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TERM - 1 SYLLABUS CLASS - X- 2024-25
S.No. Subject Name of the chapter/chapters
1. English FIRST FLIGHT A. Prose 1. A Letter to God 2. Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom 3. Stories About Flying 4. From the Diary of Anne Frank 5. Glimpses of India Poems 1. Dust of Snow 2. Fire and Ice 3. A Tiger in the Zoo 4. How to Tell Wild Animals 5. The Ball Poem 6. Amanda! 7. The Trees FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET 1. A Triumph of Surgery 2. The Thief's Story 3. The Midnight Visitor 4. A Question of Trust 5. Footprints Without Feet Unseen Passage Formal Letters Analytical Paragraph Integrated Grammar 2. Hindi 3. Mathematics Ch-1 Real Numbers Ch-2 Polynomials Ch-3 Pair of linear equations Ch-4 Quadratic Equations Ch-5 A.P Ch-6 Triangles Ch-8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ch-9 Application of Trigonometry Ch-14 Probability 4. Science Physics: Chapter- 9; Light: Reflection and refraction Chapter- 10; Human Eye and the Colourful World Chapter- 11; Electricity(till Ohm's law) Chemistry: Chapter-1; Chemical reactions and equations Chapter-2; Acid, Bases and salts Chapter-3; Metals and non metals (Physical properties of metals and non metals) Biology: Chapter-5; Life processes Ch-6; Control and coordination 5. Social Science History Ch 1- Rise of Naionalism in Europe Ch 2- Nationalism in India Civics Ch 1- Power Sharing Ch 2- Federalism Geography Ch 1- Resource and Development Ch 4- Agriculture Economics Ch 1- Development Ch 2- Sectors of Indian Economy 6. French Reading Comprehension Writing (Informal Letter, Message writing, Rearranging of dialogue, Completing a story) Grammar 1. Les verbes- infinitif, présent, impératif, imparfait, passé composé, plus que parfait, futur simple, futur antérieur, conditionnel présent 2. Trouver la question 3. La négation 4. Les pronoms (COD, COI, y, en) ou Les pronoms relatifs simples et composés 5. Les adjectifs et pronoms démonstratifs Culture and Civilisation 1. L.2 – Après le bac 2. L.3 – Chercher du travail 3. L.4 – Le plaisir de lire 4. L.5 - Les médias 5. L.6 - Chacun ses goûts
7. German Lesen - Unseen passages
Schreiben - Email, Dialog Grammatik - Adjektivendungen - all cases, Präteritum, Indirekte Fragen, Konjunktionen, Präpositionen, Adjektive Steigerungen - komparativ und Superlativ Wortschatz - Lektion 6 - Magst du grüne Bohnen?, Lektion 7 - Die App, die den Dieb findet 8. Information Part A (Employability Skills) Technology Unit 1: Communication Skills Unit 2: Self-Management Skills Part B (Subject Specific Skills) Unit 1:Digital Documentation Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet
9. Artificial Intelligence Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-II Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-II Subject Specific Skills Unit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Unit 2: AI Project Cycle Unit 4: Data Science (Introduction, Applications of Data Sciences, Data Science: Getting Started (up to Data Access) Unit 6: Natural Language Processing 10. Sanskrit मणिका - साहित्य पाठ 1.वाड्.मय तप: पाठ 2. आज्ञागुरुणाम अविचारणीय पाठ 3 . नास्ति त्यागसमम् सुखम् पाठ 4. साधुवृत्तिं समाचरेत् पाठ 5. रमणीया हि सृष्टि: एषा व्याकरण पाठ 1. संधि पाठ 2. समास पाठ 3. प्रत्यया: पाठ 4. समयलेखनम् पाठ 5 . अव्ययानि रचनात्मक - अपठित गद्यांश, चित्र वर्णन अथवा अनुच्छेदलेखनम्, पत्र लेखनम्, संवादपूर्ति अथवा कथापूर्ति