Structure of The Atom g11
Structure of The Atom g11
Structure of The Atom g11
Philosophies: the smallest part that cannot divided into smaller one
they named it the atom.
Aristotle: refused the idea of the atom, considered that any matter
consists of 4 components water, air, fire, dust.
Boyle: he put the first definition for the element “it is a pure matter
cannot be analyzed into simpler one by traditional chemical method”.
Observation conclusion
1- Most of the alpha particles 1- Most of the atom is space it I
appear in the same position not uniformly dense (=not
before putting the thin gold solid) as Dalton and
plate. Thomson through.
2- Little number of alpha 2- There is small and high dense
particles not penetrates the part takes a small space in
gold plate and reflects back the atom called the nucleus.
so some glowing appears on 3- The nucleus has +ve charge
the opposite side of the gold similar to alpha particle so
plate. they repel.
3- Some glowing appears on the
two sides of the first
From this experiment Rutherford able to put the following model:
1- The atom
It very small in size. Its structure like the solar system (the planet revolve
around the sun) the electrons revolve around the nucleus.
2- The nucleus
Much smaller than the atom and there is large space between the nucleus
and the orbits (most of the atom is pace) the atomic mas is concentrated
inside the nucleus.
3- The electron
1-Due to the rapid movement of the electrons around the nucleus.
2-The electron is affected by two forces, attraction force and centrifugal
force they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Objection on Rutherford’s Atomic model:
Maxual’s theory
When an electrically charged particle moves in an orbit it will lose its energy
gradually by emission of radiation that causes gradual decrease in the orbit
By applying
This theory on Rutherford’s model, the electron will lose its energy
gradually by emission of radiation which causes gradual decrease of the
atomic radius and the electron spiral inward until it hit the nucleus.
Circular path Rutherford model spiral path objection of Maxwell with Rutherford
How atoms differ