DIY SAFETY COOL TOOL Toolbox Talks Overview Aug 2011 Web

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Jürgen Tietz



e-Khuluma Toolbox Talks™ is a unique electronic, multi-media tool aimed at raising awareness and the
need for safety in the working environment.

All employers have the responsibility of providing a safe working environment in terms of the OHS Act. This
however, is only possible when safe working practices are implemented and enforced. All employees also
have a responsibility to work safely in terms of the OHS Act. Safety behavior ensues by providing
appropriate knowledge and information on safe working practices and making sure that these are
understood. With e-Khuluma electronic DIY SAFETY Toolbox Talks™, employers are able to
communicate a visual safety message, leaving a lasting impression. In today’s electronic age it has
never been easier for employers to implement the “back to basics” principle!

e-Khuluma says it all – as it refers to the Zulu word meaning – “let’s talk” – which is the modern approach
towards occupational safety.

The e-Khuluma DIY SAFETY Toolbox Talks™ are a unique range of CD’s dealing with generic,
conventional areas and softer skills associated with workplace safety. By making use of realistic pictures
and incidents, by means of a variety of before and after photos, video clips and examples, employees are
reminded of the basics of safety. A wide range of topics are available covering most issues of safety.
However, all topics can be customized to suite individual and organizational needs.

It is a known fact that people relate much better to visual, real-life images and examples rather than
tedious write-ups. CD’s and photographs are excellent mediums to convey the message in today’s digital
era. Virtually all companies are equipped to make use of this technology.

By scheduling only 30 minutes a week, you will be able to meaningfully cover one topic of the range. The
topics are designed to have an impact on the viewer by means of positive as well as negative examples of
safety practices. All topics are supported with enough visuals to ensure that the image is a lasting one.
Soon you will be able to measure visible results as employees start changing their behavior towards

These three: ‘Systems equipment and people – but the greatest of these is people.’
Toolbox Talks topics:

1. Module overview (Licence & Train-the-Trainers)

2. Audits, inspections and check lists
3. Understanding accidents
4. Lifting equipment and cranes
5. Working at heights
6. Lock out system
7. Permits to work
8. Ladders
9. Road safety - pedestrians
10. Enclosed spaces and vessel entry
11. Office safety
12. Eyes
13. Hand injuries and burns
14. Hands - cuts
15. Road safety – seat belts
16. Road safety – attitudes
17. Scaffolding
18. Road safety – vehicles
19. Road safety – road signs
20. Personal Protective equipment

The Module Overview is a pre-requisite for access to the other modules.

I am sure that you will agree with me that this is an exciting way to shift paradigms with regards
to occupational safety. If you would like more information, please contact me.

These three: ‘Systems equipment and people – but the greatest of these is people.’

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