Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Arithmetic Operator:-
Ex: +, - , /, *, % , are used to perform the basic arithmetic operator
such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc.
(*) Note:
Modulus operator can’t be used on floats.
Logical Operators:-
These operators are used to make decision. They are also used to
connect two or more relational expressions. They are,
! (logical NOT), && (logical AND), || (logical OR).
Assignment Operator:-
Syntax :- identifier = expression;
Ex:- x = 1234;
x = a + b;
Ex:- x++, y—
++ and – can be placed before or after the operand. If it appears before the
operand it is called preincrement (or predecrement). If it is placed after the operand
it is called the post increment (or postdecrement).
Ex:- int x, y;
x++; postincrement
++x; preincrement
y--; postdecrement
--y; predecrement
Ex:- In a program,
int x, y;
y = x++; Assigns ‘x’ value to ‘y’ first, then increment ‘x’ value.
y = ++x; First increments ‘x’ value and then assigns.
y = x--; Assign first and then decrement.
y = --x; First decrement and then assign.
Conditional Operator:-
? is used . It is also called as ternary operator as it takes three
(exp) ? (Operand1) : (Operand2);
here exp is tested, if it results is true value, then it returns operand 1
otherwise operand 2.
Int x = 10, y = 20, z;
z = (x > y) ? x : y;
Sizeof Operator:-
*) returns size (in bytes) of an object or datatype;
*) sizeof() operator should be written in lower-case letters.
*) it should precede its operand.
Int x;
Sizeof(x); returns 2 bytes.
Bitwise Operator:-
All data items are stored in computer’s memory as a sequence of 0’s
and 1’s. there are many applications which require the manipulatio of
these 0’s and 1’s directly. So these are used.
Bitwise operators are,
~ bitwise not
<< bitwise leftshift
>> bitwise rightshift
& bitwise AND
! bitwise OR
^ bitwise XOR
An expression is a combination of operators , constants & variables arrayed as per
the rule of the language. It may also include function calls which return values.
An expression may consist of one or more operands, and zero or more operators to
produce a value.
1) Constant Expression 2) Integral Expression
3) Float Expression 4) Pointer Expression
5) Relational Expression 6) Logical Expression
7) Bitwise Expression
1) Constant Expression:-
2) Integral Expression:-
Are those which produce integer results after implementing all the automatic
and explicit type conversions
Ex:- m * n - 5;
5 + int (2.0);
3) Float Expression:-
4) Pointer Expression:-
Produce address values
Ex:- &m, *ptr
5) Relational Expression:-
Yields results of type true or false.
Ex:- x <= y, a + b == c + d
6) Logical Expression:-
Combines two or more relational expressions and produces Boolean type
results I-e true or false.
Ex:- (a > b) && (x==10)
(x==10) || ( y==5)