Impact Report 2022 23 Final
Impact Report 2022 23 Final
Impact Report 2022 23 Final
Young People’s
1. Introduction p4
a. About Mental Health UK p4
c. Our Achievements p5
c. Young people are better able to support their family and friends p15
trained through Bloom trained through Your Resilience and end of our 8-session co-delivery, where • Through focus groups and in-depth interviews
we match responses to measure change with young people and professionals who have
and also focus on individual aspects of the taken part in our programmes.
young people
reached with Bloom
8,617 Outcome 1
young people
reached since
September 2022 Young people are more aware of their resilience as a
result of applying skills learnt, knowledge of mental
191 health and resilience tools.
individual schools
and colleges
69 Goal
organisations In raising awareness of individual resilience
1,540 reached through Your Resilience with young people, we focus on ensuring
they feel equipped to approach life with a
Bloom and Your better overall understanding of resilience
Resilience workshops and mental health, supported by resilience
5,506 visits
delivered across the four UK nations building tools.
between September 2022 and
December 2023: 882 Bloom
and 658 Your Resilience to the Bloom resources library
Our programmes
have been delivered in
80 counties
across the United Kingdom
6 Impact Report 2022–23 Impact Report 2022–23 7
Bloom Case Study:
We saw an improvement in young people’s understanding of resilience having
participated in our workshops.
Supporting school staff and
students at Marden High,
North East of England
Table 1: Matched Base and End Data for Young People, Bloom
Please rate how confident you feel in the following areas:
60% Baseline
30% (after)
By providing training for school and
college staff in delivering our programme, They would reiterate positive
Managing Dealing with Maintaining Managing Making Understanding Feeling
studies exam stress positive social decisions what resilient we seek to create strong legacy affirmations we talked about in
friendships pressures about the resilience is outcomes in every school we work with. class to show they were using their
The most in-depth training is provided ‘inner coach’. They also became an
in our 8-week co-delivery programme, amazing support system for each
From surveys focused on individual aspects of the programme: in which our expert trainers deliver other. During their GCSEs not even
workshops to young people jointly with one of them experienced a major
• 79% of young people report feeling they have • 82% of young people liked the content of the
school staff. This has been particularly anxiety attack or failed an exam
a better understanding of resilience after workshop
popular in the North East of England. by walking out and this was a big
taking part in a workshop • 64% of young people rated the co-delivery worry with this cohort, many had
• 80% report feeling they can use some of the aspect of the programme as good or excellent
Jennifer Cronin, a social, mental and emotional
walked out of mocks due to being
health specialist at Marden High School in
tools learned in their lives overwhelmed.
North Shields was recommended to Bloom by a
friend. “Bloom seemed a brilliant fit. I hoped that
the programme would help our students gain
In our post-delivery survey, 87% of the students
some perspective around resilience, particularly
said they felt very / somewhat confident in
getting them to reduce the pressure they put on
understanding resilience after taking part and
Jennifer has observed that the programme has
The Year 11 group we worked with had been also led to wider changes in the school culture.
struggling with anxiety before taking part. After “Delivering the programme has encouraged
the 8 weeks, Jennifer could see an improvement positive conversations around mental health and
in the group. supporting the students,” she says.
Table 2: Young people rating their experiences of Your Resilience Building young people’s
confidence in understanding
Please rate the following areas
their mental health, we support
The number of sessions 82% 14% 4% them in applying individual
How long the sessions were 81% 17% 2%
agency to improve their
resilience and provide them with
Discussions during the sessions 93% 7%
the skills and tools to feel able to
Having someone you already know deliver the sessions 76% 22% 2% normalise conversations around
The person / people who ran the sessions 97% 3% mental health.
The workbook 58% 35% 7%
Table 3: Young people’s understanding of mental health having
participated in Bloom
Very confident
5% Somewhat confident
Not so confident
49% decrease
81% 77%
We transformed tents and open spaces into It allowed us to question aspects of our • 88% said they feel better able to support during the delivery of the programme was
vibrant learning environments where participants lives that cause stress or pressure. It family and friends good or excellent, showing young people
could fully immerse themselves in the workshop opened our eyes and allowed us to see • 76% stated that having someone they valued that familiarity and the co-delivery
moving away from traditional classroom delivery that we have a support network. knew (sports coach/facilitator) present model (post delivery data)
and embracing open air discussions and activities. Participant, Bibby’s Farm, Chorley
Having conversations about mental health • Bridgend “High-quality training and resources, as well as
54% 36% 8% 1% highly effective ongoing support through the
resilience with colleagues • Cardiff
Bloom co-delivery model, has provided staff with
Creating a supportive environment around
57% 39% 4%
• Merthyr Tydfil
the confidence to deliver and plan an engaging,
mental health at your school
• Rhondda Cynon Taf
sustainable, and flexible programme to meet
• Vale of Glamorgan the needs of all learners. The interactive nature
Very confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all
The consortium acts on behalf of the five local of the workshops has ensured young people
authorities to develop a school improvement are comfortable when sharing experiences
service which challenges, monitors, and supports surrounding their mental health and wellbeing.”
schools to raise standards and provide the best 75% of the Central South Consortium educators
provision for all learners in the region. who took part in the programme said they felt
Nearly one third of all Wales’ school age children more confident in supporting young people with
are in schools in Central South Consortium, with their mental health resilience afterwards. 62% felt
just over 152,000 learners. that the programme also contributed to a more
supportive environment around mental health in
their individual school or college.
“Bloom has provided schools
across the region with an invaluable The consortium subsequently launched an enquiry
programme of wellbeing activities to project, where practitioners trained to deliver
support students in their transition Bloom could share their experience of developing
into post-16 education,” explained and embedding the programme. This has in turn
Emma Lloyd, Area Lead for Post- increased school to school collaboration and the
16 Education, Central South sharing of strategies to support wellbeing at post-
Consortium. 16 across the region.
Table 8: Your Resilience Facilitators’ confidence in delivering the In supporting educators and facilitators to feel confident in discussing
programme from baseline to end. mental health resilience and wellbeing, we focus on equipping them
with the knowledge and tools to respond appropriately to young
Not at all confident 16% people, and also engage in conversations around mental health with
colleagues, creating an overall supportive environment.
Not very confident 19%
Baseline End We found it helpful to sample some
From end surveys of teachers after
of the activities ourselves, which
Bloom co-delivery training:
in turn supported with our delivery.
• 94% of attendees feel they have an The Bloom sessions are now a part
This was insightful increased knowledge of how to support of our service offer and we regularly
and I have seen things young people’s mental health having signpost schools towards the training
through a different completed our training and resources.
• 96% feel better able to support young
– Lily Hawkins, Whole-school
– Young person trained people in their school or college around
Approach Coordinator, Somerset
by us as a peer mentor, their mental health resilience
Mental Health Support Team
Northern Ireland • 96% feel their confidence has improved
in supporting young people’s mental
health resilience after our training
Equipping council
Not at all confident
staff to support
Not very confident 7% school-leavers in
Somewhat confident 59% 18%
West Lothian
Baseline End
The Your Resilience team in Scotland team reported immediate benefits from the Your
worked with West Lothian Council to Resilience workshops and the tools they learned,
address post-pandemic mental health from breathing exercises to time management
challenges among young people. techniques.
experiencing hardship with understand the needs of the following key groups
at the heart of our work. The Me & Money pilot launched in September
2023 across the UK and has so far reached more
Your Resilience of young people, who have an increased likelihood
of experiencing poor mental health:
No one knows better than a young person who
has experienced hardship, poor mental health or
than 1,000 young people. Initial findings from the
pilot show that of those young people:
Evidence shows that there are deep-seated additional barriers to accessing mental health
1. Young people living in areas experiencing
mental health inequalities for many young people support what kind of support they would find → 86% report having a better understanding
economic hardship
in the UK. Recognising that young people’s lives most beneficial. about the connection between money and
are shaped by multiple, intersecting factors 2. Young people from minority ethnic mental health, and a better understanding
We define co-production as an active,
— such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, communities about how attitude towards money can
collaborative partnership between Mental
geography and more — allows for a more nuanced influence our thoughts and behaviours.
3. Young people from rural communities Health UK and young people / the supportive
and effective approach to providing mental health → 75% found the workshop useful.
adult professionals in their lives to ensure that
support to those who need it the most. Together with Making Impact Matter, we have
the programmes we offer meet their needs, are → 60% would be interested in learning more
conducted a Needs Assessment with input from
accessible and effective. about the topic of money and mental health.
more than 700 young people, which will shape the
Mental health, like all other ways we deliver our Your Resilience programme in We seek to go beyond involvement and move Young people who took part in the pilot told us:
aspects of health, is significantly communities. towards a model in which young people become
influenced by social determinants... our co-decision-makers. We will work creatively
“I feel that I understand the thought
If someone’s mental illness is and flexibly with them to learn from their
process that goes on when someone
caused or exacerbated by the experience, explore new ideas and improve
is suffering anxiety on money.”
social determinants of health, a our programmes. This collaborative approach
doctor’s ability to provide care is will support the ongoing development of our “Made me feel more comfortable
compromised...doctors feel they are programmes and we are committed to building and talking about money.”
working with patients for whom the sustaining this partnership into the future.
“I now understand how to prevent
odds are stacked against them.
bad mental health and money
– ‘It’s Broken’ Report, British Me & Money cycles.”
Medical Association, 2024 In response to the rise in money anxiety amongst
young people, we co-produced a new pilot Now the pilot has been completed, Me &
programme, Me & Money, which seeks to support Money will now be scaled to support young
young people with their anxieties around money. people UK-wide.
If you are interested in finding out more about our Young Peoples
Programmes, please contact Bloom: [email protected]
and Your Resilience: [email protected]
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