Classical and Modern Approaches To Public Administration: Articles
Classical and Modern Approaches To Public Administration: Articles
Classical and Modern Approaches To Public Administration: Articles
Articles Approaches to Public Administration
as from the private sphere"3. In contrast to Weber not only gave the characteristics
this model, the earlier, pre-modern models and criteria for modern bureaucracy, but
were based on personal relationships. The also outlined the terms of employment in
most important characteristic shared by the the bureaucratic organization4:
earlier systems of administration is that they Officials are personally free and are
were "personal", based on the loyalty to a appointed on the basis of a contract.
particular individual such as a king, a lead- Officials are appointed, not elected.
er, a minister or a party, instead of being Weber argues that election modifies the
"impersonal", based on legality and the loy- strictness of hierarchical subordination.
alty to the organization and the state. The Officials are appointed on the basis of
end of patronage or nepotism in Europe and professional qualifications.
the spoil system in the United Stated came Officials have a fixed money salary and
at the end of 19th century, which set the be- pension rights.
ginning of forming a governmental adminis- The officials post is his sole or major
tration based on merit and political neutral- occupation.
ity instead of political dependence and cli- A career structure exists with promotion
entelism. The European and the American based on merit (though pressure to
public administration have passed through recognize seniority may also exists).
different historical development, but the We- The official is subject to a unified control
berian approach become common for them and disciplinary system in which the
and both stressed the necessity of an im- means of compulsion and its exercise
personal, formally regulated and hierarchi- are clearly defined.
cal mechanisms. An important dimension to this classical
It is well known that the principal focus model of the public administration was
of Webers analysis was not administration, added by Woodrow Wilson, who introduced
but his main distinctive contribution to the the politics-administration dichotomy. In
field of public administration is related to Wilsons words public administration is "the
the analysis of the social and historical con- detailed and systematic execution of public
text of administration, and more particularly, law" and he believes there should be a strict
bureaucracy. Weber did not invent the term separation of politics from administration
"bureaucracy", but identified bureaucracy because administration lies outside the
as the dominant form in a legal-rational so- proper sphere of politics and administrative
ciety and specified the features of the most questions are not political questions. W.
rational form of bureaucracy, which was Wilson firmly believed that the dichotomy
called the "ideal type" bureaucracy. Max between politics and administration could
Hoos, J., G.Jenei and L. Vass., Public Administration and Public Management: Approaches and Reforms, In: Public Policy
in Central and Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices, (eds.) M. Potucek, L.T. Leloup, G. Jenei, L. Varadi, NISPAcee,
2003, p. 123.
Fry, Brian R., Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo, Chatham House Publishers, Inc., Chatham,
New Jersey, 1989, p. 31.
not only eliminate the arbitrariness and was "one best way of working". According to
corruption in the administration, but also may Hughes, "there are two main points to Taylors
have wider effects. From a theoretical point theory: standardizing work, which meant finding
of view, the realization of the dichotomy the one best way of working and controlling
seems to be very simple, but in reality there so extensively and intensively as to provide for
has not been complete and clear separation the maintenance of standards"5 In short, as
between politics and administration. Fry says "these three components time and
What distinguishes America from Europe motion studies, wage incentive systems, and
is the transfer of effective management functional organization constitute the core of
methods between the large private and Taylors scientific management"6 Taylors "idea
public organizations. It became evident that a of one best way", the standardization of work,
strong business culture had been developed the systematic control and the hierarchical
and attained in America and this import organization fit public administration and
of managerial innovations from the private explains why scientific management was the
sector became a characteristic feature of most influential theory in the public sector until
the American public administration. The most the 1940 s..
important theory, which was first transferred After the World War II, the basis of
from the private organizations, was Scientific scientific management was questioned,
Management. In 1911 Frederick W. Taylor both in theory and in practice, and the
published his fundamental work "Principles most powerful critics came from the Nobel
and Methods of Scientific Management". Prize winner in economics Herbert Simon,
At that time there was a search for general whose work represents a radical departure
administrative techniques in the private sector from the classical approach to public
that could possibly be used to enhance the administration. The classical approaches
efficiency in the operation of the American of Weber and Taylor have been referred to
government and the scientific management as the public administrative orthodoxy7,
attracted the support of governmental officials, but when a series of challenges to the
who believed that its techniques, directly classical approach to public administration
concerned with the question of efficiency, appeared in the 1940s heterodoxy replaced
could be applied in the public sector. orthodoxy 8, to quote Dwight Waldo. In other
Today it is beyond any doubt that Frederick words, different theoretical approaches and
Taylor is credited with formulating scientific practical experiences started to influence
management and his belief was that there administrative organizations.
Hughes, Owen E., Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, 3rd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, p. 27.
Fry, Brian R., Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo, Chatham House Publishers, Inc., Chatham,
New Jersey, 1989, p. 60.
Hoos, J., G.Jenei and L. Vass., Public Administration and Public Management: Approaches and Reforms, In: Public Policy
in Central and Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices, (eds.) M. Potucek, L.T. Leloup, G. Jenei, L. Varadi, NISPAcee,
2003, p. 127.
Fry, Brian R., Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo, Chatham House Publishers, Inc., Chatham,
New Jersey, 1989, p. 227-228.
Articles Approaches to Public Administration
In the United Kingdom during the Thatcher eration and Development (OECD), the
government there was a concerted effort to World Bank and others showed an interest
implement the three es of economy, efficiency in the ways of improving public manage-
and effectiveness at all levels of British ment. What is more, the OECD Report of
government. The reform was mainly aimed at a 1998 argues that improving efficiency and
massive privatization of public enterprises and effectiveness of the public sector itself
cutting other parts of the public sector, while "involves a major cultural shift as the old
the civil service moved from an administered management paradigm, which was largely
to a managed bureaucracy. process and rules driven, is replaced by a
In 1992 Osborne and Gaebler published new paradigm which attempts to combine
Reinventing the Government in the United modern management practices with the
logic of economics, while still retaining the
States, which it became a major event.
core public service values"12.
Even the presidential candidate Bill Clinton
Several years later, in 2005, the OECD
showed a keen interest in reforming
published a review of modernization initiatives
government through changing the culture
launched in most of the organizations member
of the American federal government. The states, which was entitled Modernizing
task of launching the National Performance Government and highlighted the widely
Review was assigned to Vice-President Al shared objective to make public sector more
Gore, who was clearly influenced by the responsive, transparent and efficient, although
books ideas. The Gore Report quoted there was a variety of different policy paths
innovative practices, used in Britain, to achieve it13. This means that modernization
Australia and New Zealand for developing depends on the context, because history,
the new public management. Gores culture and the stage of development give
suggestion for reinventing the government governments different characteristics and
was based on four key principles11: priorities.
Cutting red tape shifting from systems The main central government management
in which people are accountable for reforms carried out since 1980 in the "core new
following rules to systems in which they public management" states such the UK, the
are accountable for achieving results; USA, Australia, New Zealand, have pursued
Cutting back to basics and producing the strategies of marketizing and privatizing.
better government for less; All states in this group see a large role for the
Putting customers first; private sector forms and techniques in the
Empowering employees to achieve process of the restructuring the public sector.
results. A specific feature of this group is that they are
Not only industrialized democracies, countries with an individualistic culture and
but also international organizations such pro-business attitude, which is reflected in the
as the Organization for Economic Coop- prevailing ideology of the public interest view
Gore, Al, The Gore Report on Reinventing the Government: Creating a Government that Works Better and Cost Less, Report
of the National Performance Review, New York: Times Books, 1993.
OECD, Public Management Reform and the Economic and Social Development, PUMA (Paris: OECD), 1998.
OECD, Modernising Government: the Way forward. Paris, 2005.
Articles Approaches to Public Administration
of the government. This explains why they "all described by G. Bouckert and Chr. Pollitt in
think in terms of the government rather than their book "Public Management Reform: A
the state" 14. Comparative Analysis"16:
Recent comparative studies of the reform A shift from an internal orientation towards
process clearly show that the pure new bureaucratic rules to an external orienta-
public management model of marketization tion towards meeting citizens needs and
and privatization is not implemented by all wishes. The primary route to this achieving
European states. The European countries this effect is not the employment of market
such as Belgium, Finland, France, the mechanisms (although they may occasion-
Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and others ally come in handy) but the creation of a
form the group of modernizers and follow professional culture of quality and service.
a distinctive reform model, one which Geert Supplementation (not replacement) of
Bouckert and Christopher Pollitt refer to as the role of representative democracy by a
the Neo-Weberian State. In this modernizing range of devices for consultations with, and
group there are significant differences in terms the direct representation of citizens views
of the speed and precise mixture of change, (this aspect being more visible in the north-
but they all continue, albeit in a modern ern European states and Germany at the
form, the established traditions of a strong local level than in Belgium, France, or Italy).
statehood and the high status of the top civil In the management of resources with
servants. Compared to the group of "core new government, a modernization of the
public management" states, the European relevant laws to encourage a greater
modernizers still " continue to place a greater orientation on the achievement of results
emphasis on the state as the irreplaceable rather than merely the correct following of
integrative force in society, with a legal procedure. This is expressed partly in a
personality and operative value system that shift in the balance from ex ante to ex post
can not be reduced to the private sector controls, but not a complete abandonment
discourse of efficiency, competitiveness of the former.
and consumer satisfaction"15. A professionalization of the public service,
This comes to show that there is more so that the bureaucrat becomes not simply
than one route of modern reforms in central an expert in the law relevant to his or her
government. The label Neo-Weberian sphere of activity, but also a professional
State, associated with the European group manager, oriented to meeting the needs of
of modernizers, suggests that this new his or her citizens/users.
specific model implies a modernization of This distinctive model of reforms, composed
the Weberian tradition, not its rejection in of Weberian elements and neo elements,
terms of the market model. In effect this shows that continental European countries have
means that new elements are added to not converged to the new public management
the Weberian elements and are precisely model. As a whole, when compared with the
Pollitt, Chr., S. Thiel, V. Homburg (eds.), New Public Management in Europe: Adaptations and Alternatives, Palgrave Mac-
Millan, 2007, p. 19.
Pollitt, Chr., S. Thiel, V. Homburg (eds.), New Public Management in Europe: Adaptations and Alternatives, Palgrave Mac-
Millan, 2007, p. 19-20.
Bouckert, G. , Chr. Pollitt Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2004, p. 99-100.
core new public management group, the privatization has spread over to the Anglo-
European countries have shared a more American countries, whereas the countries
optimistic attitude towards the future role of in continental Europe, despite their many
the state and a more constructive approach to and substantial differences, have generally
the reform of the public services. In fact, the adopted an approach towards modernizing
new public management approach is often government in the Weberian tradition.
discussed as a single notion, though it in fact
encompasses a variety of different approaches References
to change, some of which are contradictory
Bouckert, G., Pollitt, Chr.. 2004. Public Man-
and mutually exclusive.
agement Reform: A Comparative Analysis.
Conclusion 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.
The classical approach to public adminis- Fry, Brian, R., 1989. Mastering Public Ad-
tration, in terms of both theory and practice, ministration: From Max Weber to Dwight
was an outstanding success and widely emu- Waldo. Chatham House Publishers, Inc.,
lated by governments all over the world. The Chatham, New Jersey.
traditional public administration developed at a Gore, Al, 1993. The Gore Report on Rein-
particular point of the industrial development, venting the Government: Creating a Gov-
but the later large-scale reconsideration of ernment that Works Better and Cost Less.
governance was followed by attempts to move Report of the National Performance Review,
administration far away from its roots. New York: Times Books.
The traditional model of public administration Hughes, Owen, E., 2003. Public Manage-
is an ideal type of model. In an ideal bureaucracy, ment and Administration: An Introduction.
public and private interests are completely 3rd ed. Palgrave Macmillan.
separated and a clear distinction between Kjar, A. M., 2004. Governance. Key Con-
politics and administration is made. The central cepts. Polity Press.
assumption of the classical approach to public OECD, 1998. Public Management Reform
administration is that hierarchy involves direct and the Economic and Social Development.
control, with the civil servant being accountable PUMA (Paris: OECD).
only to their superior. OECD, 2005. Modernizing Government: the
The growing criticism of the traditional Way forward. Paris.
organization of the bureaucracy prompted a Peters, B., Guy, 2001. The Future of Gov-
new wave of reforms sweeping across many erning. 2nd ed. University Press of Kansas.
Western democracies during the 1980s and Pollitt, Chr., Thiel, S., Homburg, V., (eds.), 2007.
1990s. From a model based on Weberian New Public Management in Europe: Adaptations
principles of hierarchy, neutrality and career and Alternatives. Palgrave MacMillan.
civil servants, the reforms in the public sector Potucek, M., Leloup, L., T., Jenei, G., Varadi,
introduced different models of governing which L., (eds), 2003. Public Policy in Central and
based on market principles and the transfer of Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Prac-
the private sector principles of management tices, NISPAcee.
to the public sector. The pure new public Staranova, K., Vassileva, L., (eds.), 2009,
management model of marketization and Public Policy and Administration: Challeng-
es and Synergies, NISPAcee.