Slump Test
Slump Test
Slump Test
Fresh concrete when unsupported will flow to the sides and sinking in height will take
place. The vertical settlement is known as slump. the workability ease of mixing
transporting , placing, and compaction of concrete depends on wetness of concrete (
consistency)i.e. water content as well as proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate
and aggregate to the cement ratio.
The slump test which is a field test is only an approximate measure of consistency defining
ranges of consistency for most practical works. Theis test is performed by the filling fresh
concrete into mould and measure the settlement i.e. slump
Tamping rod
Prepare four concrete mixes with varying water cement ratio say 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8. use 2.5 kg
cement , 5kg fine aggregate and 10kg of coarse aggregate for each mix (1:2:4 ratio)
Damped the mould and place it on flat moist non absorbent (rigid) surface it shall be held
firmly in a place during filing by the operator standing on the two foot pieces
Fill freshly mixed concrete in four layer tamping each layer properly 25timesbefore adding
another layer
After top layer has been tamped , strike off the surface of the concrete by a means of a
screeding and rolling motion of the tamping rod
Remove the mould immediately from the concrete by raising it carefully in a vertical
Immediately measure the slump by determine the vertical difference between the top of the
mould and the displaced original center of the top surface of the specimen
Record the slump in terms of inches