N E G S E: Urturing Ntrepreneurial Rowth IN Tate Conomies
N E G S E: Urturing Ntrepreneurial Rowth IN Tate Conomies
N E G S E: Urturing Ntrepreneurial Rowth IN Tate Conomies
Since their initial meeting in 1908 to discuss interstate water problems, the Governors have worked through the National Governors' Association to deal collectively with issues of public policy and governance. The association's ongoing mission is to support the work of the Governors by providing a bipartisan forum to help shape and implement national policy and to solve state problems. The members of the National Governors' Association (NGA) are the Governors of the fifty states, the territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, and the commonwealths of the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico. The association has a nine-member Executive Committee and three standing committeeson Economic Development and Commerce, Human Resources, and Natural Resources. Through NGA's committees, the Governors examine and develop policy and address key state and national issues. Special task forces often are created to focus gubernatorial attention on federal legislation or on state-level issues. The association works closely with the administration and Congress on state-federal policy issues through its offices in the Hall of the States in Washington, D.C. The association serves as a vehicle for sharing knowledge of innovative programs among the states and provides technical assistance and consultant services to Governors on a wide range of management and policy issues. The Center for Best Practices is a vehicle for sharing knowledge about innovative state activities, exploring the impact of federal initiatives on state government, and providing technical assistance to states. The center works in a number of policy fields, including agriculture and rural development, economic development, education, energy and environment, health, social services, technology, trade, transportation, and workforce development.
Copyright 2000 by the National Governors Association, 444 North Capitol Street, Washington, D.C. 20001-1512. All rights reserved. The responsibility for the accuracy of the analysis and for the judgments expressed lies with the authors; this document does not constitute policy positions of the National Governors Association or individual Governors. For more information on other publications by the NGA Center for Best Practices, visit the Centers web site at <www.nga.org/Center>.
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The new economy is being propelled by growth in small, high-growth companies, commonly called gazelles. Typically created and driven by entrepreneurs, gazelles account for nearly 70 percent of current economic growth. New and growing firms are a major source of new jobs in the current economy. Although Fortune 500 companies have lost more than 5 million jobs since 1980, more than 34 million new jobs have been added to the economy in the same period. Entrepreneurs and small businesses created the majority of these jobs The United States has one of the highest levels of entrepreneurial activity in the world, and as much as one-third of the differences in national economic growth may be due to differences in entrepreneurial activity. There are fourteen to sixteen startups for every 100 existing businesses, and perhaps another 2 million businesses start each year as self-employment ventures or businesses without employees. As many as eight out of every 100 American adults are currently trying to start a business of their own. While most entrepreneurs start by forming small businesses, not all small businesses are entrepreneurial. Typically, entrepreneurs are more focused on assembling resources and creating new innovative products or services that will lead to further investment and growth. They do not stay small businesses for longthough they may rely on small business assistance in their early stages. Every state has programs to assist small businesses, yet the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs quickly diverge as a result of rapid entrepreneurial growth. States are beginning to understand the unique role entrepreneurs play in the new economy, but program and policy responses are not consistent across program areas or among states. Unlike the more familiar industry segments of the old economy, entrepreneurs transverse economic activities and represent a broad range of businesses. However, they do share certain identifiable characteristics in their development and growth that can be indicators for states to use to develop and maintaining essential resources for entrepreneurial growth. States that wish to improve their economic competitiveness in advanced technology, biotechnology, information technology, and telecommunications should develop policies that nurture entrepreneurs. In these areas, entrepreneurial development plays a prominent role. Strategies to achieve this goal include: improving access to capital; providing technical assistance; streamlining securities regulation; improving state regulatory and licensing environments; implementing regulatory reform; building intellectual capacity at state universities; creating industry clusters; improving state tax environments; improving entrepreneurship education; reaching out to entrepreneurs; and recognizing entrepreneurial achievement.
By focusing on the characteristics important to entrepreneurial growth, states can begin to develop policy and program responses in a more targeted manner to nurture entrepreneurship. Often policies and programs that affect entrepreneurs are scattered throughout state government and do not fall completely within the purview of economic development. Governors can lead the way to a comprehensive state economic development policy by encouraging cross-agency cooperation and program development that fosters entrepreneurship.
There is some confusion about the definition of entrepreneurship, particularly as it relates to small business. In its report State Entrepreneurship Policies and Programs, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundations Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership defines entrepreneurship as: The ability to amass the necessary resources to capitalize on new business opportunities. The term is frequently used to refer to the rapid growth of new and innovative businesses and is associated with individuals who create or seize business opportunities and pursue them without regard for resources under their control. They build something from practically nothing and usually reinvest earnings to expand their enterprise or to create new enterprises. Other words that characterize entrepreneurship include innovative, creative, dynamic, risk, flexible and growth oriented.4 Though not all-encompassing, this definition describes several characteristics that can help state policymakers develop a strategy to cultivate entrepreneurship. The primary difference between entrepreneurship and small business lies in purpose. Small business owners create companies to generate wealth and a level of income for themselves as operators of those businesses;
entrepreneurs assemble resources and create new innovative products or services that may lead to further investment and growth. As entrepreneurs become more visible in state and local economies, a general profile is evolving. Entrepreneurs develop innovative products and services that improve quality of life. Entrepreneurs create more dynamic and flexible new industries and firms to replace those no longer viable in a rapidly changing global economy. Entrepreneurs provide most new employment opportunities. Entrepreneurs create wealth that is reinvested in new enterprises and, through demonstrated philanthropic activity, in communities.
Entrepreneurs bring new wealth into a community; small businesses capture a share of existing wealth. While most state policies for small business benefit entrepreneurs, there are important aspects of entrepreneurship that can be nurtured by effective state policies targeted to their specific needs.
create an innovation-driven entrepreneurial economy that makes Kentucky an international leader in the development of knowledge and its applications to people, firms, and products. The plan focuses on building an entrepreneurial economy by developing: schools that infuse innovation throughout the learning enterprise, stress science and mathematics, help create an environment that views entrepreneurship as a viable employment option and an alternative to simply "getting a job"; universities that promote the development of new knowledge, ideas, products, and firms; a range of capital resources to support new ideas and startup and growing enterprises; public policies that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and business expansion; the scientific and technological capacity to support the startup and growth of innovative companies; communities with dynamic local and regional support systems; and a culture that supports and rewards high-speed innovation and entrepreneurship.
Many aspects of this strategy are contained in Governor Paul E. Pattons Knowledge-Based Economy Initiative. The initiative created the Kentucky Innovations Commission, a statewide strategic planning board chaired by Governor Patton. Other board members include the leaders of both houses of the legislature, the department of economic development, council on postsecondary education, and representatives from the private sector. The commission will elevate the policy discussion of the knowledge-based economy and ensure collaboration between the states economic development efforts and its higher education community. The North Carolina Economic Development Board. The North Carolina Economic Development Board has six primary goals. Goal Four addresses entrepreneurship. Create an economic climate conducive to the birth, attraction and retention of innovative entrepreneurial firms that create new products and services and expand into new markets.
Adoption of this goal led to Governor James B. Hunt Jr.s establishment of the North Carolina Alliance for Competitive Technologies and the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology within the North Carolina Department of Commerce.
improving access to capital, providing technical assistance, streamlining securities regulation, improving state regulatory licensing environments, implementing regulatory reform, building intellectual capacity at state universities, creating industry clusters, improving state tax environments, improving entrepreneurship education, reaching out to entrepreneurs, and recognizing entrepreneurial achievement.
Entrepreneurs import cash; retail businesses recycle existing dollars. Entrepreneurs often are precompetitive in business maturity; many small businesses are well established and have little need or desire for public assistance. Entrepreneurs often need more technical assistance than small businessesespecially accessing federal research dollars.
Capital formation can be a significant impediment to aspiring entrepreneurs. There is a significant gap in capital access for businesses in startup and early growth stages. One characteristic that separates entrepreneurs from other business entities is their potential for high growth. With new products and innovations being introduced rapidly, businesses seeking to compete in a global marketplace need massive infusions of capital to survive. The size of the investments and the risk inherent in these ventures limit their ability to raise the necessary capital, resulting in a capital gap. Estimates of the gap vary, but it is generally believed to be between $250,000 and $2 million. This amount typically is beyond the means of traditional lenders and most state small business loan programs. It is usually provided by early-stage angel and venture capitalists. The lack of seed and early-stage financing, including angel and venture funding, is the other main impediment to obtaining adequate financing for entrepreneurs. The most common approaches states can use to fill this void are through direct investments in venture-oriented limited partnerships and by capitalizing new funds dedicated to directing investments within their states. Many state technology development corporations also partner with private venture firms to finance promising technology firms.
leads to marketable products or processes. The program encourages collaboration between the University and business for the development and commercialization of products or processes with a high potential to contribute to long-term, sustainable economic growth in the state. New Hampshire Capital Consortium. Established in November 1994, the New Hampshire Capital Consortium (NHCC) is a venture capital partnership organized by the New Hampshire Business Development Corporation (NHBDC) to fund early-stage, high-potential growth companies in New Hampshire. NHCC is funded by NHBDC, the state, CFX Bank, Energy North, First NH Bank, Fleet Bank, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Public Service of New Hampshire, and Shawmut Bank. NHCC makes investments between $250,000 and $2 million in high-potential companies with five-year sales forecasts of $20 million to $50 million. Investment is made in equity with appropriate risk-adjusted return.
Tax Credits
Targeted tax credits are another mechanism states use to increase the availability of investment capital. Tax credits can be offered to individuals who invest directly in a business venture or to individuals who make investments in certified seed and venture capital pools. Kansas Tax Credit for Investment in Venture Capital. Taxpayers who make cash investments prior to January 1, 2000, in a certified technology-based venture capital company or in a certified local seed pool are eligible for a tax credit equal to a maximum of 25 percent of the investment. Unused credits may be carried forward until they are depleted. Funds invested in a local seed pool to provide funding for Kansas small businesses to develop a prototype product or process; to undergo a marketing study of the feasibility of a new product or process; or to create a business plan for the development and production of a new product or process. Delaware Investor Tax Credits. Personal income tax credits are available to individuals who invest in approved Delaware small businesses. The tax credit is equal to 15 percent and applicable to no more than $100,000 of investment per investor in any one company. Tax credits can be spread over five years. Designated companies must have annual sales of no more than $5 million in the last twelve months proceeding investment Certified Capital Companies. The concept of Certified Capital Companies (CAPCos) was developed in Louisiana in the early 1980s to increase the pool of money for seed and venture capital investments. Several states are using CAPCos. Typically, certified capital companies are partnerships, corporations, or limited liability companies that are formed to make investments in early-stage companies in the state and have annual revenues below a given threshold. To encourage institutional investors to provide capital to these companies, states provide tax credits, generally taken against insurance tax liability. In Louisiana and Missouri, the credit is greater than 100 percent of the amount invested in the certified company. These tax credits are a controversial mechanism for raising capital due to their cost. Opponents argue that safeguards are needed to ensure that most of the investment capital freed up by the tax credit is invested within the state. They also assert that many of the investments are not
true venture investments, but are relatively risk-free investments that should not be supported by tax dollars. The Kansas legislation has attempted to build safeguards into the enacting legislation. The Kansas credit is not limited to the insurance industry, but is available to individual investors and other institutional investors. Investment can only be made in companies with no more than fifty employees, half of whom must live in the state. The amount of credits available is limited to between $5 million and $50 million over a ten-year period. To ensure all investments comply with the stated intention of the act, the state securities commissioner conducts annual audits of all CAPCos. Procedures are spelled out for the revocation of a companys certified status, including the recapture of tax credits by the state. Due to the relatively early stage of the programs, many states say it is too soon to evaluate the success of CAPCos in increasing the pool of seed and early stage venture capital.
referrals for services such as financial analysis, loan packaging, and business management counseling.
sends registration materials to states where it intends to offer its securities along with a onepage application form. Pennsylvania serves as the program administrator for the program. Within three days of receiving the application, Pennsylvania designates two lead states: one merit review state and one full disclosure review state. The nonlead states have ten days to comment on applications. The lead states collect the comments from states where the offering is made and incorporate them into one letter that is sent to the issuer. Outstanding issues are resolved with the lead states. Once the lead states clear the application, all other participating states agree to clear it as well. California Securities Reform Efforts. Through sponsorship of small business capital formation forums around the state, California identified the need to reform its securities laws, which had not been updated since 1968. The laws were seen as the major impediment to capital formation. Through regulations, Californias Department of Corporations has adopted the following provisions. A testing-the-water provision permits general announcements of proposed privately placed offerings to be published by written document only. A recent commissioner's opinion indicates that text transmitted electronically via the Internet would satisfy the requirement of a written document. This provision has served as a model for the NASAA testing-the-waters regulation. The SCOR program allows small businesses to raise up to $1 million by issuing shares of stock in a limited public offering. The California Trade and Commerce agency, supported by a number of private sponsors, markets and promotes the use of this and other programs as an alternative to government financing of small businesses. In 1996 the department of corporations lowered the suitability standards for small business stock offerings of $5 million or less.6
As a result of the small business capital forums, a bipartisan effort produced the Capital Formation and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1996. The bill was designed to replace the merit review process in California with a full disclosure system similar to the one used by the SEC. Through its small business capital forums, California determined that merit review was a primary impediment to capital formation. Merit review, used by approximately forty states, involves a substantial review of an issuer and the proposed offering by state securities regulators. The sheer volume of offerings in California places great pressure on the securities staff to certify offerings in a timely manner. Officials felt that movement to the federal system of full disclosurewhich requires issuers to make available all relevant material information about a firm and the current offeringwould greatly improve the securities registration process and increase the number of limited public offerings in the state. Although this legislation has not yet passed both houses of the legislature, it has created a great awareness among policymakers to reform the securities laws to provide for better protection for investors and a more efficient capital formation process for small businesses. OhioAngels.com. OhioAngels.com, a for-profit initiative sponsored by the Ohio Department of Development, is a new and secure portal for private investing and venture funding in the state.
OhioAngels.com uses the Internet to bring together thousands of angel investors, entrepreneurs, venture capital firms, professional service providers, and economic development professionals to form a secure portal that: allows angel investors to see a large number of qualified business plans that meet their personalized investment criteria while retaining privacy and anonymity; and provides entrepreneurs with a forum to present their business plans confidentially to thousands of investors across the state.
New York Governors Office of Regulatory Reform (GORR). An executive order by the Governor provides the framework to develop regulations and specify criteria to evaluate new regulations. Newly proposed and existing regulations are subject to the discipline of cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, and peer review. GORR assures the regulated community and its citizens that government regulatory policy is predicated on sound scientific and economic principles and is focused on outcomes. GORR action has resulted in significant cost savings for the business community and the state. Through May 1999, one-time annual savings of more than $1.9 billion has been realized, and there has been a 50-percent decline in the adoption of new regulations. The strict application of regulation review criteria and the process set forth in the executive order has been credited for much of the decline.7 GORR is organized into teams that work with regulated parties and state government agency staff to research and recommend reforms to the acting director. The jurisdiction of each team includes multiple agencies. The teams are criminal justice, health and human services; environment, building codes, and transportation; labor/workers compensation; and permit assistance. Each team has a team leader, an attorney, and a research analyst. Teams include staff with professional credentials in business, health, engineering, law, and other pertinent areas. To assist small businesspersons and entrepreneurs in complying with federal and state environmental regulations, states have established business assistance centers. Ombudsman serve as technical advisors to businesses seeking environmental permits. The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) has identified thirty-five states that have established ombudsman offices within their state environmental protection agencies. 8 Maryland Environmental Permit Assistance Center. Created within the department of the environment, the Maryland Environmental Permit Assistance Center:
answers questions in person or by telephone about environmental permitting; operates an Internet-accessible database that tracks most major permit applications; coordinates services for customers who need multiple permits; distributes fact sheets on topics such as general permits and on how to make permitting easier; provides pollution prevention information that explains how businesses can save money and reduce environmental liabilities by changing their operations; assists permit applicants who have questions or concerns about the services they are receiving from the department; and collects feedback and suggestions from permitting customers and uses this information to improve permitting services.
The center also operates the small business assistance program, which helps small businesses understand and comply with environmental programs.
partnership among the state, six public and private universities, and the business community. To build the states knowledge base, Georgia has invested more than $200 million in its Eminent Scholars Program; in research and development facilities in biotechnology, advanced telecommunications technology, and environmental technology; and in the Technology Development Program. The Eminent Scholars Program. This program actively recruits scholars from around the world to serve as endowed chairs in one of the states member universities. To date, thirty scholars have been recruited in biotechnology, telecommunications technology, and environmental technology. Investments in Research and Development Facilities. Investment initiatives developed and managed through GRA are intended to establish new, leading-edge research programs, especially those involving collaboration between academic and industrial scientists and engineers. The alliance invests in two components of a major research initiative: facilities and equipment. Among the many centers is the Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (GCATT). Lucent Technologies cited the proximity to GCATT and Georgia Tech University as the primary reason for building an 11,000 square foot research facility in the region. Technology Development Partnership. The Technology Development Partnership (TDP) Program was developed to help capitalize on GRAs extensive investments in university research infrastructure. The program encourages research collaborations between Georgia industry and academia and assists in the development of technology with commercial promise. TDP invests in university-based research projects that have attracted matching support from an industrial firm and have successfully passed the programs review process. Projects are intended to help companies develop or improve products or processes.
Kentucky Bucks for Brains Program. The Kentucky Research Challenge Trust Fund, commonly called Bucks for Brains, is a $220-million program to support endowed chairs and professorships, additional faculty, and graduate students at Kentucky higher educational institutions. The program allows the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky to build intellectual capacity through the recruitment of world-class researchers and research teams. State funds are matched equally with private funds. Michigans Innovation Forums. Michigan Governor John Engler hosted a yearlong series of meetings called Innovation Forums (www.innovationforum.org) that focused on finding new ways to bring cutting-edge technologies out of the university and into the industrial/commercial marketplace. The forums produced recommendations for developing, recruiting, and retaining high-technology talent at all levels. Some recommendations included: creating an image for Michigan; creating a lifelong learning environment; establishing an industry/education task force for current and anticipated worker education needs; and encouraging entrepreneurship.
To encourage entrepreneurship, the forums recommended that the state develop incentives to attract key executives to Michigan and research what has been successful in attracting people to the state. The forums also recommended that colleges and universities do more to encourage graduates to start companies in Michigan and establish statewide entrepreneurship competitions. The Governors Innovation Forum has led directly to the development of Michigans Smart State Agenda, the states current strategy to develop and capitalize on existing technological capacity.
Most states conform to federal definitions of income for personal income taxation. They treat income from capital gains as any other income. Other states simply impose a tax based on certain percentage of federal tax liability. Reductions in federal capital gains taxes are automatically reflected in state liability. Arkansas, South Carolina, and Wisconsin exclude a certain percentage of capital gains income from state taxes. Massachusetts has reformed its capital gains taxes, imposing a different tax rate on this income depending on the period the taxpayer held the investments. Investments held for six years or longer are totally exempt from taxation.
State colleges and universities also can promote entrepreneurship. Examples include entrepreneurship centers, programs, or endowed chairs in entrepreneurial education. Some examples of existing postsecondary efforts include: Indianas Ball State University Entrepreneurial Studies Program; University of Louisvilles Brown and Williamson Professor of Entrepreneurism; and University of Missouri at Kansas Citys Ewing Kauffman and Bloch Chairs.
According to the NGA/Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership survey, nearly half of the states maintain internships that give students hands-on experience in an entrepreneurial environment.12
Several states have programs that recognize the achievements of entrepreneurs and promote networking opportunities between entrepreneurs and financiers. These include the sponsorship of venture capital fairs, entrepreneur of the year awards, innovation fairs, and young entrepreneurs conferences. States that participate in the NxLevel training network hold annual awards that recognize the best business plans developed by participants. 14
In answering these questions, states should focus on these key policy areas: access to capital and financing mechanisms; securities regulations; promotion of state programs to entrepreneurs; recognition of entrepreneurial contributions to the state economy; building intellectual infrastructure; regulatory reform; business registration and licensing; tax policy and compliance; and entrepreneurial education.
The greatest area of state policy response to entrepreneurs favors technology companies. States have invested heavily in research and development efforts and have created programs to stimulate commercial activity around technology innovations. States are highly focused on ways to create investment capital, though their efforts may or may not be useful to all entrepreneurs. Where states have specifically created programs for entrepreneurs, they are targeted towards industry sectors. States must delineate between entrepreneurs and small business and develop policy responses to support the growth of entrepreneurship in their economies. Entrepreneurs play a unique role in the new economy. The dynamic nature of entrepreneurship may never be well enough identified to create comprehensive state economic development programs that encompass all the areas important to entrepreneurial growth. However, states should focus on broader strategies that respond to the unique needs of entrepreneurial growth. Entrepreneurs are not a particular industry segment. They represent a wide range of businesses but share certain identifiable characteristics in their development and growth strategies. By facilitating this dynamic environment, states can position themselves to be attractive, competitive, and resourceful public-sector players in the new economy.
Andrew Zacharakis, Paul D. Reynolds, William D. Bygrave, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: National Entrepreneurship AssessmentUnited States of America (Kansas City, Mo.: Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, June 1999), 8. 2 Ibid, 2. 3 Ibid, 5. 4 Jay Kayne, State Entrepreneurship Policies and Programs (Kansas City, Mo.: Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, November 1999), 3. 5 Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership web site, http://www.entreworld.org/Bookstore, November 1999. 6 Suitability standards refer to conditions imposed on the issuer of securities that may restrict who the issuer may approach for financing (i.e., accredited investors). 7 New York State Governors Office of Regulatory Reform, Permit Reform in New York State: A report to Governor George E. Pataki, available at http://www.gorr.state.ny.us/gorr/permit_rpt.html. 8 Environmental Council of the States web site, http://www.sso.org/ecos/index.html, April 2000. 9 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Fostering Entrepreneurship (Washington, D.C.: OECD, 1998). 10 National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO), Fiscal Survey of the States (Washington, D.C.: NASBO, June 1999). 11 State Science and Technology Institute, State Research and Development Tax Incentives (Columbus, Ohio: State Science and Technology Institute, March 1997). 12 NGA Center for Best Practices survey of Governors, May 1999 13 NGA Center For Best Practices survey of Governors, May 1999. 14 NxLevel Training Network is a consortium of governmental, nonprofit, and for-profit institutions involved in promoting the development of small business. See also < http://www.nxlevel.org/>.