Glorifications of A Pure Devotee of Krsna
Glorifications of A Pure Devotee of Krsna
Glorifications of A Pure Devotee of Krsna
"My name will be chanted and preached throughout the world, in all towns and villages. All corners
of the world."
That was the prophecy of Mahaprabhu 500 years ago. Now it has come true because our revered
spiritual master Sri Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadji Maharaja fulfilled this desire. He is
completely empowered by his Guru, previous acaryas and Gouranga Mahaprabhu. Otherwise
nobody could do such a thing, such a wonderfully miraculous thing, Krsna sakti vina nahe prabhu
pravarthana—without the assistance of Krsna sakti, nobody can do it through physical strength, by
their own effort. So one should understand that he was completely empowered, otherwise how
could he fulfil the desires of Sriman Mahaprabhu?
So this day has come to glorify his glorification. So I'll ask some of the devotees to glorify him.
. . . . .she said one thing, that she had come from a Christian background. Meeting Prabhupada she
could understand the Supreme Lord is a person, not impersonal and He's Krsna. And jiva, living
entity has a perfect eternal loving relationship with Krsna. So the rarely achieved human birth,
durlabha manava .....janma, the purpose of rarely achieved human birth is to understand Krsna, to
know Krsna, to see Krsna, to get Krsna. And who can do so? How will it be done? There is a
question. This can only be done by the mercy of a dear devotee of Krsna, very dear devotee of
Krsna. And such a person is not easily available. He's a rare person, a rare personality. One who has
good fortune he can meet such a person otherwise nobody can meet such a person—or maybe
meeting but cannot see him, cannot get his mercy. One should try to understand what I'm saying.
an gruhay caranti.......bhutani
janasya Krsna.....deva dharma.....
Because of our prarabdha karma, past work, we have forgotten Krsna and we have been moving
here in this material world undergoing lakhs of species of life and have been afflicted with the three
tapas. And such rare personalities, dear devotees of Krsna, Vaisnava µhakura, descends here and
wanders here in this material world to shower his mercy on us such suffering jivas. They are very
merciful. To meet them is very, very auspicious and one should understand when good fortune
arises one may meet such a person. By his mercy, then he can understand who is the Lord and who
am I and how can I know him and understand Him and get Him, thereby one can achieve the
success of his rarely achieved human birth.....break........
. . .speak in English, two types of devotees are here. It is stated:
Wandering, wandering laks of brahmandas, in lakhs of species of life, if some jiva is very, very
fortunate he gets the seed of the bhakti creeper by the mercy of guru, Krsna, jivera svarupa haya
krsnera nitya dasa, the real identity of jiva is the eternal servant of Krsna. He's not the inhabitant of
this material universe, material brahmanda. He has abused his minute independence, therefore he
has been wandering here in the cycle of repeated birth and death in lakhs of species of lives.
Sometimes becomes man, sometimes becomes demigod, sometimes demon, sometimes tree,
creeper, worm, germ. Lakhs of species. When fortunately, some good fortune arises jiva meets Sad
Guru, Sri Guru. The life in which the darsana of Sri Guru takes place that life is very, very
successful life. That is good fortune. Seeing Gurudeva, having the darsana of Gurudeva means to
receive the mercy of Gurudeva. We see Gurudeva but if Gurudeva casts his merciful glance on us
then it should be understood that we are very fortunate. Otherwise we should not think ourselves
very fortune. Thereby we can realize what is his real svarupa, how he is a maha bhagavata. That
we can realize. Guru means heavy not light. If someone is very fortunate he gets the darsana of
such Sri Guru or Sad Guru then it is to be understood good fortunate has arisen for him. We are not
speaking of the external body constituting blood, flesh, bones. We are not speaking of that thing. It
is not to see the external form of Guru; just to see what is the real form of Guru, just to see the real
form of Guru, his real svarupa. That is darsana, guru darsana. How he is dear to Krsna. That is not
material darsana. That is transcendental, spiritual darsana, aprakrta darsana. If someone can see
how the gaura karuna sakti, the mercy potency of Gaura is moving in him, that is the darsana of
Guru. One who can do this thing then he's very, very fortunate. That is fortune, good fortune. Guru
means he's very merciful. He's very tolerant. He always excuses our inumerable aparadhas,
offenses. He is very, very merciful to all jivas. He is very dear to Krsna. He is most dear and
intimate associate of Krsna. He has come down here to give us Krsna. He gave Krsna. He gave us
Krsna. What we get from him? We get the faith. Putting faith in Krsna, Krsna sraddha. Taste in
Krsna katha, Krsna katha ruci, and get Krsna prema, invaluable wealth. That is the real darsana of
Guru. He's always looking at us with merciful eyes. He has taken up this resolution. Understand
resolution? Resolute. How to deliver us from our most fallen position. Prior to the darsana of Guru
we are ill-fated. Bad fortune we had. The day we met Guru, Sri Guru, such Guru, good fortune
arose. If someone gets such opportunity, meeting such Guru then his material bondage starts to be
destroyed. When material bondage is destroyed then he gets the opportunity to have the darsana of
a Sri Guru mahatma maha bhagavata. He is bhagyavan, he is very, very fortunate. He had already
wandered lakhs, lakhs of brahmandas, ill-fated jiva, what misfortune. Now he became fortunate, he
got the darsana of a maha bhagavata, Krsna prestha, dear devotee of Krsna.
One may think, in this material world one who meets the President of the State, Chief Minister or
Prime Minister gets some of his material desires fulfilled, 'Oh I am very fortunate'. No. This is not
fortune. This is not fortune. We are not speaking of this fortune. Meeting Guru what fortune arises?
One cannot speak. There is no language to speak. Up till now he had been a karmi or a jñani or
bhogi or tyagi. But now he becomes Krsna dasa. This is good fortune. He will be situated in his
constitutional position, become Krsna dasa. This is good fortune, this is subhagya. The revolution
of this cycle of birth and death now stops. This is good fortune. Understand? This is good fortune.
So, as one can see the sun by sunshine, similarly, by the mercy of guru, sadhu, mahajana, Vaisnava
µhakura, one can see Guru. Otherwise nobody can see Guru with his material eyes. And it is not
that to see the form of Guru or external body of Guru. Do you understand? That is not real darsana.
Real darsana means to see the real form of Guru, how he is a maha bhagavata, how he is a dear
devotee of Krsna. Nama atma pravacan labhya.....Katha Upanisad says, you cannot understand the
paramatma tattva by hearing so many lectures from so many karmis, jñanis, pandits, yogis. Do you
understand? Who is there in the heart as caittya guru, paramatma when he assumes a body and
appears before us and speaks about it then we will be able to understand paramatma tattva,
otherwise we cannot understand. To have the darsana of a guru means to get a new life, completely
new life. New enlightenment comes. Yes. Guru Krsna prasade paya bhakti lata bija—by the mercy
of Guru and Krsna a fortunate jiva gets the seed of bhakti creeper.
Krsna dadi krpa kori.....kon bhagyavane
guru anta yame rupe siksa ya apane
If Krsna showers His mercy on some fortunate jiva He appears before before him as Guru and
teaches. That is mercy.
So Gurudeva is known as the embodiment of Krsna krpa, mercy of Krsna. Krsna krpa Sri murti—to
get Guru means to get the mercy of Krsna. That one should understand.
Gurudeva is the embodiment of mercy of Krsna—Krsna prasada. If someone gets Guru he gets
good fortune because he gets the seed of bhakti creeper. Getting material enjoyment, getting
liberation or getting gold or getting karmini—woman; getting name, fame, prestige, these are not
good fortune. You consider all these are good fortune? No. Many consider, oh these are good
fortune. But they are not real good fortune, mayagrasta jiva, conditioned soul thinks, oh, these are
good fortune. But this is not real good fortune. Then what is good fortune? Good fortune means to
get bhakti, the seed of bhakti creeper. What is the seed of bhakti creeper? sraddha—faith,
unflinching faith, sastriya sraddha, faith in sadhu sastra guru vakya. That is the seed of bhakti
What is the seed of sraddha? The seed of sraddha is sadhu guru creeper, the mercy of sadhu guru,
nitya siddhalsya bhavasya prakrtam hrdi sarv......... by the mercy of Sri Guru, Sad Guru, will
develop prema bhakti. sraddha, rati, ruci, priti, gradual development will be there. Nitya siddha
bhava, eternal perfect bhava, that is priti, bhakti, prema bhakti. It is there. Jivera svarupa haya
krsNera nitya dasa, his svarupa, the real identity of jiva is eternal servant of Krsna. So this nitya
siddha bhav, perfect eternal bhav is bhakti but it is covered up. It is unmanifested because that is
the svarupa of jiva, is Krsna bhakti, eternal servant of Krsna. But it is covered up, it is
unmanifested. How the covering will be lifted? How it will become manifested? That is if you get
guru krpa, the mercy of Guru, then covering is lifted, it becomes manifested, so it is in jiva. Not
that it is not in jiva. It is in jiva but it is covered, unmanifested. Gurudeva only uncovers it, makes
the manifestation of it, nothing else. Yes. One who does so he's Guru, he's maha bhagavata. By his
mercy we get the seed of bhakti creeper. Up till now I was distressed, unhappy and my Guru made
me happy. He has come to deliver me. This bhav arises in the heart seeing the Guru.
Krsna ye tomara Krsna dite paro
tomara sakate ache ame yei kangala
Krsna Krsna boli....pache
Krsna is with him. He has bound up Krsna in his heart by the rope of love. Krsna belongs to him.
Only he can give me Krsna. So he'll give me Krsna sraddha, faith in Krsna, Krsna rati, Krsna
prema. That should be unflinching faith. This is a question of faith. Seeing such a guru this faith
automatically crops up. That is natural, bhakti stu... bhagavata bhakta sange na pare jayate. Bhakti
is there but it is covered, it is hidden, it is lost. But by the mercy of Guru bhakti arises. It becomes
uncovered. Yes, by the mercy of sadhu guru the bhakti arises. Bhakti becomes uncovered. What is
not there, how will it be? It is there.
nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate sataƒ, this verse is there. So this bhakti dhana is there but
Gurudeva makes it manifest, uncovers it. Gurudeva is wealthy by this bhakti dhana, not material
wealth. Understand?
So he came, gave darsana but I am so unfortunate I cannot see him. I cannot see him. This is most
unfortunate, most unfortunate, most unfortunate. Understand my langauge? Try to understand me
what I am saying. Very deep philosophy. Seeing him is automatic. It is spontaneous that such bhav
arises in the heart, that to surrender unto him, to serve him. Do you understand? Then it is to be
understood that he's a bhagyavan jiva, he's a very fortunate jiva, do you understand? Hearing him,
coming in touch with him, coming in association with him, hearing his katha, one who is a faithless
person becomes faithful. His faith arises in his heart. He gets new life. This is a very great incident
in the life, yes. This is a revolution in the life, great revolution in the life, yes. Completely, the
channel of life is completely turned, is reversed. The channel flows towards Krsna. It is a great
revolution, great revolution in the life, yes, to see Sri Guru and serve Guru, do you understand?
Whatever you may be. You may be an atheist, you may be a scientist or philosopher, whatever you
may be but if you are fortunate to see the Sad Guru, life is completely changed. New flow is there.
This is bhagya, this is real good fortune. If there is no good fortune one cannot see Sad Guru, have
brahmanda bhramite kon bhagyavan jiva
guru Krsna prasade paya bhakti lata bija
Therefore it is said.
So Gurudev speaks Krsna katha. So through your ear you see Guru, not through your eyes.
Through the ear, through vani he makes Krsna enter into you, understand my language? Yes. The
form of Krsna comes later. First you have to hear. First comes His name, holy name, Hare Krsna
Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Uttering this
maha mantra, putting it into our ears he showers his mercy—first shower of mercy, his causeless
mercy, do you understand? This is the result. Immediately you'll get the result, yes. The sabda
brahma descends in the form of sabda—word, holy name, mantra; in the form of mantra. Mantra
means one who frees us from our mana dharma, mental concoction. That is mantra. Many gurus
are there prepared to give mantra, isn't it? They are doing profession of giving mantra. Mantra
vibhasayi, they are professional mantra guru, always ready to give mantra. "Come here, give me a
hundred dollars. Immediately I give you Krsna". This is vibhasayi, this is businessmen,
professionals. But what mantra they give? They are not real mantras baba! Only words, alphabets,
alphabets, alphabets, alphabets Ananta dasa, alphabets. Not real mantra. They want money,
pranami-pranama, pay obeisances, give money, hundred dollar, two hundred dollars. They want
this thing. No Krsna. They cannot give you Krsna.
You should understand Srila Prabhupada is not mantra data (?) guru, he's Krsna data (?) guru.
Guru came to give you Krsna, give you shelter, asraya data (?) guru. He's not mantra data guru.
Understand my language? Do you follow? He taught us how to tread the devotional path. How to
walk, how to walk on this path. Yes. He taught us how to walk on this path. Yes. He makes all nice
arrangements how to walk on this path leading to Vaikuntha. Yes. Like primary school-teacher
catches hold of the hand of the child and teaches, write A...B...C... He does, yes. Catching hold of
our hand he has taught us what other gurus cannot, other gurus don't know. They want only
pranama and pranami. Therefore they have no ability. Yes, they have no ability to take to this path
of devotional service and teach them how to tread the path. They have no ability, yes, how to move
there. But Srila Prabhupada made some nice arrangements, sravanam, kirtanam arcanam vandam,
that is his causeless mercy. Only giving mantra he never sends the sisyas, 'go home'. No. He
opened hundreds, hundreds of ISKCON centres throughout the world. Made arrangements of
staying there, getting food, prasad. Made all nice arrangements. All ISKCON centres. Those who
are grha-tyagi, those who have already left home, they will stay there always and are engaged in
hari bhajana in the service of Lord Hari. But those who are grhastas, grhasta sisyas, will they stay
in their grha only? No, no, no. They should come at intervals here to this ISKCON Mandir, temple.
Associate with sadhu Vaisnava, hear hari katha. And also here the arrangement of many, many
festivals, many festivals, many festivals. So in every week, we have Sunday festival every week. In
every week, every month, every year many festivals are taking place. At least you should come and
join during this festival time—you grhastas. Come join in the festival, see the festival, hear Krsna
katha, accept nice prasada, very sweet Krsna prasada. Yes. You'll get prasada, hear Krsna katha.
Then, because you have established your relationship with Krsna. . . .break. . . .
guru samsara means Krsna samsara, transcendental world. Many he has, big festivals, kirtan, arati,
arcana, yes, day and night 24hours going on, going on. Come and see. You'll get so much pleasure,
so much joyfulness, blissfulness. Nice Sri vigraha, very beautiful Sri vigraha. Chant, dance here
before Sri vigraha. Hear Krsna katha. Taste this nice sweet nectarean Krsna prasada, maha
prasada. Your life will be successful. All your suffering and unhappiness and anxiety, all will be
gone, gone. No more, no more. Yes. These arrangements are there. He has made these
arrangements how we can walk on this devotional path. Not only that, he sends the preachers to all
corners of the world—towns, villagers, even to every home, yes. Thereby he attracts people, Come
here to this ISKCON centre, ISKCON Mandir. Stay here, get prasada, do hari kirtan, radha Krsna
bolo sange celo ei matra biksya ..... this is the only biksa I am begging. Utter, 'Radha Krsna, come
with me, come with me, come with me.' Do you understand? You grhastas you cannot do service to
Lord Hari, Radha Krsna day and night twenty-four hours. Whenever you get opportunity come to
our Mandirs, temples. We take all your responsibility. Chant Hare Krsna and dance, yes, and take
Krsna prasada.
He has made all these arrangements. He is not only mantra data (?) guru, he's asraya-data guru;
not guru only to give mantra, he gives shelter, he gives Krsna. He takes all the responsibility to his
Yes, you are indebted. You have many debts to pay back, to demigods, to all living entities, to your
father, mother, yes, to all humanity, many debts. How can you pay them back? You can't. But you
come and enter into guru samsara, Krsna's samsara. All nice arrangements are there. Develop
bhakti then all your debts are cleared up. Yes, I am running, running very swiftly running but you
cannot keep pace with me, very speedily, more than the speed of the wind. Such speed. Alright,
come slowly, come slowly if you can't run speedily, come slowly, come slowly. We'll never spare
you. We'll catch hold of your sika and drag you. Yes, we have taken up that resolution, yes. He's
such merciful, supremely merciful, never hates the grhastas.
You are grhastas. Keep aside, push aside your maya samsara, material samsara. Come slowly,
come slowly and enter into our samsara. There may be some delays. Still we wont spare you. We'll
catch hold of your sika and drag you.
So merciful he is. Think of how merciful is he. This is Sri Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupadji Maharaja, maha bhagavata, bhagavata tomar. So many festivals, so many books, so
many constructions, temple constructions, nice temples, so many magazines, and dhama
parikramas, Navadvipa parikrama, Vrndavana Dhama parikrama. Such arrangements are there.
Yes. He has made open the path, door, for one and all. May be papi tapi, the most degraded, most
sinful person, most elevated, whatever may be, the door is open for one and all. That is his
causeless mercy, supreme mercy, incomparable mercy, uncommon mercy. Yes. So he sends the
preachers to all corners of the world, towns, villages. Makes the arrangments of preaching the
science of Krsna consciousness. He has made many tricks. Yes. Do you follow?
So today is his holy disappearance day so if we get his mercy, pray for his mercy, get his darsana,
hear his katha, such nectarean katha, all auspiciousness will come to us. Our life will be successful.
We'll be free from the material bondage. This is the real good fortune.
He has shown his mercy, showered his mercy to one and all. Those who are very, very materialistic
persons but wealthy persons, they cannot give up, they cannot follow the four regulative principles,
they cannot give up smoking cigarettes, bidi, the white flute, blowing white flute, give up blowing
white flute. Cannot give up eating fish and meat, drinking liquor, whatever, still you have wealth—
give something to us, we'll utilise in Krsna's service thereby he, what is that?....he made this Life
membership program, Patron Member programs. So that program is there. Thereby getting
opportunity for them. Alright, they can render some help, service. Yes. Thereby they will get
sukrti, yes. In this very life or next life they must get. They'll become bhakta definately. So, slowly,
nice arrangements are there, according to your ability you may accept it. The more you accept, the
more auspiciousness will come to you.
This day his holy disappearance day I offer prayer, let him shower his mercy to one and all.
Srila Prabhupadji Maharaj ki jaya