HW 5

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2024Fall Probability & Statistics for EECS 2024/10/30

Homework 5
Professor: Ziyu Shao Due: 2024/11/03 10:59pm

1. A building has n floors, labeled 1, 2, ..., n. At the first floor, k people enter the elevator,
which is going up and is empty before they enter. Independently, each decides which
of floors 2, 3, ..., n to go to and presses that button (unless someone has already pressed

(a) Assume for this part only that the probabilities for floors 2, 3, ..., n are equal. Find
the expected number of stops the elevator makes on floors 2, 3, ..., n.
(b) Generalize (a) to the case that floors 2, 3, ..., n have probabilities p2 , ..., pn (respec-
tively); you can leave your answer as a finite sum.

2. Suppose there are n types of toys, which you are collecting one by one, with the goal of
getting a complete set. When collecting toys, the toy types are random (as is sometimes
the case, for example, with toys included in cereal boxes or included with kids’ meals
from a fast food restaurant). Assume that each time you collect a toy, it is equally
likely to be any of the n types. Let N denote the number of toys needed until you
have a complete set. Find Var(N ).

3. Given a six-sided dice, let X denote the number obtained by rolling the dice one time.
The PMF of X is: P (X = 1) = P (X = 2) = 17 , P (X = 3) = P (X = 4) = 15 ,
2 9
P (X = 5) = 35 , P (X = 6) = 35 . Now the dice is rolled five times independently.
What is more likely: a sum of 24 or a sum of 25?

4. Given a random variable X ∼ Pois(λ) where λ > 0, show that for any non-negative
integer k, we have the following identity:
!" #$
X λk
E = .
k k!

5. (a) Use LOTUS to show that for X ∼ Pois(λ) and any function g,

E (Xg(X)) = λE (g(X + 1)) .

This is called the Stein-Chen identity for the Poisson.

(b) Find the moment E(X 4 ) for X ∼ Pois(λ) by using the identity from (a) with the
fact that X has mean λ and variance λ.

6. Suppose a fair coin is tossed repeatedly, and we obtain a sequence of H and T (H
denotes Head and T denotes Tail). Let N denote the number of tosses to observe the
first occurrence of the pattern “HTHT”. Find E(N ) and Var(N ).

7. (Optional Challenging Problem)

(a) Let W be a bounded non-negative integer-valued random variable. If for all

integer k ≥ 0, !" #$
W λk
E ≈ .
k k!
Show that
P (W = k) ≈ e−λ .
(b) Consider independent trials in which each trial is equally likely to result in any of
r possible outcomes, where r is very large. Let X denote the number of outcomes
that have occurred at least m times in the first n trials. Find the approximate
distribution of X.
(c) There are n people in a room. Assume each person’s birthday is equally likely to
be any of the 365 days of the year (we exclude February 29), and that peoples
birthdays are independent (we assume there are no twins in the room). When
the probability that three or more people in the group have the same birthday is
1/2, find n.

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