New Public Management and New Public Governance: Finding The Balance
New Public Management and New Public Governance: Finding The Balance
New Public Management and New Public Governance: Finding The Balance
peter auco in
The New Public Management (NPM) that emerged over the past
twenty-five years in the Anglo-American systems, but especially in
the four major Westminster systems of Australia, Britain, Canada, and
New Zealand, was new in several respects, especially in the extent to
which it emphasized the ‘management’ of resources and operations
over the ‘administration’ of processes and procedures. Management
was regarded as an active, even proactive, endeavour in the pursuit of
economy, efficiency, and effectiveness; administration was seen as
passive compliance with established and standardized procedures.
The new was pitted against the old, the innovative against the tradi-
The rhetoric associated with NPM called into question the classic
bureaucratic paradigm of a professional, non-partisan, and career
public service. This classic paradigm assumed a public service that
both advised ministers on matters of public policy and implemented
the government’s public policies through departments they directly
administered. The links between ministers and their departmental pub-
lic servants were thus close, even though the public service was neutral
in terms of partisan politics. Public servants possessed great influence
because they advised their political masters. But they were restrained
in exercising personal discretion in the management and delivery of
public services by centrally prescribed and monitored administrative
rules and regulations that governed the deployment of financial and
human resources. Public servants in this model administered systems,
processes, and procedures; they did not manage much – at least, not on
their own individual accord. They were administrators, not managers.
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New Public Management and New Public Governance 17
lating the public service values and ethics that define what the public
service character of public administration should mean in practice.
More than four decades ago, in the early 1960s, just before Ken Ker-
naghan began his professorial career, the Canadian Royal Commission
on Government Organization – the Glassco Commission – delivered a
report that proposed a major reform agenda for public administration
predicated on this fundamental prescription: ‘Let the managers man-
age.’ The private sector’s influence in this prescription was obvious. In
the private sector there are boards of directors and managers, each with
different roles and responsibilities. The realm of management belongs
to the latter. The Glassco Commission recognized that the public and
private sectors are different; but when it came to management in the
public service, it wanted the public sector to emulate the private sector
as much as possible. Recall that by the 1960s, ‘management’ in the pri-
vate sector had fully come into its own. The modern corporation, with
its division of roles and responsibilities between a board of directors
and managers, had become the dominant organizational form of pri-
vate sector business. The MBA was the new academic credential for
management in the modern corporation (notwithstanding the retention
of the term ‘administration’ in the degree’s title). And management
consulting firms, as well as the accounting profession, were entering a
new era of prosperity with increased status and influence as well as
increased revenues.
The Glassco Commission had a strong impact on Canadian public
administration, and a good deal of administrative deregulation and
decentralization followed. Numerous modern management techniques
were introduced by the central corporate-management agencies of gov-
ernment, especially by the newly established Treasury Board Secretar-
iat (itself the creation of the Glassco Commission) and the greatly
expanded (albeit independent) Public Service Commission. Many if not
most of these techniques were drawn from private sector management
experience. Similar developments occurred in the United States.
Indeed, Canada and the United States moved to the forefront of public
administration reforms internationally.
At the same time, the managerial prescriptions of the Glassco Com-
mission did not always fit well with the Westminster system of public
• The concentration of power under the prime minister and his or her
‘court’ of a few select ministers, political aides, and public servants.
• An increased number of political staff, and their enhanced roles and
• Increased personal attention by the prime minister to the appoint-
ment of senior public servants (where the prime minister has the
power to appoint).
• Increased pressure on the public service to provide a pro-govern-
ment spin on government communications.
• The increased expectation that public servants will demonstrate
enthusiasm for the government’s agenda beyond the traditional
requirement of loyal implementation of the government’s program.
ter,’ and they failed to tell political staff to respect the constitutional sys-
tem. Little evidence has come to light since that they challenged the
Liberal government’s efforts to re-establish a ‘command and control’
structure over public administration.
Even more to the point, the Conservative government of Stephen
Harper, elected in 2006 entirely as a consequence of the fallout from the
sponsorship scandal, has governed as though NPG’s script was written
expressly for it. The prime minister has taken complete command of the
government by governing from the centre – that is, from his own office
rather than with the Cabinet – and with the strictest definition of party
discipline for his party caucus. He has given primacy to the strategic
advice of his political staff. He has appointed a new deputy minister to
himself and expects him, as head of the non-partisan, professional pub-
lic service, to direct the public service in ways that conform to the prime
minister’s preferences. And, more generally, he expects the public
service to enthusiastically advance the agenda of his government (por-
trayed as ‘Canada’s New Government’). Finally, he has ignored the
principal findings and recommendations of the Gomery Commission28
on the very scandal that brought him to power – namely, the fundamen-
tal requirements (1) to constrain the power of the prime minister, (2) to
limit the roles of political staff, (3) to secure the independence of the pro-
fessional public service, and (4) to enhance the powers of Parliament
vis-à-vis the prime minister and government.
NPM is not going to disappear any time soon, even if this term for pub-
lic management reform becomes less frequently used or even disap-
pears from the lexicon. Indeed, in some critical respects NPM no longer
exists as a reform movement; it has become the status quo. Everywhere
it is now recognized that improved public management requires a nec-
essary degree of management capacity and that management capacity
begins with the authority to manage. There are no major calls to return
to past ways.
Empowerment – as devolution, delegation, and decentralization –
was the major contribution of NPM to contemporary public adminis-
tration. NPM sought to empower public service administrators so that
they could better manage public money, public service staff, and the
delivery of public services. In each of these respects, Ken Kernaghan’s
scholarly fingerprints are everywhere.
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30 Peter Aucoin
scribed rules – and then provide an account.31 Rules will not disappear
altogether, for precision is required on some matters. But an extensive
elaboration of rules cannot but diminish management authority and
hence disempower managers. Writing more than a decade ago, Ken
Kernaghan was clear on the need to keep managers in check so that the
norms of public administration would prevail. He was equally clear
that ‘more attention must be paid to those elements of political neutral-
ity that can be preserved or reinforced.’ He was prescient in seeing the
tensions that would arise as NPM and NPG clashed. He argued that
‘this will require not only limitations on politically partisan activity and
public comment by public servants below the senior levels of govern-
ment; it will also require careful management of the line between polit-
ical partisanship and political sensitivity and the avoidance of
patronage appointments at the senior levels.’32
His prescription stands: the Canadian federal public service in 2008
needs to pay greater attention to measures that will secure a neutral
public service, reduce partisan political pressures on public servants,
and strengthen the independence of the senior public service. His schol-
arship has served us faithfully and well.