbling of a nearby brook fills your ears. This music might come from elves or fey creatures,
The flowing water sounds like a mixture of carefree or it might be created by some melancholy spirit
giggling and quiet chatter. who wanders the woods. Either way, it can create
An infinitely pleasant sound, a babbling brook a sense of eeriness or mysticality in a scene.
instantly evokes a picturesque forest and calming
tranquil vibes. This could be used to lull characters Fighting A nimals
into a false sense of security, or indicate that The snarls and growls of a vicious scrap are carried
they have a chance to rest and recover.
to you on the wind. Something not far away is clearly
fighting for its life.
Buzzing Insects
The sound of animals fighting is heinous - a truly
The buzzing of bumblebees and other insects can be harrowing cacophony that is uncomfortable at best
heard throughout the grove. Their humming flights and disturbing at worst. Such a sound traveling
whizz around you, the sound never coming from one through a woodland can be used to create an uneasy
direction for long. feeling, or even foreshadow a coming encounter.
Depending on what insect you choose, the sound
of buzzing insects can be pleasant or mildly Howling Monsters
disturbing. Bumblebees, hoverflies, or dragonflies A piercing howl cuts through the stillness of the forest.
could be used to create a calming atmosphere, It drones on for what seems like minutes, sending
whereas cockroaches, bluebottles, or flies might
shivers down your spine.
be used to capture a more sinister scene.
The howling of monsters lets characters know
Cracking T wigs that they are in danger and gives them the
opportunity to do something about it. They might
Sharp snaps echo through the grove as someone, or try to identify the monster from its howling, conceal
something makes its way through the undergrowth. themselves, or prepare to attack. To add a twist,
The cracking gets louder and louder as whatever it is consider having the monster howl because it is
draws near. injured or scared, rather than ready to hunt.
The cracking of twigs beneath a creature’s feet is
a great tool to quickly foreshadow the approach of
something dangerous. It has a sinister, anticipatory
feel that should keep players on the edge of their
seats and characters’ hands on their blades. By using
cracking twigs and not revealing what caused it,
you can keep players guessing at what’s to come.
Rustling Leaves
Leaves crunch and rustle all around you in a spattering Smells are frequently underused when setting a
of susurrations that seem like hundreds of tiny scene, but they can be powerful and visceral when
footsteps. used well. By judiciously using smells, you can
Rustling leaves is an ambiguous sound that could really enhance the atmosphere of a scene, or hint
spell the entrance of a friend or foe, or simply a at what’s to come: a tranquil forest has a distinctly
fresh breeze blowing through the woodland. different feel if the scent of blood lingers in the air.
Culinary Herbs
A complex, herbaceous scent rises from the creeping
undergrowth. The aromatic smell makes your mouths
water and your stomachs rumble.
In some parts of the forest, herbs that can be used
in cooking grow in vast blankets or clustered
pockets. These herbs, when in full leaf or flower,
produce amazing smells that are activated simply
by brushing against them, or by the gentle flow
of the wind. Consider whether the herbs could be
used by a character to improve rations, or to sell
at their next civilized waypoint. Common herbs
include creeping thyme, which has a warming,
vaguely citrusy smell, rosemary, which has a pine-
like woodsy aroma, bay bushes, which has an earthy,
floral scent, and mint, which has a sharp, cool tang.
Fragrant Blossom P utrid Mud
A fragrant, botanical smell floats down from the The reek of putrefying bog mud lies throughout the
blossom-covered boughs up above. As you walk, you woodland. Where the muck has been disturbed the
move through clouds of the bright fragrance. smell is intense, making you gag and splutter.
Like with flowering plants, blossom can be used to This disgusting smell can be used as a warning to
make a forest feel slightly magical, bright, and filled characters that they have entered a dangerous, hazardous
with life. You can use such a smell as a cue for characters area of woodland, or that creatures who make their
to take a rest from their travels, or twist the trope and homes in swamps might be nearby. It can also just serve
plan an ambush in an otherwise tranquil setting. to evoke a sickening and uncomfortable atmosphere.
An elven brooch of twisted
Forest Discoveries 24
silver in the shape of a lily.
When heroes set out on a journey to go there and back A fungal grove that houses a ritual circle,
again, it are the unexpected discoveries that sometimes with a pouch of strange ingredients nearby.
are the most memorable. The big and small things found 26 The lichen-covered corpse of a centaur.
along the way can be the true treasure returned home.
This section provides a variety of intriguing discoveries, A colossal sword ten feet in length, sculpted
minor loot and sylvan treasures, some of which make entirely out of jade and overgrown with roots.
perfect quest hooks to spark an entirely new expedition. A smoldering tree stump with a black
iron axehead sticking out from it.
d50 Forest Discoveries A black flower with red markings whose
1 Red blood splatters drip from the ferns nearby. stem weeps blood when plucked.
A pair of heavy fur boots A moss-covered tombstone by the trailside with
2 30
covered in spiderwebs. several bouquets of trilliums and foxgloves.
A snow-white ivory flute Crude boots made of leather stitched by
3 31
stashed in a tree stump. goblins, with fishing line for laces.
4 Fragrant herbs left in a smoldering campfire. A chest inlaid with a mother-of-pearl
32 crescent moon that can only be opened
An onyx wedding ring hanging under the light of a crescent moon.
from the canopy.
A quiver filled with masterfully
6 Frostbitten dragon saddle lying in a bush. 33
made hunting arrows.
A sparkling obsidian crown at A magnetic lodestone that strongly pulls armor
7 34
the bottom of a pond. and metal weapons or implements toward it.
8 Black gleaming barbarian totem. A wounded horse spattered with blood
9 A dark love letter written on a tree trunk. that has a luxurious but empty saddle.
An iridescent crystal shard hidden A partially ruined hut with
10 36
behind a stone circle. an ogre’s club nearby.
An aged unicorn skull whose A wooden hand that looks like
11 37
horn has turned pitch-black. it belongs to a nymph.
A crude, lichen-covered xylophone 38 A pile of skulls placed in the roots of a dead tree.
fashioned from the ribcage of a human. Fragrant herbs that smell divine,
An eerily glowing totem of a forest spirit but induce nightmares.
that draws in wolves whenever used. A troll hide hanging from an ancient oak tree.
A broken silver lantern decorated with a leaf It is held in place by three silver elven daggers.
motif that can only be repaired by fairies. A moonflower that sings when
An overgrown elk-horn helmet that covers its its petals open at night.
wearer in vines that serve as crude armor. A battered suit of rusted armor that
The remains of a campsite whose fire appears to be made for a human child.
16 glows with ethereal starlight, and appears A foul-smelling cairn of stones
to have a meteor in its embers. 43
surrounded by blackened soil.
A dust-covered black stone from A moss-covered grindstone that gives
17 44
which smoke emanates. visions of the past to whoever touches it.
A torn piece of silk robe decorated with A bag of tanned skin that holds a
flowers, caught on the briar by the trailside. 45 collection of human and animal teeth,
A ghostly wagon that trundles silently eyes, bird bones, and feathers.
along the trail toward a wooded barrow. 46 A stone beacon marked with a sun symbol.
Drag marks in the dirt that appear A slime pit from which vermin
20 47
to be left behind by a giant owl. gnawed bones protrude.
A reeking fountain that has been A section of castle wall that seems to have
21 48
corrupted with foul water. been dropped in the middle of the woods.
A wooden watchtower of gnomish Snow-covered banners from a winter
22 49
construction with a cauldron at its top. festival long since passed.
A fragmented runic necklace that A mud-splattered totem carved
23 50
is missing some of its jewels. of ancient wood.
Wondrous Forests
“I lifted the lantern higher, revealing a gruesome warped corpse.
It was melding with the tree bark in some blasphemous
manner, as if the forest was claiming s next prize.”
The Marrowgroveblood-red moon rises above the needleless
pines, causing them to stand out in Notable Features
silhouette against the night’s sanguine
The Marrowgrove is a unique and terrifying
glow. The skeletal stands clatter and environment for characters to explore and
rattle in the deathly cold wind that rushes traverse. This section provides you with key
through the grove, shuddering back and forth in rigor- elements that make the Marrowgrove special.
mortised quivers. A terrible moan accompanies the
howling of the wind, slowly rising in volume until it The Dead Don’t Die
reaches a cacophonous climax and is cut off. An ethereal Beasts and humanoids killed in the forest often
form moves toward you through the naked trunks-- reanimate after their souls have left them. The undead
literally through them. The figure is bound in chains and corpses that remain take on a hideous semblance of
wears an expression of unbridled woe. life and a ravening appetite for humanoid flesh. These
disgusting zombies sometimes band together in swarms
that sweep through the forest consuming whatever
The Marrowgrove is a forest where undead lurk beneath
living flesh they encounter. In other instances the
low boughs, reanimated by some necromantic force
dead might not animate until they are skeletal, their
within the woods. The woodland is a cruel mockery of
cadavers covered in twisting roots and grasping ivy.
nature, mimicking life with undeath, and represents
a true test of survival for experienced adventurers. Eventually, these creatures might fall apart entirely
and return to the earth for a period of time, but
the cycle of undeath never ends. Before long, the
ground tainted by the festering remains takes on a
The Marrowgrove could have originated in numerous ‘life’ in a new form. Perhaps a massive fungal bloom
ways, but all of them involve necromantic magic in emerges that ejects deathly poisonous spores, or
some shape or form. This evil magic is said to have maybe the dirt itself rises as a warped homunculus
infused the forest with a malignancy that will last for with the skull of an animal. In the Marrowgrove,
eternity - whether the characters can stand it for the everything is eventually dragged back to the surface.
duration of their expedition remains to be seen.
Blasphemous Origins Sensory Stimulation
The following sounds, sights, smells, and
The M arrowgrove is a ghastly haunted
feelings can be used to bring the Marrowgrove
grove where dreadful undead lurk and the
to life, and create a dreadful atmosphere.
mournful wails of lost souls drift on the
eerie fog. even the terrain itself is out to
get you. Death is more prominent than life d10 Marrowgrove Sounds
in this hideous woodland. Nothing truly 1 The gnawing of bones by some many-
dies, as nature reclaims and reanimates . toothed creature just off the trail.
2 The distant howling of the wind, or
♦ Life Imitates Death: Many of the creatures
and even plants in the Marrowgrove are dead, perhaps a spirit caught between worlds.
or undead. Even the living things seem to mimic 3 The sudden crack of a branch snapping
death in their anatomy and appearance. and falling to the ground.
♦ Eternal Cycling: When something dies in 4 A half-whispered conversation between shades.
the Marrowgrove, it’s only a matter of time before
it returns as an undead. Even once the undead is 5 The cawing cries of crows in
destroyed, its essence seeps into the earth. between pecking at corpses.
♦ Misery Reigns: There is rarely a glimmer 6 Barely audible weeping of an innocent soul
of hope in the Marrowgrove. It’s a depressing and forever trapped in the twilight realm.
disgusting place to travel through, and wears down
those who inhabit it for too long. 7 Hollow echoes of a dramatic event
♦ Malice Manifest: Even the terrain of from a departed life, perhaps the last
the Marrowgrove has some sinister, malicious moments of some poor soul.
intellect. Everything within this haunted 8 Icy whispers of the dead, blindly seeking
woodland is out to get the living. a path back to the world of the living.
♦ Afterlife Echoes: Intelligent creatures that
die in the Marrowgrove leave echoes of their 9 Insane laughter of a phantom whose
lives within it. These might be accessible through inability to depart from the mortal
cursed touchstones, or manifest as ghosts. realm has cost them their sanity.
♦ Gruesome: Everything looks revolting. 10 Indecipherable, broken babble surrounds
Vines pulse and throb like blood vessels. Skeletons you, sounding vaguely like someone
erupt with growths like trees of bone. Animals are speaking, but indecipherable.
Marrowgrove Smells
The overpowering musk of decaying
Hazards & Terrain
flesh burns your nostrils.
The following terrain types and hazards are
2 An ozone-tinted miasma hinting at the unique to the Marrowgrove. They can be used
presence of those passed on to the next life. to create exciting roleplaying moments and put a
3 A reeking, animal scent that makes dark spin on combat, survival, and exploration.
you feel as if your nose is bleeding.
4 The unmistakable metallic Cold Spots
scent of drying blood. When walking through the Marrowgrove, you might
notice an area where frost coats the undergrowth
5 A waft of ashen air that seems to pump and the leaves of low-hanging limbs are frozen solid.
frozen air through your sinuses. These patches are called cold spots, and are caused
6 A rancid stench of something fetid, turning when spirits from the afterlife congregate in an area.
your stomach and making you feel ill. Their presence lingers in these places, causing them
7 The moist smell of recently dug to become freezing cold. Eventually, the frost lifts and
earth, mixed with a rotting odor. the damaged vegetation begins to rot, but while the
cold spot is still chilled, it can be a serious hazard.
8 A mild, somewhat pleasant aroma of
recently burned candles, or incense.
Crippling Chill - deadly threat; 120 ft. sphere - The chill is
9 A whiff of cold, humid air carrying cold enough to cause significant damage, but it also saps
a hint of putrescence. the strength and vigor of explorers. The crippling chill
10 The smell of graves and long-buried slows their travel pace, lowers their carrying capacity,
corpses, starts as barely discernible and eventually causes unconsciousness or even death.
but slowly grows stronger.
with deceased and undead creatures as if they were
still living. This can be extremely useful for those Empowered Undead - moderate threat; 1-mile
trying to avoid undead or help their souls pass to radius - The ritual magic imbued in gravemounds
the next life, but is also fraught with danger. strengths the undead around it, making them less
vulnerable to radiant damage and holy turning
Chief among these dangers is simply spending too long magic. Living creatures that enter gravemounds are
in the veil. Losing touch with the world of the living likely to awaken undead creatures from their rest.
through exposure to the realm of the dead can cause
a creature to become trapped in limbo. Their soul R eclamation M arsh
lingers in the veil, and their body becomes a wraith
In some places in the Marrowgrove, a thick, all-
trapped within the bounds of the Marrowgrove.
consuming bog of black fluid lies beneath the fallen
leaves. Travelers might walk across the uneven
Visions of Death - mild threat; touch - A creature that
surface of such a marsh for days before realizing that
touches a cursed touchstone and focuses on its magical
they are no longer standing on solid ground. Having
sigils becomes privy to a vision. These hallucinations
strayed too far from solid ground, the traveler may
are often prophetic in nature, but rarely are they simple
learn why these reclamation marshes earn their
to decipher. Some show glimpses of the future, others
name; creatures sucked down into their depths are
look into an alternate past, and others still, the lives and
eventually regurgitated as festering undead.
memories of creatures claimed by the Marrowgrove.
Furthermore, creatures that spend too long walking
over a reclamation marsh begin to have their minds
Gravemounds warped. Such creatures gain an insatiable appetite
that can cause them to consume moss, bark, mud, and,
In some places the ground rises into a barren mound at its worst, humanoid flesh. This kind of magical
surrounded by withered trees that seem to beckon insanity is difficult to cure once it takes hold.
you closer. These mounds are where bodies have been
interred and enclosed beneath the earth originally dug A reclamation marsh can be recognized by
out for their grave. They may be small, containing a few signs, such as animals eating peculiar
only a single individual, or enormous, marking things around its periphery and soft spongy
the mass grave created after a war, famine, plague, ground that gives off a sulfurous scent.
or similar catastrophic event. A circle of bleached
stones may mark the entrance to a gravemound. Engulfed by Sludge - deadly threat; touch - Creatures
walking through a reclamation marsh must make
In the Marrowgrove, these barrows take on more dexterity saves every few miles or be sucked into the bog,
sinister properties. The humanoids buried within the where they begin drowning. The only means of escape is
mounds rise as zombies, skeletons, ghouls and the like, using strength or some anchoring mechanism. Creatures
but they are changed by the forest. Their bones and that rest in the marsh must make a will save after each
limbs branch out like those of a grisly tree, creating rest or develop an insatiable, irrational appetite.
smaller offshoots of bone or flesh that resemble roots or
branches. This horrific mimicry of nature is sickening
to behold, and makes the undead far more dangerous.
12 Rotten. Bark peels from trees in sodden sheets,
Special Qualities
flesh turns to mush as visceral fluid leaks
from organs, flowers soften and wither on
stems, and teeth decay within their maws.
See below for some special qualities that life
forms (plant or animal) in the Marrowgrove 13 Screeching. When a life form here
may possess. These qualities can be combined finds suitable prey, they screech at the
with standard plants, animals, or monsters to top of their lungs, alerting all other
create variants specific to the Marrowgrove, predators in a nearby radius.
such as Ethereal Maggots or Hellborn Vines. 14 Septic. The lifeforms spread a disease
which causes organ failure, starting
d20 Marrowgrove Flora & Fauna with shakes, then a stunned feeling,
followed by paralysis and then death.
1 Carrion-Nesting. The creature’s young
or plant’s seeds gestate in carcasses, 15 Soul-Leeching. The creatures and plants
bursting forth from the rotting remains here don’t drain nutrients, they drain souls.
when they grow large enough. Their insatiable appetite for spirits results
in withered husks wandering the woods.
2 Corpse-Grinding. The living things here
destroy the corpses of others to fuel their 16 Spiked. Plants and animals here have
own growth. The more cadavers they bone spurs, ragged antlers, twisting
consume, the more monstrous they appear. horns, monstrous tusks, keratinous spines,
vicious thorns, or chitinous hooks.
3 Curse-Spreading. Everything in the
Marrowgrove is touched by a curse. It could 17 Monstrous. Creatures and plants here look
be as extreme as vampirism, or as mundane disfigured and uncanny. Consuming them
as bad luck, but, it is always contagious. causes the same to occur in the eater.
4 Ethereal. The lifeforms are not quite part 18 Twisted. Life here is a sick mockery of
of this world. Some parts of them exist in nature. Creatures walk on warped limbs,
another plane, or in another time. Their trees grow with their roots in the air and
bodies may not fully manifest in this realm. branches in the earth, while insects have
shells made from skin instead of chitin.
5 Foul. Plants are withered and blighted,
as if suffering from a malady. Animals 19 Morale-Sapping. The mere presence of wildlife
are reeking and rancid, with patchy fur, in the Marrowgrove causes nearby sentient
putrefying skin, and yellowed bone. creatures to feel depressed and exhausted. Their
sapping auras are near-impossible to avoid.
6 Hellborn. The wildlife has a connection
to the hells. Their eyes replaced with 20 Grisly Branching. Creatures in the
balls of fire, they have lava for blood, Marrowgrove have eruptions of bone and
or their bite is as hard as black iron. flesh that protrude like branches, while the
branches of plants look like blood vessels.
7 Hollow. Creatures have cracks in their
skin that reveal a hollow interior like Burrowback Beetles
a porcelain doll. They seem to have no
interest in life, wandering aimlessly. These insects get their moniker from their habit of
burrowing into the backs of animals and humanoids,
8 Howling. The plants and beasts whether they’re dead or alive. Here, the beetles
make horrific wailing noises that lay clutches of writhing maggots that feed upon
madden those who listen to them. the living flesh or the viscera of the dead. These
9 Nightmare-Inducing. The creatures and plants repulsive beetles are slightly iridescent and have
here disturb the mind, stirring up suppressed dark red cases with vertical black stripes. They
memories of past horrific events and causing grow to about the size of a gold piece, though most
nearby sentient creatures to have nightmares. are smaller. Although the process of harvesting
them is disgusting, Burrowback Beetle larvae are
10 Plague-Bearing. Life here is diseased
a great source of protein for foraging explorers.
and virulent. Each creature seems to be
infected or infested in some way and
their contagion spreads like wildfire.
A creature that finds themselves with a swarm of
Burrowback Beetles on their bodies will have to act
11 Revenant. Life forms killed in the fast to remove them. The massive trauma caused
Marrowgrove come back with vengeance. in such a short period by the insects can kill a
They animate after death, possessed creature in a matter of minutes. Burrowback Beetles
by a spirit that lusts for revenge. can be deterred by mild acid, such as vinegar.
These crawling, ivy-like vines make their way through diseases or be unnaturally aggressive in their new
the Marrowgrove in search of decaying matter in which form, making them a serious danger to explorers.
to implant their tendrils. The vines leech nutrients
from dead creatures, helping them grow thicker and Undead animals use the game statistics of their
longer. Additionally, the energy leeched from the corpses living counterparts, but with greater brawn and
allows them to move around, albeit slowly, in search of endurance. Additionally, if such a creature is killed,
new feasts. The easiest way to distinguish a leechvine it can make an endurance save based on the damage
from ivy is the color of the leaves—where ivy has a taken to stay alive as the body continues to reanimate.
green or variegated leaf, leechvine leaves are always This might look like the body knitting itself back
black. Leechvines pose less danger to living, conscious together, or simply carrying on fighting despite a
creatures, but horror stories of leechvines crawling grievous wound. This doesn’t apply if the undead
into tents and shooting their tendrils into sleeping animal is killed by a holy source or a critical strike.
New Monsters
adventurers are common around the Marrowgrove.
The necromantic
energies in the
Marrowgrove often Type: Huge plant, chaotic evil
prevent natural Special Ability: Petrifying Embrace
decomposition of Mental: ttttt
dead creatures. Physical: ttttt
This can result in Magical: ttttt
a creature rising
from the dead after Some of the trees in the
the scavengers Marrowgrove have undergone
and insects have a hideous transformation,
had their taste. becoming animated and evil.
These disturbing These trees are known as
mockeries of groveghasts and, to the untrained
life might carry eye, are indistinguishable from
regular trees. These plants move
slowly through the Marrowgrove
in search of living beings or suitable ambush spots. be trapped on the material plane rather than ascending
When a groveghast encounters a living creature it to the afterlife. If such a thing occurs, the soul quickly
pulls it into its trunk with its strong limbs. Unless the transforms into a whisperghoul, a vaguely humanoid
creature can quickly break free, they rapidly become spectral form shrouded in an aura of whispered sonnets,
a part of the tree. This process is somewhat similar half-sung stanzas, and broken melodies. A creature
to petrification, except the creature turns into bark- who hears the mournful verses of a whisperghoul
covered wood, not stone. Over time, groveghasts always suffers some dangerous effect that varies from
display the terrified visages of numerous beasts and uncontrollable shuddering to incurable madness.
humanoids on their trunks as their victims begin to Only once the whisperghoul’s unfinished business is
mount—a tell-tale sign that the stony-barked tree is resolved will those who heard the verses be cured.
Quest Hooks
a groveghast and not just another withered trunk.
Premonition Wraith
Type: Medium undead, chaotic neutral The following quest hooks give you an easy way
Special Ability: Foresight to draw characters into the Marrowgrove.
Mental: ttttt Each is specific to this forest and showcases
Physical: ttttt one or more of its most unique elements.
Magical: ttttt
Future Visions
Spirits from beyond the grave, An oracle has predicted some awful
premonition wraiths are similar event is going to occur, but they cannot
to ghosts or poltergeists, tell exactly what that event is going
but they have the uncanny to be. They need the characters to
ability to predict the future. travel to the Marrowgrove and locate
The visions of the future a linked series of cursed touchstones
they create are often which should provide the final parts
horrifying to behold of the vision and give a clearer picture
but contain hints and of what’s to come. There are five
clues of major events touchstones in total. The characters
that will soon come to need to discover three to get a
pass. Because of this, general picture of what is to come,
premonition wraiths while any additional stones will give
are sought out by sages further detail. You can use this quest
and scholars who are to foreshadow an event that is planned
desperate to uncover for your campaign, like the approach of a
new knowledge before new threat or an attack by a major villain.
their competitors.
Unfortunately, the Once the characters reach the
recipient of such a Marrowgrove, they realize they’re not the
foresight must sacrifice only ones seeking out the touchstones. An evil
their own life force to group is also seeking out the stones to destroy
the premonition wraiths them before their visions can be observed. The
in the process of divination. characters must deal with the undead creatures
This aging cannot be reversed of the Marrowgrove as well as this rival group.
except by extraordinary magical The cursed touchstones are spread out across the
means. Those who abuse the foresight of the Marrowgrove, but each is linked to the other by
premonition wraith will find themselves losing a series of runes engraved into its surface. The
their own memories, eventually becoming insane. characters must navigate through crypt mist and
gravemounds in order to find the stones and put the
Whisperghoul visions from the touchstones in the correct sequence.
Type: Medium undead, neutral evil
Special Ability: Whispering Aura R eturn to the Earth
Mental: ttttt An undead horror has crawled from beneath the
Physical: ttttt earth to threaten a nearby community. The militia
Magical: ttttt are unable to destroy the creature using force, fire,
magic, or any other means. Local clergy believe that
Whisperghouls are the spirits of restless humanoids who the creature, an enormous fleshmeld the size of a small
in life were poets, storytellers, bards, or songwriters. cottage, can only be killed in the land it came from - a
When one such artist dies under hideous circumstances, reclamation marsh in the Marrowgrove. Outside of
or with unresolved business in life, their souls might this area, the festering undead is immune to damage.
In order to save the community, the characters must heard of a druid that possessed great alchemical
lure the fleshmeld back into the Marrowgrove, locate knowledge, but went missing in the Marrowgrove.
the reclamation marsh, and kill the creature there. After revealing that they’d discovered the last known
location of the druid within the forest, the sage asks
Luring the fleshmeld back to the Marrowgrove is the adventurers to help them recover the druid’s
relatively easy as the creature doggedly follows the diary and notes. If the characters agree, the sage will
nearest form of life. However, this means that the willingly brew potions for them at a great discount.
characters cannot stop at any point, lest the fleshmeld
catch up and devour them. Furthermore, they The characters must escort the sage through the
must ward off any other living creatures, especially Marrowgrove, keeping them safe from harm while also
humanoids, in case the fleshmeld follows them instead. keeping the spirits of the entire party high. The sage
Once they reach the Marrowgrove, they’ll need to directs the party, but will not reveal the destination,
use their survival skills to discover the reclamation fearing the party might betray them. However, the sage
marsh it came from and fight the fleshmeld there. is so decrepit that if their morale score drops too low,
it sends them into spiraling despair that causes them
Upon reaching the reclamation marsh, the characters to lose their memories and become unable to direct the
have to avoid falling into sinkholes that threaten to characters to their destination. If their morale drops
swallow them and resist the mind-altering effects below a minimum threshold, the sage succumbs to terror
of the bog. Worse still, each blow they deal to the and madness, and the last location of the druid is lost.
fleshmeld releases the memories of one of the creatures
that was digested by the undead monstrosity, causing If the characters keep morale high and follow the
waves of mind-assaulting emotional distress. directions of the sage, they discover a ruined tower
that appears to have been burned. Here, in the ruined
Groveghast A ssault tower, they find the druid’s alchemical notes describing
An ally of the characters was recently forced to travel the augur root–just what the sage was looking for.
through the Marrowgrove. When they fail to arrive at
their destination, it becomes clear they never made it out Blade from the Bones
of the forest. The characters must investigate in order to The characters hear a rumor about an immensely
save their ally and recover important information that powerful sword wielded by a world-shaking titan
the ally holds. In order to find them, the characters must many centuries ago. The blade had the ability to
travel to the Marrowgrove themselves, use their survival change its size to fit its wielder. It is whispered that the
skills to determine the path their ally took, and discover blade still rests in a black lake in the Marrowgrove,
what has prevented them from leaving the forest. embedded in the remains of a behemoth.
When the characters arrive in the Marrowgrove If the players wish to obtain the sword, they must
they quickly discover that something evil is at work, decipher the rumors and legends surrounding the
crypt mist has spread out across almost the entirety blade, as well as do research of their own in libraries
of the woods, and there is a horde of skeletons and scriptoriums to discover the exact location of
ambling throughout. These skeletons seem to be the lake in the Marrowgrove. Once they set off, they
searching for humanoids to take as captives, and the must survive the undead monstrosities that haunt the
characters encounter at least one group of captives forest, as well as the nightmare-inducing and soul-
being taken to the heart of the Marrowgrove. sapping wildlife that seems to plague their every step.
The behemoth skeleton serves as a landmark, but it
In the heart of the Marrowgrove is an enormous is difficult to find due to encroaching crypt mist.
Groveghast; a tree-like creature that can pull living
beings into its trunk. This particular specimen has If the characters locate the lake with the skeletal
grown enormous; the petrified faces of screaming behemoth, they find the sword lodged in its giant skull.
humanoids, including the ally of the characters, are Unfortunately, the skeleton is half-sunk into the mud.
entombed within its bark. The sheer number of The characters must avoid being sucked into the mud as
creatures it has consumed has given this groveghast they retrieve the enormous blade, which is over ten feet
heightened intelligence and it has been commanding long and glistening with arcane runes. As soon as the
the skeletons to bring more and more victims. Killing it blade is drawn from the skull, the behemoth skeleton
will free the characters’ ally and the rest of the victims. begins to animate, though age and decay cause it to
immediately begin deteriorating. Because the characters
The Lost Diary of Sylvanus have no way to stop the behemoth—the sword requires
This quest hook is a tie-in to Root of Sylvanus and The a ritual to attune to its new master, so it is still ten feet
Shadows of the Marrowgrove, the adventures included long and lacking its magical power—they must flee
with this book. The characters are approached by a the forest keeping up a fast pace to outrun the skeleton
peculiar old sage who wishes to unlock alchemical and allow it to fall to pieces before it reaches them.
knowledge related to future sight. The sage has
Forest of Carbion
arbionThe ferns around you bend and At the top of the food chain are colossal
break as powerful fluttering rips through amphibians capable of swallowing humanoids
the otherwise tranquil woodland, whole, and ruling the skies above are carnivorous
deafening you momentarily. Shooting dragonflies that steal unsuspecting creatures from
across the glade at immense speed comes the face of the earth in high-speed fly-bys.
an enormous dragonfly, as big as a pony, on wings Primordial Ecosystem
wider than a man’s height. As it surges over the
burgeoning undergrowth, darting this way and that, The flora and fauna of the Carbion Forest seem to be
from another time. Looming tree ferns with fuzzy, moss-
its wings shimmer with a purple iridescence. As you’re covered trunks, broad spiraling fronds, and towering
admiring the creature from behind the trunk of a broad fungus caps prevent light from reaching the forest floor,
tree, it is suddenly consumed by the snapping jaws of a where giant insects and amphibians lurk in the gloom.
colossal amphibious beast.
The forest floor itself is damp and swampy, and in
Always A Bigger Fish
some places it lies beneath several feet of brackish
water, where bony fish and primitive reptiles swim.
Characterized by giant, primitive creatures and plants, Algae and moss cover almost everything and spread
the Carbion Forest is a wild unpredictable place rapidly, invigorated by the abundant life energy that
where the fight for survival is taken to the extreme flows through the forest. The fauna of the Carbion
and the landscape can transform itself in the blink of Forest often seem primitive, but are perfectly
an eye. Both wildlife and plant life are prone to rapid adapted to their carboniferous surroundings.
evolution and spontaneous mutations are common.
The cycle of life and death here proceeds at a break-neck
pace, and the beautiful, vivid surroundings are often a
stark contrast to the deadly secrets that lurk within.
The Cradle Of Life Sensory Stimulation
The Carbion Forest is a primeval place The following sounds, sights, smells, and feelings
where both living things and the can be used to give depth to the Carbion Forest.
environment constantly mutate .
Hazards & Terrain
d10 Carbion Forest Smells
1 The potently aromatic scent of fern spores
drifting down from the canopy above.
2 The damp, musty musk of wet moss R abid Evolution
slowly drying in the heat. Because of the immense quantity of natural energy in
3 The rank, acrid sourness of noxious fumes the Carbion Forest, things have a habit of changing.
created by rotting vegetation in tar pits. The landscape of the forest rapidly alters depending
on a huge variety of factors including the weather,
4 A sharp tang akin to fresh citrus that temperature, and season. Where there once stood a
emanates from a disturbed beetle. grove of fungal umbrellas, there might be a brackish
5 The thick, cloying smell of fresh mud. lake a week later teeming with hard-headed, fish-like
creatures with an appetite for mammalian flesh. The
6 The ferrous scent of fresh blood pumping giant bloodsucking flies flitting overhead might rapidly
from the veins of a dying salamandrial and adapt to be resistant to the fireballs slung at them,
spilling onto the moss-covered earth. or could develop natural weapons such as scything
7 The overwhelming fishy odour of amphibian forelimbs specially designed to slice off the hands of
excrement drying on a swamp bank. spellcasters. The speed at which things change in the
8 The musty fetor of giant insect frass. Carbion Forest seems in stark contrast to their ancient
nature, but the idea that these places are primitive is
9 The sickly sweet sap of a carnivorous plant. an illusion. In reality, the flora and fauna here adapt far
10 The reviving perfume of fresh plant growth. faster than any other life forms. Cascading evolutionary
changes sweep through the ecosystems like wildfire,
altering the morphology of creatures in days.
The following terrain types are unique to the
d10 Carbion Forest Sensations Carbion Forest. They can be used to create exciting
1 The terrifying realization that you are no roleplaying moments and add a transmuting
longer the apex predator in this ecosystem. quality to combat, survival, and exploration.
A lgal Field
2 A petrifying sense of smallness as you take in
the giant flora and fauna that surrounds you.
A sprawling green carpet of lush algae flows across
3 Your foot descends through the the landscape entirely covering everything beneath
forest floor up to your knee as you it. Where there were once boulders, rushes, and
sink into the rotting vegetation. tree ferns, there is now only an alien landscape of
4 A feeling of freshness and vitality bestowed verdant green. This overspilling algae is so fast-
by the abundant life energy of the forest. growing that it rapidly coats everything around
5 Disgust at the fungus, slime, and it, but it has the beneficial effect of evening out
rotting plants that surround you. terrain, and soaking up any bogs or brackish pools
that might otherwise be difficult to traverse.
6 Light-headedness from the oppressive
heat and cloying humidity. Unfortunately, this tempering of the natural
7 A sense of wonder at the exotic and topography comes at a cost. The algae grows so
bizarre mutations of the plants. rapidly that walking across it for even a few hours
is likely to contaminate you with algal bodies that
8 The clinging grip of a sticky slime
swiftly multiply. What first appears as a green smear
attaching to your clothing.
on a boot suddenly envelops an entire leg and,
9 Beads of sweat running down your back before long, a torso and head to match.
and soaking into your clothing. If such an algal growth is allowed to
10 Cooling mist brushing your skin and continue unhindered, it will quickly
relieving some of the heat of the forest. cover the entirety of any creature
crosses the algal field. If these creatures are unable to get
rid of the algae, they will be suffocated in short order– Metamorphosing Glade
literally gagging on clumps of green vegetation. The time Metamorphosing glades are terrifying patches of
this takes varies depending on the size of the creature, terrain where the earth itself rapidly undergoes
but rarely longer than 24 hours. It is most dangerous enormous changes in its topography and ecosystem.
when unnoticed, and a creature settles to rest without The ground roils and twists like a blanket caught in
realising the green weed is slowly spreading up its back. the wind. Vegetation erupts from the earth, rapidly
Suffocated creatures are enveloped into the mass of an ascends into the skies, then dies off and falls back to
algal field within days, becoming entirely irretrievable. the ground in a rotting heap. A bog of brackish water
The only way to remove such an infestation is fire. might suddenly dry up and rise into the air, forming
The algae is highly combustible and cannot survive fern-covered hills. A forest of mushrooms might
dry heat. If a fire breaks out in an algal field it abruptly decay, covering the forest floor with rotting
rapidly spreads, destroying the entire landscape. mush that is colonised by liverworts in a matter of
hours. Such regions are near impossible to navigate and
Overgrowth - dangerous threat; touch - Touching traverse, as their landmarks constantly shift causing
an algal field might cause it to spread onto the the terrain to twist under the feet of travelers.
creature. It then rapidly grows and spreads over
their body, rapidly suffocating them. The algae can Topographic Evolution - moderate threat; 1 mile
only be removed by dealing fire damage to it. radius - The earth within the area shifts form
rapidly and unexpectedly causing cliffs to emerge and
Tar Pit
crumble, hills to erupt, gullies to form, or sinkholes
to appear. A creature caught unawares by the change
Bubbling and black, these pools of thick, treacle- must make a dexterity save or be affected by the new
like tar erupt spontaneously in the Carbion Forest. terrain. Navigation checks have disadvantage.
Although they appear to boil, the effervescence of
a tar pit is simply due to noxious gases rising from
within it. These gases make tar pits doubly dangerous; Brackish Pools
creatures that wander close to tar pits for too long Easily detected from miles away thanks to their
and breathe in the poisonous fumes emanating from repugnant fishy reek, brackish pools are reservoirs of
them become nauseated in a matter of minutes, and slightly salty water occupied by stringy reeds, piscilithic
disorientated not long after. Even if they initially fish, and territorial crocodiles. The water of these pools
spotted the tar pit, their compromised state of mind is saturated with claggy mud and decaying vegetation,
might lead them to stumble and fall into the tar. making them cloudy and foul. This water cannot be
consumed without extensive purification, including
Once within a tar pit, it is very difficult to escape. The sieving and boiling, even then the smell is atrocious.
semi-fluid tar within the pits is sticky like honey, and Unfortunately, brackish pools are essentially the only
doesn’t dissolve in water. This means it clings to clothing, bodies of water in the Carbion Forest. Streams and
skin, and hair alike, and cannot easily be removed except rivers are incredibly rare, and there is little rain. Most of
by scraping. If a pit is deep enough, a creature could sink the water in the Carbion Forest takes the form of thick
down over their head, but more often the unfortunate mists and fogs that rise overnight and clear by midday.
victim simply wades deeper in, confused by the ground
giving way beneath them, and then cannot lift their Foul Waters - mild threat; ingested - If a creature
feet high enough to escape. Eventually, the creature drinks from the brackish pool without first purifying
may die of exhaustion or dehydration. The surest way the water by boiling, or some other means, they
to escape a pit is by a thrown rope, though it must be must make a constitution save or contract a disease
done quickly lest the rope itself sink into the muck. which causes exhaustion over several days.
Due to the terrifyingly rapid evolution in the Carbion
Forest, some tar pits have become animated, while
others have gained sentience. These oozes are perhaps Fungal Canopies
the most dangerous monsters in the Carbion Forest.
Areas of the Carbion Forest are shrouded by a canopy of
mushroom caps that grow from fungal stalks as broad
Bubbling Bog - moderate threat; touch - Creatures that
and tall as tree trunks. These strange canopies are not
breathe the fumes of the pit must make a constitution
too dissimilar from those formed by looming pine stands,
save or become poisoned and confused. Creatures are
save that they are far less stable and they shed clouds of
pulled into the tar pit if they step on it, at which point
spores from their gills. Fungal anopies bend significantly
they become stuck. A stuck creature must be pulled
in even weak winds, and are prone to breaking when
out by another creature succeeding on a strength
the weather becomes blustery. Storms can cause entire
check. On a fail, that creature also becomes stuck.
patches of fungal forests to collapse, creating new
ecosystems that grow on the moldering mushrooms.
The spore clouds created by the mushrooms vary from
sweet-smelling and edible to highly poisonous and bitter. 10 Flight. The wildlife has developed
Savvy foragers can tell the difference and collect spores the ability to fly, glide, or hover using
using nets to turn them into loaves of sugary bread. wings, air sacs, or natural magic.
Spore Clouds - deadly threat; 60 ft. sphere - 11 Scything Limbs. Long, blade-like limbs or
Sometimes fungal canopies disgorge clouds of spores that branches emerge from the wildlife, capable
are dangerous to inhale. Doing so requires the inhaler of slashing through prey with ease.
to make a wisdom save. On a failed save, the creature 12 Multi-Legged. Creatures’ speed is massively
becomes controlled by the fungi, which infests their increased thanks to the growth of additional
entire body. They try to climb to a high point in the legs, while vegetation can lift from the
forest and remain there for 24 hours, after which time earth and scuttle along on its roots.
their head explodes, spreading more fungal spores.
13 Amphibious. The wildlife gains the
ability to breathe both air and water.
for ascension of even the steepest of slopes.
Megapedes Adventurers have been known to ride liverworts by
One of the more common animals spotted in the harnessing themselves to the plant using rope and
Carbion Forest are megapedes. These enormous pitons. Once affixed, they guide their mounts using
centipedes make wagons seem like childrens toys and crude reins made in the same fashion. Although
their passage through the landscape leaves enormous the going is slow, adventurers will no longer have
tracks in the soft ground, making them easy to follow. to deal with difficult or hazardous terrain of any
The strange paths often form patterns of concentric variety, and can even travel over water. The only
circles, leading creatures that follow in their wake to downfall of liverworts is their susceptibility to dry
double-back on themselves, though why they take such heat,a sunny day can spell disaster for such a plant.
circuitous routes is not clear. Although megapedes
are primarily herbivorous, eating the vegetation that Piscilithic Fish
gets in the way of their ever-chomping mandibles, An inhabitant of the Carbion Forest’s fetid
they have been known to rapidly mutate into acid- streams and ponds, this fish has a broad,
spitting carnivores when plentiful prey is nearby. spade-shaped exoskull as heavy and hard
Although taking down one of these immense as stone. Piscilithic fish use these
insects is no mean feat, not least bulky heads to ram other creatures,
because of their armoured stunning them for long enough
carapaces, their meat is for the fish to grab them in
splendid. The surest way their relatively weak mouths
to kill a megapede is to and chew off chunks of meat.
lie down low in front Piscilithic fish don’t just eat
of it, so that you pass other fish, but also take
beneath its mandibles on smaller amphibians,
and between its reptiles, and insects
dozens of surging that skirt the shores of
legs. While it courses their brackish home
over you, its soft pools. The skulls of
underside is exposed, piscilithic fish are
which is vulnerable to so sturdy that they
most blades. However, can be converted into
killing a megapede is shields that, although
sure to attract scavengers. heavy, can withstand the
most powerful of blows. The
Hydrasnaps meat of piscilithic fish is also edible, though somewhat
Hydranaps are mobile plants that snake through the unpalatable due to a muddy taste, mushy texture, and
canopy. They have several serpentine stems that tendency to induce hallucinations if overcooked.
New Monsters
terminate in vegetative maws of protruding spines,
all of which are attached to the same thick vine. As
they wind and weave through the canopy, hydrasnaps
search for fresh living prey, especially small animals. The following monsters are unique
They are capable of picking up the trail of a variety to the Carbion Forest.
of animals from a great distance and, once they come
close, dart toward their quarry with immense speed. Griffonflies
If a hydrasnap ever loses a head, that stem withers and Type: Large beast, unaligned
dies, but two shoot forth where the original was lost. Special Ability: Ovipositor
Mental: ttttt
A mbling Liverworts Physical: ttttt
Lucky adventurers might encounter an ambling Magical: ttttt
liverwort, a giant plant that slithers around the
Carbion Forest like a giant slug. Perhaps the liverwort The largest of the giant dragonflies are griffonflies
seeks moister pastures, areas with better light which rival wyverns in size. These enormous,
for photosynthesis, or is simply curious in some carnivorous insects are more than capable of
subconscious way. Whatever the reason, these large plucking a humanoid from the ground for their
plants look like a cross between a green slug and a next meal. Although they can be heard coming
wet carpet sliding across the forest floor. The most from a great distance due to their wingbeats, their
curious aspect of ambling liverworts is that they speed and agility mean they can strike in the blink
appear immune to most dangerous terrain. The of an eye. Catching such monstrous bugs normally
mucus upon which they slide seems to neutralize requires strong nets strung from the trees, as
acid, coat sharp rock spurs, repel water, and allow well as sharp weapons to crack its carapace.
Perhaps worse than being ripped apart and eaten by a whom others of their kind pay homage. These highly
griffonfly is to become host for their young. Griffonflies territorial creatures will defend their hunting ranges
lay their eggs in living creatures using ovipositors to the death, and can often be heard fighting in the
at the end of their long abdomens before dropping distance of the Carbion Forest. Their rasping, throaty
them back to the forest floor to live out the rest of roars are immediately distinguishable from the myriad
their short, painful lives. Such a creature is doomed of other bawling beasts that echo through the night.
Quest Hooks
to die within the next 48 hours as the griffonfly eggs
hatch inside their body and begin to consume the
creature from within. The only merciful aspect of
this gestation is that the ovipositor is coated with The following quest hooks give you an easy
a painkiller, preventing the infected creature from way to draw characters into the Carbion Forest.
knowing about the egg injection it has just received. Each is specific to this forest and showcases
one or more of its most unique elements.
Type: Huge monstrosity, unaligned Studying Salamandrials
Special Ability: Engulf A scholar from a nearby education institution wishes to
Mental: ttttt enter the Carbion Forest and study the salamandrials;
Physical: ttttt bear-sized, neon-colored amphibians that spit corrosive
Magical: ttttt bile. Salamandrials are one of the apex predators in
Sinkworms are blind, carnivorous ambush predators the Carbion Forest, but they are relatively unknown in
that burrow beneath the forest floor and lie in wait for the zoological world. The party will be rewarded with
other creatures to pass. They disguise their mouth under some rare knowledge or a magic scroll if they agree. The
the debris of the forest floor, then open it suddenly, longer they can stay in the forest, the greater the reward.
creating a ten-foot-wide hole like a yawning portal in The scholar is a fussy old individual with no real survival
the earth, sucking anything above them down into skills, who would definitely not be able to undertake the
their enormous gullet. Their mouths are lined with trip alone. They need help at every
cartilaginous ridges that turn, though they are the best
contract and expand in a tracker of the salamandrials
pulsing motion to keep given that they have been
prey from climbing out. studying them for so
Their digestive juices long. The scholar can
are also terrifyingly track the amphibians
potent, dissolving back to their nesting
bone within a matter site. Meanwhile, the
of minutes and even characters have to
stone or metal within protect the scholar
a few hours. Little from all manner of
can be done to destroy dangers including
a sinkworm, one can hydrasnaps, spore
only hope they spot the clouds from the
ambush before they trigger fungal canopy,
it, or pray they have a way and griffonflies.
to fight their way out from They will also need
inside the belly of the beast. to be provided with
food, water, and shelter.
Salamandrials At some point during the stay, the
Type: Large monstrosity, unaligned scholar steals a salamandrial egg without the
Special Ability: Spit Acid characters finding out. They might sneak into a nest in
Mental: ttttt the middle of the night, or go when the characters are
Physical: ttttt distracted by another threat. The egg begins hatching
Magical: ttttt while the party is leaving the forest with the scholar.
be delivered if the assistant is brought back alive. Characters can search for the timepiece in the places the
The characters must first use their navigation and gnome chronomancer visited during their exploration of
survival skills to track down the assistant, which takes the forest, though the landscape has changed drastically.
them into a metamorphosing glade. If the characters These locations may include algal fields, a sprawling tar
succeed by a significant margin on their tracking checks, pit, and a salamandrial-infested mangrove. The true
they spot clues that something strange is happening. resting place of the timepiece is the mangrove, but to
First of all, the assistant’s footprints seem to be recover it, the characters must capture an enormous
growing in size. Second, there seem to be extra sets of piscilithic fish that will serve as an aquatic mount.
footprints. Over time, the assistant’s tracks get weirder Once deep underwater, the characters discover that
and weirder, displaying evidence of a long dragging the timepiece is in the possession of a covetous,
tail, enormous leaps, or other strange mutations. intelligent, giant ammonite, nearly twenty feet
The characters should across. The characters must distract it in order to
recover the watch from the creature’s hoard. Once it
eventually find the assistant, nearly unrecognizable is returned to the chronomancer, they can revert the
thanks to the number of mutations they have Carbion Forest back to its previous, docile form.
developed due to the magical nature of the forest.
The characters need to capture and control the The Great A sh Storm
assistant despite their strange mutations and While traveling through the Carbion Forest, the
bring them back to their research institution. characters are caught in a monstrous stampede of
salamandrials, giant insects, ambling liverworts,
Meteoric R itual and mutated creatures with a wide variety of
A peaceful tribe of lizardfolk approaches the characters dangerous adaptations. The creatures are fleeing
while they’re traveling through the Carbion Forest. from an enormous ash storm that is surging across
The tribe is on a nomadic pilgrimage around the forest the forest, covering everything with a layer of dust
that takes many years and visits different holy sites. and burning or suffocating those trapped within.
Unfortunately, they cannot find one of the key sites, The characters must avoid both the stampede of
a colossal ritual statue. The lizardfolk say they need creatures and the storm in order to stay alive.
to perform a ceremony at the statue before a certain Once the storm has passed, the characters discover an
comet passes overhead. The tribe knows roughly injured astronomer who had been observing the skies,
where the site should be, but need help finding it. but was trampled by a megapede. The astronomer
When the characters explains that the ash storm was caused by a meteoric
search through the forest, various clues point toward impact. If the characters are willing to protect the
the correct location, such as old signs carved by past injured astronomer and recover a piece of the meteorite,
generations into marker stones and enormous painted they’ll be rewarded greatly. Reaching the meteorite is
murals. The comet is expected very soon, so the players somewhat easier than usual because the ash has scared
must move at a rapid pace to reach the location, but their off most of the wildlife, but the terrain still warps and
progress is delayed by a sinkworm or griffonfly attack. changes randomly, as per usual. The characters are
The clues leading to the ritual site cease once the also slowed by their injured companion, who needs
characters reach an algal field. The rapidly growing medical attention. Upon arriving at the impact site, the
algae has entirely covered the enormous statue and characters discover the meteorite is being worshipped by
surrounding area. The characters must excavate the a cannibalistic clan of kobolds, who must be distracted
ritual site and avoid falling prey to the carpet of mossy or dispatched before the meteorite can be accessed.
growth themselves before the comet arrives. Only at this
point does the tribe reveal that if they fail to conduct
their ritual, the meteor will crash into the forest.
Forest of Eons rees stand like ancient guardians in
The Dawn of Time
solemn vigilance. The towering trunks
are as broad as any castle’s watchtower The Forest of Eons was not created and cultivated
and over twice as tall. Roots spiral out by human hands, instead it was the evolution of a
forest that originated when the world was born.
from their bases and intertwine with
Having lasted for unfathomable eons, powerful magic
each other, creating a landscape of twisting bark that has been drawn thehereich, growing the trees to
your eyes struggle to comprehend. A smell pervades gargantuan size and touching everything within it.
the place, but not the decomposing leaf litter you The Forest of Eons is both a wonder to behold as well
might expect. The scent is mustier, like a bookshelf of as a treacherous and bewildering place to traverse.
forgotten tomes, or a dungeon chamber left unopened The guardian spirits living here are rarely
for centuries. Everything seems to move slower. Each downright malicious, but they are benevolent just
wingbeat of the birds that swoop by seems to take at as infrequently. Having lifespans of many human
once an eternity and a split second. You feel ill at ease. lifetimes, their interests and motivations are elevated
The woods are watching. beyond those of mere mortals. Their aims, first and
foremost, are to protect the woods. Some of the
younger, playful spirits still harbor some curiosity
The Forest of Eons is so ancient that time itself has towards outsiders, occasionally endangering the
become warped around it. It exists almost within its forest by consorting with invaders of ill intent.
own plane of reality, and its ancient magic is controlled
Notable Features
by forest spirits who protect the flora, fauna, and secrets
within. Unprepared travelers might be taken by surprise
when the birds fly in reverse around their heads, and The Forest of Eons is both beautiful and dangerous.
deeply troubled when they find themselves waking It offers adventurers many opportunities to
up three days into their past. The immense power of explore not only its landscape but time itself.
this forest, manifested through the forest spirits, is
something of which all expeditions should be wary.
The Movement of Time The spirits band together in times of need, but might
come into conflict when there are no immediate threats
The Forest of Eons is a place of animist to the woodlands. One spirit might want to protect a
spirits and warped time . T he days and hours
dying tree and bring it back to life, while another would
of an expedition do not pass correctly in
rather it come down and fertilize the ground for new
this strange woodland, and the creatures
here are subject to the whims of the
plants. One spirit might wish to encourage druids to
confluence of distinct timelines .
come and help protect the forest, while another wants no
humanoid interaction. These conflicts might seem petty,
but ultimately influence the fate of the Forest of Eons.
♦ Time Flows Strangely: Travelers in the Mortals caught up in these conflicts are unwittingly
Forest of Eons quickly lose track of time, which made to serve the agenda of the forest spirits.
typically passes slower inside the woodland than
out. It also skips, reverses, and pauses. Time Out of Joint
♦ Dawn of Time: The majority of the plants
and many of the animals within the forest are In the Forest of Eons, time works differently. Hours
genuinely antediluvian, their origins stemming within the woods pass at a different rate than outside,
back to the dawn of time. Many tales tell of when causing days, weeks, or even years to pass unnoticed.
the world was born, and the gods forged the Sometimes, time is reversed causing creatures to
landscape from elemental matter. move backwards, entirely oblivious of their strange
♦ Guardian Spirits: Watchful spirits guard the circumstance. Those who choose to rest in the
forest from harm. They trace every move of mortals forest experience time jumps or skips, where they
who enter the forest, protecting the forest at all seem to have traveled forward or even backward
costs, specifically the center of the woods: The Heart in time with no memory of the in-between. These
of Ages. all cause deja vu in sentient creatures, who soon
♦ Portals & Shortcuts: Magic infuses this come to feel that they’re losing track of reality.
place, causing the creation of linked forest gates and
moving root bridges that make traveling easier, if Because time is so warped in the forest, moments
more confusing. sometimes overlap. Short sections of an area’s past or
♦ Magical Foraging: Many of the plants in the future are laid over the present moment, causing those
Forest of Eons have magical properties that can in the place to see both moments at once. Sometimes
be tapped into by those with the right knowledge. the moments are just seconds apart, like an echo. Other
Harvesting them is the objective of many times the gap is far greater, allowing creatures to see
adventures. far back into the past, or centuries into the future.
♦ Elemental Energy: Where timelines cross These glimpses sometimes reveal hidden secrets.
each other, there is an outpouring of elemental
energy. These spots manifest on a conflux where
strange and often dangerous magical effects linger. Heart of the Ages
pernatural suspended. Legend tells of a giant seed in the center of the wood
where all timelines merge. This central nexus is said
to glow with a turquoise light and contain a ‘timeknot’
that ties together all of the disparate timelines. The
nexus spirits of the forest are drawn to this central
Spirits Rule seed and surround it in droves, basking in the light of
eons that exudes from it. Speculation abounds as to
The Forest of Eons is protected by forest spirits that the relationship between the spirits and the seed.
will suffer no threats against the woodland or its
inhabitants. These spirits take a myriad of forms; Elder BeingSeveral bold scholars and adventurers
some manifest as intelligent, talking animals, while have tried to reach the Heart of Ages, but none seem
others appear as ethereal humanoids that flit from to have succeeded. Or, if they have, they have not
tree to tree. Alternatively, they may take the form returned. Most believe that reaching the nexus and
of elemental beings that move with uncharacteristic casting your eyes upon it would drive you insane, the
grace, or as invisible creatures whose presence is confluence of timelines melting your mind like fat
communicated through strange signs and symbols. in a pan. Only those with extreme mental fortitude
would be able to look upon the seed and survive.
Each spirit wants to prevent the woods from harm,
but they have their own personalities that change
their approach. Some spirits might be aggressive and
try to kill or maim any outsider that enters the forest.
Others might reach out to travelers and seek their
aid in solving crises in the woodland. Most of the
spirits are cautiously curious and will watch explorers
for a while before deciding whether to approach.
Sensory Stimulation
The following sounds, sights, smells, and feelings
can be used to give depth to the Forest of Eons.
time without spiraling out into a confusing timescape
Crystalline Correlation - boon, study - If one holds 5 Eerie. Things are so old and ancient
the knowledge of all the crystal portals in the Forest they defy reality. Animals seem to show
of Eons and all the correct links between them, the a sinister intelligence and plants grow to
diagram created by the interconnected dots and lines cut off paths and cover landmarks.
can be used to great effect in the production of natural
magic, allowing characters to learn new spells. 6 Ethereal. Lifeforms are not quite in this
world. Some part of them exists in another
plane or in another time. Their bodies
Root & Branch Bridges may not fully manifest in this realm.
Almost stone-like in appearance, root and branch bridges 7 Faded. Due to its age, the wildlife
are created by ancient trees shaped by forest spirits. The here has lost some of its vivacity.
most common of these structures are bridges spanning Colors and smells are dulled.
rivers and chasms, but deeper into the woods, where 8 Warped. The living things in this forest are
the spirits walk openly without fear of discovery, far not put together in the way you’d expect.
more complex structures are created. Here, hidden Limbs attach incorrectly or bend the wrong
from the prying eyes of mortals, are immense temples way. The flowers of plants grow from the
and towering castles built from living trees. Their base, their roots growing high above.
roots twist and pack together to create foundations,
their trunks create thick, impenetrable walls, and their 9 Sagacious. An air of wisdom permeates the
branches weave together forming walkways and roofs. forest, giving plants and animals greater
Even more magical, these structures can shift and intelligence and the ability to speak.
change on the whim of the forest spirits. They might 10 Oracular. In some way, the creatures and
bend and warp so that a bridge changes destination, or plants provide omens for what is to come.
they can rapidly contract or expand, leaving a traveler
stranded on a thin spit of cliff in the middle of a chasm. 11 Awakened. The plants move like animals,
and the animals think like people.
Forest Shortcut - boon, use - Safely crossing a root structure 12 Perceptive. Things in this forest like to
gives characters a shortcut, allowing them to travel at a watch and learn before interacting directly.
fast pace with none of the drawbacks for that day’s travel. 13 Labyrinthine. Plants grow into structures
that almost seem cultivated. Often they
Special Qualities
turn into sprawling, maze-like thickets.
14 Maddening. The nature of the plants and
See below for some special qualities that life forms animals is enough to send anyone into insanity.
(plant or animal) in the Forest of Eons may have. These Maybe because of the hideous way they look,
qualities can be combined with standard plants, animals, the psychotropic effects of their fruits or pollen,
or monsters to create variants specific to the Forest of or simply their unceasing pursuit of you.
Eons; a time-frozen bird or reversing fern, for example. 15 Stuttering. The wildlife seems to stutter
forward and backward in time at irregular
d20 Forest of Eons Qualities intervals. An adult bird scratching for seeds
might suddenly become a hatchling.
1 Time-frozen. The wildlife appears partially
frozen in time. This might mean their 16 Iridescent. Things here glow and
movements are massively slowed, they glitter as if lit internally, reflecting
don’t respond to the world around them, any light that is cast upon them.
or they are entirely stationary and inert. 17 Disproportionate. The plants and animals are
2 Reversing. These variants of flora and ten times larger or smaller than they should be.
fauna move backward through time. Trees 18 Tenebrous. Plants and animals are
might be growing smaller or butterflies immersed in shadows. Only hints of what
may be turning back into caterpillars. lies within the darkness can be made out.
3 Translucent. The outer layer of these 19 Crystalline. Things are part-organism,
creatures or plants has become translucent, part-mineral. They move like living beings,
allowing a glimpse at their interior. but are clearly cut from gemstone.
4 Arcadian. Parts of the woodland are ideal 20 Giant. Life is enormous here. Tree
and serene; almost perfect. In these areas, trunks grow as thick as wizard’s towers
the wildlife matches the surroundings. and elk rival elephants in height.
A nimoss Flitterwings
Lush green moss is a common sight in the Forest About the size of a copper coin, these insects have
of Eons. Alongside lichen, it covers most boulders, long, needle-like proboscises and impressively
trails, and tree trunks found in this forest. Numerous large wings around the size of a napkin. At rest,
varieties exist, though none is so peculiar and sought flitterwings roll their wings inside their exoskeleton
after as animoss. Animoss generally forms a shape to protect them from harm, but when in flight they
vaguely similar to a nine-pointed star, and has a flutter at amazing speeds. Flitterwings are desired
slight blue tinge to its leaves. In the right conditions, by entomological collectors for their rarity. Tailors
animoss shoots up flower-like stalks which twinkle desire them for their wings which are surprisingly
as if adorned by tiny sapphires. It is these spores durable and can be used as lace. Additionally jewelers
that are the object of many an expedition. seek them for their glittery green exoskeletons which
make delightful lockets when a delicate hinge is
Animoss spores are crystalline and weigh next attached. However, experienced adventurers know
to nothing. They can be harvested by wiping the that the real value of a flitterwing is while it is alive.
sporophytes with a damp cloth, then rolling up the cloth
and placing it inside a sealed container. They must be Unlike most butterflies and moths, flitterwings do not
kept away from the air and remain moist, but not wet. drink nectar, but blood. Most often they
Provided these conditions are maintained, the spores are content to feast upon the blood
of animoss can be kept of animals, namely deer and boar,
for up to six months. but they have been known, on rare
occasions, to drink the blood of
Animoss spores are humanoids. When a flitterwing
desirable because they dines on humanoid blood, a
have an absolutely miraculous magical event occurs; the
unique curative wings of the insect are flooded with
quality. Grinding up lymph and become stiffer, like two
the crystalline spores sheets of starched parchment. Then,
into a powder and the memories of the humanoid from
then burning them in the past 24 hours appear on the wings
a small dish or brazier of the insect. They are not always in
creates a thick indigo order, and are rarely displayed for more
smoke that, if inhaled, than a few minutes, but viewing them
reverses both natural and gives an insight into the creature’s actions
magical aging, though over the last day. Because of this, some
inhaling too deeply can druids and rangers keep flitterwings as
regress a person to infancy. pets, raising them from eggs in order to
tap into the memories of other humanoids.
Beamglimmer Grass
Growing up to ten feet high, Elder A nimals
these silver-green grasses are Because of the strange time distortions that
often found growing along the are so common in the Forest of Eons, some
edge of streams and lakes in the animals manage to live for centuries longer
Forest of Eons. Each individual blade than expected. As well as bestowing extended
of grass can be as broad as a human hand, lifespans upon otherwise mundane creatures, the
and slightly folded so as to form a groove directing woodlands or the forest spirits might grant an animal
rainwater down to its base. Beamglimmer grass a boon, such as enormous antlers, the ability to speak
gets its name from the strange luminescence that it common languages, the capacity to walk through the
manifests under the light of the moon. If moonlight air as if they were on solid ground, immense growth,
hits one of these plants, they reflect an aura of silver barkskin, vegetative growth on their backs and in their
light that illuminates all around them for tens of feet. fur, or a wide variety of other supernatural gifts.
New Monsters
in its emerald-green eyes. Entire ecosystems exist on
Strange creatures lurk in the timeless places within the back of these majestic creature’s shells and they can
the Forest of Eons. Forest of Aeons and can be used cause immense earthquakes with a well-timed stomp.
to great roleplaying effect in your game sessions. The
full statblocks for these monsters, including their Leafbug
special abilities, can be found in the Appendix.
Type: Medium monstrosity, unaligned
Nexus Spirit Special Ability: Grasping Roots
Mental: ttttt
Type: Medium elemental, any alignment Physical: ttttt
Special Ability: Animate Elements Magical: ttttt
Mental: ttttt
Physical: ttttt These large creatures are not quite animal, not quite
Magical: ttttt plant. Their shells, hard as bark, resemble giant leaves
that vary in color from lime green to burnt orange, to
Nexus Spirits are fundamental to the continued survival an earthy brown, though they are always marked by a
of the Forest of Eons. They protect the forest from dusty-white stem-like pattern. These markings work
harm any way they can, including by manipulating the to their advantage, as the beetles can simply bury their
creatures within and warping the forest itself. These lower parts into the earth and be perfectly disguised
spirits are born of the Heart of Ages, and work to protect as a large leaf fallen from one of the ancient trees.
it above all else. When working together, the power Each leafbug has its own food preference; some like
of these guardian spirits is almost limitless, but when cloudberries, others prefer pine sap. If an individual
separated they are bound by certain rules which prevent can determine what food a specific leafbug likes, they
them from meddling too much in the nature of reality; are likely to be able to tame the pony-sized creature
they may not directly take the life of a mortal creature, and use it as a mount. If threatened, a leafbug can cause
for example. Despite this, the spirits are incredibly grasping roots to emerge from the earth around the
intelligent and find ways to influence other beings. predator, allowing the leafbug to scuttle to safety.
They often come into conflict with each other and
mortals have a habit of being unknowingly manipulated Strider
by spirits embroiling them in these conflicts. In Type: Huge aberration, neutral
times of dire need, a Nexus Spirit can animate the Special Ability: Time Twist
elements around them. This can cause the creation of Mental: ttttt
elementals, animation of plants, or awakening animals. Physical: ttttt
Magical: ttttt
Groundshaker Tortoise
Type: Gargantuan monstrosity, neutral Towering between fifteen and twenty-five feet tall,
Special Ability: Earthquake striders are creatures that look like the forequarters
Mental: ttttt of quadrupeds such as wolves, elk, or boar, but with
Physical: ttttt the hind legs missing. They are far larger than their
Magical: ttttt normal counterparts, and their front limbs extend far
out of proportion. Their name comes from the gait that
The footsteps of these colossal reptilian creatures cause is characteristic to each of the creatures; long, loping
earth tremors that can be felt for miles. Their strides that carry them through the lower canopy.
plodding gait shakes leaves from the Strangely, the footfall of these aberrations is
trees and can even crack the ground almost entirely silent. Striders are more
beneath them. Seen from a distance, intelligent than run-of-the-mill beasts,
groundshaker tortoises look but not by much. They cannot speak
like entire portions of common languages, but converse
forest are rising from with the spirits of the forest
the earth and moving. and do their bidding. If they
Closer up, it becomes are endangered by a serious
clear that beneath threat, they can warp time
the forest-covered around them, slowing
shell is a creature others down, but speeding
with the aspect themselves up, making them
of the tortoise, seem to teleport away.
but with a spark
of intelligence
Quest Hooks
ever being created. The nexus spirit can control the flow
A nimoss Acquisition of time in a timestream to send the characters back.
An ally of the party has been magically aged. In order to When they go back into the past, the characters
reverse their aging, the party is informed of the animoss discover that the elemental core was sabotaged
plant in the Forest of Eons, which would be able to cure by spirits who wished to spread primordial chaos
their ally. The characters must find, harvest, and return over the world. Their past ritual must be stopped
with animoss spores before their ally dies of infirmity. if the characters want to save the present.
When the characters reach the Forest of Eons, they must M adness of the Heart
use their survival skills to locate a patch of animoss.
This is made harder by the overlapping timelines that The family of a disappeared noble are looking to hire
make the moss appear nearby, but then reveal they were private investigators to find out what happened to
there years ago, and have since died off. Once the moss them. The noble entered the Forest of Eons in the
is eventually found, a nexus spirit tries to prevent the hope of returning with some impressive hunting
characters from harvesting the spores, believing they trophies, perhaps even a strider, but has not returned.
are hurting the forest. The characters must persuade the They were supposed to arrive back at their lodge
spirit they mean no harm or kill the spirit and avoid the several days ago and the family are offering a large
wrath of the forest while they flee with their animoss. reward for any news of their disappearance.
Once they return with the spores, they can prepare the
flammable powder and help their aged ally inhale the When the characters enter the woodlands themselves,
smoke, restoring them to their previous age, or younger. they find that many of the usual magical aids to travel,
such as the crystal portals and branch bridges, have
Turn Back Time been sealed off. They cannot be used by outsiders
and the nexus spirits interfere at every step to
One of the elemental cores in the Forest of Eons prevent intruders from getting into the forest.
has become corrupted and has begun destroying
everything around it. It threatens to not only When the characters eventually find the noble, they are
damage the forest significantly but rip a hole in frozen in time, with no obvious signs of what occurred.
time itself. In order to help, the characters Only by capturing a flitterwing and having the insect
must enter the forest and investigate the core, feast on the blood of the noble can they search the noble’s
but traversing the forest proves treacherous memories. Doing so reveals that the noble came too
since the elder animals and striders have been close to the Heart of Ages, where they gained insight
driven wild by the influence of the core. into how to use the forest to manipulate time. However,
the revelation drove them insane, forcing the nexus
Once at the core, it becomes clear that there is nothing spirits to trap them before they could wreak havoc.
the characters can do to stop it. The elemental energies
have been tainted by some unknown force and are To save the noble and keep them
spiraling out of control. They are approached by a from threatening the forest,
nexus spirit who reveals to them that the only the characters must enter
solution is to use a timestream to travel their mind with the help
back in time and stop the elemental of the nexus spirits and
core from help them reassemble
their shattered sanity.
Feyrise Forest
iercing the sky are hundreds of forested
spires, ranging from hundreds of feet to Forest Attunement
miles high. The twisted pines and spruces The most unique aspect of the Feyrise Forest is the way
that grow atop these spires take beautiful it responds to those who travel through it. The leaves
forms, as if sculpted by the gods. Circling of plants may change color based on the alignment
above them are a panoply of flying creatures, some of those who touch them, while animals may be able
recognizable as beautiful birds of paradise, others to sense a character’s murderous intentions. This
whose forms defy explanation. happens on a larger scale too; the forest may make way
for good-natured travelers, clearing trails of creeping
plants and providing ripe fruit just off the trail, but
The Feyrise Forest is typified by stark contrast may block paths to evil-aligned characters or disrupt
between the highs of the tree-studded spires and the their sleep with howling gales and hailstorms.
lows of the misty Twilight Valleys. Prismatic crystals
of immense power grow atop the spires. Reaching As well as responding to alignment and intent, the forest
these crystals often requires adventurers to brave may take dramatic action based on what travelers do;
the forested valleys of eternal gloom in between starting fires might cause an instantaneous deluge of rain
the spires, which are filled with capricious fey. that both extinguishes the flame and soaks characters
to the bone. Stealing eggs from nests might cause
History flocks of birds to harry a character throughout their
journey. Conversely, protecting plants and wildlife may
Eons ago, powerful elementals clashed at the spot where be rewarded with root bridges that provide shortcuts
the Feyrise Forest now stands. These primordial titans to other spires or a ride on the back of a spire drake.
wiped each other out in an immense battle, the result of
which was the dynamic landscape of spires and valleys High Spires
that can be seen today. Remnants of this magic still
Unlike many other forests, the Feyrise Forest is
linger and draw in fey creatures, empower the crystals
incredibly vertical. The groves and thickets you’d
atop the spires with magic, and cause the entire forest
find on ground level in a regular forest are elevated
to twist and change depending on the alignment and
here onto magnificent Granite Spires that form a
actions of the creatures within it.Notable Features
fractured skyline. The dizzying heights of these
peaks are connected by rope bridges and vine swings,
Peaked Interest feature outcroppings of prismatic crystals. These
crystals are imbued with elemental energy
The Feyrise Forest is a dynamic that makes them extremely powerful.
landscape both in its topography and its
adaptation to the travelers within it. T wilight Valley
It is a forest of two parts: the forest- The gulleys between the spires are all connected into one
capped spires where crystals grow and
drakes nest, and the twilight valley
enormous, forested lowland called The Twilight Valley.
beneath , ruled by capricious fey.
Little can grow in this place of eternal gloom - it is kept
in a state of perpetual twilight by both its canopy and
the dwindling elemental magic that created the forest.
♦ Mirrored Reality: The forest changes Fog sweeps through the place, providing plenty of cover
based on the alignment, intent, and actions of for the nefarious fey that linger in the twilight, as well as
travelers within. It opposes evil characters and the beasts that stalk between the trees.
aids good ones. The Twilight Valley also possesses a strange attunement
♦ Towering Peaks: Most of the forest property, similar to the crystals of the spires. Evil
is composed of towering spires that are creatures tend to be able to see further through
interconnected by treacherous walkways,
swings, and ladders. the mists, hear encroaching danger from further
afield, and even suffer less from weather effects, like
♦ Gloomy Depths: Between the high crippling chill and soaking rain. Chaotic creatures
spires is a twisting labyrinth of valleys where
perpetual dusk lingers. Those who spend too seem less affected by the maddening magic of the
long there go insane. fey. This flips the normal forest attunement; here,
evil and chaotic creatures fare better, unlike in the
♦ Magic Crystals: At the top of the peaks,
guarded by elemental spirits, are prismatic spires, where good and lawful creatures excel.
crystals highly sought after as spellcasting foci.
They provide bonuses to spellcasters. Prismatic Crystals
♦ Flights & Falls: Traveling between the The crystals of the Feyrise Forest are sought out
spires is no easy task. Travelers must traverse by spellcasters from across the realms. Their
toe-tingling rope bridges and ride spire drakes unique attunement magic makes them incredibly
or mighty storks, trying not to fall. powerful spellcasting foci. Mages who are
♦ Fickle Fey: Fey live throughout the unable to acquire these powerful implements
forest. Those of the peaks tend to be more personally are more than happy to pay exorbitant
mischievous and cheeky, while those in the sums for these magnificent shards of power.
twilight valley seek darker goals.
When first encountered, the prismatic crystals are
entirely translucent, refracting whatever scene is beyond
them like frosted glass. This refraction can cause strange
illusions if the crystals grow large enough, even causing
allowing creatures who know the spires to move confusion in those who become enchanted by their
between areas of the forest without ever setting prismatic light. Once the crystals are mined they lose
foot in the mysterious Twilight Valleys below. their translucence, becoming opaque and taking on a
hue based on the alignment of the creature that mined
The forests atop the spires are all similar; groves of them. This color defines the school of magic the crystal
pines and spruces with the occasional juniper tree is associated with and an additional effect that the crystal
and cloudberry or bearberry bush. In some cases, imparts when used to cast spells from that school. Once
the trees spill out over the edges of the peaks determined, the color of the crystal cannot be changed.
, growing out of cracks in the stone on the near-
vertical slopes. In addition to trees, many spires
Sensory Stimulation
The following sounds, sights, smells, and feelings can be
used to give depth to the Feyrise Forest.
Forest Flight - boon; attunement or pay - Creatures
Hazards & Terrain who have acted in the forest’s favor can attempt a
moderate difficulty animal handling check to coax
Spire A scent
the flying creature within the roost for a ride. If
the creature has negative favor with the forest, they
Nothing compares to the view from the top of a must pay instead or find another way. A creature
Granite Spire. However, reaching the top is no who gains a ride on a flying creature is only entitled
mean feat. Many spires have spiraling stairs cut into to a single flight from one spire to another.
the circumference of the rock that can provide a
treacherous ascent, but some must be climbed using
tools and ropes. Most spires’ have wooden platforms Exuberant Falls
built into them which provide rest points for climbers, Coursing over the edge of a spire is a gushing waterfall
but others have little more than crumbling cavities that casts a cloud of spray around it. The droplets
carved out of the rock. Connecting the platforms catch the light, creating a rainbow whose vibrancy is
and spire tops are rope swings, vine ladders, and unrivaled in the mortal realm. These beautiful falls
root bridges. Using these can massively speed up are imbued with magic that serves to cleanse creatures
expeditions, but the danger of falling is ever-present. of disease or poison, heal their wounds, and restore
morale to those who are bold enough to bathe in them.
Long Drop - moderate threat; touch - At any time
while scaling the spires or moving between them, These waterfalls usually appear after heavy rainfall.
something could go wrong; a rope might snap, a rotten Many of the spires are capped with pools and
plank might crumble, or a gust of wind might blow lakes that are formed by rainwater accumulating.
through. An affected creature must make a moderate When storms deposit even more water into these
dexterity save or fall into the twilight valley below. pools, they begin to overflow, causing waterfalls
to form around the edge of the peaks.
M addening Gloom Magical Waters - boon; touch - The water of the
In the Twilight Valley, where permanent dusk lingers, falls can cure diseases, remove curses, heal hit points,
madness lies. This dark place is haunted by malignant fey neutralize poison, and restore morale. A creature can
creatures who whisper foul curses into the fog, which only benefit from a single such effect once per day.
saturate the minds of those who linger here too long.
This madness can cause confusion and disorientation
or, if created by a more powerful fey, can even cause
creatures to fall under their control. Furthermore,
this place is attuned to those traveling through it,
meaning that the madness each creature feels draws on
their nightmares and conjures up their worst fears.
Canopy Roosts
Hanging from spurs of rock on the side of the spires are
great nests of avian creatures. These nests can serve as
vantage points for those in need of a lookout spot, but
can also be used to procure travel between the spires.
Characters who are positively attuned to the forest might
be able to coax the creature within a nest, typically a
spire drake or mighty stork, for a ride. There are a few
canopy roosts where fey and other arboreal races have
set up arrival points for paid travel, which can be used
by those who have a negative reputation with the forest.
Special Qualities
Below are some special qualities that life forms (plant or 14 Ornamented. Creatures of these woods
animal) in the Feyrise Forest may have. These qualities decorate themselves with items they use as
can be combined with standard plants, animals, or clothes. Plants grow additional petals and
monsters to create variants specific to the Feyrise Forest leaves to accentuate their appearance.
(for example awakened finches or musical pines). 15 Curious. The wildlife here takes a
heightened interest in the events occurring
d20 Feyrise Qualities around them, poking their noses or
1 Vibrant. The flora and fauna here are vividly tendrils into tents and backpacks.
and fantastically colored, often in shades that 16 Telepathic. The plants and animals here
their normal counterparts could never display. have a limited ability to communicate their
2 Changeable. The plants and animals here emotions through telepathic means.
reflect the emotions of sentient creatures 17 Enchanting. The wildlife and fey creatures
around them in behavior and morphology. of the forest are alluring; they might simply
3 Ethereal. Lifeforms are not quite in this be beautiful, or trying to charm using magic.
world. Some part of them exists in another 18 Unaffected. The life here has a remarkable
plane, or in another time. Their bodies resistance to magical effects.
may not fully manifest in this realm. 19 Gregarious. The flora and fauna of this place
4 Awakened. The plants move like animals, have a tendency to gather together in groups.
and the animals think like people. 20 Vivacious. The wildlife here is verdant
5 Iridescent. Things here glow and and filled with life. There is quarry in
glitter as if lit internally, or reflect abundance and there always seems to be
any light that is cast upon them. ripe fruits, nuts, or vegetables to harvest.
6 Flight. The wildlife has developed
the ability to fly, glide, or hover using
Birds of A rdour
wings, air sacs, or natural magic.
7 Mischievous. The creatures in this forest
Birds of ardour are delightful, finch-sized birds that
find ways to goad the characters, such
display a wide variety of different forms, each of which
as throwing rocks or mimicking voices.
has amazingly vibrant and striking plumage. The
The plants in this forest might smell
coloration, pattern, and arrangement of their feathers
beautiful from afar, but stink up close.
can shift and change based on the emotions of sapient
8 Adaptive. The living things in the forest creatures nearby, making them soothing companions
take on the personality traits of travelers if and familiars. Because of this, the birds are highly sought
they remain nearby for an hour or more. after. Birds of ardor are also incredibly confident and
9 Tiny. Life here has a tendency daring, putting on amazing displays such as melodic
to be dwarfed or stunted. song, spectacular dances, and twisting flights.
10 Reflective. Lifeforms mirror what’s The traditional methods for capturing birds of ardor
occurring around them. Shrubs might are mist nets. These thin, almost invisible nets woven
change shape to become topiaries of travelers from spider silk can be strung up between two spires
and animals might mimic their voices. by hunters and left overnight. The hunters then return
11 Musical. Harmonies exude from the the following morning, using complex rope and pulley
creatures and plants in this woodland. They systems with leather harnesses to allow them to access
might originate from peculiar places. the birds caught in the nets. A lucky poacher might
12 Aromatic. The living things here smell catch five or six birds in this way; an unlucky one might
twice as strong as they ought to. Sometimes lose their net to an errant spire drake or mighty stork.
Umbral Hounds
this is delightful, sometimes it is repulsive.
13 Joyous. The plants of the forest are Rumored to be prophetic harbingers of doom, the
adorned with blossoms and flowers. The umbral hounds are wild, deep purple dogs with green
creatures frolic freely and are unafraid. eyes and curling horns that stand as high as a pony
and hunt in the ravines and lowlands of the Twilight
Valley. These scavenging carnivores can teleport
between the shadows of their fog-filled territories with
a flare of their viridescent eyes, always arriving when to offer. Ruokkas delight in new experiences, especially
they’re least welcome. Their sleek coats and drool- new foods, songs, dances, and art. In return for such
dripping maws are a motif repeated in the works of novel gifts, ruokkas can serve as guides, provide a safe
the ruokkas, who fear the hounds above all else. place to rest in their arboreal villages, give sustenance
in the form of a vegetable stew, or even construct
When umbral hounds hunt, they tend to do so in small new routes for explorers to take advantage of.
packs of three or four dogs. They use their innate
teleporting abilities and natural climbing skills to T wilight Valley Wildlife
surround their quarry, then drive them into an area of The flora and fauna of the Twilight Valley change
the lowlands that they know is difficult to escape, such based on the alignment, intent, and actions of the
as a cramped corner of a ravine or in the bend of a foul travelers that pass through them. Their responses to
river. The hounds can see through the thick mists that alignment are usually weak and constrained to color and
confuse lost travelers, and thus have no trouble hunting appearance. For example, good-aligned travelers might
in them. Once their quarry has been cornered, they find that the brambles seem to have a bruised purple
slowly circle in, then strike from all directions at once. tone to their thorns, or that the birdsong is strangely
discordant. The wildlife responds far more strongly to
Mighty Storks intents and actions. Wicked acts, in particular, tend to
Soaring high above the spires are mighty storks; akin in draw in wildlife that may seek to help an evil traveler;
appearance to their smaller cousins, but large enough for ravens might flock to them and serve as a familiar
several humans to sit astride. One can never fail to spot for a short while, while thorny roses may move out of
at least half a dozen circling or swooping through the the traveler’s path. A traveler that acts in a benvolent
low-hanging clouds, skimming the spire tops with their fashion will find their progress hindered; the stunted
immense wings, whose span rivals those of dragons. trees of the valley might trip them with their roots.
New Monsters
Spire Drake Wickies
Type: Large dragon, neutral Type: Tiny fey,
Special Ability: Coruscating Flyby neutral good
Mental: ttttt Special Ability:
Physical: ttttt Death Burst
Magical: ttttt Mental: ttttt
Physical: ttttt
Covered in scintillating plumage Magical: ttttt
that rivals even those of the
birds of ardor, spire drakes are Diminutive, candle-
dragon-like creatures that hunt like fairies, wickies
the mighty storks of the Feyrise can be found lighting
Forest. Although they don’t possess up ledges, ridges, and
the intelligence of true dragons, the boughs throughout
drakes are swift and agile airborne the Feyrise Forest.
predators capable of hunting at These fairies look like
high speeds and pursuing prey a mixture of candle and
through the forested peaks. The humanoid with waxy
most common tactic of a hunting skin and lithe limbs
drake is to fly in front of its quarry attached to cylindrical
at high speed while spinning. This bodies that are capped
spiraling swoop of vibrant color can with a flicker of flame.
temporarily blind or even stun their The light they emit can
prey, giving them the opportunity to be seen throughout the
grasp it with their wicked curved talons forest, as they tend to make
and carry them off to their nest. Spire lines with each other along
drakes tend to hoard prey in their nests atop naturally occurring ridges. The
the spires until they are hungry enough to eat. color of a wickie’s flame indicates
A full drake cannot fly anywhere near the speeds of the emotion it is feeling at the time;
a hungry one, thus they eat only when they are sure typically this is a warm orange of excitement, but it can
they have enough food stored to last a few days. flash through all colors of the visible spectrum–purples
for depression, greens for envy, gray for confusion, bright
Knockers orange for curiosity, and so on. Wickies, like all life in
Type: Tiny fey, neutral the Feyrise Forest, are particularly sensitive to travelers
Special Ability: Drill and may take on their alignment or personality traits. If
Mental: ttttt a wickie is killed, it explodes in a burst of searing flame.
Physical: ttttt
Magical: ttttt Spire Guardian
Constantly tapping their conical heads against the Type: Medium elemental, neutral
spires, knockers are tiny fey creatures that embody Special Ability: Whirlwind Wrap
impatience and anxiety. If they become overly nervous, Mental: ttttt
they can work together to knock down entire spires. Physical: ttttt
These fey have ossified exteriors, so that they look Magical: ttttt
like skinny little beardless dwarves covered in a thin Spire guardians are vaguely humanoid fey creatures that
layer of grey gravel. Their heads bear only the vaguest embody the winds of the Feyrise Forest. They cause
semblance of humanoid features, contorted and pointed howling gales when they’re upset, calm breezes when
into a cone. Knockers live in burrows that they carve they’re happy, or gusts when they feel mischievous.
out the spires using their conical heads and tend to Travelers often mistake the guardians for other explorers
aggregate in colonies of a dozen or more. The agitated high up on the peaks, but should a humanoid come too
tapping of knockers can often be heard throughout close, the guardian simply disperses. Spire guardians
the Feyrise Forest and if several colonies are present are so-called because they protect the prismatic
in the same area, their knocking can drown out all crystals growing from the rocky granite towers.
other sounds. When threatened, knockers put their Although they harbor no malice toward explorers,
cone-heads to deadly use, drilling into the skin of guardians are easily offended and should a creature
their assailants before dashing away at high speed. disrespect the guardian’s home in some way, they’ll soon
find themselves at the mercy of squalls and tempests to close in on the location of the ruins. Some of
that threaten to throw them from the spires into the these communities might want something in
Twilight Valley below. On the other hand, if a guardian return, such as trade goods, supplies, or a favor.
is feeling generous, it might wrap a creature in a
whirlwind when they’re about to slip, dampening their Upon arriving at the ruin’s location in the Twilight
fall. This whirlwind wrap can be used to devastating Valley, the characters find that it is a grand stone
effect if a guardian is threatened through crushing the arch, which provides a portal to the realm of the
air out of a humanoid’s lungs and pinning them in place. fey each new moon. The portal is imbued with fey
Quest Hooks
magic and offers a boon to those with a chaotic
alignment. Those who step through the empty
arch may charm nearly any creature to be their
companion or familiar, but may do so only once.
Crystal Frontier However, the fey of the Twilight Valley learn
of the intrusion into their territory and attempt
Several groups are searching for prismatic crystals
to drive the members of the expedition to
within the Feyrise Forest. The first group is a society of
madness before they can escape the forest.
magical researchers called the Order of the Gleaming
Aegis. They are dedicated to unlocking new methods
Faerie A lliance
of abjuration and they desire white (abjuration; lawful
good) crystals. The second group is a mercenary war The characters’ kingdom, realm, nation, or community
wizard company who hire themselves out to warring is threatened. They need a powerful ally to help
factions called the Company of the Blazing Staff. them overcome the impending doom and their best
They require orange (conjuration; lawful neutral) option is a fey noble from the Feyrise Forest. Most of
crystals. The final faction is the Cult of the Sanguine the powerful fey lurk in the Twilight Valley, where
Moon, a group of necromancers who are working to mortals struggle to remain for long before going insane,
create an undying war machine. They wish for purple but a few inhabit the groves on top of the spires.
(necromancy; neutral evil) crystals. The characters must
choose a faction they wish to work for. Each is offering First, the characters must gather information about
similar rewards, be it in gold, services, or treasure. the different fey nobles in the forest. Some are more
amiable to certain humanoids, others have specific
Once characters arrive at the Feyrise Forest, they’ll prices for forging alliances with mortals, some require
need to reach the spire tops by some means, such as tests of faith or skill before they commit, and others
the cut stone stairs or rope ladders, with the agents will want enormous favors in return. The characters
of their chosen faction. This part of the expedition is can learn about the fey nobles through libraries of
made harder by one of the rival groups, who attempts lore, local druids and rangers, other fey creatures in
to stop the characters using their particular magic. the forest, and the native wood elves and ruokkas.
For example, the Company of the Blazing Staff might From there, the characters must reach their chosen
conjure clouds of daggers to slash ropes the characters noble, overcoming hazards associated with either the
are climbing, or the Cult of the Sanguine Moon granite spires or Twilight Valley in the process.
might send undead bats to harass the characters.
Once characters reach the fey noble they’re interested
When the characters reach the top, they’ll need to in, they’ll need to prove themselves worthy in some
search for the crystals and defend their faction allies way, or incentivize the fey to join in the alliance.
while they mine the crystals. During this process, This could be something as easy as competing in an
the third faction tries to stop the characters. aerial race between the spires on the back of mighty
storks, or something harder, like reclaiming an area
Uncovered History of the Twilight Valley from a rival fey noble.
An archaeologist hires the characters as an escort.
They wish to do some research on a legendary ruin
within the Feyrise Forest, but are nervous to go on
their own. Furthermore, they know of the ruins'
existence, but not the exact location. They’ll need the
characters’ help to interview the native humanoids
for information. Threats such as the umbral hounds
and the maddening gloom of the Twilight Valley
threaten the archaeologist and the characters alike.
The Appendixes
“The great city of Tam’Buran was unmatched in its beauty
and wisdom. The twisting roots that hold its ruins aloft
remain, but do the hidden libraries they once protected?”
The Expedition System
The Expedition System is a framework for creating
interesting and meaningful journeys in your tabletop
roleplaying games. Both the game master and players The Expedition Phases
actively take part in shaping their next expedition. The system consists of three main phases; Planning,
The heroes declare their goals, what route they Travel, and Arrival. The travel phase is split into
plan to take, and what roles their characters two sub-phases, Stretches and Waypoints, which
will take on during the travels. occur together in a cycle. Each of these expedition
phases is described in detail in its own chapter.
The game master uses the system to define the difficulty
Planning the Expedition
of the journey, what types of terrain the heroes will
traverse, and how conditions such as, season, weather,
and character choices influence the journey. The planning phase of the expedition sees the players
and game master determine which course they are
intending to take, how they will undertake the journey,
M ake It Your Own and what preparations they will make. Based on this,
The Expedition System is built with the most recent the game master determines the Expedition Difficulty,
which is a guide of how difficult the journey will be.
tabletop rpg rules in mind and may need adapting
To plan their expedition, the players and game
to the game system you run. We’ve used generic master each take the following steps:
language wherever possible in an aim to point you
to the correct element of your chosen game system.
We encourage you to use the parts you like and
adapt them to your game system of choice. - Mark their current location and
decide their destination
- Determine the route they intend to
take and make preparations
- Optionally choose Expedition Roles
Game M aster :
- Determine the number of Stretches and Waypoints
- Determine the Expedition Difficulty
their next Stretch, recover from detrimental effects
Planning generated during the last Stretch, and deal with loss of
- Mark your origin and Destination morale. These places could be forest glades, riversides,
- Split the expedition into Stretches and Waypoints or open fields; any location that could be stayed at for
several consecutive days. Characters also have the chance
- Make adequate Preparations
to change the Expedition Role they’ll assume on the
- Choose Expedition Roles next stretch, undertake Expedition Activities, and deal
- Determine the Expedition Score with encounters. Landmarks (see the “Creating Forest
Environments” chapter) make excellent Waypoints.
On a meta-level, stretches are opportunities for the
- Stretches: Follow the daily travel cycle characters to experience the terrain through which
- Determine the location. When lost make they are traveling and to be faced with encounters.
a navigation check Most of what occurs during a Stretch is under the
- Pick a direction and destination game master’s control, and the interest lies in how
- Undertake Expedition Activities the characters respond. Conversely, Waypoints give
- The Expedition Difficulty is reduced by one step characters more agency to affect the next stretch
- Make a Morale Save of the journey and to recover from the last.
- Deal with encounters and challenges Preparations
- Waypoints: Take a day to rest and re-plan
Preparations can be made by the characters, but only
- Undertake Expedition Activities if they have some knowledge of what’s to come.
- Restore morale, spells, and hitpoints Knowledge. What do the characters know about
- Deal with encounters and challenges the land between their origin and destination? Do
- Change Expedition Roles maps exist of the journey they are going to take,
- Confirm next Stretch or will they have to muddle through on their own?
- Repeat until the destination is reached Can they contact local guides for information about
the surrounding lands? Do the local farmers have
any tips about traversing the marsh on the edge of
A rrival the village? Does the aged druid know something
- Reflect on the Hardships and Discoveries about the forest the characters might not?
of the expedition.
It is important to establish what level of knowledge the
characters have access to. It is essential that the game
the jungle. Maybe they've taken effort to learn that Expedition Difficulty
the mountain range ahead has passes which are
notorious for their avalanches and are best avoided. Safe
Character choices impact the evolution
and outcome of the expedition, including Challenging
but not limited to the following: Daunting
- Encounter frequency, hazards, and boons
- The duration of the expedition The total value is determined by taking the base
- Ease of navigation and Expedition Activities difficulty of the most predominantly occurring terrain
- Loss of Morale due to long travel and hardships during the journey, and modifying it as follows:
Difficulty Winter
Once the characters have set up for the journey ahead, Spring
the game master must determine the Expedition Autumn
Difficulty for the entire expedition. This rating varies
Precipitation Modifier
from safe to extreme and influences the likelihood of
encounters, hazards or boons, as well as the difficulty of Clear
undertaking Expedition Activities and Morale Saves. Light clouds —
Overcast or ground fog meditating and reflecting on the hardships of the
expedition. Characters cannot take the same Expedition
Rain, hail, or snow Role as another character during the same Stretch.
Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard
Strong Wind Expedition Activity Bonus
Storm Each role offers a unique perk for succeeding by a
large amount at any activity linked to the role.
Temperature Modifier
Role Expedition Activity Bonus
Unbearable heat
Camper On a strong success made to Make
Hot Camp, you also provide a small bonus to
Warm — each party member's next Morale Save.
Cool — Crafter On a strong success made to Repair,
you can repair one additional
non-magical item or terrain.
Arctic cold
Entertainer On a strong success made to
Entertain your Allies, each member
Wind Modifier of your party can also reroll their
Calm — next failed ability check.
Moderate Wind Forager On a strong success made to
Forage for Medicinals, you also
Strong Wind discover a number of rations equal
Gale to your Intelligence modifier.
Storm Hunter On a strong success made to Hunt for
Food, you also discover a number of
Preparations Modifier spell components or crafting resources
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Lookout On a strong success made to Spot
Some — Foes, you also gain a bonus die to
Thorough your next group sneak check.
Navigator On a strong success made to Navigate,
The Final Expedition Score you also discover a landmark.
Once you have taken into account the terrain, season, Scout On a strong success made to Scout
weather, and level of preparation by the heroes, Ahead, you gain a small bonus to your
you have the final Expedition Difficulty, ranging attack on your next surprise round.
from safe to extreme. This score should be used in
conjunction with your RPG system to determine Trainer On a strong success made to Set
the aforementioned properties of the journey. Pace, you also provide a small bonus
Expedition Difficulty is not set in stone and external to each party's next Morale Save.
factors and player choices are likely to cause changes.
When the characters arrive at a Waypoint you’ll have Expedition Activities
the opportunity to adjust the expedition difficulty
Expedition Activities are specific journey actions
and make it easier or harder for the characters.
the characters can take that give them a chance to
keep up on the ever-changing expedition that they
traveling, such as Spotting Foes, Navigating and
Locating Resources. Other activities are more likely
to succeed while resting at a Waypoint. Any character
Expedition Roles are specific responsibilities the can undertake any activity, though some are more
characters take on while traveling. They can be chosen at likely to be better suited to one class than another.
the journey’s outset and then changed at each Waypoint. Failing an activity by a significant margin can result
Expedition Activities are related to and complement the in major setbacks, requiring the careful balancing
expedition roles. Characters get a bonus for succeeding. of risk and reward. A character is not forced to
undertake activities, except for Navigation, which
When a character chooses or changes a role, it represents is done at the start of each day of a Stretch.
them brushing up on skills related to that role in some
way, such as practicing, reading through old notes or Expedition activities can be complemented by
guides, consulting with experts, spirits, gods, or even Expedition Roles. If characters undertake an activity that
is related to their role, and succeed by a good margin,
they gain an additional perk awarded by their role.
Navigate and other special activities Stretches versus Waypoints
are detailed in the table below: Expedition activities, as mentioned above, vary in
difficulty based on a range of variables. One major
Difficulties variable to keep in mind is whether the activity
The difficulty of achieving success at a certain expedition is being undertaken at a Stretch or a Waypoint.
activity can be determined in multiple ways. Some might Those marked with an * in the table are easier at a
vary based on terrain, weather, season, the ability of Waypoint. In this instance, reduce the difficulty to
a monster to hide or search, and some might seem far accompany the activity by a moderate amount.
too complex to approximate successfully. Whenever
you’re about the difficulty, you could use the Expedition
Difficulty generated at the start of the journey.
The Travel Phase
Activity Success Failure
Clear a Path You clear the trail ahead, removing Your efforts yield nothing save tiredness. You
any difficult terrain. take a small penalty to your next Morale Save.
Dowse* You discover 1d6 + Wisdom You are unable to find water, but lost a lot of time. You
modifier gallons of water. only travel half the distance you normally would.
Draw a Map You create a map that provides a small You create a flawed map that gives a small
bonus to tomorrow's Navigation attempt. penalty to tomorrow's Navigation attempt.
Entertain Allies* You boost the morale of your allies. They gain Your attempts to raise spirits annoys the others, who
a small bonus to their next Morale Save. take a small penalty to their next Morale Save.
Follow Tracks You follow a creature you're hunting, You lose your quarry and draw the attention of something.
deviating you from your destination. You must face an encounter or lose a resource.
Forage Medicine* You discover plants that can restore 1d6 You discover plants that you believe are medicinal, but are
+ Intelligence modifier as an action. poisonous, dealing 1d6 poison damage when consumed.
Forecasting You predict the weather, providing a small You fail to accurately predict the weather, giving a
bonus to tomorrow's Navigation attempt. small penalty to tomorrow's Navigation attempt.
Hunt* You discover or acquire rations: While searching for food you attract the attention
1d6 + Wisdom modifier. of something. You must face an encounter.
Make Camp* You improve camping conditions. Rested You ruin your camp. Resting only yields half the usual
characters can reroll a failed ability check. benefits, and your next Morale Save has a penalty.
Navigate You avoid becoming lost and head in You become lost. You cannot identify your location on a
the direction of your destination. map. Roll a d6 to determine which direction you travel in.
Pack Bags* The carrying capacity of one party You poorly distribute the weight between bags, making it
member increases by 10 times your hard going. You have to stop multiple times to adjust. You
Intelligence modifier in pounds. only travel half the distance you Challengingly would.
Repair* You repair one piece of non- The object or terrain is destroyed, or you are disheartened
magical equipment or terrain. and take a small penalty to your next Morale save.
Scout Ahead You gain the opportunity to surprise You reveal yourself to creatures ahead,
creatures in your next combat encounter. roll a random combat encounter.
Search Shortcuts You discover a shortcut. You may travel at The exertion takes its toll on you. Immediately make a
fast pace tomorrow with no drawbacks. moderate endurance saving throw against exhaustion.
Set Pace You spur your allies on. You may travel You exhaust yourself and your allies. Each gains
at fast pace today with no drawbacks. a small penalty to their next Morale Save.
Spot Foes* You see what lies ahead, preventing you You deem the route ahead to be clear, even if it may
and your party from being surprised. not be. Creatures have advantage to hide from you.
As previously mentioned, the Travel phase is The travel speeds given in the Travel Pace table assume
split into two sub-phases which cycle together; relatively simple terrain: roads, open plains, or clear
Stretch and Waypoint. Stretches are the times dungeon corridors. Adventurers often face dense forests,
when characters are traveling on their journey deep swamps, rubble-filled ruins, steep mountains, and
and sleeping rough. Waypoints are the times ice-covered ground–all considered difficult terrain.
that characters stop for a day or more to recover, You move at half speed in difficult terrain. Moving
rest their tired legs, and adjust their plans. 1 foot in difficult terrain costs 2 feet of movement;
you can cover only half the Challenging distance in a
Stretch minute, an hour, or a day. Some terrain might be extra
difficult meaning you move at quarter your normal
The Stretch sub-phase of a journey follows a movement. Moving 1 foot in extra difficult terrain costs
relatively set cycle that is repeated each day. 4 feet of movement; you can only cover a quarter of the
Challenging distance in a minute, an hour, or a day.
- Determine location, or if you are lost
- Pick a direction and pace 3. Navigation Check
- Make a navigation check Once the characters have decided which direction they
- Undertake Expedition Activities are going to travel in and at what pace, one member
- Deal with encounters and challenges of the party must make a navigation check. The DC
- Make a Morale Save of this check depends on the terrain they are in, the
seasons, and the weather. (continued next page)
Use the tables from 1. The Planning Phase and 5.
This daily travel cycle is made interesting by the Determine Expedition Difficulty, to determine
challenges the game master provides to the characters t the difficulty for the navigation check.
through the means of encounters and terrain On a success, the characters travel as intended i.e. in
challenges, but also by the choices the characters the correct direction at the correct pace. On a failure,
make in their expedition activities. Furthermore, the characters travel in a random direction (roll a d6 to
guidance is given in the Stretch chapter about determine) at the pace they intended. This could mean
how to bring an environment and journey to life they end up three hexes off in the wrong direction. If
for the characters through rich descriptions. the navigation check is successful and the party was
1. Determine Location
previously lost, they now know where they are.
At the start of each day of a Stretch, consult the map. 4. Expedition Activities
If the characters know where they are, point to their No longer does one party member navigate and
location on said map. If they are lost, don’t reveal their another search for rations while the rest amble
location to them. Characters will have planned their along without anything to do. The expanded list of
Stretch to reach a Waypoint (or their destination) Expedition Activities provided in 2. Expedition Roles
and thus need to know where they are in order to & Activities gives characters many more options for
follow their planned route. If they don’t know where ways to contribute to the journey. These should be
they are, they’ll need to make a successful navigation heavily linked to Expedition Roles which they choose
check to get back on track (see 3. Navigation Check). during Waypoints and at the start of their first Stretch.
2. Pick Direction & Pace
These activities range from foraging for medicine,
entertaining your allies, or to scouting ahead.
Once the characters know where they are, they’ll know A character can undertake any Expedition
which direction they need to travel. Let them pick Activity they wish at any time, though only one
their direction and at what pace they intend to travel. per day. They may choose not to undertake an
Next, the characters pick a pace activity at all, or undertake the same activity as
at which to travel. Their pace has several another character. Remember that pace influences
effects, as displayed in the table below. activities, as does the Expedition Difficulty.
While the characters are undertaking their Morale Save Result Outcome
Expedition Activities, the game master should
introduce a challenge based on the terrain Success by 5 or more Morale Score +1
they are in, and check for encounters. Success No change
Encounters. Encounters during Stretches are either
randomly determined based on terrain or are chosen by Failure by 1-4 Morale Score -1
the game master based on the Expedition Arc they want Failure by 5-9 Morale Score -2
to put the characters through. They typically focus on Failure by 10 or more Morale Score -3
the combat and roleplay pillars of play, as exploration
Morale Score
is covered by terrain challenges and Expedition
Activities. The number of encounters that might occur
during a day varies depending on your RPG system, A character’s Morale Score can range from 10 to -60.
but use the Expedition Difficulty to guide your hand. Each character starts an expedition with a morale
Challenges. Each day, the characters are presented score of 0, although this can be raised by thorough
with a challenge based on the terrain they are preparations. Throughout an expedition, a character’s
traveling through. These vary from hampered morale is likely to change, especially during a long
progress due to overgrown thickets, to a loss of stretch of travel. The lower a character’s morale, the
memories thanks to foul bogs that sap your mental more they’re going to struggle with the journey. A
and physical energy. These challenges give characters low morale indicates mental and physical fatigue.
another chance to shine during their journey. The mechanical effects of are detailed below.
to make their full journey without losing morale, a hard time navigating through the dense forest,
which can be deadly. The new elements involved they might opt to travel along the riverbank instead,
in resting at a Waypoint can give characters some choosing cover over speed. Once the characters have
control over what they’re going to undertake next. confirmed their next Stretch, the next phase begins.
1. M aking Camp & You may need to alter the Expedition Difficulty
Expedition Activities rating when big changes in terrain occur, the weather
At this point, the characters can describe in shifts dramatically or other circumstances indicate
detail what they’re doing to set up a more long- an increase or decrease in difficulty. A waypoint is a
term camp. Characters will be staying here for good time to communicate this change to the players.
at least one night and one day, so give them time
to fill in the small details about what they do. Multiple Stretches
After this, characters can undertake Expedition A wilderness journey is usually more than one stretch
Activities in much the same way as they would long. Stretches and waypoints follow each other until the
during a Stretch (see 4. Expedition Activities and 2. characters arrive at their final destination. This might
Expedition Roles & Activities). These activities give mean repeating the cycle of stretch and waypoint several
characters the chance to prepare or what is to come. times before the characters end up at their destination.
Some activities are almost essential, such as spotting This shouldn’t make the journey any harder for the
foes and locating water, while others are more likely to game master to prepare, just keep following the cycle.
succeed while at a Waypoint than during a Stretch.
Discoveries H ardships
Characters with a positive morale reflect back on Characters with a negative morale at the end of the
something they discovered during the expedition. journal will have to recall an event that caused them
This can be anything such as a physical landmark, new harm, be it physical or mental. They might think back
knowledge, a magical effect, procured item, defeated on what they learned from a dire situation, how they
monster, .or even a powerful feeling, revelation, or handled a moral dilemma, or how they overcame
epiphany they had during the journey. This provides seemingly insurmountable odds. After the reflection
fantastic roleplaying opportunities, and often revolve has taken place, roll on or choose from the following
around the wondrous aspects of an expedition. Once the table to determine the mechanical outcome:
reflection has taken place, roll on or choose from the
following table to determine the mechanical outcome:
d6 Hardship Outcome
1 The character cannot gain or lose Morale for
d6 Reflection Outcome 1d4 days at the start of their next Expedition.
1 The character starts their next 2 The character can reroll one failed ability
expedition with a Morale Score of 5. check made within the next 24 hours.
2 The character gains a small bonus to each 3 The character can reroll one failed saving
ability check made in the next 24 hours. throw made within the next 24 hours.
3 The character gains a small bonus to each 4 The character gains a temporary resistance
saving throw made in the next 24 hours. to a particular hazard, such as extreme
4 The character gains a new contact cold, linked to their Reflection.
from their Reflection who can be 5 The character gains a small quantity of
called upon in times of need. temporary hit points that last for the
5 The character gains a small, permanent next 24 hours or until depleted.
bonus to a skill related to their Reflection. 6 The character gains a small bonus to
6 The character can recover from one recovering from one lingering injury,
lingering injury, disease, exhaustion, or other disease, exhaustion, or other condition
condition gained during the Expedition. gained during the Expedition.
fig. 1: Roots of Sylvanus
edition adventure using materials
from this book. The adventure sees the “When first I set foot into the woods, I felt the very trees
characters becoming trapped within the embrace me. Their boughs bent low to brush my hair. I
woods through which they are traveling knew then that this would be my sacred grove.”
when thick trunks close together to form a border
— Diary of Sylvanus Beechwarden
around the forest’s heart. This growth is caused by the
Spirit of Sylvanus, an ethereal woodland guardian Unbeknownst to them, the characters are wandering
who was once a druid. The spirit was trying to trap through a forest whose heart is the sacred grove of
a clan of dwarves who are threatening to destroy the Sylvanus Beechwarden, a now-deceased druid. Sylvanus
forest with their industrial activity, but the characters protected this wood, toiling endlessly to encourage it
were in the wrong place at the wrong time. to flourish and fend off the worst threats that assaulted
it. Sylvanus found his sacred grove as a young man, but
The characters must solve the mystery of their as the years turned to decades he began to worry for
internment if they hope to escape. In doing so, they the fate of the wood—what did the future hold for this
discover from fairy creatures in the forest that the spirit most sacred of places? To put his mind at ease, Sylvanus
is corrupted and, even if the dwarves are stopped, the opted to undertake an expedition to the Marrowgrove, a
Spirit of Sylvanus could strike again. Dealing with this woodland haunted by undead, some weeks’ travel away.
corruption is covered in Shadows of the Marrowgrove. There, he had heard, grew the augury root, which could
be steeped in a brew to provide visions of the future.
A djusting Encounters
Sylvanus’ journey was successful, to a point, as
This adventure is 5e compatible and designed to be he arrived at the Marrowgrove in good time. The
played by characters of any level. Encounters that druid found and drank of the root, but saw that
need to be adjusted for different level characters his forest would become corrupted, just like the
have an ‘Adjusting the Encounter’ sidebar, which Marrowgrove, fated for undeath and despair. With
provides details of changes that need to be made. the portent burned into his mind’s eye, Sylvanus
tried to flee the Marrowgrove. Wracked by grief
and anxiety, the druid failed to pay proper attention
to the hazards of the wood and was killed after Siding With Sylvanus
losing his mind in a reclamation marsh. This adventure assumes, for the most part, that
the characters side with the fairies and attempt to
At first, Sylvanus’ returned spirit was as benevolent show the spirit of Sylvanus that peace and harmony
and caring as the druid was during life, but with the are the way to restore and protect the sacred grove.
passing years, his spirit became less and less tolerant of However, if the characters decide that the spirit has
intruders into the forest, transforming into a malicious got it right - vengeance and violence are the way to
phantasm driven by jealousy and rage. The malevolent go - there’s no reason not to continue. Rather than
actions of the spirit cause corruption wherever it assisting the characters, the fairies try to stop them
resides, causing nearby plants and animals to wither from spreading the corruption that would doom the
or mutate so that they resemble those found in the forest to a Marrowgrove fate. Examples of this include:
Marrowgrove. Now, while Sylvanus’ reanimated
body stalks the Marrowgrove, his spirit, devoted as - Dryads using their Fey Charm to manipulate the
it was to his own sacred grove, has returned to characters toward protecting the forest, or casting
haunt this forest - closing the circle on the spells such as entangle to make it harder for the
self-fulfilling prophecy he received. characters to travel through the wood.
- Satyr ambushing the characters from
Synopsis the shadows and attempting to tie them
to tree trunks as a restraint, or playing
In recent months, a clan of dwarves enrapturing songs that function like
has discovered bountiful ores the confusion or sleep spell to stop
beneath the forest and begun them from spreading corruption.
to mine them with complete - Sprites using their Heart Sight
disregard for the damage to learn the true motives of the
caused. This encroachment characters, and their poisoned
has enraged the spirit of arrows to incapacitate them.
Sylvanus to a dangerous
degree. The adventure Dark R eward
begins with the If the characters follow this path
spirit erecting an and end up killing the dwarves, each
impassable wall character gains a dark boon from
of trees and roots the spirit of Sylvanus as a reward:
around the heart of
the wood, entrapping Sanguine Spirit. Whenever you reduce
both the dwarves a creature to 0 hit points, you gain
and the characters. temporary hit points equal to your level
While the spirit of as your spirit feasts upon the bloodshed.
Sylvanus seeks to
kill the industrious
dwarves, his old
friends, the fairies, want Introduction
to see the dwarves leave This adventure takes place in the heart of
the forest peacefully. They any forest of the Game Masters’ choice. The
are scared that Sylvanus will area in question should be at least 240 feet across
only become more malevolent at its smallest measure. While the characters
if further bloodshed occurs. are traveling through the center of the wood,
they notice that the trees are moving to prevent
The characters, trapped as they are, must discover their egress. Read or paraphrase the following:
what has caused Sylvanus to erect the wall of trees and
make a decision - assist the corrupted spirit, or help the As you pass through a grove at the heart of the forest,
peaceful fairies. Hopefully, the characters can get the you begin to hear a strange rumbling and creaking. It
dwarves to leave before the spirit of Sylvanus brings sounds like trees bending in a gale even though there is
vengeance upon them. By uncovering clues about no wind present. As you press on, you notice movement in
Sylvanus’ fate, they should also realize that they must your peripheral vision. The trees are moving. Before you
show Sylvanus’ spirit that peace, negotiation, and mercy know it, the trail ahead is blocked by a mass of rugged
can still work. If the characters are successful, the fairies trunks and wrapping roots. No matter which way you
pose the characters with a quest that is covered in this turn, it seems you cannot leave the forest’s heart.
adventure’s sequel, Shadows of the Marrowgrove.
Trapped. The characters should quickly realize change their type to undead
they are trapped in the center of the forest. No matter Tier 3: Use ghost statistics
which way they turn, or which route they take, the Tier 4: Use wraith statistics
Fairy Allies
trees uproot themselves and form a barrier that
blocks their path. If the characters attempt to fly
or levitate over the trees, the branches grow into a
cage-like shape that prevents them from doing so. Once the characters have overcome the introductory
encounter, read or paraphrase the following:
Investigation. Characters who wish to better
understand what’s occurring might try to investigate the The ethereal spirit dashes away from you into a nearby tree,
trees. The following ability checks provide information: which shivers as it enters. Before you can gather your wits after
the battle, a buzzing fills the air around your heads. Seemingly
- A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals from nowhere a cloud of sprites has appeared. One flies to the
that they are normal trees, predominantly beech. fore of the cloud and addresses you.
- If the check succeeds by 5 or more, or “Careful! He’s angry enough as it is - we need to sort
the characters succeed on a subsequent this whole thing out peacefully, and quick!”
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, they
can tell that the trees are being animated
by some form of natural magic. The leader of the sprites is Adelina Flitterwing; an
- A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) excitable and anxious creature who truly cares for the
check reveals that the trees all around them forest and for Sylvanus. She wears a boiler suit made
are moving, not just this one copse. from an autumnal leaf and has a shock of short white
- A successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check hair. She tells the characters a brief overview of what’s
allows a character to recall that this wood been occurring in the woods over the past years.
was home to a druid named Sylvanus.
- A successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check - Sylvanus the druid left, and only his spirit returned.
allows a character to climb a tree, but if they - More recently, he’s been angrier and angrier, not just
try to escape over the barrier, the tree’s limbs defending the forest but killing those who damage it.
move to prevent them from doing so. - The fairies want to help Sylvanus rediscover
Assault. After the characters have spent time his caring nature, and are scared that the
investigating, or if the characters do anything to more he kills, the worse he’ll become.
harm a tree, the spirit of Sylvanus comes to deal - Something must be endangering the forest other
with them. Read or paraphrase the following: than the characters - the sprites need help finding out
what if they’re to prevent Sylvanus from killing it.
Suddenly, you see a green figure flitting from tree to tree - The characters won’t be able to leave until the threat
in your direction. The creature seems ethereal, making is dealt with peacefully. If the characters try to solve
the problem with violence, the spirit of Sylvanus will
it hard to see, but you can tell it is humanoid in form, be lost to bloodlust, and the forest will be corrupted.
with a proud pair of antlers crowning its head. As it gets
closer, the ghostly being lets out a hideous howl of rage and
despair before disappearing. Suddenly, the surrounding When the characters agree to help, the sprites
trees uproot themselves and barrel toward you. advise them to search the forest for any signs of
damage or destruction. If they discover anything
not native to the forest, they should investigate
The characters are attacked by four walking and see if they can get whatever is damaging
trees. When the characters reduce the last tree to the forest to leave peacefully. Meanwhile, the
0 hit points, the Spirit of Sylvanus appears from sprites will try to calm the enraged Sylvanus.
within it and attacks. When the Spirit of Sylvanus
is reduced to 0 hit points, he lets out a mournful Adelina gives the characters a tiny polished
wail and disappears into another nearby tree. stone that is etched with an engraving of the forest
and explains that wetting the stone and placing it
A djusting Encounter atop any other stone in the woods will conjure up a
Walking Trees larger illusion of the forest for them to navigate by.
Tier 1: Use warhorse skeleton statistics
but change their type to plant
Tier 2: Use awakened tree statistics
Tier 3: Use elephant statistics but change type to plant
Tier 4: Use treant statistics
Spirit of Sylvanus
Tier 1: Use shadow statistics
Tier 2: Use dryad statistics but
Using this stone provides advantage on Wisdom to corruption and the sacred grove is doomed.
(Survival) checks made to navigate in the forest.
Characters can descend into the sinkhole carefully by
A dditional Discovery using climbing gear, or spells such as fly or featherfall.
At any time during their travels, the characters
can stumble across a small hut in the woods Sylvanus’ Spite. The ancient ruin was created by
which contains information about Sylvanus. Sylvanus when he took this forest as his sacred grove.
Read or paraphrase the following: Now that it has been destroyed, it serves as a focus for
his hatred and drive for vengeance. This manifests as the
Suddenly, you find yourself in a delightful clearing. presence of ghostly beasts that seep out of the wildlife
Only a moment ago the thick woods hid this place reliefs on the remaining stones and attack intruders.
from view. Settled neatly against a moss-covered
rock outcropping is a cottage on staddle stones with The ghostly beasts that attack can be beasts of
a thatched roof. Although quaint and picturesque, the any variety, though suggestions are included in the
cottage looks as if it’s been abandoned for some time. “Adjusting the Encounter” sidebar. Change the beasts’
type to undead, and give them the following ability:
This cottage was once home to Sylvanus. It still
Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move
contains his belongings and furniture, including notes
through other creatures and objects as if they
about the Marrowgrove forest, a diary which details
were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
his mission to head to the Marrowgrove and drink of
damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
the augury root to see what lies in the forest’s future,
specifically whether it would remain protected when
The ghostly beasts defend the shrine against
he eventually died. Also, lying forgotten and dust-
intruders, even though it has been destroyed. They
covered on a desk, is a smooth granite stone with a
can be destroyed by reducing them to 0 hit points,
hole through its center; it is a stone of good luck.
by casting dispel magic (DC 15) on each of the stones
the ghosts emerged from (one for each stone), or by
When the characters leave the cottage, they
trying to calm them with a DC 20 Wisdom (Animal
find Adelina Flitterwing sobbing, perched on
Handling) check (one per beast). Characters that
the edge of a staddle stone. She explains that the
refuse to fight the beasts and lay down their arms
cottage was Sylvanus’. His spirit never returns to
are no longer recognized as a threat by the beasts,
this clearing, but Adelina comes here often to think
as are those who offer a libation such as a waterskin
about what could be causing Sylvanus’ anger.
of ale, wine, honey, or other valuable liquid.
landscape of mud and stone without a map, and is a of ability checks before failing a certain number.
dead-end for the characters. Attempts to do so result Characters can make any check of their choice
in the characters encountering burrowing monsters provided they can justify it. Examples include:
(see “Dwarven Idol” for examples), or becoming lost.
Lost characters must use the navigation rules presented - A Strength (Sleight of Hand) check to lift out a
in Wondrous Expeditions: Forests to retrace their fallen trunk and replace it with an upright branch.
steps and get out of the tunnels where they entered. - A Dexterity (Medicine) check to administer
first aid while in cramped quarters.
A djusting The Encounter - A Constitution check to hold up a fallen
Sinkhole Hazard tree for an extended period.
Tier 1: The DC for the Dexterity saving - An Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine
throw is 10, the damage is 1d6 which order the trees should be moved in.
Tier 2: The DC for the Dexterity saving - A Wisdom (Perception) check to find the
throw is 13, the damage is 2d6 owlbear caught between the trunks.
Tier 3: The DC for the Dexterity saving - A Charisma (Animal Handling) check
throw is 15, the damage is 4d6 to calm the frightened animal.
Tier 4: The DC for the Dexterity saving
throw is 18, the damage is 8d6 Depending on how well the characters did
in the encounter, the following occurs:
Ghostly Beasts Success with No Failed Checks. The characters
Tier 1: Use three black bears extricate the owlbear unharmed, though somewhat
Tier 2: Use three brown bears, and give them distressed. The owlbear calms down and is willing
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and to serve as a mount or pack animal for the characters
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks while they remain in the woods. The characters
Tier 3: Use four saber-toothed tigers, and give have advantage on Morale saves while with the
them immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and owlbear. Furthermore, the spirit of Sylvanus notices
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks the actions of the characters, giving them the chance
Tier 4: Use four giant apes, and give them to show that peace and mercy are useful tools.
immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and Success with One or More Failed Checks. The
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks characters manage to free the owlbear. It is injured,
but seems capable of looking after itself, and lopes off
Fallen Trees into the forest. Furthermore, the spirit of Sylvanus
notices the actions of the characters, giving them the
When the characters arrive at the fallen chance to show that peace and mercy are useful tools.
trees, read or paraphrase the following: Failure with One or More Successful Checks.
The characters free the owlbear but the distressed
From beneath the fallen trees, you hear a plaintive, pained creature lashes out and attacks them. It can be
whimpering. Although you can’t decipher exactly what’s calmed only after the characters succeed on
making the noise, it is clear something is trapped beneath the a DC 16 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check,
wall of toppled trunks. The enormous stands seem poised to give it some food, or drop their weapons.
collapse further - not even a finch will land on them for long. Failure with No Successful Checks. The characters
As you get closer to the toppled trunks, you realize they have are unable to free the owlbear before it succumbs to
begun to rapidly wither and change - stained white puffball its injuries. Furthermore, each character that failed a
fungi that resemble humanoid skulls grow from every check gains a level of exhaustion from their excursions.
crack and crevice, releasing corrupted spores into the air.
Clues. Characters can investigate what
Puffskulls. The corruption of Sylvanus has caused caused the trees to fall. The following
magical fungi to grow over the fallen tree trunks. ability checks provide information:
A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check
allows a character to identify the fungi as puffskulls; - A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
fungi that release magical, necrotizing spores that allows a character to spot the supports of a
normally grow in Marrowgroves. A creature that tunnel beneath the roots of the trees. If the check
starts its turn within 10 feet of a puffskull must succeeds by 5 or more, the characters notice an
iron talisman hanging from one of the supports.
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take
necrotic damage and suffer further conditions (DC - The talisman can be recovered with
and damage varies, see “Adjusting the Encounter”). a successful DC 12 Dexterity check.
Failure causes the character to drop the
talisman, making it unobtainable.
Trapped Owlbear. Trapped beneath the fallen
trees is an owlbear. In order to free the owlbear, - A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Religion)
check reveals it to be a holy symbol of
the characters must succeed on a certain number the dwarven goddess of mines.
- A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check about it because the idol has been sanctified by a dwarven
allows a character to determine that the priestess. Characters that succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
tunnel leads from roughly north to south. (Insight) check realize the emotional spirits will lash out
- A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check at any who come close, lest they cause more damage.
reveals no damage to the trees prior to their fall.
Rather, their roots have pulled out from loose earth. The spirits can be destroyed by reducing them
to 0 hit points, or by calming them with a DC 20
A djusting The Encounter Charisma (Persuasion) check. Spells such as calm
emotions also work. If the characters succeed in calming
Tier 1: The DC is 10. Characters take 5 (1d10)
the spirits, they heal each character for a number
necrotic damage on a failed save and are poisoned of hit points equal to twice their character level.
for 1 minute. Success means a character is
immune to the puffskull spores for 1 hour. Furthermore, hiding within the mound is a
burrowing monster that has come up from the
Tier 2: The DC is 15. Characters take 11 (2d10)
necrotic damage on a failed save and are poisoned for earth below. It awaits prey to return to the mound
1 hour on failed save, or take half as much damage which it can ambush and devour. Characters
on a successful save. Success means a character with a certain passive Wisdom (Perception) score
is immune to the puffskull spores for 1 hour. notice the monster before it can surprise them.
Tier 3: The DC is 20. Characters take 22 (4d10)
necrotic damage on a failed save and are poisoned for Once the characters have overcome the sap spirits
1 hour on failed save, or take half as much damage and burrowing monster, they are faced with the
on a successful save. Success means a character idol. Characters that succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence
is immune to the puffskull spores for 1 hour. (Religion) check recognize the idol as a dwarven mining
Tier 4: The DC is 25. Characters take 44
goddess, made from the rubble as a good luck charm,
(8d10) necrotic damage on a failed save and or symbol of protection in the tunnels. It should be
are poisoned for 1 hour on failed save, or take clear to the characters that Sylvanus would see this as
half as much damage on a successful save. a rival deity’s presence in his sacred grove, but because
the monument is sanctified, he cannot destroy it.
Characters poisoned by the spores are incapacitated
with spasms for the first minute of their poisoning. The characters must make a choice: destroy the
mining goddess’s shrine and fuel Sylvanus’ spite, or pray
Encounter to the mining goddess and ask to remove the monument
Tier 1: The characters must succeed on
on Sylvanus’ behalf. If the characters choose to destroy
5 DC 10 checks before failing 5. it, the monument takes on a semblance of life as an
Tier 2: The characters must succeed on
animated idol and retaliates against the characters.
5 DC 13 checks before failing 5.
Tier 3: The characters must succeed on
Clues. Characters can search the rubble
5 DC 15 checks before failing 3. pile and monster’s lair for clues. The following
Tier 4: The characters must succeed on
ability checks provide information:
5 DC 18 checks before failing 3.
- A DC 10 Strength check allows characters to retrieve
rusted and broken mining tools from the rubble.
Dwarven Idol - A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check
When the characters arrive at the dwarven reveals tracks heading from the pile to the
idol, read or paraphrase the following: north. If the check succeeds by 5 or more, the
character can tell the tracks are dwarven.
Piled up high in a man-made clearing is a heap of rubble - A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check
allows a character to discover the burrowing
and scrap. Broken tool handles, lumps of jagged rock, and monster’s lair, which contains scattered bones
mounds of gravel all come together in a hideous monument and an iron token engraved with symbols.
to industry, which seeps dirty water into the surrounding - A successful DC 10 Intelligence
forest. Crudely erected next to the pile of refuse is some (Nature) or Wisdom (Medicine) check
kind of idol wrought in stone. No wildlife can be heard in reveals the bones to be dwarven.
this part of the forest, and the stumps that surround the - A successful DC 10 Intelligence (History)
heap weep tears of sap. As you watch, the tears of sap begin check reveals the iron token to be a
to coalesce into haunting dryads whose wailing is awful to dwarven token good luck token.
behold. They crowd around the idol in an ululating ring. - A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Religion)
check allows a character to recognize the
Sap Spirits. The spirits mourn for the destruction and idol as a dwarven mining goddess.
pollution that has occurred here and lament the presence
of the dwarven idol. They are powerless to do anything
A djusting The Encounter
Discovering the
Sap Spirits
Tier 1: Two spectres.
Tier 2: Four dryads.
Tier 3: Four dryads with 50 hit points, resistance to Once the characters have investigated the
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from aforementioned scenes, they come to the conclusion that
nonmagical attacks, and the following attack option: there are dwarves mining beneath the forest, causing
the earth to collapse into sinkholes, and undermining
Wail (1/Day). The spirit releases a mournful wail that the trees. From clues at each location, they should
has no effect on constructs and undead. All other deduce that the dwarves have their encampment on
creatures within 30 feet of the spirit that can hear the northern edge of the forest’s heart. Once they have
it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. this information, they should travel there to confront
On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit points. On a the dwarves about the harm they’re causing, and try
success, a creature takes 44 (8d10) psychic damage. to get them to leave the forest peacefully, lest Sylvanus
slay them all. Once the characters arrive at the dwarven
Tier 4:Eight dryads with 100 hit points, encampment, read or paraphrase the following:
immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, and You emerge through the low boughs of the trees and
the Wail attack option presented above. discover an encampment nestled between the undergrowth.
It consists mostly of cloth tents, though there is a finely
Burrowing Monster constructed, low, wooden tower rising from the center.
Tier 1: Use ankheg statistics. The passive Working hard between the canvas structures are several
Wisdom (Perception) score required is 13. dwarves breaking rocks and packing crates with ore. Now
Tier 2: Use remorhaz statistics. The passive that the cushioning of the forest and leaves is behind you,
Wisdom (Perception) score required is 15. the ringing sound of metal on stone is abundantly clear.
Tier 3: Use bullette statistics. The passive
Wisdom (Perception) score required is 20. Dwarves. The dwarves readily greet the
Tier 4: Use purple worm statistics. The passive characters provided they approach with weapons
Wisdom (Perception) score required is 25. sheathed. If the characters ask to talk to someone
about what’s going on here, one of the working
Animated Idol dwarves escorts them to a larger, pelt-covered tent
Tier 1: Use gargoyle statistics, but remove its fly speed. and introduces them to the forewoman, Scotia
Tier 2: Use earth elemental statistics. Hammerarm. Read or paraphrase the following:
Tier 3: Use clay golem statistics.
Tier 4: Use stone golem statistics. The dwarf calls a greeting and pushes aside the tent flaps,
P utting it Together
revealing an interior filled with desks and mine blueprints. A
dwarven woman turns toward you, her iron leg clinking as she
The characters might manage to determine that heads in your direction.
dwarven miners are to blame after investigating “Ah, adventurers! Pleasure to meet you. You didnae
just the first scene, but by the time happen to find my leg? I’m Scotia Hammerarm
they’ve investigated all three they by the way, of Hammerarm Enterprises.”
absolutely should have come to that
conclusion. They should also see Scotia is a high-spirited dwarf with an unfortunately
that the dwarven encampment is short temper and, after a recent mining accident, an
somewhere in the north of the artificial leg. She is a mercenary sort, valuing her profits
forest’s heart, as all tunnels and over anything else, and has little understanding of or care
tracks lead in those directions. for the damage her operations are causing to the forest.
If the characters are struggling Scotia happily answers the questions of the
to put together the clues, characters, though if they start to push her
allow them to make a DC 12 on anything she gets cross with them.
Intelligence (Investigation)
check to determine it, or What are you doing here? “You cannae
provide extra clues as they see that we’re running a mining operation?
search through the forest There’s a rich vein of iron running beneath this
such as forgotten pickaxes, forest, one of the best I’ve come across!”
dwarf-sized footprints, Do you realize that you’re causing damage to the
or even dropped notes. forest? “Oh aye. What’s the odd sinkhole here and
there though eh? I’ve paid the price!” (she indicates
to her artificial leg) “Though I must say, I think
I prefer this contraption to the fleshy one.” also try to dupe Scotia by giving her an item that
Do you know about the spirit of Sylvanus? “The they claim is worth more than it really is. Scotia
what? Oooh, that green ghostie? He’s been no end accepts the trade if a character succeeds on a DC
of trouble, stealing tools, hurling rocks, making the 20 Charisma (Deception) check. If given goods are
scrub grow up around us. Aye, he’s a fair nightmare.” worth roughly 5,000 gp, Scotia agrees to leave.
You’ve pushed him too far, and he’s looking for
blood. “What a wee spirit? He can come and take
it if he likes. I’ve no fear of the undead.” Diplomacy
Did you know we’re trapped here in the forest? Characters might try to convince Scotia to leave through
“Aye, but I cannae imagine a wall of trees will argument and persuasion. Firstly, the characters need
bother us beneath the earth. Our pickaxes will to convince Scotia of the seriousness of the situation
make short work of any roots - finest dwarven iron with a successful DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion)
in production. I’ve spared no expense here - I’ll check. They’ll then need to provide moving evidence
be making my gold back though, thrice over!” of Sylvanus’ attacks, requiring a successful DC 16
Aren’t you going to stop mining? “Stop mining?! Charisma (Performance) check. The characters then
Over my dead body! I’ve invested a hefty purse need to illustrate to Scotia that the cost she’ll have to
into this expedition, and there’s no way I’m pay bereaved families would far outweigh the profits
stopping before I’ve made that back!” from the ore with a successful DC 16 Intelligence
check. A final DC 16 Charisma (Intimidation) check
After talking with Scotia, it should become clear that the drives home that the characters are serious about
dwarves aren’t going to pack up their operation in any getting the dwarves to leave. If the characters succeed
kind of hurry. Characters can go about resolving this in each of these checks, Scotia agrees to leave.
by any means they feel necessary, though examples are
Using Force
provided below. If the characters fail at one approach,
they can take another, but can’t repeat the same approach.
If the characters run out of options, they might
The Dark Path resort to moving the dwarves by force, which
inevitably results in combat. If the characters can
If the characters come to the encampment with get past two bodyguards and knock out Scotia
murder in their hearts, there is little to stop them Hammerarm, she agrees to leave out of shame.
from massacring the miners. The group consists
of Scotia Hammerarm, her two bodyguards, a If the characters kill any dwarves, they have failed in
priestess, and twenty commoners. If the characters their quest to remove the dwarves peacefully. Sylvanus
kill any dwarves, they have failed in their quest to appears before them in a terrifying aspect, and cackles
remove the dwarves peacefully. Sylvanus appears with glee as he transforms the characters into oaken
before them in a terrifying aspect, and cackles with enforcers fated to guard the woods for eternity.
glee as he transforms the characters into oaken
enforcers fated to guard the woods for eternity.
Characters that succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight)
check realize that all Scotia truly wants is gold, and
she doesn't care too much how she gets it. In order
to bribe her, they’ll need to know roughly how much
she’s hoping to make from the iron ore. Characters
can persuade Scotia to let them look at her mine
plans with a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion)
check, or steal them with a successful DC 14 Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check. A character with the plans
can make a DC 18 Intelligence check, coming up
with the correct value of roughly 5,000 gp.
In order to make up this value, the characters could
amass treasure from previous adventures, give up an
Uncommon magic item, or search for something in
the forest of similar value, such as rare herbs or the
golden antlers of a rare stag. This should be resolved
at the Game Masters’ discretion. Characters might
The Spirit of Sylvanus Stirs
If you want to up the ante of the final encounter, DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once they’ve
have the spirit of Sylvanus appear while the characters found it, they need to determine how to disable it
are trying to deal with the dwarves. The angry spirit’s with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
sole aim is to kill the dwarves through whatever means check. Finally, they need to disable or steal it with a
it can - using its own abilities, animating the forest, successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
calling upon corrupted animals, etc. The characters ConclusionOnce the characters have arranged it so that
must either join sides with the spirit and attack the the dwarves will pack up their mining operation and
dwarves, or defend the dwarves while trying to convince leave the forest, the spirit of Sylvanus appears before
them to leave, or try to persuade the spirit of Sylvanus the characters. Read or paraphrase the following:
that violence and bloodshed aren’t the answer. If the
characters have previously acted mercifully in the As the dwarves finish packing up their tools, the same
encounters leading up to this point, they can make antler-bearing spirit appears before you, his green aura
pleas to Sylvanus to stop his malevolent actions. The creating emerald shadows between the trees. The spirit of
characters should make a group Charisma (Persuasion) Sylvanus regards the leaving dwarves with satisfaction,
check (DC varies, see “Adjusting the Encounter”). then turns toward you. For a moment, you think you
The check can be made with advantage for good notice a serene gratitude pass across their features but, just
roleplaying, bringing up examples of their merciful as the spirit disappears into a nearby tree, their features
behavior in the forest, or by taking significant actions contort into a maddening sneer. It’s clear that Sylvanus’
to defend the dwarves, such as throwing themselves malevolence has been quelled, but it’s not clear how long it
in front of Scotia to save her. On a success, Sylvanus’ will last. As before, it’s not long until the sprites arrive.
anger is quelled, at least for the time being, and he
permits the dwarves to remain in the forest. Adelina Flitterwing thanks the characters
wholeheartedly for their efforts to get rid of the
A djusting The Encounter dwarves, explaining they could never have managed it
Scotia Hammerarm on their own. With Sylvanus placated, at least for the
Tier 1: Use bandit captain statistics. time being, the sprites can investigate what happened
Tier 2: Use veteran statistics. to Sylvanus when he left the forest. If the characters
Tier 3: Use giant ape statistics but change their are willing to help, the sprites reveal that the last
type to humanoid, and size to Medium journey Sylvanus made alive was to the Marrowgrove,
Tier 4: Use archmage statistics. an undead-haunted forest not far from here. The
events of what occurs in that forest are covered in this
Bodyguards adventure’s sequel; Shadows of the Marrowgrove. As
Tier 1: Use bandit statistics. a reward for undertaking this second adventure, the
Tier 2: Use thug statistics. sprites promise to teach each character the conjure
Tier 3: Use gladiator statistics. fey spell, which they can use once per day to summon
Tier 4: Use frost giant statistics but change their the sprites when the characters are in need.
type to humanoid, and size to Medium.
— The End
Tier 1: Use acolyte statistics.
Tier 2: Use priest statistics.
Tier 3: Use guardian naga statistics.
Tier 4: Use androsphinx statistics.
Persuading Sylvanus
Tier 1: The DC for the Charisma (Persuasion) check is 15.
Tier 2: The DC for the Charisma (Persuasion) check is 18.
Tier 3: The DC for the Charisma (Persuasion) check is 20.
Tier 4: The DC for the Charisma (Persuasion) check is 25.
The characters might choose to make it impossible
for the mining operation to continue by sabotaging
or stealing equipment or the mine itself. In order to
do so, the characters will need to sneak into the camp
with a successful DC 14 group Dexterity (Stealth)
check. Once in camp, the characters need to find
a piece of essential equipment with a successful
-Dwarven Idol Site-
1 square = 5 feet
1 square = 5 feet
-Hammerarm Mining Camp-
Shadows of the Marrowgrove
Adventure Background
hadows of the Marrowgrove is a scalable
5th Edition adventure using materials
from this book and is designed as a sequel When I drank of the augury root, I saw that my
to Root of Sylvanus. After discovering the sacred grove would become corrupted, just
corrupted Spirit of Sylvanus in his sacred like the Marrowgrove in which I stood. I knew
grove, the characters are beseeched by the fairies to seek I could never recover from such a vision.
out a haunted forest called the Marrowgrove. Cursed
touchstones mark the way, chronicling his travels. The —Diary of Sylvanus Beechwarden
characters must seek out Sylvanus' body, located deep
inside the dark, terrifying forest. In the previous adventure, Root of Sylvanus, the
characters defend the deceased druid’s sacred grove
from exploitative miners who were destroying the
Only by delving deep into the forsaken woodland, forest. While there, they become caught up in the story
as well as into the memories of the deceased of the druid Sylvanus who, in search of future sight,
Sylvanus, can the characters discover the fate of traveled to an undead-infested woodland called the
the druid’s corpse, which has been reanimated Marrowgrove and drank a brew made from augury root.
as a dark and twisted version of his previous self. This vision showed him that his sacred grove would fall
Destroying the corpse frees the spirit of corruption, into corruption, just as the Marrowgrove did. Disturbed
allowing Sylvanus’ home to be restored to peace. by the vision, Sylvanus raced back to his sacred
grove, but accidentally stumbled into a reclamation
Adjusting Encounters marsh within the Marrowgrove and died there.
This adventure is 5e compatible and designed to be
played by characters of any level. Encounters that Because Sylvanus was completely consumed by
need to be adjusted for different level characters the marsh, his identity has become one with the
have an ‘Adjusting the Encounter’ sidebar, which Marrowgrove forest. Although his spirit has
provides details of changes that need to be made. returned to the sacred grove, with dangerous
repercussions, his reanimated corpse and memories
are trapped here. In order to free Sylvanus' spirit, the route Sylvanus took while fleeing the woods,
and allow it to pass peacefully into the afterlife, the and has his abandoned campsite beside it.
characters must destroy Sylvanus' corpse. To do so
they must re-live his memories to discover where Traveling
the corpse resides within the Marrowgrove. Traveling through the Marrowgrove can be handled
just like a small expedition. The Marrowgrove might
Synopsis take a few days to traverse, or only a matter of hours
depending on your desired adventure length. Each hex
When the characters arrive at the Marrowgrove, they on the map of the wood can constitute either a day or
quickly realize the forest is not just an undead-infested an hour of walking. Use the Expedition System to help
place of corruption, but that it has been infused with the characters plan and undertake their journey. If using
memories of the deceased Sylvanus. In order to find the hours rather than days, make the following changes:
corpse of the druid, they must search notable locations
in the Marrowgrove. At these locations, they’ll be taken - Characters cannot make proper preparations
on a journey through Sylvanus' memories, and forced
- Each character can undertake an Expedition
to face the trials of his past. Only once they’ve achieved Activity only once every 4 hours
this will they discover the location of Sylvanus' corpse.
- Characters must make a Morale save
at the end of every 4 hours
Once Sylvanus' resting place in the restoration marsh
has been uncovered by the characters, they must travel - Characters can set up a Waypoint
there and face off against the druid’s reanimated corpse. for a short rest every 8 hours
Rather than being purely undead, his corpse has grown
into a plant-like hybrid creature that lairs in a region The Whisperghoul
of the reclamation marsh that is almost impenetrable. If, at any time during the adventure, the characters
Only by defeating Sylvanus can the characters free his seem lost and aimless, introduce the Whisperghoul.
spirit from the sacred grove in which he is trapped, and This undead spirit was once a traveling companion
honor the quest bestowed upon them by the fairies. of Sylvanus, a storyteller who wished to chronicle
his epic adventure, but died during their journey
alongside the druid. The whisperghoul can follow
the characters before finally making contact,
This adventure takes place in a forest called the singing half-written dirges through the trees, or
Marrowgrove, to which characters will have to filling their campsites with ominous whispers.
travel from the sacred grove detailed in Root of
Sylvanus. When the characters reach the edge of the When the whisperghoul finally confronts the
Marrowgrove, read or paraphrase the following: characters, it cannot convey the information about
Sylvanus' fate that it wishes to. Rather, it can only
You arrive on a high ridge overlooking the Marrowgrove. point characters in the right direction, wailing
The bleak, fog-shrouded forest spills out before you. Bleached, mournfully and singing haunting melodies that
needle-less pines rise up from the mist like the broken bones slowly drive the characters mad. The characters can
of colossal creatures. Even from this distance, you can spot choose to use the whisperghoul as their flawless
shambling figures stumbling through the forest, mindlessly navigator - it cannot fail a Wisdom (Survival) check
lurching between the trunks. From this vantage point, you made to navigate while within the Marrowgrove.
of the trees, but can be bribed to allow a creature to version of the world you know begins to form around you
harvest the roots of the tree with an offering of blood, from luminescent turquoise smoke. You see Sylvanus, the
which she uses in rituals to create magic items. cloaked druid, sneaking toward the roots of an augury tree
nearby. He begins digging for the roots of the trees with a
If the characters try to enter the grove of augury trees, sharp trowel, carving through the earth. Where his trowel
the harpy flies down to them and commands them to cuts through the roots, thick, black sap erupts forth, slathering
leave. If they ignore her warnings, she attacks. Even if his hands. Just as he rises with a root, he is spotted by a harpy
the characters are aiming for the cursed touchstone, flying high above, who screams with wrath. With a beat of
rather than the roots, she continues her assault. her enormous wings and a screeching call, she summons
a flock of ravens, which flies straight toward Sylvanus.
The characters can convince the harpy they mean
no harm to the trees with a successful DC 20 At this point, it becomes clear to the characters that
Charisma (Persuasion) check. If each character the phantasmal swarms of ravens from the vision
cuts their palm and offers the blood to the harpy, are going to attack them as well. There is one swarm
she lets them do as they wish. Cutting a palm in for each character, and their attacks deal psychic
this way deals 10 slashing damage to the character. damage instead of their normal type. Only after the
Characters can also sneak past the harpy with a swarms are defeated does the vision continue.
successful DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Just as the ravens are about to tear into Sylvanus' flesh,
Augury Trees. Surrounding the clearing are
he bares a palm and slices through his skin with a blade,
enormous augury trees whose branches twist then offers the blood to the harpy as penance. As the vision
together into a cage-like structure. If the characters disappears, and time resumes its normal flow, you spot
fail to sneak past or convince the harpy to let them a ghostly trail of lights leading from the clearing.
pass, the trees animate. Their cage of branches
untwists, and they use their limbs to try and
block the character’s path into the clearing. Trail of Lights. These ghostly lights were left by the
whisperghoul, and play a haunting melody when walked
Each initiative count 20 and 10, a tree slams a branch through. They lead in a roughly straight line through
down into the clearing in a 5-foot wide, 30-foot long the Marrowgrove, which characters can surmise with
line. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check, or by
Dexterity saving throw, taking bludgeoning damage following them for an hour or more. They clearly are
(see “Adjusting the Encounter”) on a failed save, or not the route that Sylvanus took through the forest.
half as much on a successful one. The branch remains Rather, they serve as one of three sets of trails that allow
there until the harpy is convinced to let the characters characters to triangulate Sylvanus' resting place once
pass. A branches’ space is difficult terrain and requires the other cursed touchstones have been activated.
a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to climb over.
Adjusting The Encounter
The roots of an augury tree can be harvested with Swarm of Ravens
an edged tool such as a trowel or dagger. The process Tier 1: Use swarm of ravens statistics
takes 1 minute, after which the character must make a but change their type to undead
DC 15 Wisdom (Nature) check. On a successful check, Tier 2: Use swarm of quippers statistics with a
they gain a piece of augury root (see “Augury Root 50 ft. fly speed but change their type to undead
Sidebar”). On a failed save, the root is destroyed, and Tier 3: Use manticore statistics without tail
one of the character’s hands is covered in sticky, black spikes but change their type to undead
sap that gunks their fingers together. Such a character Tier 4: Use invisible stalker statistics
can no longer hold anything with two hands, and but change their type to undead
can hold only a single object at a time. The sap can be
removed by dealing any amount of acid damage to it. Harpy
Tier 1: Use harpy statistics
Cursed Touchstone. In the center of the clearing is Tier 2: Use vrock statistics
a cursed touchstone - a smooth rock that glows with Tier 3: Use gynosphinx statistics
ghostly turquoise symbols. Characters can reach the Tier 4: Use androsphinx statistics
touchstone by sneaking past the harpy and augury trees
(see above), or by convincing the harpy to let them pass. Augury Tree Damage
Tier 1: 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage
Touching the rock places characters in a version Tier 2: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage
of the time stop spell, and gives them a vision of Tier 3: 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage
the past. Read or paraphrase the following: Tier 4: 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage
At this point, it becomes clear to the characters that
Augury Root the fire is a threat to them as well. Each character
The root of the augury tree is a potent thing. It can must take an action to make an ability check (DC
be used in a brew that allows one to see the events of varies, see “Adjusting the Encounter: Cursed Vision
the future in detail, or ingested immediately to give Stone DCs”). Once a specific ability check has been
temporary prescience for a few moments into the future. used by a character, it cannot be repeated by that
character or any other character. The characters
Brew. A character proficient in alchemist’s supplies must succeed on five checks before failing three.
can spend 10 minutes making augury root brew. At the
end of the time, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Complete Success. If the characters succeed on
check. On a success, they create the brew. On a failure, five checks and fail none, the vision continues.
the brew is spoiled and the root wasted. Drinking augury Partial Success. If the characters succeed on five
root brew allows a casting of the divination spell where checks but fail one or two, the vision continues, but
the character gets to see one event from the future. the tower is damaged. When the characters enter the
tower, start the d6 on 4 instead of 6 (see below).
Root. Eating the root directly is powerful but Failure. If the characters fail three checks
dangerous. A creature that eats the root gains the before accruing five successes, but get at least one
effects of the foresight spell for 1 minute. After this success, the vision continues, but the tower is
time, they must make a Constitution saving throw. damaged and the characters burned. Each character
On a 20+ or more, nothing happens. On a 16-19, the takes half the psychic damage (see “Adjusting
creature gains one level of exhaustion. On a 12-15, the the Encounter”). When the characters enter the
creature gains two levels of exhaustion. On an 8-11, the tower, start the d6 on 4 instead of 6 (see below).
creature gains three levels of exhaustion. On a 4-7, the Total Failure. If the characters fail three checks
creature gains four levels of exhaustion. On a 3-0, the before accruing any successes, the vision continues, but
creature gains five levels of exhaustion. On a result of the tower is destroyed and the characters burned. Each
less than 0, the creature gains six levels of exhaustion. character takes full psychic damage (see “Adjusting the
Encounter”) and the tower collapses (see “Tower”).
Ruined Tower As you attempt to evade the blaze, Sylvanus flees,
When the characters reach the ruined tower, stamping out flames that erupt around him as he goes.
read or paraphrase the following: Eventually, he makes it out of the tower safely. As the vision
disappears, and time resumes its normal flow, you spot
Crumbling before your very eyes, the leaning tower of a ghostly trail of lights leading away from the tower.
granite blocks seems to shudder with even the slightest
gust of wind. The entire roof and most of the upper floors Trail of Lights. These ghostly lights were left by the
have been entirely ruined and, given the blackening of whsiperghoul, and play a haunting melody when walked
stones and still-falling ash, burned out. There appears through. They lead in a roughly straight line through
only one entrance to the looming structure; an open the Marrowgrove, which characters can surmise with
archway whose keystone glows with turquoise light. a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check, or by
following them for an hour or more. They clearly are
Cursed Touchstone. The keystone of the not the route that Sylvanus took through the forest.
tower’s entrance is a cursed touchstone - a smooth Rather, they serve as one of three sets of trails that allow
rock that glows with ghostly turquoise symbols. characters to triangulate Sylvanus' resting place once
Characters can reach the touchstone with ease. the other cursed touchstones have been activated.
Touching the rock places characters in a version
of the time stop spell, and gives them a vision of Tower. The tower is a crumbling wreck. Any
the past. Read or paraphrase the following: character that enters it runs the risk of bringing the
entire structure to the ground. The first time a character
The falling ash around you slows to a crawl as your enters the tower, place a d6 on the table with the 6 facing
surroundings fade into a grey mist. A ghostly version of up. If a character moves through the tower, they must
the tower before you, this time intact, emerges wreathed in make a Dexterity check. On a success, the character
turquoise smoke. You see a cloaked figure, Sylvanus, stumbling can walk softly, without causing further damage. On a
toward the tower clutching something in his hands - a piece of failure, the character causes some disturbance, causing
root. You feel compelled to follow. He ascends the spiral stair of the tower to crumble slightly. That character takes 5
the tower to a room that contains a battered iron cauldron and (1d10) bludgeoning damage from falling debris, and
set of alchemist’s supplies. The druid works to produce a brew you should subtract 1 from the d6, taking it down a
from the root, which he imbibes. The shock on the man’s face step. If the dice would be reduced below 0, the tower
is awful to behold. When his own visions have concluded, he collapses. The check can be made with advantage
tries to rise but stumbles, spilling the cauldron across the floor, by characters treating the area as difficult terrain. A
and causing the flames beneath it to leap up and consume the creature that Dashes makes the check with disadvantage.
hearth. Suddenly the flames are burning around you too.
When the tower collapses, each character inside into their flesh. If they do not remove the beetles the
must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw, taking following turn by dealing acid damage to the beetles, the
bludgeoning damage (see “Adjusting the Encounter”) on beetles burrow into their vital organs and kill them.
a failure, or half as much on a success. Furthermore, any
creature that fails the save is buried beneath the tower The swarm is hit by any attack, but only by dealing acid
and suffocating. They take the bludgeoning damage damage on three occasions to the swarm can it be killed.
again at the start of each of their turns. They can be Characters who succeed on a DC 10 Intelligence (Nature)
freed with a successful DC 15 Strength check made by check recall that burrowback beetles despise acid, and
themselves or another character outside the rubble. remember that a specific nearby tree can be tapped for
its acidic sap as an action, which creates a vial of acid.
Alchemist’s Laboratory. Sylvanus used this chamber
to create his augury root brew (see “Augury Root” Cloak. Stuck on the near side of the
sidebar). There still remains a set of alchemist’s supplies bridge is Sylvanus' cloak of elvenkind.
in the chamber that are in relatively good condition.
Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score Stagnant Creek. The water of the stagnant creek is
of 14 or higher also notice a satchel concealed beneath repugnant, but not necessarily dangerous. A creature
the workbench. Inside the satchel are two potions of that moves through the water stirs up the sludgy bottom,
greater healing, three vials of acid, a potion of flying, a bringing with it a noxious scent. If a creature that can
potion of climbing, and a potion of frost giant strength. smell the creek starts its turn within 10 feet of it, they
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw.
A djusting The Encounter On the first failed save, they are poisoned for 1 hour.
Cursed Touchstone Vision DC On the next failed save, they become nauseated. After
Tier 1: DC 10 this, they no longer need to make the saving throw.
Tier 2: DC 15 A nauseated creature must succeed on a Constitution
Tier 3: DC 20 saving throw (DC varies, see “Adjusting the Encounter”)
Tier 4: DC 25 at the start of each of its turns. On a failed save, the
creature is incapacitated until the start of its next
Psychic Damage turn as it wretches and vomits. A creature can be
Tier 1: 7 (2d6) psychic damage cured of nausea with a successful DC 18 Wisdom
Tier 2: 14 (4d6) psychic damage (Medicine) check, or a casting of lesser restoration.
Tier 3: 24 (7d6) psychic damage
Tier 4: 56 (16d6) psychic damage Cursed Touchstone. In the center of the bridge is
a cursed touchstone - a smooth rock that glows with
Collapsing Tower Damage ghostly turquoise symbols. Characters can reach the
Tier 1: 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage touchstone if they make it halfway across the bridge.
Tier 2: 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage
Tier 3: 99 (18d10) bludgeoning damage Touching the rock places characters in a version
Tier 4: 132 (24d10) bludgeoning damage of the time stop spell, and gives them a vision of
the past. Read or paraphrase the following:
Bone Bridge The beetles swarming around you slow to a crawl, their
When the characters reach the bone bridge, chittering mandibles and scuttling legs moving as if trapped
read or paraphrase the following: in treacle. The world around you fades into a grey mist.
Rising from the fog is a replica of the bone bridge formed
Spanning a stagnant creek that bisects the Marrowgrove of turquoise fire. Across this, pursued by ethereal beetles, is
is a bridge built entirely from the bones of giants. Its Sylvanus. He stumbles and trips as the swarm pursues him,
construction seems sound, even though there are great his cloak catching on the bridge. The druid rapidly pulls a vial
holes in the deck where the bones haven’t fused correctly. of acid from his pocket and splashes it before him, fending
Plugging one of these holes, roughly in the center of the off the beetles for a moment. Sylvanus then speaks to the
bridge is a stone that glows with turquoise magic. A vague animals in a strange, chittering voice - his druidic powers
scuttling or scratching can be heard somewhere nearby. convincing them to let him pass. Once he reaches the far side
On the far side of the bridge is an abandoned campsite. of the bridge, he begins setting up camp. Time jumps forward.
It is night. The sobs of the distraught man can be heard within
the tent. Time flashes forward again. Sylvanus stumbles
Burrowback Beetles. Any creature that sets foot on
from the campsite, exhausted, his mind clearly a blur. He
the bridge summons a swarm of burrowback beetles. wanders aimlessly into the woods. As the vision disappears,
These beetles live beneath the bridge and feed on and time resumes its normal flow, you spot a ghostly trail of
creatures that try to cross it. If a character starts their lights leading into the forest from the far side of the bridge.
turn on the bridge, they are attacked by the swarm (see
“Adjusting the Encounter''). If a character is hit by the
swarm on three consecutive turns, the beetles burrow
Each creature that witnesses the vision is overcome with corpse currently lairs. When the characters reach the
Sylvanus' sadness, exhaustion, and imminent insanity. reclamation marsh, read or paraphrase the following:
They must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
succumb to temporary madness themselves. A creature Ahead of you is a patch of land without trees, only withered-
that fails the save should roll on the following table: looking shrubs. The ground is shrouded in a miasma,
and the vaguely sulfurous scent that pervades the air is
d6 Temporary Madness - Lasts 1d4 Minutes unpleasant, but not sickening. It is here, at some point in the
distant fog, that the three sets of ghostly lights converge.
1 The character cannot stop crying, effectively
blinding them for the duration.
Deer. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
2 The character cannot bring themselves to score of 10 or higher notice something strange - a herd
harm another living creature for the duration. of sickly deer eating the mud not far from the edge of
3 The character is crippled with tiredness. They the trees. The deer appear oblivious of the characters.
can move only at half speed for the duration.
Reclamation Marsh. Characters who succeed on
4 The character becomes frightened of a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival)
the trail of lights for the duration. check recognize this region as a Reclamation Marsh.
5 The character gets uncontrollable shudders. The DC is reduced by 5 if they have spotted the deer.
They have disadvantage on attack rolls, These marshes have a solid layer of moss and peat that on
ability checks, and saving throws made using their surface that can give way at any minute, plunging
Strength or Dexterity for the duration. the creature into liquid mud beneath. Furthermore,
6 The character’s mind is blurred. They creatures that spend too long on the marsh’s surface
have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability gain a desire to consume anything nearby.
Rising up from the bog is a circle of standing stones, each one
covered with twisting vines and ivy. The stench here is almost
unbearable - a charnel reek that catches in the back of your Once characters destroy the Corpse of Sylvanus,
throat. Circling above are carrion crows, eager to find a scrap read or paraphrase the following:
of flesh to peel off the bleached bones that surround your feet.
One of the standing stones has sunk into the marsh, and its top Your final blow rends the shambling mound into pieces. As the
now plays host to a dark shrine covered with dried roots, green roots uncoil and wither, it reveals the Corpse of Sylvanus within
ribbon, and humanoid skulls. The ghostly lights that led you to - decayed and twisted. As the druid’s body touches the swamp,
this place converge just beyond the shrine, outside the circle of its decomposition accelerates rapidly, turning into a skeleton
stones. As you watch, you see something rise from the swamp before your eyes. The perpetual mists break for a moment,
inside the stones. Half undead, half plant. A warped mass of allowing a ray of sun to shine down on the druid’s skull as two
coiling roots and rotten flesh. The decaying face of Sylvanus, daisies sprout from its eye sockets. You hear an ethereal voice
barely recognizable, affixed by some morbid means to the whisper the word ‘ freedom’ before disappearing in the breeze.
front of a shambling mound of interwoven vines and sinew.
If the characters return to the sacred grove from Root
Corpse of Sylvanus. The Corpse of Sylvanus lairs of Sylvanus, they are welcomed with a majestic feast
here, near his resting place. As far as it can, the corpse by the fairies of the forest. Sylvanus' spirit has left the
stays within the bounds of the circle of stones, where sacred grove, making it safe for folk to travel through
other creatures in the marsh come to worship it. once again. The fairies hope that now the place is
The corpse contains no trace of his former life, cleansed of Sylvanus' disembodied rage, a new druid or
memories, sentiments, or personality. It is a ranger will claim the forest as their own to protect. If
disgusting hybrid of plant and undead, totally devoid one of the characters expresses an interest, the fairies
of goodness in any form. In order for Sylvanus' are delighted that the grove will have a new guardian.
spirit to be freed, the corpse must be destroyed. They place a magical crown of beech twigs around the
character’s head. While wearing the crown, the creature
Stone Circle. The stone circle is desecrated is permanently under the effects of a barkskin spell,
ground, which can be detected by a detect evil and and they can cast the conjure fey spell once per day.
good spell. Undead standing on desecrated ground
have advantage on all saving throws. A vial of holy
water purifies a 10-foot-square area of desecrated
ground when sprinkled on it, and a hallow spell
purifies desecrated ground within its area.
Corpse of Sylvanus
Monster Template
This appendix contains the 5e statistics this Sinking Sludge (Costs 2 Actions). The Corpse of
the Corpse of Sylvanus, as well as his lair. Sylvanus targets a 10-foot radius sphere of ground
that it can see within 60 ft. of it. The ground in that
Corpse of Sylvanus - Tier 1
area turns to sludge and becomes difficult terrain
until the start of the Corpse of Sylvanus' next turn.
Large plant and undead, neutral evil Each creature that starts its turn in that area must
Armour Class 14 (natural armor) succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or have its
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Corpse of Sylvanus - Tier 2
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Large plant and undead, neutral evil
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Armour Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
Skills Stealth +2 Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities blinded, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
deafened, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 10 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Skills Stealth +2
Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the Corpse of Damage Resistances cold, fire
Sylvanus is subjected to necrotic damage, it Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
takes no damage and regains a number of hit Condition Immunities blinded,
points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. deafened, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Multiattack. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes two Magic Resistance. The Corpse of Sylvanus has advantage
slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
target, the target is grappled (escape DC 12), and
the Corpse of Sylvanus uses its Engulf on it. Magic Weapons. The Corpse of Sylvanus'
weapon attacks are magical.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the Corpse of
Sylvanus is subjected to necrotic damage, it
Engulf. The Corpse of Sylvanus engulfs a Medium or takes no damage and regains a number of hit
smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw at the Actions
start of each of the mound’s turns or take 7 (1d6 + 4)
bludgeoning damage. If the Corpse of Sylvanus moves, Multiattack. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes two
the engulfed target moves with it. The Corpse of slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller
Sylvanus can only have one creature engulfed at a time. target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14), and
the Corpse of Sylvanus uses its Engulf on it.
Legendary Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
The Corpse of Sylvanus can take 3 legendary actions, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used at a time and only at the end Engulf. The Corpse of Sylvanus engulfs a Medium or
of another creature’s turn. The Corpse of Sylvanus smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the
Slam. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes one slam attack. start of each of the mound’s turns or take 13 (2d8 + 4)
Meld with Mud. The Corpse of Sylvanus, along with bludgeoning damage. If the Corpse of Sylvanus moves,
any creature engulfed by it, melds with the swamp and the engulfed target moves with it. The Corpse of
teleports 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Sylvanus can only have one creature engulfed at a time.
slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller
Legendary Actions target, the target is grappled (escape DC 19), and
The Corpse of Sylvanus can take 3 legendary actions, the Corpse of Sylvanus uses its Engulf on it.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used at a time and only at the end Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
of another creature’s turn. The Corpse of Sylvanus one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Engulf. The Corpse of Sylvanus engulfs a Medium or
Slam. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes one slam attack. smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is
Meld with Mud. The Corpse of Sylvanus, along with blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must
any creature engulfed by it, melds with the swamp and succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw at the
teleports 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. start of each of the mound’s turns or take 17 (3d8 + 4)
Sinking Sludge (Costs 2 Actions). The Corpse of bludgeoning damage. If the Corpse of Sylvanus moves,
Sylvanus targets a 10-foot radius sphere of ground the engulfed target moves with it. The Corpse of
that it can see within 60 ft. of it. The ground in that Sylvanus can only have one creature engulfed at a time.
area turns to sludge and becomes difficult terrain
until the start of the Corpse of Sylvanus' next turn. Legendary Actions
Each creature that starts its turn in that area must The Corpse of Sylvanus can take 3 legendary actions,
succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or have its choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. action option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature’s turn. The Corpse of Sylvanus
Corpse of Sylvanus - Tier 3 regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Large plant and undead, neutral evil
Armour Class 16 (natural armor) Slam. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes one slam attack.
Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48) Meld with Mud. The Corpse of Sylvanus, along with
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. any creature engulfed by it, melds with the swamp and
teleports 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Sinking Sludge (Costs 2 Actions). The Corpse of
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Sylvanus targets a 10-foot radius sphere of ground
Saving Throws Con +8, Int +5, Wis +5 that it can see within 60 ft. of it. The ground in that
Skills Stealth +7, Perception +5 area turns to sludge and becomes difficult terrain
Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, until the start of the Corpse of Sylvanus' next turn.
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Each creature that starts its turn in that area must
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or have its
Condition Immunities blinded, speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
deafened, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Corpse of Sylvanus - Tier 4
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Large plant and undead, neutral evil
Magic Resistance. The Corpse of Sylvanus has advantage Armour Class 18 (natural armor)
on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Hit Points 168 (16d10 + 80)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Magic Weapons. The Corpse of Sylvanus' STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
weapon attacks are magical. 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +11, Int +6, Wis +6
Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the Corpse of Skills Stealth +8, Perception +6
Sylvanus is subjected to necrotic damage, it takes Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning,
no damage and regains a number of hit points piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
equal to twice the necrotic damage dealt. Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities blinded,
Stench. Any creature other than an undead that starts deafened, exhaustion, poisoned
its turn within 5 feet of the Corpse of Sylvanus must Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 16
succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)
be poisoned until the start of the creature’s next
turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is Magic Resistance. The Corpse of Sylvanus has advantage
immune to the Corpse of Sylvanus for 1 hour. on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Actions Magic Weapons. The Corpse of Sylvanus'
Multiattack. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes two weapon attacks are magical.
Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the Corpse of
Sylvanus is subjected to necrotic damage, it takes The Corpse of Sylvanus' L air
no damage and regains a number of hit points The Corpse of Sylvanus' lair is a region of reclamation
equal to twice the necrotic damage dealt. marsh marked by standing stones where the druid fell
during his escape from the Marrowgrove. Twisting vines
Stench of Death. Each creature that starts its turn and ivy cover the stones, and the swamp underfoot is
within 10 feet of the Corpse of Sylvanus or one of the unstable and stagnant. The following lair actions can be
zombies created by its lair actions must make a DC taken by the Corpse of Sylvanus, irrespective of the tier.
22 Constitution saving throw, unless the creature is
a construct or undead. On a failed save, the creature L air Actions
is incapacitated until the end of the turn. Creatures
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Corpse
that are immune to poison damage or the poisoned
of Sylvanus can take a lair action to cause one of the
condition automatically succeed on this saving throw.
following magical effects. If the effect forces creatures
On a successful save, the creature is immune to the
to make a saving throw, the DC equals that listed in the
stench of the Corpse of Sylvanus for 24 hours.
Corpse of Sylvanus' multiattack ability. The Corpse of
Sylvanus can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Multiattack. The Corpse of Sylvanus makes two - The Corpse of Sylvanus calls up a corpse from
slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller the swamp beneath it that appears as a zombie
target, the target is grappled (escape DC 22), and within 60 feet of the Corpse of Sylvanus. The
zombie acts immediately after this action in the
the Corpse of Sylvanus uses its Engulf on it. initiative order. After a zombie is summoned,
roll a d6. On a roll of 1, the Corpse of Sylvanus
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach can summon no further zombies.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) bludgeoning - The Corpse of Sylvanus targets a corpse
damage plus 10 (3d6) acid damage. within 30 feet of it which explodes in a burst
of slime and offal. Creatures within 10 feet of
Engulf. The Corpse of Sylvanus engulfs a Medium or the corpse must succeed on a Dexterity saving
smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is throw or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must - The Corpse of Sylvanus creates a 20-foot-radius
succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw at the sphere of fog centered on a point anywhere in
start of each of the mound’s turns or take 23 (4d8 + 5) its lair. The sphere spreads around corners, and
bludgeoning damage. If the Corpse of Sylvanus moves, its area is heavily obscured. The fog lasts until
the engulfed target moves with it. The Corpse of the Corpse of Sylvanus disperses it (no action
Sylvanus can only have one creature engulfed at a time. required), and it can’t be dispersed by wind.
Legendary Actions
The Corpse of Sylvanus can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
action option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature’s turn. The Corpse of Sylvanus
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
-Bone Bridge-
1 square = 5 feet
-Reclamation Marsh-
1 square = 5 feet
Appendix: Monster Statblocks
Large undead, unaligned Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Engulf. The fleshmeld engulfs a Medium or smaller
creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is blinded,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must succeed
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) of each of the fleshmeld’s turns or take 13 (2d8 +
4) bludgeoning damage. If the fleshmeld moves,
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +2 the engulfed target moves with it. The fleshmeld
Damage Resistances Cold, Fire can have only one creature engulfed at a time.
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Blinded, A creature engulfed in this manner has disadvantage
Deafened, Exhaustion, Poisoned on death saving throws. If it dies while imprisoned,
Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond it becomes undead, and merges with the fleshmeld,
this radius), Passive Perception 10 and the fleshmeld regains 25 hit points.
Languages -
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Decomposing Spray (Recharge 6). The fleshmeld spits
enzyme-filled fluid in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the fleshmeld is subjected in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
to necrotic damage, it takes no damage and regains a throw, taking 27 (5d10) acid damage on a failed
number of hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the fleshmeld
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless
the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
success, the fleshmeld drops to 1 hit point instead.
Multiattack. The fleshmeld makes two slam
attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller
target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14),
and the fleshmeld uses its Engulf on it.
start of each of the groveghast’s turns. On a failed save,
Huge plant, chaotic evil
the creature becomes petrified (as wood instead of stone),
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
and the groveghast can adhere the target to its trunk.
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 15 ft.
Greater restoration spells and other magic that can undo
petrification have no effect on a petrified creature on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the groveghast unless the groveghast is dead, in which
20 (+5) 8 (-1) 21 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) case the magic works normally, freeing the petrified
creature as well as ending the petrified condition on it.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, If the groveghast takes 30 damage
Necrotic, Piercing or more on a single turn from
Condition Immunities Petrified a non-petrified creature
Senses Passive Perception 10 inside it, the groveghast
Languages - must succeed on a DC
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) 15 Constitution saving
throw at the end of that
False Appearance. While turn or regurgitate all
the groveghast remains non-petrified embraced
motionless, it is creatures, which fall prone
indistinguishable from in a space within 10 feet
a withered tree unless of the groveghast. If
a character succeeds the groveghast dies, an
on a DC 18 Wisdom non-petrified embraced
(Perception) or Intelligence creature is no longer
(Nature) check. restrained by it and
can escape from the
Siege Monster. The corpse using 15 feet of
groveghast deals double movement, exiting prone.
damage to objects
and structures.
Multiattack. The groveghast
makes two grasp attacks.
It can replace one grasp
attack with Petrifying Embrace. fig. a:Petrifying Embrace with grappling claws.
Groundshaker Tortoise Griffonfly
Gargantuan monstrosity, neutral Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 341 (22d20 + 110) Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39)
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft.
25 (+7) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Tiny fey, neutral
the leafbug. A creature in the area when the roots
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) emerge must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw
Hit Points 7 (2d4 + 2) or be restrained by the entangling roots. A creature
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. restrained by the roots can use its action to make a
DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself on a success.
6 (-2)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Nexus Spirit
Medium elemental, any alignment
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense Armor Class 12
60 ft., Passive Perception 11 Hit Points 90 (20d8)
Languages Sylvan, Terran Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Drill & Dash. If the knocker hits with a drill
attack, it can take the Dash action as a bonus 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
action and doesn't provoke opportunity attacks
when it moves out of an enemy's reach. Damage Resistances Acid, Fire, Lightning,
Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Stone Camouflage. The knocker has advantage on Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain. Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Charmed,
Tunneler. The knocker can burrow through Exhaustion, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed,
solid rock at half its burrow speed and leaves Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
a 1-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Sylvan
Actions Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Drill. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 t., Incorporeal Movement. The spirit can move
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. through other creatures and objects as if they
were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Medium monstrosity, unaligned Innate Spellcasting. The spirit’s innate spellcasting
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armour) ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). It
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) can innately cast the following spells.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft.
At will: druidcraft
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+1) 7 (-2) 3/day each: detect evil and good, detect thoughts,
entangle, plant growth, sleep, suggestion
Senses Tremorsense 30 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages - 1/day each: awaken, conjure elemental,
mass suggestion, transport via plants
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Spire Drake Spire Guardian
Large dragon, neutral Medium elemental, neutral
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 13
Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4) Hit Points 54 (12d8)
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., While enveloping a target, the guardian can
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. attack no other creature except the target, but has
advantage on its attack rolls. The guardian’s speed
also becomes 0, it can’t benefit from any bonus
to its speed, and it moves with the target.
A creature can break the guardian’s wrap by
making a successful DC 14 Strength check as
an action. On its turn, the guardian can break
the wrap itself by using 5 feet of movement.
Premonition Wraith Salamandrial
Medium undead, chaotic neutral Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 22 (5d8) Hit Points 42 (5d10 + 15)
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
1 (-5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
Sinkworm Sylvan Strider
Huge monstrosity, unaligned Huge aberration, neutral
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 133 (14d12 + 42) Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40)
Speed 10 ft., burrow 40 ft. Speed 40 ft.
16 (+3) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 2 (-4) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Tremorsense Skills Arcana +3, History +3, Nature
30 ft., Passive Perception 8 +3, Perception +5, Stealth +3
Languages - Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Languages Strider, Sylvan
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
False Appearance. While the sinkworm is buried
beneath the ground with its mouth closed Charge. If the strider moves at least 20 feet straight
and remains motionless, its closed mouth is toward a target and then hits it with a stomp attack
indistinguishable from the earth around it. on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8)
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on
Tunneler. The sinkworm can burrow through a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
solid rock at half its burrow speed and leaves
a 10-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake. Keen Hearing and Smell. The strider has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
Actions that rely on hearing or smell.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 25 (4d10 + 3) piercing damage, and if the Magic Resistance. The strider has advantage on saving
target is a Small or smaller creature, it must succeed throws against spells and other magical effects.
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed
by the sinkworm. A swallowed creature is blinded and Silent Steps. A strider can move freely while
restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other hidden and not reveal its location.
effects outside the sinkworm, and it takes 10 (3d6) acid
damage at the start of each of the sinkworm’s turns.
Actions At will: prestidigitation, comprehend
Multiattack. The strider makes two stomp attacks. languages, hideous laughter
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., 1/day each: dream, irresistible dance, silence
one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the whisperghoul
Time Twist (5-6). The strider slows time around it in has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
a 60-foot-radius sphere for 1 minute. Each creature Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
other than the strider in that area must make a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw against this magic. On a Whispering Aura. The whisperghoul can activate or
failed save, a target can't use reactions, its speed is deactivate this feature as a bonus action. While active,
halved, and it can't make more than one attack on the aura deals 5 psychic damage to any creature that
its turn. In addition, the target can take either an ends its turn within 30 feet of the whisperghoul.
action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. A target A creature that takes this damage must make a
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Events creature begins to shudder uncontrollably, giving
occurring in the area are slowed for the duration, them disadvantage on ability checks and saving
giving non-slowed creatures advantage on Strength throws for 1 minute. Undead ignore this effect.
and Dexterity saving throws against their effects.
Whisperghoul Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage.
Medium undead, neutral evil The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
Armor Class 13 saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Haunting Sleep (Recharge 5-6). The whisperghoul
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) sings a haunting melody. Every humanoid within
300 feet of the whisperghoul that can hear the song
Skills Performance +7 must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, fall unconscious until the song ends, the sleeper takes
Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap
from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered the sleeper awake. The whisperghoul must
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison take a bonus action on its subsequent
Condition Immunities Charmed, turns to continue singing. It can stop
Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, singing at any time. The song ends if
Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained the whisperghoul is incapacitated.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.,
Passive Perception 12 A sleeping creature that starts its
Languages The languages turn while the whisperghoul
it knew in life is still singing takes 10
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) (3d6) psychic damage
- this damage doesn't
Incorporeal Movement. The wake the sleeper.
whisperghoul can move through
other creatures and objects as A target that successfully
if they were difficult terrain. It saves is immune to this
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it whisperghoul’s song for
ends its turn inside an object. the next 24 hours.
Innate Spellcasting. The
whisperghoul’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 17). It can
innately cast the following
spells, requiring no
material components:
51 Nick Brouwer 120 Brandon Wright
Early Bird
52 SLYD3V1L 121 Olof
53 Josue Pena 123 Jos v/d Riet
54 Katou Delvaux 124 Lionel Villemagne
55 Maladax 125 Gabriel Bell
We like to thank our most loyal 56 Paul Chiaverotti 126 Jan Tam Leta
supporters for pledging in the 58 Kellgoth 127 Daniel Hodge
first 24 hours of our Wondrous 59 George Dunn 128 Carey Coombs
Expeditions crowdfunding 60 austin carroll 129 Brandon Wu
campaign. You will find all day- 62 Charles W. James 130 Thomas Pontette
one backers in the following list, 63 131 Alex Lahoski
sorted by order of pledging. 65 Christoph Kaleschke 132 Chase Callaway
66 Mike Bell 133 Dan Reeves
67 Amanda Gibson 134 Kevin Brennan
1 ELF Vesala 68 Ryan 135 Julian Tysoe
2 Patrick Rosenthal 69 Michael Gionfriddo 136 Brian Fortunato
3 Mudd 70 Nathan Turner 137 Wayne Tripp
4 Richard Hodge 71 Volodymyr L Revenok 138 Harvey Lopez
5 Wybe Buising 72 Jessica Purvis 139 Heewon
6 Chris Anderson 73 Oracle Sights 140 James Chataway
7 Andrew Kell 74 Blaine McNutt 141 Scott Campbell
8 Mark Manders 75 Wawoozle 142 Asaf Golombek
9 Stefan Schlichting 77 Kenny Barras 143 Philip Newton
10 Greg Stock 78 David Marino 144 Jeremy Hochhalter
11 Danny Kiregbaum Laursen 79 Jeff Bennett 145 Jason Lee Miller
12 Gemma Louise Holliday 80 Keith E. Hartman 146 Matthew Emerick
13 Duke Davidson 81 Ron Lauman 147 Jonathan Withnall
14 Paul Stolk 82 Andy Dunning 148 Dee Taylor
15 Russell Ventimeglia 83 John Valdez 149 Mark Hamilton
16 Coen Zuidervaart 84 Frédéric et Carla Dauber 150 Donald Bronson
17 Gerry White 85 Grzegorz Dabrowiecki 151 Sarah Templeton
18 Kevin Tait 86 Joe McGee 152 Tom Velthuizen
19 David Schmitz 87 Patrick Courtemanche 153 Todd Shaba
20 Mike and Dollie 89 Michael Chandra 154 Laura Thurston
21 Kiera Davidson 90 mobralrox 155 Anthony Knight
22 PundIT LLC 91 Chris Striker 156 Ben O'Brien
23 Lee Paxton 92 Brenton Heath 157 Akma Nirmala
24 Cortney Sauk 93 Caylan Macfarlane-Walker 158 Bradley Wold
25 Colin Boklage 94 Derick Spiekerman 159 Sabrina Ferguson
26 Christine Steadman 95 Chamomile Has A Project 160 Lester
27 Stephanie Meier 96 Thomas Talamini 161 Nancy Johnson
28 Isaac 97 Tim McDuff 162 Christian Pohle
29 Philip W. Rogers Jr. 98 Huscarle 164 J Fish
30 Stephen Faure 100 Charlie Moore 165 Hayderino
31 Joseph Hackney 101 Andreas Kaiser 166 Philip D'Angelo
32 Sam Darton 102 Jerrod Rose Jr. 167 Jay Scott
33 Kevin schilling 104 Q 168 Bruce Leeroy
34 Andrew Smith 105 Sn00ze 169 Timothy Horn
35 Zemi Lawrence 106 CS Mo 170 Lief Hurt
36 David Ross 107 Andreas Scheidmeir 172 Tuck Allman
38 Kyle G. Crider 108 George H. Webster III 173 Phil McNeely
39 GGSigmar 109 Graham Lewis 176 Bernie Yanos
40 Stephen Stalker 110 Jasper Akhkharu 177 SR
41 Randall Dorn 111 Archania's Workshop, LLC 178 Kenneth Bliss
43 Avian Caruso 112 Wyn Alexander 179 Andy Simmons
44 Bastian Busch 113 180 Gunnar Sverredal
45 Kayla Zumsteg 181 Darren Stevens
46 Christian Pirlet 115 Bryan Pugh
116 Catherine Bathe 182 Jennifer Patterson
47 Chris Bloom 183 Mike Costello
48 Paul Vlasta 117 Chiseri
118 Craig Earl 184 Ronald Olexsak
49 Niall Stewart 185 Ryan Rowe
50 Karahag 119 Leron Culbreath
186 Carsten & Els Buesing
187 Blue Rabbit 258 Benjamin Saxton-Ruiz 326 Frank Reding
188 Alberto Gonzalez 259 David M. Tyler 327 Ian Brockbank
189 Danny Santiago 260 Herbert Coddington 328 The Creative Fund by BackerKit
190 Harald Zubrod 261 Karen Degi 330 Stephen Hoffman
191 paul herridge 262 Kasey Wince 331 Isabella
192 Yan Kodiac 263 Nord Games 332 Asharon
193 Realm Master K 264 Richard Perlotto 333 David
194 Robert Pritchard 265 NateH 335 Miguel Pol
195 Chad 266 Caitlin Knight 336 Craig Oliver
196 Jitse Paping 267 James Lochner 337 Connor Fender
198 sbarrie 268 Chris Taylor 338 Kevin Daniel Chachakis
199 Jason Warren 269 Tom Maaswinkel 339 Adam Jensen
200 Caroline Duvier 270 Eapen Leubner 340 Hywel Phillips
201 Adam Francour 271 Travis Karren 341 Kristine
203 Matthew Penrose 272 Julian Schmid 342 David Snow
204 Shawn 273 Tim Beese 343 Brian S Piorkowski
205 Leigh Stanislaw 274 Daphne Romeijn 344 Ruben van der Zee
206 Michael Victorine 275 Ian McKechnie 345 Iwan Lemmens
207 Zola Suwaro 276 Stanley Sterken 346 Ferry Kielman
208 Jay Schammert 277 Katrina Hennessy 348 Anthony Wallace
209 Fran Carelli 278 Lauren Hagen 349 Cielo Cervantes
210 Bas Velthuizen 279 Tabla Dan Lulian 350 Ningxuan Wen
212 Dion Sune Jensen 280 Shasow Mortal 352 Daniel Garcia
214 Michael Allen Jr 281 Claus Olesen 353 John Skinner Jr
216 Christophe Leclère 282 Chuck Van Norman 354 Natalia Pierson
217 Jack Gulick 283 Martin White 355 Roll for Damage
218 Grover White 285 David Stephenson 357 John R. DiNapoli
219 Rob 2.0 286 AaronL 359 Cas C.
220 John M McGuinness 287 Alyx Beauchamp 360 David Olorenshaw
221 Michael Schilingno 288 David Wiggins 362 Mask of Vulcan
222 Eric Pickney 289 Eric Liggett 363 Grant Lindsay
223 Charlie Bijmans 290 Doug "Dhomal" Raas 364 Vader
224 Michael Poznanski 292 Thalji 365 Robert Nixdorf
225 Christopher Williams 293 Derek R Boudreaux 366 Bernhard Fischer
226 Thor Gran 294 Ross Isaacs 367 Ch
227 Michael Leavitt 295 Reindert van Dam 368 Maria Beekman
228 Sven Feenstra 296 Clay Gustafson 369 Daniel Sherier
229 Joseph Tremain 298 Edward 370 Christopher Wilkinson
230 Alexander Sauer 299 Jez Clement 371 Robert Miklos
231 Christian Seiler 300 Diederik van Arkel 372 Christine Miller
232 Talon 302 Brandon Ashcraft 373 Brad Littman
233 Chris Jones 303 John Zhang 374 David (Jester's) Craft
234 Ingjald Pilskog 304 Jeremy Naus 377 Ashlyn Schwoerer
235 Bernard Gravel 305 Chad Lewis 378 Craig John
237 Ryan 306 Damian Adams 379 Frits Kuijlman
238 Mike McLean 308 Keenan Woods 380 Guoccamolé
239 Ogre 309 Dac84 381 Chibby Colins
240 Stan Moore 310 gquinlan 382 Michael Brehler
241 stephen m parlin 311 Janosch Daniel Felde 383 Sam Lonsdale
242 Ken Wilcock 312 Will and Alyssa 384 Bert L. Medley
243 Liam O'Sullivan 313 Colton Seals 385 Kevin Mayz
244 Colin McCarty 314 Nayamek 386 Marieke Bout
245 Dennis Foster 316 J.p. Robert 387 MJG-3D
246 Craig Smith 317 Daniel Savolainen 388 Christopher Lipscomb
247 Cully Smutzler 318 XionNK 389 Steven Ward
248 Kevin Coleson 319 Jeremy 390 Paul Diaz
250 Paul Brooks 320 Robert Myers 391 Nick Bardelson
251 Originalname5 321 James Buys 392 Sean
252 Vincent DiCello 322 Koenraad Gossaert 393 Jesse Reel
254 VertexArtist 323 Ryan E 394 Nick P
255 Tim Hill-Merrick 324 David Heckman 395 Stefan Thomas
257 Robin Lees 325 Oddball 396 Dylan Martinez
397 Andrew James 464 Steve Fennel 531 Christopher Marvin
398 Steve Slaggy 465 Stephen Hardy 532 Tim Baker
399 Drifter's Atlas 466 Dyster 533 Michael Garske
400 Marky Pearce 467 Zh ةباحسلا لفطTg 534 Liam Butler
401 Peter Sotos 468 Marc Wertenberger 535 Lars Halling
402 Carter Gale 469 Seannon Michael O'Daniel 537 Charles Martinez
403 Jay Mason-Grant 470 Sean Richardson 538 Mark Westbrook
405 Sielle 471 Sylvain Cousineau 539 Terry Adams
408 Michael Henderson 472 Robot Viking 540 Trenton Merren
409 Ngai Yiu Wong 473 Joseph Lawson 541 Scott Chambers
410 Brian Lewandowski 474 Sakura Thompson 542 JP Patterson
412 Philippe Bélanger Roy 475 Pete Grimley 543 Clayton Smith
413 Alex Fosth 476 Benjamin Kastberg Kristensen 544 Christina Murphy
414 Trevor Hardy 477 Holly 545 Raymond John Powers II
415 Jeffry Rinkel 478 David DeFranza 546 Anthony Zuhlsdorf
416 Bernard De Santis 479 Craig Dey 547 Robin Mayenfels
417 Andrew Lanham 480 Sara Abis 548 Oleksii Kriukov
418 Marius Daichendt 481 Evan Jones 549 Roger Van Cleave
419 Helen Slater 482 Chris Rodriguez 550 Richard Poteat
420 Paul Bennett 483 Jeremy Mitchell 551 Anthony Hauck
421 Simon Baker 484 Kevin Feeman 552 Timothy Martin
422 Marco Bignami 485 Andy Gullikson 553 Damien Wyse
423 Jamie Revell 486 Eric Miller 554 David Dierks
424 Martin Mandler 487 JF Paradis 556 Adam Everman
425 Dominik Oshowski 488 Lawrence Greer 557 Devin Lyons
426 Ross Nendick 489 Richard Brown 558 Casey Caston
427 Romina Rovira 490 S. Krijnsen 559 Shawn Marcil
428 Florian Kastell 492 Lori Krell 560 Bradley Smeja
429 Robyn and Tony D 493 Nicholas Leavitt 561 Antony Atkinson
430 L Le Poidevin 494 ColdRollJoBo 562 Stewart MacLean
431 JB Brown 495 Ericka Webster 563 Thimo Wilke
432 Sebastian Hager 496 Edward Covarrubias 564 Steven Pautz
433 John Paul Luchenski 497 Bob Huss 565 David Benito
434 William Laurence 498 Jamie Corfield 566 Nathan Michael
435 Sean Timm 499 Baptiste Brylak 567 Vincent Kindfuller
436 Christine Delisle 500 philip hindley 568 David McLeod
437 Michael Meador 501 John 569 Robert Schettig
438 Kannan Alagesan 502 James Winder 571 Ulrike Georgi
439 Blake Taylor 503 Terry McKelvey 572 Jon Latham
440 Debra B. 504 Beth Murray 573 Justin Bergman
441 Markus "Rhylthar" Busse 505 Brian Zuber 574 Steffen Sørensen
442 Olympic Cards and Comics 506 Meg Drennan 575 Lillian Sawyer
443 Thomas Ogermann 507 Alex Whitehurst 576 jamie
444 Johannes Welzig 508 Zachary Reinsel 577 Bart Van Damme
445 Garth Clardy 509 Gregory Ford 578 Chris Black
446 Mangoose 510 Patrick Soto 579 Aubrun
447 EpicFTW 511 Jason Jones 580 Sabina Walter
448 Franck T 514 John Szasz IV 581 Carolyn Reid
449 Greg R 515 Joshua Muscat 582 AlwaysArdent
450 Lon Lademann 516 Andy Grossberg 583 Mitch Wineman
451 Richard Libera 517 Charles Baines 584 Bryan
453 Hannu Kokko 518 Tony Gentry 585 Matt Gregory
454 Rico Gilbert 519 Charles Cameron 586 Jörn Richter-Kruse
455 Daniel White 521 Adam Kelly 587 Bridgitte Rivers
456 Chris Swanson 523 Kostas 588 Francisco J. Cabrero
457 William Vansickel 524 Brian Bush 589 Corby Kennard
458 Daniel Melssen 525 Jeffrey Osthoff 590 Annette Beatwell
459 Grouik 526 SaiZaro 591 Robin Burzan
460 Andrew Brown 527 Yoann 592 Vagueon
461 Sal Robertson 528 Chris White 593 Nicholas J Cillo
462 Peter McIntyre 529 Christopher Green 594 Walter Brediger, III
463 Oliver Roberts 530 Adam Alderman 595 Vincent Annoni
596 Clint Doyle 662 David Martin 728 Richard Parker
597 Nils Nävert 664 Jonathan Sidwell 729 Alex Parker
598 Ols Jonas Petter Olsson 665 Charles Town 730 Aaron Hunt
600 Tudy 666 Brian Pampaselle 731 Reverend Jesus
601 Jamie Denney 667 Aidan Grey 732 Marshall
602 Plague 668 Jason Booth 733 Rob Medley
603 Luke Willis 669 shaun vellucci 734 Robert Krikorian
604 Jeremy Roberts 670 Daniel Nagle 735 Christopher Brown
605 Brenden Petracek 671 Quib 736 Sean Garrigan-Gill
606 Con 672 Alexander “Just X” Ulmer 737 AC Severin
607 Natasja van Gestel 673 Fallenknight05 738 Jeff Neely
608 Eric Storm 675 Cornelia Siegmund 739 Thomas Cruz
609 Stephanie Macklin 676 Joseph Edge 740 Dakota Stoner
610 Rod Meek 677 Robert Bean 741 Kenneth Smith
611 Scott Maynard 678 Wyatt Webb 742 Andrew O'Donnell
612 J Paul Keller 679 Andrew O'Dell 743 Tony Cervo
613 Heath 680 Cleston Carvalho 744 Brian Kirchhoff
614 Paper Mariner 681 Pixel-Lord 746 Shane White
615 Jesse Keen 682 Phoenix Rising 747 Costa Petroutsas
616 Kurtis Primm 683 Richard Dayton 748 Scott Hess
617 kirksis 685 Randy Smith 750 Adam, Kate & Rook Scanlon
618 Lloyd G 686 Jeremy Suiter 751 Tactical Tokens
619 Alistair Lamb 687 Josiah Rise 752 Patrick Ciraco
620 Szeip Krisztián 688 Anthony Emiliani 753 Giuseppe D’Aristotile
621 Klashvorn 689 William J. Scott III 754 Kelly
622 Philippe Boujon 690 LB 755 Amanda Zimmerman
623 Peter Foxhoven 691 Jean Buhlmann 756 Christine Balne
625 Brendan Heap 692 Jason 757 josiah
626 Dakoda Ryan White 693 George Herde 758 Nathan Amor
628 Nicholas Crabtree 694 Murray Smith 759 Sword C. Cambron
629 Ren Bräul 695 Derek Donald 760 LeRoy A. M. Deveaux
630 Dylan Moore 696 Chandler Christensen 761 Christopher Schenck
631 Nathinu 697 Martin H 762 Matthew Fyfe
632 Stephen Mercer 698 Francis Gannon 763 Schubacca
633 Ethan Martin 699 Vandenn 764 Gareth Date
634 Noah Acierno 700 Marcin Andrzejczak 765 Morgan Gordon
635 David Dalke 701 Matt Schmude 766 jaime osbourn
637 Zacharyah 702 Matt Kennett 767 sgetty
638 Denver Lybarger 703 Fernando 768 Lady Rachell Diane Spencer
639 Wayne Naylor 704 Jeremiah Buttrum 769 Jordan Schreck
640 Eddie Chew 705 Olivia 770 Roger Weiss
641 Douglas Gallucci 706 Lachlan Stewart 771 Christopher Nelson
642 Krysten Hudson 707 Brian Elgort 772 Jonathan Stockwell
643 Simon Hunter 708 David Maskell 773 Kevin Spenst
644 Joseph Cox 709 Gene Virgilio 774 C. Standiford
645 Marcus M. Rommel 710 Eric H Krieger 775 Bobby Ryan
646 Gordon Parton 711 Rafael Masoni 776 Stephan Szabo
647 Tables FLGS, Mount 712 Tim Lind 777 Guy Edward Larke
Pleasant, SC 713 Joshua F Thrasher 778 David A. Nolan
648 Michael Feldhusen 714 Tyler 779 Eric A. Smith
649 Jessica Salter 715 Campaign Coins 781 Dillon VanBuskirk
651 Joachim Heindler 716 Kim Brandes 782 Tyson Wozniak
652 Cameron R. 717 Meggin Cody 783 Jacob Cotton
653 Greg Traeger 718 kschktnt 784 Rhea Shelley
654 Trey Mercer 719 Fred Savadge 785 Georgia Geddes
655 Basil Shepherd 720 David Bonney 786 Jason Lillie
656 Sebastian Klapdor 721 Bill Sawyer 787 Alan
657 Nemanja Zdravkovic 722 Kerry Sheldon 788 Christine Ohlsson
658 Nicola McBlane 724 Chris Behnke-Nead 789 Daron Yamauchi
659 John Griffis 725 Ben 790 William Brook
660 Steve Reichert 726 Arch DeLux 791 simon olthof
661 Justin Van Duine 727 Craig Myles 792 Feymous
Nathaniel ‘Never Miss’ Napolioni,
793 Thoth Open Game License Nekhathon, Obsidian Scorpion,
794 Stephen Thompson Version 1.0a Olrea Stormswell, Paragon
795 David Potts Empire, Parliament of Madeaux,
The following text is the property
796 Matt Wilson Pipes of Paradise, Priests of
of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
798 Thedmstrikes Nekhathon, Prince Thygax,
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards
799 Joshua Dario Radavan Melodivari, Rhagarazzigor
800 Justin Burghardt of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”).
, Rudy Kinsale, Selena Firedos,
801 Loren Valterza All Rights Reserved.
Sheikh of Jauzun, Sonnets from
802 J.R. Spivey Product Identity the Ninth, Tharideus Grorn, The
803 Iris Gehrmann The following items are designated Evocation Opus, The Martyrs of
805 Matthew Moore Product Identity, as defined in Markoon, Thorodell Everspell,
806 Richard Lee Hurst Tombs of Nekhathon, Toram
Section 1(e) of the Open Game
807 Dominic Fehling Curlhorn, Trickster Sticks ,
808 Aaron Pollett License Version 1.0a, and are
subject to the conditions set Vectron’s Band of Truth
809 Adam
811 David L. Crooks, Jr. forth in Section 7 of the OGL, All Of The Rest Of The Srd5 Is
812 Stephen bowyer and are not Open Content: Open Game Content As Described
813 Emiel Vlek Aelorea Silvercurrent, Agrathax, In Section 1(D) Of The License.
814 Joni Skonbäck All-Seeing Visor, Angbera 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors”
815 Gerald Reid Copperbrawn, Ashma Dahl’ma, means the copyright and/
816 sebastian riedel Axozahn Brychor, Bazaar of or trademark owners who
817 Kent Taylor Markoon, Berran Jorgunsar, have contributed Open Game
818 BerkeCanatar Blitzfang, Blizzard, Brildur Content; (b)”Derivative Material”
819 Rick Boeve Grost, Bruno ‘Badeye’ Bagini, means copyrighted material
820 Deadpool_Merc Calico of the Tempest, Calico’s including derivative works and
821 Chris Hebda Sphere of Holding, Celeste translations (including into other
822 Grey Wolfe Augreve, Chancellor Esquellier, computer languages), potation,
823 Waterflow Charadeux Circus, Charahad tree, modification, correction, addition,
824 Hadde Chromachalk, Citadel Khalban, extension, upgrade, improvement,
825 Jeremiah Bruce Countess Arabella Miragio, compilation, abridgment or other
826 Jan-Niklas Flick Deadrei Fallon, Disarmatron
828 Jacob form in which an existing work
, Dogan Coincutter, Durowalt may be recast, transformed or
829 Munib Sarwar Roscoe, Elodie Greenheart, Ember
830 Ryan adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to
Marbles, Emotive Ointment, reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell,
831 Christopher Bostick Emporio Verdantis, Flore Enderil,
832 Erik Stefess broadcast, publicly display, transmit
Foolish Fiorenze, Gilded Galore, or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open
833 Stephan Giuseppe’s Fine Silverware,
834 Javier A Verdin Game Content” means the game
Goirmire Undervork, Goirmire’s mechanic and includes the methods,
835 Rinze van der Wal Expeditionary Oddities, Golden
836 Hannes Birnkammerer procedures, processes and routines
Guard of Arundell, Gravitus to the extent such content does not
838 James Humphries
Gauntlet, Greta Blom, Grimble embody the Product Identity and
839 Simon Birks
& Sons Tinkerlings, Grobbin is an enhancement over the prior
841 Jeremy Huggins
Ampleforth, Grukkan Borko, art and any additional content
842 Drew Emmetts
Gulimort Baldgrim, Gulimort’s clearly identified as Open Game
843 Charles Tedder
Razor, Harrick Braggar, Hilmer Content by the Contributor, and
844 Nicholas Baughman
845 Gary T. Grimble, Hiromin Koon, Hiromin’s means any work covered by this
847 Lennart Lindgren Cane, Homer Tiberius Grimble, License, including translations
848 Patrik Hooran Tulashar, Horgrim and derivative works under
849 Daniel Montero Fellhammer, Illuvian Marble, Insta- copyright law, but specifically
850 Brandon Gallant hammock,Isles of Montrel, J’Harad excludes Product Identity. (e)
851 Alex Fossel al Khybar, Jakobian Selenir, Jauzun “Product Identity” means product
852 Eric Preston Medlock , Khaleb ‘Fast-Fingers’ Shahib, and product line names, logos
853 Thomas Wright King Melonidas, Lake Moko, and identifying marks including
854 Ben Overmyer Landberg The Great, Looksharp trade dress; artifacts; creatures
863 Hector Heaviside Lute, Lustrous Lutes, Madeaux, characters; stories, storylines,
Martin Malicroix, Meladonia plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
, Metal Guardian, Mihlanna incidents, language, artwork,
Theophine, Miragio Mercantile symbols, designs, depictions,
Empire, Mirra Nusk, Mortaklang, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
Mount Angrav, Muldigo Voks,
themes and graphic, photographic and other visual owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
or audio representations; names and descriptions of The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the You must clearly indicate which portions of the work
owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products You may use any authorized version of this License to
or the associated products contributed to the Open Game copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” originally distributed under any version of this License.
means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify,
translate and otherwise create Derivative Material 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include
of Open Game Content. (h) “You” Not for resale. a copy of this License with every copy of the
Permission granted to print or photocopy this document Open Game Content You Distribute.
for personal use only. System Reference Document 5.1 2 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. or advertise the Open Game Content using the
2. The License: This License applies to any Open name of any Contributor unless You have written
Game Content that contains a notice indicating that permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability
the Open Game Content may only be Used under to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
and in terms of this License. You must affix such any of the terms of this License with respect to some
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
No terms may be added to or subtracted from this judicial order, or governmental regulation then You
License except as described by the License itself. No may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open 13. Termination: This License will terminate
Game Content distributed using this License. automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
Open Game Content You indicate Your of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
acceptance of the terms of this License. shall survive the termination of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v
License to Use, the Open Game Content. 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
are contributing original material as Open Game Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License End of License
to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are Thank You
copying, modifying or distributing, and You must
add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright We like to thank you for purchasing this book.
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Founded in 2006 by Chris Van Der Linden from the
original Open Game Content you Distribute. Netherlands, Loresmyth is a small team that takes
pride in creating innovative roleplaying products with
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any great attention to detail and customer satisfaction.
Product Identity, including as an indication as to Despite our humble origins, Loresmyth has
compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, fast become synonymous with fun, top-quality
independent Agreement with the owner of each element supplements and has since published several best-selling
of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate products, including the Remarkable book series.
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work We appreciate your support. Sign up for our newsletter
containing Open Game Content except as expressly to never miss a thing at www.loresmyth.com/signup
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes
Open Game License Version 1.0a the methods, procedures, processes and routines to
the extent such content does not embody the Product
The following text is the property of Wizards of Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and
the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of any additional content clearly identified as Open Game
the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Content by the Contributor, and means any work
Product Identity covered by this License, including translations and
The following items are designated Product Identity, derivative works under copyright law, but specifically
as defined in Section 1(e) of the Open Game License excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means
Version 1.0a, and are subject to the conditions set forth product and product line names, logos and identifying
in Section 7 of the OGL, and are not Open Content: marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures
characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements,
Aelorea Silvercurrent, Agrathax, All-Seeing Visor, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
Angbera Copperbrawn, Ashma Dahl’ma, Axozahn designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
Brychor, Bazaar of Markoon, Berran Jorgunsar, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual
Blitzfang, Blizzard, Brildur Grost, Bruno ‘Badeye’ or audio representations; names and descriptions of
Bagini, Calico of the Tempest, Calico’s Sphere of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
Holding, Celeste Augreve, Chancellor Esquellier, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
Charadeux Circus, Charahad tree, Chromachalk, Citadel locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
Khalban, Countess Arabella Miragio, Deadrei Fallon, or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or
Disarmatron , Dogan Coincutter, Durowalt Roscoe, graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered
Elodie Greenheart, Ember Marbles, Emotive Ointment, trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the
Emporio Verdantis, Flore Enderil, Foolish Fiorenze, owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically
Gilded Galore, Giuseppe’s Fine Silverware, Goirmire excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark”
Undervork, Goirmire’s Expeditionary Oddities, Golden means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that
Guard of Arundell, Gravitus Gauntlet, Greta Blom, are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products
Grimble & Sons Tinkerlings, Grobbin Ampleforth, or the associated products contributed to the Open Game
Grukkan Borko, Gulimort Baldgrim, Gulimort’s Razor, License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using”
Harrick Braggar, Hilmer Grimble, Hiromin Koon, means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify,
Hiromin’s Cane, Homer Tiberius Grimble, Hooran translate and otherwise create Derivative Material
Tulashar, Horgrim Fellhammer, Illuvian Marble, of Open Game Content. (h) “You” Not for resale.
Insta-hammock,Isles of Montrel, J’Harad al Khybar, Permission granted to print or photocopy this document
Jakobian Selenir, Jauzun , Khaleb ‘Fast-Fingers’ for personal use only. System Reference Document 5.1 2
Shahib, King Melonidas, Lake Moko, Landberg The or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
Great, Looksharp Lute, Lustrous Lutes, Madeaux,
Martin Malicroix, Meladonia , Metal Guardian,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open
Mihlanna Theophine, Miragio Mercantile Empire,
Game Content that contains a notice indicating that
Mirra Nusk, Mortaklang, Mount Angrav, Muldigo
the Open Game Content may only be Used under
Voks, Nathaniel ‘Never Miss’ Napolioni, Nekhathon,
and in terms of this License. You must affix such
Obsidian Scorpion, Olrea Stormswell, Paragon Empire,
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use.
Parliament of Madeaux, Pipes of Paradise, Priests
No terms may be added to or subtracted from this
of Nekhathon, Prince Thygax, Radavan Melodivari,
License except as described by the License itself. No
Rhagarazzigor , Rudy Kinsale, Selena Firedos, Sheikh
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open
of Jauzun, Sonnets from the Ninth, Tharideus Grorn,
Game Content distributed using this License.
The Evocation Opus, The Martyrs of Markoon, 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the
Thorodell Everspell, Tombs of Nekhathon, Toram Open Game Content You indicate Your
Curlhorn, Trickster Sticks , Vectron’s Band of Truth acceptance of the terms of this License.
All Of The Rest Of The Srd5 Is Open Game Content 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for
As Described In Section 1(D) Of The License. agreeing to use this License, the Contributors
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
and/or trademark owners who have contributed nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this
Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means License to Use, the Open Game Content.
copyrighted material including derivative works and 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You
translations (including into other computer languages), are contributing original material as Open Game
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, Content, You represent that Your Contributions are
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
other form in which an existing work may be recast, rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
copying, modifying or distributing, and You must only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
original Open Game Content you Distribute. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Product Identity, including as an indication as to Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
independent Agreement with the owner of each element Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark End of License
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. Thank You
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content We like to thank you for purchasing this book.
does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Founded in 2006 by Chris Van Der Linden from the
Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity Netherlands, Loresmyth is a small team that takes
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, pride in creating innovative roleplaying products with
title and interest in and to that Product Identity. great attention to detail and customer satisfaction.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Despite our humble origins, Loresmyth has
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work fast become synonymous with fun, top-quality
that you are distributing are Open Game Content. supplements and has since published several best-selling
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated products, including the Remarkable book series.
Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
You may use any authorized version of this License to We appreciate your support. Signup for our newsletter
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content to never miss a thing at www.loresmyth.com/signup
originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include
a copy of this License with every copy of the
Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
or advertise the Open Game Content using the
name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability
to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
any of the terms of this License with respect to some
or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You
may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held