The Open Dentistry Journal
The Open Dentistry Journal
The Open Dentistry Journal
The demand for aesthetic restorations in dentistry has led to full-mouth reconstructions or rehabilitations (FMRs) as a viable solution for treating
patients with worn and altered teeth. This study presents a clinical case report of a middle-aged patient with severe tooth wear and deep overbite
with digital workflows.
Case Presentation:
The case report highlighted the successful application of digital technology in the comprehensive rehabilitation of a patient with worn dentition,
showcasing improved esthetics, function, and patient comfort. The case report demonstrated the potential benefits of this rapid approach in
achieving successful outcomes. Digital CAD/CAM technology is a solution for optimizing the prosthetic workflow, achieving time and cost
efficiency, and delivering high-quality dental restorations.
Future primary studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-ups can further validate the FMR digital approaches.
Keywords: Tooth wear, Tooth erosion, Vertical dimension, Computer-aided design, Computer-aided manufacturing, Digital technology.
Article History Received: May 19, 2023 Revised: July 24, 2023 Accepted: August 17, 2023
restorations without physical models. The utilization of adjusted using a flowable composite (G-aenial, GC, Tokyo,
CAD/CAM technology enhances the predictability and Japan), where the reference was the lip level (Fig. 2A). To
reliability of FMR while reducing treatment duration and analyze vertical dimension, phonetics, facial profile, and
appointments/steps [9]. This clinical report outlines the interocclusal space were evaluated. The vertical dimension of
application of a digital approach in a full-mouth rehabilitation rest (VDR) was approximately 5 mm from the VDO. Lucia jig
procedure for a patient with severe deep bite occlusion and was made (GC Resin Pattern, GC, Japan). After several
extensive tooth surface loss. minutes and deprogramming of the muscles, the centric
relation (CR) was recorded by injecting posterior bite
2. CLINICAL CASE REPORT registration (Granit, Mueller Omicron Dental, Lindlar,
A 45-year-old male patient was referred to the Germany) in the newly defined vertical dimension (VDR –
Prosthodontics Department at the Dental College to treat his VDO = 2). The first impressions were made using one-step
worn dentition. The patient presented with chief complaints of putty/light-body silicon impression material (Speedex, Coltene,
tooth surface loss (TSL), reduced chewing ability, and mild Altstätten, Switzerland), which served as a diagnostic cast. The
esthetic concerns, particularly regarding shade. The medical ear-bow (Spring-bow Hanau earpiece facebow, WhipMixCorp,
history was unremarkable, with no indications of Kentucky, United States) record was determined for mounting
temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), except for excessive on the Hanau semi-adjustable arcon articulator (Hanau Wide-
consumption of lemon and vinegar related to a pre-diabetes Vue Arcon 183-2, WhipMixCorp, Kentucky).
condition. Intraoral examination revealed a two-surface Based on the earbow record, the maxillary cast was
amalgam filling on the left second molar and composite resin mounted on the articulator (Hanau Wide-Vue Arcon 183-2,
fillings on the right first premolar, right second premolar, and WhipMix Corp, Kentucky, United States). Then, the
right first molar. Abfraction was observed in several teeth of mandibular cast was mounted against the maxillary cast using
varying severity, with mild abfraction in all posterior teeth the jig and the CR record (Fig. 2B). The Broadrick flag was
except for the right first and second molars, which showed used to estimate the posterior plane on each side. The wax-up
moderate abfraction. The patient's occlusion was classified as procedure was done based on the defined occlusal plane, and
Class II division 2 with a deep bite. All teeth displayed worn the putty index (Speedex, Coltene, Switzerland) was prepared
incisal/occlusal surfaces, exposing dentin in the maxillary intraorally for the mockup process.
central incisors, and limited to enamel in the maxillary
premolars and most areas of the mandibular premolars (Fig. 1).
The extraoral examination showed a square, symmetrical face,
a slightly shorter lower third, and competent lips. The pattern
of worn dentition did not match the opposing teeth, indicating
that the cause of TSL was not solely due to parafunctional
habits but may also have been a result of a chronic erosion
progression exacerbated by job-related stress.
Fig. (2). (a) Lower incisal plane is mock-up with flowable composite
and verified (b), Centric relation record using anterior jig.
of the most conservative approaches in full-mouth The STL (Standard Tessellation Language) and PLY
rehabilitation (FMR), its application was cautioned against in format (Polygon File Format) files were extracted and sent to
this particular case [10]. The mockup was removed from the the laboratory. The finish lines were determined. Then, the
patient’s mouth after he approved it, followed by finishing and mockup, occlusion, and preparation STL files were
polishing with discs (3M Sof-Lex, 3M, Minnesota, US). A superimposed on the corresponding prepared arch (Figs. 3B,
flowable composite (G-aenial, GC, Tokyo, Japan) was used for 3C and 3D). These data were used to assess the final smile line
cementing them as a temporary restoration for follow-up newly using digital smile design (DSD) software (Digital smile
established VDO. Then, the patient's condition was assessed design, Madrid, Spain). The restorations’ shape and
regarding the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and muscle occlusal/incisal level were estimated and used for designing
comfort, phonetics, chewing ability, and esthetics for four
resin patterns (Detax, Ettlingen, Germany). Finally, resin
patterns and Geller casts (Longer blue modeling resin,
The mockup of each jaw and the occlusion were scanned. Longer3d, China) were printed (a-CAM) (Asiga, Sydney,
The putty index was determined for tooth preparation. The Australia) (Figs. 3E and 3F).
anterior temporary restorations were removed. The maxillary
Resin patterns were assessed intraorally. After verifying
and mandibular anterior tooth preparations were performed
using a round-end cylindrical bur (Jota, Rüthi, Switzerland) the adaptation and proximal contacts, occlusion adjustment was
based on the putty index. The occlusal clearance was assessed made in eccentric and centric movements. Face profile, smile
considering the posterior temporary restorations. After line, phonetics, and freeway space were examined, and minor
completing the anterior preparation, a new anterior jig was esthetic modifications were made with the patient’s approval.
made as the anterior stop, maintaining the VDO. Retraction Resins were sent to the laboratory to fabricate injectable resin
cords #00 (EasyCord, Mueller Omicron Dental, Lindlar, patterns (Resione c01 transparent castable dental resin,
Germany) were used for gingival retraction for the crowns’ and Resione, Guangdong, China) and accomplish the heat-press
at the gingival vonlays’ finish-line preparations. Both prepared process (Programate p3010, Ivoclar, Vaduz, Lichtenstein). The
arches and occlusion with the anterior jig were scanned with contouring process and staining (Ivoclar, Lichtenstein) on the
IoS (Medit i500, MEDIT Corp., Seoul, South Korea) (Fig. 3A). Geller cast were done.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. (3). (a) Preparation scan (b), Maxillary prepared teeth and temporary restorations superimposition, using anatomic landmarks (c), Mandibular
prepared teeth and temporary restorations superimposition, using anatomic landmarks (d), Maxillary and mandibular superimposition (e), Resin
patterns design (f), Resin patterns printed and ready to try-in.
4 The Open Dentistry Journal, 2023, Volume 17 Jannati et al.
Fig. (4). (a) Intraoral frontal view of occlusion (before) (b), Intraoral
frontal view of occlusion (resin patterns try-in) (c), Intraoral frontal Fig. (5). (a) Smile view of patient profile (before) (b), Smile view of
view of occlusion (final restorations). patient profile (after).
How can a full-mouth rehabilitation (FMR) be done in few appointments for complex patient cases with severe
deep bite and extensive tooth loss?
Materials and Methods Findings
After assessing the restorations' adaptation, adjusting the Schaumburg, IL, USA), and 6th generation dentine bonding
proximal and occlusal contacts, and confirming the form and agent (Clearfil SE BOND, Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan),
shade with the patient, the adjusted areas for restorations were respectively, for teeth with dominant enamel and dominant
finished and polished, and the cementation process started. The dentin. Considering the restoration thickness, the light-cure
ceramics surface treatment was done with 20s hydrofluoric cement (Choise2 Trans, Bisco Schaumburg, IL, USA) was
acid 5% (Porcelain Etchant, Bisco Schaumburg, IL, USA), 30s
selected in the esthetic areas. A dual-cure cement (Duo-Link
phosphoric acid 37%, (Etch-37, Bisco Schaumburg, IL, USA),
Universal, Bisco Schaumburg, IL, USA) was selected where
and silane (Bis-Silane, Bisco Schaumburg, IL, USA),
respectively. Under isolation with a rubber dam (Nic Ton,
the restorations were thicker (Figs. 4 and 5). The STL file of
Bucharest, Hungary), surface treatment of the prepared tooth final restorations was used for stabilization appliance
was done with pumice powder (Kemdent, Swidon, United fabrication with clear resin (Detax, Ettlingen, Germany) and
Kingdom), Al2O3 air-abrasion (Parkell, New York) (5s, 3D printer (Asiga, Sydney, Australia) since there was no need
10mm, on exposed dentin), 20s phosphoric acid 37% (on to adjust the maxillary restoration during the occlusal
enamel), 5th generation bonding (All-Bond3, Bisco equilibration.
Full-mouth Rehabilitation of a Complex Case The Open Dentistry Journal, 2023, Volume 17 5
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