Q1 Module 2 MIL
Q1 Module 2 MIL
Q1 Module 2 MIL
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
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wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.)
included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been
exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright
owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.
Media and information are necessities of your communicative lives. When you understand
and use various media forms to access information, you consider yourself media literate. An
information literate person, on the other hand, is able to recognize when information is most
needed and is knowledgeable on how to locate, evaluate, use, and share it in different forms.
When you are digitally literate, you are able to utilize different digital technologies and
communication tools or networks to manage information. In a media-saturated world, it is
inevitable that we learn and master these literacy skills.
1. Identify the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2), and;
Before we proceed, do you know that Information literacy is a skill set that is helpful for a
lifetime? It helps people do well in school, work, and personal matters because they can
recognize the difference between good information and bad information and evaluate situations
from several perspectives.
Remember your lesson in module 1 which discussed the roles of media in communication
process, that lesson will help you understand this module better, the media serves as both the
source and a channel. Information is the content that we share during communication. Thus, the
importance of communication, media, and information makes it essential for you to be skilled and
knowledgeable in the access and use of each of these. This is where media, information, and
technology literacy come in.
Motivation Questions:
How often do you use social media sites and apps? For what purpose? How do you use
those sites and apps? How credible and reliable those social media sites are you?
Let’s kick off this discussion with the definition of the word literacy. UNESCO defines
literacy as the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.” Literacy involves a wide range of
learning, wherein individuals able to develop their knowledge and skills, achieve their goals, and
participate fully in their community and wider society.
All the definitions and descriptions of media suggest that it is a channel for transmitting the
information. With the abundance of media technology nowadays, you are overwhelmed with
countless information from a vast collection of sources. And at times, you may even struggle to
distinguish which among all these information and sources are useful and credible.
But before you begin to identify the information you need and the places to look for it, you
have to be familiar with the nature of the information. The UNESCO Media and Information
Literacy Curriculum for Teachers regard information as a “broad term that can cover data,
knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction, signals, or symbols.” When you use
media, information is referred to as the “knowledge of specific events or situation that has been
gathered or received by communication, intelligence, or newspapers.”
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) aims to enable individuals to think critically about the
media and the information they consume by engaging in a process of inquiry. The aim, according
to UNESCO’s definition of media and information literacy, is to allow individuals to become
engaged citizens and responsible decision-makers. By evaluating the source, the context, the
message and the medium within which it is received, considering its representations and its
intended audience, as well as the institutional context from which the message emerges, MIL
invites individuals to evaluate media at a critical distance.
Take a look at the table below for the specific definitions of Media, Information, and
Technology Literacy.
Media Literacy uses forms of
They both shares the common goal communication and produces ways
MEDIA of cultivating people’s ability to of communication. It is about media
LITERACY VS access, understand, use, evaluate, content.
INFORMATION and create media messages, Information Literacy is using,
LITERACY information, or content using managing, gathering, and verifying
information technology. information. It is about library
Media Literacy is the ability to
Although digital and media literacy
access, analyze, evaluate and
both draw on the same core skill of
create media in a variety of forms.
critical thinking, the fact that most
MEDIA digital media are networked and
Technology (Digital) Literacy is
LITERACY VS interactive raises additional issues
the ability to use information and
TECH.(DIGITAL) and requires additional habits and
communication technologies to
LITERACY skills: media while digital literacy is
find, evaluate, create, and
more about enabling youth to
communicate information,
participate in digital media in wise,
requiring both cognitive and
safe and ethical ways.
technical skills.
Information Literacy is an
individual’s ability to define his or
her information need, find the
information using a variety of
INFORMATION sources, retrieve the information,
LITERACY VS They are using filters and agents to evaluate the information, and put
TECH.(DIGITAL) manage incoming information. the information to use.
Technology (Digital) Literacy
which would be an individual’s
ability to use technology and
associated resources.
Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are combined together
as Media and Information Literacy (MIL). Since media and information are taking up more and
more of our time, it’s important that we understand its influence on everything we do and how we
can knowledgeably and skillfully navigate our way through them.
You can also watch the video uploaded by senior high files, the link is here:
1. It teaches you how to verify the information and acknowledge others’ perspectives.
Is this photo real or edited? Did this person really say this statement? Is the source of this
article credible? Is this post backed with evidence? These are the things the MIL teaches you to
ask. Ultimately, it compels you to discern the credibility of the information you come across,
especially on the Internet.
4. It helps you identify and understand the media’s role in our culture.
From the billboards to the texts and the videos that we see around us, media tend to
promote our culture in various ways. MIL makes you conscious of these influences on your
preferences, tastes, choices, and even lifestyles. This is important for you to be aware of the
extent of the media’s influence on your life so as for you to evaluate whether it has been doing
you good or bad.
Exercise 1:
Read the statements carefully then write your answers in the answer sheet provided by your
teacher if there’s none, you may write the letter of your choice on the blanks provided before
each number.
_____1. What type of literacy is able to access, manage, and integrate technologies to create
and communicate information?
Exercise 2:
Among which of the three literacies best describe the following situations below. Write ML if it
falls to Media Literacy, IL if Information Literacy and TL if Technology Literacy. Write your
answers in the answer sheet provided by your teacher if there’s none you may write your
answers on the blanks provided before each number.
_____2. Kim uses her ipad to read his e-books, which she downloaded using an app.
_____3. Anna, tells her mother that she misses her through messenger whatsapp.
_____4. The teacher told the students to go to the library for their research activity.
_____7. The graduating students are researching the effects of online games on students’
performance in class.
_____9. A TV news program reported that a strong earthquake struck Manila yesterday.
_____10. The Grade-11 students created a webpage for their advertisement in ICT subject.
Instruction: Please write your learning from the above discussion. Write your
learning in your notebook/answer sheet.
Directions: Compare and contrast Media, Information and Technology Literacy by completing
the Venn Diagrams below.
Difference Difference
Media Literacy Technology Literacy
Difference Difference
Difference Difference
Directions: Since our topic is all about Media Information and Technology Literacy, let us use
one of the most preferred media platforms to disseminate information – Social Media/Print
You have two options for this activity.
1. If you have a facebook account, post the benefits or value of Media and Information
Literacy in our modern society.
➢ Once you posted it, make a screenshot as a proof of your output or tag it to my
FB account.
2. If you have no gadgets, you may simply make a poster about the benefits or value of
Media and Information Literacy in our modern society.
➢ Once you’re done with the poster, save a copy to be submitted.
Rubric for the activity:
Criteria Description Points Points
Evidence The task was accomplished properly. 15
Relevance The posted information is relevant to the task 20
Timeliness The task is done on or before the deadline. 10
Accuracy and The words written are correctly spelled and there 10
grammar are no errors in the grammar.
Total 55
“Christiana Varda and Eleni A. Kyza. Media, Cognition and Learning Research Group,
Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology.”
10. TL
5. A
9. ML
4. D
8. TL vary.
3. B
7. IL Answers may
2. A
6. TL Exercise 3:
1. C
5. ML
Exercise 1:
4. IL
3. ML
2. TL
1. IL
Exercise 2: