Password Reset B2 UT 4A
Password Reset B2 UT 4A
Password Reset B2 UT 4A
Listening Another theory suggests that cultural and regional
1 04 Listen and complete the sentences with factors may influence the intensity of the effect.
Europeans, for instance, respond better to placebo
information from the recording.
pills than injections. Americans also respond well
1 For a long time, it had been Jane’s dream to to placebos probably due to regular exposure to
___________________________________ . advertising for health care products.
2 When it comes to medical issues, Jane, The placebo effect needs further research so that
her mother and her grandmother all we can learn more about it. Were this to take place,
_____________________________. hopefully it will be used even more productively in
3 Jane’s opinion about juicing and the raw food diet clinical practice.
was that they ___________________________ and 1 Which information is presented in the text as an
too restrictive. opinion?
4 Jane decided to give up on fad diets because A The placebo effect often depends on the cultural
___________________________________ to her body.
7m2 background of patients.
5 Jane is sharing her dieting experience in order to B A placebo can influence the results of medical
________________________________ mistakes. trials.
C A placebo can help some patients recover.
__ / 5 D The placebo effect can be found in non-medical
2 A patient’s expectations about a substance they
2 Read the texts and choose the correct answers. have been given
Text 1 A can be problematic in clinical drug trials.
B positively influence their reactions to new drugs.
The Power of Expectation C depend on the results of IQ tests.
The placebo effect is one of the most mysterious D have not been investigated so far.
phenomena in medicine. People find it fascinating 3 Which isn’t true about the placebo effect?
that inactive treatment can actually relieve pain or A Some factors influencing it cannot be fully
ensure a faster recovery. controlled.
Let us start by explaining the basic facts. The placebo B It has a negative counterpart.
effect is commonly used in new drug trials. The drug C A lot of people deny its existence.
is given to a group of patients and the results of D It has been observed in other species.
treatment are compared to those in the placebo Text 2
group. But there are other, more interesting facts
about the phenomenon. For instance, it has been A few days ago, I had some friends round. I’d
found that the effects of a placebo are not only prepared some snacks and drinks and we were
psychological. Patients who receive a placebo and having a great evening. At some point, I suggested
believe that it will help not only report that they feel having a coffee, but when I opened the cupboard,
better, but changes in their blood pressure or heart I noticed there was only decaffeinated coffee left.
rate are also confirmed by medical tests. Another What could I do? Well, I went and served it to
intriguing fact is that the placebo effect is visible my guests without a word of explanation. To my
in areas other than human medicine. Studies have surprise, they didn’t seem to notice that the coffee
shown that dogs with epilepsy react positively to was caffeine-free! We started chatting again and,
both medication and placebo pills. Last but not after 20 minutes or so, one of my friends said, ‘Gosh,
least, the effect has been observed in the world of if it hadn’t been for the coffee, I’d be probably be
medicine. For example, people who think that they fast asleep now!’
are drinking alcohol tend to have impaired not only I was shocked. Is it possible that by simply believing
judgement and obtain poorer results in IQ tests. that something works in a particular way, you may
Interestingly, just as people tend to believe that physically experience its effects? On second thoughts,
a placebo can help them get better, if they think people often claim that their thoughts influence how
that a pill or substance they have taken may have they feel. And I’m sure you’ve all heard about the
a harmful effect, a negative effect is more likely to placebo effect. Its mechanism is essentially the same.
manifest itself. The adverse placebo effect is termed I decided to do some research in the topic. I’ve
the nocebo. learned, for instance, about an experiment on
Without a doubt, the placebo effect is something the so-called nocebo effect, in which a group of
real, and hardly anyone nowadays denies its people with lactose intolerance and a group of
existence. But there are still things we don’t know, healthy people took a pill which they believed
for instance, why the effect is more intense for some contained lactose. Both groups experienced stomach
individuals but weaker for others. It is assumed pains. Remarkable, isn’t it? I need to read more to
that the greater a person’s expectations about have a more informed opinion about it. Anyway, I’ll
the substance, the greater the placebo effect. This keep you posted!
complicates medical research on new drugs because Amy
expectations cannot be measured or predicted.
4 The author of the text 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
A participated in a research study. There are two extra verbs.
B is interested in medical issues.
C experienced something unexpected. suffer undergo give fall take lead
D suffers from lactose intolerance.
5 Which information in the text is expressed 1 It’s important to provide psychological help to
indirectly? children who _______________ victim to bullying.
A The guests were not told they were drinking 2 Frankie had an accident while cycling and had to
decaffeinated coffee. _______________ a knee operation.
B The author still doesn’t know what to think about 3 Overusing dietary supplements can _______________
the placebo effect. to health problems like allergic reactions and higher
C The evening with friends was very pleasant. blood pressure.
D The effect of drinking decaffeinated coffee is 4 Greg lost consciousness and stopped breathing, so
similar to drinking normal coffee. his brother had to _______________ him a mouth-to-
7m2 mouth resuscitation.
__ / 5
__ / 4
Language functions 6 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 1 Before any drug can be administered, the doctor
The first letters have been given. needs to carry ______ various tests to diagnose the
patient’s condition.
1 I’m not a great f______________ of using relaxation
techniques before exams. 2 How did they manage to speed ___ the recovery after
such a complicated operation?
2 I tried to persuade Susan to attend Zumba classes,
but 3 Quick! We must send ______ an ambulance, this
I think she might eventually o_________ f_____ man is bleeding heavily.
something less dynamic. 4 My dad always says that people who don’t use
3 Would you be so k_____________ as to provide me cycling helmets are putting their lives ______ risk.
s_____________ me at all.
7 Underline the correct word to complete each
5 I would a_________________ more information sentence.
about some of the ideas which have been presented
during the presentation. 1 If we don’t take preventative / primary / prescriptive
measures, obesity will soon be a serious problem in
__ / 5 our society.
2 Giving chest pressures / press / compressions is just
Vocabulary one of the elements of CPR.
3 Fortunately, the paramedics arrived in a brief / quick /
4 Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some
split second.
letters have been given.
__ / 3
1 Doctors believe that many new d _ _ _ g _ _ _ drugs
are extremely dangerous because they contain
substances which have never been tested on people. Grammar
2 The patient was given a full e _ _ m _ _ _ t _ _ _ 8 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
9 Rewrite the sentences using the verbs given in Writing
the correct form.
10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
1 ‘You’re right, exercising without keeping a proper diet Na szkolnej tablicy ogłoszeń znalazłeś/znalazłaś
makes little sense.’ AGREE ogłoszenie dotyczące kursu medytacji. Napisz list
She _________________________________________ . (200−250 słów) z prośbą o podanie interesujących Cię
2 ‘I would not drink energy drinks if I were you because szczegółów oraz z wyjaśnieniem, dlaczego chciałbyś/
they can cause restlessness and high blood pressure.’ chciałabyś wziąć udział w tym kursie.
Bob ________________________________________ . ________________________________________________
3 ‘I think you should take up a sport which wouldn’t be
so harmful to your knees.’ ADVISE
Lisa _________________________________________ . ________________________________________________
4 ‘I’m going to try a vegan diet for a month.’ DECIDE
Noah _______________________________________ .
5 ‘More and more people are becoming aware of the
negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.’ CLAIM
Peter ________________________________________ .
__ / 5 ________________________________________________
English in use
10 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets ________________________________________________
in the correct form. Write no more than six words in
each gap.
1 Frankly speaking, I didn’t feel like going
anywhere that evening, but Vicky (insist / go)
__________________ to the cinema.