World Lit

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Title Researcher Statement of the Findings Conclusion

The Legend of Ferds Decena To determine the The findings To conclude the
Apo Lakay origin of the two illustrate that story, the two
Lakay towering rocks apo lakay lakay towering rocks
(Luzon) in claveria is a term for “old from claveria is
man” and he is a apo lakay lakay
wealthy but and his wife apo
greedy and an baket baket who
unwanted was turned into
fisherman and stone due to
his wife, apo their obnoxious
baket baket term characteristics
for an “old such as
woman” with the greediness. The
same unpleasant two towering
personality with rocks serve as
her husband. protection and a
When the boats blessing that
pass across the gives the
two towering fishermen an
rocks, they abundant catch.
would place an
offering to give
respect to apo
lakay lakay.
The Legend of Nicolle Jhud To know what Daragang Mayon volcano
Daragang Loren the story of MAgayon is symbolizes the
Magayon Mount Mayon term for grave of
(Luzon) came from “Magandang Daragang
Dalaga” in bicol. Magayon. The
She is a young blazing lava that
maiden who came out of the
likes to take a volcano is the
bath in Yawa symbol of her
river every overflowing
morning. She affection.
became in loved
with Ulap, a
young lad from
Laguna, and
However, they
were hit by a
flying arrow
with their
bodies and the
King decided
that they should
be buried
The Legend of Valle Rey To identify Maria Cacao is Tablea came
Maria Cacao where cacao’s the goddess of from the name
(Visayas) story started Mount Lantoy, of Maria Cacao.
from where her name Table is made up
is inclined with from cocoa
table which is beans that are
made from being roasted
cocoa beans. and can be
During the time turned int o
that she is chocolate.
harvesting she
would ride her
golden boat and
bring the goods
in other islands
with Mangao.
The goddess will
lend any items to
the villagers
however when
the villagers
would return the
items it is
already broken.
Hence, the
goddess did not
lend the villagers
anymore and she
decided to not
show up
resulting for the
villagers to stop
believing in her

The Legend of Jordan Clark To know the It came from the Mount Kanlaon
Mount Kanlaon legend of Mount tragic love story originated from
(Visayas) Kanlaon of Princess Kang the two lovers,
and Prince Laon. Princess Kang,
During their and Prince Laon.
wedding, a Mount Kanlaon
grand fiesta was served as the
executed when a grave of the
messenger lovers.
warned the Nowadays, it
father of serves as a
Princess Kang source of
that Datu livelihood and
Subanun, Kang’s supplies
rejected suitor, is bountiful
coming. Kang’s harvests catering
father was killed the needs of the
before he citizens of
announce the Negros.
arrival of datu
Princess Kang
and Princess
successfully fled
amid the
bloodshed. Datu
soldier chased
the lovers and
they caught
Princess Kang
and Prince Laon
deciding that
they chose death
together than
living separate
Matiyanak Karl Gaverza To identify what Matiyanak is a Matiyanak is a
(Mindanao) a matiyanak is creature with a vengeful spirit
slit in her belly that hunts men
that also has an during night
unborn baby time ripping of
inside, seeing their pennis with
men as her her long sharp
enemies because claws.
she could have
lived a goodlife
if it weren’t for
the man who
made her
The tale of the Julius Arboleda To know what The samal Naga was a
Imprisoned the story of the mythology said gigantic dragon
Naga imprisoned naga that naga was a trapped. He is
(Mindanao) is. large, associated as the
imprisoned milky way who
dragon. It is also will eat people
said that naga is that became
seen as the unfaithful to the
milky way in the almighty being
sky. Legend
mentioned that
there was once a
couple’s wish
granted to be
saved from the
beast. When the
day come to a
period, it is said
that naga will be
freed and will
eat those humans
who are
unfaithful to
The table illustrates different oral literature that came from the Philippines, two from
each major island. The first two came from Luzon, the legend of Apo Lakay-Lakay and The
Legend of Daragang Magayon. The Legend of Apo Lakay-Lakay is originated from the two
towering rocks found in Claveria, it is said that once before the rock was a fisherman with selfish
and unwanted characteristics. They were punished along with his wife Apo Baket-Baket who
also has the same attitude with her husband. The another legend researched in Luzon is The
Legend of Daragang Magayon. The story of Daragang Magayon started as she was a beautiful
maid whom Ulap fell in love with. They were hit by a flying arrow due to the chaos happening.
Hence the mountain served as their graveyard and the raging lava coming out from it’s crater
symbolizes the overflowing affection. Moving on to the Visayas region. The first literature is The
Legend of Maria Cacao. The story of Maria Cacao originated as she owns a plantation and
during harvest time, she would venture with her golden boat serving people her harvested goods
along with Mangao. The people whom Maria Cacao served would ask her items that they will
borrow and Maria Cacao will grant their wish, however, unfortunately the items that are being
returned to Maria Cacao are damaged resulting for Cacao’s disappearance. The other story, the
Legend of Mount Kanlaon, is a tragic love story between Princess Kang and Prince Laon. Where
they’re celebrating a grand fiesta when Kang’s rejected suitor came to disrupt the joyful
ceremony. The two lovers fled however they were cahsed by the soldiers choosing their fate to be
killed together rather than being able to live in sperate ways. At last, Mindanao with two
mythical creature. The first is Matiyanak, a vengeful woman creature that has a slit in her belly
with an unborn child inside. She hunts during night, targeting male ripping of their genitals with
her sharp claws. On the other hand, the tale of the imprisoned Naga is said to be the milky way
seen in the sky. Naga is a gigantic dragon imprisoned. The story also tells that there was a couple
that wish to escape the beast. When the time comes to an end, the Naga will devour all people
that are unfaithful to the almighty being.

Based on the researched literature presented in the table, it can be seen that most of them
are Legends. Overwhelming majority of the Philippine literature above are legends with only two
being mythical creatures. It can also be seen above that majority is a legend of the mountain.
Some of it ended in tragedy such as the Legend of Kanlaon and the Legend of Daragang
Magayon. Based on the researches on the internet, Mindanao has almost the same stories with

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