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At the end of the 60min session at least 85% of the students should be able to:
a. Recognize the concepts of the different learning approaches in language teaching
and learning
b. Create and article integrating the Inquiry/Research Based Learning
c. Practice the use of technology to aid Language teaching and Learning.


Topic: Integrating Active Learning Approaches in Language Learning, Inquiry Based-

Learning and Research Based Learning, and Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning

References: Book

Materials: Manila Paper, pictures, bonpaper.



A. Preparatory Activities

B. Review of Previous Discussion

C. Lesson Proper
C1. Awareness
C2. Activity

 • We haven't done yet for some engaging

activities. This activity will test your thinking
skills and how active learners you are.

 So I have different pictures here. But before  (the students go to their group)
I give it to the class. I
will divide the class first into
four groups. This is the group 1, 2,3 and 4.
So now please proceed your group.
•So, now please choose a leader to each group  (student's leader go to the here in front to pick a
to come in front picture.)

•Now, discuss and observe it to your group if  (students start to observe the pictures)
what is
the picture about or what is the picture trying to
convey. I'll give you five minutes observe the

• It's already five minutes, now leader's please  ( the leaders will follow the teachers command)
come here in front, paste the pictures here on
the board.

•So let's start with the group 1 followed by 2,3  The students are actively participate in the
and 4. class. They learn new knowledge by asking
them about what they learn after the
discussion. In that way, it would enhance their
comprehensive skills.

 Thank you group 1. Now let’s proceed to  It means that it gives the students opportunity
group 2 to research through the use of internet, they
are free to research about what they want to
learn, it benefits students through activities
linked to research.

 Thank you. Now group 3  Students learn about a specific or something y

working n groups to solve problems. It will
help them to become active learners by
finding a solutions to a problem and by
contributing of ideas for solutions.
 Thank you. Now group 4  It gives students the opportunity to develop
knowledge and new skills through engaging

 Okay thank you for your active participation.  (students go back to their proper seats)
Lets give a round of applause for each
group. You may now go back to your seats.

C3. Analysis

 Upon the activities that we had, what do you  It has something to do with research Ma’am
think would be our topic for today (student (answer may vary)

 Okay, who else? What about you student b?  It is about some learning activities that can
help the teachers in teaching
(answer may vary)

 Nice, so in today’s lesson we will be  Yes ma’am it is the reading, writing, listening,
discussing how to integrate active learning and speaking and there is also the additional,
approaches in learning. Now student c, do the viewing.
you know the four macro skills?

 Nice! So as a future educator is it possible to  Yes Ma’am

target 2 or 3 macro skills in one learning
activity student d?

 Okay, student e, looking back by the picture

that was presented can you give me the
macro skills that was targeted?  The boy Ma’am is taking down notes upon the
movie or maybe video that was shown and
will give a reflection afterwards. The skills that
were targeted was viewing, listening, and
 Thank you for that! I think you are all ready writing.
for our topic for today. As we go along,
please listen very carefully so that you may  (students will listen carefully)
be able to answer the activities that will be
given afterwards.

 As mentioned by student d it is possible to

target many macro skills and one way to
achieve this end is the utilization of the  (students will listen carefully)
Active Leaning Approaches. And this
approaches give more depth in learning the
content in the K-12 Curriculum.

 When you were in Senior High did you

experience having research paper? (Teacher  Yes ma’am
will call a random student to answer the
question) student b

 What did you do in order to carry out the

task? Student g?
 We were asked to formulate a question, and
make some research, and gather some data,
and make some conclusions. We also
presented the result to our teacher and had
some defense.
(answer may vary)
 Okay so the first Active Approach is the
Inquiry Based Learning Research Based
Learning. Student e what do you think is an  For me Ma’am it is the process of asking
inquiry? questions
(answer may vary)
 Yes, researchers make a lot of inquiry and
that enable them to provide solutions to the
emerging issues that affects the society just
like what you did in your senior high school.

 In the classroom what do you think where

we use inquiry student f?
 When we ask question Ma’am and you on the
other hand will facilitate our inquiries.
 That’s good! Do you know that the (answer may vary)
development of the ability to ask among
learners is basic in the age of Fourth  Complex problem solving
Industrial Revolution and three of the top  Critical thinking
ten skills needed in this age are please read  Creativity
student g.

 Thank you for that. In IBL it will involve task

that requires the learners to be active in
participating and finding answers in relation  Communication skills and writing skills Ma’am
to curricular questions. The learners are
given investigation and when you investigate
just like what is shown by the pictures awhile
ago, what do you think is the skills that was
developed? Student h

 Okay, the communication and the writing

skills since the students will ask questions
and write down the possible answer to the  (The students will listen attentively)
questions and will present the output to the
teacher just like what you did in your senior
high school research paper.

 As language teacher, when do you think this

approach will be used student i?
 When we try to learn about language
variation, identity, and power since it can
provide opportunities to learn about current
issues in sociolinguistics through sharing and
debating on a personal experience with
 Okay, that’s good so there are types of language from multiple perspectives
inquiry please read student j
 Structured inquiry
 Controlled inquiry
 Guided inquiry
 What would be the role of the teacher in this  Free inquiry
approach? Student k?
 For me Ma’am, as a language teacher we
should look into the learning competencies
that can satisfy the student’s inquiry.
 The teacher will provide a topic for
investigation and guides the learners by giving
questions to be explored. The outputs of the
student should be presented using the
technology or the tools that they have used to
gather the data.
 Okay thank you for that. Now, in IBL the (answer may vary)
teacher has to consider the following factors.
Please read student l.  Prior knowledge and capacity
 Context-Learners require meaning from
 Content and learning materials
 Process
 Strategy of reactions and behavior
 Course outcomes

 Okay. Now students do you think technology

has a big role in this type of approach.
Student k what do you think?  Yes Ma’am because due to the advancements
of technology you can make some research
without scanning the books in the library.
 We can also look for other studies that is
related to the inquiries that we have
(answer may vary)

 You have an idea. Yes, because through the

internet we can generate lots of information.
There are educational websites available to  (students will listen attentively)
use by the students to facilitate their

 As a language teacher how are you going to

make use the technology? Student m.
 As a teacher, we can make use of the
educational websites and apps to let them
practice grammar, spelling, and correct
 Yes, and as we all know the learners
nowadays ae familiar with the internet. As
their teacher, we should always facilitate  (the students will listen attentively)
them so that they can have relevant sources
in developing their research and
communication skills.

 And now we are going to discuss the second

approach. It is the Problem based Learning
and Project Based Learning. You may take  (the students will listen attentively)
down notes for some important information

 Please stand student o what is your idea or

thought about problem based learning?
 They both solve real world problem
 What an incredible idea! Give him/her a
round of applause please.

 For deeper understanding please read

(student l). What is problem based learning
and project based learning?  Problem based learning is an approach that
involves a process of inquiry and saving open
ended questions that serve as the main
problem that the learners will work on. While
project based learning is an approach but has
evolved as a teaching method that engage
learners in a series of planned tasks resulting
to the generation of solution to real world
 In ither words in project based learning
students have to produce and artifact to
demonstrate their mastery and in problem  Yes Ma’am
based learning students have to present a
solution to a clearly defined authentic
problem. Did you get it?

 Here are some benefits of problem based

learning please read student d
 Promotes self confidence and motivation
 Reduces student’s nervousness during the
learning process
 Increases student’s responsibility in learning
 Makes students easily learn the material
through sharing of ideas promotes problem
solving skills
 Promotes active learning
 Make students explore many learning
 Make students develop positive attitude
 Here are some past and more recent towards learning
researches have proven project based
learning to be beneficial in the development  Research methodology
of various skill. Please read student k.  Oral communicative competence
 Development of life skills
 Moreover, for us to be able to understand
the difference between problem based
learning and project based learning how will Project based Similarities Problem based
you compare and contrast those two? Learning Learning
 Students  Both  Students
look at a variety solve real look at a
of solutions but world variety of
focus on a few problem solutions to
include in their
 Community  Cross- 
collaborations disciplinary
 Students  Heavy on  The
participate in the skill building, solutions are
solution problem theoretical, not
solving, applied by
critical students.
thinking, and
so much
 Students 
make a real
world impact
 Skills   Skills
collaboration, Perspective
communication, taking,
self direction teamwork,
C4. Abstraction
 So again what is Inquiry Based Learning?

 It is the process of asking questions

 What are the types of inquiry?

 Structured inquiry
 Controlled inquiry
 Guided inquiry
 Can we target more than one skill in an  Free Inquiry
 Yes Ma,am. This lesson proves it.
 And what is problem based learning?

 An approach that involves a process of inquiry

and solving open ended questions that serve
C5. Application as the main problem that the learners will
 Do you have any questions? work on.

 None Ma’am
 If that would be the case, I’ll be distributing a
bond paper for your activity
 (the students will follow the teacher’s
 I want you to write a short article using instructions)
inquiry based learning and of course since
technology has a big role in this approach
you may use your phones. You can use any
type of topic that interests you.

 I will be giving you 10 minutes to do this

 Okay time’s up please pass your papers  (the students will do the activity)

 Thank you so much

IV. Evaluation

To test if you really understood the lesson I would be giving you questions. Answer it briefly.

1. What is the difference between inquiry/research based learning and project/problem

based learning?
2. As a language teacher what is your role in inquiry based learning?
3. What is the role of technology in inquiry based learning?
4. Give at least an activity that requires Inquiry based learning and explain what type of skill
that has been developed or targeted
5. If you were to choose, what would you prefer? Problem based Learning or Project Based

V. Assignment

In your assignment, research about activities in class using

1. Inquiry based learning/Research based learning

2. Project based learning/Product based Learning

Prepared By: Demo #2

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