The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide
There's more than one way between your world and ours. There's
the changeling road, and there's the Ravishing, and there's those
that Stumble through a gap in the hedgerows or a mushroom ring
or a tornado or a wardrobe full of winter coats.
Catherynne M. Valente
Jonathan Rowe
Some images used with permission from Abandoned Arts.
The Hedgerow Hack is based on the ideas and innovations of David Black’s
The Black Hack and the world’s first fantasy roleplaying game that inspired
CHARACTER CREATION: SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 3
AN AGE CALLED HOME ................................................................................................................. 5
HOME IN THE MORTAL AGES ...................................................................................................... 6
HOME IN THE AGE OF FABLE ...................................................................................................... 8
BACKGROUND TABLES .................................................................................................................. 9
PLAYER CHARACTERS AS CHILDREN ..................................................................................... 11
HEATHEN CLERK: A FEAST OF SAINTS .................................................................................. 11
GYPCEAN: THE ENDLESS ROAD ............................................................................................... 16
OUZEL: FOWLES IN THE FRITH ................................................................................................ 18
TINKERS: A SEASONAL ALMANAC ........................................................................................... 23
WURZEL: MEN OF STRAW........................................................................................................... 25
Which means ‘Cheers and Good On You’ for supporting The Hedgerow Hack.
This document is started out as a couple of player aids to speed up character
creation and some stuff I didn’t find space for in the core rules. ‘Hack’ RPGs are
all about going with the flow, not looking things up, and I didn’t want to burden
The Hedgerow Hack with lists and powers and dice rolls.
But once I started writing, well, I suppose I’d made a hole in the hedge and there
was all this stuff on the other side wanting to come through: the Heathen Saints,
of course, but then the Noble Sieges of the Ouzel wanted to be named and
introduced and then the Otherworld needed describing and … well, as you see, it’s
now a booklet about the size of most ‘Hack’ RPGs!
There’s more to come: a GM’s Guide will demand to be written, with the Old
Shire to explore, Vikings and Witch-hunters, the Bugbears Revolt and profiles of
the Feral Squires and Murthering Ministers and rules for mass battles and
timeslips and tesseracts and toadstool circles – oh, and the Coven of Curdled
Cream, who are an anti-Briar Company, with weasel-Fae and evil scarecrows,
dedicated to breaking hearts and messing history up. Can’t wait for them to show
This book expands on the five character classes and offers advise for giving your
Briar Knights a background in a particular age. There are new powers and
clarifications of old ones and, I hope, inspiration for many hours of adventuring.
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide / 3
Characters can carry items equal to STR Items with extra qualities (Cumbersome,
without penalty or double STR with Fragile, Heavy, Long) take up extra STR
Disadvantage on all tests. ‘slots’
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide / 4
Gypceans (p16)
HD d4 Abilities Test CHA with Advantage
Damage d4/1 Once per story, recall 1 random Lore
Armour Any Craft items (1 hr/penny, halved if test INT)
Shields Any Roll Gramarye to: Enchant crafted items
Weapons Any NB. Start story with Gramarye UD exhausted
Level Up: Roll twice to improve WIS and/or INT
New: Seek out Gypcean hospitality for bonuses when resting
Ouzel (p18)
HD d6 Abilities Arcane spells at 1st level (p22)
Damage d6/d4 Abilities of bird lineage
Armour Bark Test INT with Advantage vs magic attacks
Shields No Immune to disease
Weapons One-handed Roll Gramarye to: Once per day, rest to refresh spell slots (= level)
Become a bird (dusk/dawn)
Glamour: disguise bird features (dusk/dawn)
Level Up: Roll twice to improve INT and/or DEX
New: Seek out or create new spells in a Grimoire
Spells: 123132421432432143321433221 4332221
Tinkers (p23)
HD d8 Abilities Test WIS with Advantage to detect hidden
Damage d8/d6 Test CON with Adv. vs poison, paralysis, disease
Armour Any Test CON to avoid OofA penalty
Shields Any Roll Gramarye to: Use Seasonal powers
Weapons Any NB. Fully exhaust Gramarye if keep/take wealth
Level Up: Roll twice to improve WIS and/or CON
New: Once per story, a group accompanying a Tinker may perform a Seasonal Rite
Wurzels (p25)
HD d10 Abilities Attack once per level
Damage d8/d6 Immune to poison & disease
Armour Innate Heal 1d10hp when resting after combat
Shields Innate Roll Gramarye to: Reanimate after resting
Weapons Any Glamour: disguise scarecrow form (dusk/dawn)
Level Up: Roll twice to improve STR and/or CON
New: Build up Wrath points to unleash Wrath of the Furrow (berserk rage)
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Abbeys are religious communities for monks
and nuns but have ordinary tenants too.
They are common in the Age of Swords, but
have been dissolved by the Age of Plagues.
If you want more pointers for your new 6
The woods at dawn, with a silence so pure and
character, roll or choose from these tables. magical the sunrise holds its breath
A monument, laid with flowers, that made me
YOUR HOME AGE determined to be worthy to have my name on it
d6 Where are you from? An old man (or woman) who passed on to me a
dying wish
1-2 The Age of Swords +0
A library of books, where I escaped the confines of
3-4 The Age of Plagues +1 the everyday world
5 The Age of Steel +2
6 The Age of Ashes +3
The bonus (+0 to +3) is applied on the next d6 What wakes you screaming in the night?
tables. Ouzel are from the Age of Fable and
My cowardice, when I abandoned lord and kin in
they roll d8 instead of d6 on the remaining 1
their our of need
tables. A burning church and the dead strewn around,
food for the ravenous crows
A curse – bitter, wounding and implacable – laid
d6 Why do you fight against the Dark? upon me and my line
An ancient prophecy names me as a champion The blood on my hands and the memory of the
1 4
who must destroy the Dark forever unspeakable things I have done
I come from a bloodline that has fought the Dark I admired this person – worshipped them - and
2 5
since ancient times they betrayed me
Because it is the greatest of adventures and a The look on his (or her) face when we parted,
3 6
struggle worthy of a song never to see one another again
I’ve seen what the Dark does to innocents and A lonely grave and wilting flowers, the resting
4 7
I’ve vowed ‘Never Again!’ place of the person I loved
The Dark reached out and took away those I love; The last look over my shoulder at the home I
5 8
it’s personal would never return to
It is my duty to uphold civilisation against her The asylum and the doctors there, telling me I
6 9
enemies would never be allowed to leave
The Dark is coming for me anyway – so at least
I’ll go down fighting
I’m in it for myself, to escape from a miserable
life or win riches d6 What is it you seek?
Dark and Light are relative terms: I’ll reserve 1 A way to restore my honour
judgement until I’ve learned more
2 Forgiveness for my sins
3 Revenge
WHAT INSPIRED YOU? 4 Reconciliation with someone I lost
d6 What shaped your highest aspirations? 5 Knowledge that has so far eluded me
The sight of the war host gathered to fight the 6 The power to set right old wrongs
7 Justice for people who have been persecuted
A simple priest in a ruined church, tending to the
2 8 Fame, respect and a name that will outlast me
injured and destitute fleeing from war
Waving fields of wheat at harvest time on the 9 To discover who I truly am and where I belong
land my family have worked and loved
The smile on my love’s face when I walk through
the door
The laughter of my friends, shaking the rafters, as
we drink together and join in song
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I was banished by the Parliament of Fowles, with The witch-hunters arrived and the accusations
1 3 began and then the finger was pointed at me and
a price on my head
the ones I love
One of the Feral Squires slaughtered my people
2 I knew witches were real; I went to the trials; I
and stole from me what was most precious 4
made the accusations: may God forgive me
I led my people through the Hedge, insisting our
3 I said my prayers and studied the Good Book, but
home was in the Mortal Ages now 5
one day I saw clearly: their piety was a sham
Deep in the Vastiness of Arawn, I hid a precious
4 I excelled at our local school and was bound for a
Treasure to ensure the Dark should never find it 6
prestigious University, but it was not to be
I was a Lord of the Fae, but I was betrayed and
cast out, diminished, my glory hidden
Under the Hollow Hills, someone waits for me to AGE OF STEEL
awaken them
The mortals worshipped me as a living god – they
d6 What happened to your home?
shall do so again The railway company bought the land, laying
iron tracks across meadows and gardens
I was there, when the Light cast a shadow, and I
named it the Dark The military recruiter told us of our Empire’s
need for soldiers and I yearned to sign up
Tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera – one by one my
AGE OF SWORDS loved ones added their names to gravestones
d6 What happened to your home? Grinding poverty, brought on by rents and the
new taxes and tithes, sent us to the workhouse
The Danes invading, burning and pillaging, and
1 their victims became offerings to their one-eyed Boredom and routine: to be an office clerk or a
raven god servant in a big house, just to pay bills
The harvests failed and our prayers to the Scandal struck; respectability, once lost, could not
2 Christian God went unheard, so we turned to be regained: we were cast out of polite society
An oath was sworn but it was broken and
dishonour was upon me and my loved ones since
We were serfs, with no freedom or hope, so we d6 What happened to your home?
fled, though it placed a price on our heads
No jobs, the colliery and factory shut down,
An inheritance was mine – land, golden rings, a 1
businesses not hiring: no future in sight
5 title – but it was stolen from me by someone I
trusted too much Protesting brought me new allies even as it
brought me into conflict with the authorities
I was promised to the Church and thought to
6 spend my years in prayer and study of Scripture, Pollution choked this beautiful landscape, with
but it was not to be concrete and glass replacing flowers and glass
Drugs took their toll on my loved ones, blighting
their hopes and stealing their lives
Studying at school and passing exams was
everything, until those hopes fell through
The new road changed the landscape with its
6 noise and fumes, but it was one careless driver
that changed my life forever
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide / 11
Children cannot use 2-handed weapons and For example, Guyon’s family in the
normal weapons require two hands for them Age of Swords are contented farmers,
(without the +2); small weapons are used one- but in the Age of Steel the family is
handed (with -1 damage but not -1 to hit). being forced into the workhouse after
being evicted from their land by
Out of Action does not mean dead: When child Isengrim Von Ulf.
characters are OofA, they are captured or left
unconscious. Childhood’s end: All children (but one)
grow up. Childhood could end when a PC
Maiming is Temporary: when child-PCs go up reaches 10th level or 6th. GMs should decide
a level, they recover any Stats lost to OofA side- (in advance) whether the PC continues to
effects. adventure as a now-adult hero or if they
Allow lucky escapes: children are always forget and settle down to a mortal life of
wriggling out of bonds and finding unguarded love, labour and a family of their own,
exits; allow child-PCs to roll Gramarye to watched over by the comrades they no longer
escape from any perilous situation, through the recognise.
Hedge if need be.
The advantage of child-PCs in your Use the ordinary Background Tables for
children, but some of the results will
campaign is that their family life becomes describe their parents’ experiences that
part of the drama. It is important to know shape childhood.
what Age the family live in, because
children need to slip away to go on
adventures with their weird friends.
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Hawthorn is the ‘bride of the hedgerow’ and Brock is the ruler of badgers and a doughty
‘queen of May.’ Garlands of hawthorn warrior, given to berserk rages. He knows
flowers bring luck and protection and the the secrets of underground places and will
dew from hawthorn blossom cleanses evil. not allow his followers to be caught in traps
She grants the skill to create beers, wines or snares.
and liquors.
Venerate Lord Brock when: you are
Venerate Lady Hagthorne when: you need venturing underground, into caves,
to help others, offer healing or bring good dungeons or the territory of goblyns
luck on a venture
Roll Gramarye to:
Roll Gramarye to:
1. See clearly in total darkness; this
1. Brew a Treacle (short-loved potion); lasts until you are exposed to
add your level to the Gramarye roll (bright) light
to find out what Treacles are 2. Unerringly know your depth and
available; alternatively, direction underground
automatically exhaust Gramarye to 3. Detect traps, secret doors and unsafe
brew any Treacle tunnels
Abjuration: Lady Hagthorne can chase Abjuration: Lord Brock can frighten away
away wer-kynde, including the Feral goblyns: those with HD equal to or less
Squires. Those with HD equal to or less than the Gramarye roll flee; others cannot
than the Gramarye roll flee; others cannot attack or pursue for an hour – and
attack or pursue for an hour – and abjuration cannot be performed on them
abjuration cannot be performed on them again.
Invocation: Any PC may invoke Lord
Invocation: Any PC may invoke Lady Brock once per story to roll Gramarye and
Hagthorne once per story to roll Gramarye attack with Advantage in close combat for a
and heal their own Hit Points equal to the number of STR tests equal to the result of
result the roll
The Hedgerow Hack Players Guide / 14
things (but lose the benefit of crafting twice d20 Power Effects
as fast). Points to all secret doors and
1 Detect
traps within 20’
By rolling Gramarye, the crafter can
Read thoughts up to Near,
enchant an item. Each roll adds one quality 2 ESP
fails 1 in 6, blocked by lead
to the item, but if the Gramarye UD Cold/Fire Immune to normal cold/fire,
exhausts, the crafting must stop and only 3
Resistance test at Advantage vs magical
the first quality ‘sticks’: 3d6 damage on everyone up
4 Cold/Fire
to Far
-1 to tests to use this item
Add +1d8 damage per blow,
+1 to damage with this item 5 Ogre Power
carry +10 STR
+1 AP with this item
Confers 5 AP and Advantage
roll with Advantage using this item 6 Protection
on all defensive tests
once per day (select again to use
7 Sorcery 1d3 Spells, levels 1-6
multiple times)
remove an encumbering quality Hide (1-5 in 6) or move
8 Stealth
not prohibited for a character class
9 Striking Hits for 2d6 damage
For example, Django has a d6 Gramarye UD Fly at double speed or
and wants to craft an enchanted shield. He adds 10 Flying
normal with passenger
+1AP and rolls a 5. Then he adds -1 to 11 Healing Heals 1d6+1 hp on everyone
defensive tests and rolls a 3. He wants to make
Hems out one monster type
it usable by Wurzels but rolls a 2. The 12 Warding 10’
(Undead, Daemon, Goblyn)
Gramarye UD exhausts and only the first
+1AP applies to the shield. 13 Walk on any liquid
Alternatively, the PC can exhaust their Control Control 3d6 small, 2d6
Animals medium or 1d6 large animals
Gramarye UD deliberately. Instead of
Control 1-6 large or 10’
adding lesser enchanted qualities, this turns 15 Control Plants
square of plants or fungi
the item into a one-shot Treasure. See and hear scenes at any
16 Crystal Ball
17 Cancellation Destroys one Treasure
Everyone up to Far must flee
18 Fear
for 1d6 minutes
Turn invisible until
19 Invisibility
20 Wishes One limited wish remaining
Beautiful and carefree, the Milhuyts bring Known as the ‘druid birds’ (and regarding
some of the brightness and dazzle of the themselves as ‘kings of birds’), the Dreoilins
Otherworld into the Mortal Ages. are the strategists among the Ouzel. They
view the battle against the Dark as a long
They love to sing – and play instruments,
campaign on many fronts and are prepared
perform poetry, dance, paint…
to retreat, sacrifice themselves or others and
engage in underhand tactics to secure the
smallest advantage.