Scion Dragon (Final Download)
Scion Dragon (Final Download)
Scion Dragon (Final Download)
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RETRIEVAL 6 Mantles of Divinity 31
Memory and Deed 32
Characteristics 35
What’s in a Name? 11 Lairs 36
Themes 11 Mysteries 37
Self-Discovery 11 Relationships 37
Shadow Moves 12 Notable Dragons 38
Decoding the Myth 12 Common Draq Birthrights 42
Pulp Spy 12 The Joka 44
Politics 12
Characteristics 45
How to Use this Book 12
Lairs 46
The Flights 13
Mysteries 47
Media 13
Relationships 48
Procedurals 13
Notable Dragons 48
Dragon Stories 14
Common Joka Birthrights 52
Other Reading 14
The Lindwurms 54
Lexicon 14
Characteristics 55
Relationships 57
Draconic History 17 Notable Dragons 58
The Youth of Creation 17 Common Lindwurm Birthrights 62
Children of Claw and Tooth 18 The Lóng 64
Fate’s Birth 18 Factions 65
Ego of the Skin 19 Characteristics 65
Rewriting History 19 Lairs 66
Immortal Conflict 19 Mysteries 67
Formation of Flights 20 Relationships 67
Dragons Today 21 Notable Dragons 68
Safety in Secrets 22 Common Lóng Birthrights 72
Hoards and Secrets 22 The Naga 74
Powerbrokers 23
Characteristics 75
Memories 24
Lairs 76
Children’s Games 25
Mysteries 77
Draconic Lineages 25
Relationships 78
Heirs 26
Notable Dragons 79
Bequeathal 26
Common Naga Birthrights 82
Handler 27
The Serpents 84
Smoke and Mirrors 27
Characteristics 85
Broods 28
Lairs 86
Heirs and Scions 29
Mysteries 86
Dragon Cults 29
Relationships 87
CHAPTER TWO: THE FLIGHTS 30 Notable Dragons 87
Common Serpent Birthrights 92
Laying Low 31
Calling Knacks 139
Knack Skills 139
CHARACTER CREATION 98 Momentum Expenditure and Enhancement 139
Ready Made Characters 99 Collector 139
Kiran Aamir 100 Destroyer 140
Ambrosia Cook 102 Guardian 140
Jakob Lukasson 104 Healer 141
Mitch Chu Kai-Wing 106 Judge 142
Leticia Flores Gonzáles 108 Ruler 143
Character Creation 110 Mystic 143
Step One: Concept 110 Nomad 144
Step Two: Paths 110 Predator 144
Step Three: Skills 111 Primeval 144
Step Four: Attributes 111 Watcher 145
Step Five: Callings and Knacks 111 Dragon Knacks 146
Step Six: Dragon Magic 112 Knacks of Scale 146
Step Seven: Birthrights 112 Transformation Knacks 146
Step Eight: Finishing Touches 112 Transformation Knacks 147
Dragon Paths 113 Dragon Magic 150
Origin Paths 113 Inheritance Costs 150
Role Paths 114 Magics 150
Character Advancement 114 Animal Control 151
Decay 151
CHAPTER FOUR: TRAITS 116 Elemental Manipulation (Air) 152
Inheritance 117 Elemental Manipulation (Earth) 153
Inheritance Systems 117 Elemental Manipulation (Fire) 154
Raising and Regaining Inheritance 118 Elemental Manipulation (Frost) 155
Remembrances 118 Elemental Manipulation (Water) 156
Flight Remembrances 119 Fear 157
Callings 120 Flight 157
Systems 120 Illusions 158
List of Dragon Callings 122 Luck 159
Memory 124 Transformation 160
Systems 125 Understanding 161
Memory Conditions 125 Weather Control 162
Draconic Form 128 Signature Dragon Magic 162
Birthrights 128 Draq Signature Magic: Pandemonium 162
Lost Birthrights 129 Joka Signature Magic: Refinement 163
Guides 129 Lindwurms Signature Magic: Avarice 164
Hoard 133 Lóng Signature Magic: Blessings 165
Lairs 134 Naga Signature Magic: Teleportation 166
Pawns 135 Serpent Signature Magic: Purification 167
Tradecraft 137 WHERE THERE’S SMOKE 168
CHAPTER SIX: The 1000 Yard Club 185
STORYGUIDING DRAGON 172 Time is Ticking 185
Asset Acquisition 185
Setting the Stage 173 Upper Tier Play 185
Nuts–and–Bolts 174 Lesser Wyrm 186
Players as Plot Creators 175 Dragon 186
Shadow Games 176 Collateral 187
Scions and Heirs 176 Field Complications 188
Following the Paper Trail 177 Antagonists 190
Real-Life Spies 178 Draconic Archetypes 190
Intelligence Glossary 178 Qualities 191
Tradecraft 180 Flairs 193
Surveillance 180 Example Antagonists 196
Communications 180 Nest Raiders 196
Deception 181 Dragonslayers 197
Assets 181 Heirs 199
Infiltration 182 Legendary Creatures 200
Theft 182
Violence and Assassinations 183 APPENDIX:
Operations 183 LEGENDARY CREATURES 202
Breaking and Entering 183
General Rules 202
Exposure 184
Scourges 202
Run! 184
Scourge Knacks 203
Cannons for Cash 184
Ruling Serpents 204
By Way of Deception 184
Ruling Serpent Knacks 204
Deep Cover 184
Reptilian Destroyers 204
Search and Rescue 184
Reptilian Destroyer Knacks 205
The Heist 185
n a ballroom on the other side of the manor, Randolph Lonergan’s trophies were other
Randolph Lonergan bade the last of his party
goodnight. At least, he believed they were
cultures’ historical treasures.
Mitch bypassed the cups. Tempting as they
the last guests. While he was busy squeezing hands were, they weren’t his target. At least, not yet.
and kissing cheeks, Mitch Chu and Ambrosia Tonight, he was only here for the coins. They’d
Cook were on the other side of the vast house, in filled his dreams the last few weeks: in them, he’d
Lonergan’s trophy room. twisted through rivers full of the little bronze
“Look at it all,” Mitch said. He unknotted his discs. Each morning, he’d woken with the taste of
bow tie and let its ends hang rakishly as he moved metal in his mouth and rage churning in his belly.
from display case to display case. He knew exactly He felt it rising now. He couldn’t be sure where
what type of figure he cut: The handsome young his anger ended and his patron Gōnggōng’s be-
historian, preparing to steal back artifacts that gan. Was there even a difference, anymore?
had been smuggled out of their home countries. The coins lay on a bed of black velvet in a case
“Little busy here.” Ambrosia stood in the that looked simple, but was wired to hell and back
doorway, on watch for any of Lonergan’s security with pressure sensors and temperature alarms.
or household staff. Any more of them, that was. “You sure you’ve got this?” Kiran Aamir
The guard she’d knocked out lay in a heap just asked in Mitch’s ear. They were offsite, guiding
inside the room. His next scheduled check-in was Mitch and Ambrosia from the comfort of — well,
in five minutes. Mitch didn’t know exactly where. They were in-
“Clock’s ticking,” Ambrosia said, as she rolled tensely private about their personal information,
down her jacket’s sleeves. Tonight, she’d traded which was understandable considering their line
her usual business casual for a sleek bespoke suit. of work. Kiran’s day job had something to do
Mitch had insisted she dress the part, introduced with smart home software. They’d never men-
her to his personal tailor, and footed the bill. tioned which company, though Mitch had his
Ambrosia suspected the suit cost more than she suspicions.
made in a year, but it felt nice, looked good, and Whoever Kiran worked for, it made them
hid her holstered gun perfectly. not only extremely wary of how much people
Lonergan’s trophy room contained neither unthinkingly put online, it also made Kiran ex-
mounted animal heads nor first place pennants. tremely good at finding that information. Their
The items on display here didn’t reflect their host’s research into Lonergan’s habits had sped up
hunting prowess, nor his sporting victories. The Mitch’s timeline by at least a month. Tonight,
entrepreneur did, however, possess some golden they’d intercepted all of the manor’s smart device
cups — a whole case of them, in fact. It held the traffic, including its security cameras. The trophy
drinking vessels of ancient kings.
room display cases, however, weren’t on the net- Mitch couldn’t tell if by us she meant herself
work. Here, Mitch was on his own. and Kiran, or whether she was speaking on be-
“I know what I’m doing,” he said, glancing half of her Flight. Either way, he needed them.
toward the camera overhead in case Kiran was “Sure. Of course.”
watching. “I’ve bypassed one of these before “Three and-a-half minutes,” she said, and
— oh. Hello. When did you sneak in here?” The returned to her position by the door.
wall behind the coin display held a collection Mitch only needed two to bypass the various
of mounted blades. Mitch had made note of alarms and monitors on the coin display. It took
them during his reconnaissance work, but the him another minute to disable the proximity
jian in the center was a new addition. New to sensors on the swords, but the jian had its own
Lonergan’s collection, that was, but not to Mitch. complex series of wires discreetly attached.
The double-edged sword had eluded him once
before; why hadn’t he gotten wind of Lonergan’s “Thirty seconds,” said Kiran.
acquisition? Ambrosia bent to confirm that the guard was
Didn’t matter. He was here now. still unconscious.
“... Mitch? Who’s there with you? Who snuck “Twenty.”
in?” The sound of Kiran hammering at their key- Mitch patted the coins where they were
board — demanding data the cameras and their tucked safely in his pocket.
accomplice weren’t providing — transmitted “Ten.”
over the earpiece.
He cracked his knuckles and held his hand
“He’s talking to an artifact, Kiran. Stand over the pommel, waiting for Kiran’s countdown
down.” Ambrosia had come over to see who to finish.
Mitch was talking to, too. She scowled at him as
her hand eased away from her holster. “Four min- “Three. Two. One.”
utes, Mitch. We’ve only got time for the coins.” With one smooth, sharp tug, he tore the jian
“I won’t get this chance again,” he said. “Not from its moorings. The ancient steel came away
for a long while. Years, maybe.” Even if every- easily, unharmed.
thing went exactly according to plan and they got Alarms shrieked out news of the intrusion.
away clean, Lonergan would beef up his security “Let’s go,” said Ambrosia. She led the way
as soon as he realized the coins were missing. out of the trophy room, keeping low and hugging
The jian wasn’t something Mitch’s family or the the wall. Mitch skulked along behind her. As they
Sky Breaker wanted him to take. He rarely kept ran, more bells and whoops echoed down the
anything he stole, much to his family’s chagrin, corridor. Lights flashed off and on in out of sync
but this ... this was worthy of adding to his hoard. patterns. Music blared from every room they
“You’re going to do a smash and grab, aren’t passed, and a voice — a pleasant but inflection-
you?” Ambrosia asked. less alto — recited shopping lists, search results,
“Not on the coins. But on the jian? Yeah. Yeah, and driving directions to Mount Rainier.
I am.” He flashed her his most confident grin, and “Kiran, is this you?” Mitch asked.
turned one on the camera, too. “Because I have “Sure is. I threw a little chaos at Lonergan’s
the best team backing me up.” smart home. You still have some guards coming
Ambrosia closed her eyes. Mitch was fairly your way, but it’s not the full force. Company in
certain she was counting to ten. “Kiran?” she about ... fifteen seconds.”
said. “We’re going to need a distraction.” Ambrosia signaled for Mitch to halt as they
For a moment, Mitch thought they’d cut the came to an intersection. “I’ll take care of them.”
connection entirely. Then came a long sigh. “Fine. While she took up her position, Mitch held ut-
I can’t stop any alarms you set off when you grab terly still. Most of the time, he enjoyed being seen,
it, but I can try to peel a few of the security team having all eyes in the room on him as he charmed
off to another part of the house. Best I can do.” a small crowd with fascinating tales from history.
“You owe us,” said Ambrosia. The phrase Right now, though, his job was to go unnoticed.
carried weight behind it. They wouldn’t even know he was there.
Ambrosia glanced back toward where he empty fist, ringing his bell three or four times in
stood, and looked right through him. “I hate quick succession.
when you do that,” she muttered. Still, the contested gun waved between them,
The first guard rounded the corner seconds the rose in their deadly tango. Then it went off,
later. Ambrosia flowed up from her crouch its report reverberating down the long hallway.
smooth and quick, like fire spreading along a The bullet tinged as it punched through antique
trail of gasoline. The butt of her gun made a solid tin ceiling tiles.
thunk as it connected with the back of the guard’s The gun’s discharge, awfully close to his face,
head, and he toppled in a heap. surprised the guard into releasing Ambrosia’s
The guard’s partner, a few steps behind, had sleeve and taking half a step back. Even startled,
more time to react. He stepped up as Ambrosia he was far from out of the fight. Ducking beneath
turned and made a grab for her gun hand. She her wild swing, he barreled into Ambrosia. The
jerked her arm out of the way, so he only caught momentum drove them both into the wall right
the sleeve of her new suit. He didn’t get a lock on beside Mitch. Plaster cracked with their impact,
her wrist. Still, he held tight, yanking her in close splitting the damask wallpaper.
so she couldn’t control her shot. Mitch might’ve felt bad about the cost of re-
The guard swung with his free hand, going pairs they were sticking Lonergan with, but the
for a jab to the kidneys. Ambrosia grunted with jian in his hand and the stolen treasures in the bil-
the impact, but it wasn’t enough to make her lionaire’s trophy room scattered his guilt pretty
drop her weapon. In fact, all it seemed to do was handily.
piss her off. She clobbered at his head with her The guard pulled back just enough to slam
Ambrosia into the wall again. She grunted,
but it’d take more than that to knock her out. “What’s your name?” Ambrosia asked the
Ambrosia stomped the hard sole of her shoe guard.
down his inner calf. The big man yelped, and she “Jones,” he said.
used the distraction to shove him backward.
He sounded sincere enough to Mitch, but
With several feet between them, they took Ambrosia sniffed out falsehoods as part of her
aim at each other. day job. “Lying is a bad idea. I don’t think you
“Drop the gun,” the guard said. “Drop it and want to find out what happens if you’re trying to
keep your hands where I can see them.” trick me, so we’ll tip off your captain.”
“No.” Ambrosia wasn’t a tall woman; the His shoulders sagged. “Byers.”
security guard had at least a foot on her. Yet as Mitch toggled the mic and matched his tone
she spoke, Mitch had the sudden impression that to the guard’s. “Byers,” he said. “East wing, third
she filled the corridor. The air around her grew floor is clear. Just more system glitches, looks
hazy with heat. The flashing red lights from the like.”
fire alarm glinted in her eyes, and made them
glow like hot coals. “You drop yours,” she said. “Acknowledged,” came the reply.
She spoke quietly, but the roar of a blazing fire “I’d say I’m sorry about this,” Ambrosia said
filled her voice. to Byers, “but I’m not.” She clocked him hard and
The guard’s eyes widened. His gun wavered. laid him neatly beside his unconscious partner.
“I’ll shoot. I will.” She straightened up and smoothed out her suit,
paying special attention to the sleeve. It was a
Ambrosia took a step toward him. Just one. little wrinkled, but otherwise fine: Mitch’s tailor
The ground trembled with her footfall. crafted them to withstand plenty of abuse. “Okay,
The big man dropped his gun. A low groan Kiran. Lead the way.”
sounded from his throat, but he didn’t flee. He Kiran called out their escape route, sending
couldn’t seem to unlock his gaze from Ambrosia’s. them down back stairways and through vast
Mitch moved at last, revealing his position. connected suites in Lonergan’s manor. Mitch
The guard’s eyes widened as Mitch strolled up couldn’t help but catalog other pieces of art on
to him and plucked the earpiece from his ear and display as they passed. It’d be a long time before
the mic from his collar. “I’m just going to tell your he came back here, but a long time wasn’t never.
commander everything’s fine here, if you don’t They spilled out into the night, well away
mind.” He admired the two-way system a mo- from the main driveway. Red and blue lights
ment as he looked for the mic’s controls. “Oooh. wound their way up the hill, but the tree line was
This is a fancy one. Lonergan didn’t skimp on close. “You’ve got a bit of a hike ahead of you,”
equipment, that’s for sure.” Kiran said. “Keep heading west and you’ll hit a
“Dibs,” Kiran said, still monitoring. “I can get road in about a mile. I’ll have a ride waiting for
you two a clear shot out of there, but you have you.”
to get moving. The fire department’s on the way, “Hey. Thanks, both of you,” said Mitch. The
and the police are sending a unit.” coins were a reassuring weight in his breast pock-
“I thought you had everything locked down,” et, and the jian’s pommel cool in his hand. “This
said Ambrosia. means a lot.”
“Yeah, well, turns out when you overload the “Sure thing,” said Ambrosia. She glanced
system, you find a few bugs. I’ll fix it in the next at the sky, where heavy clouds were rolling in.
build.” “Let’s get out of here before it rains. I want my
partner to see how good I look in my new suit.”
“I desired dragons with a profound desire. Of course, I in my timid body
did not wish to have them in the neighborhood. But the world
that contained even the imagination of F fnir was richer
and more beautiful, at whatever the cost of peril.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien
Defining what is and what is not a dragon is difficult,
as things such as legend, taxonomy, and real-world de- The primary theme of Scion: Dragon is one of self-dis-
scription all play a part in what gains that classification. covery. Heirs are the inheritors of a mythical world they
Is a rather large snake a dragon? What about an oversized barely understand, with little or no direction to guide them.
crocodile? How about dinosaurs? For the purposes of this Even if an Heir discovers their true parentage, they still
game, dragons are defined as large, reptilian creatures with must choose whether to follow their commands. Accepting
a mythology surrounding them. the power of a Dragon comes with a great deal of respon-
Dragons are legendary creatures with so much gravi- sibility; learning to wield that responsibility is a large part
tas, intrigue, and power that they inspire legends and of the game.
Themes 11
Dragons spend a great deal of time instilling their pieces on the proverbial chessboard, Heirs move across
Heirs with memories and knowledge that they hope will be the playing field in service to their Dragon, competing
used to fulfill missions for the Dragon. Characters in Scion: against other Dragons, Titans, and Gods. From data theft,
Dragon must decide if they are going to follow the path sabotage, counter espionage, or outright assassinations,
set forward to them by those memories and allow their Heirs are clandestine agents operating in a long and very
Dragons to dictate their lives, or if they will forge their own cold war. They deal in deception, attempting to obfuscate
way forward. Characters struggle between loyalty to the their moves and misdirect their opponents. But Heirs are,
Dragon who gave them the powers they have, and loyalty at their core, still tied to their former lives. And each time
to themselves and their friends. They must also struggle they undertake a mission or use their powers on behalf of a
between becoming immersed in the world of Dragons and Dragon, more of their former life slips away.
remaining grounded in humanity. Much like Titans, many
Dragons care little for humankind, viewing them as noth- POLITICS
ing more than pawns in their games. Dragons sit alongside Gods and Titans, not as their
equals, but as a third party hoping to play kingmaker, or
SHADOW MOVES bring them both low. They operate from the shadows, and
Dragons choose their Heirs with purpose. Heirs are it is still unclear for which side they fight. Sometimes they
proxies for the Dragon and part of a larger cold war operat- seem to align with the Gods, and other times they appear to
ing primarily in the shadows. Dragons have learned the hard help the Titans. Thus, Dragons serve as a strange interme-
way to be cautious, using their minions to achieve a specific diary between the Gods and Titans, slowly accumulating
end secretly, rather than out in the open for The World to power for their secret agendas. Dragons benefit from the
see. An Heir may function as an assassin, a spy, or as a sab- balkanization of The World, and from individual panthe-
oteur without ever fully understanding why. To be an Heir ons warring with one another. This means Heirs may be
in service to a Dragon is to operate in the dark, committing brokering deals, acting as mediators, or assassinating those
crimes of various size with only a partial view of the board in position of authority all in the name of their draconic
on which they play. As time goes on, that view expands and patron.
offers opportunities for rebellion or recommitment. Heirs must navigate the political landscape between
Characters can choose to enact their own plots and Dragons, Gods, and Titans with little to no instruction on
shadow moves as they navigate through The World. These how to do so. They may find themselves at odds with Scions
plots and schemes might not match that of a Dragon, but and their parents one month, and then need that same
they come close. Heirs hold their own power and might Scion’s help the next. Heirs walk a fine line between having
rope their followers and friends into their schemes as they a purely antagonistic role towards the pantheons and need-
go. ing their help. They need to keep up on the politics of the
pantheons to do their job well, and stay on the good side of
DECODING THE MYTH those they may need as allies on one side of the God/Titan
Dragons are creatures of myth and legend clouded divide or the other.
in mystery. No one can find the truth regarding Dragons
easily with a simple Internet search. Their stories have
been changed by Fate, and they themselves twist public
perception and obscure the truth to keep themselves hid-
den. Part of playing an Heir is separating facts from fiction
and slowly learning the truth of their own ancestry. In so Scion: Dragon is a game within The World of Scion
doing, the Heir becomes more embroiled in the politics told from the perspective of Dragons and their agents. This
of their Dragon patron, straying further and further from book uses the core rules found in Scion: Origin, which
their former life. is required to play this game. Dragon adds new elements
to The World presented in Hero, Demigod, and God, al-
Everything about a Dragon is shrouded in mystery, lowing you to tell stories alongside those of the children of
from its past to its motives. Heirs have the unenviable task Gods, or separate stories without them.
of working for these living mysteries and trying to piece to-
gether what they want through half-remembered instruc- Scion: Dragon expands the mythic structure of The
tions and dreams. Heirs may attempt to learn the truth World and introduces a third player in between Gods
behind their shadowy masters, seeking out the why behind and Titans: the Dragons. Where in Hero and Demigod
their missions. Dragons rarely let an Heir know her exact dragons are parts of the mythological fabric, as Legendary
plans, so finding that out and deciding what to do with the Creatures featuring in various mythologies and lore, in
information is a part of being an Heir. Dragon, we’ve reclassified them as entirely different from
the mythologies that feature them. Instead, Dragons are
PULP SPY the heroes of the story, and their children are their agents
in The World. Dragons organize themselves into Flights,
To serve a Dragon is to participate in an intricate
groups of likeminded individual Dragons.
game without fully understanding the rules. As high-value
This book presents six Dragon Flights, explaining how • Lindwurms – Considered the first Flight by many,
they formed, what they do, and who they choose to join these Dragons have grouped together based on the
them. It walks you through creating Heirs, the Dragon’s desire to share knowledge and stories long before
agents in The World, who are not yet full Dragons them- the advent of humanity. They seek knowledge and
selves. It gives you tools for playing Heirs, including their power in lieu of lost memories.
very own Callings and magic born from their draconic na-
• Lóng – Easily the largest and most disparate Flight,
tures. It also gives you advice on how to run spy stories to
these Dragons are the most at peace with the Gods.
work espionage and heists into your Scion games.
They do not fear or hate them, though they do seek
THE FLIGHTS their own fame and glory, and wouldn’t mind replac-
ing the pantheons in humanity’s worship.
Flights are loosely defined groups of Dragons. Dragons • Naga – Dragons with many heads born through
created Flights in direct response to Gods creating panthe- conceptual relationships with the world, Naga are
ons. Before that time, they were singular and autonomous split between those trapped in The World, and those
creatures, but as Gods gained prevalence in The World, trapped in their special Terra Incognita. Those in
their Fates changed The World around them and that of the The World seek knowledge, and a way to reopen
Dragon’s as well. Some Dragons were hunted and killed, their home safely.
other pulled into those very same pantheons. In response,
• Serpents – A group of Dragons who care about the
they grouped together to take shelter. These groups are
natural world and are the most connected to hu-
loosely based on the region of The World the formative
manity. They seek to teach and uplift humanity in
Dragons were located when the groups formed, but solidi-
hopes that together they can cleanse The World.
fied around shared goals and ideologies. Not every Dragon
in every Flight is from the same cultural mythology, nor
from the same World region. Dragons seeking a place to
hide, or allies in the face of an onslaught found shelter with
Much of media shows Dragons as large mythical be-
anyone who would take them. Some Dragons fit into more ings who serve as enemies or monsters for heroes to kill.
than one Flight and claim allegiance to both. Yamata-no- Unfortunately, few movies depict Dragons as secret agents,
Orochi is clearly a Naga, though the Lóng lay claim to him. much to our dismay. These media suggestions then are to
Despite being dead, both Flights tap his memories, and his help you with inspiration for the kinds of stories to tell
Heirs join both Flights with equal frequency. (mostly crime and spy) and some inspiration on playing as
With the formation of the Flights, many Dragons slow- a Dragon.
ly conformed in temperament to others in their groups.
They grew comfortable with one another, and their goals PROCEDURALS
slowly aligned over time. Dragons found common ground 24, TV 2001-2010
within their Flights not from what humans thought of them,
or what their mythologies said about them, but instead by 24 follows Jack Bauer and a team of counter-terrorist
their common goals. While each Dragon still considers agents who attempt to thwart terrorist attempts in the
themselves an independent sovereignty fully capable on US. While the structure of the show is a single day in Jack
their own, like in the old days, they realize that their Flights Bauer’s life each episode, the kinds of actions he takes and
exist to back them up in the case a hero comes knocking at moral ambiguity in the show is perfect for encapsulating
their lair. And why not use that drive for mutual survival to what an Heir might go through when attempting to per-
enact some mutually beneficial plans at the same time? All form a mission for her draconic ancestor.
Dragons have their own goals and schemes, but those goals Burn Notice, TV 2007-2013
seem to align around Flight lines and often coincide with
their counterparts. Burn Notice follows ex-CIA agent Michael Westen as
he attempts to figure out how and why he was let go from
The 6 Flight featured in Dragon are: the agency, and who wanted him out. Westen works as a
• Draqs – A Flight of Dragons primarily formed of private investigator solving crimes while also attempting to
those descended from Tiamat, the mother of drag- find out as much as he can about why he was burned. This
ons. They accept any who seek vengeance against duality of performing missions to keep going but also trying
the Gods, specifically for the death of their “Mother to find out about himself perfectly encapsulates our Heir’s
of Dragons.” push and pull of performing missions and finding out who
and what she is doing the missions for.
• Joka – Immense Dragons who are more in tune with
draconic memories than any other. They are known Leverage, TV 2008-2012
for their intense hunger which has driven them to- This show follows a team of con artists who perform
ward ambitions, and a return to a time before Gods. elaborate cons to take down rich, greedy, and often vil-
lainous targets for people who have been wronged. The
Media 13
structure of the show includes flashbacks to show how or side. Besides the romance angle, this movie treats dragons
why a seeming complication or difficult situation was dealt as a mixed bag. When Arman first takes on his dragon form,
with. There’s a lot of hyper competence in this show, but it he gains all the memories of his ancestors, filling him with
gives a good perspective on committing crimes for a wor- the full knowledge of all draconic history. He knows them
thy cause, taking on missions for a client, and working as a as monsters, and fights against his own nature. Just as our
team. Heirs must come to terms with their own draconic nature,
and attempt to embrace or reject it, so too does Arman.
Patriot, TV 2015-2018
This show follows John Tavner, who must take on a OTHER READING
non-official cover in an effort to deal with Iranian political The following suggestions are historical and mytho-
issues. John must balance his family life with his life as a logical books on dragons. These give a sampling of dragon
spy and gets into dangerous and sometimes darkly funny myths from across the world.
Dragons, Serpents, and Slayers in the Classical and
DRAGON STORIES Early Christian Worlds: A Sourcebook, by Daniel Ogden
Age of Fire series, by E. E. Knight Dragons, the Myths, Legends, and Lore, by Douglas
This series follows three young dragons from hatching
to adulthood. Each book focuses on a different dragon and
their travels as well as the people they meet and the life LEXICON
they make for themselves. The story is told completely • Bequeathal: The moment when a Dragon taps an
from each dragon’s perspective and gives a good insight Heir into service. This usually comes with a direc-
into the way that dragons may feel about humanity, how tive to take some kind of action, and an influx of
they navigate being monsters people might want to kill, and memories designed to help achieve that goal.
how they make friends anyway.
• Brood: A group of Heirs, whether from a single
Flight of the Dragons (1982 film) Flight or multiple.
This movie follows Peter Dickinson, a scientist turned • Dragon: An immortal Legendary Creature, usu-
board game maker who loves dragons. He is pulled into an- ally tied to the creation of The World, though not
cient times to help fulfill a quest to stop an evil wizard from always. Dragons claim they once ruled The World
turning humanity to greed and self-destruction and also to until humanity arrived with their Gods, at which
save magic. Peter finds himself merged with a dragon when time Dragons lost a great deal of power. Dragons
they get to the past and must learn about being a dragon. hid themselves but are now coming out of hiding to
The story itself is one of viewing science as a kind of mag- meddle once more in The World.
ic, which isn’t as topical to Scion: Dragon as some other
• Dragon Magic: The physical magic Dragons and
plots. Peter’s self-discovery of how to be a dragon though
their Heirs harness through the use of spells.
is spot on for the kinds of situations our Heirs might find
Individual spells learned are determined by the kind
themselves in.
of Dragon Magic an Heir knows.
Dragon Wars: D-War (2007 film) • Flight: A grouping of Dragons loosely based on
This Korean action film follows two people in Los physical similarities and location, but also around
Angeles, Ethan, a resurrected warrior of heaven, and Sarah, like goals.
a resurrected source of power which allows dragons on • Heir: A person who bears some draconic ancestry,
Earth (imugi) to turn into celestial dragons. Buraki, a bad or the memory of a Dragon, and has draconic pow-
imugi, wants the power for himself. The film itself is not ers. Dragons activate Heirs to act as agents in The
a masterpiece of cinema, but it shows dragons and their World.
stories from a non-Western perspective even though a lot
of the action is set in LA. Ethan must face a hard truth in • hoard: The entirety of a Dragon or Heir’s wealth is
Sarah’s sacrifice to create a new celestial dragon, which considered their hoard. Dragons and Heirs generally
shows some of the dilemmas our Heirs might encounter. keep their hoards in their lairs, not trusting human
means of keeping such treasures safe.
I Am Dragon (2017 film)
• Inheritance: A measure of draconic power and
This Russian romance follows Miraslava, a young bride knowledge about dragon kind. The Inheritance
who is kidnapped by a dragon on her wedding day. While score determines the progression of an Heir’s pow-
in the dragon’s lair, a remote island that is actually the er, the general outcomes of rolls, how much of the
skeleton of a dead dragon, she meets Arman, a young man Heir’s draconic form she can access at will, and
who is secretly her dragon captor who struggles with his Inheritance points which she can use to activate her
human and dragon side. During her time there, she falls in Dragon Magic.
love with him, and teaches him how to control his draconic
• lair: A location in which a Dragon or Heir lives and rejects the Flight and brings an Heir closer to her
keeps their hoard. Lairs can be in any realm or any humanity and personal goals.
shape, but are magical in nature.
• Spell: An individual ability within a Dragon Magic.
• Lesser Wyrm: An Heir who has an Inheritance Characters imbue or spend Inheritance to create
rating of 5 or more. Lesser Wyrms embody more of Spell effects.
their draconic side than their human side. • visitation: The moment an Heir first meets her
• Remembrance: A set of polar opposite goals dictat- draconic ancestor. Usually this happens after the
ed by a Flight to which an Heir belongs. One side, the Heir has already been working with the Dragon for a
Cipher, brings an Heir closer to her draconic nature while and may never happen for Reincarnated Heirs.
and the Flight’s goals. The other side, Defection, A visitation usually marks the change between an
Heir’s early life and her life as a Lesser Wyrm.
Lexicon 15
“History is hereditary only in this way: we, all of us, inherit everything,
and then we choose what to cherish, what to disavow, and what to do next,
which is why it’s worth trying to know where things come from.”
— Jill Lepore
Draconic History 17
in the children’s mouths. They formed societies and cults
CHILDREN OF dedicated to blood worship which persist to this day. Many
CLAW AND TOOTH of these cults forgot their draconic parentage, and members
So similar were these creatures to Dragons, the ancient addicted to the taste of draconic blood hunt Dragons in
ones called them children and in the mess of living within hopes to taste even a single drop of their sweet life force.
all time at once, some Dragons forgot they did not create
these children. Life in this blossoming world was peaceful. FATE’S BIRTH
Amidst the draconic children’s cultural revolution
At first, Dragons lived alongside their children, their
new beings sprung into existence. These beings were
influence near imperceptible to the young creatures who
unique and unlike anything that came before them. Their
wanted nothing more than to hunt and eat. However, slow-
form was strange to the Dragons: two arms, two legs, and
ly, generation by generation, the Dragon’s children became
no scales nor fangs. While the Dragons’ children appeared
more aware of their presence. The first great cultures grew
somewhat like their parents, these new beings did not, and
from this newfound awareness modeled after the titanic
so they did not understand or care much for the Dragons
Dragons watching over everything.
or their children. The advent of humanity brought with it a
Each culture was unique and based off the Dragon it course of something Dragons still do not fully understand
worshipped. The largest of them followed the Sleeping to this day.
Mother, a Dragon who fell asleep deep within the ocean’s
Humans had imagination, belief in the unseen,
waters. In a time before naming things was important, her
and told stories of their Gods. They saw divinity within
raw power birthed a thousand dreams for her followers to
themselves, and their Gods looked and acted as they did.
revel in. Each child who worshipped her swam down to see
Dragons cannot say if Gods came before humanity, or vice
her gargantuan figure and sleep next to the Dragon for a
versa, as that part of history is probably the most muddled
time. As a reward, she gifted them with one of her dreams,
to their minds. With humanity came the concept of Fate,
a new idea to bring to the surface and act upon.
and with Fate came the trappings of divinity, and with
Not all these new creatures were peaceful, for some those trappings came the ability to bend truth and reality
Dragons taught them the art of war. Bašmu, child of Tiamat, to fit mythology.
warped the draconic children’s natural sense of the hunt to
In the early days, Dragons accepted Gods and their
follow him into battle against his mother’s enemies. For each
people, as they accepted all changes to the earth. Dragons
enemy they killed and consumed, they saw a glimpse of dra-
understood little of the God’s abilities, for reality was never
conic memory stretching into time immemorial. His forces
so frozen there could be a single truth, but they enjoyed the
eventually lost their fight, but the taste of blood was sweet
Taking on a Mantle 19
they hid from humanity and remain safe to this day without
the protection of a Flight.
DRAGONS KNOW The Draq Flight is comprised of those who rallied
Every statement of true and unblemished behind the great Tiamat, a giant and glorious Dragon who
fact in this section represents the perception claimed to be first among them all. They called the great
and opinion of dragonkind: no more, no less. queen Mother and followed her lead into battle against the
History according to Dragons is exactly that: Gods who sought to bring them low. Tiamat led each battle
history according to Dragons. The truth Dragons the Draq waged against the Gods herself, relentless in her
know is likewise the truth Dragons know. We fury against the young Fate-benders who threatened her
use a lot of generalities throughout this section, children. It took Marduk, a young God seeking ultimate
because Dragons like to lump the pantheons all power, to kill her. Her remaining children went into hiding,
together, even when they absolutely know that
collecting other Dragons who were as bent on revenge as
some individual Gods are actually trustworthy
allies and friends. Taken as a whole, Dragons they were to fill in the Flight over time. Now they seek to
rarely care to separate the damages caused by emulate Tiamat’s chaotic nature to bring much needed
Æsir Heroes. And all pantheons get
Theoi and Æsir change to the world.
looked at with suspicion due to the most brutal The ever-hungry Joka formed along the lines of yearn-
acts, even as the many Dragons continue to ing for the past in a way that manifests as deep unabating
treat with the pantheons they are most familiar hunger. Ammut was a great prophet who could swim
through memory into the future. There she saw the Gods
The stories presented here are a type of truth. changing The World and saw the downfall of her lover,
A truth that Dragons remember, despite Fate’s Apep. Heeding her warning, Apep chased the sun across
touch on The World around them. These stories the sky to consume it and stop the Gods. In response, the
fit into The World mythology as a counterpoint
to the legends that grow around Gods and Egyptian Pantheon rewrote the history of the Joka’s found-
pantheons. ers — Apep became Apophis the dread Titan and Ammut
became a pawn of the Gods. Not only did they fail to stop
it, but they also brought on the doom they tried to prevent.
They lost everything, and what’s worse, is that they re-
reality shaped by the pantheons, their immortality was no membered what they once had. A deep relentless hunger
longer guaranteed. They lived only within the memory of crept into their beings — an emptiness haunting them for
other Dragons, and could hope at reincarnation rather than eternity until the two reunite. Raina, who also felt the loss
it being a given. Some fought against the onslaught, only of her future sight, called together a Great Feast inviting all
bringing more ire, others tried to hide. But even those who Dragons who hungered. Those who responded became the
were Gods could see that being a Dragon would eventually Joka, and she fed them all the esoteric things that would
end in death, and were forced to either abdicate the pan- sate their existential needs.
theon or their draconic mantle. Lindwurms have always been hoarders. They once
collected songs and stories, now they collect whatever
FORMATION OF FLIGHTS helps them remember. These Dragons hoarded knowl-
Grouping Dragons into Flights, or groups of like-mind- edge, collecting stories and retelling them with perfection.
ed individuals, is a newer invention — a convention created Lindwurms were overall a peaceful bunch — allowing them
out of necessity. Before Gods and humanity, the Dragons to work together, form friendships, and enjoy the intoxi-
had no need for such things as Flights. The idea of group- cating experience of shared memory. Vishap died first, and
ing together to enact plans as a cohesive unit was ridicu- when she did she let out a death curse that sent her memo-
lous; how could such unique beings ever truly act as one? ry flooding into those of her fellows. Her shattered memory
Age does not always gift wisdom, and when far too many wreaked havoc, and those she had been closest to started to
Dragons had already fallen, they finally understood how lose their memories. Jörmungandr was the first to realize
naive their past views were. In order to survive, they would and he gathered others to try to preserve what they could.
have to band together. Any who sought knowledge, memory, or truth flocked to
One united draconic front against all of humankind the Flight. Now they are marked by greed and avarice, and
would never work — Dragons’ individual egos and ancient a desire for more to replace what they lost.
rivalries would never allow for it. Instead, Dragons orga- Among the Flights, the Lóng was the only one to
nized themselves into Flights based on similar ideologies. take a strategic step back from The World. Forming due
Not every Dragon would come to join a Flight, but those to geographic proximity, when the Gods rewrote history,
who did not disappeared from draconic memory. Most as- many of their numbers were relegated to roles with a sec-
sume they perished at the hand of some hero or another, but ondary importance to mortals. Gods stole their forms and
some stories still circulate of ancient wyrms so powerful created insulting stories of Dragons, many of which deeply
Dragons Today 21
Draconic inability, or better put, unwillingness to work Dragon is the key for the Heir to break free from the claws
with one another en mass means their plans are often slow slowly wrapping around her and come into her own.
working and contingent on many different factors. For any Dragons cannot just leave their truth lying around
creature other than a Dragon they’d be completely unmanage- for their Heirs to find. Mortal dragon hunters search out
able, luckily Dragons have all of memory to work with and an their secrets as well, to better know their quarry. The same
infinite amount of time. For dealing with pesky matters need- hoops an Heir must go through becomes an impediment to
ing immediate attention, Dragons make use of Heirs, humans a would-be hunter. Though hunters who dig deep enough
who are related to or are reincarnations of themselves. Heirs find more than just a Dragon at the end of their hunt. The
enact a Dragon’s will in The World and most strive to carry desire for truth, knowledge, and power is intoxicating.
out these plans, or at least understand them. Dragons find any mortals who seek them intriguing. More
SAFETY IN SECRETS than one hunter has ascended to Agent Heir after impress-
ing a Dragon with their tenacity.
In order to survive, a Dragon keeps secrets. Even their
Heirs never know the full truth of their plans. A single truth HOARDS AND SECRETS
may lay folded in a hundred lies, given to the Dragon’s fol- Many of the stories and legends people know about
lowers to decode and enact to prove they are worthy of the Dragons come not from Dragons themselves, but instead
Dragon’s patronage. from the pantheons. Because of this, most of their stories
Birthed in millennia of plotting, waiting, and schem- are wrong, often seriously so. However, one important
ing, completing a Dragon’s goals is never straight forward. feature of many stories about Dragons is that they are crea-
Any person, or creature, who follows a Dragon’s designs is a tures given to avarice, and those stories are entirely correct.
pawn on an exceptionally large chessboard and likely never Most Dragons or at least most Dragons who are not hiding
knows more than what is required of them. Save perhaps and in immediate fear of their lives, have collections that
Heirs, who Dragons see not as pawns, but as knights who they refer to as their hoard. Dragons hope that part of the
protect their carefully constructed goals. Those who seek a process of regaining their place in The World will be the
greater part to play in their Dragon’s schemes must prove ability to return to collecting and tending their hoards,
themselves repeatedly. And if they are lucky, they gain rather than having to constantly struggle to avoid notice or
insight into a greater piece of the puzzle as they go. Even battle deadly threats.
then, they may not get a clear picture, or only learn half- While stories about Dragon hoards emphasize them
truths. Dragons understand both truth and lies as veracity collecting vast piles of gold and jewels, the reality is far
after all. more complex. Most Dragons possess hoards, but what
A loyal Heir follows her Dragon ancestor’s orders any individual Dragon hoards is a deeply personal, and
without question. If her Dragon tells her to kill, she kills. often highly idiosyncratic choice. Wealth is exceedingly
If he tells her to steal, she steals. This sort of unquestioning common, and obviously quite useful. However, even this
loyalty is likely to gain an Heir a comfortable, if not unspec- can take many forms, from piles of gold bars and bags of
tacular, life. In contrast, a smart Heir finds the truth behind gemstones to digital “wallets” filled with cryptocurren-
the orders given to him by his ancestor. He sifts through cy. In addition, wealth is far from the only option. Some
conflicting accounts and cryptic messages to understand Dragons hoard knowledge, often in the form of books,
what his Dragon genuinely wants — and performs that others collect various divine or semi-divine Relics, and
deed instead. The Heirs who do this rise to true greatness the range of options for hoards also includes land, weap-
… or are eaten by their Dragons, great reward comes with ons, and in some cases, humans, particularly as retainers,
great risk after all. servants, and allies. However, some Dragons instead
When not utilizing Heirs, Dragons hide their secrets in choose more ephemeral hoards, like secrets or favors.
inanimate objects to enact their plans all over The World. In the modern age, those who hoard secrets or favors
Dragons mean for humans to find and engage with them, have done especially well. As a result, this practice has spread
so they make them as enticing as possible. The secrets among most Flights. Increasingly, Dragons have let Gods,
held within are often encoded messages which lead peo- Titans, Scions, and humans who possess wealth, power, or
ple to perform tasks for the Dragons. Intelligent planners, simply uncommon amounts of knowledge about the super-
Dragons know people won’t lust after something simply natural, know that they can offer useful services, for a price.
given to them and so Dragons make a game of finding their Most Dragons who trade in secrets use the same
secrets. Trunks full of lost treasure, forgotten languages system — if you want to learn one of the Dragon’s secrets,
scrawled on cave walls, a song only heard on a single hill you must offer to share one of at least equal value that the
under a blood moon are all examples of where Dragons Dragon does not already know. Naturally, the only one who
hide their secrets. can determine whether secrets have an equivalent value is
Some Heirs hunt down the secrets left behind by their the Dragon, but most Dragons are ruthlessly fair in their
Dragons in hope of undoing their plans. The Heir collects evaluations, and those that aren’t soon find their reputation
these information drops in hopes to reveal a greater plan drives prospective clients to seek out someone else. As a
her Dragon has. Deciphering that plan unbeknownst to her result, most Dragons who deal in secrets endeavor to keep
Dragons Today 23
past before Fate’s touch. So, they plot against the panthe- are purposely kept secret, and Heirs slowly understand
ons, and hope to use their Fate and turn it against them. only enough to find their place in The World.
They work both ends, helping a God here or a Titan there Each memory an Heir gains grants them more access
to stoke the fires of a cold war and hope the two will burn to their Dragon. They connect to their ancestor emotionally
each other out and Dragons can simply pick up the pieces. and spiritually through the memories which reveal bits and
They aren’t above tipping the scales one direction or an- pieces of who the Dragon is. The more an Heir remembers,
other if it suits their needs, but pantheons at war with one the more secrets they unlock within the memories and thus
another, and their Titans are pantheons who are too busy to the more powerful they become. Dragons do all of this by
notice a Dragon meddling in deeper affairs. design, the more powerful their Heirs, the more dominion
This makes Dragons a bit of power brokers. While they they have on earth and the better they can carry out their
avoid acting overtly within The World, their Heirs are in short-term goals.
demand amongst Scions, known to work for both sides if
the price is right. And while many Heirs are happy to adopt
a mercenary outlook, most keep their Dragon’s plots in Just because Dragons have a memory of everything,
mind before accepting any kind of job, either to help or hurt doesn’t mean they remember every fact every moment of
those draconic plans as needed. the day. In fact, many things are so insignificant to the great
beasts they instantly forget them. When a Dragon wants to
MEMORIES remember something exactly as it was, they go through the
Dragons have long memories stretching back to the Knowing, literally traveling back through their memories to
youth of The World. Part of the memory is their own, col- experience exact details they may have forgotten.
lected from the various experiences they’ve had through During the Knowing, many Dragons travel to mem-
their life and the other part of their memory is the truth ories fitting the problems they currently face. Applying
all Dragons share with one another — a memory stretching past models to new situations allows the Dragon to plan
between all beings and linking reality together. The Gods’ out for nearly all eventualities, because they’ve already ex-
changed realities pollutes this shared collective memory perienced something before. Rather than hindsight being
and Vishap’s memories which flooded into them when she something causing them to look back at past actions with
died muddies it even further. Despite those things, Dragons shame, Dragons turn it into a weapon to use against their
depend on their ability to remember all instances of reality enemies.
as their greatest asset. Dragons who spend too long Knowing are in danger
Because Dragons know and accept many realities in of casting their thoughts into the past in perpetuity. They
one, their schemes are based on obtaining information, may meet a foe in the past that they always underestimate,
planning for all outcomes and enacting a long game with or they may find the past too intoxicating to extricate their
many different contingencies. Before Gods and their plots, mind from. For many, the past is a dedicated time before
there was little for Dragons to do than play at besting one anyone hunted their kind, and when The World still held
another. Setting their might against other creatures of pro- wonder and mysteries. The Knowing is a seductive place,
found sight honed Draconic skill into a keen edge they now but can also be dangerous. Vishap’s memories float through
use to whittle away their enemies. the collective draconic memory as shards of information.
One of the most powerful abilities a Dragon has is to If one is not careful, she may find herself pulled into one of
pore over memories and apply what happened in the past Vishap’s memories with no way to escape.
to a current situation. Everything happening now has hap- Nehebkau is one such Dragon caught within the
pened before and so Dragons can see the end of a situation Knowing and unable to escape. When judging whether or
before it occurs. Rarely is a Dragon genuinely surprised, not souls should be allowed into the Underworld, he often
and if they are it is normally because their Heirs have done traveled into the Knowing for wisdom. Nehebkau had long
something extraordinarily novel to warrant their atten- forgot he was ever only a Dragon and not only a God, so
tion. Of course, that takes time, and reacting to immediate each travel into the Knowing confused and enthralled him.
stimulus or threats requires a faster sort of response than He met familiar faces he’d forgotten and experienced deep
sifting through all the memories of The World entails. This magic he could barely remember. Each trip drew him deep-
is where Heirs come in. er and deeper within living memory. Then, at the barrier
Dragons pass their memories to their Heirs through between The World and the Underworld he met a familiar
Bequeathal. Dragons show their Heirs memories to grant a face, a lesser wyrm who called him father, who he could
deeper understanding of the Dragon’s position on a certain not remember forgetting. So Nehebkau once more dove
topic or to manipulate an Heir into doing what the Dragon into the Knowing and swam the waters of time to find the
wants. Seeing a Draq’s broodmates murdered one by one face he’d forgotten. Since then Nehebkau has not been seen
by blood-thirsty Scions is enough to turn the stomach of in The World and many assume he still swims within the
even the most hardened Heir. Heirs never know everything Knowing to this day.
their Dragons knows, some parts of a Dragon’s memories If a Dragon so wishes she may share the Knowing with
one of her Heirs. Normally, an Heir experiences a Dragon’s
Heirs 25
The Dragon’s children remained though, and the memories unlock the power within an Heir, she must keep
magic running through them never once weakened as they her Dragon close enough to gather more power, while also
propagated throughout The World. Each generation giving working in secret to foil the Dragon without him knowing. If
rise to more of those touched by dragon magic, and today a Dragon were to ever discover his Heir’s betrayal, it would
many people all over The World carry the draconic lineage mean a fate worse than death, centuries in the making.
within them. Some lucky few grow up in a family who re-
members their lineage and teaches them the truth about BEQUEATHAL
Dragons. But many more end up in a Dragon’s sights with Heirs refer to the process of learning about their
no knowledge of the magic they carry. draconic heritage as Bequeathal, in which the Dragon
Bequeaths to them what knowledge he wishes the Heir
HEIRS to have about his plans, about her abilities, and about her
place within the greater World. They call it this because it
Reincarnated Heirs are literally the reincarnation Dragons choose agents from among people who carry
of a dead Dragon. She too has a tie to a draconic lineage, within them a draconic lineage. The agent doesn’t need to
which the dead Dragon’s memories used to latch onto her. be a true descendant of the Dragon, just having the latent
Unlike agents, a reincarnated Heir has no living Dragon to magic within her is enough. Sometimes, a Dragon finds he’s
guide her steps. She must unlock the Dragon’s memories created an Heir in someone else’s lost lineage — no wonder
herself. With each memory the reincarnated unlocks, she he found that person so attractive! Conflict flares when
unveils a game she has been playing for centuries. Every Flights battle over promising Heirs.
time she remembers, she understands more of her place in REINCARNATED BEQUEATHALS
The World as a Dragon and realizes how muddy the truth
Dead Dragons pick reincarnations through some plan-
of her position is. The path of the reincarnated is one of
ning and random chance. Unlike when picking an agent, a
impossible gray; Heirs who risk losing their identity to a
dead Dragon cannot ease his Heir into her new life. Instead,
Dragon’s plots or overcoming their ancestor and taking
the Dragon’s memories flood the reincarnated Heir’s mind
power for themselves.
at Bequeathal, with little to no warning. Dead Dragons are
Due to an Heir’s importance it may feel as if she must still active in the draconic memory and try, if possible, to
agree with her Dragon’s plans and play along with whatever find direct descendants to reincarnate through. If that isn’t
centuries old game he is playing. This is far from true; in fact, possible, then they look for someone who is already open
many Heirs vehemently disagree with their Dragon’s end to the mythical or with knowledge of Dragons. Even so, re-
goal or specific orders. Heirs learn quickly to sift through incarnated Heirs often stumble through finding their place
missions, twisting goals and sidestepping plots in an attempt in The World with relation to their dead parent’s Flight
to balance their humanity with their new draconic nature. and other Heirs. Without a draconic parent to actively
The value of Heirs is that they can act autonomously and guide them through their Bequeathal, many make terrible
with authority. If all goes well, she acts to benefit her Dragon, messes of their Inheritance before other Heirs find them.
which benefits her. But she may wish to claim the Dragon’s While some Reincarnated Heirs manage to piece together
power for herself or rebuke the power and return to her life the puzzle of their memories on their own, others need
as a normal mortal. An Heir who tries to destroy her Dragon the help of other Heirs. Without assistance, some Heirs
or foil his plans plays a deadly game. Because a Dragon’s become dragonkind’s most tragic tale: lost reincarnations.
Heirs 27
Being an Heir is a life lived on a razor’s edge. She must form, a brood bond lasts for life, and to betray a brood-mate
balance life threatening missions and dangerous games with is the worst act an Heir can perform.
being her own person. The moment she steps into the web Broods often form as Heirs meet and they share com-
of a Dragon’s plots, she is trapped. She must work her way mon goals or interests. Heirs rarely trust anyone other than
through them and hope to come out the other side whole. their mortal family, and sometimes their Dragon ancestor,
Even if she wants nothing to do with her draconic ancestor, so gaining the trust of other Heirs is a game of give and
she cannot fully ignore his intrusions into her life. One way take. When first meeting, they often adopt carefully craft-
or another, she must learn about her Inheritance if she wants ed personas, only dropping their guards when they have
a life of her own making. Otherwise, she will become a pawn proven themselves to one another. Just like any other kind
in the Dragon’s game, and pawns rarely last long. of relationship, broods take time and energy to form and
It isn’t that an Heir can’t trust her Handler. She simply maintain. It is easy for Heirs to fall in with one another,
knows that she never has the full truth, and this leads her though, as these are the only other people in their lives who
to question everything. Just as her Handler likes it. How an understand what else they are going through.
Heir navigates the duplicitous nature of her Handler, and Many Broods chose to live together combining assets
the world of gray she lives in, is at the core of remaining such as their Lairs and Hoards into one large pool everyone
sane. Most Heirs find others to commiserate with and to can access and utilize. For some Broods this means investing
share the burden of acting through centuries old plots with in a well-stocked library of forgotten tomes and for others it
only half the script. means amassing literal wealth so everyone can live in a top-
BROODS floor penthouse. Each brood-mate works in their own way to
contribute to the Lair and competition is rife among Broods to
Broods are groups of Heirs who come together for what- see who can bring the most glorious treasure to their group.
ever reason. Broods form for various reasons, such as shared
Heirs maintain friendships with one another, even if
goals or shared Flight and are often bonds lasting a lifetime.
the bond isn’t as tight as a brood. Heirs may be paired by
Heirs often join one another for one-off missions or because
Handlers, or Heirs of the same Flight might compare notes
their Handlers paired them together, but this is different
and enjoy one another’s company. They don’t necessarily
from forming a brood. Broods are deep connections between
trust one another, but they have friendly working relation-
Heirs who trust one another implicitly. These bonds can
ships unless someone has done something taboo enough to
form instantly or over many shared missions. However they
DRAGON CULTS Often, cults are largely comprised of people who are
not true draconic descendants, but who are unfailingly loy-
Dragon Cults 29
“The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.”
— Tacitus
Laying Low 31
When Gods want to interact with The World
without their full divinity wreaking havoc, they
create incarnations. These pieces of the God are
D ragons share a collective memory, a web of thoughts,
experiences, and stories from the beginning of time
that all Dragons and their Heirs can access. Flights collate
mortal shells that buffer their divinity, though the memories of their members, giving greater emphasis in the
very act of creating one still warps The World collective memory to their own Flightmates than to other
as Fate bends and flows to accommodate it. Dragons. That isn’t to say that Witz’ can’t tap into Bašmu’s
Dragons do not succumb to Fate’s rules in memories, but more that he’s unlikely to want to when he
the same way. It may touch them briefly, and can tap K’uk’ulkan’s memories.
define a story for their arrival, but because Remembering everything that has ever happened
Dragons remember all aspects of themselves
is a big task, and few Dragons rarely care to tap into the
equally well, Fate doesn’t stick. A Dragon can’t
rewrite the history of The World the way a God whole of the collective memory at once. This selective-
can, so it isn’t that she can choose her Fate or ness means that their Heirs end up with a biased view of
manipulate it, but she is a mercurial being, and the memories as well. Flight by far defines the collective
even Fate knows when to give up. memory that an Heir experiences over anything else.
Where the Gods have been rewriting the history While an Heir may experience her particular Handler’s
of The World for millennia to accommodate their memories, she is going to be influenced by the Flight’s
divinity, Dragons have been watching all histories drives and memories regularly. These hold the roadmap
at once which gives them a much better sense of to their ultimate goals, plans, and drives, and these are the
The World. Their passing is subtle and distinctly not most important memories that any Dragon shares with
divine. When they show up in The World, they do his Heir.
so either in all their draconic glory, or physically
transformed into another shape via magic. These Individual memories are the meat of how Dragons
aren’t incarnations of the Dragon wandering The communicate with their Heirs. Memory Deeds are how an
World, but instead the Dragon herself. Heir pursues the specific agenda her Handler has set her
bloody war. This only leads the other Draq to view them can make it to the hard-to-reach lairs. If she can endure
as lazy, though one would never say so to their face, espe- the challenge, then she deserves an audience. Heirs of
cially when she goes begging Bolla for information only Leviathan have an even greater challenge finding their
they hold. draconic ancestor, as she has been spotted everywhere
Mušḫuššu acts as a counterbalance to Bolla’s lazi- from the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, and even
ness and Bašmu’s fanatical determination, adding some Loch Ness on the rare occasion. As Leviathan moves, so
much-needed neutrality to a Flight pulling at the seams does her lair, leaving some to speculate this ancient crea-
as it casts itself in different directions. It isn’t easy, as ture possesses a unique magic which allows her haven to
Marduk still calls on him to be his eyes and ears, which move at will, or it is located outside of the physical realm
he obliges if only for the wealth of information it gains for all together.
the Flight. Mušḫuššu has earned Marduk’s trust by always RIVERS AND LAKES
being at the ready, but Marduk hasn’t forgotten he holds
Land-dwelling Draq make their lairs in or around
Tiamat’s youngest in captivity. Even if Marduk doesn’t
rivers and lakes. Many live in the water itself, finding the
seem to suspect the Dragon’s duplicity, it’s a dangerous
deepest point to settle, while others stay in nearby caves
game to play. But the Splendid One does whatever it takes
or abandoned cities. There are three rivers which all
to atone for his past mistakes — even if it means going toe
Draq feel a deep kinship with: the Tigris, the Euphrates,
to toe with an entire pantheon.
and the Litani. The Tigris and Euphrates formed from
LAIRS Tiamat’s weeping eyes in her dying moments, imbuing
them with her essence and spirit of creation. The point
The Draq is the most reclusive Flight. Tiamat’s death where the two rivers intersect serves as a gateway to what
has led them to near paranoid levels of seclusion, and they has become the collective meeting ground of the Flight —
fear the Anunna as much as they hate them. While it’s a Midrealm in the form of a shimmering paradise among
been many years since an Anunna Scion has graced a Draq the milky sea of stars.
Lair, they believe their war with the pantheon is too overt
to risk anything other than complete secrecy. The Draq The entire length of the Litani River is a Strange Place.
have an innate ability to blend in with their surroundings, Stories say it is the resting place of one of Leviathan’s
which makes their seclusion only natural. many forms. Some rumors pronounce it is Leviathan her-
self, hiding in plain sight and tricking the eyes to believe
Draq hide in all manner of dark corners, hidden areas, she is a river. Either way, the closer one gets to the river,
or caverns. While some stories have them sleeping in dark the stranger the land becomes, where lush and fertile land
caverns or under crushing waves for centuries on end, grows in vibrant unnatural colors and the animals grow
the truth is less dramatic. The Draq prefer to be nomads, larger and more vicious.
moving from hiding place to hiding place, keeping their
location unpredictable and untraceable. No one can catch FORESTS
you if they never know where you are, or where you’re Other land-dwelling Draq, such as Bolla, Tugarin, and
going to be. Due to constant movement, their hoards are Zilant prefer more reclusive lairs nestled deep in forests,
unusually small for Dragons — what they can’t take with favoring those with small lakes, tributaries, and winding
them they might discard or bury to come back for later. creeks. It allows for some semblance of anonymity while
Sometimes a Dragon dumps a portion of their hoard on being able to keep eyes, ears, and claws alert to threats.
an unsuspecting Heir, telling her to guard it with her life, Of these three, Bolla takes greater care to find deep, dark
or else. caves to slumber for the majority of the year, and woe be
OCEANS AND SEAS unto anyone who stumbles into Bolla’s domain for risk
of losing a limb. On more than one occasion other Draq
A majority of Draq feel most secure in the depths of have nearly lost limbs when seeking out the devourer of
The World’s salt oceans or brackish in-land seas, as it re- knowledge. Tugarin prefers to nest in trees, blending in
minds them of the all-encompassing presence of Tiamat. among the leaves and playing pranks on hikers. He steals
It affords them with a feeling of security, as they remain small trinkets from them to barter with Dragons of other
safely out of range of most land-dwelling creatures, in- Flights. The trees also help him scout out intelligence,
cluding humans. The Draq can range from oceans to seas, which he then brings back to Zilant, who carries it to
including estuaries leading to larger bodies of water, and Mušḫuššu, who then shares it with the Flight.
even some long lengths of particularly large rivers. Even
those who hide in oceans tend to move from location to TERRA INCOGNITA
location, never staying in one part of The World for too Some Draq keep their homes under the pantheon’s
long. noses, as is the case with Mušḫuššu and Ḫedammu. Both
Those who dwell in oceans typically make their are able to come and go as they please between The
homes in underwater caves and grottos; places which World and the land where the Anunna reside and stalk
are notoriously difficult to reach should Heirs come the ancient ruins of old Babylon itself. Mušḫuššu has been
calling. Dragons test an Heir’s worthiness based on if she guarding the gateway into this sacred space since Tiamat’s
The Draq’s paranoid secrecy isn’t unfounded. Gods Not all Draq Heir memories are of war, pain, and loss.
and their Scions have hunted and killed them for their They also experience memories filled with chaos and tur-
acts of destruction. Emboldened Scions still search them moil and the need to create with devastation. This creates
out for legend and glory looking to save an unknowing destructive urges that they must always temper. They
World from the machinations of these enigmatic crea- remember setting fires to burn away old vegetation and
tures. A few, like Bašmu, live unapologetically out in the make way for new growth. They remember flooding rivers
open. He sees his actions as bold and brave, goading and to lay silt for new crops. They remember stirring hurri-
harrying the Gods and daring them to fight him. Others canes to break unworthy trees and bend and strengthen
quietly question if his grip on reality is slipping. This only the worthy. They remember shaking the earth to build
perpetuates the rumor that the Draq are prone to bouts mountains and level land. They remember destroying en-
of madness and therefore they are too chaotic and must tire civilizations to make way for new ones. The destruc-
be hunted. It was Marduk’s excuse for slaying Tiamat, tion always comes with a hopeful element, the cleansing
so why wouldn’t the same apply to those who descended of a land or the new growth that comes after.
from them? If that was the case, however, it would also
implicate the Anunna as they were the pair’s first progeny
— it’s a double-edged sword that both have come to utilize The Draq are tied forever to the Anunna of
in their back and forth cold war. Mesopotamia and were under the aegis and protection of
that pantheon for a brief period. Tiamat herself was one
THE GREATER GOOD of the primordial beings who helped birth many of these
You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few Gods before they even knew what to do with themselves.
eggs, and the Draq do not shy away from destroying their Of course, when Abzu grew paranoid and war raged,
own kind, or their Heirs, to fulfill a goal. The Draq do not relations soured. Marduk likes to remind everyone that
he slew the Mother of Dragons and where he stands in The Lindwurms have acknowledged a distant rela-
regard to them, much to the chagrin of Mušḫuššu who tion between Leviathan and Jörmungandr, though they
has had to hear about it for centuries while in service to a fear the Draq’s direct approach while they still seek their
thundering, murderous braggart. own truths. They have been trying to temper the Draq’s
The Draq consider Titans less threat to their exis- approach, which only ensures that Bašmu discredits them
tence than the Anunna. Due to the Titan’s own propensity as a useful ally. The Joka are warming up to the proposal
for disrupting the natural order of things, the Draq look but have yet to make a definitive move one way or another.
to them as a sort of counterbalance to the Gods. They
know the Titans don’t care for humanity, but they see a
kinship in their purpose of destruction for the purposes The Draq have lost many of their members through
of creation. They also know the Titans make a good dis- war. From Tiamat and her many children to those sacri-
traction. If the Gods set their focus on fighting the Titans, ficed on the altar of Bašmu’s war. The following are the
it means they leave the Draq alone. The Draq realize that most prominent and best remembered.
the Anunna are not indicative of all other pantheons and BA MU, THE VENOMOUS ONE
Gods, but they are reticent to trust anyone with a Godly
mantle. Aliases: Mussatur
In recent centuries, the Draq have sought out ties Among the Draq, few are as violent as Bašmu, and it
with other Flights to forge a stronger, more unified front is not without good reason. When Tiamat lamented the
against any who would seek to hunt them down. While murder of Abzu, she birthed her champions — firstborn
getting disparate groups of Dragons to work together is and foremost among them being Bašmu, the Venomous
easier than herding cats, it still requires trust. Yet, they One — who quickly rose to the challenge of defending
are making reasonable headway, having grown particular- the Mother of Dragons and bringing down those who
ly close with the Naga on account of the kinship between stood against her. As valiantly as Bašmu and his ten fellow
Bolla and Kulshedra. The Naga enjoy how the Draq em- broodmates fought, these newborn Dragons could not
body chaos, and some commend their solid stance against compete with the might of fully realized Gods. They scat-
the pantheons. Those who seek to destroy humanity see tered upon hearing Tiamat’s dying cries, but not before
kindred spirits within the Draq. Bašmu vowed he would wreak vengeance upon those who
Since Tiamat’s death and the diaspora, Bašmu has BOLLA, THE BLINDED ONE
effectively taken on a nominal leadership role within the Aliases: Bullar
Flight, ensuring those wishing to remain safely hidden
In the time before Gods, Bolla was not one being, but
in relative obscurity find succor. The cowardice of those
many. They remember a multitude of themselves existing,
who choose to hide irks him somewhat, but Bašmu does
but when Gods came and redefined The World, there was
not make it a sticking point; sometimes being the firstborn
only the one left. They can remember their other selves,
means having to watch over the others and protecting
but all those disparate memories sit trapped within the
them until such a time when they are ready to stand and
same body. Such a collection of memories makes Bolla
make themselves known.
wise, but also slow to act as they try to reconcile their
clashing thoughts.
Perhaps the least frequently seen member of the similar in their pursuit of knowledge, whether it be in
Draq, Bolla joined the Flight later than all the rest when learning it, gathering it, or dedicating themselves to a par-
Mušḫuššu discovered them while patrolling across ticular subject as librarians, graduate students, teachers,
Marduk’s domain. When he found the small water ser- and researchers.
pent, Bolla was small and timid. He took pity on them and Callings: Collector, Destroyer, Predator
hid them far away from the favored mountainous terrain
of the Gods (where else could they gaze down upon cre- Memory: Fight or flight situations, protecting what
ation?), deep within the forests where they could live is yours, the temptation of unknown knowledge
undisturbed and largely unseen. In return for saving their Dragon Magic: Flight, Illusions, Luck, Understanding
life, Bolla gifted Mušḫuššu with the wisdom that he was
not a servant. Until that time, Mušḫuššu had lost himself MU U U, THE SPLENDID ONE
in Marduk’s lies, but Bolla reminded him of his original Aliases: Musrussu, Sirrušu, Sirrush
purpose, and that his servitude was not lasting. If Bašmu is the angry one and Bolla is the lethargic
In those early days, Bolla spent much of their time one, Mušḫuššu fills the middle gaps and is perhaps the
sleeping and dreaming of a multitude of different lives. most even keeled and responsible known Dragon among
When they did awaken, they glutted themself on whatev- the Draq. The last-born of Tiamat’s grief-ridden creations,
er they could find; including any humans who happened Mušḫuššu is best described as “creation’s leftovers” on ac-
upon their lair. On occasion, a would-be Dragon slayer count of how awkward he looks in comparison to the rest
would stumble upon Bolla’s sleeping form and wake them. of the brood. He has scales just like any other Dragon, but
The slayer either escaped quickly, or Bolla devoured him. his talons are like that of an eagle, legs that of a feline, a
As much as Bolla would like to admit that no Dragon slay- long giraffe neck, and a tongue like a serpent’s. Despite its
er has ever bested them, only one has. Sometime in the strange appearance, Mušḫuššu a formidable force to reck-
11th century while off demanding a sacrifice from a nearby on with, and the most conniving and shadowy of the Draq.
village, a rider by the name of George surreptitiously en- After Marduk slew Tiamat, the thunderer quickly
tered the Bolla’s dominion to save a local maiden from the turned upon the Glistening One’s newly begotten brood
Dragon. While the Dragon slayer did not kill the creature, and demanded their subservience lest he kill them as well.
he did curse Bolla with blindness on all days except the Marduk claims he kidnapped Mušḫuššu, making him
anniversary of their battle. a servant to teach the others a lesson. In reality, Bašmu
That act sent Bolla into hiding, but also solidified wanted to make a final stand, but Mušḫuššu convinced
their need for vengeance. Instead of sleeping all the time, his brother that it was now time to play a long game.
they now act more overtly in The World, having taken Mušḫuššu offered himself to Marduk, who took him as
up Mušḫuššu’s idea of plotting and planning for a war to a prize. He assured his brothers that he would do all he
come. Bolla treasures knowledge above all else and many could to help them from within. He hoped doing so would
view them as an unlikely member of the Draq, though give the rest time to scatter and appease the Gods enough
their desire for revenge against the Gods and their cham- to forget about them.
pions for their current state has given them drive to act Marduk immediately set Mušḫuššu to hunting and
in accordance with the rest of the Flight. Their reactions killing his brethren. Ever the pragmatist, he did so, hoping
to those who would hunt them are drastic, which pleases they would forgive him for the apparent betrayal. His plan
Bašmu, though he wishes the serpent would act more required Marduk to trust him implicitly, which required
often. While Bolla may be more active now than ever be- drastic deeds. Of all the Draq, Mušḫuššu feels he has the
fore, they were never active to begin with, and they prefer most to prove. Unlike Bašmu who wanted to make a final
long-term plots over brash action. stand immediately upon Tiamat’s defeat, he instead chose
Bolla’s collection of information and knowledge appeasing the Anunna — a decision he deeply regrets.
is vast, which give them a position of power within the Many Draq find Mušḫuššu unnerving to be around.
Flight. Dragons and Heirs alike visit the serpent in search He perpetuated violence against their kind, and no matter
of their wisdom. Those who happen upon the sleeping that Marduk ordered it, the Dragon followed through.
Dragon appease them with sacrifices or bits of informa- And even if some do forgive him, he cannot ever forgive
tion in exchange for their knowledge. Knowledge seekers himself for doing so. He throws himself into furthering
beware; a substandard offering may result in a drought the Flight’s goals, hoping to ensure he did not make his
plaguing the land where Bolla resides, or they just might decision in vain, and that he can use the intelligence he
eat you. There really is no in-between with Bolla. gathers as Marduk’s pet to bring the Anunna low. As of
When forced to leave their lair in order to interact yet, Marduk does not suspect Mušḫuššu’s split loyalties,
with The World, Bolla cuts a rather ambiguous figure, but it is only a matter of time until he does.
wearing clothes purely out of necessity and function rath- Although named as Tiamat’s “Splendid One”,
er than to make a statement, and can be found stalking Mušḫuššu appears as less than memorable when he takes
university libraries or niche bookstores in search of a human form, easily blending in with indigent popula-
knowledge they’ve not yet attained. All Bolla’s Heirs are tions to keep an eye to the sky and an ear to the ground,
reincarnating at least once before, she had no illusions who begat Anshar and Kishar, who begat Anu and Ki.
about how dangerous it was to be a lone Dragon in The From Tiamat and Abzu did all the Anunna descend, and
World. they formed the foundation of the cosmos.
In nature, Leviathan is not dissimilar to Tiamat. All was in order and in balance, that is, until Abzu
Indeed, the two have been mistaken for the other on more believed his children were conspiring against him and he
than one occasion due to their penchant for chaos and rose up to strike them down. Even with assurances from
deep, swirling waters, but that is where the similarities the duplicitous Mummu who by all accounts is a spirit of
end. Leviathan is the embodiment of chaos; her chaos pure chaos who rivaled Tiamat, tricked Abzu into a false
doesn’t need to have a purpose, so much as it just ex- sense of security and aided in his capture. This betrayal
ists. The tenuous similarities are not lost upon Tiamat’s sent the Glistening One into a rage, whereupon she turned
surviving brood, who tend to look up to Leviathan as a into a dragon and birthed eleven monsters — Bašmu and
mother figure, regardless of her unstable nature. They Mušḫuššu the only two to survive as Dragons — to serve as
may see in her a glimpse of what Tiamat could be if she her champions. The eventual death of Abzu at the hands
were to reincarnate today, and Leviathan’s own multiple of her grandchildren drove Tiamat into a madness and
reincarnations gives them hope. she sought to drown The World and rebuild it — even if
Despite being an adoptee into the Draq, Leviathan it meant killing her own children and creation to achieve
is perhaps the most well-known among them. Many cul- her goal.
tures have all claimed, at one point or another, to have When faced with an enraged, draconic embodiment
defeated or killed Leviathan or some form she took; be of the chaotic primordial seas, the burgeoning Anunna
it as Lotan, Rahab, or Têmtum. To this day, Hadad-Ba’al faced a terrible dilemma: who was going to take on the
still brags about it, much as Marduk does about Tiamat. Mother of Dragons? In the end, it didn’t matter who did
Those deaths are merely an inconvenience to Leviathan, the deed so long as she stopped rampaging across creation.
who has reincarnated so many times everyone but her has So Marduk, with the blessing of Anu, took up a net, a club,
lost track. These setbacks have made her more paranoid and an invincible spear to bring down the Glistening One.
than the rest of the Draq, leaving her to writhe in the Slicing her in half with a single blow, the sheer size of her
deep oceans and cause the great churning of seas. Woe be ribs formed the heavens and the earth. As she lay dying,
to those who profane her sacred waters. When one has her tears for Abzu and all her slain children became the
died a multitude of times, you begin to devise creative source of the Tigiris and Euphrates rivers. Lastly, her
punishments. tail became a stream of stars in the sky which formed the
More enigmatic than the rest of the Flight — and Milky Way.
certainly the least sociable of the bunch — Leviathan is a Tiamat’s Heirs carry vivid memories of the Glistening
giant serpent who lives at the bottom of the ocean. Which One; her dark hair piled atop her head like a crown,
one? Take your pick, as she’s always moving around. If her eyes as bright as stars and a noble bearing that belies a
Heirs do meet her, she appears as a sharp-dressed wom- mournful sorrow. All of those who have awoke to her
an of indiscernible descent who speaks curtly like she’s memories have a deep understanding of what it means to
running out of time. Leviathan chooses her Heirs with lose everything, but still fight to maintain what remains.
reincarnation always on her mind, picking those who She has not yet reincarnated, and she chooses Heirs who
share her same frenetic, always on-the-go energy: travel would be most sympathetic to her. Parents torn away from
writers, foreign correspondents for international news their children, social workers protecting those unable to
outlets, and diplomatic aids all around the globe. protect themselves, and survivors of unjust wars are just
Callings: Destroyer, Nomad, Primeval a sampling of those who have been blessed (or cursed) by
Tiamat’s memories.
Memory: Breaking away from those who would seek
to manipulate, storms on the horizon, being mistaken for Callings: Ruler, Primeval, Watcher
someone else Memory: Devotion to one’s partner, defending those
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Fire, you love to the death, going mad with grief
Water), Luck, Weather Manipulation (Storms) Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Fire),
Flight, Fear, Understanding
Aliases: Bis-Bis, Mammu-Tiamat, Thaláttē, Thalassa, COMMON DRAQ
While most Flights might balk at placing one of The Draq might use their Heirs as soldiers in a war,
their number above all, the Draq have no qualms raising but they don’t treat them as expendable. The Flight pro-
Tiamat above all others as the Mother of All Dragons, the vides their Heirs with assistance, information, and all the
Glistening One. She rose from the chaotic and primeval equipment they could ever want, so long as they keep on
salt seas, and along with Abzu of the sweet waters, created good terms with their Dragons.
several Gods from their commingling: Lahmu and Lahamu
“One could not have everything. Not even Nicol Bolas. He was not greedy.
Greed implies wanting something you didn’t deserve. Everything Nicol Bolas
wanted was entirely deserved.”
— Ken Troop, “Hour of Devastation”
The Joka 45
the historian Yao, the last time anyone remembered how to who is quite private and never lets those masterpieces see
make Greek Fire was when Kazim-Azizi decided he want- the light of day.
ed to eat Mediterranean.
Joka are particular in what they eat. While they can eat
This matters less for those who live in Midrealms,
nearly anything — mystically so — and gain some benefit
whose lairs still are accessible from Africa, and elsewhere.
from it, each member of the Flight tends to only like a cer-
One of the eldest Joka, Raina, has such a lair, remaining
tain kind of thing to consume. This could be anything from
far removed from the affairs of The World since her feast
the physical, such as precious metals, stones, weapons, or
began centuries ago. Water spills from her table and flows
technology, or more metaphysical concepts, such as cher-
from the Midrealm through subterranean aquifers. These
ished icons of love, information, or memories. Whatever
are the much sought-after source of the Nile. Meanwhile
it is depends on the Dragon, but it is a taste curated from
Apophis, the would-be end of the Netjer, waits plotting
millennia of trying to fill a deep hole, leading to an epicu-
deep in a vault in Egypt, an offshoot near Duat, consuming
rean desire.
any and all Netjer relics his servants, Heirs included, bring
LAIRS him.
Joka lairs are specific to the Dragon, her ambitions, Within these lairs, everything has a place, orderly and
and her hunger. They are as different from one another as neat, not unlike a doomsday prepper’s pantry. There is
each of their diets, as the lair must serve as both home and always a method to the organizational pattern of a Joka’s
larder. One Dragon may call a cavern filled with copper lair, even if it is not readily apparent to anyone but them.
veins or crystal outcroppings home and another may live in Collections of their food item, whatever it is, lay readily
a warehouse full of bolts of cloth. available. This is for two reasons: first, when hunger strikes,
it is best for all involved that the Dragon sate it with all pos-
While the Joka’s lairs may be different to accommodate sible haste, and second, as a defensive measure. If someone
their various appetites, they all share some commonalities. were to attack the Dragon’s lair, he can ensure he’s at maxi-
IN THE WORLD mum power with a snack from anywhere in the liar.
In urban locales, Joka live in places where people THE UNDERWORLD
store objects in vast amounts. Warehouse districts might As it is common for Dragons of the Joka Flight to
have a subterranean section connecting a few buildings, consume the living to feed their hungers, some choose to
each owned by different shell companies that all can be, make their lairs close to entrances to various Underworlds.
eventually, traced to one holding company. In the more Doing so prevents their lair from becoming cluttered with
metropolitan parts of town, a Joka lives in the archives be- ghosts, while those looking for said lair might notice it as a
low a museum, sometimes snacking on a piece of art once source of spirits that would otherwise make no sense. Joka
a year as she places a forgery in the gallery above. Others whose hunger features death — but not so much the dead’s
live in or around massive factories where if anyone looked spirits or corpses — find their ways into the Underworld
closely at, they would see that the factory ships out a lot proper. Some find empty spaces to set up shop, while others
fewer products than it produces. Some live in labs where make deals with unscrupulous Gods.
breakthroughs are reportedly discovered near monthly, but
the startup never seems to get off the ground. THE RITUAL OF VISITS
Whatever the thing the Joka in question eats, to Should a Joka Heir wish to find any of these lairs, she
maintain its secret existence, the thing it consumes must must understand the hunger that lives within herself. What
be hidden from prying eyes. Perhaps there’s a family who does she long for, crave more than anything? Is there some-
has been blessed by a Dragon for generations, who started thing from her time before becoming an Heir that she saw
as simple shepherds and are now the leaders of one of the weirdly often? It is difficult, but not impossible, for her to
largest cattle ranches in Texas. They use otherwise rare discover the trail of evidence from purely external sources
southern African Nguni cattle, but the herd takes massive that leads to a Joka’s physical lair, and if it is metaphysical,
losses every other year in what looks, from the outside, like myth and legend should serve as better guides. An Heir of
a string of bad luck. Another way to hide a Joka’s consump- Ammut probably has some connection to the Netjer, and
tion is through exclusivity. A small company makes the best has heard stories about the creature whose form sounds
whiskey in the entire world, but only releases 300 bottles draconic in nature, and who eats the souls of the unwor-
of their twenty-five-year-old liquor each year. Often, those thy dead. It wouldn’t take a far leap to assume visiting her
bottles are sold legitimately in the lottery created for that mother would involve a journey to Duat and a test of her
purpose. Sometimes, through payments made to loyal col- morality. Meanwhile, an Heir of Kazim-Azizi would look
laborators, many of them are sold, but are all delivered to for any place where a great loss of information and culture
the same place: a cave on the distillery’s land. In less mod- might have taken place, like the site of the lost Roanoke
ern times, it wouldn’t be unheard of for an artist of great colony in the American state of Virgina or the burned out
skill and acclaim to work exclusively for a noble family, residence of Soga no Emishi in Nara, Japan, where both the
Tennōki and Kokki were lost.
The Joka 47
Dragons cannot hide it from their shared memories, how- in return, he allows them to store waste from the Koeberg
ever much it draws attention to both themselves and their nuclear power station.
Heirs. Handlers vary greatly in how they expect their Heirs Ammut, perhaps the most well-known member of
to deal with these invasive urges. Ammut demands that her the Flight, works so closely with the Netjer Gods of the
Heirs feed their hungers with the unworthy, hunting down Underworld that some believe her to be merely a Chthonian
those whose souls would be heavier than the Feather of of Duat. This serves her purposes well. If the other Gods
Ma’at, and dealing with them before they cause any more and Titans of The World have forgotten her draconic na-
harm. Raina drives her Heirs to find somewhere under ture, she has less to worry about as she bides her time.
threat of invasion and spoilage, and consume any would-be
interlopers. Apophis offers aid to anyone who would help him loos-
en the chains that bind the Netjer Titans. He doles out his
These kinds of memories are the most prevalent that pawns and Heirs in service to the Netjer Titans, and acts
Heirs receive, but they also hide what the Handler wants as a weapons dealer to any who might help him. He only
her Heir to accomplish. In a way, they direct their Heirs genuinely cares about freeing his Titan mantle, Apep, from
with these base urges, and as long as the Heir performs Duat so that he may finally consume Re. The Netjer Titans
her other duties, indulging herself is a treat. The Dragon might also benefit from his actions, and he’s fine with that
benefits from her strong Heir, and if the Heir shares some for now. He’ll deal with them later, once all his aspects are
of her meal, all the better. free.
An Heir of Kazim-Azizi finds he holds the one and Other Joka all over The World work with Sònpònná,
only copy of important documents that would reveal a using their iron constitution to consume the infectious
grand cover up, but instead of publishing them online for dead to prevent the spread of various illnesses. The Joka do
all to see, he stores them away, keeping this information for not only work with the Gods of Africa. Oormatige travels,
himself. That night, in his dreams, he finds himself walking whenever possible, in the retinue of Dionysus, and is one
among the stones of Tenōchtitlan, watching a Spaniard of the God’s best friends, for his hedonism and appetite for
agent feed Mēxihcah codices into a fire, claiming to be de- overindulgence is rivaled only by the Theoi God’s own.
stroying them for their pagan imagery, but in fact sending
them to the lair of his draconic father. NOTABLE DRAGONS
Elsewhere, an Heir of Oormatige revels in booze and The Joka hail all over The World. The following are
other substances at a nightclub, electing to party and fuck only a few of their better-known members.
her evening away rather than take care of the matter of
importance that her comrades had entrusted to her. In her AMMUT, DEVOURER OF THE DEAD
near delirious altered state, she sees flashes of a similar Aliases: Ammit, Ahemait
night of debauchery during a revel with Dionysus, where
Seated at the foot of Anpu in the Hall of Two Truths,
she often is not able to tell where Dragon, God, or other
Ammut dutifully consumes the ibs, or hearts, of the Netjer
being’s bodies end and where her own begins.
dead, giving them the second death of oblivion. Her hunger
RELATIONSHIPS demands justice and the punishment of the sinful, and she
gets her fill with her collaboration with the Netjer. Her
Joka tend to be particularly mercenary, always willing temperament is more stringent than the feather, believing
to throw their weight behind whichever side of a conflict that most mortals live lives not worthy of continuing onto
has the most to offer them, particularly when this means the next life. All but the purest would fill her gullet, so she
payment can be whatever they require to satiate their hun- demands this of all her Heirs, both through her memories,
ger. Because of their seclusion, in many ways these Dragons and directly to any who make the journey to the hall. She
are dependent on these connections, though it would be would never leave the Hall of Two Truths herself; the line
less than ideal to draw attention to that fact — at least not of the Netjer dead never halts, and her duty is never done.
to one’s face. It is a grave insult to the Joka to infer that
Some of the Joka view her as a traitor, having aban-
their actions are coming from their stomachs, rather than
doned them and forgotten them. Only she and a select few
their mind.
know that her dual role is in service to the Joka alone. Let
In the modern world, many Joka have infiltrated major them think what they want, but when the time comes, she
powers, governments, and corporations in the areas they will be there beside her brethren ready to devour those
live. The Dragon makes pawns and Heirs from these pow- who would keep them down.
erful groups, ensuring that she can live in relative peace.
Before Dragons went into hiding, and before the estab-
The humans in the area might not even know what they
lishment of Flights, Ammut was a great warrior and lover.
are protecting, only that they have a powerful benefactor
She cared about justice and what was right. She believes
who lets them do as they please as long as they leave an
as the Gods do that Titans are a danger to the natural or-
esoteric offering. Deep under the earth near Cape Town in
der, and remembers an age-old vision of a future in which
South Africa, lay Yokutya’s lair. He’s created a top-secret
Titans ran rampant, which nearly destroyed The World. She
alliance with the African Union. They protect his lair, and
believes that Gods must keep the Titans at bay to maintain
Memory: Witnessing an act of cruelty or true evil, Callings: Destroyer, Mystic, Primeval
meting out justice to those who are unworthy, the souls of Memory: Titanspawn of Apep wreaking havoc, lying
the dead and the weight of truth. in wait for the right moment to strike, the feeling of being
Dragon magic: Decay, Elemental Manipulation (Fire), bound and helpless, never-ending battles with no winner,
Flight, Understanding swimming through memories that are fragmented and
disjointed, chasing the sun across the sky and never under-
Alias: Aapep, Apepi, Apoph Dragon Magic: Animal Control, Elemental
Apep has been chasing the sun for as long as he can Manipulation (Water), Fear, Understanding
remember. Before he did so though, he was Apophis, the ISA BERE, DROUGHT BRINGER
Dragon who loved Ammut and knew all truths. When the
Netjer formed, he was already chasing Re across the sky, Alias: Ongbẹ, Nga Nelanga, Chini
and he greedily accepted divinity even knowing the conse- When The World was young, Isa Bere swam through
quences would be dire. Thus, he was knowingly responsi- all waters and called them his domain. He waded in placid
ble for his and Ammut’s fates, though few know that truth. pools and soaked up the sun without a care in The World.
He hoped he would forget his own betrayal, and for a time When the Gods came and rewrote The World, he tried to
he did, accepting that he was only Apep. remain in his watery homes, but people drove him out.
The last time the Netjer Titan got close to victory When he tried again, the Gods drove him out. He was a sim-
against Re’s boat journey through Duat, he swallowed the ple Dragon who only wanted a place to bask, and though he
sun God, and when he did, an eclipse swallowed the sun could see his heart’s desire, he could not have it.
over Egypt. When Set and the others cut open his gullet and His desire consumed him to the point where he de-
freed Re, the sun was freed. But in that moment of darkness, sired not to just be in the water, but consume it all. He made
Raina reminded Apep of who he was, and Apophis recalled his lair atop Fouta Djallon and was known for consuming
both his duty, and his own burning desire for The World whole lakes at a time. Myths tell of the Dragon taking flight
to return to the way it was. But his time as a Titan had over what would become Guinea, looking for some other
changed him, and he was no longer the pragmatic Dragon watering hole to swallow. It was not long until he lost con-
he once was. trol of his hunger and set himself on a collision course with
The Serpent of Chaos lays in a dark and dank lair deep his own doom.
under Egypt, in the ruins of a temple, though to which God His eyes turned to the Niger River, and in the course
no one could tell. All iconography is scratched and marred of a day’s drinking, the nearly 26,000-mile river was dry.
as his massive, coiled bulk grates against the walls. Piles of Despite the river ending in the Atlantic at both ends, the
relics surround his bulk — mostly Netjer — and he chews might of the Joka’s hunger made not just the waters vanish,
them with a maw filled with jet-black teeth. His hunger but the ability for it to refill as well. Soon, the Niger River
is deeper than the others, as he yearns both for a love he Delta dried, and the area’s leader and Scion of Ògún, King
lost, and to kill those who made it happen. He focuses it on Samba, faced drought and hunger. Unable to move his peo-
destroying all the Gods, which he hopes to do by freeing ple away, he took up arms and with his bard, Tarafe, who
the Titans and allowing them to run rampant. He whets his recorded the tale, and went to combat the Dragon.
appetite for such a day by feasting on any symbol of faith, or For over eight years they fought tooth and nail, the
those who are particularly faithful. king throwing over eight hundred spears and withstanding
The Joka 49
attack after attack. Isa Bere could not feed again in all that her hunger. Each year he would send one girl to the grove,
time, and eventually King Samba wore the Dragon down and she would never return.
and slew him with a final spear through the heart. The wa- Ouagadou-Bida had developed a taste for something
ters returned to the river with his death. precious: sacrifice itself. She released the women sent to
Even though he died hundreds of years ago, Isa Bere’s her, but she told them they could never return home, an
Heirs remain, and through them, his voracious hunger. His offer they invariably accepted, and these sacrifices gave
Heirs are perhaps more ravenous than other Joka, and that her additional nourishment. For generations, the Kingdom
is what his legacy passes on. Whatever it is they hunger for, flourished under the assumption that Ouagadou-Bida
they do so with a need that borders on fixation. Those with was eating their young women. That is until Amadou
a level head on their shoulders channel it into a career or Sefedokote’s fiancé, Sia, was to be the next sacrifice. His
hobby, those who do not often end up like their forebearer. divine mother, Òshun, lent him her jeweled knife, sending
Callings: Collector, Predator, Primeval him into combat to save his love with her blessing. He
entered the grove, and hid there, waiting for the so-called
Memory: Echoes of an insatiable hunger, the feel of a Guardian to leave to reclaim Sia.
decade-long battle, the hunt for the next meal, the need to
find something of importance but it being just out of reach, As Ouagadou-Bida made to leave, Amadou used the
drinking and drinking and never feeling sated goddess’ blade to slide through her serpentine neck and
severed her head, but to no avail, as another grew to replace
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Water), it. They fought, and only with the power of the blade was
Flight, Weather Control the Scion able to withstand the onslaught, decapitating
OUAGADOU-BIDA, GHANA’S GUARDIAN the Dragon another half dozen times until she finally died.
Surrounded by the heads of the Guardian of Ghana, he
Aliases: Bida, Ougadou-Bida, Wagadoo-Bida
stood victorious with his lover and they fled, leaving her
The Kingdom of Ghana’s capital was built in parallel corpse and the protection she offered to wither. Without
to a Midrealm, a sacred grove, wherein stood the lair of her, Ghana suffered from drought, and the people were
Ouagadou-Bida, a great Dragon. The first king made a pact forced to become nomads, as the Kingdom fell.
with the Joka: protect his family line, and thus all of Ghana,
Heirs of Ouagadou-Bida commonly share their
and the king would supply the Dragon with a source to feed
mother’s covetous nature, hungering for acts of service,
The Joka 51
and protecting it from being despoiled. If it were up to her,
she’d give The World back to the Primordials who created COMMON JOKA
it and leave it at that, but she doesn’t act on that desire. BIRTHRIGHTS
She hungers to punish those who would sully a place Often a Joka Heir finds a whole system in place for their
or defile a land, she never goes without. The sheer number lairs, should they still be alive, when they come into their
of explorers who find their way into her mystical lair, along power. These fixers can get an Heir started on making a lair
with the colonizers, deforesters, polluters, and endangered and figuring out what it is that they hunger for, as well as pro-
animal hunters who her pawns capture and drag to her viding support for the effects of such experimentation. Even
table keeps her fed and happy. Heirs to dead Dragons find a support system comprised of
detailed memories and servants ready to help them.
Raina’s Heirs likewise feel drawn to nature and feel a
deep-seated need to protect it. From wildlife rangers, activ- GUIDES
ists, climate change scientists, to full blown eco-terrorists,
• Mokele-mbembe: Legendary Creatures, said to be
Heirs of this Dragon move to protect the natural World
Raina’s own children, live in Strange Places near
from the predation of humanity, and try to heal the harms
rivers and caves. Some of them find their way to
done to it already, their hungers ranging from plastics and
Midrealms, and many serve as Raina’s lair guards.
pollutants, to those who hunt merely for sport.
Callings: Guardian, Healer, Watcher PAWNS
Memory: The satisfaction of restoring justice, cleans- • Lair Concierges: Joka keep hirelings who maintain
ing a land of its taint, protecting something or someone their lairs, keeping them well stocked and provi-
from those who wish them harm, keeping a difficult secret. sioned. These concierges provide for the daily needs
of a hungry Dragon, going so far as to hunt down
Dragon Magic: Animal Control, Elemental
rare cuisine or fight alongside an Heir if it serves the
Manipulation (Water), Weather Control
Lair’s needs.
The Joka 53
“There comes the dark
dragon flying from beneath,
the glistening serpent,
from Nida-fells.
On his wings bears Nidh gg,
flying o’er the plain,
a corpse.”
— V lusp
The Lindwurms 55
Once upon a time, Lindwurms had great cunning and book survives, even under the water. They might not have
a considerable intelligence. Vishap’s death robbed them the capability to read the ancient or encoded language
of their bone-deep memory, but not their cunning. They scrawled across the book’s pages, but they keep that vol-
know what they’ve lost, and they know that they can regain ume all the same. In the middle of their piles of broken
it if they just find all the pieces and put them back together. swords and magical shields, Lindwurms make nests out
The Flight does not blame their lost member for the losses, of pebbles, curling up into small, warm knots of draconic
but instead the Gods who let this happen. As a result, they flesh, surrounded by all the things they stole back from the
crave more than anything a return of their knowledge, and Gods (especially the Æsir and Theoi). As far as they’re con-
they crave revenge. Some desire one more than the other: cerned, though, anything the Gods have, they got by steal-
The Loch Ness Monster missed much of that history and ing it, so taking it from the Gods doesn’t even count as theft.
has her own very specific axe to grind, and Níðhöggr’s de- It’s appropriating the tools of the people who displaced and
sire for revenge has an awful lot more to do with the sons murdered their people.
(brothers? he can’t remember) slain before he lay trapped Even the youngest Lindwurm begins to accumulate
under Yggdrasil for so long. hoards exceedingly fast, demanding tribute from their
That desire for payback has led some Lindwurms to Heirs at every contact. Don’t bother calling your Handler
accumulate stunning piles of treasure, which they hoard unless you’ve brought something shiny. Each Dragon tends
in their various and sundry homes, and sometimes deign to focus on one thing in their Hoard over all else. The Loch
to parcel out to their Heirs, either on loan for a particular Ness Monster absolutely loves sharp things, and an Heir
purpose or on a more permanent basis. They delight in the who brings her a new magical dagger will gain special at-
treasures they’ve accumulated and stolen back. As much tention at least until she gets bored of it and wants another
as they say they want to be left alone, their ongoing desire one.
to steal from the Gods comes into conflict with that. What
better way to tweak the noses of the Æsir than to steal their
treasures, or to steal back the treasures which the Æsir Many Heirs and Lindwurms make their homes in
stole from the Lindwurms in the first place? Níðhöggr once subaquatic Lairs. For example, Jörmungandr lives at the
swore that if he could get away with stealing Odin’s other bottom of the ocean. Which ocean? A cold ocean. Any
eye, he’d do it in a heartbeat. cold ocean. Lindwurms are just that big. Jörmungandr
rests his head on the stony shores at the very north edge of
Lindwurms all carry an incredible weight of sadness,
Norway, in a subterranean cave where the ocean plays in
which permeates their mannerisms and speech. They’ve
and out. One often accesses such lairs by means of a cave
lost more of their members to dragon slayers than most
system which begins seven miles away, and which devours
other Flights. The Æsir and Theoi began killing them well
incautious intruders. Weaving their way through the cave
before any of the others, save maybe Naga. The Lindwurms
system, Heirs must pass a series of pitches, squeezes, and a
didn’t act fast enough, and by the time they fled to safer
few water hazards.
shores, they’d lost so many of their number that they have
yet to recover. As a result, they press their Heirs to embrace STRANGE PLACES
their draconic natures in hopes to refill their ranks. One might expect finding the Loch Ness Monster’s lair
LAIRS the easiest of all the Lindwurms, but due to her relatively
great power for her age, Heirs discover that finding her lair
Lindwurms prefer not to make their homes in The is more difficult even than visiting Jörmungandr, and many
World, as their generous size would force them to shape- model their lairs after hers. Nessie’s lair doesn’t even exist
shift or be too obvious. They are loath to do either, though in The World, but in a Strange Place formed down at the
some live beneath the sea, resting their heads on distant, bottom of Loch Ness. Most Lindwurms try to stay out of
untraveled rocky shores. Many live outside the physical the World as often as they can, but leave some way for their
realm, in Strange Places or Terra Incognitae created in a Heirs to find them. Nessie has so few Heirs that making
desperate effort to stay safe from the Gods. herself available to them matters less than keeping herself
To find a Lindwurm, you must travel to the end of the safe from prying hucksters and conspiracy theorists with
world, and then go a little bit farther. Heirs have sought out their newfangled digital cameras. Lindwurms and their
magical items which allowed them to dive deep into the sea children hide in Terra Incognitae and Strange Places, and
to speak with Jörmungandr. They have climbed a tree until many Lesser Wyrms create their own Strange Places as
they couldn’t climb anymore in search of memories from they grow in power.
the long-lost Vishap, who loved to swim in the clouds. And LOST AND FOUND
sometimes, if the moon is right and her mood is good, find-
ing a Lindwurm might just be as easy as driving out past Finding a dead Lindwurm’s lair takes a lot of research,
Inverness and waiting on the edge of a loch. a great deal of luck, and an even greater deal of foolhar-
diness. Many Lindwurm Heirs go on long and impressive
A Lindwurm’s home invariably contains mountains of quests, some spanning centuries and the lifetimes of mul-
weaponry, treasures, and books. Yes, even the underwater tiple Heirs, to reclaim the lost homes of their deceased
homes: when a Lindwurm adds a book to their hoard, the
The Lindwurms 57
They only get riled up when a juicy bit of information is in- Fáfnir’s Heirs tell a different story. Fáfnir was a great
volved, or a long-lost secret they think could be a linchpin Dragon who claimed both the names Andvari and Fáfnir.
to a puzzle they’ve been working on for centuries. And if Andvari was a storyteller, and Fáfnir was a warrior. He rose
their Heirs can’t seem to figure out how to satiate that need out of the sea at the beginning of the world and chose the
to know, then the Dragon cuts them loose. great forests as his home. Delighted by the lands in which
Or eats them. Sometimes if their Heirs become too he and his brothers lived, they shared the land peaceably
much trouble, the Lindwurms simply eat them. They have between themselves for time untold, until the arrival of
hungers just like everyone else, and for the most part, just humanity, and the Gods they brought along with them like
want peace and quiet. Emphasis on the quiet. No jerks the midden-heaps which form outside human settlements.
fishing for them with cows on a hook, no shepherds with At first, Fáfnir attempted to share the forests with these
layers of dresses tricking them into taking off all their skins. strange new creatures. When they began to clear-cut all his
Relationships with others generally begin and end with trees and dig mines like deep wounds into the mountains
“are you bringing me knowledge? No? Then leave or I’ll eat where he and his brothers slept, he spit poison across the
you.” earth, burning the crops on which the humans relied. When
Occasionally, the Flight comes into conflict with they overhunted the deer and drove away the rest of the
themselves through the Titan mantles some have taken large game, the Dragons starved. In their hunger, they be-
on. Níðhöggr agreed to his Titanic mantle so long ago, but came desperate, and some of them gained a taste for human.
when he has it on, he forgets who he is completely. He’s This battle drew Odin’s attention, who could not abide
embarrassed that he spends so much time chewing the the Dragon burning crops and eating his worshippers. So,
roots of the world tree, but he keeps going back to it when he sent his Scion Sigurd to deal with it. Sigurd dug a pit and
he forgets why he hates it. Every so often, those Titans or hid in it, waiting for Fáfnir to come to the river to drink.
their titanspawn get into conflict with the Dragon or their When Fáfnir leaned over, he plunged his sword into the
Heirs. Many wonder why a Dragon would fight with him- Dragon’s heart. Afterward, he killed all Fáfnir’s brothers,
self, but the Lindwurm’s fractured memories have made ending the Dragon threat.
their mantles into almost entirely different and separate Both these stories are true, though the details are
personas unaware that they belong to the same entity. muddied both because Fáfnir is only present as imperfect
NOTABLE DRAGONS memory and because of the Æsir’s meddling. Loki did hand
a bag of cursed gold to Hreidmar and Fáfnir certainly had
The Lindwurm’s numbers have shrank and swollen possession of that gold. And Sigurd killed Fáfnir for breath-
over the years. They are recently on a recruitment cam- ing poison across the land. Most of his Heirs believe the
paign, hoping to draw in all Dragons who are intent on Æsir’s story is the false one, though some posit that Fáfnir
gathering knowledge, or pushing their Heirs into drag- was an Heir to some unknown Dragon, which explains his
onhood as fast as possible. The following are some of the transformation to Dragon and the disjointed memories of
oldest, or most active members of the Flight. the situation.
F FNIR, CURSED BY GOLD Fáfnir has tried desperately over the years to reincar-
nate through an Heir. Despite his efforts, none have given
Aliases: Andvari, Frænir
him control, probably because he picks strong-willed peo-
The Æsir tell a story about a dwarf named Fáfnir. Loki ple who aren’t keen on giving their life over to him in rein-
killed his brother and paid his father in gold as recompense carnation. Fáfnir’s Heirs are singularly driven individuals
for the act. Fáfnir responded poorly to the whole affair and with good heads on their shoulders and a bit of obsession
stole all the gold which Loki had given, and that gold turned keeping them on task. They are detectives, reporters, law-
him into a fearsome dragon. If that doesn’t seem to make yers, architects, and a slew of other professions that require
much sense, the context doesn’t help much: Loki and Odin dedication and drive to stay on task.
came across Fáfnir’s brother, Ótr, while he spent the day in
Callings: Destroyer, Guardian, Judge
his otter form. They slew Ótr and presented his skin to the
dwarves’ father, Hreidmar. Hreidmar ruled the dwarves as Memory: Guarding what is precious; bringing justice
King and demanded recompense for the murder. Instead to the wronged; cold, calculating revenge; a call to fight
of something proper, Loki filled Ótr’s skin with gold stolen against injustice and do good in The World; collecting
from Andvari who cursed it. So, the God of mischief rid treasures.
himself of a cursed item by giving it to the dwarves as rec- Dragon Magic: Animal Control, Decay, Elemental
ompense for his misdeeds. Great guy, that Loki. Manipulation (Earth, Fire), Flight
Driven to overwhelming greed by Andvari’s curse, J RMUNGANDR,
Fáfnir stole both gold and skin. He fled from his father THE BEGINNING OF THE END
and brothers once they discovered the theft. Owning that
gold twisted him into a dragon. Then Fáfnir as a dragon Aliases: Ouroboros
poisoned the land. Which sounds like great justification for Once Jörmungandr encircled The World and no one
Sigurd to go and murder him in the name of Odin. bothered him. Once he swam the oceans, singing the songs
The Lindwurms 59
Memory: A deep anger at filth and contamination; swearing to each that they alone were unique and his true
regret over collateral damage; a fear of harming humanity; Heir, and any others are pretenders. When the war be-
a longing for companionship; rusted helmets, swords, and tween the Æsir and the Lindwurms grows a little too chilly
armor. for his tastes, Níðhöggr is there to light the flames again,
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Water), especially if his Heirs get the opportunity to do damage to
Illusions, Luck, Weather Control Odin or his Scions.
Despite his growing separation between Níðhöggr
N H GGR, WHO GNAWS THE ROOTS the Titan and Níðhöggr the Dragon, the Lindwurm re-
Back in the dawn of time, Níðhöggr wandered free tains some of the Titan’s traits. Namely, his hunger. After
across the face of the waters and The World, with his chewing through Yggdrasil’s roots for so long, he con-
brothers Góinn and Móinn. When the Gods rose, Odin stantly craves meat. When the craving gets too strong, he
pinned Níðhöggr to the root of the World Tree, driving one sometimes returns to his Titanic mantle, but when he’s
of the roots of Yggdrasil through his tail. He tried to gnaw there, he nearly forgets all of his draconic plans. He tries
his way free, the whole time bitterly spitting curses at each to satisfy his hunger by eating the Æsir’s followers, or any
of the Æsir, and at the eagle at the top of the tree. His curs- who would dare venture into his domain. His Heirs spend a
es only ever reached the ears of Ratatosk, but perhaps one great deal of time seeking those worthy of a slow, agonizing
witness can bear the news of a curse to The World beyond death, being devoured by a Dragon to help sate him. First
the Terra Incognita. Níðhöggr’s Heirs claim that his curses on that list, those who take his name in vain or twist his
taught Ratatosk the art of laying a curse upon someone, myth to suit some sort of perverse human agenda.
and that squirrels chatter because they mimic his endless
These days, Níðhöggr creates Heirs who meet his rar-
complaining about how much it hurts to have a tree root
ified standards and exhibit exceptional drive. The hunger
through your hindquarters.
gnaws at their bones the same way their father might if
Níðhöggr might have stayed gnawing that root into given the chance: they want things. They want power, they
eternity, if one of his long-lost Heirs hadn’t brought him a want knowledge, they want everything. He crafts and spurs
memory of his life as a Dragon. With that knowledge, he on their hunger, driving them to great feats of avarice.
gained sudden freedom, and discovered that the Æsir had
Callings: Collector, Destroyer, Predator
murdered his brothers. He set about creating new Heirs,
The Lindwurms 61
Path Skills: Close Combat, Survival
Favored Draconic Knacks: Fade Away, Massive Beast Shape
Remembrances: Duty (Cipher) and Consciousness (Defection).
Lindwurms play back their lives like a broken record, trying hard to find the missing pieces and tell a
full story. They know deep down that they once had a purpose, but they’ve forgotten. Their Heirs have a
duty to put those puzzle pieces back together. An Heir feels a pressing need to not just remember, but to
seek, find, and become. As she learns more about her Handler, she replays the life lived, and takes on the
purpose of the Dragons. She dutifully gathers information, bringing it back to her Handler, and goes out
again to do the same. Duty forces her to give up everything in the name of the Lindwurms, risking life and
limb for a dream.
When an Heir wants to forsake her draconic side, she acts with consciousness refusing to mindlessly
act out these timeworn narratives or follow the set of tracks set in front of her. Not true rebellion, but a life
lived for oneself rather than for the duty put forward by her Handler. An Heir who pushes back against
her heritage does so with a clear mind. She may seek out stories, but she collates them into her own
narrative, piecing them together as she sees fit, and following the path she sets for herself in a conscious
and deliberate manner.
• Signature
• Signature Lindwurm Dragon Magic: Avarice Lindwurms seek knowledge, but their quest has made
them obsessive, and they do everything in extremes. They hoard more than any other Dragon, trying to keep
every minute scrap of themselves they can favoring possessions over actions. This has formed into a kind of
magic in which just reinforces their excessive ways. No amount of whatever a Lindwurm is fixated on will
be enough, and they ensure that anyone who works with or for them has the same driving goals as they do.
The Lindwurms 63
“She crept about it, she crawled about it, and her green robe flowed over it.
Her green robe glittered with a thousand golden scales; long flames burst
from her lips and from her eyes; a huge and fearsome Dragon, she wound
and coiled herself about the bell of D j ji. With her Dragon’s tail, she lashed
the bell and lashed it till its bronze was red hot.”
— The Bell of D j ji
The Lóng 65
aquatic or reptilian, with the bakunawa preferring to look their homes, choosing to make their homes in The World,
like sharks, turtles, and crocodiles. Taniwha and mo’o are atop mountains and clouds.
closely related, generally appearing in a reptilian form, liz-
ards, eels, and such. Taniwha are nearly always in the form
of a large predator, while mo’o have more flexibility in their Because River Lóng love being at the center of atten-
size, becoming as large or small as a they want to be, even tion, their lairs are nearly always community centers of
things as small as geckos. sorts. Amphitheaters and temples are especially popular,
with many acting troupes, monastic orders, and even a few
With a lifespan far older than most everything in The
internet café-based e-sports teams being directly spon-
World, Gods included, the Lóng have developed two traits
sored by River Lóng, who enjoy plays, concerts, religious
that are nearly universal throughout the Flight: patience
ceremonies, and competitions even more than humans.
and a stubborn attitude. They generally shrug off human
Such events are well-shrouded, not naming the patron,
stupidity and spontaneity, assuming time and a draconic
though the Dragon almost always shows up in disguise to
nudge or two will set things right. This is generally a good
watch his masterpiece play out.
thing for Heirs going through a rough time of transition,
although some might wish their Dragon had more of a Although you might expect the castles of the Sea Lóng
hands-on approach when they come face first against a to be massive and immobile, that’s only half true; their
violent Scion or God. castles routinely go missing from The World, cropping up
in various Terra Incognitae like Takamagahara. When they
While they know that time causes all things to shake
return to The World, they don’t always return to the same
out for the best, many Lóng can’t help but put a claw on
spot. It’s even possible for them to appear in other oceans,
the scales to make things work out a little better and a little
although that’s risky for a variety of reasons. Anyone seek-
faster. The River Lóng are especially guilty of this, arrang-
ing out a Sea Lóng would be better off getting a guide, since
ing circumstances so that a human can’t help but make bet-
the odds of finding the lair on their own are practically zero.
ter choices. To be fair, their lairs are surrounded by people
at all times, so it’s not like they don’t have a personal stake The “lairs” of the Shallows Lóng are less of a place and
in humanity getting things right. more of a state of mind; the simple act of going on watch,
looking after the people and places of the territory, serves
LAIRS to center the Shallows Lóng, like a primal, militant form
Starting in East Asia and encompassing the Pacific of meditation. As such, these patrols are essential elements
Ocean, the Lóng span to all corners of The World. As such, of the Shallows Lóng, meaning that every Shallows Lóng
their lairs are as varied as they are. has something or someone(s) they want to protect, usually
a single island or tribe of people.
LOCATIONS Naturally, the Heaven Lóng have the most opulent
Although many Lóng choose to make their lairs away residences of the Flight. The nature of Heaven means that
from humans, virtually all the River Lóng live among hu- physics and space are of even less concern than they are in
mans. Part of this is because of geographic necessity. When The World. When a Dragon wants a new castle wing, they
your domain is a major waterway, there’s no getting away just need to add a cloud to their Lair. Of course, the location
from people. But many River Lóng don’t see their proximity means that they have Shén for neighbors, which might not
to people as a problem; instead, they see it as a partnership always be a plus.
of the land. In a way, the people are like citizens of their tiny
kingdoms. And they are tiny kingdoms, with many of the LAIR STAFF
River Lóng’s lairs barely more than a city block. Thankfully, Regardless of what kind of lair a Lóng has, it contains
River Lóng are experts at shape changing, requiring little a full staff, though not necessarily human or even knowing
space, especially if they’re in the form of a small snake. of their roles. Castle Ryūgū rarely even has human visitors,
Sea Lóng, on the other hand, often make their lairs in let alone permanent residents, Urashimatarō notwith-
a place challenging for humans to visit: beneath the waves. standing. Instead, the castle has a veritable army of fish
Most of these lairs are sea caves, but a few, like Ryūjin’s, and cephalopods inside, tending to the needs of their king
are full scale castles. Shallows Lóng hate staying still. Many and any petitioners of his court. Even though the castle has
of them simply don’t lair, preferring instead to stake out a some air-filled spaces, the fish servants swim through them
specific territory to patrol. Whether their patrols are acts unhindered, because of course they do. Even the Shallows
of protection or terrorism is a matter of opinion that varies Lóng have a sea full of allies willing to keep an eye out or to
wildly depending on who’s commenting. Heaven Lóng rare- fetch something.
ly make lairs in The World, instead finding spaces within High maintenance Dragons, Lóng generally have a lot
the various Heavens. Though theoretically welcome in any of work to do. River Lóng ensure the people are healthy
of the Heavens, Heaven Lóng almost always stick to their and in good spirits, with successful harvests. As an exam-
original pantheon; there aren’t any mireu in Takamagahara, ple, Yīnglóng has a network of messengers who keep their
nor ryu in Cheon, at least not longer than a brief visit. But eyes and ears open for any signs that a village might need
there are plenty of Heaven Lóng who are less literal with the water Dragon’s help. Any drought in southern China
The Lóng 67
Accordingly, even his Scions feel beholden to Yīnglóng’s More interesting is the Lóng ’s relationship with the
Heirs. Similarly, the Shén have nothing but good things to Titans of Asia. Raijin’s domain is the sky, while Ryūjin’s
say about Ryūjin, as he’s kept the Pacific far calmer than is the sea, making the surface of the ocean The World’s
they could have hoped. largest border between the supernatural, making Sea Lóng
Unfortunately, not all interactions between the Lóng and Sky Titans the closest thing to cordial neighbors as The
and the Shén have ended so well. Gōnggōng’s death at World sees. Raijin’s brother Raitarō even takes dragon form
the hands of Zhúlóng makes that plain to see. Though from time to time. Which is not to say all Lóng speak well
Gōnggōng is no more, his Heirs are unlikely to feel safe of their neighbors. Jīnlóngwáng has plenty of nasty things
amongst the Shén. Similarly, Nüwa slew the Black Dragon. to say about the Titans along his domain, the Yellow River,
Though her actions were to help her people, that’s cold especially after many of his servants died in the early days
comfort to the rest of the Lóng, who see her as a foe, or at of the Titanomachy, caught in the turf wars.
least a danger. Even more complicated, the Lóng and the Atua can’t
The Kami, on the other hand, consider the Lóng decide what they think of each other. The Atua sure as hell
members of the pantheon, even if that belief only goes one don’t trust Kuna, especially since Hina’s account of their
way. Though few of the Heavenly Kami would consider the engagement wildly diverges from his, painting him in a
Lóng equals or deserving of a place in Takamagahara, they much less flattering light. The Lóng don’t trust the Atua
nonetheless see the Lóng as members of the same team. after Maui’s beat down of the eel taniwha. The mo’o Roko
Adding to this confusion, Ryūjin has had a place among also beat the shit out of Kuna and he’s a Lóng, too. Hell,
the Heavenly Kami since as long as anyone can remember, Roko killed an Aspect of Kuna, so any claims that there’s a
although his palace has always been beneath the waves. united front are glossing over details.
The Lóng 69
Memory: The feel of potential attackers everywhere, fraudulent. Coaches, pushing their team on to one more
and those who would do them harm; fear of losing power; rep, one more lap, one more victory.
pouring out rage as a torrential assault. Callings: Destroyer, Guardian, Judge
Dragon Magic: Decay, Elemental Manipulation (Air), Memory: Waiting in the shadows, the shallows, and
Flight, Weather Control the deeps; the mixed pride and pain of seeing a new star
HOROMATANGI, THE SHIPWRECKER rise, surpassing them; testing those who seek worthiness;
putting people to trial.
Aliases: Ihu-maataotao
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Water),
Horomatangi is one of the few Dragons who has lived
Fear, Weather Control
his life relatively untouched by the changes the Gods
wrought when they formed pantheons. He has always been KUNA, THE DEMON OF THE SEA
the terror of the sea, and the Gods weren’t too off when they Aliases: Tuna-roa
labeled him Titan, a role he gladly accepted. He is the dread
that all sailors feel the first time their ship fails them while Kuna was a sea Dragon long before the Gods told sto-
they’re underway. That moment when they know that the ries of Rangi and Papa forming The World through sheer
horizon holds no hope and the water can erase them forev- force of will. He would often swim the waters chasing fish
er, without a trace. Horomatangi does this deliberately. If or his own tail. He loved the competition of the chase and
someone wants to pass through his domain, they must be cared more about it than the catching. When the Gods
worthy, or they die. came, Kuna turned his chase to fame and conquest, which
ultimately led to his death.
One of the most prominent Lóng, Horomatangi leads
a life as close to public as any Dragon dares, dwelling un- The eel-like Kuna saw the most beautiful woman in the
derneath Lake Taupo at the center of New Zealand’s North islands, the moon goddess Hina. Seeing her as the ultimate
Island. Long ago, he was merely a local legend, now The prize, he sought after her. Using every charm and secret he
World is a lot smaller. When hundreds of vessels vanish in a possessed, he slithered his way into her heart. They wed.
relatively small area, the old legends about taniwha become But it wasn’t her that he wanted; it was the chase. The con-
more than just curiosities. Like Nessie of the Lindwurm quest. He didn’t care when she was by his side. He didn’t
Flight, people believe in Horomatangi, with some traveling care when she left his side. But, when she was by Maui’s
great distances to learn the truth for themselves and to feel side, he cared. It was a new contest. A challenge between
the dread. Most of them stick to the shoreline instead of him and the demigod.
traveling directly through the center of the lake, though. He came after her, chasing with his powerful fins that
Excitement doesn’t always override survival instincts. propelled him through the sea. He grasped at her with his
For hundreds of years, Horomatangi has been the slippery coils, but only brought harm upon her. Enraged,
measuring stick by which all would-be sailors, chiefs, and Maui chased him, pouring lava into every hiding place
leaders are measured. Most die, never even glimpsing his Kuna sought refuge in. Kuna lost that contest. He would
long, eel-like body or any of his other forms. Instead, they find another. Naturally, Maui and Kuna don’t get along now.
witness his mana, his strength and force of will. The lake Or at least they didn’t. Kuna went missing a few hundred
and the sky obey his desire to push mortals to the brink, years ago and is assumed dead. Maui swears he had nothing
forming vortexes, waterspouts, and typhoons. If they can to do with it, though few are convinced.
exert their mana to push back and calm the weather, they Memories of fame seeking haunt Kuna’s Heirs. They
have won a rare victory, indeed. These rare survivors find a recall the hunt for glory, the crushing disappointment of
new path in their lives, one that inevitably leads to success failure, and the thrill of a new challenge. The thirst for
and at the whim of the Dragon. others to recognize their glory spurs the children of Kuna
Although people tell stories of Lake Taupo, few realize to acts of grandiosity. They are competitors of all types.
that his tests aren’t constrained to one location. Anyone on Athletes, pushing their bodies to the breaking point for a
the sea may face his trial by fire. Too few people come to his chance at victory. Video gamers, climbing up the leader-
lake and sail over his lair, so he picks new pawns out on the boards one click at a time. Social media influencers, cre-
open waters. The trials are as much a way for him to gain ating viral trends and new tastes, all in the name of more
new followers as it is to cull humanity. followers. Soldiers, training for and dreaming of the only
challenge that means anything: survival.
Horomatangi’s Heirs seek careers that place them at
the nexus of change, the hinge point where people become Calling: Collector, Predator, Watcher
better versions of themselves or be crushed. They become Memory: The loss of love and needing to chase after
drill sergeants, eschewing combat roles in order to ensure it; the sulfuric smell of lava and the hiss as it plunges into
that the next generation is the best possible. White hat the ocean; the feel of boiling water ripping apart fins; the
hackers paid to break security systems to show where feel of defeat; the joy of victory; the desire for a chase.
companies are weakest. Insurance investigators, hunting
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Air, Water),
for weaknesses in claims to pare the unfortunate from the
Luck, Transformation
The Lóng 71
late to work but preventing the rights of the accused from GUIDES
being trampled on is worth it.
• Ati-a-muri: Loyal servant of Horomatangi, Ati-
Callings: Guardian, Healer, Judge a-muri is a fellow taniwha, albeit one of trivial
Memory: The desperate cries of their ancestor’s mana compared to his lord. Ati-a-muri has helped
followers, the anguish cracking their voices as their pleas Horomatangi test the mana and resolve of countless
reached Heaven; the drive to help those in need no matter travelers. Often taking the form of a fellow traveler,
the cost; the agony of being torn from Heaven; sacrificing he lures examinees into a false sense of security.
oneself for the benefit of others. Simply put, he is the calm before the storm.
Dragon Magic: Elemental manipulation (Earth, • Mist Hounds: Formed entirely of fog, Mist Hounds
Water), Flight, Luck, Transformation can seep through cracks, evade detection, and fly
away, making them the ultimate scouts and spies.
COMMON L NG BIRTHRIGHTS Though accustomed to Polynesia, they follow their
Lóng collect all manner of useful items, sometimes master’s Heirs anywhere.
just for beauty, but mostly for an eye on utility. They have • Sacred Engineers of the Dragon King: An ancient
spent centuries curating hoards to both stroke their egos organization of Legendary Creatures devoted to
and prepare themselves for an eventual take-over. Beyond Ryūjin. They devote themselves to maintenance
that, virtually all Lóng have dozens or hundreds of human and care of the World and spend most of their time
and animal pawns to use to explore The World undetected. teaching Heirs all manner of disaster preparedness.
The Lóng 73
“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”
— Rumi
The Naga 75
that one day they’ll find the solution to their problem. Each head is master over their own hall and fills it with
These Naga do not love humans, but understand they are writings, runes, and secrets scrawled from ceiling to floor.
part of reality and cannot disappear entirely. At the epicenter of these lairs is one great hall where the
Finally, are those who follow Vasuki’s path seeking to original head presides over all its siblings. All important
enlighten humans and work with Gods. The Naga and hu- decisions are made here directly next to physical mani-
mans can work together, and it is the Naga’s responsibility festation of the concept the Naga protects. Unlike other
to help humans achieve their true potential. Only by raising Naga who find it easier to move lairs, Naga who make their
humans up will the gates of the Divine Realm finally open. homes in lairs of permanence will die before they see their
Naga who fully embrace humans are mistrusted by other concept destroyed.
Naga, for after all the world has stolen from them, how can LAIRS OF ACCEPTANCE
the Naga still believe there is hope?
Lairs in early morning fog, a flowing river, the aurora
LAIRS borealis are all lairs of acceptance. Naga who make their
homes in these impermanent concepts understand their
Naga have always lived all over the World. Most of the fickle nature and rather than controlling them, embrace
ones surviving the original fights with the Gods come from the change associated with them. When the lair disappears,
India or Southeast Asia, but the Flight still boasts members the Naga inhabiting it travels on to the next, enjoying the
from all over. chance for a change of scenery and to visit unfamiliar plac-
Naga make their lairs where one finds their concept A Naga could reside anywhere, and a more permanent
— at the bottom of a lake, base of a mountain, or under a situation would be safer. Naga feel a powerful resonance
bridge. Rather than living with a hoard of treasures massed with a place that exemplifies their concepts and are willing
in a dank cave, Naga live within their natural surroundings to have a life of impermanence and nomadic wandering to
doing little to change the space they inhabit for it is won- have access to that power. The Naga feels they are at their
drous enough. A Naga’s treasures come from the secrets most powerful within the lair of acceptance. The Naga rev-
infused into stone, air, and flora. els in their concept, absorbing it and embodying it in all its
Ancient magics weave through a Naga’s lair, forged in
concepts long forgotten by humanity. A hidden valley filled LAIRS OF LIFE
with flowers singing destinies under the moonlight, a tree Lairs of life encompass the cycle of life and death — a
of golden fruit, a lake that restores a person’s vitality — such tree birthing miracles, an elephant graveyard, or the bowels
are the bounties the Naga jealously protect. Those Naga of a hospital. Naga living in lairs of life tend to whatever
who’ve survived to this age have done so, not only through living concept they represent. For some Naga this means
sheer force of will, but because they have something des- protecting one thing — a tree, bush, or mystical animal, but
perately precious in their homes. for other Naga this means protecting the mere ideal of life.
Lairs exist within the physical realm but are often For Naga protecting an actual object, their lairs vary
Strange Places folded in upon themselves or appearing un- depending on what they protect. If they protect a migra-
like what they should be. Naga spend centuries disguising tory animal, the Naga has little in terms of a lair, but weaves
their homes to prevent greedy humans from finding them powerful magics around the beast to keep it from harm.
and much of a Naga’s pride stems from their lairs being For Naga protecting an idea, they make their lair where
invisible to all but the keenest minds. Eons ago, Naga shud- the concept is strongest. A Naga who protects the concept
dered at the idea of hiding their homes from anyone — to of birth could make its home within an expansive tunnel
experience a concept is to celebrate it — but now they do system connecting different hospitals to one another so it
what they must to survive. may oversee the protection of soon-to-be mothers.
When a Naga lairs in a place that exemplifies their
concept, they gain a modicum of power from it. It connects
them to the Divine Realm. Not in any kind of physical The Divine Realm of the Naga resides deep under-
sense, but through memory and sensation, they can recall ground between the layers of reality as a Terra Incognita,
what they have lost, and it fuels their magic. but not quite an Underworld. The Naga blocked passage-
ways from the earth to the Divine Realm eons ago, but
LAIRS OF PERMANENCE many still seek entry into this mystical place. The Divine
Lairs in mountains, bound in metal, or within bridg- Realm is split into different domains, with the domains of
es — any Naga lair which remains unchanged for eons is the eldest, and most important Naga at the lowest point
considered a lair of permanence. These lairs have winding within the realm.
corridors, passageways leading left and right then nowhere, At one time, before humanity found a way into the
and great halls burrowed or wrought in the time before Realm, it was a place of pure thought and concept. Naga
tools. The number of halls within a lair of permanence rested within the concepts drinking in the ambient power
equals the number of heads a Naga has. and exploring a deeper understanding within their own
The Naga 77
Unlike many Heirs or Scions who must follow what their The Goddess Hera is also an ally to the Naga, proving
Dragon or God tells them to do, Naga Heirs are active partici- herself many years ago when Zeus’s greedy children killed
pants in a Naga’s schemes. If they disagree, they should voice them for their power. She embraced the many-in-one, pro-
their complaints, lobby with the other heads (or Heirs), and tected them, and hid who she could from losing their atman.
share any advice they may have. This doesn’t mean the rest of In return, surviving Naga in the modern age cherish Hera
the Naga will listen to the Heir, or even that a few heads won’t for what she did and the fidelity she represents. Unlike most
threaten to eat them, but part of being one of many is bringing Gods who are one, Hera has the honorary title of many-in-one
your unique point of view to the table. for her wisdom, representing the Naga’s support of her. The
terrifying Naga creatures who live in Europe, no matter how
RELATIONSHIPS evil they’ve become, still call Hera a friend and loyally assist
When treasure seekers started hunting Naga for their her Scions if they were ever in need.
atmans, many allied themselves with Gods in order to survive. Naga who say they have no allies but their own kind,
Some Gods bitterly betrayed the Naga, but others proved believe there are far more nefarious motivations behind
worthy allies, lovers, and friends. To this day many Naga work other Naga allying with the Gods. Modern myth sees Naga
with Gods, to help enact their plans on in The World… when it as servitors of Gods, heralds, and pets — but the many-in-
doesn’t come at too great a cost to their concept. one know their kind is too keen for that. Instead, some be-
One of the greatest friends to the Naga was the lord lieve many Naga bide their time, resting, and when the time
Shiva, friend to Vasuki, he who named the many-in-one is right they’ll rise up to consume the power from their
King of the Naga. To this day Vasuki still rests upon Shiva’s once allies and use it to rip open the gates to the Divine
shoulders whispering advice and wisdom to the god. Shiva Realm — freeing the Naga driven mad in solidified palaces
returns Vasuki’s council with protection, not only for the of concept and taking revenge on the world.
King of the Naga, but for the rest of the Naga as well. Many HUMANITY
Naga murmur that this protection has done them little
good in modern times, but the faithful argue the need for Humans were never truly friends of the Naga. Entire
Shiva’s aid simply hasn’t been great enough and if it was, orders devote themselves to hunting Naga for their atman,
he would step up. the most effective being the Many Headed Hunters, a group
of mercenaries who take contracts with otherworldly powers
for specific Naga heads. The Many Headed Hunters are so
The Naga 79
enjoyed. She visited the Divine Realm and there she rev- Garden of the Hesperides. The nymphs in the garden doted
eled in the force nature exerted on The World. This she on the Dragon, draping them in garlands of apple blossoms
decided, would be what she embodied, and as she drank in and sun sweet songs to hum the serpent to sleep. Each head
its knowledge, she grew another head. Ladon grew embodied the lyrics of a song and the fables of
The second head was greater in stature than the first the nymphs. The songs helped to protect the tree of golden
with a force of personality the central head was unable to apples from trespassers and grow a deep knowledge within
fight against. It named them Kulshedra, and everything Ladon.
the second said, the first agreed to, enslaved in its sleep by Ladon had many friends within the garden, including
some nefarious force. By the time Kulshedra gained their a golden lion they loved dearly. When the lion left the gar-
third head it was unclear who was the first and who the den, Ladon gave it the most precious gift a Naga could, they
second, though one was clearly in charge of the other. bade their lover eat one of their heads — the head which
Kulshedra wished to embody the force of nature in the contained a song of love so powerful it was invincible.
most violent way possible, by killing and eating humans. The lion agreed and consumed part of its lover, becoming
They rode upon a thunderstorm into villages terroriz- two-in-one.
ing the townsfolk. It never took much work for the lazy The lion never returned, much to Ladon’s disappoint-
creature — a flood here, a fire there — before the villagers ment. Instead, Heracles wearing a pelt of impervious fur
offered up one of their own as sacrifice to the great beast. from a golden lion came to the garden. He demanded Ladon
Kulshedra happily consumed these offerings and moved on give him apples from the tree. Ladon instead coiled tightly
to the next town and their next meal. around its bark and cried out every mournful song they
To show their disdain for the mortal’s tiny minds knew. Ladon saw that Heracles would not leave until he
they pissed acid and spewed soured milk upon the earth took an apple and offered a trade. Desperate to have even
wherever their storm went, taunting any mortal who dared a piece of their lover back, they offered apples in exchange
stand up to their power with comical disdain. It came as for the pelt.
no surprise to Kulshedra when humans finally rebelled, Heracles refused, thinking the Dragon wanted him
not only against them, but the other Naga who Kulshedra to become vulnerable. If the Dragon would not give him
assumed enjoyed the same easy life as they did. the apples freely, he would just take them. Ladon watched
The terrifying creature who rode a noxious storm Heracles haughtily pluck apples from the tree, in stunned
thought little of the humans’ fear until Zjerma challenged silence and sorrow. When Heracles left, he did not thank
them to a duel. Having never ate a Scion before, Kulshedra Ladon, or offer apologies or kind words — he turned and
agreed, hurling their substantive form at the Hero. Few saw walked away as if the apples were his due.
the battle that day, but many say Kulshedra’s own heads This final insult enraged Ladon. It was a deeper and
turned against them and fought alongside Zjerma. In the truer feeling than anything the Naga knew before. A great
end Kulshedra’s figure plummeted to the earth dead in a ugly head sprung from its body and grabbed onto Heracles.
rain of sour milk and rancid piss dying the way they came The two fought, and though Heracles escaped, he only did
into this World — in stunned amusement. so with one apple and scars he would never forget.
Kulshedra’s Heirs hold the same contempt for human- Ladon only had three remaining heads, with the en-
ity as the Naga did. They live within the fringes of society raged head in charge as his main head slumbers in sorrow
scoffing at the idiocy of their fellow humans and revel in for his lost love. They still reside within the Garden of
going against the status quo. Most importantly, the dragon’s Hesperides, but the garden is not the idyllic place it once
Heirs have a hunger for something as deep and abiding as was. After Heracles pillaged the place, the inhabitants
Kulshedra’s love for human flesh. spend all their efforts toward protecting themselves. The
Callings: Judge, Predator, Primeval nymphs sing hateful songs luring unsuspecting folk into
the deepest caverns of flora before Ladon gobbles them
Memory: The sensation of riding on storms, being the whole. The only visitor welcome in the garden is Hera, who
wind and thunder; instilling fear into others and the joy knows their sorrow all too well.
their terror brings; consuming human flesh, and the satis-
faction of crunching bones; the smell of rancid milk. Ladon chooses Heirs with an eye to replace the
light-hearted heads they have lost. While rage controls
Dragon Magic: Elemental Control (Fire), Fear, Flight, them, they no longer seek revenge, but instead a way to
Transformation, Weather Control awaken their sorrowful head. Ladon picks people who’ve
LADON, GUARDIAN experienced a loss in their lives but have come out stronger
OF THE GOLDEN APPLES for it. The Naga wants someone who understands suffer-
ing and who will do whatever it takes to protect those she
Aliases: Lover of the Nemean Lion
loves. Heirs are often muse-like free spirited people with a
Ladon was born wrapped around a bountiful tree of deep love of creation. They are artists, musicians, authors,
golden apples. For all his time, he loved this tree and ate of and philanthropists.
its fruit. When the Gods came, the tree became part of the
Callings: Guardian, Mystic, Primeval
The Naga 81
A whisper of her former glory, Sri Gumum keeps a low nothing. Eventually, the Dragon will have enough secrets
profile protecting the entrance to the Divine Realm. She and debts to bring the whole of the pantheons crumbling
mostly keeps to her lake, but she sends her undead minions down on themselves. Until then, he lives to serve.
— the enemies she drowned so many years ago — to enact Unlike many other Naga who are a whirlwind of op-
her will on earth. These ghostly figures who owe the Naga posing thoughts and ideas, Vasuki is singularly focused and
a debt they can never repay punish those who would harm speaks only through their main head. They always aim to
Sri Gumum’s followers and aid those faithful to her. please and assist, never out-right refusing a request. That
Sri Gumum rarely chooses Heirs, though her heads doesn’t mean they don’t twist and mold it into something
are constantly trying to reincarnate throughout The World. the Dragon can accomplish. They can’t collect those debts
Reincarnated Heirs find themselves drawn to the lake, nev- if they can’t deliver something in return, even if it isn’t ex-
er truly feeling at home till they spy its deep waters. When actly what the requester originally wanted.
she does choose an Heir, she picks someone who has been Vasuki’s Heirs are no different — slick, composed,
foolish enough to enter her domain without her leave to smooth-talkers who rarely raise their voice. Each Heir is
teach them a hard lesson. All her Heirs tend to be overly exceedingly good at keeping secrets and guards any in-
protective and guarded. They are public defenders, body- formation they glean jealously, even from those closest to
guards, doctors, nurses, and children’s aids. them. Vasuki’s prizes loyalty more than anything else in
Callings: Guardian, Healer, Primeval their Heirs, testing them constantly to ensure compliance.
Memory: Playing with children and family who love They are government officials, socialites, lawyers, con-art-
you; the heat of a summer day and the cool of canal water; ists, and criminals.
the smell of burned bodies and fear; the fear of failing to Callings: Mystic, Ruler, Judge
protect the ones you have sworn to; the sorrow of loss. Memory: Traveling vast distances through wondrous
Dragon Magic: Elemental Manipulation (Water), realms; speaking with Gods and Titans about the nature of
Luck, Understanding, Weather Manipulation divinity; exchanging stories by a campfire; whispering se-
crets in the dark; losing a friend and companion to greedy
Aliases: Companion of Shiva
Dragon Magic: Animal Control, Luck, Transformation,
Vasuki is a many-headed Naga known best for resting Understanding
around the neck of Shiva after the Divine Realm closed.
Their concept is divinity, and each head Vasuki possesses COMMON NAGA
espouses the teachings of a holy entity Vasuki spent time
with. No matter how many entities Vasuki visits, they al-
ways return to Shiva’s shoulders — the God who best un- Most Naga Birthrights come in the form of a Lair,
derstands the cycle of life and death. which exemplifies the concept the Heir should embody.
An Heir might live in a lair for years before Bequeathal not
Before the Divine realm closed, Vasuki was a Dragon even realizing it until one day waking up to see the secrets
of little import. Small, with only a handful of heads born his Handler has woven into his home. Other common
from minor water spirits and long dead natural forces, birthrights include Pawns and Guides — both helping to
Vasuki had little in the way of responsibilities. They spent guide an Heir back to the many-in-one.
most of their time exploring The World and delighted in
the Gods and their stories. When the Divine Realm closed, GUIDE
he used the connections he had been making to be the first • Ershaj: Legendary creatures who descend from
Naga to ally themselves with a God for protection. Kulshedra. They appear as large serpents and carry
Vasuki and Shiva have an easy relationship, with the knowledge of the Naga between the Dragons and
Vasuki coming and going as they please. When they leave their Heirs. They each appear similar to Kulshedra’s
Shiva’s shoulders it is through the premise of carrying his heads, and style themselves as Dragons apparent,
messages to other Gods. During this time, the Naga takes which mildly amuses the Naga.
the opportunity to contact their vast network of serpentine
• Talking Head: When a Naga loses a head, they may
spies they use to leech knowledge from The World. Vasuki’s
preserve it as a memento of what they lost, wrap-
spy network is vaster than any other Dragon’s comprising
ping it in deep magics. This head thinks, talks, and
of humans, serpents, Legendary Creations, and even Gods.
remembers as if it were still alive, though it is just
And plenty of those have no idea they are feeding informa-
a macabre memento at this point. Some Naga send
tion to the smooth-talking Dragon.
these heads to their Heirs to guide them back to
Gods who entertain Vasuki for a time always end up the many-in-one, their Heirs only realizing much
owing them in some way. Vasuki has yet to collect on any later they’re talking to a decapitated version of
of these debts, Vasuki is here to help. The more time Vasuki themselves.
spends with a God, the more they owe, until the Naga sees
fit to return to Shiva — the only God who owes the Dragon
• Lair of Permanence: The lair of permanence is a • Creature of Life: Rather than a lair itself, an avatar
large, cavernous hall deep within ground echoing of the creature the Heir’s Naga protects aids the
that of the Heir’s Naga. One wall of the hall sports Heir on their journey. These creatures can speak in
writings of the Naga’s head before it was lost — il- a human voice and possess second sight.
legible until translated and understood by the Heir.
• Vasuki’s Spies: Vasuki has spies all over The World,
• Lair of Acceptance: Whenever in an element linked many of them ready and willing servants. These
to their Naga, their Heirs become better versions of people have an almost fanatical dedication to assist-
themselves. Songs come easier, wounds heal faster, ing and finding information for the King of the Naga,
an Heir happily spends an entire night sleeping un- and any who owe allegiance to the Flight fall under
der a thunderstorm. their auspices.
The Naga 83
“Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye,
Your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower,
But be the serpent under ’t. He that’s coming
Must be provided for; and you shall put
This night’s great business into my dispatch,
Which shall to all our nights and days to come
Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.”
— Lady MacBeth
The Serpents 85
spend much of their lives crawling through the under- passageways leading to Xol are largely Fijian caves and the
brush, feeling the grass tickling their belly scales. Where same underground rivers that lead to Michtlan, Xiuhcoatl
many groups of immortals spend their time in search of seems to know another way. At least, he seems to be able to
something they don’t have, the Serpents want to hold onto come and go without anyone noticing him using any of the
what they already have. Though increasingly paranoid, other entrances.
they still only want what’s best for humanity and a healthy In addition to his secret passageway, Xiuhcoatl has
planet that can sustain them all for eons to come. dozens of lairs scattered across the globe, a legacy of hun-
LAIRS dreds of years operating as a spy and assassin. Due to the
nature of his life as of late, these lairs better resemble safe-
Like their mundane counterparts, Serpents enjoy their houses than places of power. Though much smaller in size
lairs in hot climates, where the dense foliage keeps the en- than the temples and caves of his peers, the safehouses still
trances obscured to the unwelcome. Although rainforests have a Serpent feel, with Brutalist and modernist concrete
serve as the Serpents’ front doors, the heart of their lairs designs evoking the feel of dark caves. Although Xiuhcoatl’s
are typically the rocky caves. Few Serpents have retainers lairs also contain a hodgepodge of animal bones, they have
or any sort of servants, meaning that their lairs must be for- much more in the way of gear for his craft: forgery equip-
tresses. As such, the unconscious influence of the Serpents ment, passports, poisons, microphones, cameras, currency
warps their lairs into Strange Places. Cave openings are im- from around the world, and the odd explosive. And if he
possibly tiny, winding tunnels, incapable of admitting any- finds he’s sharing a lair with a Serpent Heir or two, he
one who can’t slither and contort their bodies. In addition, doesn’t mind that much assuming they keep it tidy and
caves are supernaturally dark, devouring flashlight beams well-stocked.
and nightvision, limiting most mammals’ senses, giving the
Serpents a great advantage over warm-blooded intruders. MYSTERIES
Within the caves, Serpents stockpile random crap. The Serpents carry few secrets. Other than Xol’s loca-
Loath to waste anything of use, Serpents rarely throw tion, or individual lairs, most of their activity is performed
things away, only destroying that which they feel is a threat. for the sake of humanity. So why wouldn’t they want people
Sometimes they don’t even destroy threats. K’uk’ulkan has to know their true tales? Though many Serpents predate
a pit full of mining equipment that he’s not sure he can humanity, they love it desperately. They gladly accepted
dispose of safely. An Heir in their Dragon’s lair can find whatever roles Gods gave them, making many of their
weapons, bones of extinct animals, and farming imple- strongest memories those roles. Ndengei created humans
ments of all descriptions. Many of the tools are thousands from bird eggs, incubating them with his coils. Likewise,
of years old, made of obsidian or quartz, although modern K’uk’ulkan has sunk his fangs into everything that his jaws
American military hardware can also be found. could fit around, including the sun. Heirs remembering
Some of the oldest Serpents lair in the Lacandon those times can feel the enormity in their mouths, the heat
Jungle of Southern Mexico. The mountainous jungle is a washing over them. They can see the light shining outward,
center of Maya culture, containing many of the pyramids creating the day.
and other sites of worship of early Serpents, as well as their Waxaklajuun Ub’aah’s Heirs remember flying through
former allies in the K’uh. With a dense canopy and substan- the void before The World existed. They remember plum-
tial changes in elevation, the jungle is largely inhospitable meting to the ground as a ball of stellar fire. The crater
to humans, making it relatively untouched by modern tech- that smoldered for weeks afterward. The devastation that
nology. Heirs in search of their Dragons have a difficult trek their meteor caused. But the Heirs also remember what
requiring stamina and a good machete. Those seeking out came next. The snakes that came to bask atop the obsidian
Ndengei in Fiji are marginally better off, as the jungles sur- slab, the sun’s heat flowing into their scales. The trees that
rounding the Kauvandra mountain range are less extensive. surrounded the crater, depositing their leaves and branches
The Serpents also have access to Xol, a lair in a over the bare stone until the plants’ leavings became dirt,
Midrealm constructed as a joint effort between K’uk’ulkan, safe ground for the vines that followed. Then the grasses.
Witz’, and Ndengei. Xol is a home away from home, a The Meteor Serpent’s Heirs remember the devastation they
safe house for the Serpents to gather and discuss plans. caused and how The World healed the wound as though it
Designed as a meeting hall and emergency bunker, Xol never happened.
is large enough to fit every Serpent, with room left over. When Serpent Heirs dream of their Dragon, they
Considering that Ndengei is over a hundred kilometers long, dream of a World before machines, a World that could
this means that the Serpents’ Terra Incognita is larger than be again. Thick jungles that cover the mountains. Rivers
some countries. Xol is an idealized replica of the mountain flowing freely, cutting ridges through the earth, washing
jungles that the Serpents call home. Despite being a mix valleys with fertile soil. They dream of people tending to
of Central and South American, Fijian, central African, and the land, giving as much as they take, sweat mimicking
eastern Australian flora and fauna, the Midrealm’s biome the rivers that mimic the Serpents. These humans work
is doing quite well, with the species flourishing in ways with the land, their blood mingling with the soil, making
that would probably make a biologist upset. Though the both The World and the humans stronger — better. Their
The Serpents 87
rainstorms He was never one to shirk a responsibility, and exception of Tlaloc, whom he holds responsible for Chaac’s
when the Gods came, he gladly did what they asked of him. disappearance.
They made him responsible for days and nights by grabbing K’uk’ulkan has a big heart; The ongoing effort to in-
the sun in his jaw and dragging it across the sky. Later, he dustrialize The World physically hurts K’uk’ulkan and he
agreed to bridge the gap between the living and the dead, would do anything to make it stop. While he loves human-
acting as ferry by swallowing travelers, crossing planes, ity, he has grown tired of those who behave so callously
and spitting people out at their destination. Where many toward the planet. He is of a mind that they should kill
deities gain their renown by being the ones to open portals the worst offenders, as he’d rather spit them into Michtlan
and traverse the planes, K’uk’ulkan goes one step further; than let them continue polluting. The other Serpents try to
he is the portal. Thousands of years later, there’s nowhere temper him, but his patience wears thin and he might do
he can’t go and no one he can’t bring, although some might something drastic. No amount of goodwill toward his di-
balk at the idea of traveling in the belly of a Dragon. vine mantle will save him if he just starts murdering people
He spent a great deal of time as a K’uh, and in that time though.
traveled all over meeting many Gods. Though not actually K’uk’ulkan chooses Heirs who have the same affable
a death God himself, K’uk’ulkan he spent enough time in nature he does. He picks people who love to travel and to
the realms of the dead that he’s at least on friendly terms bring people from one place to another. They provide secu-
with each of them, especially Sobek. During their first rity details for people in witness protection, moving their
encounter, the crocodilian guardian of the Nile was trying charges thousands of miles with one hand on their gun at
to capture a particularly troublesome Titanspawn before all times. They are smugglers, plotting courses through
it made it to the underworld when K’uk’ulkan swallowed prying eyes to make sure their cargo arrives safely and un-
it. He later deposited it in Hel, much to the amusement of noticed by anyone that would cause it harm. They are also
everyone, except for Hel. construction workers, laborers, people who use force of
Though he has fully separated himself from his divine will and their own hands to transform rock into something
mantle, he returns on occasion to maintain the relation- new, especially those who create new passages, tunnels, or
ships he created thus. They have no idea of his plotting and canals.
planning as a Serpent, and he’d just as soon not let them Callings: Mystic, Nomad, Ruler
grow suspicious. He gets along with most other pantheons
in that role, especially the K’uh and Teōtl, with the lone
The Serpents 89
He’s not sure how much longer he’ll be able to keep the spewing flames hotter than anything else in The World.
Feathered Serpent from starting an actual war. Thankfully, Fire that had one equal: the stars.
things are better closer to home. He’s well-known to the Always a primordial being, he never considered the
Atua of Polynesia, especially Tangaroa, having worked with Gods his equal. He viewed them as newcomers, younger
the Sea God’s Aspect Tagroa Siria for millennia. Though it’s brothers, and children to be protected. Though they were
impossible to get a read on the Lóng as a group, since there as immortally old as anything else in The World, they
are thousands of them, Ndengei is at least on good terms weren’t Dragons. The Gods mostly ignored this point of
with Ryūjin. view, though it annoyed Huitzilopochtli. The two clashed,
His Heirs are leaders of all sorts, those who have their though not in public and not often. Huitzilopochtli sought
finger on the pulse of what people need and desire. They to put Waxaklajuun in his place, and one can only assume
are the ones who move heaven and earth to set things right, he succeeded. All anyone truly knows is that the War
or at the least, to make them suck a little less. His Heirs are Serpent is dead now, having fallen in the mid-15th century.
neighborhood organizers, activists, city councilmembers, Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Chan’s Heirs are like him, pas-
and social workers. People who recognize that they can sionate, fiery, and ready to throw down for a cause. They
make things better if they try hard. If they knock on doors. are union agitators, fighting for fair wages regardless if it
If they listen to people. If they find out what people need. costs their job. They would rather live on the street than
If they learn how to take resources from the powerful and let a crooked boss get away with screwing workers. They
give them to the needy. are teachers who would die for their students, spending
Callings: Guardian, Predator, Ruler their own money on school supplies, volunteering for af-
Memory: The feeling when people fail to arrive with terschool clubs and activities, so that their kids have a safe
their tribute on time; a burning hunger; the quaking voices environment even after the bell. They are honest cops who
of petitioners who fear the wrath but need an audience; the would rather take a bullet rather than shoot an innocent.
harvests; victories in battle; strong winds and calm waves. Callings: Destroyer, Guardian, Primeval
Dragon Magic: Animal Control, Elemental Memory: Battles long since ended and those yet to
Manipulation (Air, Earth), Fear come; muscles ache with the labor of lashing out and de-
vouring enemies; the taste of blood coppery and foul in
Dragon Magic: Decay, Elemental Manipulation
Aliases: Chan-na K’awil, the Meteor Serpent, the War
(Earth, Fire), Understanding, Weather Control
Waxaklajuun arrived on The World literally screaming WITZ’, THE WATER LILY SERPENT
through the sky as the first meteor. Like a fiery spear, he Aliases: Hu’n Witz’ Naah-Chan, Yax-chit-ti, Ta Huun
plunged deep into the earth, depositing rich veins of obsid- Wherever water is, so is Witz’. In a mountain stream.
ian before crawling out of the smoking crater. Much later, In a flood. At the bottom of a caldera. K’uk’ulkan may be the
that obsidian would find its way into the stone tools of the architect of rivers and their flow, but Witz’ is the river; his
people, highly prized among the Maya. Though his descent movements shaped the behavior of water everywhere. When
to earth destroyed a hill, it enriched the land beyond belief. water ripples, its remembering and mimicking his undulating
He had a unique disposition among the Serpents, form slithering through The World. His waters carry minerals
remarkably laid back in most matters, but deadly serious downstream, enriching the soil. Without him, there are no
when it came time to get to work. In times of peace, he saw farms. This is his gift to humanity, the cornerstone of civili-
little reason to get excited or hotheaded. Likewise, while zation. His partnership with Ixim, the Maize God, allowed
his allies K’uk’ulkan and Witz’ were desperate to combat humans to move past hunting and gathering.
climate change, combating a non-physical presence wasn’t All Serpents love humanity, but Witz’ loves them more
his strong suit, and convincing others to do it was right out. than most. He would help the people and the animals of
When there were things to hit, Waxaklajuun focused his The World with his dying breath, even if it were them
stellar fire on them, reducing them to ash. Otherwise, he killing him. He advocates against the acts of ecoterrorism
relaxed, a firm believer in not worrying about things he had many other Serpents actively engage in. He understands
no control over. why his Flightmates take extreme action, but that’s not his
This sometimes made his fellow Serpents frustrated, path; his path is the river, ever flowing.
but they knew that he’d throw himself headlong into help His easygoing demeanor makes him one of the more
once there was an opportunity for him to apply his talents. popular members of the Flight, at least among other
Those talents? War. While Xiuhcoatl might be a warrior, Dragons. The Serpents don’t dislike him, but they think
Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Chan was the War Serpent, battle his soft heart is going to lead to The World’s ultimate de-
incarnate, the one whose roar is heard when the din of bat- struction, and they fear his lack of paranoia will get them
tle deafens out all other sounds. Anything that didn’t suc- all killed. He doesn’t begrudge them their methods, though,
cumb to his fangs faced the meteor storm, eighteen heads and has taken on a completely different role for the Flight.
The Serpents 91
Path Skills: Subterfuge, Integrity
Favored Draconic Knacks: Dragon Sight, Eel’s Trickery
There’s no getting around it, the Serpents are ecoterrorists. They do not agree on how to teach and
uplift humanity, but they know they cannot let them keep destroying The World. Only a few, like Witz’
and Ndengei, balk at the steps that lie before them. Stamping down hard on humanity’s pollution means
taking action. Where this means the simple destruction of property and machinery, the Serpents are united.
It is when there’s a human cost that their divisions arise. Regardless of the minute details of the plan, the
Serpents all agree that it’s past time for planning. They must act.
Remembrances: Direct Action (Cipher) and Negotiation (Defection). The way of the Serpent is to
strike decisively, piercing the flesh of the enemy and flooding their bodies with venom. After hundreds of
years of hiding, the time to act is now, before there is nothing left to save. Direct Action is taking matters into
your own hands to ensure victory. It is leading from the front and doing whatever it takes to enact change.
The Serpents drive their Heirs to act fast and decisively, as if their very lives depend on it. As she grows
closer to her draconic nature, she learns that it is not impulse that drives her, but instinct. In every action,
every circumstance, she listens to her senses, not rationale.
At the other end of the spectrum is Negotiation. An Heir who wants to retain her humanity must listen
to reason and must hear out the other party before she decides. Direct action is fine, but action without
thought leads to strife and suffering. She can still accomplish her goals through negotiations, but it requires
compromise. The Dragon cannot abide compromise, feeling The World is already at the brink and its way
is the best. But the human knows that she cannot keep humanity alive without first entreating humanity, and
that requires negotiation. An Heir uses her best judgement, hoping measured actions preserves some of her
humanity and keeps The World safe at the same time.
Signature Serpent Dragon Magic: Purification: The Serpents are part and parcel with nature and The
World. They are born of its dirt and plants and have always tried to foster that connection as much as
possible. No matter how much they might love humanity, their true nature lies within the wilderness. They
have tried hard to preserve the natural places of The World as best they can, and their magic is centered
around healing and purifying the land. With Purification, the Serpents can free humans from the hustle of
the modern World, allowing them to concentrate on the natural cycle of life and death. Plants, animals,
and even entire regions also benefit from Purification, flourishing and regaining lost strength.
• Janitor Closet: Ostensibly, the heavy steel door is
• Fang of an Ancient: When Serpents die, they leave
to keep the dangerous chemicals safely contained
behind their wicked fangs. Intensely venomous,
The Serpents 93
J akob sat at a table in the all-night diner, waiting
for Ambrosia to arrive. It was damned late, but
the place was packed. He nursed a cup of coffee and
“Rhiannon Jernigan,” she said. “Our straggler’s
on the way. He texted to tell me he got a little lost.”
She shook their hands and reached for a menu.
watched the crowd. Lots of kids here, in their late teens “Ambrosia Cook. And this is my friend Jakob
and early twenties. He’d been coming here since he Lukasson. The omelets here are amazing.”
was that age himself, almost 30 years ago. Clothing
and hair styles had changed, but the food and the The waitress came along with the coffee pot and
decor hadn’t. That was all right by Jakob, who spent took their orders: omelets of the day for Rhiannon
a lot of his time on the road. Sometimes it was nice and Ambrosia, an egg-and-cheese sandwich for
to come back to someplace familiar, when you didn’t Jakob. Rhiannon waited until she was out of earshot
really call anywhere home. before she asked, “Shall we get down to business?
Eric can catch up when he gets here.”
Ambrosia came in, shaking rain from a bright
red umbrella. The storm had hovered for hours with “Let’s,” said Ambrosia. She stuck a coffee stirrer
no sign of letting up. She gave the restaurant crowd in her mouth and nibbled on its end while Rhiannon
a practiced once-over before joining Jakob. spoke.
“How’d the job go?” he asked. He’d been two “A long time ago, an item that belonged to my
states away when Mitch put out the call. mother went missing. I’ve been trying to track it
down, but it changed hands several times. It ended
“Eh, fine. Mitch only went a little off book. up out here.” She chewed her bottom lip, choosing
Nothing we couldn’t handle.” her next words carefully. “I think it’s in an old lair.
“And what’s this one going to entail?” Not a Dragon’s, as far as I can tell, but something
She frowned. “Not sure yet. I had this dream that won’t be too happy with me just walking in and
about a woman made of fire, and knew I should taking it.”
help her. Next day, I get a phone call from some “So, you need backup.”
daughter of Brigid, asking me to meet her and a “Backup, muscle. Whatever you want to call it.
friend of hers to talk over a job offer.” The bell over Getting this back will help people. Or, more specifi-
the door jingled, and a stocky woman with a bright cally, will help me help people. That’s all I want out
red undercut stepped inside. “Speaking of.” of this. Anything else we find there, it’s yours.”
She spotted Ambrosia waving and navigated Jakob had some opinions on a Scion granting
her way to their table. Ink peeked out from her col- them — both heirs to draconic lineages — permis-
lar and sleeves, and she nodded approvingly at the sion to take things from another creature’s hoard,
runic tattoos winding around Jakob’s arms. but this was Ambrosia’s operation. He kept quiet.
Ambrosia didn’t say anything for a moment, as They’d never met, but it was hard not to recog-
she turned the proposal over in her mind. Rhiannon, nize the son of Thor on sight. Several videos of him
to her credit, didn’t push. At last, Ambrosia nodded. had gone viral over the last couple years: Donner
“I’m in. Call it a gut instinct, but this is something I fighting a serpent, Donner drawing lightning from
need to do. Jakob?” a clear sky. The pictures of the Band his buddy
Jakob didn’t always get the same uncanny feel- Donnie Rhodes posted on social media got millions
ings other Heirs did. The Flight’s agents had long of likes. If you were online at all, he was hard to
since stopped contacting him, and if Ní∂höggr ever miss.
bestirred himself to speak in dreams, Jakob wasn’t In fact, Jakob wasn’t the only one who’d spotted
listening. But he trusted Ambrosia and her instincts. the minor celebrity in their midst. Other customers
She was his brood-mate, after all. That meant having nudged one another and not-so-surreptitiously
each other’s backs. “Yeah,” he said. “Count me...” pulled out their phones, either in the hopes some
The door opened again, and a tall red-haired epic godly showdown was about to start, or to snap
young man stepped through. selfies and caption them with Look who’s in the back-
ground! Donner seemed a bit embarrassed by all the
Eric can catch up when he gets here, Rhiannon had attention, even while he stood and waited for its ini-
said. tial flurry to die down. Necks craned as he noticed
Jakob hadn’t realized she meant Eric fucking Rhiannon and headed for their table.
Donner. “Eric,” she said, as he slid into the seat beside
her, “this is Ambrosia Cook and Jakob Lukasson.
Ambrosia and Jakob, meet my friend Eric ... Eric, “Not unless Mr. Donner’s a Nazi,” said Jakob.
what is it?” He said it a little louder, so any mics recording near-
He stared at Jakob as though trying to remem- by might pick it up.
ber where they’d met. His furrowed brow gave way Eric full-body recoiled at the statement. “What?
to an unsubtle gasp and a deepening frown as some God, no. Fuck those guys.”
gears in his brain clicked into place. Let that get out on social media, Jakob thought.
Ambrosia touched Jakob’s arm. He hadn’t He smiled at last — more at the thought of how
moved since Donner walked in — not out of fear, Donner’s disavowal would get up some bigots’ nos-
but in cold calculation. Donner had half a foot on es than at Donner himself — but the kid was from
him, but Jakob was solid and quick; he could get the Midwest. If someone smiled at you, you smiled
in at least a couple of good haymakers if it came back.
to blows. Anything more than that would put cus- “I think we’ll be all right,” said Jakob.
tomers in danger, and a lot of the kids in here were
part of the communities he’d dedicated the last few “Yeah, we’re cool.” Eric stuck his hand out for a
decades to defending. If Donner decided he wanted shake, and Jakob accepted.
a fight, they’d have to take it outside. “Excellent,” said Rhiannon. “Let’s talk details.”
“Is there a problem?” Jakob asked. He kept his • • •
voice quiet, in case anyone close by was recording.
Eric matched Jakob’s tone and made an effort
to return his expression to neutral. “I’ve heard your
T hree days later, they headed into the Hoh
Rainforest. Heavy logging throughout most of
the 1900s had devastated areas of the rainforest, but
name before. And some other things,” he said. in the last thirty years or so, trees had begun growing
There was no judgment in the way he said it. A little again. Ambrosia was sure there was a metaphor in
caution, maybe. there somewhere, something about the old growth
“I figured as much. Some of your relatives gone forever, but the new taking root. She tucked it
might take issue with us sitting at a table together, away to muse over later, maybe run by her partner,
let alone working the same job.” Caroline, when she got back to the office.
Rhiannon shot Ambrosia a what the fuck? look. A couple hundred years ago, perhaps, the crea-
ture they were tracking had trusted the thick forest
“We’re a package deal,” Ambrosia said. She
to make finding its lair’s entrance near-impossible.
knew about the Æsir’s beef with Jakob. “If you can’t
In the aftermath of clear-cutting, however, it was
work with him, we both walk.”
almost too easy to find. The new growth hadn’t had
“I don’t understand what’s going on,” said time to cover it over completely. Roots tripped them
Rhiannon. “Someone clue me in.” all on occasion, but never entirely impeded their
“Later.” Eric cut his eyes toward the table of progress. A few hours in, and they found it: a stone
twenty-somethings to their left, whose occupants arch carved with runes too faded to read.
were pretending to have an intense conversa- Passing beneath it, the air grew immediately
tion to demonstrate how they absolutely weren’t sweeter. Beyond was the rainforest as it once had
eavesdropping. been, with ancient trees towering overhead and
That made Jakob relax a little — Donner wasn’t long-extinct animals rustling about in the under-
going to make him admit in a crowded restaurant brush. Rhiannon led the way, consulting a map
that he’d murdered one of the All-Father’s children. sketched in an old journal. Jakob and Eric trailed a
“For now, let’s say I did something that ruffled a little behind, keeping an eye out for threats.
whole lot of Ásgarðian feathers.” At last, they came to an outcropping. At its base
“That’s putting it mildly.” was a small clearing, with a simple stone altar in its
center. An opening was carved into the rock wall
Jakob shrugged. “I’d do it again.”
behind it, just about human-sized.
Rhiannon studied them both. “Is this ... whatev-
“You might have to turn sideways and crouch
er it is ... going to be an issue?”
a bit,” Ambrosia said to Eric. The rest of them could
fit through just fine.
“Wait,” said Jakob. “Why don’t you two go in? set. Below, the people she protected were suffering.
Eric and I will wait out here.” Many had already died in the swift-spreading blaz-
“Something wrong?” She’d seen that look on es; others had fled, and watched from afar as their
his face before, like he’d heard a sound no one else entire lives and livelihoods turned to nothing more
picked up on, or spotted something out of place. than ash climbing into the sky. Rage and pity filled
her heart.
“Not sure. We’ll keep an eye out. Shout if you
need us.” Spiraling down closer, she skimmed along the
rooftops and breathed deep, drawing the flames
Eric didn’t argue. They each moved off into the away from crops and houses, pulling them into
trees, Donner with his hand hovering over his re- her own searing lungs. She caught an updraft and
volver, Giantsbane; Jakob with fists clenched, ready climbed up higher, searching for those who dared
for a fight. bring her people harm.
Rhiannon watched them go, then headed into There.
the cavern. Ambrosia followed. Inside it was cool
and musty, and when Ambrosia flicked her light- From her vantage point in the sky, she saw the
er, the walls gleamed wetly with the flame. It was wicked men who were setting the blazes, how they
larger in here than it had seemed outside, easily big used fire to terrorize the weak. They sat astride
enough for a dozen people to move around. The barded horses, holding torches in steel-gauntleted
space was completely empty, the ground covered hands. The sun glinted off helms and breastplates
in bootprints. and greaves — armor that might protect them from
blades and arrowheads, but did nothing against her
“Others have been here,” Ambrosia said. molten breath and powerful jaws.
“Recently, I think.”
She dove again. The earth shook as she landed
At the back of the cavern, a passageway led in their midst. With a huff, she extinguished their
deeper into the earth. Ambrosia took point and led pitiful torches. The horses bucked and fled, and she
them down it, her gun drawn. The passage twisted let them go. The meal in front of her was far more
and sloped downward, coiling like a serpent. No delectable. The men’s screams rang in her ears, and
noises echoed from below, aside from dripping wa- her mouth filled with the taste of their fear. Oh, how
ter and their own footfalls bouncing back to them. their bones had crunched between her teeth.
Ambrosia lost track of how long they’d been trav-
eling before the walls at last opened up into a tiny When Ambrosia opened her eyes again, the
round chamber. A miniature version of the altar idol’s flames had guttered out. Rhiannon watched
above sat in its center, but otherwise... her with concern. “Are you all right? You went
away for a moment there.”
“Empty,” breathed Rhiannon. “It’s all gone.”
“This all made me remember...” She frowned.
“No, not all of it. There’s something hidden.” “It’s hard to explain.”
Ambrosia shifted her gently aside, drawn by a
sense of heat close by. She smelled molten rock and “Try me. I’ve probably heard weirder.”
burning incense, and followed it to the back of the “Maybe over dinner. I could really go for a
tiny room. Rock flowed away from her outstretched burger right about now, and we’ve got a long walk
hand to reveal a tiny alcove. At its center, a white out of here.”
flame burned around a marble figure. “Is this what As she turned for the doorway, something
you’re looking for?” she asked. crunched beneath her boot. Ambrosia bent to pick
Rhiannon reached inside. The flames didn’t it up. She brushed off the dirt and immediately rec-
burn her as her fingers closed around the statue. “It ognized what it was: an ID badge from Lonergan
is. How did you find it?” Industries. “I think I know why this place was
But Ambrosia couldn’t hear her anymore. empty,” she said. “But how did they know to come
The sight of the flames dredged up a memory.
Far above, Giantsbane thundered.
She soared over burning lands, forests and
farmlands consumed by fires she herself hadn’t
“There’s a world of difference between truth and facts.
Facts can obscure the truth.”
— Maya Angelou
D ragons activate Heirs through something they call Bequeathal. Until then, they could be considered sleeper agents,
untapped and blissfully unaware of the machinations their patrons are plotting. At the time of their first draconic
memories, they gain an Inheritance and are initiated into the world of Dragon.
While this book requires Scion: Origin to play, there is no pre-Visitation version of Heirs. Until they start
receiving draconic memories, Heirs are no different from normal people. They have no inkling of belonging
to something greater, or beyond them. The rules in this section then are necessary for creating an Heir from
the ground up, though to fully understand character creation, you’ll want to reference Scion: Origin (p.
Your character begins play with three Dragon Magics • Gain 2 additional Calling Knacks, or 4 additional
that she knows. One of the Dragon Magics is always her dots in Birthrights, your choice.
Flight’s signature Dragon Magic. You then get to pick two • Record Inheritance as 1.
other Magics she knows. One of these Magics must be
shared with her draconic ancestor. If you haven’t selected • Deed Name: Select your character’s Deed Name. At
your character’s draconic ancestor yet, or don’t know it, the start, this might just be something as simple as
that’s okay. But when the time comes to define your dra- “Heir to the Lindwurms” though it can also include
conic ancestor, they must share a Dragon Magic with the a Calling keyword.
character. • Remembrances: Selected from the appropriate
Characters gain a single Spell for each Dragon Magic Flight. Your character begins in the center of the
they know, and one additional Spell from any of the three Remembrance track.
Dragon Magics. • Health: One each for Bruised, Injured, Maimed,
and Taken Out; gain an additional Bruised slot for
Example: The Serpent Flight’s signature Stamina 3-4, or two additional Bruised slots for
Dragon Magic is Purification, so Meghan Stamina 5.
writes that down on Lydia’s sheet. She then
• Defense: Defense is based on the charac-
selects Elemental Manipulation (Water) and
Flight, since Serpents don’t normally have ter’s Resilience Attributes (Resolve, Stamina,
wings but do have the ability to fly. Composure). Note the number the character will
roll to take Defensive actions; this is usually based on
Inheritance 117
••••• • Cabalist. The Heir has been invited — or has Deed, a Draconic Deed, and a Worldly Brood Deed. Mark
muscled her way in — to at least one inner circle, elite team, the box next to each Deed as she completes it. Even if the
or other highly regarded and highly secretive project. She brood completes their Brood Deed, they can’t choose a new
delegates to lesser Heirs and traverses Terra Incognita to one until all broodmates have completed a set and gained
bring messages to and from elder Dragons’ hidden Lairs. the same level of Inheritance. The Deeds they achieve to-
Her perspective is still fundamentally human, but she can gether ripple back into Memory, and even broodmates of
think like a Dragon when she needs to, and sometimes finds different Flights tap into the same collective history; it’s
herself doing it unintentionally. +1 Calling dot in one of pa- hard to interpret these memories alone, and only through
tron’s Callings, +1 Spell (any), +1 Draconic Knack shared insight can Heirs make breakthroughs in power and
••••• •• Arcanist. The Heir is an expert in both Worldly remembrance.
and otherworldly intrigue, but she’s lost much of her hu- Once a character increases her Inheritance by one,
man self. She can slip behind the scenes or act in the open erase the marks in the Deeds’ boxes. Any appropriate new
as she prefers, but even an Arcanist who can still pass as Deeds completed after that count toward a new set. Unlike
fully human carries a hoary wisdom in her eyes that marks Scions, an Heir can’t rearrange her Spells when she gains
her as a mystical stranger of untold power. Voluntarily Inheritance. However, she may rearrange a number of
gaining the Craving Condition now adds 2 Momentum to the Birthright dots among any Birthrights she likes; the max-
pool. +1 Spell (any), +1 Draconic Knack imum dots she can rearrange per new Inheritance dot is
••••• ••• Vizier. The Heir is a trusted advisor to her based on how close she is to her Cipher or her Defection
elders, although she still can’t see the full scope of their (see below).
plans or predict their next moves accurately. She can, how- Heirs regain one spent Inheritance point by indulging
ever, predict them at all, which is more than most can say. in either a Memory (p. 124) or a Craving (p. 121).
Her humanity is tenuous at best; some Viziers permanently
transform into their full draconic forms (p. 128), losing their
human shapes entirely. In many cases, human stories about
great dragons with world-shaking power aren’t about true
Dragons, but Heirs of supreme potency instead. +1 Spell
from patron’s Dragon Magics or signature Flight Magic, +1
E ach Heir has two Remembrances based on his Flight: one
Cipher and one Defection. A Cipher is a metaphorical
key lurking dormant in an Heir’s draconic blood; Dragons call
Calling dot (any), +1 Draconic Knack from Flight’s preferred upon these Ciphers to activate their chosen Heirs. Acting in
Knacks accordance with his Cipher means embracing his mystical
••••• •••• Mastermind. The character’s perspective heritage, indulging his draconic hungers, and accepting his
borders on the truly Draconic, peeling back the layers of patron’s memories. A Defection is a means by which the Heir
Memory to lay secrets bare and wield incredible might; can instead reject this heritage, cleaving to memories of his
she may still be able to blend in with humanity by virtue human life and focusing on Worldly concerns to shut out the
of subtle magics, or she may always wear her heritage on urges his blood imposes; he is, in effect, “defecting” from his
the outside with pride, but either way she retains little of Flight in that moment, in an act of defiance.
her mortal mindset and has a hard time relating to people A character’s Cipher and Defection exist on opposite
she once called friends and family. +1 Spell from patron’s ends of a track, like this:
Dragon Magics or signature Flight Magic, +1 Calling dot in
one of patron’s Callings, +1 Draconic Knack REMEMBRANCES
At Inheritance 1, every Heir gains the ability to Scent
the Divine. Unlike Heroes, whose senses have been dulled Cipher: Duty Defection: Consciousness
by their human nature, Heirs are keenly aware of the super-
natural around them. All Heirs have the following ability:
At the beginning of the game, all Heirs rest in the center
Scent the Divine: Knowing the smell of your kin, you
of their Remembrance tracks.
have an innate sense of anything supernatural or divine
near you. With a sniff or a knowing listen, you may detect Each time the character acts in a way that reinforces
the presence of another Heir or Dragon (or Scion, God, or his Cipher, deliberately or unwittingly, he moves one step
Legendary Creature, etc.). If it is an Heir or Dragon, you closer to the Cipher side of the track. Each time he actively
know automatically if they belong to another Flight, but rejects his Cipher or embraces his Defection, he moves one
not which one they belong to. step closer to the Defection side, as long as he did it know-
ingly and on purpose. When he reaches either end of the
RAISING AND REGAINING track, he gains a Condition: Revelation for the Cipher side,
INHERITANCE or Defector for the Defection side.
For each increase in Inheritance dot rating, an Heir When a player spends Momentum on the roll to take
must complete one set of three Deeds, including a Memory an action that reinforces his Cipher — again, deliberately
or not — he gains one extra die per Momentum spent per JOKA: INDULGENCE (CIPHER)
step toward Cipher from the center — which is to say, after VS. MODERATION (DEFECTION)
one step toward Cipher he gains +2 dice per Momentum
Gorging themselves on anything and everything that
rather than +1, and at the far end he gains +3. He gains the
can fill them up brings Joka Heirs closer to their draconic
same in the other direction when he spends Momentum
ancestry, while leashing their gluttony to preserve what they
to willingly and actively reject his Cipher or embrace his
have for another day pushes them toward their human side.
At the center of the track, an Heir can rearrange up LINDWURMS: DUTY (CIPHER)
to (his new Inheritance rating) in Birthright dots when he VS. CONSCIOUSNESS (DEFECTION)
gains a new dot of Inheritance. For each step he is closer to In a way, Lindwurm Heirs reflect the fatalistic nature of
Cipher, he may rearrange one additional Birthright dot. For the Æsir who ruined their ancestors, driven to honor their
each step he is closer to Defection, he may instead immedi- true histories by risking life and limb for their Flight. By
ately add one point of Momentum to the pool. diverging from the paths laid out for them and forging new
ones of their own, they assert their humanity.
Each Flight has a unique set of Remembrances.
DRAQ: CHAOS (CIPHER) Heirs of the Lóng follow their draconic urges by stand-
VS. ORDER (DEFECTION) ing proud and accepting the dangers that come with using
When Heirs of the Draq act on their draconic instincts, their powers openly. They continue in the old ways, creat-
they disrupt the status quo and shake things up to see what ing flood waters, bringing natural disasters, and being as
exciting new ideas fall out. They cleave closer to humanity true to themselves as they can be, regardless of those who
when they go out of their way to stick to orderly routines and would beat them down. To reject it is to live a humble life,
shore up existing organizations or infrastructure.
Remembrances 119
recognizing her human weaknesses and sacrificing herself • At Inheritance 2, 4, 6, and 8, gain an additional
not for pride, but for others. Calling dot, which can apply to any of the charac-
ter’s three chosen Callings, up to a maximum of five
NAGA: ONE OF MANY (CIPHER) dots per Calling.
Naga Heirs embrace their heritage by accepting and • At Inheritance 3, 5, 7, and 9, a player may rearrange
pursuing their facet of the greater whole to which they be- her character’s Calling dots. At 3 and 5, she may re-
long, trusting that subsuming their individuality into that arrange them in any combination as long as the new
whole serves a higher purpose. They reject it by following ratings leave at least one dot in each Calling, and at
their consciences and gut feelings, passing judgment based least one more per keyword in any Calling that con-
on their own idiosyncrasies and personal values. tributed a keyword to her Deed Name. At 7 and 9, she
may not decrease the dot rating of any of the Callings
SERPENTS: DIRECT ACTION (CIPHER) she possesses that match her Dragon patron’s in the
VS. NEGOTIATION (DEFECTION) process of rearrangement, but otherwise it works
Serpent Heirs indulge their Dragon side with decisive the same way.
action, lashing out at threats before those threats come home • Normally, an Heir can only trigger Memories in the
to roost and choosing complete, instant gratification over Callings she possesses and choose Draconic Deeds
compromise. They rein in their draconic blood by staying that resonate with her Callings’ Cravings. However,
their hands long enough to negotiate or learn more, trying to if she wants to replace one of her Callings with an-
see a side other than their own. other, she may work toward a Draconic Deed that
strongly represents one of the seven Callings she
CALLINGS doesn’t have and trigger Memories in the same new
Calling; at Inheritance 8-9, the new Calling must be
Callings 121
a transformation effect on one of their Knacks becomes Example Keywords: demolition, explosions, mighty,
apparent, until the character can no longer hide who she mass destruction, strength, devour, kill, ending, terrorist,
really is. Storytellers are encouraged to bring supernatural crumble, ruin, consume, crush, oblivion, raze, salt the earth,
trouble when a character overtly displays their inhuman exterminate, extinguish, break, smash, bane, sabotage
power. When a transformation effect appears as a result of Example Dragons: Bašmu, Bolla, Leviathan, Ammut,
this Complication, it must be an effect from a Knack that has Apophis, Isa Bere, Fáfnir, Níðhöggr, Gōnggōng, Horomatangi,
not already been turned into a permanent ability and cannot Kuna, Yīnglóng, Waxaklajuun
be suppressed by Modest Human Guise.
LIST OF DRAGON CALLINGS Guardian Dragons protect and defend, becoming cus-
The following are the 11 Callings available to Dragons todians of hidden places, wardens for particular groups of
and their Heirs. people, and champions of principles or phenomena. The
stereotypical Guardian Dragon is one who stands guard over
COLLECTOR a Lair or demands trials for passage into secret corners of
A Collector Dragon hoards something specific, becom- The World, but many carry their charges with them or travel
ing known everywhere as the one who possesses the greatest The World seeking those who fall under their stewardship
collection of whatever it is in The World. Most Collectors and ensuring all is well. A Guardian might protect something
hoard a particular type of object or treasure, such as gold specific or general, ranging from one unique and dangerous
coins, beautiful portraits, or enchanted weapons. Some amulet, to The World’s ley lines, to all homeless people.
hoard more esoteric things, like types of people (doctors,
Skills: Athletics, Empathy, Integrity
worshipers, naga), knowledge about a particular topic, or
songs from a lost civilization. It’s not enough just to have Craving: Assume guardianship over someone or some-
these things; the collection is never complete, and a Collector thing and take significant actions to protect them from all
always seeks more fodder for his hoard, even if it means perceived harm, physical or otherwise, whether they want
taking things from others by any means necessary. Hoarding you to or not.
people doesn’t always mean kidnapping (although it could); Example Keywords: warden, stand guard, protector,
it might just mean surrounding himself with those people den mother, rescue, shelter, safeguard, bulwark, champion,
whenever possible. defender, safety, watch over, patrol, vigilant, sentinel, bur-
Each time you gain a dot in this Calling, choose an addi- den, responsibility, duty, steward
tional specific thing for your character to collect. Example Dragons: Muš uššu, Ammut, Ouagadou-Bida,
Skills: Culture, Occult, Persuasion Raina, Fáfnir, Loch Ness Monster, Vishap, Horomatangi,
Yīnglóng, Ladon, Mucalinda, Sri Gumum, Ndengei,
Craving: Obtain a new item for one of your chosen col-
lections, at any cost.
Example Keywords: hoard, gather, entourage, retinue, HEALER
library, vault, followers, riches, wealth, accumulate, reposito- Some Healer Dragons turn their restorative powers to
ry, archive, treasures, museum, curator, aficionado, connois- healing the sick and injured, while others use them to purify
seur, reliquary, packrat, congregation, menagerie corrupted lands or rebuild what once was broken. To be a
Example Dragons: Bolla, Isa Bere, Ouagadou-Bida, Healer is to improve and revive, to cure ills and undo hurt of
Jörmungandr, Vishap, Kuna all kinds. Everything a Healer Dragon touches is better for
having been touched. He might bring peace to the tumultu-
DESTROYER ous, succor to the despairing, and redemption to the damned.
Destroyer Dragons can be warriors or soldiers, but Many Healers bring compassion and kindness, too, but
such roles are more excuses to destroy something than true they’re not necessary for the Calling — some improve things
callings. The Destroyer feels a thrill in his bones that goes not for the sake of those things, but to lord their importance
beyond satisfaction whenever he devours something, tears over others or make themselves indispensable.
something apart, or takes a life. Not all Destroyers are killers Skills: Empathy, Medicine, Technology
— many Dragons of this Calling stick to tearing down walls or
Craving: Seek out corruption, illness, injury, or some-
swallowing moons. All Destroyers indulge in at least a little
thing broken and heal or fix it at any cost.
physical destruction, but some focus their efforts more often
on destroying more intangible things, such as organizations, Example Keywords: doctor, nurse, fix, repair, cure,
reputations, or faith. purify, cleanse, improve, rebuild, restore, revive, rejuvenate,
surgeon, health, balm, succor, care, relief, mend, calm, seren-
Skills: Athletics, Close Combat, Firearms
ity, peace, life, resurrection, savior, renewal, reforge
Craving: Destroy or consume something significant,
Example Dragons: Ouagadou-Bida, Raina, Yīnglóng,
such as a building, a person, an organization, a Touchstone,
Mucalinda, Sri Gumum, Witz’
or someone’s reputation or livelihood.
Callings 123
of nature and environments in and of themselves, passively Example Keywords: majestic, royal, noble, grand,
affecting The World even when they don’t do anything; they grandiose, tyrant, dictator, queen, king, monarch, emperor,
impose their will just by existing. leadership, command, general, admiral, CEO, benevolent,
Skills: Integrity, Occult, Science magnanimous, throne, crown, scepter, proclaim, authority,
Craving: Unleash your draconic power without re-
straint or discretion. Example Dragons: Leviathan, Tiamat, Apophis,
Isa Bere, Kulshedra, Ladon, Sri Gumum, Waxaklajuun,
Example Keywords: elemental, embodiment, force, Xiuhcoatl
nature, environment, symbol, manifestation, personification,
expression, boundless, unfettered, infinite, unfathomable, WATCHER
alien, fundamental, overflowing, overwhelming, primordial, The Watcher Dragon is the spy in the shadows, the
connected diligent sleuth, and the observer of humanity’s progress. He
Example Dragons: Tiamat, Leviathan, Apophis, Raina, infiltrates enemy ranks, thieves and swindles, quietly obtains
Loch Ness Monster, Gōnggōng, Sri Gumum, Witz’ damning evidence against his rivals, and hides in plain sight.
He’s always watching, but that’s not all he does — his surveil-
RULER lance serves a purpose, from finding missing persons to gath-
When a Dragon leads, he is never first among equals. He ering intel to scouting ahead before a battle. Keen of eye and
doesn’t see leadership as serving his people, and he doesn’t sharp of wit, the Watcher may mostly stay behind the scenes
share the crown. He rules. That doesn’t mean all Ruler and pass information on to his brood, or he may use his pan-
Dragons are tyrants, though some certainly are; others are optic awareness to make satisfying revelations or informed
benevolent and beloved, and some work hard to make their threats at just the right time. Many Watchers keep records of
followers’ lives better, but even the best of them is still large what they observe, whether they record conversations with
and in charge, and they know it. A Ruler might reign from their smartphones, keep track of clues in a handwritten jour-
the shadows through proxies or openly take command, but nal, or chronicle histories throughout their long lives.
either way their word is final. Most Rulers don’t actually rule Skills: Empathy, Subterfuge, Technology
nations or kingdoms, but they naturally gravitate to the top of
the food chain of whatever group or organization they’re in. Craving: Obtain significant private information about
someone, or take possession of evidence against them or
Skills: Culture, Leadership, Persuasion something that belongs to them, by underhanded means,
Craving: Take significant action to convince or force even if it would damage relationships or subvert plans.
someone to follow your orders and carry out your will, no Example Keywords: private eye, sleuth, investigator,
matter how reticent they are. historian, spy, infiltrate, disguise, tradecraft, thief, con artist,
larceny, mask, unseen, invisible, camouflage, surveillance,
scout, lookout, observer, attentive, vigilant, undercover, espi-
onage, intelligence, witness, sneak
Example Dragons: Tiamat, Muš uššu, Raina, Kuna,
FATEBINDING Witz’, Xiuhcoatl
Dragons, and by extension their Heirs, are
mostly immune to the effects of Fatebindings.
They are not divine in nature, and unless they
are wearing a divine Mantle as a God or Titan,
D ragons and their Heirs don’t pull mortals into their orbits
through Fate the way Scions do. However, their actions
do influence The World and those who live in it by exposing
their actions do not stir Fate to action. Dragons
and their Heirs do not create Fatebindings layers of age-old plans one by one, revealing the ways in which
when they spend Inheritance. humans and their institutions are pawns in a grand game they
will never see. They do this by accessing their Memory, the
The Dragons’ collective memories allow them
to remember all truths at once, and this gives collective history of the deeds of Dragonkind written into
them a shield against divine Fate changing the bones of The World — and, more specifically, memories
and altering them. That isn’t to say that they are their Handlers marked for their Heirs to recall vicariously,
completely untouched by Fate. When an Heir either deliberately or during moments of dramatic victory,
would be Fatebound to a Scion or God, the dominance, defeat, and death.
effect only lasts for 24 hours, then fades without Accessing these memories is more of an ordeal than sim-
ply willing the information to mind. An Heir needs a physical
Player characters are completely immune to symbol or reminder that triggers a vision or flashback. It
the effects of Fatebinding, as they are the focus could be a place or an object, or even a being; either some-
the story and should never have their actions thing that would have reminded her Dragon patron of an
dictated by another player’s character.
important event in their life, or something that actually dates
Once per session, a player may declare that something in • Resolve: The Memory Condition resolves when the
the current scene has triggered a Memory for her character, character performs the action the Memory drives
and regain a spent Inheritance point. She chooses one of her her to perform. Each Calling grants different bene-
Callings to associate with the Memory, based on the context fits for resolving an associated Memory Condition.
of the scene and the Memory trigger. That Memory becomes In addition, the player completes a Memory Deed.
active, awakening in the character’s blood and mind as her “Once per session” means a player can invoke and
circumstances align with something her Handler experi- compel each of her character’s Memory Conditions once per
enced that had a strong impact on them or that set a plan session.
in motion that’s coming to fruition now. The character gains
the appropriate Memory Condition (below) for the chosen MEMORY CONDITIONS
Calling. The Storyguide is the final arbiter of whether a Each Calling has an associated Memory Condition, as
Memory trigger is appropriate. Note the because a charac- follows.
ter can possibly have more active Memories than Callings,
she may have multiple Memory Conditions from the same COLLECTOR’S MEMORY
Calling each relating to a different Memory. A Collector remembers where ancient relics are buried
The Storyguide may also declare that a Memory triggers and where rivals keep their hoards.
for one or more of the characters once per session. This Invoke: The player declares that an important object,
doesn’t take up the player’s declaration for that session. treasure, or resource is present somewhere in the vicinity,
Acquiring a Memory Condition doesn’t mean the char- and gains an Enhancement on unopposed rolls to find or re-
acter experiences the full recollection immediately. Instead, trieve it of 1 + (current steps toward Cipher from center) for
she gradually unlocks its pieces and puts them together, as the scene. She may specify a type of resource, such as “a mag-
it colors everything she does from that point on until the ical weapon” or “evidence to prove my brother’s innocence,”
but can’t declare specific items such as “the sword Tyrfing”
Memory 125
or “surveillance footage of the killer.” This effect doesn’t long as the extra Knack is a Guardian one and she isn’t al-
guarantee that the resource will be somewhere convenient ready using any other Guardian Knack to protect the chosen
or that someone won’t be actively using it. ward.
Resolve: The character gains a temporary dot of Hoard Resolve: For the rest of the arc, the character treats all
(p. 133) that lasts for the rest of the arc. This can increase her SG characters of equal or lesser size Scale as trivial targets
Hoard beyond its maximum rating, but no combination of for purposes of warding them away from any Lair belonging
effects can increase her Hoard by more than (Inheritance/2, to her or her broodmates, and from one significant object,
rounded up) dots. place, or ideal this Memory showed her that her Handler
once protected. This doesn’t apply to harming would-be
DESTROYER’S MEMORY interlopers, only keeping them out.
A Destroyer remembers the heights of sheer draconic
might sleeping in her blood, and can unleash it for a short HEALER’S MEMORY
time. A Healer remembers mystical healing techniques or
Invoke: The character may use one Destroyer Knack calls upon a deep, ancestral connection to the land to cleanse
she doesn’t know once before the end of the scene, plus one and renew.
additional time per current step toward Cipher from center. Invoke: The character’s blood gains purifying prop-
Resolve: The character gains +1 force Scale for the rest erties, as the player declares her ancestry anathema to the
of the episode. baleful source of a single supernatural corruption or sick-
ness. She may provide enough blood to purify one target
GUARDIAN’S MEMORY (living or otherwise) with a simple action by accepting a
A Guardian remembers something her patron once Bruised Injury Condition when she invokes this Memory,
swore to protect at all costs, and renewing this oath gives her and she may do this as many times as she likes until the
strength. end of the scene, as long as each target’s corruption comes
from the same source. When the target drinks, absorbs, or
Invoke: For the rest of the episode, the Heir may have
bathes in her spilled blood, it suppresses one Condition or
one additional Knack active than her usual maximum, as
Complication affecting them that represents the corruption
for the rest of the scene. The suppressed corruption acts as
Memory 127
The Memory system is flexible enough to encompass several different approaches, so you can use it
in ways that make the most sense for your game. You can, if you like, just leave it freeform — whenever
the characters run into something that seems significant enough to warrant a Memory trigger, go for it.
This is best for troupes who like to wing it most of the time, or for when a dramatic moment happens and
somebody at the table feels like it’d be perfect for a flashback.
If you like a little more intentional questing, the Storyguide can introduce something to chase — a
treasure, an ancient tome, a wise mystic, a hidden sanctuary — and hint to the players that it could hold
the key to unlocking a Memory. For extra espionage goodness, put it behind enemy lines and make them
work to gain access to it. Maybe titanspawn kidnapped the wise mystic and forced her to work for them,
or maybe angry spirits protect the Underworld library where the book of draconic rituals has been for a
thousand years. Likewise, a player could choose a Deed that involves hunting down such a thing, or create
a plot twist through a Path that introduces one.
Storyguides: Narrate the Memory flashbacks piecemeal. When the Memory first triggers, give a vague,
fleeting impression that only hints at the truth, or one very specific moment that doesn’t show the whole
picture. Then, each time the Memory is invoked or compelled, fill in a few more details; and when it’s
resolved, reveal the rest. You can even let the player play their own patron in the final flashback and assign
other players to play the other characters present, thus allowing the players to put the pieces together and
come to their own conclusions about the past.
either an enemy, an ally, or the character’s own Flight all guided by his Flight’s typical features and the Callings he
along. The chosen character might be a knowing mole, an possesses.
unwitting patsy, a conflicted defector, a brainwashed plant, By default, with no Transformation Knacks, this form
etc.; they may secretly carry the blood of Dragons in their significantly increases the character’s size and strength.
veins, have been retroactively recruited or influenced by the The Heir gains +1 Scale on all actions, which doesn’t stack
Heir or someone else at some point in the past, labor under with any Scale benefits from Knacks or other sources; if two
a hidden enchantment that triggers now, or simply be play- sources would grant Scale, use the highest bonus among
ing both sides against the middle for their own benefit. The them. While in this form, the character may perform Feats
Heir must reveal the treachery to everyone present, either of Scale by spending one Momentum per Feat, rather than
deliberately or through happenstance. If the revelation turns suffering the usual Complication. His draconic form lasts un-
an ally against the brood, add 2 Momentum to the pool. If til the end of the scene. He may change back to human form
it turns an enemy to the brood’s side, add 2 points to the with a simple action before then, but he may only assume his
tension pool instead. The Watcher’s player can’t declare the draconic form once per scene.
traitor to be anyone represented by any player’s Birthrights
without that player’s permission. If the Heir’s draconic form possesses features that should
change his innate capabilities, such as wings that provide
Resolve: For the rest of the arc, the player may cross-ap- flight or claws that grant the Lethal tag to unarmed attacks,
ply procedural stunts resulting from clues to intrigue rolls, he gains access to those abilities but takes a Complication
and Bond successes to rolls to find clues. This manifests as on all actions to use them equal to (6 − half his Inheritance,
using information from clues as leverage, bait, or bribes, and rounded up). Failure to buy off this Complication leads to
manipulating or cajoling her friends and rivals to lead her general mishaps, incorrect usage mistakes, or even harm
to the truth. The Complication for working against a Bond to the user. Purchasing a Transformation Knack for such a
always applies unless the Heir is completely up front about feature permanently removes this Complication when using
using her connections for her own gain. that feature, in addition to its other benefits.
Birthrights 129
of multiple reptilian Guides. It often surprises outsiders that
Dragons also send birds with great frequency.
Quid Pro Quo Horomatangi’s loyal servant, Ati-a-muri is often sent to
The draconic lifestyle doesn’t lend itself to guide Heirs to the Lóng Flight. He often appears as a fellow
favors without strings attached. Your guide has traveler and puts his Heir students to tests of wit and strength
scratched your back, and now they expect you to ensure they can handle draconic responsibility.
to scratch theirs.
Effect: The Storyguide gives the character a Asset Skill: Integrity
new short-term or Draconic Deed in addition to Guide Stunt (1 success): You may purchase this Stunt
the one he already has, representing the favor with successes on any roll to resist being emotionally ma-
he owes his guide. Ancient machinations ensure nipulated, creating a +2 Complication for those attempting
he will pay his debt; he takes a Complication to influence you. Foes who fail to buy it off suddenly find
of a severity equal to the guide’s dot rating to themselves unable to find you for the remainder of the scene,
any action that doesn’t make progress toward
unless you voluntarily interact with them.
achieving the new Deed.
Resolution: The player achieves the Deed Blackbirds (•)
as above. Carrying gossip and chattering incessantly, blackbirds
Burn Notice only briefly appear similar to the Morrigan or Odin’s ravens:
The Heir has used up precious resources much smaller, much quicker, and much more annoying, they
getting himself or his allies out of trouble, and don’t so much teach their Heirs as annoy them into doing the
his guide’s put a moratorium on asking for any proper thing. They often initially appear in threes, leaving
more favors for a while. If he presses the issue, behind only one with the Heir. Blackbirds focus on the here
he could find himself completely on the outs. and now more than anything else.
Effect: The guide’s Attitude toward the
Asset Skill: Occult
character flips to negative, and the Heir loses
access to all benefits that guide would normally Guide Stunt (1 Success): You may purchase this stunt
grant, including access to Spells or Knacks with successes from any roll made to understand the motiva-
from the guide’s Dragon Magic or Calling. tions or figure out the intentions of a supernatural creature
He can still use these benefits if he spends one or individual. You gain +1 Enhancement to any Initiative roll
Momentum per use, cajoling or intimidating the made if the creature or individual in question decides to at-
guide into helping out in a pinch, but doing so tack you or your allies (but not if you’re the aggressor).
decreases the guide’s Attitude by one level. If
the guide’s Attitude reaches 0, the character Ershaj (•)
loses that Birthright altogether.
These intermediaries for the Naga appear as large ser-
Resolution: The character performs a number pents, outsized even for pythons and boa constrictors, and
of significant tasks that benefit the guide or
replenish their resources equal to the guide’s whisper wisdom and Memories into the ears of the Heirs to
dot rating; or the character loses the guide, as whom the Naga send them. Their name comes from one of
above. the Kulshedra’s intermediary forms, a lesser form of the full-
grown Dragon, and many of these Guides fancy themselves
miniature Dragons.
• Callings: The Heir can learn Knacks in the guide’s Asset Skill: Culture
Calling, and trigger Memories in it if the guide is Guide Stunt (1-3 successes): You may purchase this
suitable, such as inherited dreams or prophecies, or Stunt with successes from any Information Gathering roll.
someone from his Flight’s own past. You gain +1 Enhancement to Influence rolls you make to
• Deed Names: The Heir can invoke the guide to make affect targets of the Information Gathering roll a number of
use of her Deed Name as though it were his own. times equal to the Stunt’s value.
A guide with a rating of 3+ may also grant access to a Ghosts of the Children of Dragons (••)
unique Knack in her Calling, or a Draconic Knack if appro-
These distant, inhuman ghosts drift between Heir and
priate. Depending on the power of the Knack, it may pre-
Draconic parent, carrying with them memories which lit-
clude the inclusion of some or all the above elements, such as
erally predate humanity. They sometimes appear to Heirs
a Dragon Magic or Calling.
as overlarge reptiles or saurian creatures, sometimes as
EXAMPLE GUIDES something closer to lamia and nagaraja. Those Heirs who
Perhaps not surprisingly, many of the Guides which the Ghosts of the Children of Dragons visit have harrowing,
Dragons send to their Heirs take the form of reptiles. Any but informative, dreams, rarely knowing an uninterrupted
gathering of Heirs frequently also features the appearance night’s sleep.
Birthrights 131
Guide Stunt (3 success): You may purchase this Stunt Talking Head (••••)
with successes from any Information Gathering roll. Pick
any Clue uncovered from the roll; you immediately have ac- Talking Heads are the literal remnant of lost Naga heads,
cess to any mundane resources needed to take advantage of steeped in ancient magic. Naga send these heads to lead their
the information uncovered, gaining +3 Enhancement on any Heirs back to the Divine Realm. They use their magic to keep
one roll if you directly act on that information. them safe and ensure they can make their way safely.
Birthrights 133
total of four Momentum in the pool for the session. If Alternatively, the Magical Equipment benefit may be
the character has the Lair Birthright (p. 134), she may used to gain access to a single Scion Boon or Knack at the
combine her Hoard and Lair dots for this purpose, to a Hero level (see Scion: Hero) as long as the Heir keeps the
maximum of five total dots. object on her person, but doing so risks Scions or titanspawn
For each dot above two, the hoard also gains one of the wanting it back. The Storyguide may spend a tension point
following elements; a hoard can only have one each of these once per episode to bring a character into the scene who will
elements: try to take it by any available means.
Birthrights 135
may not know who they’re really working for, and once they’re reassign that pawn’s dots to other Birthrights at the end of
embroiled in the Heir’s schemes, they have trouble extracting the session (including new pawns, if she wants).
themselves unless the character lets them go. Of course, doing
so leaves loose ends, and loose ends are dangerous.
First, describe your pawns with a short phrase that
Pawns can take many forms, from a remarkably loyal ser-
defines the kinds of actions they can take: an intelligence
vant to an entourage of flunkies. They can be mortal, Denizens,
organization can provide classified government information,
or purely supernatural beings, depending on the use to which
a sword-wielding champion can protect the Heir and her
the character puts them and their Worldly or Otherworldly
assets, and so on. Pawns can use equipment if it fits their
connections. Pawns are Storyguide characters, but they don’t
nature, and start with whatever’s appropriate.
make rolls or act on their own. Instead, they grant their Heir
additional options, and function as a sort of living equipment. Pawns start with one of the following archetypes, deter-
mining in which Arena they can act:
• Heavy: Physical
Rolls to command a pawn to do something use a dice
pool of one of the Heir’s Attributes in the appropriate Arena • Entourage: Social
+ the higher of the pawn’s rating or the Heir’s Leadership • Consultant: Mental
Skill. Commanding pawns is a simple action, but the player
can take a mixed action for the Heir to also act while com- PAWN TAGS
manding them. Pawns don’t get a spot in the initiative roster A pawn has a number of tags equal to its dot rating. Like
and don’t act independently — they always act on the Heir’s tags on weapons or armor, pawn tags describe the important
turn, and their action always takes up that turn. If the Heir is elements that distinguish one from another. Some have spe-
Taken Out, her pawns can keep acting on her turn, but their cific mechanical effects, while others provide context for the
dice pool becomes her Attribute + their rating. Storyguide to create Complications and Consolations.
Pawns can take one Bruised and one Maimed Injury If a tag says it requires another tag, the pawn must al-
Condition before being Taken Out. Their Defense is equal to ready have the prerequisite tag. If a tag says it replaces anoth-
half their dot rating, rounded up. If the Heir is present in the er tag, the pawn still has to already have the prerequisite, but
scene and she or her pawn suffers an Injury Condition, the the new one supersedes it.
player decides whether the Condition affects the Heir or the • Archetype: The pawn gains an additional archetype
pawn. Pawns who are Taken Out typically return to form at (Heavy, Entourage, or Consultant).
the beginning of the next session. If being Taken Out means
they’re permanently removed from play, the player may • Access: The pawn can grant the Heir and her brood
access to some locale, information, or resource that’s
Birthrights 137
“Come not between the Dragon and his wrath.”
— King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1
HEIR KNACKS AND Collector Knacks improve your ability to gather and cu-
rate your hoard, as well as focusing your mind on commerce
HERO GAMES and numbers. They are driven by the concepts of ownership
Some of these Knacks appear in Origin and and analytics.
Hero as players may note. A few have been Bottomless Stash: You never need to roll to acquire
reprinted whole cloth, with no changes. Others mundane supplies or goods, as you always know where and
have had name changes to be more thematic how to find them. Unless the item is exceedingly rare (or
for Dragon
Dragon,, and others minor adjustments being blocked from access by a rival), you get what you need
thanks to a better understanding of how Scion
plays. with little complication — this does not make materials cost
less, or arrive any faster should they need to be transported
Power creep, the reader laments, these to you. If someone or something is preventing you from ac-
versions are better! It’s inevitable that the
quiring materials, make a Clash of Wills.
designers develop a stronger understanding of
their own material as a game line progresses. Discerning Collector: Choose a type of object to
Consider this explicit permission to use any hoard. Whenever you take actions to acquire more of
of the updated versions in Origin and Hero this object for your hoard, you gain your Collector dots in
games. Enhancement to any applicable rolls made to add it to your
collection. This can be any attempt, from a legal attempt
Invulnerable Master: While leading followers loyal Linked to the Past: Your connection to draconic
to you (Storyguide characters gained through Birthrights memory runs deeper than others, allowing you to delve fur-
or roleplay, not bandmates), you can spend 1 Momentum to ther into the web of connection. You may gain 1 additional
shrug off a +1 Bruised injury or 2 Momentum to ignore a +2 Memory Condition, and may invoke one Memory Condition
Injured injury when they would be inflicted. twice per session. A second purchase of this Knack allows
you to make a Knack Skill roll — on any successes, one of
Invoke Anger: Target one enemy that you can see. your broodmates may also invoke one Memory Condition a
Make a Knack Skill roll, resisted by the target’s Integrity. On second time per session.
a success, invert the target’s attitude to a negative one. Once
the target has been enraged, you may spend Momentum to Omniglot Translation: When you converse in or read
drive the target to attack another character in the scene. a foreign language, your communication is flawless, without
a trace of an accent. You can turn out translations in your na-
Irrepressible Charisma: When you make a first im- tive language in a matter of minutes without needing to roll.
pression, roll your Knack Skill. On a success, the target re- If you are translating mystical runes or the handwriting of
members you favorably, improving the Attitude of everyone Gods, you still do so swiftly, but must make a Knack Skill roll.
you interact with for the first time by 1.
Presence of Magic: You always know when you are
Loyal Servant: When you dispatch a subordinate to de- near an object or place of true magical or sacred power. How
liver a message or speak as a proxy on your behalf, they rep- this manifests is up to you. Ask the Storyguide if an object is
resent you and your interests as if you were present. You au- magical or sacred, and she must tell you honestly “yes” or
tomatically know if the character you have sent in your stead “no.” This bypasses the need to make any kind of Occult roll
has been ignored, mistreated, or if someone has not-so-pro- to identify a place or object of magical or sacred power.
verbially shot the messenger. Gain +1 Enhancement to all
rolls to get vengeance for the slight until the end of the story Sage Counsel: When someone approaches you in need
or until you successfully get even, whichever comes first. of advice, they gain +1 Enhancement to resolve the problem
themselves if you work together on a solution. If they can’t
Pack Alpha: When you display superior might or your solve it, you gain the same bonus to all rolls to resolve the
impressive physique before a group of onlookers (of your Tier issue by yourself. These bonuses apply before rolls are made.
or lower), make a Knack Skill roll. On any success, they become Spend Momentum to impel a Storyguide Character to come
Pawns (as the Birthright) with a rating equal to your Ruler to seeking your counsel.
Calling at the time of acquisition. They remain loyal to you un-
til the end of the story and can be purchased at the equivalent Immortal Mastermind:
Birthright cost with experience when this effect wears off. Prerequisite: Sage Counsel.
Perfect Poise: You cannot be shaken by panic or fear When you make a plan of action and direct others to
unless it is from another supernatural source — in which follow, it grants them +1 Enhancement to all actions. Anyone
case, you gain +2 Enhancement to resist it (such as making who doesn’t follow your plan gains +1 Difficulty to all actions.
Clash of Wills rolls) that applies before you roll. You also Bandmates are not under any obligation to follow your every
gain +1 Enhancement to all Social rolls involving grace, word, but do gain the benefit if they opt to participate. When
DRAGON MAGIC • Subject: Most Spells target the user, but some target
one or more other characters or even environments.
If the Spell targets someone other than the Heir, the
I n addition to Birthrights and Knacks, Dragons possess a
series of powerful innate magical abilities by virtue of the
fact that they are huge, exceedingly ancient, and profoundly
Spell will list it.
magical reptiles. Just as Gods and Scions possess Purviews, Spells require the Heir to do something to invoke the
Dragons and Heirs possess Dragon Magic. Dragon Magic Magic she is calling forth. She might need to ask the ele-
includes everything from their ability to control one or more ments to do her bidding, or touch a small totem, or plunge
elements, or to master the mysteries of luck or transformation. her hand into icy cold water. Whatever her incantation is,
Subject: Earth within Long range Incinerate (Successes equal to the target’s Stamina or
Durability): The target is burned so completely that it is
You can alter the earth, metal, and stone around you in reduced to nothing but ash.
complex ways. You can either cause a building or other struc-
ture that’s within Long range to topple in whatever direction Conversely, you may use this Spell to restore a burned
you desire, or turn the local earth, metal, and stone into walls, object to its previously unburned state. However, this Spell
ramps, ditches, or even simple buildings or statues. As long does not fix damage from other causes — if a table was
as you concentrate, you may reshape and make your result burned and then crushed (or the reverse), use of this Spell
appear more finished. You cannot do this as a Mixed Action leaves you with an unburned, but still crushed table. This
with other actions. Once you finish, the manipulating the does allow you to remove any Injury Conditions caused by
Earth, the spell ends, and you can reclaim your Inheritance. a fire attack, though it cannot restore life to the dead, but it
The effects of your changes are permanent. You can use this will turn a charred corpse into an unburned one.
Spell multiple times to create vast cave complexes or huge EMBER SKIN
towers suitable for even the most demanding Dragon to live
Cost: None
Duration: One scene
You cannot take damage or suffer any form of harm
Cost: Imbue 1 Inheritance from fire, heat, or smoke inhalation. You can walk through
Subject: One Field wildfires or industrial microwaves unharmed, swim in
magma for as long as you can hold your breath, and perform
You exude an aura of menace which fills your enemies AERIAL MOBILITY
with barely controlled panic. When you activate this Spell, Cost: Imbue 1 Inheritance
you can choose up to your Inheritance in allies to exclude
Duration: Indefinite
from the aura. Anyone who can see you who was not exclud-
ed is immediately wracked with fear of you and your allies. You can fly, using movement actions to ascend upward
Trivial targets flee from your presence immediately, while into the air or horizontally through it. You can Rush or
non-trivial targets face a +3 Complication on any action that Disengage vertically or horizontally while flying. You can
does not help them flee your presence. If they fail to buy off use this Spell to bypass dangerous or difficult terrain. This
the Complication, they are rooted in place in fear. Spell ends when you reclaim your Inheritance.
You, and if you desire, up to Inheritance x 2 comrades take Anytime you wish, disorder surrounds you but does
no damage and suffer no discomfort from normal extremes of not affect you personally. Minor mistakes and oddities of
weather. Not only doesn’t a blizzard chill you, but you can also chance occur with greater than normal frequency ― flipped
keep yourself and anything you are wearing or carrying from coins land on edge, two-headed calves are born, people make
getting wet in a rainstorm. In addition, you and everyone else more random mistakes than normal, electronic devices fail
protected by this Spell can ignore up to +3 Complication or +2 for random reasons, and bullets hit unintended targets.
Difficulty from weather related phenomenon. Most of these effects are merely annoying, but if you imbue
You can bless a single defined region of land, like a small You can use your ability to create pocket realms to by-
forest, an urban or suburban neighborhood, a farmer’s fields, pass obstacles and short distances. You can move yourself
a lake, or a small town. The only limitation is that this region and a number of willing targets up to your Inheritance. You
cannot be too large, and it must be in some way distinct from can move to any location you can see, or to a space you can’t
its surroundings. When you cast this Spell choose a single see within Long Range, allowing you to move through walls
broad type of action like movement, combat, crafting, re- or enter locked spaces. You don’t need to know what is at
search, or communication and negotiation. Anyone you con- your destination, you merely need to know how far it is from
sider a friend, ally, or someone under your protection gains a you and in what direction. If there is insufficient open space
+2 Enhancement for this activity when in this region, while to enter the desired location then the Spell automatically
anyone who is either your enemy or who opposes your allies fails and do not imbue any Inheritance.
or anyone under your protection increases the Difficulty of POCKET LAIR
all such actions +2 when they are in this region.
Prerequisite: Create Pocket Realm
NAGA SIGNATURE Cost: Spend 1 Inheritance
MAGIC: TELEPORTATION Duration: Permanent
Naga use their atman’s connection to the Divine Realm You can now create a permanent pocket realm. Once
to create smaller temporary realms based on their concepts. created, it and its contents remain, and every time you use
They can use these realms to bypass limitations of distance the Create Pocket Realm Spell, you can choose to enter your
pocket lair instead. You can use this realm to store items and
can outfit it to your comfort.
Cost: Imbue 1 Inheritance
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite: Jump
THE STAGE cult scene, Dustin Hoffman stayed awake for three days
to capture emotional verisimilitude. According to rumor,
an unimpressed Sir Laurence Olivier asked Hoffman, “My
Nuts–and–Bolts 175
says they’d prefer to know as little as possible about what operate in a secret world, not only to their enemies, but
Evelyn decides, because they trust her. She decides and also to themselves.
confirms with the Storyguide that Andvari decided to flee Be they born, chosen, or reincarnated, all Heirs at
the bonds of his Flight to avoid the blame for Fáfnir’s de- some point come to realize their true heritage and almost
motion to ‘wasn’t always a dragon,’ and Fáfnir thereafter immediately become conscripted into a clandestine war.
snitched to the Æsir about which direction Andvari took Some Dragons speak directly to their children, though
off in. The Storyguide thinks Evelyn’s idea fits perfectly if they choose to do so, it’s usually via dreams or other
with some other ideas he’s got in mind for this Brood, and portends. More often, Dragons utilize Guides, Pawns, and
takes the backstory as is, holding on to it to weave it in other Heirs to handle new recruits. An older Heir func-
with future storylines. tions as a case worker, mentoring, training, and handling
Evelyn decides she’d like a little bit more information the younger Heir. These mentors help establish false
than Steve, just to whet her curiosity as a player, so when identities, safe houses, and code words for covert com-
Steve and the Storyguide confer, Steve tells Evelyn that munications. After a few successful missions, the mentor
the bit of backstory they made up for her has something to fades from view, allowing the Heir to operate solo. From
do with how her Dragon met his demise. Since Evelyn and then on, missions come in the form of secure messages,
Steve talked beforehand, and she told him she’d prefer not dead drops, and surreptitious intermediaries.
to engage with themes of torture, she can relax and enjoy The life of an Heir is pulled between two different
the story, knowing her tablemates have respected her worlds — their mortal realm and the agenda of their
wishes. This process can enrich the story-crafting process Dragon parent. But every time a Dragon asks an Heir to
for the entire table by both allowing greater player collab- carry out a task, the more that Heir loses some of their
oration and freeing up the Storyguide’s mental energy for naiveté. The more they steal for a Dragon, or kill for them,
weaving all of these incredible ideas together rather than the more embroiled they become until eventually it is too
having to be the sole genesis of the twists and turns in a late to go back. An Heir lives a lonely life, wrought with
character’s backstory. In the end, of course, the Storyguide doubt and confusion. They are unable to reveal the nature
is the final arbiter of what themes and storylines he wants of their work, and those few they can share it with live
to engage with at the table. equally uncertain lives.
Setting firm boundaries beforehand with regards to Intelligence operatives try to remain detached, keep-
topics which would make this exercise less fun gives more ing their emotions in check and keeping their families
freedom to everyone at the table: if Steve doesn’t want to compartmentalized. Families and loved ones are, in the
engage with anything regarding a particular topic, he’s espionage business, potential points of leverage. Agents
more able to enjoy this sort of trust-based interplay once often keep their clandestine activities a secret from their
he’s set those boundaries clearly beforehand and can trust families as much as they keep their families secret from
that his roleplay partners respect those boundaries. Even their clandestine activities. The Heir walks a precarious
with setting firm limits on comfort levels, however, play- tightrope between these two worlds. They live a real
ers might be surprised by their reactions to topics they life with a real name and an actual occupation. But they
didn’t think would bother them. also fight in a secret war, with a mind full of memorized
SHADOW GAMES code-phrases and a nearby safe house filled with fake IDs,
passports, and a small arsenal.
Canadian Security Intelligence Service: The pri- Handler: A case officer who manages agents and
mary intelligence agency of Canada. assets.
Case Officer: Someone who organizes and manages Human Intelligence (HUMINT): Intelligence
multiple agents or assets under their command. gained from information collected by individuals.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): The primary Infiltration: Inserting an agent into an area while
intelligence agency of the United States. avoiding detection.
Chief of Station: In the CIA, the agent in charge of Informant: Someone who knowingly or unknowing-
multiple officers, placed in a foreign city. ly provides information to an agent.
Cipher: A system for masking a message by replacing Intelligence: The product of collected data and
numbers or letters. information.
Classified: Information protected by law from public Legend: A fictitious identity used by a clandestine
access. agent.
Dead Drop: A location used to plant items or infor- Naked: An agent who works without backup.
mation, which later, another individual retrieves. Non-Official Cover (NOC): An agent who secretly
Deep Cover: The act of infiltrating an organization operates in foreign territory.
for an extended period. Official Cover: An agent who openly operates in for-
eign territory.
Steganography: Methods for concealing the exis- Finally, an Heir can plant listening devices on a mark.
tence of a message. Inside a car, phone receiver, light socket, lamp shade,
anything the target comes into contact with is a viable
Subversion: Actions designed to mislead, under- delivery mechanism. Listening devices with batteries
mine, and sabotage an enemy organization. need to be changed at regular intervals, while bugs tied
Surveillance: The act of observing a target or area. to an electrical system transmit radio waves to a nearby
location. This also doesn’t account for the host of super-
True Name: An individual’s real and public name.
natural powers an Heir has to monitor a given individual
Vetting: The means by which an individual is ana- or location.
lyzed or evaluated.
Watch List: A list of names, locations, or phrases COMMUNICATIONS
monitored or sought by an intelligence organization. One of the principal facets of spy craft is the safe dis-
Wet Work: Actions involving direct violence and tribution of information. Passing intelligence to another
potential death. individual without notice takes certain precautions. Heirs
use brush passes to safely transfer intelligence to another
Window Dressing: Materials used to help create a person or utilize dead drops so another party can access
cover story. them later. A brush pass occurs when two agents physi-
Zoning: A means of surveillance divided into individ- cally pass each other in a public space, and one hands off
ual areas, rather than by individuals. an item to the other. This method usually incorporates
the two carrying identical items, such as a newspaper or
TRADECRAFT briefcase, wherein they collide, drop their belongings,
and then pick up the new item. At a distance, onlookers
Tradecraft 181
tricked into revealing sensitive information. Of course, is a building block which needs to be corroborated and too
an Heir still has torture as an option. And supernatural many lies are sometimes difficult to keep track of.
powers. Heirs seeking to penetrate a secure location some-
INFILTRATION times rely on basic portrayals as couriers and custodial
staff. But they still rely on facts and details which they
One of the most famous acts of infiltration took place can confirm with a cursory glance. It’s harder to create
during the Revolutionary War. James Armistead was an a history than it is to alter it, and truths are always easier
African American double agent who worked directly for to remember. Skilled Heirs incorporate real elements into
General Lafayette. Posing as a runaway slave, Armistead their legend supported by outside allies and the occasion-
made his way into a British camp under the command of al supernatural power.
Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. Armistead overheard
Finally, if mundane avenues are unavailable, a skilled
conversations, troop deployments, and arms shipments,
Heir can infiltrate a location by flying onto the roof or
and relayed information back to General Lafayette.
swimming up through the sewage system. Supernatural
Indeed, his efforts proved critical to the colonial victory
magic and Knacks provide a vast array of infiltration
at Yorktown.
methods, depending on the relative age and skill of the
If an Heir cannot gain access to information from a Heir.
distance, or through an asset, they need to take a more
direct approach. Infiltrating a group or business often THEFT
requires a legend — a fictional background identity sup- Stealing is the most common task demanded of
ported by documentation and memorized details. This Heirs. Sometimes this requires sophisticated equipment
method can be tricky. Pretending to be a member of law and sometimes this demands a more smash-and-grab
enforcement may grant access to a given locale, but one approach. But the sensitivity of the target item generally
quick phone call likely blows an agent’s cover. dictates the level of security needed to safeguard it.
Modern ID’s and passports utilize magnetic strips, Stealing someone’s wallet or ID utilizes the same
holograms, and infrared watermarks which are difficult to method as a stage magician — misdirection. Acts of
replicate, requiring black-market professionals or friends sleight-of-hand or diversions draw the attention of the
at the Department of Motor Vehicles. In either case, target, leaving their valuables vulnerable to pilfering. One
building a legend is a lot like building a house of cards: the of the most famous acts of misdirection occurred in the
higher it gets, the more convincing it is. But every new lie 1960s. Abril Lamarque was a lesser-known magician who
stood on a stage and changed the color of a handkerchief
Operations 183
there it’s a simple problem of escaping the building with- difficulty with public locations is millions of dollars is
out raising any alarms. difficult to transport and black-market gunrunners don’t
take checks.
EXPOSURE Once arranged, the transaction includes the inspec-
A third party delivers a message to the Heir, instruct- tion of payment, followed by an inspection of the goods.
ing the Heir to obtain compromising material on a local After the exchange, the Heir can take the weapons to a se-
Scion. The Scion in question works as a police officer who, cure location. However, if the Storyguide wants to present
for some reason, has crossed a Dragon. The Heir begins a challenge they can add a level of paranoia to the gunrun-
surveilling the target, tracking their day-to-day move- ners, or they can make one of the gunrunners an under-
ments. By digging into their garbage, social media profile, cover detective, prompting a massive sting operation.
and bank records, the agent can find some thread to pull on.
Perhaps the Scion, as a member of law enforcement, has BY WAY OF DECEPTION
large sums of money entering their bank account. Perhaps An Heir needs to plant false evidence on a rival
it’s far more than a police officer should. This might indi- agent. Whether a competing Heir or maybe it’s a Scion,
cate a police officer on the take extorting drug dealers and the Dragon needs to turn the rival against their employ-
petty criminals for money. Or perhaps the Scion, while er. The easiest way to do this is by sowing doubt in their
married, frequently visits the same hotel room. This may allegiance by planting misleading information. The Heir
suggest an affair or employment of an escort service. Once acquires a large amount of cash and a USB flash drive con-
the Storyguide determines the nature of the compromise, taining false intelligence, all of which suggests the rival
the Heir can acquire evidence. If the Heir can tail the agent is selling their secrets to the Titans.
Scion without them noticing, they can take photographs
of the illegal activity, handing it off the aforementioned The Heir then begins to survey the target, monitor-
third party and completing their operation. ing their movements and ascertaining the best method of
planting both the information and the cash. Maybe this
RUN! means breaking into the rival’s home or maybe this means
impersonating the rival and opening a bank account in the
The Heir receives an urgent phone call from a trusted
Caymans. But once the Heir inserts the false narrative,
ally, informing them the police are on their way to arrest
the Heir can then place an anonymous call to the rival’s
them. This is a different kind of story focused more on the
character themselves and the immediacy of survival. The
Heir has precious little time to destroy any compromising
material they might have and escape the scene. The longer
a police chase lasts, the greater the likelihood the police An organization killed an ally of the Heir. Maybe it’s a
will catch the person. Roadblocks, helicopters, and addi- street gang, or a drug cartel, but the criminals involved are
tional pursuit cars all become factors on a long enough dangerous. The Dragon instructs the Heir to infiltrate the
timeline. Given this, the Heir has a limited window to organization, earn their trust, and discover who exactly
escape the falling dragnet and must employ evasive ma- murdered the ally. The Heir constructs a fictitious per-
neuvering, camouflage, misdirection, and Dragon Magic. sona backed by credible accomplices. This helps create a
reputation which allows the Heir to get their foot in the
Once the Heir manages to escape, they’ll need to door.
ascertain what the police were looking for and why.
Snitches, allies, or counter-surveillance may reveal a false Once on the organizations’ radar, the Heir conducts
claim of drug distribution, along with an anonymous po- several side missions to earn their trust, delving further
lice informant. From there, the Heir simply needs to dig into the group with each successful attempt. But, the Heir
deep, identify the police informant, and track them down. needs to tread carefully. One wrong move and they may
If the Storyguide wants to throw the players a curve ball, expose their false front. Once the Heir identifies the in-
they can make the police informant and the individual dividuals responsible for the murder, they need to avenge
responsible for the raid a rival Heir or Scion. From there, the ally and then extract themselves from the scene.
the Heir can approach the rival using diplomacy, bribery,
or direct force to end the conflict. SEARCH AND RESCUE
An emergency call reaches the Heir, informing them
CANNONS FOR CASH a colleague is in immediate trouble. A fellow Heir, in
The Heir must set up a meeting with a black-market service to the same Dragon, is locked inside a hotel room
gunrunner and receive money to help secure payment. swarming with people. Maybe they’re police, organized
From there, the Heir has several different options. They crime, or in service to a Titan, but they are numerous and
can set the meeting in a secure location, which helps them they are closing in on the ally. The Heir must find a way to
control the terrain. On the other hand, the Heir can ar- insert themselves into the scene, rescue their colleague,
range for the meeting to take place in public, which allows and get out safely.
for multiple exit routes and lots of witnesses. The only
Antagonists 191
The Antagonist is preternaturally good at getting Prerequisite: Rogue Agent or higher Archetype
away. She may be faster than most, or just good
at taking advantage of the scenery. Whenever the The Antagonist is something deeply otherworldly
antagonist is attempting to escape a situation or is — there is no way it can pass itself off as something
being otherwise chased, she gains +2 speed Scale. mundane, let alone mortal. It is terrifying and
wondrous to behold, an awesome-in-the-literal-
sense revelation that leaves even the most stalwart
of mortals utterly befuddled. Only beings with
SEGMENTED an Inheritance rating (or those doing so from a
Prerequisite: Wyrm Tracker or higher Archetype great distance, where proper apprehension of the
Antagonist is impossible) may oppose or attack the
The antagonist exists in a segmented form. When Antagonist.
you choose this Quality, select a number of
Segments that makes sense (ex. a young hydra with
3 segments, one for each head). Each segment has
the same number of Health, which adds up to no MYSTIC ARSENAL
more than twice the archetype’s maximum Health. Prerequisite: Rogue Agent or higher Archetype
The antagonist is not fully defeated until all segments The Antagonist is experienced with mythic forces,
are Taken Out. Segments count as allies to the and uses them with a deadly precision. The character
antagonist for the purposes of Flairs that heal or has something — likely their own Hoard — that
buff allies. Certain Qualities may come from the empowers her. Generally, this is represented as a
segmentation, such as an extra arm or an extremely signature item or weapon, that gives the Antagonist
long tail. Take note that the antagonist may not have +2 Enhancement when using the item for its intended
access to those Qualities if that segment is Taken purpose. Spend 1 Tension to access a special Hoard
Out. Stunt or increase the Enhancement to +4 for a single
action. Additionally, she gains a single Dragon
Magic she can cast Spells from for the cost of 1
The Antagonist’s body is covered in a slick surface, Play fair — if the player characters defeat the
maybe scales or a slippery hide. Attempts to estab- Antagonist and take her stuff, they can add her
lish a grapple suffer a +1 Difficulty, and using the Hoard to theirs. No takebacks, though her allies may
Pin, Position, and Takedown Stunts in a grapple cost come looking for her stuff. Work with the players to
an additional success to perform. Additionally, the decide what gets added to their Hoard (or possibly
Antagonist can slither their way into tight spaces one Lair) Birthright.
would not think they could based on their size.
SHATTERING TRANSFORMATION The Antagonist has mystically devoured or hidden its
Prerequisite: Rogue Agent or higher Archetype own true name and source, making it very difficult to
verify any true details about them or magically harm
The Antagonist has a drastically more powerful form, them. Any attempts to, track, make Intrigue actions
such as a Dragon shape or other. For 1 Tension, against, or to harm them with any magical effects
they can they assume that form. Doing so grants +2 from Purviews, Dragon Magic, or similar sources
Enhancement to one action in a Primary Pool, +1 suffers +2 Difficulty. Finding out their true name
size and force Scale, and Hard Armor 3 if they don’t negates this effect. Attempts to reveal the name with
already have it. This power is always obvious and magical means provokes a Clash of Wills.
usually quite loud.
Prerequisite: Wyrm Tracker or higher Archetype
The Antagonist has speed Scale 1 when swimming
and ignores any Complications from moving under Whenever the Antagonist takes damage from a
water. For 1 Tension, the Antagonist can breath source that would spill blood (typically blades, but
under water for the rest of the scene. also bullets or particularly vicious beatings), create a
number of Spys equal to the number of Health boxes
currently filled. Such beings often spring from the
OCCULT very ground wherever the drops of blood fall.
Occult Qualities add supernatural elements to an
Antagonists 193
it, and does not pay any costs associated with it the Subject: One element in a Field
first time they activate it. For the cost of 1 Tension,
the Antagonist instead gains access to the Knack Range: Close
or Spell indefinitely. The affected Heir still regains Action: Simple
access to their powers at the end of the scene, but all
their actions that would use the Knack or Spell gains Cooldown: 3 turns
a +1 Complication: Power’s Echo: The Antagonist The Antagonist may roll to attack but save her
knows the character’s location and their use of the successes to set a trap. Roll her attack pool and
affected power. note successes, then designate a certain element in
the Field, such as a car, a doorway, or a ladder.
If a character interacts with that element, apply
DEFENSE the successes of the attack to Stunts as though the
Antagonist succeeded, using the character’s Armor
Defense Flairs provide protection to the Antagonist. if applicable. For 1 Tension, the trap resets with the
MASS CONCEALMENT same number of successes and can be triggered
a second time. Players may detect a trap with a
Cost: None reflexive Subterfuge + Cunning roll, Difficulty of the
Duration: One scene Antagonist’s successes on the Tripwire roll.
Subject: Field If Tripwire is used to prepare an ambush, it can only
be used a single time, effectively creating a sneak
Range: Medium attack unless noticed by the player characters. When
Action: Simple combat begins, Tripwire immediately refreshes.
Cooldown: End of Session
The Antagonist creates a massive shroud, the nature UNDER PRESSURE
of which may vary — a thick fog will do as well as Cost: None
supernatural darkness, for example. This shroud
extends throughout the Field and imposes an Duration: One round
Obscured Field Condition. All characters suffer a Subject: Self
+3 Complication to take combat actions within the
Field, failure to buy off the Complication leads to Range: Self
one of the following at Storyguide discretion: attack Action: Reflexive
a different, unintended target; attack one inanimate
object (of size Scale equal or lower); take an Injury Cooldown: The Antagonist is not attacked at all for
Condition. Additionally, actions to hide or perform one round
stealth actions gain +2 Enhancement.
Activate this Flair when two or more characters
attack the Antagonist in a single round, even if those
attack deal no damage. She receives +2 Defense
SIDESTEP against the second attack, and against all other
Cost: 1 Tension attacks that round. In the next round, the Antagonist
receives a +3 Enhancement to her Primary combat
Duration: Instant pool.
Subject: Self
Range: Self
Action: Simple
Social Flairs allows the antagonist to make non-phys-
Cooldown: End of Scene ical attacks on a target.
Activate this Flair after the Antagonist suffers dam- MASTERMIND
age. The Antagonist takes a step sideways and im-
mediately exits the Field and scene. The Antagonist Cost: None or 1 Tension
is no longer in the scene. Characters attempting Duration: Instant
to follow or track the Antagonist must succeed on
a Clash of Wills. The Antagonist may re-enter the Subject: One investigation
scene later unless there is some limitation on the Range: Indefinite
Field which prevents entry.
Action: Simple
Cooldown: End of Session; or the player charac-
TRIPWIRE ters confront the Antagonist directly
Cost: None or 1 Tension The Antagonist has shielded herself from scrutiny,
Duration: Indefinite be it through cutouts, agents, or magical means.
ANTAGONISTS themselves
Primary Pool (7): Subterfuge, Surprise Attacks
(+1 Enhancement)
A s in Scion: Origin, the following sample Antagonists
are intended to be guidelines and tutorials rather than
hard-and-fast rules to live by. Storyguides should design
Secondary Pool (5): Escaping Danger, Occult
Lore, Situational Awareness
Antagonists to fit their chronicles and players, not vice versa! Desperation Pool: 2
As long as there have been Dragons, there have been Defense: 2
those who have desired what is theirs. Titans, Gods, mor- Initiative: 7
tals, and quite often other Dragons have sought hoards of
draconic treasure and the luster of draconic magic since
the morning of The World. In the modern age, however, EGG EATERS
Dragons and their Lairs are often far outside the reach of
There is no shortage of spawn from absent creators
those in the mundane. For those would-be thieves of gold
crawling out of crevices in Terra Incognita to seek youth-
and fire who know of the existence of Heirs, however, they
ful flesh and magic. It’s unclear how so many of these
offer a tempting target. Often, an Heir’s pursuit of their
creatures found a taste for draconic flesh. Some accounts
heritage or the plans of their Dragon ancestor sees them
suggest that Echidna or other trapped monstrosities
coming into contact with all manner of ancient plunder,
released them en masse in revenge for Dragons failing
and their inarguable draconic heritage comes without the
to side with them in ancient conflicts against the Gods;
complication of an entire, immediately present Dragon to
Other stories suggest that some God quietly introduced
deal with.
them to The World to drive off draconic involvement all
PEARL THIEVES together. And yet others still, that they are some ancient
Mortals and near-mortals with just enough knowl- consequence of Dragons being in The World; lost children
edge and power to be dangerous, Pearl Thieves are cov- becoming poison for their own family trees.
etous individuals, desiring ancient wealth or draconic Whatever their origin, their forms are parodies of
power for their own self-interested reasons. Whether to a Dragon’s own, twisted draconic and reptilian features
provide for a life of easy luxury, gain supernatural pow- without consistency or clear lineage. They can’t often
er through stolen magics, or some other purpose, Pearl function long in the modern World without drawing
Thieves are uniformly willing and able to ruin or end an mortal attention, but lurk at its intersections with Terra
Heir’s life to get what they want. Their methods focus on
Hiers 199
the LLC after being outed by its investigations into her
cover identity as a textile heiress. LEGENDARY CREATURES
Despite what some Dragons may claim, there are
Since the Brood first founded Tiamat, Bolla, and
creatures who have lived alongside them for nearly their
Co., however, one of the original members has died, one
entire history. Whether created by draconic misadven-
ascended to the status of Lesser Wyrm and disappeared
ture or simply cast into their corner by the vagaries of the
into some Otherworld, and the remainder have drifted
World, these beings are sometimes subjects, sometimes
away to pursue their own Remembrances…save for one.
foes, and sometimes fellow travelers with Dragon, God,
Cloaking their origin in deception and lies, devouring
and denizen alike.
their own name to make identifying their true self almost
impossible, the Chief Financial Officer continues to run OPHIDIAN LAMIAI
TB&C (no one ever uses its real name anymore) as the AND OTHER SCOURGES
power behind the scenes. Having obtained their ances- They lived beyond the bounds of safety established
tors’ appetites but little in the way of loyalty to the long by Theoi Scions, their homes deserts, wastes, and rooted
dead Dragon, the CFO is content to amass all the money in warrens beyond polis and kingdom. The cursed, the ex-
the world. Eventually, it may become a matter of choosing iled, and the warped would hear the serpentine whispers
between aging and ascendance, but until then the CFO in the dark, and follow them to the coiling and scaled em-
uses the powerful business and intelligence apparatus of brace of the desert dwellers: the dancing snakes at the edge
TB&C to enrich themselves, stay apprised of threats, and of the night. They don’t deserve you, the serpent mothers
steadily grow in power. The CFO targets young Scions, would explain, just like they deserve so few of the gifts
Denizens, and Heirs alike for use as pawns in their plans, The World has given them. And so those who dwelled in
considering themselves beyond the reach of anyone short kingdom and polis learned to dread the slithering visitor
of a Lesser Wyrm or Demigod. And with the power of a in the night, who would take that which was undeserved.
professional spy organization, millions of dollars, and a For it was not treasure and magic seized, not even mighty
bevy of supernatural servants at their disposal, perhaps lives ended by poison that archon and paterfamilias and
the CFO is right. Theoi tyrant would fear most. It was that whisper from
Agenda: The CFO continues to grow TB&C, using its darkness to the scorned sibling, the abused child, the mis-
resources to gain blackmail material on mortals and super- erable spouse, the trod upon citizens to come away, come
natural beings alike, and then leverage that information away and dance and be free at the end of the world.
for more money and resources to continue the process. It’s What Flight or individual Dragon might’ve given rise
only a matter of time before they co-opt the leadership of to the lineage of Scourges is unclear, but it is certain that
a major group of Denizens, and CFO is idly wondering if many embraced Lamia as their true mother soon after
centaur or reptilian destroyer shock troopers would make she, herself, joined their ranks. Sometimes, the Ophidian
breaking into the mercenary business plausible. Lamiai serve the interest of Dragons directly through
Hooks: TB&C begins tracking local Broods, before their actions, but far more often an Heir finds themselves
threatening to expose the Heirs to their enemies if they tasked with bargaining with them for something or even
don’t start working for TB&C. Local peddlers of influ- someone they’ve seized. It can be difficult to obtain
ence and secret knowledge begin turning up dead, with anything from them if they consider you unworthy, and
signs pointing to TB&C; have they started to move into nearly as hard to prove ‘worth’ to a people who have been
wetwork? The CFO takes a personal interest in Heirs who judging The World wanting since before humanity knew
have made a name for themselves, offering them a place in how to farm.
the company…while trying to discover their weaknesses, Archetype: Professional
in case they want to exploit them.
Qualities: Natural Weapons, Toxic
Archetype: Rogue Agent
Flairs: Long Arm
Qualities: By Divine Right, Diplomythic Immunity
(Dragons), Swallowed Name Drive: Steal away things and people of value from
the unworthy
Flairs: Shattering Transformation
Primary Pool (7): Moving Unseen, Scenting the
Drive: Sit on a giant pile of money and never die. Unworthy
Primary Pool (11): Boardroom Politics, Financial Secondary Pool (5): Coils and Fangs (+1
Exploitation, Stealing Secrets Enhancement), Whispering in Darkness,
Secondary Pool (9): Cheap Shots, Larceny Desperation Pool: 3
Desperation Pool: 6 Health: 2
Health: 5 Defense: 2
Defense: 4 Initiative: 5
Initiative: 9
Hiers 201
T he deep history of The World has led to many draconic
creations separate and apart from the mixing of mortal
human blood with that of dragons. Whether birthed in the
Additionally, while these Legendary Creatures can
learn Draconic Knacks, they cannot transform those Knacks
or take on a Draconic Form unless they are also a draconic
burning bowels of the earth, hatched in gleaming clutches amidst Heir. A Legendary Creature’s Persistent Condition pre-
dew-speckled primordial fields, or transformed from animals cludes her from purchasing the Draconic Knack, Modest
and simpler creatures, these creatures existed in a time when Human Guise.
Dragons ruled The World. They call themselves the Children of
Dragons, though the truth of that moniker is lost to time. Many
of them died long ago, but just as other supernatural Denizens
of The World receded into shadows with humanity’s rise, so
too did the Children of Dragons. However, many still flourish
in Terra Incognita, secluded corners of The World, and beyond,
H umanity has never understood your kind, even when
they feared it. They told stories of devoured children
and emptied cities, of glittering treasures guarded by coils
remembering their old creators and watching the shadows that and scales and poison. There are places they would not travel,
ancient draconic plans cast across the world. where they would not dare send their armies, where they
swore there was poisoned wasteland, wrapped in coils and
GENERAL RULES watched with slit serpentine eyes. And why correct them?
Do not feel guilty for taking from the unworthy, for
City Swallowing Wastes: You may spirit away things,
people, or places, carrying them with you as easily and
unobtrusively as an egg. Make a Knack Skill roll and spend
successes on a one for one basis to increase the size Scale of
an item, person, or place you wish to take with you. The de-
fault with no successes is that you may take a single person
or small object. With one success you can take an item the
size of a motorcycle, two successes, a family, car, or shack,
and three successes or more enables you to spirit away en-
tire buildings and congregations. Sentient creatures must
give their consent or be somehow incapacitated for you to
carry them away in this manner.
Mighty Coils: You gain +2 Enhancement to all Grapple
Stunts, and gain the Soft Armored 1 tag against opponents
who are Grappling or Grappled by you.
Ophidian Avenger: You may declare someone unwor-
thy of a person, place, or thing. If they voluntarily and truly
relinquish all claim over them or it, this power has no more
effect. If they do not, as long as you share a scene with them,
they suffer a +2 Miasma Complication outside of combat,
and your attacks gain the Aggravated tag against them in
combat. This Knack may affect only one character at a time.
This Knack does not function on entities of a higher Tier
than you.
Poison and Miasma: You have the following Defensive
Stunt available.
Miasma (Variable Successes): You inflict the
Miasma Complication equal to successes spent (up to +5
Complication) for any enemies who attack you from the
Range Band you are in.
Venom of the Pit: When you fight unarmed, spend
Momentum to add the Lethal tag to one attack, which also
inflicts the Poisoned condition if it inflicts damage.
If an enemy does not resolve the Miasma
Complication, they gain the Poisoned condition
at the value of the unresolved Complication.
Trivial characters affected instead collapsed,
incapacitated, if they suffer from the Miasma
Scourges 203
Warm Scent of the Unworthy: You always know if Path Asset Skills: Culture, Leadership
an object, person, or place is harmed or unappreciated by Path Contacts: artists, diplomats, former subjects,
those that consider it theirs, and gain +2 Enhancement to unusually brave spelunkers
any rolls involving stealing them or it away to safety. This
always applies against conscious attempts by the erstwhile Persistent Condition: Serpentine Body
owner to stop you, but not unrelated rolls against them.
Wasteland’s Polestar: Mundane snakes and naturally
Mighty Coils, Poison and Miasma, Venom of the Pit
poisonous or venomous animals never trouble you unless
you attack them directly; supernatural creatures of roughly Gifts from Below: Once per scene, you may spend a
animal intelligence behavior similarly, unless supernat- point of Momentum to have otherworldly treasures of sur-
urally compelled. During Chases, you have the following passing quality, if transitory usefulness, on hand. Given as
Stunt available: gifts, they grant you +2 Enhancement on social rolls with
the recipient of the gift for the scene, even if they would
Why’d It Have to be Snakes?! (Variable Successes): You
otherwise despise you. Given as useful tools, they grant +2
create the Covered in Snakes Complication for the target’s
Enhancement to the user for the purpose they were given
Chase actions. This creates Complication equal to the value
for the scene, before becoming merely high-quality imple-
of the Stunt. If not bought off, the Condition resolves and
ments. You cannot gift weapons in this manner.
the target suffers a –1 Injury Condition and the Poisoned
condition at the value of the unresolved Complication. Hooded Assertion of Protection: When you pur-
Otherwise, it resolves at the end of the scene, or if they posefully reveal your lineage and supernatural form
spend an action getting all these snakes off themselves. to protect someone else you consider worthy, you can
spend Momentum to allow them to ignore penalties from
Wrapped in the Coils of Night: When you hide your-
–1 Bruised or –2 Injured Conditions on the turn those
self, someone else, or something you’ve stolen away from
Conditions are suffered.
those who would seek it, those searching find only darkness
and dust. Until the person or object reenters society or the Living Doors of Infinite Vaults: Your Social and
larger world, they’re nearly impossible to find. Attempts Force actions gain +1 Scale to prevent theft, destruction, or
by lower Tier opponents to find anyone or anything you’ve misappropriation of things in your possession or individ-
hidden away simply fail. If an effect benefits from supernat- uals under your protection. Individuals must require this
ural aid or is made by an opponent of equal or higher Tier, protection to grant you this bonus; your friend the Reptilian
make a Clash of Wills roll as the defender. Destroyer, for example, would not qualify.
Armor-Shearing Jaws, 140 Field Complications, 134-135, 154, 188-190. See also Complications.
Devourer of Stone, 140 Burning, 188-189
Enhanced Impact, 140 Crowded, 189
Leeching Strength, 140 Dark, 188-189
Render of Cities, 140 Extreme Weather, 188-189
Terrible Dragon Roar, 140 Gas Cloud, 189
World-Eater, 140 High Winds, 189
Devá, 177 Loud, 189
Devourer of the Dead. See Ammut. Slick, 189
Dice, 113, 119, 136-137, 139, 143, 148-149, 173, 187-188, 193 Social Code, 189
Difficulty, 133-135, 137, 142-145, 148-149, 152, 155-157, 160, 162-163, Tight, 188-189
165-167, 187, 189, 191-195, 205 Unstable, 188-190
Dionysus, 48 Weightless, 190
Divine Realm, 21, 74-78, 80-83, 132, 166, 177. See also Terra Incognita. Fields, 135, 188, 191
Draconic Form, 14, 118-119, 127-128, 135, 139-140, 143, 146, 149, 160, Dangerous Terrain, 155, 157, 160, 162, 191
186-187, 189, 202 Difficult Terrain, 144, 153-158, 162, 191, 196
Draconic Knacks, 41, 45, 51, 62, 72, 83, 92, 112, 115, 117-118, 120, 130, Five Worlds, 87
137, 139, 146-149, 186, 202. See also Knacks and Transformation Flairs, 149, 187, 190, 192-196
Knacks. Curse (Attack), 193
Dragon Flights. See Flights. Healing Wave (Support), 195
Dragon King of the East. See Ryūjin. Here I Come, 198, 201
Dragon Kings of the Sea, 71 Human Guise (Support), 195
Dragon Magic, 14-15, 110, 112, 117-118, 127, 129-130, 134, 150-162, 184, I Have Friends, 199
186, 192-193, 195, 197, 201. See also Signature Dragon Magic and Inspiration, 199
Spells. Long Arm, 200
Animal Control, 41, 49, 52, 58, 71, 81-82, 90-91, 151 Mass Concealment (Defense), 194
Decay, 39, 49, 58, 61, 70, 81, 90, 151-152 Mastermind (Social), 194-195
Elemental Manipulation (Air), 70, 89-91, 152-153 Mind Control (Social), 195
Elemental Manipulation (Earth), 51, 58, 62, 72, 90, 153-154 Seeing Red, 198
Elemental Manipulation (Fire), 41-42, 49, 58, 90-91, 154-155 Shattering Transformation, 200
Elemental Manipulation (Frost), 59, 61, 155-156 Sidestep (Defense), 194, 201
Elemental Manipulation (Water), 42, 49-50, 52, 59-62, 70-72, 82, Sorcery (Utility), 195-196, 199
91, 112, 156-157 Theft of Puissance (Attack), 193-194, 196-197
Fear, 39, 42, 49, 70-71, 80-90, 157 They’re Here (Utility), 195, 198
Flight, 42, 49-50, 58-59, 70, 72, 80-81, 89, 91, 157-158 Tripwire (Defense), 194, 197
Illusions, 40, 51, 60, 71, 91, 133, 158-159 Under Pressure (Defense), 194
Luck, 40-42, 51, 60-62, 70, 72, 81-82, 159-160, 180 Weather Tyrant (Utility), 195-196
Transformation, 39, 41, 70, 72, 80-82, 89, 131, 160-161 World Shaking (Utility), 196
Understanding, 40, 42, 49, 51, 59, 62, 81-82, 90, 161-162 Flight Paths, 41, 52, 62, 72, 83, 92, 111, 113. See also Paths.
Weather Control, 39, 50, 52, 59-60, 70, 80-81, 90, 91, 162, 199 Flights, 12-13, 20-23, 26, 30-93, 117-118
Weather Manipulation, 42, 51, 82, 89 Draqs. See Draqs.
Dragonslayers, 197-199. See also Antagonists. Flightmates, 21, 31-32, 47, 90
Armored Slayers, 197-199 Joka. See Joka.
Big Game Hunters, 197, 199, 205 Lindwurms. See Lindwurms.
Dragùa, 198-199 Lóng. See Lóng.
Rider, 199 Naga. See Naga.
Draqs, 13, 20-21, 24, 34-43, 100, 119, 131, 151, 162, 176-177. See also Serpents. See Serpents.
Flights. Frænir. See Fáfnir.
Drought Bringer. See Bere, Isa. Fujiwara, Hina, 199-200
Duat, 45-46, 48-49 G
Duration, 119, 126-127, 140, 145, 149-167, 193-196 Garden of Hesperides, 80
E George, 40, 199
Eater of Man. See Kulshedra. Ghana’s Guardian. See Ouagadou-Bida.
Echidna, 196, 204 Ghosts, 46, 131
Egyptian Pantheon, 20 Girtablullû the Stinging, 34, 43
Eighteen-Faced Serpent. See Waxaklajuun Ub’aah Chan. Gjallarhorn, 87
Enhancement, 125, 127, 130-134, 137, 139-145, 148-149, 152, 154-155, Glistening One. See Tiamat.
157, 159-161, 165-166, 187-188, 190-192, 194-201, 203-205 Gods, 11-14, 17-25, 29, 31-32, 34-35, 37-40, 42-49, 52, 54-61, 64-67, 69-
Equipment, 42, 85-86, 129, 133-134, 136, 140, 156, 182-183, 189 72, 74-76, 78, 80, 82, 84-92, 120-121, 123, 125, 131-132, 134, 143, 145-146,
Experience, 114-115, 133, 143, 147 150, 173, 176-177, 180, 183, 187, 196-197, 204
Extraction, 129. See also Guides. Godsrealms, 134
F Góinn, 60
Fadhila, 53 Golden Dragon King. See Jīnlóngwáng.
Fáfnir, 11, 19, 58-59, 62, 122-123, 175-177, 197 Gōnggōng, 64-65, 68-69, 106, 122-124
Fate, 11-13, 17-21, 23-24, 31-32, 55, 124 Gonzáles, Leticia Flores, 108-109
Fatebinding, 31, 59, 113, 124 Great Brood Mother. See Vishap.
Feathered Serpent. See K’uk’ulkan. Great Feast, 20
Feather of Ma’at, 48 Greek Fire, 45-46
Feat of Scale. See Scale, Feat of Scale. Guardian Knacks, 126, 132, 140-141. See also Calling Knacks and
Ruling Serpent. See Ruling Serpent Knacks. Egypt, 46, 49
Scale Knack. See Knacks of Scale. Euphrates River, 36, 39, 42
Scourge. See Scourge Knacks. Europe, 54, 57, 61, 78, 177-178
Transformation Knacks. See Transformation Knacks. Fiji, 85-86, 89, 92
Knacks of Scale, 112, 121, 128, 137, 140, 145-146, 157, 186-187 Florida, 131
Eternal Genius (Mystic), 146 Fouta Djallon, 49
Force of Nature (Primeval), 146 Guatemala, 85
Insatiable Collector (Collector), 146 Guinea, 49
Iron-Fisted Rule (Judge), 121, 146 Hong Kong, 106
Nameless and Faceless (Nomad), 146 India, 76, 180
On My Command (Ruler), 146 Indian Ocean, 36
Panacea (Healer), 146 Japan, 46, 64-65, 67
Relentless (Predator), 146 Jerusalem, 131
Sight Unseen (Watcher), 146 Karachi, 100
Unstoppable Force (Destroyer), 146 Korea, 64-65
Vigilant Dragon (Guardian), 146 Lake Taupo, 70
Knack Skills, 139-148, 150, 203, 205. See also Calling Knacks. Litani River, 36
Knowing, 24-25 Loch Ness, 36, 56, 59
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, 48 Marianas Trench, 34
Kokki, 46 Mediterranean Sea, 36, 41, 46
Kuāfù, 71 Melanesia, 84, 87, 89
K’uh Dragons, 84, 86-88, 91-92, 177 Mexico, 85-86, 93, 162
K’uk’ulkan, 17, 31-32, 84-90, 123, 177 Middle East, 35, 177
Kulullû the Piscean, 34 Moon, 68
Kulshedra, 38, 79-80, 82, 123-124, 130 Mt. Bùzhōu, 69
Kumarbi, 35 Niger River, 19, 45, 47, 49
Kuna, 64-65, 68, 70, 122-124 Nile River, 46-47, 51, 88
Kungkung. See Gōnggōng. North Atlantic, 55
Kusarikku the Aurochs, 34 North Island, New Zealand, 70
L Pacific Ocean, 66
Lacandon Jungle, 85-86 Poland, 55
Ladon, 17, 80, 122-124 Polynesia, 64-65, 72, 89
Lahamu, 42 Poulsbo, Washington, 104
Laḫmu the Hairy, 34 Russia, 55, 179
Lairs, 14-15, 28, 31, 36, 46-47, 51-53, 56-57, 66-67, 73, 76, 83, 85-86, Scandinavia, 54
91-93, 118, 125, 131, 134-135, 196, 201. See also Birthrights. Southeast Asia, 76, 79
Additional Security, 135 Thailand, 79
Atlantic Avenue Tunnel, 53 Tigris River, 36, 39
Grotto, 43 Tokyo, 27, 131
Janitor Closet, 92-93 United States, 108, 178-179
Kill Switch, 135 Venezuela, 108, 178
Lair of Acceptance, 76, 83 Vietnam, 64
Lair of Permanence, 76, 83 Yellow River, 67-68
Library of Alexandria, 53 Loch Ness Monster, 56, 59-60, 62, 122-124
Soul Egg, 135 Loki, 55, 57-59, 177
Titanic Lairs, 134 Lóng, 13, 20-21, 29, 55, 64-73, 87, 90-91, 119, 130, 132, 177. See also
Legend, 43, 113, 139, 148, 151 Flights.
Legendary Creatures, 11-12, 14, 43, 52, 72, 82, 111-112, 118, 131, 151, 186- Heaven Faction, 21, 65-67
187, 198, 200, 202-205. See also Children of Dragons. River Faction, 21, 29, 65-67, 71-73
Leopold II, 44 Sea Faction, 21, 65-67
Lesser Wyrms, 15, 24, 27, 43, 56, 117, 120, 129, 133, 174, 185-187, 190, Shallows Faction, 21, 65-67
200. See also Inheritance. Lotan. See Leviathan.
Arcanist, 118 Lover of the Nemean Lion. See Ladon.
Cabalist, 118 Lukasson, Jakob, 104-105
Conspirator, 117 M
Mastermind, 118 Ma’at, 45
Vizier, 118 Maize God. See Ixim.
Leviathan, 17, 34-36, 38, 41-42, 122-124 Mammu-Tiamat. See Tiamat.
Liminalities, 134 Mana, 70, 72
Lindwurms, 13, 20-21, 38, 54-63, 70, 104, 119, 131, 151, 164-165, 177. See Mantles, 11, 20, 31-32, 38, 44, 47-49, 57-60, 71, 88-89, 91, 124, 177
also Flights. Godly Mantle, 11, 32, 38, 89
Livyatan. See Leviathan. Many Headed Hunters, 78-79
Locations, 57, 63, 66, 129, 133, 173, 180-181, 184 Marduk, 20, 34-37, 40, 42, 176
Africa, 45-46, 48, 51, 86, 131, 181 Maui, 64, 68, 70
Armenia, 61 Maya, 85-86, 90, 92-93
Babylon, 61 Memory, 14, 20, 24-27, 32-33, 35, 39-42, 44-45, 47, 49-52, 54-62, 67,
Cape Town, South Africa, 48 70-72, 75-76, 80-83, 87-88, 90-91, 100, 110, 114-115, 117-121, 124-129,
Chiapas, 85 133-135, 143, 164, 174, 177, 187
China, 64, 66-67, 69, 71, 179 Memory Conditions, 33, 110, 119, 121, 125-128, 133-134, 143, 187. See
East Asia, 66-67, 72 also Conditions.
Creature of Life, 83 By Divine Right (Social), 193, 200
Crypt, 43 Diplomythic Immunity (Social), 193, 200
Jiāolóng, 73 Dragon Breath (Attack), 191
Lair Concierges, 52 Entrap (Attack), 191
Living Library, 63 Flight (Utility), 191, 199
Loyalists, 73 Heavily Armored, 153, 197-199, 201
Muwan Mat, 93 Helpless Fascination, 198
Skylar-Garrison & Co, Limited, 53 Institutional Disbelief, 198
Șișe Tabili Group, 53 Life Drain (Attack), 191
Vasuki’s Spies, 83 Mystic Arsenal (Occult), 190, 192, 199, 201
Vishapakar Society, 63 Natural Weapons, 153, 197, 200-201
Xoc Tzul, 85, 93 Obligation (Social), 193
Pawn Tags, 136-137. See also Tags. One Step Ahead (Utility), 192, 201
Access, 136-137 Perfected Soldier (Attack), 191, 198-199
Archetype, 136 Regeneration (Defense), 191
Defensive, 137 Segmented (Utility), 192
Group, 137 Shattering Transformation (Utility), 192
Helpful, 137 Shroud, 196
Indirect, 137 Slippery (Utility), 192, 201
Knack, 137 Slothful Resilience, 198
Mob, 137 Sniper, 197
Savage, 137 Stable (Defense), 191, 201
Smooth, 137 Stand Tall, 199
Terrible, 137 Subterranean Movement, 154
Tough, 137 Super Soldier, 191, 197
Unruly, 137 Sure-Footed, 154, 199
Petrosyan, Davit, 62 Swallowed Name (Occult), 192, 200
Physical Attributes, 111-112, 114-115, 136-137, 160, 189. See also Swimmer (Utility), 192
Attributes. Tough as Nails (Defense), 191, 199
Dexterity, 136, 139, 160, 189 Toxic, 200
Might, 136, 139, 160, 189 Twitchy, 196
Stamina, 136, 139, 160, 189 Unstoppable (Defense), 191, 199
Pools, 119, 145, 190, 192, 196-201 Vengeful Blood (Occult), 192
Primary Pool, 190, 192, 196-201 Vulnerability, 191
Secondary Pool, 190, 196-201 Willful (Social), 193
Poseidon, 65 Quetzalcoatl, 87, 177
Predator Knacks, 127, 144. See also Calling Knacks and Knacks. R
Apex Predator, 144 Rahab. See Leviathan.
Blood in the Water, 144 Raijin, 68, 71
Implacable Killer, 144 Raina, 20, 44, 46-49, 51-52, 122, 124, 177
Most Dangerous Prey, 144 Rain God. See Chaac.
Perfect Camouflage, 144 Raitarō, 68
Quenched with Blood, 144 Range, 132, 140, 145, 148, 150-158, 160-167, 189, 191, 193-196, 203
Send the Pack, 144 Close, 148, 152, 155-156, 160, 163, 165-166, 191, 194-195
Primeval Knacks, 144-145. See also Calling Knacks and Knacks. Extreme, 155
Calling Wind and Flame, 145 Indefinite, 194
Consuming Embodiment, 145 Long, 152, 154-156, 166, 195
Dragon’s Territory, 145 Medium, 151-153, 155, 158, 160-161, 163-164, 167, 193-196
Master of the World, 145 Range Band, 132, 140, 145, 150, 152-153, 155-157, 162, 189, 203
Messenger of the Infinite, 145 Self: 194
Purifying Force, 145 Short, 151, 155, 158, 161-164, 166
Something from Nothing, 145 Touch, 193, 195
Primordials, 52 Varies, 195
Procedural Scene, 137, 140, 142 World, 195
Pro-Maya Movement, 85 Rangi, 70
Protector of Buddha. See Mucalinda. Ratatosk, 60
Protector of the Dead City. See Sri Gumum. Re, 44, 48-49
Purification, 92, 167, 193. See also Signature Dragon Magic. Refinement, 52, 163-164. See also Signature Dragon Magic.
Cleanse, 167 Absorb Information, 163
Purify Organization, 167 Final Destruction, 163
Reclaim the Earth, 167 Transform Energy, 163-164
Remove the Unnatural, 167 Transmutation, 164
Soothing Aura, 167 Transmute Information, 164
Purviews, 150, 192 Relics, 22, 43, 46, 49, 63, 104, 125, 133-134, 146, 162
Python of Delphi, 57, 132 Remembrance, 15, 41, 52, 62, 72, 83, 92, 112-113, 118-119, 187, 200
Q Cipher. See Cipher.
Qing Lóng. See Ryūjin. Conditions. See Remembrance Conditions.
Qualities, 153-154, 190-193. See also Antagonists. Defection. See Defection.
Apocalyptic Presence (Occult), 190, 192 Remembrance Conditions, 119. See also Conditions and
Armor Piercing (Attack), 191, 197 Remembrance.
Illusory Aura (Illusions), 159 Burned, 187
Impersonation (Illusions), 159 Critical Hit, 144
Imprison (Teleportation), 166 Enhance!, 148
Incantation, 150, 186 Entrap, 144
Intimidating Presence (Fear), 157 Envenomed, 149-150
Irresistible Craving (Avarice), 165 Extra Clue, 161
Jump (Teleportation), 166 Grapple, 203
Land Blessing (Blessings), 166 Guide Stunts, 129-133
Lethal Weather (Weather Control), 162 Harm, 187
Localized Weather (Weather Control), 162 Hoard Stunt, 133, 192
Looming Presence (Fear), 157 Incinerate, 154
Master of Beasts (Animal Control), 151 Incite, 187
Master’s Song (Animal Control), 151 Inflict Damage, 144, 148, 161, 190-191, 201
Mental Command (Animal Control), 151 Interpretation, 161
Merge with Beast (Animal Control), 151 Knockback, 149
Minor Chaos (Pandemonium), 162 Knockdown/Trip, 148-149, 152-153, 161, 191
Oceanic Majesty (Elemental Manipulation: Water), 156 Pin, 148, 167, 187, 192
Organizational Chaos (Pandemonium), 163 Position, 148, 192
Overwhelming Greed (Avarice), 164-165 Q&A, 161
Paralyzing Disorder (Pandemonium), 163 Raze, 188
Paralyzing Gaze (Fear), 157 Scatter, 188
Penetrating Insight (Understanding), 161 Shove, 152-153
Piercing Gaze (Understanding), 161 Sinkhole, 150
Pocket Lair (Teleportation), 166 Stalk, 144
Purify Organization (Purification), 167 Sunder, 188
Radiant Wealth (Avarice), 165 Takedown, 148, 192
Read the Room (Fear), 157 Supreme. See Ndengei.
Reclaim the Earth (Purification), 167 T
Remove the Unnatural (Purification), 167 Tags, 136-137, 140, 148-150, 152, 154-157, 162, 191, 205
Rime (Elemental Manipulation: Frost), 155-156 Aggravated, 148, 154-155, 162, 191, 203
Searing Cold (Elemental Manipulation: Frost), 156 Arcing, 150, 155, 158
Second Chances (Luck), 160 Armored: Hard, 205
Shift Shape (Transformation), 160 Bashing, 148-149, 156
Skyward Gale (Elemental Manipulation: Air), 152 Brutal, 131
Soothing Aura (Purification), 167 Elemental, 148-149
Stock Your Hoard (Avarice), 165 Lethal, 128, 140, 148-150, 156, 203, 205
Stolen Luck (Luck), 160 Loud, 140
Swift as Lightning (Flight), 158 Melee, 149
Swift Fortune (Luck), 160 Messy, 131, 140, 148, 205
Telekinesis (Flight), 158 Natural Tag, 140, 149
Teleportation (Teleportation), 166-167 Pawn. See Pawn Tags.
Total Annihilation (Decay), 152 Piercing, 140, 149, 154, 156, 205
Toxic Corruption (Decay), 152 Pushing, 140, 149, 152, 154-156
Transform Energy (Refinement), 163-164 Ranged, 148, 150, 152, 154-155, 162, 191
Transform Object (Transformation), 160-161 Reach, 140, 154
Transform Other (Transformation), 161 Resistant, 132
Transform Substance (Transformation), 161 Resistant (Elemental), 147, 149
Transmutation (Refinement), 164 Shockwave, 131, 140, 148-149, 152, 155-156, 162, 191
Transmute Information (Refinement), 164 Soft Armored, 203
Unnatural Weather (Weather Control), 162 Thrown, 158
Untouchable (Decay), 152 Versatile, 149
Violent Anarchy (Pandemonium), 163 Ta Huun. See Witz’.
Vision of the Ages (Understanding), 161-162 Takamagahara, 66, 68
Vision of the Distant Shore (Elemental Manipulation: Water), Tangaroa, 89-90
156 Taniwha. See Lóng.
Vortex (Pandemonium), 162 Tarafe, 49
Water Mastery (Elemental Manipulation: Water), 156-157 Target Number, 186
Wind Blast (Elemental Manipulation: Air), 152 Teleportation, 83, 166-167. See also Signature Dragon Magic.
Wind of Wings (Elemental Manipulation: Air), 153 Create Pocket Realm, 166
Words on the Wind (Elemental Manipulation: Air), 153 Imprison, 166
Splendid One. See Mušḫuššu the Splendid. Jump, 166
Sri Gumum, 81-82, 122, 124 Pocket Lair, 166
Stanford, 106 Teleportation, 166-167
Storyguide, 35, 55, 110, 115, 125, 127-130, 132, 134, 136-137, 139-140, 142- Têmtum. See Leviathan.
143, 145-146, 151, 160-163, 173-176, 184-185, 187-190, 193-194, 196 Tenōchtitlan, 48
Storypath, 32, 145, 173 Tennōki, 46
Strange Places, 31, 36, 43, 52, 56, 59, 76, 86, 131, 204 Tension, 128, 134, 148-149, 188, 192-196
Student Historians, 106 Teōtl Dragons, 84
Stunts, 129-133, 141, 144-145, 148-150, 152-154, 156, 161-162, 167, 187, Terra Incognita, 13, 21, 31, 36-37, 43, 56-57, 60, 66, 74, 76, 84, 86, 118,
190-192, 194, 201, 203-204 123, 134-135, 137, 167, 186, 190, 193, 196, 201-202
Academics: Medicine:
Athletics: Occult:
Close Combat: Persuasion:
Culture: Pilot:
Empathy: Science:
Firearms: Subterfu e:
Inte rity: Survival:
Leadership: Technolo y:
Worldly Short
Worldly Lon
Deed Name:
Bruised +1
Bruised +1
Movement Dice:
Defense Roll:
You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic
and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their
terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours
has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons
remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war,
working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for
the fate of The World.
Discover the Truth. Find yourself. Make your own
Scion: Dragon details the stories of Heirs, those
chosen by Dragons to act within The World as their
agents. It is the story of discovering history, subverting
enemies, and espionage. Your Draconic patron seeks to
embroil you in millennia old plots and ancient grudges
as shadowy manipulators. All the while, you must learn
their secrets, and either embrace the Dragon’s goals for
you or make your own.
The Scion: Dragon is a standalone game in the
World of Scion
Scion,, and is meant for use with Scion:
Origin. Inside, you will find:
• Character creation system for Heirs; those chosen by
Dragons to enact their plots in The World.
• Knacks, Spells, and all the draconic magic wielded
by Heirs, powered by the Storypath System.
• Six Flights: Draq, Joka, Lindwurm, Long,
Naga, and Serpent Dragons, all suitable for
patronage of your Heirs.
• Information about The World from the Dragon’s
perspective, complete with plots and hooks to get
your characters deep into draconic intrigue.