Suniplush Axolotl
Suniplush Axolotl
Suniplush Axolotl
By Suniplush
Hi crocheter! I hope you find this pattern fun to create and easy to
understand. If you have any issues, please contact me! Leaving a review
would help my business a lot, and I’d love to see your axolotl!
This pattern is made and sold by Suniplush. You may not copy, alter,
publish or distribute this pattern anywhere. Feel free to sell finished
products made using this pattern, but please credit Suniplush as the
designer. Thank you!
Notes (important!)
- This pattern is worked in continuous rounds. I use a stitch marker into the last
stitch of every round.
- Hook size, tension, and yarn can lead to slightly different measurements for the
final result.
- To color change, I like to change colors in the previous stitch. If you see “before
finishing 4th Sc pull Color2 through” that’s what I’m referring to.
- Due to tension and yarn type, your gills, arms and legs may be aligned slightly
off to the pattern. Feel free to adjust which stitch you add the gills, arms and
legs into!
- If you have any questions at all, feel free to message me on Instagram!
- Life-size: 12” from nose to tail, ~4” wide
- Jumbo: 19” from nose to tail, ~6” wide
Abbreviations (US)
- Ch: chain
- Sc: single crochet
- Inc: increase
- Dec: decrease
- Hdc: half-double crochet
- Dc: double crochet
- Slst: slip-stitch
- ( ) x6: repeat whats in ( ) brackets 6 times
Head to Tail:
Start in Color1
• R1: Ch7, Starting in 2nd chain from hook: Sc5, Sc3 in the last st. On the other side
where the other chains are, Sc5, Inc (15)
• R2: Inc, Sc4, Inc x3, Sc5, Inc x2 (21)
• R3: Inc, Sc21 (22)
• R4-R7: Sc in every st (22) (4 rounds)
• R8: Sc10 (before pulling yarn through the last sc, switch to Color2),
Gill #1: [Sc1, Ch5, starting in 2nd chain from hook Slst4.
Gill #2: Sc1 into the head, Ch5, starting in 2nd chain from hook Sc4.
Gill #3: Sc1 into the head, Ch5, starting in 2nd chain from hook Slst4, Sc1 on the body
and before finishing pull Color1 through.]
Sc4, before finishing 4th Sc: pull Color2 through. Repeat Gill pattern in [ ] brackets. (22)
Your last sc should be through your stitch marker, make sure to pull Color1 through the
last loops of the Sc.
Go back and tie all of the yarn ends to secure the color changes.
• R9: Sc in every st (22) Pull the gills back so you can crochet into the original stitches.
Make sure you have 22sts total.
(If it helps, remember that there should be 1 Sc before the set of gills, 1 Sc between each
gill, and 1 Sc after the set of gills. That’s 8 Scs of Color2 in total.)
Attach eyes between rows 2 and 3, with around 6 sts between them. They should be on
top of the head and parallel with the smaller gills.
When creating the toes in the next round, you’ll be putting a slst into the same st to make
all the toes come from the same place.
• R11: Sc2, [Ch7, Starting in 2nd chain from hook Slst2, Ch2, Slst2, Ch2, Slst2, Ch2,
Slst2, (you should have 4 toes) now Sc4 down the chain and slst into the original st
you chained from.] Sc6 on the body and repeat the Arm in [ ] brackets. Sc10 on the
body (18)
In the next round, move the arms out of the way and crochet around them. If you’re
having trouble crocheting into the right stitches around the legs, see the image below.
Arms after R11 Which Sts to crochet into
If you’re having trouble crocheting into the right stitches around the legs, refer to the
photo above.
Dorsal Crest:
Insert hook with yarn around the back towards the head. It should be around the 3rd row
after the gills. Leave a long tail in the slipknot. Slst5 down the back (including the 1st),
Sc6, Hdc6, Dc until the end of the tail (around 10 Dcs). Continue Dcs on the underside of
the tail (see note, around 6 Dcs), Hdc6, Sc2, Slst2
Note: When crocheting in the tip of the tail, there won’t be clear stitches like on top of the
body. Insert your hook into any stitch you can find on the tip of the tail, and continue onto
the underside of the tail. Make sure you’re checking to see that the dorsal crest is
relatively aligned with the middle of the belly.
FO and leave a long tail. Weave the tail over to the body somewhere closer to the other
tail from the slipknot, then weave that tail into the same stitch so you can tie them tightly
Where to insert slipknot 5 slsts down the back Last slst on the underside
Dorsal crest complete
You’re done!
If you’d like to show off your axolotl, feel free to tag me on TikTok or
Instagram @Suniplush! I’d love to see your creations <3
Thank you to my wonderful testers for helping to polish this pattern before it
got released! Please go check out their Instagrams and give them some love,
usernames are listed above.