Economic Development
Economic Development
Economic Development
Community Support
It is important to have the support of your community for everything from
project plans and budgets, to marketing and promotion – your community
members are very important.
Strong partnerships are essential to the success of your economic development
activities. Partnerships will help to leverage resources, build capacity and
encourage collaboration.
Start with an economic development plan and get feedback and approval. Once
community support and partnerships are in place you are ready to get started.
Capital Formation & Labour efficiency: Increase in stock of capital enables labour to work with
greater efficiency, because efficiency to the large extent depends on the nature and type of the
equipment they are working with. SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR GOODS & SERVICES: Capital
formation increases productive capacity and expands volume of goods and services produced, and
on the other hand it increases the rate of investment, which in turn creates income for the workers
and increased income creates additional demand for goods produced.
2. NATURAL RESOURCES Availability of natural resources in abundance is an important factor in a
country’s economic development. Some developed countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, etc. have abundance of natural resources. However, it does not mean that all these countries
that have natural resources in abundance, are among the advanced nations. Countries which intend
to initiate the process of economic growth must direct their efforts to make fuller use of their
existing resources and exploration of new resources. Renewable and non-renewable Resources
Natural Resources Increase income Natural Resources Supply & Demand affect development Per
Capita Employment, Income & Efficiency.
3. Marketable Surplus of Agriculture: The term ‘marketable surplus’ refers to the excess of output
in the agricultural sector over and above what is required to allow the rural population to subsist.
Food for urban population depends on it In case marketable Surplus is not sufficient a country has to
import food grains to feed its population. It give rise to Balance of payment crisis. India has become a
self sufficient country after the success in green revolution. Now we have sufficient marketable
surplus and sometimes export our surplus production
4. Conditions in Foreign Trade: Trade is considered beneficial for both the countries as suggested by
the theory of comparative advantages. Less developed countries should specialize in production of
primary products as they have comparative cost advantage in their production. The developed
countries, on the contrary, have a comparative cost advantage in manufactures including machines
and equipment and should accordingly specialize in them. Developing countries should not totally
rely on the import substitution policy but should also develop it manufacturing sector