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UNIT : 2


Programming : Preliminaries

What exactly is a programming language? As a definition, a programming language is a tool

used by a programmer to give the computer very specific instructions in order to serve some
purpose for the user. A program is like a recipe. It outlines exactly the steps needed to create
something or perform a certain task.

For example, when baking chocolate chip cookies, there are certain steps that need to be

1. Mix cream, sugar in a bowl

2. Add flour, baking soda, and flavorings
3. Add chocolate chips
4. Bake in the oven.

For a person who has made cookies before and knows the amounts of each ingredient to use, this
recipe is sufficient, however, for a person who has never baked cookies before, this recipe will
not do. That person would need a recipe like the following:

Place 1.5 c. cream sugar in a bowl, bake cookies for 10-12 minutes at 37.5 degrees or until

There is still a problem with the preceding recipe. The first instruction says to put two eggs in the
bowl, but it doesn't say to shell them first! This may seem like common sense, but it illustrates a
fundamental concept: computers do exactly what they are told, no more, no less. When writing a
program, a programmer must outline every possible step and scenario that could occur.

The first programming languages that emerged were assembly languages. These languages are
exactly the instruction set of a specific processor. These languages are very low-level and hard to
understand. For example, say we wanted to add two numbers, 3 and 4 and get a result:

in C++: In assembly Language

ldl 3, R1
int a = 3 + 4; ldl 4, R2
addl R1, R2, R3

The version in C++ is easier to understand and simpler to write. This is analagous to the
differences in the first recipe presented and the second recipe presented. The first recipe
expressed the method of baking cookies on a high level, while the second method went more in
depth on how to actually mix and bake the cookies. Programmers write their code in a high level
language and then use a compiler to translate their code into an assembly language and then into
a machine language that will run on the machine they are using.
Programs consist of algorithms. An algorithm is just a well-outlined method for completing a
task. The above recipes could be called algorithms for the task of baking cookies. A high level
algorithm for adding two numbers could be as follows:

ask the user for the first number

ask the user for the second number
add the two numbers
display the result on the screen

This high-level abstraction is not actual code. However, it does express the ideas of a program,
and is called pseudo-code. Often, programmers will design their programs in pseudo-code, and
then use this to write their actual code.

So, why is there more than one programming language? It may seem that a standard language
should be agreed on, since all languages are translated using a compiler anyways. However,
languages are often designed with a specific use in mind, and some are better than others for
dealing with certain problems. So if a programmer is capable of writing a compiler (which is a
very complex piece of software) then they can design and create a language.

The most important thing to remember about programming languages is that they are only an
abstraction! Programming languages were created so developers could express their ideas on a
higher level than a computer can understand. Once a user has a good concept of how computers
work, and has learned a few computer languages, it becomes much easier to pick up new

A programming language is a tool used by programmers in order to specifically outline a series

of steps that a computer is to take in a certain instance. High-level programming languages allow
a programmer to express ideas on an abstract level, and forces the compiler to worry about the
low-level implementation details. This allows for faster development of applications, since
applications are easier to write. There are even fourth generation languages emerging as viable
programming languages. Recall that machine code is considered first generation, assembly
languages are second generation, compiled languages are third generation. Fourth generation
languages are actually code-generating environments, such as Microsoft's Visual Basic. These
fourth generation languages allow programmers to express their ideas visually, and the
environment then writes the code to implement these ideas.

Why Program in C++?

So what is so special about C++? Why should you use C++ to develop your applications? First,
C++ is not the best language to use in every instance. C++ is a great choice in most instances, but
some special circumstances would be better suited to another language.

There are a few major advantages to using C++:

1. C++ allows expression of abstract ideas

C++ is a third generation language that allows a programmer to express their ideas at a high level
as compared to assembly languages.

2. C++ still allows a programmer to keep low-level control

Even though C++ is a third generation language, it has some of the "feel" of an assembly
language. It allows a programmmer to get down into the low-level workings and tune as
necessary. C++ allows programmers strict control over memory management.

3. C++ has national standards (ANSI)

C++ is a language with national standards. This is good for many reasons. Code written in C++
that conforms to the national standards can be easily integrated with preexisting code. Also, this
allows programmers to reuse certain common libraries, so certain common functions do not need
to be written more than once, and these functions behave the same anywhere they are used.

4. C++ is reusable and object-oriented

C++ is an object-oriented language. This makes programming conceptually easier (once the
object paradigm has been learned) and allows easy reuse of code, or parts of code through

5. C++ is widely used and taught

C++ is a very widely used programming language. Because of this, there are many tools
available for C++ programming, and there is a broad base of programmers contributing to the
C++ "community".


"Hello, Dave"

Before diving right into the nitty-gritty of C++ language details, let's get started with a full-
fledged C++ program! The idea of this program is to introduce you to the overall structure of a
C++ program and give you the flavor of C++.

Here, then, is an entire C++ program:

//include this file for cout

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {

//print out the text string, "Hello, World!"

cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

return 0;

To prepare for the next section, create a new text file and save this code into the file. If you are
on a unix machine, save the file with the filename hello.C (make sure it ends with .C, not .c!). If
you are on a Windows machine, save the file with the filename hello.cpp.

Depending on your computer and your compiler, the process of compiling your program varies.
For now, we'll assume that you are using a UNIX machine and the gcc compiler. Gcc is a free
compiler which is available on virtually all UNIX systems.

To compile your program, type the following command at a UNIX prompt:

g++ hello.C -o hello

Make sure that g++ is in your path and that you are running it in the directory containing hello.C.

Congratulations - you've just compiled your first C++ program! The program is called hello and
is located in the same directory containing the file hello.C. To run your program, simply type
hello at your UNIX prompt. You should see the following output:

# hello
Hello, World!
That's all there is to it!

Now that you've successfully compiled your program, let's take a look at each line of code so
that you have a general understanding of how the program works. It will probably look confusing
if you've never seen C++ syntax before, but that's completely natural.

Here's the program again:

//include this file for cout

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {

//print out the text string, "Hello, World!"

cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

return 0;

Let's take a look at each line of code that makes up hello.C.

//include this file for cout

This line is a comment line. The // indicates that everything following it should be ignored by the
compiler. This allows you to add English explanations to what might otherwise be confusing
code. You have the freedom to comment your code as much as you like -- some programmers
write code with no comments at all; others write several lines of comments for each line of C++
code. It's all up to you. Keep in mind, though, that if anyone else will ever read your code, you'll
probably want to add comments. Even if you are the only one who will ever read your code, you
should add comments. It sounds implausible, but programmers often don't understand code
they've written weeks ago!

more on comments

#include <iostream.h>

This line is read "pound include i-o-stream dot h". The effect of this line is to essentially "copy
and paste" the entire file iostream.h into your own file at this line. So you can think of this syntax
as replacing the line #include <iostream.h> with the contents of the file iostream.h. #include is
known as a preprocessor directive, which will be covered much later.
Where is the file iostream.h?
This file is located somewhere in your include path. The include path indicates the directories on
your computer in which to search for a file, if the file is not located in the current directory.
Why do I need to include iostream.h?
In this case, iostream.h is a file containing code for input/output operations. You need to include
iostream.h so that the compiler knows about the word cout, which appears a couple of lines

more on preprocessor directives

int main() {

Every C++ program must have what is known as a main function. When you run the program,
the program will go through every line of code in the main function and execute it. If your main
is empty, then your program will do nothing.
There are essentially four parts to a function definition. They are the return type, the function
name, the parameter list, and the function body, in that order. In this case:

 return type: int

 function name: main
 parameter list: ()
 function body: { ... }

For now, the important thing to remember is that the function body is the part enclosed in { ... }
("curly braces"). The { indicates the beginning of the function, and the } indicates the end of the
function. The function body is the stuff in between.

more on functions

//print out the text string, "Hello, World!"

Another comment line. Remember, the compiler ignores anything following // (up until the end
of the line), so you can say whatever you want on these lines.

cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

This is the line that prints out the text string, "Hello, World!". For now, don't worry about how
cout works, just know how to use it. You can print out any series of text strings by separating
them with <<. So, instead of saying cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;, you could say cout <<
"Hello, " << "World" << "!" << endl;. The endl simply adds a carriage return (stands for "end-

more on streams

return 0;

This line is necessary because the return type of main is int (see above). We'll talk more about
functions and return types later, but for now understand that because the function's return type is
int, the function must return an int (integer). To return 0 (which is an integer, we simply write
return 0;.


A variable is a place to store a piece of information. Just as you might store a friend's phone
number in your own memory, you can store this information in a computer's memory. Variables
are your way of accessing your computer's memory.

Of course, your memory changes over time. Your friend moves across country and has a new
phone number, and your friend's new phone number will replace the old one in your memory.
Over time, as you acquire new friends, your memory will keep changing to store different pieces
of information. Likewise, a computer's memory can change over time, if you tell it to. Since
variables are your access point to your computer's memory, it makes sense that you'd be able to
change the information in a computer's memory; otherwise, they wouldn't be called variables
(they'd be called static’s).

Why should you care about variables? Variables are the essence of any computer program!
Without variables, computers would be useless. Imagine a program which asks the user for two
numbers and adds them together, and prints the result.

# Add Two Numbers

Enter the first number: 2
Enter the second number: 5
The sum of 2 and 5 is 7.
Sounds simple, right? But let's do a little role-playing to see what the computer has to do to
execute this program. Instead of this interaction between a person and a computer, let's imagine
the same kind of conversation between two people, VARINDER and Frank.

VARINDER: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add two numbers together.
Frank: Cool!
VARINDER : Give me the first number.
Frank: 2.

VARINDER: Ok, and give me the second number.
Frank: 5.
VARINDER: Ok, here's the answer: 2 + 5 = 7.
Frank: Sheesh! This guy is unbelievable!
After Frank says "2", Sol has to store that number in his memory somewhere. It may be stored in
short-term memory, but he has to store it somewhere before Frank gives him the second number.
Even if Frank were to give him two numbers in the same sentence, Sol would have to store the
numbers somewhere in his memory to add them together.

In the sample program described above, the computer would most likely store "2" in a variable,
then store "5" in a variable, and then calculate the sum by calculating the sum of the numbers
store in the two variables.

Although there are similarities between a person's memory and a computer's memory, there are
some pretty big differences. In C++, you need to grab a little piece of the computer's memory
before you can use it. In other words, you have to tell the computer that you're planning to store a
number in a variable before you can actually do it. This is called declaring a variable. To declare
a variable, you need to know what kind of information it will store (i.e., will it store a number, or
a text-string, or something else) and how you plan to refer to the variable (i.e., the variable's
name). C++ imposes fairly strict rules on how you can name your variables:

 variable names must begin with a letter

 variable names are "case-sensitive" (i.e., the variable "myNumber" is different from the
variable "MYNUMBER" which is different from the variable " myNumber")
 variable names can't have spaces
 variable names can't have special characters (typographic symbols)

What can you name your variables? In general, variable names can be composed of letters,
numbers, and underscores (_). However, C++ reserves certain keywords which have special
meaning to the language, and you are not allowed to use any of these keywords as variables
names. Some examples of C++ keywords are int, for, else, and class. You can, however, use
keywords in the middle of a variable name, such as "foreign" or "classical". For a complete list
of C++ keywords,


Variable Types

A variable type is a description of the kind of information a variable will store. Programming
languages vary regarding how strict they require you to be when declaring a variable's type.
Some languages, like Perl, do not require you to announce the type of a variable. Other
languages require you to declare some variables as numbers and others as text-strings, for
example. C++, a strongly-typed language, requires you to be even more specific than that.
Instead of declaring a variable as a number, you must say whether it will store integers or
decimals. In C++, the type of an integer is int and the type of a decimal is float (floating-point

Declaring Variables

Declaring a variable in C++ is simple. Let's say you want to declare a variable of type int called
myAge. That is to say, the variable myAge will store an integer. In C++, this is written:

int myAge;
All this does is tell the computer that you plan to use an integer, and that the integer's name is

In some languages, variables are initialized to 0 - that is, a variable's initial value will be 0. This
is not true of C++! Sometimes your variables will be initialized to 0, but sometimes they will be
initialized with garbage. As you might anticipate, this can cause some nasty bugs. Let's take a
look at another sample program.

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {
int myAge;
cout << "My age is " << myAge << endl;
return 0;
You might expect the program to output "My age is 0". In fact, the output of this program is
unreliable. On one system you may get output of "My age is 11"; another system may output
"My age is 0"; yet another system may output "My age is 3145". That's what it means to have a
variable initialized with garbage.

It is always a good idea to initialize your variables with some value. If you don't know what a
variable's initial value should be, initialize it to 0. Initializing a variable is easy. Let's fix the
above program so that it always outputs "My age is 22". The first line of the main function
initializes myAge by assigning it a value immediately.

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {
int myAge = 22;
cout << "My age is " << myAge << endl;
return 0;


How Do Computers Store Variables?

In any programming language, and especially in C++, it's important to have at least a cursory
understanding of what the computer is doing "behind the scenes". Since we're talking about
variables in this chapter, it's important to understand how a computer stores the information in

More Variable Types

For reasons not explained here, variables can only store finite numbers. Suppose that the size of a
particular data type, that we'll call a gorb, is 1 byte. That means that gorbs can only represent 28*1
= 28 = 256 distinct values. So, gorbs might be able to store only the numbers between 0 and 255
(inclusive). Any number that you tried to store in a gorb which was smaller than 0, or larger than
255, would not be stored correctly; it would be stored as one of the values between 0 and 255.
However, maybe you want to be able to store positive and negative numbers in gorbs, in which
case you'd only be able to store 128 negative numbers and 128 positive numbers. Since we need
to be able to store 0 also, you might decide that the range of values for a gorb is -128 to 127.

We've already learned about two different data types (not including "gorbs"!): int and float. What
are the sizes of these data types, and what are the limits on the kinds of values that they can
store? We just saw that a data type whose size is 1 byte can store 256 distinct values. Data types
of size 2 bytes can store 28*2 = 216 = 65536 different values. Using the same formula, we
determine that data types of size 4 bytes can store 28*4 = 232 = 4,294,967,296.

Unfortunately, the size of data types like int and float are not standard across all systems. The
size of an int depends on your operating system and your hardware. Here are some typical values
for ints and floats, along with some other important data types.

type typical size description

short 2 bytes stores a short (i.e., small) integer

int 4 bytes stores an integer
long 4 bytes stores a long (i.e., large) integer
float 4 bytes stores a floating-point number
double 8 bytes stores a "double-precision" floating-point number
A more complete listing of variable types can be found in Appendix B.

When to Cast

Casting a variable is a complicated name for a simple concept. When you cast a variable from
one type to another, all you are doing is telling the computer to use a different type to store the
variable. Why would you need (or want) to do this? Let's say you declared a variable of type
short. In most cases, that would mean that the largest positive value you could store would be
32,767. But somewhere in your program, you realize that you're going to have to do a calculation
which could increase the value over this maximum. Perhaps you are computing very large
Pythagorean triplets. To calculate the value of c (the hypotenuse), you need to take the square
root of the quantity a2 + b2. But what if a or b is very large? Then squaring that number will
make it much, much larger -- and if the value becomes bigger than 32,767 your values will not
be what you expected (if you had used a short to store a or b. Remember, a short can only store
the values between -32,768 and +32,767, so if you try to store a number out of this range, your
data will be incorrect!

So, the solution is to cast. We can cast the numbers to a larger data type, such as an int or a long,
for the purposes of the calculation -- and then we can cast them back to a short when we are
done, since the final value for c will probably be small enough to be stored in a short.

This is a somewhat trivial example, since in this case you could store the numbers in ints or
longs from the beginning and not worry about it! A more useful example might be if you have a
number which represents an average. You'll probably want to represent the number with a
floating-point type like a float or a double so that it is accurate while you are computing it
(otherwise you'd only be able to store a value like "26" instead of "26.3141885"). Let's say that
you want to display the value in a table, yet the table would look cluttered if you displayed
"26.3141885", so you decide to simply display the integer portion, 26. You can cast the float to
an int and then display the int in the table -- since ints can't store floating-point numbers, the
decimal portion of "26.3141885" will be truncated and you will be left with "26".

How to Cast

Casting in C++ is easy. Let's say that you have a float storing a number like "26.3141885", and
you want to have an int storing the integer portion instead. Here's how to do it:

int GetAverage() {

// assume that regularAverage and specialAverage store two floats

float totalAverage = regularAverage + specialAverage;

// cast totalAverage to an int

int truncatedAverage = (int) totalAverage;

// return the truncated value

return truncatedAverage;
There's a little bit of syntax that you haven't seen before, but the key part to notice is the line of
code that reads int truncatedAverage = (int) totalAverage. What we're doing here is taking a
float, totalAverage, which stores some kind of decimal number (like 82.41832), and getting rid
of the ".41832" part by casting it to an int. That works because the int is only capable of storing
integers, so it simply stores the integer portion of totalAverage.


This page covers the following topics:

 Booleans: True and False

 Boolean operators in C++
 Arithmetic operators in C++
 Equality operators in C++
 Assignment operators in C++

Booleans: True and False

Before talking about operators, we'll take a quick aside into booleans, since we'll need to know
what a boolean is before discussing operators. A boolean value is one that can be either true or
false. No other values are allowed. Booleans and boolean operations are at the heart of
programming. Many times in a program, you'll want to do one thing if a certain condition is true,
and a different thing if the condition is false. For example, when processing a series of
checkboxes, you may want to take an action only if a box is checked, and do nothing otherwise.
That's when you'll want to use a boolean.

Most programming languages have a type for booleans, usually called "boolean" or "bool". Some
C++ compilers recognize the type bool, others do not. For now, assume that your compiler
supports the bool type. We'll discuss what to do if your compiler doesn't, in a moment.

In order to use boolean logic to your advantage, you need to learn about the three basic boolean
operations. They are called and, or, and not. Each operation takes either one or two boolean
inputs, and returns a boolean output. They are often represented by symbols known as "gates",
shown below.

The "and" operation takes two inputs and produces

one output. If both inputs are true, the output is true;
in all other cases, the output is false. It can be
and interpreted as follows: "I will return true if input 1
and input 2 are true."

The "or" operation takes two inputs and produces one

output. If either of the inputs are true, the output is
true; otherwise (i.e., if neither input is true), the
or output is false. It can be interpreted as follows: "I will
return true if either input 1 or input 2 is true."

The "not" operation takes one input and produces one

output. If the input is true, the output is false. If the
input is false, the output is true. In other words, the
not "not" operation takes the input and returns its

Boolean operators in C++

There are operators in C++ which behave just as the boolean gates shown above! We'll show you
an example of how to use each one.

and: &&

The "and" operator is used by placing the "and" symbol, &&, in between two boolean values.
//suppose that Fran is tired
bool franIsTired = true;

//but Fran doesn't have to wake up early

bool franMustWakeUpEarly = false;

//will Fran go to sleep now?

bool bedTime = franIsTired && franMustWakeUpEarly;
What does this chunk of code do? It initializes two variables, franIsTired and
franMustWakeUpEarly, to true and false, respectively. Then, in the third line of code (not
including comments!), we determine that Fran will go to sleep if and only if the "and" operation
is true -- that is, if both inputs to the "and" operation are true. In this case, the first input is true
and the second input is false. Since "and" requires both inputs to be true in order for the output to
be true, but one of the inputs is false, the output will be false. So, the variable bedTime will store
the value false.

Also, take note that the variable names used here are lengthy. How you decide to program is up
to you, but often times it's better to have lengthier variable names that are readable, rather than
short, obfuscated variable names like "i" or "zz". (The names in this example may have gone
overboard, though.)

or: ||

The "or" operator is used by placing the "or" symbol, ||, in between two boolean values.

//suppose that Graham is tired

bool grahamIsTired = true;

//but Graham doesn't have to wake up early

bool grahamMustWakeUpEarly = false;

//will Graham go to sleep now?

bool bedTime = grahamIsTired || grahamMustWakeUpEarly;
This example is very similar to the example involving Fran, except notice the key difference:
whether or not Graham goes to sleep is determined differently. Graham will go to sleep if he is
tired or if he needs to wake up early. Whereas Fran would go to sleep only if both conditions
were true, Graham will go to sleep if either condition (or both) is true. Therefore, the value of
bedTime is true.

not: !

The "not" operator is used by placing the "not" symbol, !, before a boolean value.

//suppose that Julian stayed up late

bool julianStayedUpLate = true;

//will Julian be peppy tomorrow?

bool julianIsPeppy = !julianStayedUpLate;

This example illustrates the "not" operator. At the end of this block of code, the variable
julianIsPeppy will take on the opposite value of julianStayedUpLate. If julianStayedUpLate were
false, then julianIsPeppy would be true. In this case, the opposite is true, so julianIsPeppy gets a
value of false.

It is perfectly legal in C++ to use boolean operators on variables which are not booleans. In C++,
"0" is false and any non-zero value is true. Let's look at a contrived example.

int hours = 4;
int minutes = 21;
int seconds = 0;

bool timeIsTrue = hours && minutes && seconds;

Since hours evaluates to true, and since minutes evaluates to true, and since seconds evaluates to
false, the entire expression hours && minutes && seconds evaluates to false.

Arithmetic operators in C++

In addition to the boolean operators, C++ has a number of arithmetic operators. Here they are:

Arithmetic operators
name symbol sample usage
addition + int sum = 4 + 7
subtraction - float difference = 18.55 - 14.21
multiplication * float product = 5 * 3.5
division / int quotient = 14 / 3
modulo ("mod") % int remainder = 10 % 6
They all probably look familiar with the exception of mod (%). The mod is simply the remainder
produced by dividing two integers. In the example shown in the table above, if we treat 10 / 6 as
an integer divison, the quotient is 1 (rather than 1.666) and the remainder is 4. Hence, the
variable remainder will get the value 4.

Equality operators in C++

You are undoubtedly familiar with equality operators, even if you don't know it. An equality
operator is one that tests a condition such as "is less than", "is greater than", and "is equal to".
You will find it useful to be able to compare two numbers using expressions like "x is less than

Let's say you are writing software for a bank ATM (automated teller machine). A customer
makes a request for a certain amount of cash, and your responsibility is to determine if they
should be allowed to withdraw that amount. You could decide to use the following algorithm: "if
the amount requested is less than the account balance, that amount should be withdrawn;
otherwise, the customer should be notified and no money should be withdrawn." Makes sense,
right? So, the next step is coming up with some pseudo-code. Once you have pseudo-code,
writing the C++ code will be easy.

Pseudo-code for the ATM problem might look like this:

if the amount requested < account balance then

withdraw the amount requested
withdraw nothing and notify the customer
Now that we have pseudo-code, writing the C++ code is as simple as "translating" your pseudo-
code into C++. In this case, it's easy:
if (amountRequested < accountBalance) {
else {
You'll notice some new syntax in this example, but don't worry about it too much. Pay close
attention to the very first line, which checks to make sure that the amount requested is less than
the account balance. The way it works is, if the expression between parentheses (()) evaluates to
true, then the first block of code will be read. That is, the code inside the first set of curly braces
({}) will be executed. If the expression in parentheses evaluates to false, on the other hand, then
the second block of code (the code following the word else) will be read. In this case, the first
block of code withdraws the amount requested by the customer, while the second block of code
withdraws nothing, and notifies the customer.

That wasn't so hard! All we did was take the original English description of how we would solve
the problem, write some pseudo-code for the English description, and translate the pseudo-code
into C++.

Once you know how to use one equality operator, you know how to use all of them. They all
work the same way: they take the expressions on either side of them, and either return true or
false. Here they are:

Equality operators
name symbol sample usage result
is less than < bool result = (4 < 7) true
is greater than > bool result = (3.1 > 3.1) false
is equal to == bool result = (11 == 8) false
is less than or equal to <= bool result = (41.1 <= 42) true
is greater than or equal to >= bool result = (41.1 >= 42) false
is not equal to != bool result = (12 != 12) false

Assignment operators in C++

Believe it or not, you've already been using assignment operators! Probably the most common
assignment operator is the equals sign (=). It is called "assignment" because you are "assigning"
a variable to a value. This operator takes the expression on its right-hand-side and places it into

the variable on its left-hand-side. So, when you write x = 5, the operator takes the expression on
the right, 5, and stores it in the variable on the left, x.

Remember how the equality operators, like < and !=, returned a value that indicated the result?
In that case, the return value was either true or false. In fact, almost every expression in C++
returns something! You don't always have to use the return value, though -- it's completely up to
you. In the case of the assignment operators, the return value is simply the value that it stored in
the variable on the left-hand-side.

Sometimes your code will use the return value to do something useful. In the ATM example, one
line of code was executed if the condition was true (that is, if the equality operator returned
true). Two different lines were executed if the condition was false.

Other times, you'll completely ignore the return value, because you're not interested in it. Take a
look at the following code:

int x;
int y;
x = 5;
y = 9;
cout << "The value of x is " << x << endl;
cout << "The value of y is " << y << endl;
int sum;
sum = x + y;
cout << "The sum of x and y is " << sum << endl;

This chunk of code shows why you might want to throw away the return value of an operator.
Look at the third line, x = 5. We're using the assignment operator here to place the value 5 in the
variable x. Since the expression x = 5 returns a value, and we're not using it, then you could say
we are ignoring the return value. However, note that a few of lines down, we are very interested
in the return value of an operator. The addition operator in the expression x + y returns the sum
of its left-hand-side and right-hand-side. That's how we are able to assign a value to sum. You
can think of it as sum = (x + y), since that's what it's really doing. Operator precedence is
covered on the next page.

The other assignment operators are all based on the equals sign, so make sure you understand
that before going on. Here's another assignment operator: +=. How does it work? You might
guess that it has something to do with addition, and something to do with assignment. You'd be
absolutely right! The += operator takes the variable on its left-hand-side and adds the expression
on its right-hand-side. Whenever you see a statement that looks like the following:

myVar += something;
it is identical to saying the following:
myVar = myVar + something;
That's exactly what it's doing! It's simply a shortcut.

The other common assignment operators are -=, *=, /=, and %=. They all function just like the
+= operator, except instead of adding the value on the right-hand-side, they subtract, or multiply,
or divide, or "mod" it.

Just as the simple assignment operator = returns the value that it stored, all of the assignment
operators return the value stored in the variable on the left-hand-side. Here's an example of how
you might take advantage of this return value. It's not used terribly often, but it can sometimes be

//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle

int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;

//make it a square whose sides are 4

left = top = right = bottom = 4;
All this code does is store the value in each of the four variables left, top, right, and bottom. How
does it work? It starts on the far right-hand side. It sees bottom = 4. So it places the value 4 in the
variable bottom, and returns the value it stored in bottom (which is 4). Since bottom = 4
evaluates to 4, the variable right will also get the value 4. Which means top will also get 4, which
means left will also get 4. Phew! Of course, this code could have just as easily been written
//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;

//make it a square whose sides are 4

left = 4;
top = 4;
right = 4;
bottom = 4;
and it would have done the exact same thing. The first way is more compact, and you're more
likely to see it written the first way. But both ways are equally correct, so use whichever you

Operator Precedence

So far, we've seen a number of different operators. Here's a summary of the operators we've
covered so far:
Boolean operators &&, ||, !
Arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, %
Equality operators <, >, ==, <=, >=, !=
Assignment operators =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

What is operator precedence?

Operator precedence refers to the order in which operators get used. An operator with high
precedence will get used before an operator with lower precedence. Here's an example:

int result = 4 + 5 * 6 + 2;
What will be the value of result? The answer depends on the precedence of the operators. In
C++, the multiplication operator (*) has higher precedence than the addition operator (+). What
that means is, the multiplication 5 * 6 will take place before either of the additions, so your
expression will resolve to 4 + 30 + 2 , so result will store the value 36.

Since C++ doesn't really care about whitespace, the same thing would be true if you had written:

int result = 4+5 * 6+2;

The result would still be 36.

Maybe you wanted to take the sum 4 + 5 and multiply it by the sum 6 + 2 for a result of 72? Just
as in math class, add parentheses. You can write:

int result = (4 + 5) * (6 + 2);

Operator precedence in C++

Operator precedence in C++ is incredibly easy! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Here's the
trick: if you don't know the order of precedence, or you're not sure, add parentheses! Don't even
bother looking it up. We can guarantee that it will be faster for you to add parentheses than to
look it up in this tutorial or in a C++ book. Adding parentheses has another obvious benefit - it
makes your code much easier to read. Chances are, if you are uncertain about the order of
precedence, anyone reading your code will have the same uncertainty.

That having been said, here's the order of operator precedence. In general, the order is what you
would think it is - that is, you can safely say

int x = 4 + 3;
and it will correctly add 4 and 3 before assigning to x. Our advice is to read this table once and
then never refer to it again.

Operator precedence
operators have the same precedence as other operators in their group, and
higher precedence than operators in lower groups
operator name
! boolean not

* multiplication
/ division
% mod

+ addition
- subtraction

< is less than

<= is less than or equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to

== is equal to
!= is not equal to

&& boolean and

|| boolean or

= assignment
*= multiply and assign
/= divide and assign
%= mod and assign
+= add and assign
-= subtract and assign


What is a Control Statement?

The flow of control

When a programmer is crafting a program, it is good practice to break the program down into
pieces that can be thought of independently. Once the program has been completed, we can think
of its execution as being a series of these pieces that work together in a certain sequence. These
pieces then pass the control of the program between each other. While one piece has the control,
the other pieces are inactive. This is known as the flow of control in a program. If our program
had three parts, called Start, Middle, and End, the flow of control could look like:

control statements
Control Statements, then, are ways for a programmer to control what pieces of the program are to
be executed at certain times. The syntax of Control statements are very similar to regular english,
and are very similar to choices that we make every day. There are two basic types of control
statements: branching statements and loops.

We will first look at branching statements. Let's say Julien is shopping at a mall and he finds a
CD that he wants to buy. Julien then checks his pocket to see if he has enough money to pay for
the CD. When he pulls his money out of his pocket Julian may be thinking: "if I have more
money than the price of the CD then I will buy the CD." In pseudocode that thought could be
translated into:
if (my_money > cost_of_CD) then
end if;

Note that the pseudocode statement end if means "end the previous if statement." This is to make
it clear what statements are inside the if statement and what statements are outside of the if

Depending on a certain condition a certain series of events will be executed. Another type of
branching statement is called a switch statement. A switch statement is just a shorter way of
writing a lot of if statements. Switch statements will be explained in more detail in the next

nesting control statements
In the preceding situation, if Julien doesn't have enough money, before going out to get a job, he
could look for a friend to borrow the money from. Now the pseudocode for this could be:
if (my_money > cost_of_CD) then
if (see_a_friend) then
end if;
end if;
Now there is one control statement that is inside of another control statement. This is known as

Let's pretend now that Julien was buying a house instead of a CD. If Julien wanted to buy the
house without taking a loan from the bank, he would have to wait until he had enough money to
buy the house. The pseudocode for this could be:
if (my_money > cost_of_house) then
end if;
But this means that Julien would only check once if he had enough money to buy the house.
What we want to describe is the fact that Julien needs to keep waiting until he has enough money
to buy the house.
while (my_money < cost_of_house)
end while;
This is a loop statement. Another loop statement is the for command. Let's say Julien wanted to
add up how much money he would make over the next year. Let's say Julien is paid $500 twice
each month. The pseudocode to figure this out could be:
int total=0;
for x = 1 to 24
total = total + 500
next x;
output total;
A for statement execute a specified number of times. In this instance it executes 24 times (12
months * 2 pay periods per month). In this example, it would actually be easier to write this code
total = 24 * 500;
output total;
But, what if Julien earns interest on any money that he saves? Now a for statement will be a
handy tool. Let's decide that Julien spends $400 a month on rent, $75 a month on food, and $100
a month on other expenses. Let's also assume that Julien earns 2% per month on any money that
he saves. Now our pseudocode could look like:
int monthly_expenses= 400 + 75 + 100;
int monthly_income = 1000;
float interest_rate = .02
// compute the amount Julien will have saved after one year
int total = 0;
int interest_earned =0;
for x = 1 to 12
interest_earned = total * interest_rate;
total = total + interest_earned + monthly_income - monthly_expenses
next x;

// display the value

output total;
Control statements allow a programmer to craft a program so that certain parts of code execute
multiple times, or not at all based on the current state of the program. Control statements are the
most basic form of logical control within a program.

Branching Statements (if, else, switch)

the if statement

The first type of branching statement we will look at is the if statement. An if statement has the

if (condition)
// code to execute if condition is true
// code to execute if condition is false
In an if statement, condition is a value or an expression that is used to determine which code
block is executed, and the curly braces act as "begin" and "end" markers.

Here is a full C++ program as an example:

//include this file for cout

#include <iostream.h>

int main() {
// define two integers
int x = 3;
int y = 4;
//print out a message telling which is bigger
if (x > y) {
cout << "x is bigger than y" << endl;
else {
cout << "x is smaller than y" << endl;
return 0;

In this case condition is equal to "(x > y)" which is equal to "(3 > 4)" which is a false statement.
So the code within the else clause will be executed. The output of this program will be:

x is smaller than y

If instead the value for x was 6 and the value for y was 2, then condition would be "(6 > 2)"
which is a true statement and the output of the program would be:
x is bigger than y

the switch statement

The next branching statement is called a switch statement. A switch statement is used in place
of many if statements.

Let's consider the following case: Joel is writing a program that figures interest on money that is
held in a bank. The amount of interest that money earns in this bank depends on which type of
account the money is in. There are 6 different types of accounts and they earn interest as follows:

account type interest earned

personal financial 2.3%
personal homeowner 2.6%
personal gold 2.9%
small business 3.3%
big business 3.5%
gold business 3.8%

One way for Joel to write this program is as follows: (assuming also that Joel has assigned
numbers to the account types starting with personal financial and ending with gold business.)

// declare a variable to keep track of the interest

float interest = 0.0;

// decide which interest rate to use.

if (account_type == 1){
interest = 2.3;
else {
if (account_type == 2) {
interest = 2.6;
else {
if (account_type == 3){
interest = 2.9;
else {
if (account_type == 4){
interest = 3.3;
else {
if (account_type == 5){
interest = 3.5;
else {
// account type must be 6
interest = 3.8;

That code is hard to read and hard to understand. There is an easier way to write this, using the
switch statement. The preceding chunk of code could be written as follows:

switch (account_value){
case 1:
interest = 2.3;
case 2:
interest = 2.6;
case 3:
interest = 2.9;
case 4:
interest = 3.3;
case 5:
interest = 3.5;
case 6:
interest = 3.8;
interest = 0.0;

The switch statement allows a programmer to compound a group of if statements, provided
that the condition being tested is an integer. The switch statement has the form:

case val_1:
// code to execute if integer_val is val_1
case val_n:
// code to execute if integer_val is val_n
// code to execute if integer_val is none of the above

The default clause is optional, but it is good programming practice to use it. The default clause
is executed if none of the other clauses have been executed. For example, if my code looked like:

switch (place) {
case 1:
cout << "we're first" << endl;
case 2:
cout << "we're second" << endl;
cout << "we're not first or second" << endl;

This switch statement will write "we're first" if the variable place is equal to 1, it will write
"we're second" if place is equal to 2, and will write "we're not first or second" if place is any
other value.

The break keyword means "jump out of the switch statement, and do not execute any more
code." To show how this works, examine the following piece of code:

int value = 0;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
If input is 1 then 4 will be added to value. Since there is no break statement, the program will go
on to the next line of code which adds 3, then the line of code that adds 2, and then the line of
code that adds 1. So value will be set to 10! The code that was intended was probably:

int value = 0;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:

This feature of switch statements can sometimes be used to a programmers' advantage. In the
example with the different types of bank accounts, say that the interest earned was a follows:

Account type interest earned

personal financial 2.3%
personal homeowner 2.6%
personal gold 2.9%
small business 2.6%
big business 2.9%
gold business 3.0%

Now, the code for this could be written as:

switch (account_value){
case 1:
interest = 2.3;
case 2:
case 4:
interest = 2.6;
case 3:
case 5:

interest = 2.9;
case 6:
interest = 3.8;
interest = 0.0;

Loops (for, while, do)

the for statement

the for statement has the form:
// code to execute inside loop

 initial_value sets up the initial value of the loop counter.

 test_condition this is the condition that is tested to see if the loop is executed again.
 step this describes how the counter is changed on each execution of the loop.

Here is an example:

// The following code adds together the numbers 1 through 10

// this variable keeps the running total

int total=0;

// this loop adds the numbers 1 through 10 to the variable total

for (int i=1; i < 11; i++){
total = total + i;

So in the preceding chunk of code we have:

 initial_condition is int i=0;

 test_condition is i < 11;
 step is i++;

So, upon initial execution of the loop, the integer variable i is set to 1. The statement total = total
+ i; is executed and the value of the variable total becomes 1. The step code is now executed and
i is incremented by 1, so its new value is 2.

The test_condition is then checked, and since i is less than 11, the loop code is executed and the
variable total gets the value 3 (since total was 1, and i was 2. i is then incremented by 1 again.

The loop continues to execute until the condition i<11 fails. At that point total will have the
value 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55.
the while statement
The while statement has the form:
while(condition) {
// code to execute

 condition is a boolean statement that is checked each time after the final "}" of the while
statement executes. If the condition is true then the while statement executes again. If the
condition is false, the while statement does not execute again.

As an example, let's say that we wanted to write all the even numbers between 11 and 23 to the
screen. The following is a full C++ program that does that.

// include this file for cout

#include <iostream.h>

int main(){
// this variable holds the present number
int current_number = 12;

// while loop that prints all even numbers between

// 11 and 23 to the screen
while (current_number < 23){
cerr << current_number << endl;
current_number += 2;
cerr << "all done" << endl;

The preceding example prints the value of current_number to the screen and then adds 2 to its
value. As soon as the value of the variable current_number goes above 23, the while loop exits
and the next line is executed.

The output of the preceding program would be:

all done


What is a Function?

Up until this point, every line of code we've shown you has done a simple task, such as
performing an arithmetic operation, or checking a boolean condition, or assigning to a variable.
Functions allow you to do a whole lot in one line of code. Instead of performing a simple task, a
single line of code can display a menu of choices, or compute complicated three-dimensional
transformations, or even play Tetris!

How is this possible? Functions allow you to group a series of steps under one name. Remember
in Section when we were baking chocolate chip cookies? We had to perform the following steps:

place two eggs in a bowl

add 1.5 c. butter to the eggs
bake cookies for 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees or until brown
In C++, and in most programming languages, you can give a name to a series of steps. Let's say
we want to call this procedure "bake cookies". Then, our algorithm for baking cookies becomes:
bake cookies
We've just created a function to do the work for us. Don't get too excited - you still need to know
how to bake the cookies. You still need to know that the first step is placing two eggs in a bowl,
and that the second step is adding butter to the eggs. In this example, what you would do is write
a function called bakeCookies (C++ won't let you put spaces in the names of functions or
variables) that performs the series of steps above, and then whenever you wanted to bake
cookies, you would call the function bakeCookies, which would execute the lines of code
necessary to carry out the procedure.

Note: When we say you are calling the function bakeCookies, we do not mean that you are
giving it the name bakeCookies - you've already done that by writing the function. We mean you
are executing the code in the function bakeCookies. "Calling a function" really means "telling a
function to execute".

What are functions good for?

At this point, we've seen one reason why functions are useful. Functions let us create logical
groupings of code. If someone is reading your code, and she sees that you call a function
bakeCookies, she knows immediately that you are baking cookies. If, on the other hand, she sees
that your code places eggs in a bowl, then adds butter, etc., it will not be clear right away that
you are trying to bake cookies. Lots of recipes start out with putting eggs in a bowl, and lots of
recipes add butter to the eggs. By the time she reads the last line, she might realize that you are
baking cookies, but only if she is familiar with the recipe. It's possible that she won't realize that
you are baking cookies at all! The point is, functions make your code much easier to read.

There is an even better reason to use functions: they can make your code shorter. Fewer lines of
code is not always desirable, but every time you write a line of code, there's the possibility that
you are introducing a bug. Functions start to reduce the number of lines of code when you call
them repeatedly.

Suppose that you want to mail out invitations to eight of your friends for a cocktail party. Let's
assume that you need to do the following procedure in order to invite your friend Hank.

write Hank's name on the invitation

write Hank's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail
It takes five lines of pseudo-code to invite one friend, so it takes 40 lines of pseudo-code to invite
eight friends. It would look like this:
write Hank's name on the invitation
write Hank's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Ann's name on the invitation

write Ann's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Alicia's name on the invitation

write Alicia's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Whitney's name on the invitation

write Whitney's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Greg's name on the invitation

write Greg's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Mi Young's name on the invitation

write Mi Young's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Flavio's name on the invitation

write Flavio's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation on the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail

write Brian's name on the invitation

write Brian's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail
That's a lot of repeated code, and any time you repeat code like this, you are more likely to add a
bug to your program. For example, look at what we're doing with Flavio's invitation - we are
placing it on, not in, the envelope! We sealed his envelope and dropped it in the mail, but there
was no invitation inside. Flavio will receive an empty envelope and he'll be mighty confused.
That's a mistake that resulted from having to type the same lines of code over and over again.

Functions can substantially reduce the amount of pseudo-code you need to write to invite your
eight friends to the party. It seems unlikely that you'd be able to reduce this at all - each of your
friends has got to have their own personally addressed invitation, and all of the envelopes have to
be sealed and stamped and placed in the mail. How are we going to reduce the number of lines of
code? Let's create a function called inviteToParty which does the following procedure:

write Hank's name on the invitation

write Hank's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail
Now that we have this function, we can call it eight times to invite our eight friends:
You probably noticed a problem with doing it this way. We're inviting Hank eight times, and
none of our other friends are going to receive invitations! Hank will get invited eight times
because the function invites Hank to the party, and the function is being called eight times. The
solution is to modify the function so that it invites friend to the party, where friend can be any of
your friends. We'll change our function so that it looks like this:
write friend's name on the invitation
write friend's name and address on the envelope
place the invitation in the envelope
seal and stamp the envelope
drop the envelope in the mail
and then we'll change the way in which we call the function:
inviteToParty (friend = Hank)
inviteToParty (friend = Ann)
inviteToParty (friend = Alicia)
inviteToParty (friend = Whitney)
inviteToParty (friend = Greg)
inviteToParty (friend = Mi Young)
inviteToParty (friend = Flavio)
inviteToParty (friend = Brian)
Now, each time we call the function, friend is a different person, and each of our eight friends
will be invited. We've just reduced the number of lines of pseudo-code from 40 to 13 by using a
function, and our code became much easier to read. (We also got rid of that bug whereby Flavio
received an empty envelope.)

All of the examples on this page were written in pseudo-code, but the next page describes how to
write functions in C++.


Think of a function as a black box.

A "black box" is a convenient analogy for something that happens by magic. How does the black
box work? It takes some inputs, and swirls them around inside the box, and produces some kind
of output. Each function can swirl around the inputs in a different way, however that function so
chooses. How a function will use the inputs to come up with the outputs is the essence of the

We just said that functions are like black boxes because we throw in some inputs, and something
happens by magic, and some output comes flying out. The black box metaphor is really only
appropriate when you are using other people's functions. When you write the function yourself,
you have to know exactly how the function swirls up the inputs. It's not magical for you, because
you decided how the function works. However, if you give your function to someone else for
them to use, you can tell them it's a black box.

Function Basics

Now that you know what a function is, let's look at function syntax. We've already seen that a
function can take some inputs, do some stuff, and then produce an output.

The basic form of a function definition is this:

output function_name (input_1, input_2, input_3, input_...) {

// code to execute inside function
It's called a function definition because we are defining the function. We are saying, "This is a
function named function_name, whose inputs are input_1, input_2, etc., and whose output is
output. When it is called, the function will execute the code in between its curly braces ({}).

At this point, let's refine our sample function definition. When programmers talk about functions,
instead of the word input they usually use the word parameter. A parameter to a function is
nothing more than an input to a function. At the same time, instead of using the word output,
programmers generally refer to the return of a function. A particular function "returns" a value.
So, here is our updated function definition:

return_type function_name (parameter_1, parameter_2, parameter_3, parameter_...) {

// code to execute inside function

Notice that in place of output, the function definition says return_type. That's because when we
are actually writing a function definition, we'll put the return type there, immediately preceding
the name of the function. The return type is nothing more than a plain old variable type, such as
int, or double, etc.

Similarly, parameters use variable types also. If the first input to a function is an int, then the first
parameter will be something like int my_number. We'll see what my_number does in just a

A Real Function!

Enough dilly-dally, let's see a real, working, C++ function that actually does something! Suppose
we need a function that, converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Here it is:


So what is an object? An object is a component of a program that knows how to perform certain
actions and to interact with other pieces of the program. Functions have previously been
described as "black boxes" that take an input and spit out an output. Objects can be thought of as
"smart" black boxes. That is, objects can know how to do more than one specific task, and they
can store their own set of data. Designing a program with objects allows a programmer to model
the program after the real world. A program can be broken down into specific parts, and each of
these parts can perform fairly simple tasks. When all of these simple pieces are meshed together
into a program, it can produce a very complicated and useful application.

Objects are ways of bundling parts of programs into small, manageable pieces. Objects are
simply a definition for a type of data to be stored. An instance of an object contains meaningful
information, these are manipulated by the program. There can be more than one instance of an
object. Instances of objects keep track of information, called member data, or instance variables.
This data is kept track of by the instance until it no longer exists. Object instances also know
how to perform certain functions, called member functions, or class functions. Every instance of
an object performs the same steps when carrying out a member function.

Let's say that we are writing a text-based medieval video game. Our video game will have two
types of characters: the players and the monsters. A player has to know the values of certain
attributes: health, strength, and agility. A player must also know what type of weapon and what
type of armor they possess. A player must be able to move through a maze, attack a monster, and
pick up treasure. So, to design this "player object", we must first separate data that the player
object must know from actions that the player must know how to execute. The definition for a
player object could be:

Player Object:
type of weapon
type of armor
attack monster
get treasure

Member Data and Member Functions

Data that an object keeps track of is called member data and actions that an object knows how to
do are called member functions. Member data is very similar to variables in a regular function in
the sense that no other object can get access to that data (unless given permission by the object).
Member data keeps its values over the life of an object.

Objects and Instances

There is a very important distinction between an object and an instance of an object. An object
is actually a definition, or a template for instances of that object. An instance of an object is an
actual thing that can be manipulated. For instance, we could define a Person object, which may
include such member data as hair color, eye color, height, weight, etc. An instance of this object
could be "Dave" and Dave has values for hair color, eye color, etc. This allows for multiple
instances of an object to be created. Let's go back to the medieval video game example and
define the monster object.

Monster Object:
skin thickness
tail spikes
attack player with claws
attack player with tail

Now, our game could have one instance of a player:

Player Instance #1:

health = 16
strength = 12
agility = 14
type of weapon = "mace"
type of armor = "leather"

and our game could have two instances of monsters:
a tough one: and a weak one:
Monster Instance #1: Monster Instance#2:
data: data:
health = 21 health = 9
skin thickness = 20 skin thickness = 5
claws = "sharp" claws = "dull"
tail spikes = "razor sharp" tail spikes = "quite dull"
Notice how an instance of an object contains information on member data, but holds nothing
about member functions. Every instance of the Monster object performs "attack player" the same
way. There is a series of steps in this member function. But each instance of the monster has its
own value for the member data. In the preceding example, we can tell the two monsters in our
game apart, because of their member data. One monster is tough and the other monster is weak.

Let's say that we had a "Battle" function in our game. The pseudocode for it may go something
like the following:

Function Battle(parameters: _player = the Player Object instance

_monster = the Monster Object instance)
turn = PLAYER;
while ((_player's health > 0) AND (_monster's health > 0)) {
if (turn == PLAYER){
player attack's monster;
turn = MONSTER;
else {
monster attack's player
turn = PLAYER;
} // END FUNCTION Battle

In the "attack" phase, the attacking person would somehow deduct points from the defending
person. Let's say that the player was fighting with the weaker monster. The weaker monster's
health value is 9. If the player attacked the monster and did 5 points of damage to the monster,
the monster's new health value would be 4. The monster keeps this value as its health value until
it is undated again. So if the monster ran away at this point, and later in the game, the player
discovered the weaker monster again, it's health value would still be


There are entire books and long college courses that discuss Object design, I will go through the
basics. As discussed in the previous section, An object (synonymous with a class in C++) has
data that it remembers and actions that it can perform. So once it has been determined how an
object fits into a program, it's member data and member functions can be determined. The
question becomes how to determine what role within a program an object is will play.

The role that an object plays within a program should be able to be defined in one to three short
sentences. If it takes more than this to define (generally) an object's role, then there should be
more than one object. For instance, good concise role's for an object would be:

 Manages all requests into a data structure


 Arbitrates turns in a multi-user game


 does all data type conversions within program


 easy interface to reading, writing, and parsing files.

Drawing pictures that describe the functionality of objects can be a big help when designing a
program. Pictures can often describe the relationship between objects better than a paragraph of
words. Objects relate to each other in the following ways: ownership (contains), contained-by,
knows-about, doesn't-know-about.

Here's a picture of how some of the objects in the text-based medieval video game relate to each

Players and Monsters need to be able to fight each other. Otherwise it wouldn't be a very exciting
game. When the Player and a Monster are Battling they battle through a third object, the
BattleMgr. The BattleMgr decides which Battler acts first, and eventually, which battler wins. So
the Player object and the monster object need to know about the BattleMgr, and the BattleMgr
needs to know about both the Player and the Monster.

We have already decided on the attributes of a Battler, so let's add these to the picture.

Remember our pseudo-code for a battler:

Player Object:
type of weapon
type of armor
attack monster
get treasure
Notice that the actions are not listed in the picture, Just the attributes (data). Weapons and Armor
are their own type of objects so players/monsters must know about one of each of these types of
objects. The reason that health, strength, and agility are treated differently will become clear
later. For now, understand what we are trying to accomplish by drawing a picture: we want to
first of all understand the relationships between objects. Secondly we want to talk our way
through the program with this picture and make sure that we aren't leaving something out.

Let's move to a more complex example. In our game, a player can move through a maze
encountering Monsters to battle, and weapons and treasure to pick up.

We still have Players, Monsters, and a BattleMgr. We also have a GameDatabase (GameDB)
which keeps track of all the rooms in the maze and what is in them. We also have a

RoomManager (RoomMgr) that keeps track of the current room where the player is and
interfaces with the GameDB when the player moves to see where the player ends up.

Here is the diagram:

So let's go through some parts of the game. The player starts the game and decides to go east: so
the Player object tells the RoomMgr that the player is going east. The RoomMgr checks that the
move is valid and then asks the GameDB for the next room.

We already have a few problems. The RoomMgr needs an instance variable to keep track of the
current room. How does the RoomMgr know if "east" is a valid move? Well, each room will
have to have 4 instance variables: east, west, north, and south. Their values will be 1 if that is a
valid direction and 0 if it is not a valid direction. What about the contents of the room. What can
rooms contain? We'll have to create a Treasure object and rooms will have to keep a list of what
Treasure they contain and also what Monsters reside in that room.

How will we keep a list of an arbitrary number of items? We will use what is called a linked list.
This will be a good example of reusing pieces of code.

So where do we go from here? In the next section, we will try and pseudo-code out our program.
We will determine how we want everything to work and then write it down in pseduo-code.

Before going into the next section take a shot at re-drawing the previous picture and figure out
how you would organize the objects and what instance variables and member functions they
would contain. Your picture will no doubt be different from ours. Not that that means you are
right or wrong. One of the interesting things about programming is that there are often many
different ways to solve the same problem.

Declaring a Class

Once you have designed your objects, writing the C++ code is simple. The hard part is designing
objects that will interact well with each other, that will do everything you need them to be able to
do, but nothing more. There is almost no new syntax you need to learn to write objects in C++. It
involves using the syntax for variables and functions, so make sure you understand this syntax
before continuing.

Let's continue to flesh out our text-based adventure game. First, we'll write the code for our
Player object. In Chapter 6.1, we decided that players would have the following attributes, or
member data: health, strength, agility, type of weapon, and type of armor. To simplify this
example, we'll just use the first three attributes. We also wanted the Player to have the following
actions, or member functions: move, attack monster, and get treasure.

To write the code for our object, all we need to do is declare the member data and member
functions, and wrap them up inside an object declaration. Here's how it's done:

class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;

void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();
This is a completely valid, working class declaration for the Player object. All we did was
declared our member data (variables for our object) and member functions (functions that our
object can use), and enclosed them inside a class declaration block. The class declaration block
consists of the keyword class, followed by the name of the object, in this case Player, a pair of
braces, and a semi-colon.

Of course, this object won't be able to do anything, because we haven't defined its member
functions. Inside the class declaration, we said that the Player object would be able to do things
like move, attack monsters, and get treasures; but we did not say how a Player would execute
these functions. We need to write a function body for each function, so that a Player instance
knows how to attack a monster, for example.

Here's the syntax for writing a function definition for a member function:

void Player::move() {
//function body goes here

In other words, it's almost identical to writing a function definition for a plain-old, stand-alone
function. The only difference is that we precede the name of the function, in this case move(),
with the name of the object, Player, and two colons. This tells the compiler that this function is
part of the Player class.

Using a Class (Instantiation)

Just as writing a class declaration was an extension of concepts we've already covered, the same
is true of the syntax needed to instantiate an object. Instantiating an object is what allows you to
actually use objects in your program. You can write hundreds and hundreds of class declarations,
but none of that code will be used until you create an instance of an object. A class declaration is
merely a template for what an object should look like. When you instantiate an object, C++
follows the class declaration as if it were a blueprint for how to create an instance of that object.

Instantiating an object

The good news is, you already know how to create an instance of an object! It is exactly the
same as using a variable. Let's say you want to have four players in your game, each trying to
find their way to the end of a maze faster than the others. You might start by creating four
instances of your Player object, like this:

Player blueHat;
Player redHat;
Player greenHat;
Player yellowHat;
It's as easy as that. Although these objects are all Players, they are completely independent of
one another. They were created from the same template, but they can have different attributes.
For example, "blueHat" might be a slow, strong player, while "greenHat" might be quick and
weak, and "yellowHat" might be a well balanced individual, etc. The thing that makes these
objects similar is that they all must have values for strength, health, and agility, but nothing else.
They can all move, attack monsters, and get treasures, but that is all they can do. So -- they are
similar in the kinds of things they can do and the attributes they must have, but they are different
in that they can each have their own values for those attributes.

Using an object's member functions

Now that we can create objects, we need to know how to use them. That is, we need to be able to
use their member functions. Calling an object's member functions is similar to calling a regular
function, with a slight twist.

Suppose someone is playing your adventure game, and they are controlling the player with the
green hat. When the person hits the key to attack a monster, you need to make sure that the
correct code gets executed so that the right player attacks the monster. The code would look like

It's very similar to the way that a regular function is called, preceeded by the name of the object
on which the function should be called (greenHat), and a period. So, instead of calling the
function attackMonster(), we are telling greenHat to call the function attackMonster. This is the
power of C++. You can very easily "delegate responsibility" to the objects you've written, so that
what seems like an impossible task, writing a video game, becomes much more manageable.

Now let's suppose that greenHat picks up a treasure. Somewhere in your program, the following
will get executed:


This will cause the function getTreasure to be executed for the player with the green hat only.
The other players in the game will not execute this function. Perhaps you write getTreasure to
look like this:
void Player::getTreasure() {
health++; // increments the value of the player's health by one

In addition to all of the member functions you'll create for your objects, there are two special
kinds of functions that you should create for every object. They are called constructors and
destructors. Constructors are called every time you create an object, and destructors are called
every time you destroy an object.


The constructor's job is to set up the object so that it can be used. Remember in Chapter 3.2,
when we first declared a variable? Before we initialized the variable, it stored a garbage value.
We needed to initialize the variable to 0 or to some other useful value before using it. The same
is true of objects. The difference is that with an object, you can't just assign it a value. You can't

Player greenHat = 0;
because that doesn't make sense. A player is not a number, so you can't just set it to 0. The way
object initialization happens in C++ is that a special function, the constructor, is called when you
instantiate an object. The constructor is a function whose name is the same as the object, with no
return type (not even void). For our video game, we'll probably want to initialize our Players'
attributes so that they don't contain garbage values. We might decide to write the constructor like
Player::Player() {
strength = 10;
agility = 10;
health = 10;
We would also have to change the class declaration so that it looks like this:
class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;

Player(); // constructor - no return type

void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();

One problem with this constructor is that all of the players will be initialized to have
strength=10, agility=10, and health=10. We might want to create players with different values
for strength and agility to make our game more interesting. So, we can add a second constructor,
which has parameters for strength and agility. Our class declaration would now look like this:

class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;

Player(); // constructor - no return type

Player(int s, int a); // alternate constructor takes two parameters
void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();
and we would add a function definition for the alternate constructor, which looks like this:
Player::Player(int s, int a) {
strength = s;
agility = a;
health = 10;
Now, when we want to instantiate the Player object four times, we can do the following:
Player redHat; // default constructor
Player blueHat(14, 7); // alternate constructor
Player greenHat(6, 12); // alternate constructor
Player yellowHat(10, 10); // alternate constructor


Destructors are less complicated than constructors. You don't call them explicitly (they are called
automatically for you), and there's only one destructor for each object. The name of the
destructor is the name of the class, preceeded by a tilde (~). Here's an example of a destructor:

Player::~Player() {
strength = 0;
agility = 0;
health = 0;

Since a destructor is called after an object is used for the last time, you're probably wondering
why they exist at all. Right now, they aren't very useful, but you'll see why they're important in

Protect your Private Parts

At the beginning of Section, we used the following example of a class declaration:

class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;
void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();
Although this is perfectly legal C++, we left out an important part of class declarations to
simplify the example. Every data member and member function in a class is either private,
public, or protected. We'll explain the meaning of each in this chapter.


Specifying that a data member or member function is private means that it can only be accessed
from within the class. For data members, this means that the data can be accessed or modified
only while inside a member function of the class. For member functions, this means that the
function can be called only while inside another member function of the class. This is the default,
if no specifiers are used.


Specifying that a data member or member function is public means that it can be accessed from
anywhere in your code. The public specifier is less restrictive than private.


Specifying that a data member or member function is protected means that it can only be
accessed from within the class or a subclass. We haven't yet talked about subclasses, so don't
worry about using protected just yet. The protected specifier is less restrictive than private but
more restrictive than public.

How do I use these specifiers?

Using private, public, and protected are easy. The specifier affects all data members and member
functions until the next occurrence of a specifier. Here's the Player class, with protection
specifiers added:

class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;
void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();
In this example, the private keyword begins a private section encompassing the three data
members. The public keyword specifies that the next three member functions should be public.
So, only code which is in a Player member function can access the data members, while any
code in the program is free to call the member functions in the Player class.
Why bother with this stuff?

Specifiers allow a class to be very complex, with many member functions and data members,
while having a simple public interface that other classes can use. A class which has two hundred
data members and one hundred member functions can be very complicated to write; but if there
are only three or four public member functions, and the rest are all private, it can be easy for
someone to learn how to use the class. He only needs to understand how to use a small handful
of public functions, and doesn't need to bother with the two hundred data members, because he's
not allowed to access this data. He can only access the private data through the class' public
interface. Without a doubt, in a small program, using these specifiers may seem unnecessary.
However, they are worth understanding if you plan to do any program of reasonable size (more
than a couple hundred lines). In general, it is good practice to make data members private.
Member functions which must be called from outside the class should be public, and member
functions which are only called from within the class (also known as "helper functions") should
probably be private. These specifiers are especially useful in a large program involving more
than one programmer.

Inline Functions

We've already seen how to define member functions for a class, as follows:

void Player::getTreasure() {
health++; // increments the value of the player's health by one
There's another way in C++ to define your member functions. You can define them "inline",
inside the class declaration. Here's how you would define getTreasure inline:
class Player {
int health;
int strength;
int agility;

void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure() { health++; } // this is the function definition

The braces following getTreasure() contain the entire code for the function. We don't have to
define the function later in our code using the Player::getTreasure() syntax -- in fact, the
compiler won't allow it, because it's already been defined here inside the class declaration.

Why inline?

As you probably noticed, it's definitely fewer keystrokes to inline a function. However, another
good reason to inline is that you can sometimes speed up your program by inlining the right
function. Instead of calling the function every time it is invoked, the compiler will replace the
function call with a copy of the function body. If it's a small function which gets called a lot, this
can sometimes speed things up.
Depending on the function, it can also be easier to read inline. If it's a function like the

class Math { // class declaration

int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b); // function declaration

int Math::addTwoIntegers(int a, int b) { // function definition

return a + b;

it's probably easier to read if it's inlined:

class Math { // class declaration
int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b) {return a + b; } // inlined function
}; // (combined declaration and definition)

Why not inline everything?

Since the compiler will copy the entire function body every time the function is called, if it is a
large function (more than three or four lines), inlining can increase the size of your executable
program significantly. You may want to try to see what kind of speed gains you can achieve by
inlining, and also compare the increase in the size of your executable.

And, just as it is sometimes easier to read functions if they are inlined, it is sometimes harder to
read inlined functions. If a function is more than one or two lines, inlining it will more than
likely distract a reader who is trying to understand how the class works. In these cases, it's
probably better not to inline.


So what is a pointer? A pointer is a way to get at another object. Essentially it is a way to grab an
instance of an object and then either pass that instance a message or retreive some data from that
object. A pointer is actually just an address of where an instance is held in memory.

Some piece of your program can either possess an instance of an object, or know where an
instance of an object is. An instance of an object is a chunk of memory that is big enough to store
all the member data of that object. A pointer is an address that explains how to get to where the
instance is actually held in memory. Here's a quick example:

Our Player object has three pieces of data that it owns: strength, agility, and health. These are a
part of the player object. That makes sense in real world terms. The player knows about two
other pieces of data: the weapon and the armor that the player possesses. Here's a diagram for an
instance of the player object.

So that is how to conceptually think of pointers. Now what's really going on? Memory in a
computer is a complicated thing, but let's reduce it to it's simplest form: one large string of slots
with addresses that data can be put in. As in the following picture:

If we were to access the spot in memory with address 3, we would get the value 45. If we were to
access the spot in memory with address 2 we would get the value "Dave". The previous diagram
over simplifies two important concepts, however. First, each spot that has an address is the same
size as every other spot. Second, what's held in memory is simply data. That is, the information
there is just a string of binary data, 1's and 0's. The way that the data is viewed gives it meaning.

With these new ideas in mind let's Take a look at our previous diagram about the player and see
what's really going on. Here is the pseudo code for the Player in a little more detail than we have

class Player {
// attributes
int health;
int strength;
int agility;

// pointers to weapons and armor

Pointer weapon;
Pointer armor;

// actions that a player knows how to perform

void move();
void attackMonster();
void getTreasure();

Questions for practice

1. What is Constant?
2. What are uses of Constants in the programming language?
3. What do you mean by variable? Give example.
4. What are input-output statements? Explain with an example.
5. What is function? Describes the various types of functions
6. What is array? How the array can be used in programming language?


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