TP 3 Ingles

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Lenguaje de Programación
Sr. Damiels,
Como jefe del departamento de programación informática, siento que necesitamos
actualizar los recursos del departamento. Esto incluye a nuestros programadores. La
mayoría de nuestros programadores están cómodos con los lenguajes de
programación C, C++ y Java. Incluso tenemos un programador que puede usar C#,
pero no tenemos a nadie que sea competente en ensamblador. Creo que necesitamos
algunos programadores que estén familiarizados con él. De esa manera, podremos
traducir entre programas más fácilmente.
Además, tenemos dos programadores que se especializan en BASIC. Este lenguaje
está en declive y probablemente será eliminado pronto.
Algunas de nuestras máquinas también están envejeciendo. Algunas computadoras
necesitan que sus compiladores y enlazadores sean actualizados. De lo contrario,
nunca podrán convertir a código máquina de manera eficiente. Una de nuestras CPUs
más antiguas no puede realizar multi-threading muy bien. Como usted sabe, el
departamento de programación es muy importante para esta compañía. Por favor,
ayúdenos a mantenernos actualizados. Gracias.
Sarah Jennings

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. How does computer programming affect business?
Computer programming significantly impacts businesses by automating
processes that were repetitive and time-consuming, improving operational
efficiency, and facilitating data-driven decision-making. Additionally,
programming enables the creation of applications and platforms that can
enhance customer experience and expand market opportunities.
2. Why is computer programming becoming more important?
The Computer programming is becoming more important due to the growth of
digitalization and technology across all sectors. As companies increasingly rely
on automated systems and the analysis of large volumes of data, the need for
skilled programmers is rising. With the rise of e-commerce, cybersecurity, and
mobile applications, programming is essential for developing solutions that
enable businesses to thrive in the digital age.

2. Read the latter from the head of a computer programming

depatment to her boss. Then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the letter mainly about?
a) Purchasing more CPUs
b) Writing better computer programs
c) Learning new computer language
d) Requesting updates resources
2. Which of these programming languages do the programmers NOT
a) C#
b) Assembler
c) Basic
d) C++
3. What can be inferred about basic?
a) It is used in Assenbler
b) It is used les frequently than c++
c) It cannot be used by compilers
d) Is is the most difficult to leam

3. write a Word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. Hes writing a new language that computer can process
Compiler language
2. An object-oriented programming language is used often.
3. Id used a programming language that tranlates between programs
4. Many of the first PCs use an early programming language that is not widely
used anymore
5. Harold often used a competitor to java instead of java
6. Do you hnow a programming language that adds compabilities to C?
7. Linux is created with a programming language that programs operating systems
8. The central processing unit is a computers most important part
9. A computer part that changes souce code into machine code is essential to

4. check the sentece that uses the underlined parts corectly

A. Linkers aliow programmers to control compters
B. CPU was the first programming language
A. A new java can make your computer run faster
B. Machine code makes programming psible
A. Added memoru aliows computers to multithread
B. Im leaming compiler, a new programming language

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