01 - Tutorial - Vector - Analysis Solutions

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Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Department of Physics
PYL 101: Electromagnetics & Quantum
Semester-I, 2024-2025

Vector Analysis
Problem Set 1

Exercise 1.
Is the cross product associative?
i.e., does,
(A × B) × C = A × (B × C)
hold. Demonstrate why, or why not.

Solution 1.

Exercise 2.

Use the cross product to find the components of the unit vector n̂ perpendicular
to the shaded plane in the given figure.

Solution 2.

Exercise 3.
Prove the BAC-CAB rule by writing out both sides in component form.

Solution 3.

Exercise 4.
Find the gradients of the following functions:
• f (x, y, z) = x2 + y 3 + z 4

• f (x, y, z) = x2 y 3 z 4

• f (x, y, z) = ex sin(y) ln(z)

Solution 4.

Exercise 5.
The height of a certain hill (in feet) is given by

h(x, y) = 10(2xy − 3x2 − 4y 2 − 18x + 28y + 12)

where y is the distance (in miles) north, x the distance east of the a reference point.
• Where is the top of the hill located?

• How high is the hill?

• How steep is the slope (in feet per mile) at a point 1 mile north and one mile east
of the reference point? In what direction is the slope steepest, at that point?

Solution 5.

Exercise 6.
Sketch the vector function,

and compute its divergence.

Solution 6.

Exercise 7.
Draw a circle in the xy plane. At a few representative points draw the vector v
tangent to the circle, pointing in the clockwise direction. By comparing adjacent
vectors, determine the sign of ∂v
and ∂v
. According to the definition of curl, what
is its direction? Explain how this example illustrates the geometrical interpretation of
the curl.

Solution 7.

Exercise 8.
Construct a non-constant vector function that has zero divergence and zero curl ev-

Solution 8.

Exercise 9.
• Refer to [IEDJ] and check the product rule (iv) (by calculating each term sepa-
rately) for the functions

A = xx̂ + 2y ŷ + 3z ẑ; B = 3y x̂ − 2xŷ

• Do the same for product rule (ii)

• Do the same for rule (vi)

Solution 9.

Exercise 10.
Prove that the divergence of a curl is always zero.

Solution 10.

Exercise 11.
Prove that the curl of a gradient is always zero.

Solution 11.

Exercise 12.
Calculate the volume integral of the function T = z 2 over the tetrahedron with corners
at (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).

Solution 12.

Exercise 13.
Check the fundamental theorem for gradients, using T = x2 + 4xy + 2yz 3 , the points
a = (0, 0, 0), b = (1, 1, 1), and the three paths given in the figure. for
• (0,0,0) ⇒ (1,0,0) ⇒ (1,1,0) ⇒ (1,1,1)
• (0,0,0) ⇒ (0,0,1) ⇒ (0,1,1) ⇒ (1,1,1)
• the parabolic path z = x2 ; y = x.

Solution 13.

Exercise 14.
Test the divergence theorem for the function v = (xy)x̂ + (2yz)ŷ + (3zx)ẑ. Take as
your volume the cube with sides of length 2.

Solution 14.

Exercise 15.
Test Stokes’ theorem for the function v = (xy)x̂+(2yz)ŷ+(3zx)ẑ, using the triangular
shaded area of Fig.

Solution 15.

Exercise 16.
Compute the divergence of the function

v = (r cos θ)r̂ + (r sin θ)θ̂ + (r sin θ cos ϕ)ϕ̂

Check the divergence theorem for this function, using as your volume the inverted
hemispherical bowl of radius R, resting on the xy plane and centered at the origin.

Solution 16.

Exercise 17.
• Find the divergence of the function

v = s(2 + sin2 ϕ)ŝ + s sin ϕ cos ϕϕ̂ + 3z ẑ

• Test the divergence theorem for this function, using the quarter-cylinder (radius
2, height 5) shown in the figure.

• Find the curl of v.

Solution 17.

Exercise 18.
Let F1 = x2 ẑ and F2 = xx̂ + y ŷ + z ẑ. Calculate the divergence and curl of F1 and
F2 . Which one can be written as the gradient of a scalar? Find a scalar potential that
does the job. Which one can be written as the curl of a vector? Find a suitable vector

Solution 18.


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