Detailed Lesson Plan in Research
Detailed Lesson Plan in Research
Detailed Lesson Plan in Research
Am I understood?
Yes ma’am.
C. Lesson Proper
Am I understood?
Okay let’s start. Yes ma’am.
Let’s start.
How can research help students
learn faster?
How can research help prevent
common diseases?
How does research help in making
smartphones better?
Why is research important to learn
about poverty?
How does research help us
understand why people feel sad or (The game started)
How can research help people
make better decisions?
How can research help me build
How can research help me make
better decisions in life?
Have you ever been interested in
someone and looked for ways to
learn more about them?
So, what did you notice class out from Yes, ma’am.
those activity?
It’s all about research.
To discover ma’am.
To solve problems.
Descriptive Research
This type focuses on providing a detailed
account of a population or phenomenon.
It often involves surveys and
observational studies to describe
characteristics without manipulating
Correlational Research
This examines the relationship between
two or more variables to see if they are
associated. It does not imply causation,
just that there is a relationship.
Experimental Research
This involves manipulating one or more
independent variables to observe the
effect on a dependent variable. It
typically includes control groups and
random assignment to establish cause-
and-effect relationships.
Quasi-Experimental Research
Similar to experimental research but
lacks random assignment. This is often
used in real-world settings where
randomization is not feasible.
Causal-Comparative Research
This investigates cause-and-effect
relationships by comparing two or more
groups based on pre-existing conditions.
Very good!
Kindly read class the definition of the The introduction starts by telling us what
introduction. the research is about.
If you are studying the effects of social
media on student performance, the
introduction might begin with a general
discussion about the increasing use of
social media and how it affects different
aspects of life.
The purpose is to give the reader a clear
understanding of the situation or context
that has led to the need for the research. They can mention statistics, trends, or
It often includes historical background, real-world issues that show why the topic
previous research, or trends that needs more study.
highlight the importance of the study.
Am I understood class?
Kindly read!
Class you need to remember that the The problem is that high school students
purpose of statement of the problem is to might be spending too much time on
clearly articulate the specific problem or social media, and it could be affecting
issue that the research aims to solve or their grades.
explore. This section sets the direction
for the entire study.
Am I understood?
Specific Objectives:
To determine the average amount
of time students, spend on social
To analyze if there is a
relationship between time spent on
social media and grades.
Kindy read!
Yes ma’am.
The research questions are the specific Research questions clarify what the
things the study is trying to find out. study will explore, and are often open-
Why are research questions important in ended and Hypotheses make predictions
a study? about what the researcher expects to
find, and they must be testable.
Can you explain the difference more
They help the researcher focus on what
exactly they want to answer or explore
during the study.”
The research questions or hypotheses are Research questions are more about
based on the problem statement. They asking, like ‘What is the effect of X on
break the problem down into specific Y?’, while hypotheses are more about
things to investigate. predicting, like ‘If X happens, then Y
will occur.
They come from the problem. If the
problem is broad, the questions focus on
the specific parts that the researcher
wants to look at or predict.
Hypothesis Example:
Students who spend more than 3 hours Yes, because it’s clear and specific. It’s
on social media per day will have lower asking about the relationship between
grades than those who spend less time. two things: social media and academic
What makes this a testable hypothesis?
Am I understood?
Kindly read.
For example.
Am I understood class?
At this point class, I will group you into The introduction of a research paper
six groups. provides background information,
Each group will choose a leader, and the defines the research problem or question,
leader will pick a card that contains a outlines the study's objectives and
research title along with an assigned significance, and sets the stage for the
section of the research paper, which the methodology and findings.
group must develop and present.
First envelope:
“The Influence of Classroom
Environment on Student Engagement
and Learning Outcomes”
Second envelope:
“Exploring the Impact of Homework on
Academic Achievement and Student
Third envelope:
“Teacher Burnout: Causes,
Consequences, and Strategies for
Compose an introduction
consisting of at least three
paragraphs, supported by relevant
Fourth envelope:
Fifth envelope:
Sixth envelope:
You have 10 minutes to complete the “Assessing the Impact of School
activity. After the time, you will present Uniform Policies on Student Behavior
your answers, with each group allotted and Discipline”
three minutes for their presentation.
Provide the scope and limitations
for this research.
Okay time is up. Present your answers
(Students present their answers)
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Framework
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Statement of the Problem
5. Objectives of the Study
6. Significance of the Study Identify the following:
7. Conceptual Framework
8. Statement of the Problem 1. What section of a research paper
9. Objectives of the Study provides an overview of the
10. (It depends on their answer) background and context for the
2. What is a visual representation
that illustrates the relationships
between concepts in a study
3. Which framework provides a
theoretical basis for the research
by citing existing theories and
4. What section of a research paper
articulates the specific issues or
gaps that the study aims to
5. What is the term for the specific
goals that a research study aims to
6. What section typically follows the
introduction and highlights the
contributions the research will
make to the field?
7. What framework serves to guide
the research by establishing key
variables and their relationships?
8. What is the process of identifying
and defining the research problem
and its importance within a
Your time starts now. specific context?
9. What are the broad statements that
define what the researcher hopes
Okay time is up. Pass your paper. to accomplish through the study?
10. Tell me at least one
Thank you for today class. Class struggle/problem in your life.