Unit1 C Programming 6 10 2022

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• Types of Operators
• Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment and Decrement, Bitwise,Ternery
• Type conversion
• Precedence and Order of Expression Evaluation

• Little Endian and Big Endian Formats

Relational Operators
Less than: <
Greater than: >
Less than or equal to: <=
Greater than or equal to: >=
Equality Operators
Equal to : ==
Not equal to: !=
 Suppose x and y are two integer variables with values 20 and -10 respectively.

Expression Value
x<y 0
x>y 1
x<=y 0
x>=y 1
x==y 0
x!=y 1
Logical Operators
Binary Operators
Logical AND: &&
Logical OR: ||
Unary Operators
Logical NOT: !
 Suppose x and y are two integer variables with values 20 and -10 respectively.

Expression Value
x&&y 1
x||y 1
!x 0
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise AND: &
Bitwise OR: |
Bitwise Negation: ~
Bitwise XOR: ^
Left shift: <<
Right shift: >>
 Suppose x and y are two integer variables with values 2 and 3 respectively.
 x=2.Binary value of x is 102
 y=3.Binary value of y is 112
Expression Value
x&y 2
x|y 3
~x -3 Note:
x^y 1 • ~x=2’s complement of x=-(x+1)
• x<<p=x*2p
x<<1 4
• x>>p=x/2p
x>>1 1
Assignment Operators and Compound
Assignment Operator: =

Expression Equivalent Expression

x=y x=y
x+=y x=x+y
x-=y x=x-y
x*=y x=x*y
x/=y x=x/y
x&=y x=x&y
Increment and Decrement Operators
Increment: ++
Decrement: --
Both are unary operators.
They can be
pre-increment(++i)/ post increment(i++)
 pre-decrement (--i)or post decrement(i--)
The Pre and post increment/decrement operators differ in the value used for
operand when they are embedded in expression
Prefix and Postfix Increment/Decrement Operators

Let a=4;

Expression Equivalent x value a value

x=a++ x=a; 4 5
x=++a a=a+1; 5 5
x=a-- x=a; 4 3
x=--a a=a-1; 3 3
Conditional Operator (?:)
It is ternary operator used for simple conditions.
Syntax: expression1?expression2:expression3
expression1 is evaluated, if it is true, expression2 is evaluated else, expression3 is
check if number is zero or non-zero:
Check if no is even/odd:
inum%2==0?printf(“%d is even”,inum):printf(“%d is odd”,inum);
Check if the number is zero or non-zero
void main()
int iNumber;
printf("Enter an integer:");

Other Operators
comma operator :allows evaluation of multiple expressions separated by commas.
Example: int a,b,c; c=a, a=b, b=c;

sizeof(type): prints size in bytes

Examples: sizeof(int)
Type conversion:
Type casting: Explicit type conversion
 Syntax: (datatype)operand
 Examples:
1. int i=4; float j; j=(float)i;
2. fCentigrade=fFahrenheit*((float)9/5)+32;
Precedence and Order of Expression Evaluation
Precedence: order in which different operators in complex expression are
Associativity: order in which operators with same precedence in a complex
expression are evaluated. Associativity is applied only when there are more
than one operators of same precedence.
Operator Precedence Groups
Operator Category Operators Associativity
Unary operators () [] . - ++ -- ! sizeof (type) ~ R->L
Arithmetic multiply, divide, remainder */% L->R
Arithmetic add and subtract +- L->R
Bitwise shifts << >> L->R
Relational < <= > >= L->R
Equality == != L->R
Logical and && L->R
Logical or || L->R
Conditional operator ?: R->L
Assignment operator = += -= *= /= %= R->L
Comma , L->R
a=5 ; b=10 a=5 ; b=10
c = a* 2 + b / 2 ; c = a* 2 + b % 2 ;
c = 5 * 2 + 10 / 2 ; c = 5 * 2 + 10 % 2 ;
c = 10 + 10 / 2 ; c = 10 + 10 % 2 ;
c = 10 + 5; c = 10 + 0;
c = 15; c = 10;
Find the values
1. x=7*6%15/9 2. x=7*(6%15)/9
• x=1 x=4
Find the values
• The following expression has a single pair of parentheses missing that makes it syntactically wrong and it
does not compile. Place a pair of parentheses in proper places to correct the expression and evaluate it.
for x = 2, y = 3, z = 5, w = 7:

Find the values
• The following expression has a single pair of parentheses missing that makes it syntactically wrong and it
does not compile. Place a pair of parentheses in proper places to correct the expression and evaluate it.
for x = 2, y = 3, z = 5, w = 7:

Correct expression is x * w + y * (z = 7) with value 35

Number Systems
Decimal System: It is set of numbers that has digits 0-9. It has base 10.
Example: 10,28,9,7
Binary System: It includes either 0s or 1s. It has base 2.
Example:1010, 11100, 10001, 111
Octal System: It includes numbers with digits 0-7. It has base 8.
Examples:12, 34, 21, 7
Hexadecimal System: It includes numbers with digits 0-9 and alphabets A to F
denoting numbers 10 to 15 respectively. It has base 16.
Examples: 0A, 1C, 9, 7
Number Conversions
Decimal to Binary
Binary to Decimal
Binary to Octal
Octal to Binary
Binary to Hexadecimal
Hexadecimal to Binary
2’s complement Representation
Convert the number into binary
Find 1’s complement: change 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s
Binary Add 1 to it
2's complement of "0111" is "1001"
2's complement of "1100" is "0100"

2’s complement Representation
 Represent 53 and −69 in binary 8-bit 2’s complement representation.
2’s complement Representation
 Represent 53 and −69 in binary 8-bit 2’s complement representation.
53 = 00110101
-69 = 10111011
Little Endian and Big Endian Formats
In a multibyte data type such as int or long or any other multibyte data type,
the right most byte is called least significant byte(LSB) and
the left most byte is called most significant byte (MSB).
Big Endian: In big endian format, the most significant byte is stored first, thus
gets stored at the smallest address byte.
Little Endian: In this format, the least significant byte is stored first.

Little Endian and Big Endian Formats

Preprocessor Commands:
 The C compiler is made of two functional parts: a preprocessor and a

 The preprocessor is a program which processes the source code

before it passes through the compiler.

 The translator is a program which converts the program into machine

language and gives the object module.
If a statement starts with symbol # those are called preprocessor
These are processed by the preprocessor before the compilation.

There are three major tasks of a preprocessor directive:

 Inclusion of other files (file inclusion)
 Definition of symbolic constants and macros(macro definition)
 Conditional compilation of program code/Conditional execution of
preprocessor directives
S.Durga Devi,IT Dept
• Preprocessor- it is a program that processes our
source program before it is passed to the compiler.

C source code (HAI.C)


Expanded source code


Object code((HAI.obj)

Executable code (HAI.exe)

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Example using macros
#define PI 3.14
void main() 3.14*radius*radius;
float area, radius=3.0;
area= PI*radius*radius;
printf(“%f”, area);
Use of Macro-
}//main suppose a constant value like 10 appears many
times in the program. This value may be changed
to 8 sometimes.
you need to go through the program and manually
change each occurrence of the constant.
However, if you have defined constant value with
#define directive, you need to make one change in
the #define directive.

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Find the output?
#include <stdio.h>
#define m 5+5
const int n = 5+5;
void main() {
int a = 0, b = 0;
a = m * m;
b = n * n;
printf("%d %d\n", a, b);
Math Functions: #include<math.h>

The following are some of the math functions:

 Absolute
 Ceil
 Floor
 Truncate
 Round
 Power
 Square Root
All the above functions are available in math.h header file.

NOTE: While compiling in shell/terminal use –lm option when

math.h file is included.
e.g.: gcc program.c -lm

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Absolute Functions:
 An absolute value is the positive rendering of the values
regardless of its sign.
 The integer functions are abs, labs, llabs.

int abs(int number);
long abs(long number);
long long abs(long number);

 The float function is fabs:

float abs(float number);
Example: abs(3) gives 3
fabs(3.4) gives 3.4

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Ceil Function:
 A ceil function returns integer value that is greater than or equal
to a given number.
 Format of ceil function:
double ceil(double number);
float ceilf(float number);
long double ceill(long double number);
 Example:
ceil(-1.9) gives -1.0
ceil(1.1) gives 2.0

Ceiling Function

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Floor Function:
 A floor function returns the integer value that is equal to or
less than a number.
 Format of floor function:
double floor(double number);
float floorf(float number);
long double floorl(long double number);
 Example:
floor(-1.1) gives -2.0
floor(1.9) gives 1.0

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Truncate Function:
 The truncate function return the integral in the direction of 0.
 Format of trunc function:
double trunc(double number);
float truncf(float number);
long double truncl(long double number);
 Example:
trunc(-1.1) gives -1.0
trunc(1.9) gives 1.0
Round Function:
 The round function returns the nearest integral value.
 Format of round function:
double round(double number);
float roundf(float number);
long double roundl(long double number);
 Example:
round(-1.1) gives -1.0
round(1.9) gives 2.0
round(-1.5) gives -2.0

S.Durga Devi,IT Dept

Power Function:
 The power function returns the value of the x raised to the power
y that
is xy.

Format of pow function:

double pow(double number1, double number2);

 Example:
pow(2,5) gives 32

Square Root Function:

 The square root function returns the non negative square root of a

 Format of sqrt function:

double sqrt(double number);

 Example:
sqrt(4.0) gives 2.0
S.Durga Devi,IT Dept
Lab Problems-6
1. Write a C program to check if the given number is odd or even using a ternary
2. Write a C program to swap two values without using temporary variable using bitwise
3. Write a C program to find the largest of two numbers using ternary operator.
4. Write a C program to check if the given number is divisible by 5 and 11 or 7 using
logical and ternary operators.
5. Write a C program to read two points and find the distance between two points.
6. Write a C program to read the total marks and print the following messages based on
below conditions using ternary operator.
• Passed: “Congratulations! you passed”
• Failed: “Sorry you are failed”
Note: Use Hungarian Notation while naming variables.

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