2016-17 Annual Report
2016-17 Annual Report
2016-17 Annual Report
About Us 關於我們
Chairman’s Message 主席的話.....................................................................................4
Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告........................................................................7
Business Review 2016 – 2017 年度業務回顧................................................................10
Financial Highlights 財務摘要......................................................................................19
Corporate Governance Structure 機構管治架構...........................................................23
Organization Chart 組織結構........................................................................................24
Corporate Governance Members 機構管治成員...........................................................25
Appendices 附錄
Location Map of Service Units 服務單位分佈圖.............................................................98
Contacts of Service Units 服務單位聯絡資料.................................................................99
Stationing School Social Work Service 駐校社會工作服務學校...................................106
Staff Club Report 職員會報告......................................................................................107
Acknowledgements 鳴謝............................................................................................109
2 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
About Us
Founded in 1936, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong 香港小童群益會始創於 1936 年,在過去數十載,
(BGCA) has been established to serve children and youth throughout 我們一直透過遍佈全港的服務網絡,按照當時的
different eras with its need-specific and community-based services in its 地區及兒童和青少年的情況,提供切合時代需要
comprehensive service network. 的服務。
In 1930s, there were a lot of neglected and uneducated street children in 在 20 世紀三十年代,香港有很多流連街上缺乏
Hong Kong. At that time, BGCA nurtured these street children and helped 適當照顧的失學街童。本會幫助這些孩子發掘潛
them unleash their potential to be a constructive member in the society. 能,培育他們成為對社會有貢獻的人。我們透過
Through literacy and skill-set trainings, games and sports as well as 基本的識字班、技能培訓、互動遊戲和運動項目,
material aids for these children, BGCA aimed to improve their knowledge, 以及物資援助,提升他們的知識和技能、發揮天
skills, talents and interests needed to lead a successful life. 賦和培養興趣,讓他們能夠成功踏入社會。
As time goes and with the rapid changes of Hong Kong, BGCA has been 隨著時間的流逝以及香港社會的急速變化,本會
continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of our society and 亦不斷變革,以迎接不同的挑戰,並通過全方位
to offer all-round support to our young generation through a balanced 的支援服務,令年輕一代得到均衡發展。
development approach.
In recent years, BGCA also focuses its efforts to look into the cross- 近年來,本會尤其關注社會上的跨代貧窮問題。
generational poverty issue in the society. While deploying additional 除了調動額外的資源支援低收入家庭的兒童,本
resources to support children from low-income families, BGCA also 會還向政府和政策制定者倡議更多審視長遠解決
advocates government and policy-makers to take a longer-term view in 貧窮問題的政策和方案。同時,本會又不斷拓展
tackling the poverty issues. At the same time, BGCA expands its services 服務,向有發展障礙及 / 或有特殊學習需要的兒
to assist children with developmental disorder and/or special educational 童提供援助,促進社會對兒童和青少年精神健康
needs, promote awareness on mental health for children and teenagers 的認知,並向有需要的家庭提供一站式、跨專業
and offer one-stop, multi-disciplinary mental health and psychological 的精神健康和心理輔導服務。
counselling services to the needy families.
About Us 關於我們
The 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference and the Dinner Symposium 在 2016 年 10 月,本會舉辦了 80 周年學術會議
held in October 2016, joined by the Nobel Laureate Prof. James Heckman 及晚餐研討會,由時任政務司司長林鄭月娥女
and officiated by then Chief Secretary Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS, 士,GBM,GBS 主禮,諾貝爾得獎者詹姆士.
reaffirmed the important strategic direction of early childhood intervention 赫克曼教授亦參與其中。是次研討會上,我們重
and parental support. 申確認及早介入兒童早期發展和家長支援的關鍵
Early childhood intervention (ECI) is not a brand new concept. Decades
of research indicate that ECI will make a lifelong difference in the lives 及早介入並非新興概念,數十年來的研究已顯示
of many children. As a pediatrician, I am especially concerned about the 及早介入能為許多兒童的成長帶來長遠的改變。
physical fitness of a child. About one in five children and adolescents are 我作為兒科醫生,對兒童的體格尤為關注。目前,
deemed overweight or obese. Such would impact both their immediate 每五名兒童及青少年便有一個被視為過重或癡
and long-term physical and mental health and quality of life of later years. 肥,對他們的身心健康及往後的生活質素帶來更
Research shows that child’s eating behavior, physical activity level, 大的影響。研究指,兒童的飲食習慣、體適能活
sleeping habits and stress coping capabilities were key intervention areas. 動程度,睡眠習慣以至處理壓力的能力都是關鍵
Hence, one of the major effort of BGCA is to provide parents and care- 的介入範疇。因此,香港小童群益會其中一項重
givers with support and training, which is pivotal to establishing the child’s 要工作,就是向父母及照顧者提供支援和培訓,
healthy lifestyle early on. 讓兒童從小建立健康生活習慣。
往往塑造着兒童與家庭的消費習慣。 為了促進弱
About Us 關於我們
Last but not least, I cannot extend enough appreciation to Ms. Lilian Law 本人謹代表董事會向各機構及個人捐助者,以及
for her excellent leadership in the past nine years as Executive Director, 超過 16,505 位義工從不間斷的支持表示感恩。
and her willingness to delay her retirement for a year so that the Board has 我們一起感受及體現團隊精神,成就了豐盛無比
more time to find a successor to ensure a smooth transition. 而又充滿啟發性的 2016 年。相信對於參與其中
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my buddies, our over 86 員會成員以至本地及海外社群,亦有此同感。
dedicated Board and Committee members, who have devoted themselves
selflessly in serving the Association, in volunteering extra hours particularly 展望未來,憑著有實力的團隊,我很有信心香港
last year in offering professional advice at meetings and supporting the 小童群益會將堅定不移地繼續培育快樂、健康和
celebration events in various capacities. Among all, my heartiest gratitude 強壯的下一代;能夠靈活應對由香港特別行政區
goes to Ms. Anna May Chan, MH, JP and Dr. Patrick Ip, Chairperson of the 新任特首領導下各項優化新世代的嶄新措施。
80th Anniversary Celebration Organising Committee and 80th Anniversary
Scientific Conference Organising Sub-Committee respectively in leading a
successful celebration year.
On behalf of the Board, I also thank our corporate and individual sponsors 90 年,讓我祝福我們都充滿團
and our over 16,505 volunteers for their ceaseless support. Together,
we experienced and demonstrated teamwork in making the year of 2016
extraordinarily fruitful and inspiring to everyone that has been engaged in
the process, including our service users, staffs, members and the wider
community locally and overseas.
Looking ahead, with the strong teamwork, I am confident that BGCA will
remain steadfast in nurturing a happy, healthy and strong generation, yet
agile to respond to any new initiatives under the leadership of the new 更多 !
Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government for the betterment of the
young generations.
創新服務與實踐 - 香港小童群益會與陳廷驊基
金會攜手策動「感創敢為 – 青年社會創新服務
點子。我很高興見到本計劃已觸動了 1,000 名青
8 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
recommended standards and that those who slept less were found to be 在數碼時代強化兒童體適能 - 我們繼續投放資源
less happy has drawn public attention to the sleep deprivation problem 以提升核心服務。秉承香港小童群益會以往每年
among the young generations in Hong Kong. To continue the endeavour 舉行運動會的傳統,我喜見本會首個親子運動會
in research and advocacy area, a Steering Group had been set up 順利舉行,吸引了超過 700 名來自本會 19 間中
under the Board to explore into evidence-based practice towards Early 心參與課餘託管服務的兒童及家長參加。尼古拉
Intervention. 斯.霍特教授曾於 80 周年學術會議中強調,透
Innovative service and practice - Joining hands with the D.H. Chen 盛行的時代,兒童慣於靜態的生活方式。舉辦親
Foundation, BGCA launched the Youth ImpACT Award (YIAA) which 子運動會是本會於日常服務重塑與體育相關活動
signifies the adoption of a contemporary approach to nurture the young to 的第一步,以期提升兒童身心健康的發展。
become contributing citizens. YIAA offered series of experiential learning
workshops for secondary schools students, through which they were 本會能持續提供優質的服務,全賴擁有清晰的方
exposed to societal challenge and equipped with design thinking tools 向、有效的政策、制度和程序,而最重要的是,
for transforming inspirations into concrete service ideas. I am glad that 我們擁有一班具實力的同工作後盾。去年,本會
our 1,000 youth participants were inspired and empowered to making an 重啟全會的預算、服務策劃及檢視程序,檢視與
impact to the society and the lives of others. 員工相關的政策,以及為目標員工提供培訓。我
Physical Fitness in the digital era - We also invested in continually 頌詩女士加入香港小童群益會,我相信她們會繼
upgrading our core services. I am especially excited that the first ever 續為強化中央行政而努力。我亦在此向擔任署任
Parent-Child Sports Day for over 700 children and parents of our After 服務總監的鍾志文先生及鍾國雄先生表示感謝,
School Care Service (ASCS) from 19 Centres were successfully held, 有關署任安排乃是人力資源部為管理層繼任的一
mimicking the traditional sports day that BGCA used to organise annually. 項創新方針。
Much emphasised by Prof. Nicholas Holt at the Scientific Conference
about building resilience through physical exercise, the Sports Day was
only the first step to revive sports related activities in our daily services to
strengthen the physical and mental well-being of children, in the prevailing
sedentary lifestyle induced by the frequent use of digital device.
About Us 關於我們
It was said that in the eyes of the children, we can see the future of our
society. In the eyes of our staff, I see the future of BGCA, all the way!
Strategies 策略
With well-defined goals, we guide our work and aspire ourselves 我們有着明確的目標,朝著成為兒童及青少年服
consciously to be the servant-leader in children and youth services. BGCA 務的僕人領袖的方向去引領我們的工作。香港小
strives to deliver innovative services with evidence-based research and 童群益會力求透過實證為本的研究與知識提供創
knowledge to serve our children and youth to attain well-balanced moral, 新服務,培養兒童及青少年在德、智、體、群、
intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development, and to lead in 美方面的均衡發展,並引導他們成為對社會有貢
building a better society with contributing citizens and healthy happy young 獻的公民及成長為健康快樂的年青一代,建設美
generation. 好社會。
In addressing the needs of our children, youth and their families, BGCA 本會定期檢視所提供的服務,試行新計劃及測試
regularly reviews the services provided, pilots new initiatives and tests on 新的服務模式,以回應兒童、青少年及其家庭的
new service models. We utilise the extensive community base that spreads 需要。我們充分利用了遍及全港 17 區的社區網絡,
over 17 districts in Hong Kong to reach out and serve children and families 以接觸和服務來自不同背景和有不同需要的兒童
of all backgrounds and needs, including the underprivileged, the ethnic 與家庭,當中包括弱勢社群、少數族裔、 LBGT
minority, the LBGT groups and pre-school children and students with special 群組、學前兒童及有特殊學習需要的學生。年內,
educational needs. Year round efforts were also put to develop and carry out 我們亦就重點主題,推展及舉辦了各大小規模的
large and small scale programmes and events that centred on the identified 項目及活動,以回應服務使用者不同的需要。
major work themes to address the diverse needs of service users.
Business Review 2016 – 2017 年度業務回顧
About Us 關於我們
Awards 所獲獎項
The impact of our services and as employer were widely recognised by 本會為服務使用者所提供的優質服務,及作為友
different parties. In 2016/17, BGCA received the following awards: 善僱主的傑出表現均獲得社會各界的肯定。在
2016-17 年度,香港小童群益會獲得以下獎項:
1. BGCA e-Learning & Global Citizenship Education Promotion &
Publication Project won the Hong Kong ICT Award 2017: Best Smart 1. 流動學習與世界公民教育推廣及叢書出版計劃
Hong Kong Award (Digital Inclusion Application) Bronze Award. 獲得 2017 香港資訊及通訊科技獎:最佳智慧
2. “Nite Cat Online” was awarded the Hong Kong Top Ten Outstanding
Community Services 2017 by Lions Clubs International District 303 2. 「夜貓 Online」計劃獲選國際獅子總會中國
港澳 303 區主辦的「香港十大優質社會服務
3. 2015/16 Family-Friendly Employers Award, Award for Breastfeeding 計劃選舉 2017」
Support and Special Mention Award by the Family Council, HKSAR
6 Units: “SMILE” On-site Pre-school Integrated Services, Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development & Resources Centre, Community Creativity Learning
Centre, Counselling Centre, HSBC TSW Children Learning & Support Centre and Growth & Development Centre (HQ)
6個單位: 「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務、廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心、社區創意學習中心、輔導中心、匯豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心及成長發展中心(總部)
12 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Several senior staff members have retired, including Mrs. Rita Tong, 幾位高層職員亦相繼榮休,包括前行政及人力資
former Head of Administration & Human Resources, Mr. Tsui Hon-ming 源部總監唐沈潔明女士,前服務總監徐漢明先生
and Ms. Yau Yuk-lan, former Supervisors, who have served BGCA for over 及游玉蘭女士,他們已分別在本會服務了 21、
21, 38 and 23 years respectively. We are grateful for their contributions 38 及 23 年。本會感謝他們在過去數十年來所作
during the past decades. 出的貢獻。
We are pleased to have Ms. Edith Suen and Ms. Joyce Au joining 我們欣喜孫玉縈女士及區頌詩女士加入本會,分
us and taking up the role of Head of Human Resources and Head of 別於 2016 年 7 月 4 日及 2017 年 1 月 4 日起出
Administration with effect from 4th July 2016 and 4th January 2017 任本會人力資源部總監及行政部總監。我們也恭
respectively. We also congratulate Ms. Verena Hui and Mr. Sherman 賀許惠娟女士及鍾志文先生於 2017 年 6 月 1 日
Chung on their promotion to join the senior management as Supervisors 起榮升服務總監。
with effect from 1st June 2017.
原本於 2016-17 年度退休的總幹事羅淑君女士,
Ms. Lilian Law, Executive Director, who was due to retire in 2016/17, 接納執行委員會的邀請,延長一年的服務任期,
accepted the offer by the Executive Committee to extend her service for 讓董事會成立的「總幹事招聘委員會」有更充裕
one year, allowing the Search Committee formed by the Board to spend 的時間物色與招聘合適的繼任人,並讓交接工作
more time in identifying and recruiting the suitable successor and providing 更加順利。
a better transition.
Corporate Governance 香港小童群益會深信優良的管治,包括高透明
BGCA firmly believes that good governance, including high transparency, 度,是機構實踐使命的重要一環。良好的管治能
plays an important role in realising the organization’s mission. It can 有助吸引資源,保留人才以及帶來其他種種好
even help attract resources, retain talents and much more. Corporate 處。機構管治於道德或法規上均有所要求,而良
governance also lies in the root of good organization performance and is 好的機構表現亦建基於良好的機構管治。因此,
required ethically and often legally. Therefore, BGCA continuously reviews 本會不斷檢討與強化其管治及管理上的安排。在
and strengthens its various governance and management arrangements. 執行委員會的領導下,其轄下委員會協助策劃、
Under the leadership of the Executive Committee, designated Committees 督導與監察各相關的部門和服務。董事會及委員
assist the planning, supervision and monitoring of various functions 會成員繼續義不容辭為本會服務,並嚴守廉正,
and services. Our Board and Committee members continue to devote 致力達至最高道德標準、管理、透明度和問責
voluntarily to advance the mission of BGCA by adhering to the highest 性,進一步推動機構實踐其使命。 ( 有關機構管
level of integrity, stewardship, transparency and accountability possible. 治架構、組織架構及委員會名單,請參閱本年報
(refer to pages 23 to 29 for the corporate governance structure, the 第 23 至 29 頁 )
organization chart and committee membership list).
Regulatory Compliance 香港小童群益會履行香港特別行政區政府及其他
BGCA has fulfilled the current legal and compliance requirements set 法定組織所訂的法規、要求、規則、行為準則及
forth by the HKSAR Government and other statutory regulations, rules, 指引,包括新公司條例、社會福利署頒佈的《整
codes and guidelines, including the new Companies Ordinance, the Lump 筆撥款手冊》(包括公開最高三層人員的薪酬待
Sum Grant (LSG) Manual (including the disclosure of top three tier’s 遇檢討),及整筆撥款津助制度之《最佳執行指
remuneration) and LSG Best Practice Manual (BPM) Level One Guidelines 引》中的第一組指引。本會亦在可行範圍內作出
by the SWD. Continuous efforts have also been made as far as practicable 持續的努力,以達至《最佳執行指引》中屬於建
to adopt the LSG BPM Level Two Guidelines that were recommended to 議性、非強制性執行的第二組指引的準則。
NGOs but were not compulsory.
Structure and Processes 在董事會及委員會層面,本會引進了有系統的招
On the Board and Committee level, systematic procedures for recruiting 募及提名新委員會成員的程序,據此招募了數位
and nominating new Committee members were introduced, and a 新的成員加入了各委員會。本年度,我們成立了
number of new members joined our various Committees. During the 「資訊科技委員會」以監督機構資訊科技方面的
year, the Information Technology Committee was set up to oversee the 發展。而為延續及承傳本會「80 周年慶祝籌備
IT development in the organization. The Steering Committee on Early 委員會」及「80 周年學術會議籌備委員會」的
Childhood Intervention was also established to advise on the plan to 努力成果,「兒童早期介入督導委員會」亦隨之
About Us 關於我們
realize a major newly identified strategic direction of the Association, as 在管理層面,機構管治部於 2016 年正式成立,
a continuation of the effort and accomplishment of the 80th Anniversary 與早年成立並於去年正名的審計部雙雙成為香港
Celebration Organising Committee and the 80th Anniversary Scientific 小童群益會良好機構管治的重要基石,為協助良
Conference Sub-Committee. 好管治相關措施與程序的執行和推展,擔當重要
On the management level, the year 2016 laid another important
cornerstone in BGCA’s good governance through the establishment of 在這一年裡,就機構的財務管理、預算程序、服
the Corporate Governance Department which, together with the previous 務評估與匯報、機構遵則及危機監管方面,透過
year’s formalisation of the Internal Audit Department, become key players 管理層與董事會的共同努力,尤其是於「管理委
in assisting the enhancement and implementation of related measures and 員會」、「財務及投資委員會」和「審計委員會」
processes for good governance. 的協助之下,都得到相應的進展和改善。
We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Ng Siu-on and 環境政策
Prof. Wong Hoi-kwok who have resigned from the Executive Committee 保護環境是我們維護下一代福祉的其中一個重要
for their services over the past 16 and 31 years respectively. We are also 責任。本會實踐各項綠色措施,以提高同事和會
very sad to have lost the late Ms. Louise Mok, our Honorary Advisor, 員的環保意識,包括尋找綠色供應商、改善能
who had for the last 40 years contributed to and witnessed the significant 源使用效率、遵守各項對環境友善的措施 : 如印
growth and development of BGCA. 刷、節能及循環再用等。此外,總部大樓亦已簽
署《節能約章 2017》,進一步為節約能源付出
Environmental Policies 努力。
Protecting the environment is one of our important duties to future
generations. BGCA has put in various green measures to raise the 主要的風險與不確定因素
environmental awareness of our staff and members, including sourcing 香港小童群益會的董事會團隊盡心盡責,不但帶
green suppliers, improving energy efficiency, and adherence to a number 領機構為香港的兒童、青少年及家庭持續提供高
of eco-friendly measures such as printing, energy conservation and 質素的服務,亦確保能迅速識別和處理不同方面
recycling, etc. 的潛在風險,讓機構的資源得到最妥善的運用,
Furthermore, our Headquarters Building has signed up in support of 傲。我們一直非常審慎地分配資源以確保機構能
the Energy Saving Charter 2017 to further step up our efforts in energy 持續發展,而透過審計部和管理層的緊密合作,
conservation. 機構將繼續檢視各內部監察措施、政策與程序,
Major Risks and Uncertainties
BGCA takes pride in having a committed Board to lead the organization 服務
not only in continuously offering quality services to the children, youths, 根據政府統計處的數據顯示,青年人口呈現下降
and families of Hong Kong; but also ensuring potential risks in various 趨勢,從 2012 年 122 萬名年齡在 19 歲以下的
areas are promptly identified and addressed, such that the Association’s 青年人(佔總人口 17%)下降至 2016 年的 117
resources are being optimally utilized to achieve its mission and 萬人(佔總人口 15.8%)。與此同時,根據我
objectives. We have conscientiously allocated considerable resources to 們調查發現,兒童的快樂水平亦同樣急劇下跌,
ensure due diligence is performed, and various internal controls, policies 於 2008 年的調查中,表示感到快樂的兒童佔
and procedures are reviewed and enhanced continuously through the joint 73.8%,至 2016 年這數字僅為 57.1% 。我們更
effort of the Internal Audit Department and the management. 發現越來越多兒童與青少年尋求精神復康服務的
Service 影響我們服務的使用情況,也讓我們注意到兒童
According to figures from the Census and Statistics Department, the 和青少年對這類服務的需求正在浮現。因此,我
youth population was on a declining trend, with 1.22 million (17% of total 們在年內成立各個工作小組,審視會員制度和服
population) of young people aged below 19 in 2012 to 1.17 million (15.8%) 務質素,同時亦積極籌備有關及早介入、家長支
in 2016. Coupled with the decline was a plummet in children’s happiness 援及培育更有抗逆力的年輕一代等的有效項目,
as revealed by our survey result, in which 73.8% of children surveyed 務求能應對我們年青一代的整體精神健康情況的
expressed feeling happy in 2008 but only 57.1% in 2016. We also notice 需要。
an increasing number of children and youth seeking mental health services
and more youth suicide cases. These phenomenon directly impact the 人力資源
utilisation of our service and alert us of the emerging need of our children 充足的人力資源是確保持續和高質素服務的重要
and youth. Accordingly, we have established task groups over the year, 元素。預計未來數年,部分資歷較深、經驗較豐
to review the membership and quality of our programmes, as well as to 富的同事將要榮休,大部分來自社會福利發展基
seek effective programmes for early intervention, parental support and 金的撥款將投放於員工發展及培訓,以培育和裝
cultivating a more resilient young generation, aiming to tackle the overall 備中層管理人員,讓他們獲得所需技能並為將來
mental health state situation among our younger generation. 的繼任作好準備。
development and training to groom and equip staff in middle management 短缺的挑戰(如物理治療師、職業治療師、言語
with the needed skill set and prepare our talents for future succession. 治療師)。有鑑於這兩項服務將在香本會的策略
It is also anticipated that there would be an increase in competition 編制和薪酬結構作定期檢視,確保本會在人力資
for kindergarten teachers under the new 15-year free education policy 源市場中保持競爭力,吸引和保留相關人才,為
effective in September 2017. Moreover, the development of on-site pre- 服務使用者提供持續與優質的服務。
school rehabilitation services, in which BGCA has been taking part, has
faced challenges owing to the limited supply of para-medical professionals 財務
for rehabilitation services (such as Physiotherapists, Occupational 充裕的資金是確保服務持續的關鍵。如前文所
Therapists and Speech Therapists) in the labour market. In view of the 述,現時在人力資源市場中僱主對輔助醫療專業
crucial role that these two services play in the strategic direction of BGCA, 人員及學前教育教師求才若渴,激烈的人才競爭
staffing and salary structures of the related services have been under 往往會增加機構額外的財務負擔。年內,董事會
regular review to ensure BGCA remains competitive to attract and retain 率領的專責小組曾審視人事編制和薪酬結構及政
talents to provide sustainable and quality services. 策。為應對在財務上的潛在挑戰,我們亦持續地
Financial 們可更好地部署和管理相關資源。
Sufficient funding is essential to ensure sustainability of services. Keen
competition in the labour market for the para-medical professionals and 機遇與挑戰
pre-school teachers as mentioned above would also add extra financial 2016 - 17 不僅是香港小童群益會值得慶祝的一
burden to the Association. Led by special task force by the Board, we 年,我們也打開了不少新的機會,亦為未來的挑
have dedicated effort to review on staffing structure and policies during the 戰作好準備。透過 80 周年學術會議,我們擴闊
year. We also continuously improved on the service planning, review and 了視野,吸納世界級觀點,並從以實證為基礎的
budgeting processes which enable us for better resource deployment and 研究中得到啟示,讓我們可以嘗試將這些得著套
management to prepare for potential financial challenges. 用在日常工作和服務提升上。
we have been working proactively to adjust to the needs of youth today, 的方法以擴展服務範圍和擴大服務的影響力,如
with an emphasis of total membership experience. Initiatives such as new 主動接觸一些曾被逮捕的青年的朋輩,預防他們
membership systems, revamping of Interest Classes and After School 觸犯同樣的罪行,並加強犯案者之間的朋輩支
Care Programmes to incorporate the elements of STEMCA (Science, 持,令犯案者不會重蹈覆轍。
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Career and Art) would continue
to evolve, working hand in hand with the Hong Kong Jockey Club on the 由於近年競爭激烈,即使本會的白普理營舍的使
youth service innovation programme and the review of ICYSC services 用率依然比其他容納能力相近的營舍的平均使用
with SWD. Despite a drop in referrals from police for the Community 量為高,但我們觀察到白普理營舍的使用量正在
Service Support Scheme, we continue to enhance our service and 下降。除了必須的設施維修保養外,營舍將會進
adopt innovative approach to expand the service scope and enlarge the 行翻新,強化在自然觀賞、環境保護等方面的教
impact by reaching out to the peers of arrested youth, which would serve 育元素,從而加強服務對使用者在德、智、體、
as a preventive measure and also strengthen the peer support among 群、美等各方面的塑造。
As a result of keen competition in recent years, we observed a declining 發展與未來的定位。與此同時,我們將繼續強化
usage in our Bradbury Camp though the utilisation is still above average 專業及以實證為本的服務;並讓香港和內地的員
of camps with similar capacity. Apart from the necessary facilities 工進行更多互動及知識上的交流。
maintenance, the Camp would also be revamped to strengthen its
educational elements of nature appreciation and environmental protection 就 2017 年 7 月新一任香港特別行政區政府行政
and more, with a view to enlarging the character shaping of service 長官履新,以及新的行政班子成立,本會將保持
users, in a well-balanced moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic 警覺與靈活性以回應新的政策與措施,尤其是那
development. 些對兒童、青少年及家庭的服務及未來發展有所
Stepping into the 9th year of our mainland services, new development and 務委員會,並額外投放港幣 50 億元於教育經常
future positioning would be explored. At the same time, we will continue 開支上。我們將繼續與政府、各行業、社區、贊
to strengthen the professional and evidence-based service and knowhow 助者,以至我們的會員及同事結伴同行,共同實
transfer between Hong Kong and mainland through more interactions 踐我們的使命。
among the staff.
在 80 周年學術會議中,本會得到招商局慈善基
With the new HKSAR Chief Executive elected and the new administration 金會的慷慨支持,正式成立「童益聯網」。這標
formed in July 2017, BGCA will remain vigilant and agile to respond to new 誌著香港小童群益會並不限於提供日常的服務工
policies and initiatives, in particular those that would have implications on 作,更嘗試扮演召集人的角色,倡議「培育新一
the service and future development of children, youth and families; such as 代 攜手創未來」的信念,集結理念相近的人士
Mrs. Carrie Lam’s pledge to set up a Children’s Commission and an extra 和團體,創造出跨專業的協同效應,讓大家有機
HK$5 billion recurrent spending in education. We will continue to partner 會可以就服務年輕一代互相合作和交流。
with the Government, the sector, the community, our funders, as well as
our members and staff to accomplish and advance our mission further. 在香港小童群益會,我們相信團隊工作,而我們
Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year Ended 31st March 2017
2016 - 17 2015 - 16
HK$’million HK$’million
455 458
438 427
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
The financial report relating to the year ended 31st March 2017 on pages 19 to 22 is not BGCA’s statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year. BGCA will deliver
those financial statements to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Companies Ordinance in due course.
BGCA’s auditor has reported on those financial statements. The auditor’s report was unqualified; did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by
way of emphasis without qualifying its reports; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2), 407(2) or (3) of the Companies Ordinance.
第 19 至 22 頁內截至2017年3月31日之財務報告不是本會的法定年度財務報表。本會將按照公司條例第662(3)條及附表6第3部提交年度財務報表。
20 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
HK$455 million
HK$438 million
For the financial year of 2016 - 17, the funds categories had been reviewed and consolidated. The funds
employed and reserves of the Association started from $204,029,000 and ended with $240,934,000 made
up as follows:
於2016 - 17財政年度,本會檢視及重整基金之分類。開始時,本會持有指定用途基金及儲備總額為$204,029,000,
2016-17 2015-16
HK$’000 HK$’000
Reserves 儲備
Social Welfare Department :- 社會福利署 :-
Lump Sum Grant Reserve Note 1
整筆撥款儲備 註1 12,060 8,469
Provident Fund Reserves - Snapshot Staff Note 2
公積金儲備 - 定影員工 註2 5,756 5,123
Provident Fund Reserves - Non-snapshot Staff Note 2 公積金儲備 - 非定影員工註2 18,605 18,688
Subvention (Deficits) Surpluses Account 撥款(赤字)盈餘儲備 (2,133) (4,745)
Investment Revaluation Reserve 投資估值儲備 18 ( 324 )
34,306 27,211
Designated Funds 指定用途基金
Lotteries Fund Block Grant for F&E 獎券基金 - 整筆撥款用作 2,570 564
Replenishment and Minor Works 傢具設施添置及維修
Social Welfare Development Fund 社會服務發展基金 1,005 478
Chan Po Fun Fund - For Camp Renovation 陳普芬營舍基金 493 563
Camp Development Fund 營舍發展基金 15,116 1,615
Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund 何東爵士慈善基金 95 95
Facilities Improvement Fund 設施改善基金 16,816 8,351
Service Improvement Fund 股務改善基金 25,533 13,667
Staff Development & Welfare Fund 職員福利發展基金 1,268 1,017
Estates Re-development Fund 物業發展基金 27,919 41,470
Hiring-out Facilities Fund 租場設施基金 25,334 23,337
Education Development Fund 教育局程序計劃基金 12,659 12,291
Cheerland Nursery Fund 樂緻幼兒園基金 7,628 7,687
Nursery Service - Education Bureau Fund 幼兒服務基金 2,156 (371)
After School Care Service Development Fund 課餘託管服務基金 25,136 25,130
Other Designated Fund 其他指定用途基金 18,647 17,676
The Social Work Development Fund for Mainland Services 內地社會工作發展基金 552 552
BGCA Charity Fund 香港小童群益會慈善基金 9,648 6,490
Tang Shiu Cho Memorial Fund 鄧兆初紀念基金 11 98
Old Funds Note 3 過往基金 註3 - 5,672
192,586 166,382
Note 1: As at 31st March 2017, the Lump Sum Grant Reserve was HK$12,060,000. The reserve will be used to support on-going operation cost of subvented services, such as
fulfilling the contractual commitment to staff.
Note 2: As at 31st March 2017, the Provident Fund Reserves amounted to HK$24,361,000. The additional employer’s contribution rate would be subject to annual review and could
be changed according to the level of the Provident Fund Reserves.
Note 3: Old funds represent those designated funds closed in the current year, including Hotline Telephone Service Fund, Computer Development Fund, Air-conditioners Replacement
Fund, Study Project Fund, Registered School Growth Education Centre Fund and Service Development Fund.
註2:截至2017年3月31日,公積金儲備總額為HK$24,361,000 。僱主的自願性供款率將作每年檢討,並可能根據公積金儲備金水平而調整。
註3 : 過往基金代表本年度關閉的指定資金,包括熱線電話服務基金、 電腦發展基金 、冷氣機替換基金、 研究及發展基金、成長教育中心基金及服務發展基金。
Corporate Governance Structure 機構管治架構
General Meeting
Executive Committee
Standing Committees 常務委員會 Corporate Governance Committees Advisory / Special Programme Committees 顧問 / 特別計劃委員會
Management Committee 機構管治委員會 80th Anniversary Celebration Organising Committee
Audit Committee
管理委員會 八十周年慶祝籌備委員會
Branding, Fundraising & Resources Development Committee 審計委員會 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference Organising Sub-Committee
Nomination Committee (till December 2016)
Camp Committee 提名委員會 八十周年學術會議籌備委員會
營舍委員會 (至2016年12月)
Estate Management and Development Committee Internet Learning Support Programme Advisory Committee
物業管理及發展委員會 上網學習支援計劃顧問委員會
Finance and Investment Committee Mainland Services Committee
財務及投資委員會 內地服務委員會
Human Resources Committee Pre-school Education & Service Advisors
人力資源委員會 學前教育及服務顧問
Research and Advocacy Committee Team Challenge 36 Organising Committee
研究及倡議委員會 團隊挑戰36籌備委員會
Corporate Governance Structure 機構管治架構
截至 2017 年 3 月 31 日
Audit Committee
Executive Director
BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Patron 贊助人
The Hon C Y LEUNG, GBM, GBS, JP, 香港特別行政區行政長官梁振英先生 ,
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region GBM, GBS, JP
President 會長
The Hon Mr. Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM (1st row, left 4) 陳兆愷法官 , GBM ( 前排 , 左四 )
Ms. Nikki NG Mien-hua (since 23rd September 2016) (2nd row, right 5) 黃敏華女士 ( 自 2016 年 9 月 23 日 ) ( 後排 , 右五 )
Prof. MOK Bong-ho (till 23rd September 2016) 莫邦豪教授 ( 至 2016 年 9 月 23 日 )
Mr. NG Siu-on (till 16th January 2017) 伍兆安先生 ( 至 2017 年 1 月 16 日 )
Mr. Andrew SHUM Man-kit 沈文傑先生
Prof. WONG Hoi-kwok, BBS, JP (till 23rd September 2016) 王海國教授 , BBS, JP ( 至 2016 年 9 月 23 日 )
Dr. Katherine YAU HO Yan-tak 邱何恩德博士
Auditor 核數師
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Certified Public Accountants 德勤• 關黃陳方會計師行
80th Anniversary
80 周年會慶
80th Anniversary Celebration 80 周年會慶
2 3 4
1. Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS, the then Chief Secretary for Administration (centre) , Prof. 3. Dr. Ng Yin Ming, Chairman of Executive Committee (2nd row, left), Ms. Anna May Chan,
Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (right MH, JP, Chairman of 80th Anniversary Celebration Organising Committee (right 2), Prof.
3) , The Hon Justice Patrick Chan Siu Oi, GBM, President of BGCA (left 3) , Dr. Ng Yin Ming, Lobo Louie, committee member (1st row, left) and Ms. Lilian Law, JP, Executive Director
Chairman of Executive Committee of BGCA (left 1) and Prof. Steven Ngai, Chairperson and (right 1)
Professor of Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (right 1) . 執行委員會主席吳彥明醫生(後左)、80周年慶祝籌備委員會主席陳美蘭女士(右二)、委員
時任政務司司長林鄭月娥女士(中)、香港中文大學校長沈祖堯教授(右三)、本會會長陳兆愷 會委員雷雄德教授(前左)及總幹事羅淑君女士(右一)
錫欽教授(右一) 4. President, The Hon Justice Patrick Chan Siu Oi, GBM
2. Prof. James Heckman
6 7
5. Children joined the Child Alliance Launching Ceremony. 7. (From left) Mrs. Pamela Chan, BBS, JP, Vice-Chairman of Executive Committee, BBS, JP,
兒童代表出席「童群聯網」啟動禮。 Ms. Lilian Law, JP, Executive Director and Ms. Christine Fang
(左起) 執行委員會副主席陳黃穗女士,BBS,JP、總幹事羅淑君女士,JP及方敏生女士
6. Prof. Frank Oberklaid
弗蘭克.奧伯克雷德教授 8. Children voiced out their opinions in the Child Summit.
9 10
BGCA All the Way!
9. Officiating guests of the closing ceremony of the 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference. 11.Mr. Matthew Cheung, GBM, GBS, JP, the then Secretary for Labour and Welfare Bureau
主禮嘉賓主持80周年學術會議閉幕儀式。 (left 3), Prof. James Heckman (left 2), Prof. Linda Siegel (right 3), Dr. Roy Chung, BBS,
JP, Hon. Chairman (right 1), Mrs. Pamela Chan, BBS, JP, Vice-Chairman of Executive
10.Dr. Patrick Ip, Chairman of 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference Organising Sub-Committee Committee (left 1) and Ms. Lilian Law, JP, Executive Director (right 2)
80周年學術會議籌備委員會主席葉柏強醫生 時任勞工及福利局局長張建宗先生(左三)、詹姆士.赫克曼教授(左二)、琳達.西格蘭教授
34 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
12 13
14 15
16 17
12. Participants enjoyed the intervention workshop. 15. Prof. James Heckman (left) and Dr. Law Chi Kwong, GBS, JP, BGCA Executive Committee
參加者於活動工作坊表現投入。 member
13. Dr. James Pawelski
詹姆士.鮑威斯基博士 16. Through the participation of Child Summit, children wish to let the adults to listen their
14. Ms. Anna May Chan, MH, JP, Chairman of 80th Anniversary Celebration Organising 兒童希望藉著參與兒童高峰會,讓成人聆聽他們的聲音。
80周年慶祝籌備委員會主席陳美蘭女士MH,JP 17. Prof. Lobo Louie (left 1) and Mr. Josiah Chiu (right 2), committee members, Mr. Leslie Santos,
ChelseaFC Soccer School (Hong Kong) (left 2) and Mr. Leung Yuk Wing, MH (right 1)
80th Anniversary Celebration 80 周年會慶
Eighty years ago, BGCA was founded by four groups of professionals, including the
Judiciary, the Police, the Catholic community and the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. On 7th
October 2016, these four founding members gathered again at the 80th Anniversary Dinner
Symposium cum Child Alliance Launching held at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin.
Over 300 people from various sectors joined us and share our joy as well as their opinions
regarding development of children and adolescents.
During the event, BGCA launched the “Child Alliance” with an ambition to bring people from
different walks of life together to care for our children. BGCA hopes to gather the strength of
citizen, business sector, government and communities to cohere social resources to build
a harmonious society which is conducive to the development of children. We also hope to
continue and inherit the caring spirit.
於 80 年前,法官、警察、天主教教會及香港聖公會四個團體創立了香港小童群益會。這四個
創會團體的代表於 2016 年 10 月 7 日晚上再次重聚,應邀出席本會在沙田凱悅酒店舉辦的 80
▲ The representatives of the four founding 周年晚餐研討會暨「童益聯網」啟動禮,並與 300 多位來自不同界別的人士聚首一堂,就本
members of BGCA including social workers, 港兒童及青少年發展分享感受和意見。
police force, judges and the Catholic Church,
and officiating guests joined the 80th Anniversary
Dinner Symposium cum Child Alliance
Launching Ceremony.
本會四個創會團體包括:法官、警察、天主教教 界的力量,凝聚關愛和社會資源,群策群力,盼共建一個有利兒童發展的和諧進步社會,並
80周年晚餐研討會暨「童益聯網」啟動禮。 將各界關愛社會的精神延續及傳承。
With the theme “Children’s Vision for the next Ten Years”, 250 children 250 名兒童參與「兒童高峰會」,會議以「兒童
participated in the Child Summit. The Hon. Patrick CHAN Siu-oi, GBM, 眼中未來十年的願景」為主題。本會會長陳兆愷
the president of the association, along with the children discussed the 法官向與會者探討兒童作為公民的權與責,兒童
rights and responsibilities of children as citizens of Hong Kong. Under the 在會長及活動主持的帶領下,就「教育」、「健
auspices of the president, participants discussed the development and 康」、「兒童聲音」、「社會願景」四個範疇,
improvement directions in education, health, children’s voice and society’s 討論發展方向及改善行動。其中,「開心上學」、
vision. “Happy school life”, “No long queues when consulting doctor”, 「看醫生不用排長龍」、「我可以有選擇」、「共
“Autonomy in daily life” and “Social inclusion and sustainability” were 融及可持續發展」等都是兒童的聲音和願景。
children’s voice and the vision towards the society.
感創敢為 – 青年社會創新服務獎啟動禮
The Youth ImpACT Award (YIAA) is jointly presented by BGCA and 感創敢為 - 青年社會創新服務獎,由香港小童群
The D. H. Chen Foundation, and supported by the Hong Kong Council 益會與陳廷驊基金會共同策劃,並得到香港社會
of Social Service and The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship 服務聯會及社會創新及創業發展基金 ( 社創基金 )
Development Fund (SIE Fund). 的支持。
At the ceremony, we were honoured to invite Mr. Lau Ming-wai,GBS, JP, the 啟動禮上,我們很榮幸邀請到青年事務委員會主
Chairman of Commission on Youth, and Mr. Francis Ngai, the founder and 席劉鳴煒先生和香港社會創投基金創辦人及行政
Chief Executive Officer of Social Ventures Hong Kong. They shared about 總裁魏華星先生與一眾學生及教育工作者交流對
youth participation and social innovation with students and educators. At the 青年參與及社會創新的看法。同時,屯門天主教
same time, F.6 students from Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School shared 中學中六學生亦分享了參與計劃過程的經驗。
their experience upon participation in the scheme.
Feature Stories
不應因家庭環境而局限發揮。憑藉家人、朋友、社會對兒童的一份愛,培 President, The Hon Mr. Justice Patrick CHAN
育孩子健康快樂成長,引導他們活出自我,就是本會的重要使命。 Siu-oi, GBM
Mr. Justice Chan lived in Wan Chai in his childhood. He sometimes went 小時候家住灣仔的陳兆愷法官,偶爾會到香港小
to the BGCA centre to play with other children. His serendipity with the 童群益會總部跟其他小朋友玩耍。他跟本會結下
association continues till date, he became the President of this 80-year- 的緣份,延續到今天,成為這個服務香港兒童及
old association that aims to serve Hong Kong’s children and youths. He 青少年有 80 年歷史的機構的會長。回想過去擔
has developed a deeper understanding about the problem that the local 任會長六年的日子,陳兆愷法官對本港兒童所面
children are facing and the services provided by BGCA over the past six 對的處境,以及本會的服務有更深入的了解。
years during his tenure.
”I was glad and excited to be the President of the association,” Mr. Justice 奮。」陳兆愷法官回憶。他希望藉此多認識香港
Chan recalled. He hoped to further comprehend the development of 小童群益會的服務狀況,盼能利用自己的所知所
services of BGCA and to make good use of his knowledge to contribute 學,為本港兒童服務出一分力。過去六年,他喜
to the local children services via the opportunity of being the President of 見本會的執行委員會已訂定既定的服務方針和政
BGCA. During the past six years, he was glad to witness the establishment 策,為同工設立本會服務的大方向和框架,讓相
of a set of principles and policies by the Executive committee, which 關的兒童及青少年服務得以全面推展。
provided general direction and framework for progressing our services.
As the President of BGCA, Mr. Justice Chan participated in a number 象最深刻要數「香港小特首」和「少年財政司」
of activities. “Junior Chief Executives” and “Junior Financial Secretary” 計劃的頒獎禮。能見證一班年紀輕輕的青年人,
programmes award-giving ceremonies gave him the deepest impression. 積極發表對社會事務的意見,認真地分享他們的
Witnessed teenagers actively comment on social affairs and earnestly 經驗,甚具初生之犢不畏虎的風範,陳兆愷法官
share their experiences, Mr. Justice Chan felt greatly touched. He added 覺得非常感動,「這證明青年人關注社會時事,
“this proves that young people are concerned about social affairs and 有一顆關心香港的心。」他認為這種熱心社會參
heartfelt concern with Hong Kong”. He reckoned that the enthusiasm of 與的精神,應該一代一代的傳承下去。此外,每
social participation should be inherited from generation to generation. 年參與週年大會見證眾多為本會付出熱誠和努力
Besides, Mr. Justice Chan annually participated in our annual general 的同工獲頒獎項,亦令陳兆愷法官印象難忘。他
meetings. Witnessed numerous staffs awarded for their dedication and 表示,服務本會 10 年、20 年甚至 30 年的同工
hard work, it became his unforgettable memory. He noted that many 比比皆是,同工給予得獎員工的掌聲及歡呼聲,
▲ Mr. Justice Chan Siu-oi attended the inauguration ceremony of the fifth “Junior Chief Executive”
staffs have serviced BGCA for 10 years, 20 years or even 30 years. 充分體現「B 仔記」是個溫暖、融洽的大家庭,
The applause and cheers to the awarded staffs reflected BGCA was a 各人都敬業樂業,以專業為本港的兒童及青少年
warm and harmonious family. Everyone enjoyed and respected their 謀求福利,實在值得表揚和敬佩。
work and strived for the welfare of children and teenagers in Hong Kong
professionally. It was worth to praise and admire our staff. 時代變遷,陳兆愷法官指出香港正面對不同的社
As time changes, Mr. Justice Chan noted that Hong Kong faced different 轉變、社會競爭等,兒童及青少年在成長路上
social problems, such as housing problems, disparity between rich and 亦面對各項挑戰。他表示,作為社會服務機構,
poor, changes in family structure and social competition etc. Children 香港小童群益會更要秉承服務宗旨,提供支援與
and teenagers need to face various challenges on their way to growth. 學習機會給有需要的兒童及青少年,助他們開拓
He expressed, as a social service organization, BGCA has to uphold the 視野,建立自尊和自信,建構有利兒童成長的環
service mission, provide support and learning opportunities for children 境,培育他們健康快樂成長。
and teenagers in need, assist them in exploring their horizon, build up self-
esteem and self-confidence, construct an beneficial environment to their 卸任在即,兒童的福祉是陳兆愷法官心裡最記掛
growth and nurture them to grow healthily and happily. 和放不下的。他勉勵本會同工要繼續保持客觀的
To be retired soon, children’s well-being is what Mr. Justice Chan worries 他又引用《聖經》經文:「快快的聽、慢慢的說、
most. He encouraged the staff to maintain an objective attitude, keep 慢慢的動怒」( 雅各書 1 章 19 節 ) ,寄語年輕
up the enthusiasm for child services and work as a team. He used Bible 人要多聆聽別人,勸勉他們凡事要先聆聽、後觀
verses “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to 察,行動前要再三思考,以作為做人處世之道。
become angry. (James 1:19) to remind the youths to be effective listeners,
exhort them to listen before observe, jump once but look twice and should
treat it as philosophy of life.
The Honourable Mr. Justice Patrick Chan Siu-oi, GBM, currently serves as a Non-Permanent Judge of the Court
of Final Appeal, was the first locally trained Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of HKSAR (2000-2013).
Mr. Justice Chan has a passion for children and youth development and has served as the President of BGCA
since 2011. He has accepted the new appointment to continue his service in BGCA as the Honorary President
after stepping down in 2017 Annual General Meeting.
審法院常任法官(2000 年至 2013 年)的法律翹楚。
▲ The interviewees experienced different jogging contests including “RBC Race for the Kids” organized by BGCA.
幾位熱愛跑步的受訪青年曾參與不同類型的跑步比賽,當中包括本會舉辦的「RBC 童心競賽」。
Working Up a Sweat;
Running towards a Happy Life
燃燒青春的汗水 跑出快樂人生
In Hong Kong, long working hours and high stress levels are common 香港各行各業的打工一族,大部分都面對工時
among the wage earners regardless of job nature. Other factors such as 長、壓力大等問題,加上食無定時和缺乏運動,
irregular meal times and lack of exercise can all exacerbate our physical 往往令身心健康響起警號。近年,大家提升了
and mental health. In recent years, people are much more health- 健康意識,不少人喜歡在空餘時間進行健身、跑
conscious. In pursuit of a work-life balance and health, many people are 步、瑜伽等運動,務求保持身心健康,達致工作
willing to spend their leisure time engaging in physical activities such as 與生活平衡。
fitness training, running and yoga.
Running has become a trend in Hong Kong over the past decade. It is not 室、運動場,甚至在街上都不難發現一眾跑步愛
difficult to see running fanatics in a fitness centre, on a sports ground or 好者的蹤影。各大小跑步比賽應運而生,參加馬
even on the street. Different kinds of running competitions have arisen. 拉松賽事的人數更每年上升,不論男女老幼都全
The number of people who take part in marathons have increased every 情投入,跑得盡情盡興。關於跑步,每人都有他
year. People of all sizes and shapes are so devoted to running that they 的初衷和目標,每人都有自己的故事。
have a lot of fun doing it. If you ask them why they start running or what
their goals are, they all have their own stories to tell.
Gary, Ken, Cindy and Yan were the team members who were “all in it Gary、Ken、Cindy 和 Yan 是 Carson 口 中「 拍
together”. They started running with one goal: to reduce stress. Somehow, 住上」的組員,他們藉著跑步減壓,並建立了一
they have built this precious friendship together along the way. Ken said, 份珍貴的友誼,Ken 表示:「一班人練跑可以互
“A bunch of people running together can encourage and push each other 相鼓勵和鞭策,透過良性競爭激勵自己。」Ken
forward. This kind of healthy competition is simply motivating.” On 1st 與 Yan 於 7 月 1 日在沙田區舉辦的「慶祝香港特
July, Ken and Yan took the challenge for the first time by joining the half 別行政區成立 20 周年馬拉松」首次挑戰半馬,
marathon of “The 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR 酷熱天氣令他們在比賽期間倍感煎熬,全靠河馬
Marathon” organized by the Sha Tin district. The extreme heat that day SIR、「大師兄」Gary 和一班組員並肩作戰和打
really stressed out their bodies. On top of the cheering of Mr. Ho, “Big 氣,才能憑著毅力和意志跑到終點。而第二次參
Brother” Gary and other team members, the team spirit played such an 加半馬的 Gary,更於比賽中青壯組取得第 6 名,
important role in keeping everyone’s stamina and determination to the 成績滿意。
finish line. Gary, who had joined a half marathon before this, even finished
in sixth place in the middle-youth group this time. 跑步需要訓練,人生需要歷練。我們在人生旅途
Training is a requisite of running as well as life. We need to keep exploring 河馬 SIR 希望跑步不只帶給年輕人健康的體魄,
and learning new things to broaden our horizon. Mr. Ho hoped that running 更希望他們透過跑步認識世界,「若能透過參與
can strengthen the young people physically and allow them to get to know 國際跑步比賽認識來自不同地方的朋友,以致當
the world. “It will be so great if they can meet people all over the world 地的社會文化,相信是一件美事。」Cindy 就是
through participation in international races and get to learn more about the 其中一位跑出國際的「街跑少年」組員。2017
culture of other places,” said Mr. Ho. Cindy was one of the “ROC.Youth” 年 7 月 1 日,Cindy 於澳洲黃金海岸馬拉松比賽
members who made it to international races. Cindy has hit her personal 刷新個人紀錄,以 53 分鐘完成 10 公里賽事,興
new record, 53 minutes in a 10-kilometre race, when she joined the Gold 奮的心情難以言喻,「當日天氣很好,一邊比賽
Coast Marathon in Australia on 1st July this year. That level of excitement 一邊看到日出的景致,沿途有人打氣鼓勵自己,
and elation was inexplicable. “The weather was so nice that day. We 跑得非常開心。」能見證這班年輕人的成長,培
could even enjoy the wonderful sunrise during the race. I was running 養愈強越強的鬥志,兩位「街跑少年」教練深感
▲ Gray (left 1) and Yan (left 2) completed the race of “The 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR Marathon” under the support of Mr. Ho (right 1) and the coach (right 2).
在河馬 SIR( 右一 ) 及教練 ( 右二 ) 的鼓勵下,Gray ( 左一 ) 和 Yan ( 左二 ) 在「慶祝香港特別行政區成立 20 周年馬拉松」順利完成賽事。
so happily along with the cheering from the passers-by,” Cindy recalled. 喜悅,「希望有更多年輕人參與有益身心的運
Both trainers of “ROC.Youth” were very delighted to have witnessed the 動,像他們一樣能不斷進步,突破自己。」
growth of this group of young people and their ever-growing stamina. They
both hoped that “more young people can be inspired to seek progress 堅持信念 享受當下
and breakthrough by taking up sports which is good for their mental and
physical health”.
Keeping your Faith for Here and Now 並憑藉這份堅持跑過終點。要走過那 42.195 公
We have probably heard it before when people say “Life is like a 里絕不容易,但你不必太在乎跑得快或慢,路途
marathon”. It symbolises the journey which is full of ups and downs on 上領略了甚麼風光,才值得珍視和回味。每天持
the way. The process can be tough sometimes. Even though you have 續跑步跨越了四分一世紀的日本小說家村上春樹
thousands of reasons to give up, you need to find only one reason to keep 曾在其著作中記載,跑步是一種有益的鍛鍊,你
your faith and make it to the finish line with your strong determination. 可以藉著訂立和達成目標而提升自我,重要的是
No one has ever said that it is easy to run through the 42.195 kilometres. 「能夠稍微超越一點昨天的自己」。所以,你不
You do not need to care about how fast or slow you are. What is worth 必跟別人比較,而是要更勝從前。
treasuring in the end is the scenery that you have experienced along the
way. The famous novelist, Haruki Murakami, who has persisted running for 運動不只是體力消耗,它能帶給你的,往往比想
over one-fourth of a century has once said that running is a great training. 像的多。我們都希望追求健康與快樂,這兩種生
Through setting and achieving goals, you can improve yourself. “The point 命泉源不能用金錢換取,你得要去感受、用時間
is whether or not I improved over yesterday”. Therefore, there is no point 經營。運動正正就能讓我們擁有強健的體魄,同
to compare yourself with others. What matters is outdoing yourself. 時帶給我們愉快的感覺。熱愛運動的人,應該
不會是消極派。48 年前美國太空人尼爾.岩士
Exercises bring you a lot more than just fatigue. We all want to be healthy 唐成為第一個踏上月球的人,邁出了「人類一大
and happy. Both sources of life cannot be exchanged with money. We 步」,創造了歷史。今日,你何不踏出定時做運
need to feel them; we need to cultivate them. Exercise enables fitness and 動的第一步?當運動培養成為習慣,說不定會改
a sense of happiness. People who love exercising are rarely pessimistic. 變你的人生。
Neil Armstrong made history 48 years ago, as he was the first astronaut
who landed on the moon. He has “taken a big stride forward” for the
mankind. Why don’t you make your first step to exercise today? When
you can make exercise a habit, maybe your life will change forever
▲ Tiffany
embodies the fun and beauty of handicrafts. This group of young people 不但毫無怨言,反而更加投入和起勁。因為當你
were fully committed to the craft, and had no regrets about the work 全情投入去做自己喜歡的事,你感受到的快樂和
involved - even when the process involved hard work - or even working all 滿足感遠遠大於過程中所承受的痛楚。
night long. Because, when you have devoted yourself to doing something
you love, the happiness and satisfaction you experience far outweighs any 自學 vs 教學
pain or hard work involved. 有人鍾愛皮革是因為它獨特的質感、氣味,以
及它可塑性高,Johnathan 卻有另一番見解:
Self Learning vs Teaching 「眼前這塊牛皮不只是一件死物或一件副產品,
Some people love working with leather due to its unique texture, smell, and 它曾經是一個生命的一部分,所以要尊重和善用
high degree of plasticity, but Johnathan has another reason. “This piece 它。」一塊皮革,經過裁剪、縫製、修飾,變成
of cowhide in front of you is neither just a lifeless object nor secondary 了獨一無二的成品,滋潤了皮革本身的存在意義
produce. It has been part of something that was living. Thus one should 和價值。從對皮革的尊重,可以感受到他們對造
pay respect and utilise it in a friendly way.” After going through the process 皮的認真。龍 SIR 對成品的要求甚高,作為組
of cutting, knitting and polishing, a piece of leather is turned into a unique, 員的他們亦不敢怠慢,用心做好每一個步驟,期
one-of-a-kind product, enhancing the value and significance of the leather. 望做出令自己滿意的製成品。製作手創工藝,細
From the respect that this group of young people pays towards the pieces 心與耐性缺一不可,Johnathan 說:「有一次
of leather, you can also see how seriously they take leather work. Lung 教導一位青少年製作卡片套,對方初時覺得很沉
Sir had high expectations for the leather products, and his team also 悶,到親自動手做才發覺原來殊不簡單。」有些
did not neglect their task, working hard at each step to produce the best 事情表面看似簡單容易,但只有親身體會過才會
products. Handicraft work requires both attention to detail and patience. 真正了解,所以每當他見到學員專注認真地學習
“Once I taught a young person how to make a card-holder. They were 都倍感高興。
bored at first - but once they got involved themselves they realised it
wasn’t simple at all,” Johnathan recalled. Something might look simple 從自學到教學,四位年輕人領悟到一個道理:同
and easy on the surface, but only direct experience will help you achieve 一件事情其實可以有不同標準。Tiffany 解釋:
a real understanding of it, so Jonathan felt delighted whenever he saw his 「我們的教學方法都不一樣,我講求愉快學習,
students focused and learning. 大 C 著重激發創意,Johnathan 注重步驟,而
Sean 則重視完美和仔細度。」他們認為每人都
From self learning to teaching, these four young people learned a valuable 有不同的準則,不一定要按導師的審美標準去教
lesson - that the same task can be accomplished in different ways. Tiffany 學。大 C 補充:「社會越來越缺乏創意,我希
explained, “We have different approaches to teaching. I focus more on 望藉鼓勵學員發揮創意,讓他們製作有個人特色
providing a happy learning environment. Big-C focuses on stimulating 的成品。」在自學與教學之間,他們領略到審美
creativity. Johnathan cares about following procedures. Sean focuses on 可以有不同的標準,生活上很多事情亦非單一面
perfection, and attention to detail.” Hence, the team came to understand 向,人與人之間的相處最重要是互相尊重和體
that everyone judged things by different criteria, and one does not have 諒。
to teach based on the instructor’s aesthetic criteria. Big-C added, “Our 人生就是不斷的學習
society is becoming less and less creative. I wish to inspire students to 皮革組的出品美觀實用而且造工精細,深得本會
create, so that they could make unique products that reflect their personal 同事們及年輕人愛戴。除了開班教學,皮革組的
tastes and views.” Through their journey, from self-learning to teaching, 成員亦參與過不少機構活動例如慈善義賣、澳門
these youths came to understand that beauty can have different standards, 塔石藝墟和大大小小的工作坊,他們很高興有機
and that many things in life are not one-dimensional - the most important 會參加不同類型的活動,不斷嘗試和學習,認識
thing is mutual respect and understanding. 新事物。得到別人的認同是一件值得開心的事,
2014 年他們建立自家品牌「HoyiA」,並在社交
Life is a Journey of On-going Learning 媒體開設專頁,希望讓更多人認識,他們笑謂:
The leather group’s products were beautiful, practical and delicately 「每次當龍 SIR 籌辦活動或需要幫忙時,我們都
produced, and were deeply cherished by BGCA colleagues and young 義不容辭說『可以啊﹗』,於是這就成了我們的
people. Apart from holding classes, leather group members also 品牌名稱。」
participated in many activities such as charity sales, the Macau Tap Seac
Art Fair and large and small scale workshops. They were glad to have the 能夠提供一個愉快的學習空間,讓年輕人尋找自
opportunity to take part in diverse activities and learn new things. Gaining 己的興趣,享受快樂成長的過程,是本會一向所
recognition from others is always something worth being happy about - 期望的。龍 SIR 坦言,最開心是見到這群年輕人
and in 2014 they established their own brand name “HoyiA” and set up 在中心一起成長,透過參與不同活動認識自我,
their own social media page on the internet, hoping this would spread the 「這不單是知識與技巧的傳授,亦是友誼和關係
word about their work. With a laugh, they explained that the story behind 的建立。」他亦鼓勵青少年不斷嘗試,摸索前路。
the brand name, which means “Yes! Can Do!” in Cantonese, is because 以製作皮革為例,經驗是累積而來的,最重要是
they always said yes whenever Lung Sir organised activities or asked for 從錯誤中學習,他寄語年輕人:「當累積了一定
their help. 的經驗,你便會發現原來你是『可以』的。」
BGCA has also striven to provide a happy learning space that allows 你可以,我們的社會也可以
young people to explore their interests and embark on a journey of 每人都有不同的個性,不一樣的標準,正因為存
personal growth. Lung Sir said that what made him happiest was seeing 在「不同」,我們的社會才會多元。16 世紀文
this group of young people growing up together in the Centre, and, through 藝復興是各人文學科發展的黃金時代,為現代文
different activities, getting to know more about themselves. “This isn’t just 明開闢了新天地。新視野、新角度,以致嶄新的
about teaching them knowledge and skills. It’s a way for them to build up 技術,都是前人給我們傳承的珍寶。社會若倚重
friendships and relationships.” He encourages young people to keep trying 經濟發展,只會變成文化沙漠。盡情去追尋你熱
new things and exploring their way ahead. Just like in leather craft making, 愛的事情,將經驗和價值傳承給下一代。人,可
experience accumulates through trying things - and the most important 以有不一樣的選擇,亦正因如此,我們的社會才
thing is to learn from mistakes. His message to young people is: “Whenever 可以有點不一樣。
you have accumulated enough experience, you will discover that you “can
do” it.”
HoyiA ( 可以啊﹗ )
The leather’s craft group established their brand
“HoyiA” and set up their own page in social
media to promote the brand. Why they call
“HoyiA”? It is because whenever Lung Sir called
for help for volunteer works, they just replied
“Yes! (in Cantonese translation sounded Ho-
Yi-A) without hesitation. This ended up the name
of their brand.
名品牌?因為每當社工龍 SIR 需要義工幫忙時,
▼ Winnie (left) and Amanda (right) shared their stories about joining the Junior Chief Executive programme.
Winnie ( 左 ) 及 Amanda ( 右 ) 分享她們當香港小特首時候的趣事。
to change herself so that she could learn how to express herself and 打開成長的天空
contribute to the society. 四位過來人均表示要成為小特首絕非易事,第
四屆小特首何昊仁和 Jennifer 透露,從簡介會
A Whole New Horizon for the Youths 到參與集體遊戲,再到兩輪面試,參選過程過關
They all said that being junior chief executives was not an easy job. The 斬將,「我們在簡介會取得參選手冊,當中要求
fourth term junior chief executives, Ho Yan and Jennifer told us how they 同學草擬政綱和參與義務工作。撰寫政綱不能
made it through from briefing session to group games and two rounds of 馬虎,我們得要主動了解香港時事,真正認識
interviews. “We got our candidate handbook. We were required to draft our 身處的社會。」Jennifer 說。而第五屆小特首
election platforms and do voluntary work. You can’t write a good election Winnie 和 Amanda 則表示參選過程難度更高,
platform in a perfunctory way. I need to take the initiative to understand the 除要完成參選手冊、參加集體遊戲和面試外,同
current issues in Hong Kong and get to know how our society really is,” 學更要參與街頭拉票和網上投票,Amanda 說:
Jennifer said. The fifth term junior chief executives, Winnie and Amanda 「我記得當年我們在尖沙咀碼頭進行街頭拉票,
talked about how difficult it was during the whole election process. 向市民講解政綱及游說他們支持自己。對一個小
Besides completing the candidate handbook, joining the group games and 五學生來說,這是訓練膽量的好機會,是個難忘
interviews, the candidates were also asked to canvass votes on the street 的體驗。」Winnie 表示同意:「有街坊主動向
and on the internet. “I remember how we explained our platforms to the 我了解政綱,他們認真的回應,讓我明白這不是
passers-by and persuaded them to vote for us when we were canvassing 鬧著玩的事,而是要做足準備去對待的事情,這
at Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Pier. As a Primary 5 student, it was a good chance 個啟發對我將來做人處事有著重要的意義。」她
to build my courage. It was such an unforgettable experience,” said 補充,構思及實行宣傳片拍攝和印製宣傳單張供
Amanda. Winnie agreed, “Some people in the neighbourhood came to ask 網上投票,亦令她獲益不淺。
me about my platform and they were really serious when talking to me. I
realised that this election was not a game. I really needed to prepare well 四人經過有趣且具意義的參選過程,掀起了小特
and take everything seriously. Such experiences meant so much to me 首生涯的序章。擔任小特首絕不輕鬆,兩年的任
because I had learnt how I should conduct myself and deal with people.” 期工作也頗繁忙,包括出席就職典禮、定期會
She also stated how much she had learnt from the brainstorming and the 議、訪問、兒童權利論壇、參觀、交流考察團等,
shooting of the promotional video as well as printing the promotional flyers 當然要數每年的重頭戲 — 撰寫《小小施政報
for the online voting. 告》。對高小及初中生來說,是相當具挑戰性的
成長體驗。Jennifer 表示很多經歷也歷歷在目,
After going through this interesting and meaningful election process, they 例如跟組員就「兒童友好」的主題撰寫《小小施
got to taste how it was to be junior chief executives. Being junior chief 政報告》,從資料搜集、集體討論、到落實報告
executives was nothing but busy. During the term of 2 years, each one 的內容,過程中大家都是不斷的學習和進步。她
of them needed to do a lot of things including attending the inauguration 表示籌備及參與《小小施政報告》發佈會和「十
ceremony, regular meetings, interviews, forum on children’s rights as 大新聞選舉」亦令她印象難忘,「在發佈會上第
well as taking part in visits and exchange tours. Added to them was the 一次接觸傳媒,並代表兒童發聲接受記者訪問,
most important task of the term: writing the “Mini Policy Address”. It was a 感到十分緊張。幸好有了這次經驗,我們及後參
super challenging task for them who were still just upper primary students 與的各個傳媒訪問都表現鎮定。」她認為經驗的
or lower secondary students. Jennifer recalled a lot of memory from this 累積能訓練同學們的說話技巧,但這還是其次,
experience. For example, they picked “child friendly” as the theme of the 重點在於他們以兒童角度表達意見,讓社會人士
“Mini Policy Address” together. They did research, had group discussion 了解兒童的聲音和看法。
and then agreed on the content of the Policy Address. Every single step
enabled them to learn and improve. She said that she could never forget 開拓宏觀視野 重新認識自己
preparing for and really joining the press conference of the “Mini Policy 常言道:讀萬卷書不如行萬里路。要當一個「貼
Address” and the “Top 10 News Competition”. “It was the first time ever 地」的小特首,不但要熟悉自己的社會,更要
for me to meet the media. I had to speak for other children during the 到不同地方體察當地環境、民生等現況,這對
interview and I was so nervous. Luckily, such experience taught us how 兒童培養敏銳的觀察力,以及強化世界觀有莫大
to stay calm in other media interviews,” said Jennifer. She thought that 幫助。每一屆小特首都有到外地考察的機會,
having more and more experience enhanced their speaking skills which Winnie 對當年到台灣考察的體會印象甚深。「我
was a valuable lesson. What was even more valuable was the opportunity 們的報告以『環保』為主題,大會安排了小特首
to express themselves from the perspective of children so that the general 參觀台灣的焚化廠,又於街頭進行訪問,讓我們
public could understand the inner voice and view of children. 了解當地人對環保的看法。」她表示,當地人對
▲ The reunion of 4 former Junior Chief Executives, Andy Sir (left 3) and Wong Sir (right2).
四位前香港小特首與本計劃的社工 Andy Sir ( 左三 ) 及黃 Sir( 右二 ) 聚首一堂。
said Ho Yan. Through this programme, he has learnt how to think rationally 或啟發 Amanda 在大學選修科目,讓他發現原
and analyse things from different angles. He was half joking about how 來他們在年輕人的心裡也曾種下了一些種子,
brilliant this programme had to be because half of the fourth term junior 「能見證他們從青澀歲月到長大成人,現在於社
chief executives joined the debate team once they went to secondary 會上獨當一面,真的令我感到欣慰。」
schools. This programme has aroused Amanda’s interest in international
news. Even though she is studying communication and media studies in 當初由一個高小學生,到現在就讀大學三年級,
the United States, she still reads a lot of Hong Kong news because she 昊 仁 和 Jennifer 感 觸 良 多。Jennifer 說:「 跟
feels so connected with her hometown. 十年前相比,現今社會的兒童好像欠缺了一顆為
“The More Things Change, 察社區、會去求真,例如探討遊樂場設施是否兒
the More They Stay the Same”
Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. The two instructors, Mr.
Andy and Wong Ho Yin (Mr. Wong) were glad to have witnessed the
changes and growth of these young people. Mr. Andy said that the fourth
term and the fifth term junior chief executives were the most amazing
group of participants of all time. He was deeply impressed by how serious,
engaged, creative and proactive they were. “Even their parents and
自發組成了兒童組織「We90s’」(「我們的 90
friends were super involved. I was so touched when they helped in the
street canvassing and the online voting,” said Mr. Wong. Amanda was so
獻策,延續香港小特首精神,以 90 後的角度發
inspired by the sharing of other participants that she decided to major in
communications in university. She realised that they were able to plant
some seeds in the minds of some young people. “It is gratifying to witness
how those pure and innocent youths have become all these independent
individuals who are taking charge of their own future,” Amanda said.
Ho Yan and Jennifer were both once just upper primary students and
they are now in their third year in university. They had mixed feelings
about this long journey. Jennifer said, “In comparison to children ten years
ago, children nowadays seem to lack this drive to voice and express
themselves. We used to observe our society to unfold the truth. Ten years
ago, for instance, we discussed whether the facilities on playgrounds were
child-family enough. We took part in consultations where we expressed
our opinions from our own perspectives,” Jennifer said. Ho Yan agreed
that there is a different kind of vibe when it comes to children’s social
involvement. In the past, they tried to change the society in pursuit of
a better life. Now, chidlren tend to change themselves so
that they can fit in this society. People cannot help feeling
hopeless and helpless. Despite all these, this group of
young people are still staying true to their mission. They
have never stopped caring about current social affairs. Half
of the fourth term junior chief executives took the initiative
to form an organization called “We90’s” after completing
the programme. They want to stick together to contribute to
the society by carrying on the spirit of junior chief executives
and speaking on behalf of the Post-90s generation. They
just hope that with their determination, they can pass on the
spirit of junior chief executives to care about our society and
voice for other children. They hope that the new generation
can learn from their experience so that they get to understand
the importance of taking up civic responsibilities and duties and
fighting for the right to speak for themselves.
▲ Ivy feels very happy to see her son, Chun Hei, to rediscover the interest of learning.
俊希重拾對學習的興趣,媽媽 Ivy 替兒子感到非常高興。
Some people seem to be born with more talents. Some have higher IQ;
some have better academic performance; some have excellent leadership
skills and some excel in art or sports. This group of extraordinary people 世上總有些人天生就比其他人條件優越,他們或
seems to be superior to others. The proverb, “Pearls are everywhere but 許有較高的智商;可能在學業上有超卓的表現;
not the eyes”, depicts how it is in reality. “Meeting this talent scout of the 例如有傑出的領導才能;甚或在某些藝術或運動
swift horse” is like having an opportunity to be appreciated, cultivated and 範疇有優越的表現。這一群與眾不同的人,看似
fostered properly which is absolutely essential to our life experience. A 天生屬於人生勝利組,然而,古語有云:「世有
legendary scientist like Albert Einstein could not have been great if he had 伯樂,然後有千里馬。千里馬常有,而伯樂不常
been forced to do sports training. Steven Hawking could not have been 有。」能夠得到別人賞識,給予因材施教和栽
such a renowned physicist if he had been forced to practise painting. Bill 培的機會,是成長歷程的重要關鍵。如果愛因斯
Gates would not have been a technology wizard if he had been forced 坦自小被迫訓練體育運動、史提芬.霍金學習繪
to study music. Life can be so much different and greater when we 畫、比爾.蓋茨學習音樂,世上就會缺少了一位
have encouragement and support from people around us as well as an 偉大的科學家、天才物理學家和資訊科技奇才。
opportunity to show our talents during our childhood. 若孩子在童年時能獲得身邊人的鼓勵和支持,並
Exceptionally Gifted with a Strong Quest for Knowledge 非同凡響。
When we see a stone, we cannot tell whether it is just an ordinary stone
or a precious piece of jade solely based on its appearance. A gifted child 天資聰穎 對知識探求殷切
is like unpolished jade. We cannot see through them to recognise the 當我們見到一塊石頭,我們無法單憑外表判別它
acuteness of mind, the superhuman memory, the incredible understanding 是一塊普通的石頭或是珍貴的玉石。擁有資優特
ability or the exceptionally good reading ability. Chun Hei, a 10-year- 質的小孩猶如璞玉,我們無從知悉孩子天生擁有
old boy, is an only child who is regarded as a “smart boy” by his mother, 敏銳的思考能力、特強的記憶力、理解力甚至是
Ivy, his school teachers and the program instructors because he always 閱讀能力。今年 10 歲的俊希是獨子,外表精靈
looks spirted, lively and bright. Ivy noticed that Chun Hei was very bright 活潑,目光明亮有神,是媽媽 Ivy、學校老師和
at an early age. She said, “He was very smart when he was small. He 計劃導師眼中的「醒目仔」。Ivy 表示,在俊希
picked up things very fast. For example, he could put those wooden 幼兒時期已察覺他聰敏伶俐,她說:「他年紀
blocks of different shapes through the designated holes accordingly at 小小已經好聰明,很多事情一教就會明白,例如
his first attempt.” When he went to kindergarten, his teacher and other 一些把不同形狀積木嵌入相應空隙位置的幼兒玩
parents also noticed that Chun Hei was a bit different. Ivy decided to let 具,他第一次玩已經全中。」其後升讀幼稚園,
him undertake an intellectual assessment. After the assessment by the 老師和其他同學的家長也覺得俊希與別不同,於
educational psychologists, Chun Hei was graded as “very advanced” in the 是 Ivy 讓他進行智力評估,經教育心理學家評估
areas of intelligence, academics and languages. 後,俊希在智力、作業、語文等方面的評級皆為
Typical characteristics of gifted children include fast thinking and strong
understanding. Chun Hei is no exception. He pays attention to small 思考敏捷和領悟力強是資優兒童的特徵,俊希也
details in daily life. He also shows particular interest in mathematics and 不例外,他對日常生活的事物觀察入微,而且對
mechanical engineering. He demonstrates extensive knowledge and 學習數理和機械工程的知識尤感興趣,對這兩
thorough understanding in these areas. Ivy said that Chun Hei could 方面的問題研究亦較廣泛和深入。Ivy 表示,俊
understand very complicated concepts through analysis and deductive 希能透過分析和推理能力去了解複雜的事物,他
reasoning. He likes studying the Hong 喜歡研究香港的鐵路系統,課餘時間最愛把一些
Kong rail system. During his leisure time, he has so much fun assembling 言,俊希求知慾強,每天都會問她很多問題,不
some electronic components or mechanical components together. She is 同知識範疇的問題都有,有時真的被他考起。俊
amused by how strong his curiosity is. He asks her a lot of questions in all 希一臉靦腆地說:「有時遇疑難希望第一時間知
kinds of areas and domains. Sometimes, she feels so challenged because 道真相,我會問老師和媽媽,或者嘗試在書本上
she has no ideas about those things. “Sometimes when I have a question 或上網找答案。」每當被兒子問及不懂解答的問
or query, I want to know the answers at once. I will go and ask my mom 題,Ivy 都會先記下,待空閒時帶同俊希到圖書
or try to find the answers by reading books or surfing the internet,” Chun 館看書找答案。書本記載著各類豐富的知識,她
Hei said bashfully. Whenever Ivy gets asked a question that she does not 希望兒子能培養主動追尋答案的心,並藉此養成
know the answer, she writes it down. She then goes to the library with him 良好的閱讀習慣。
to look for books that might provide answers. Books are full of knowledge.
She hopes that she can help cultivate his desire to seek answers and his
reading habit consequently.
▲ Chun Hei became active and energetic after joining the programme. His class performance was recognised by the tutors.
about our programme, SHKP Science and Innovation Project for Gifted 內斂,但因為我們的學習模式以小組學習和討論
last summer. Ivy hoped that through the participation in the STEM courses 為主,俊希很快已跟其他組員混熟,表現出主動
and activities offered by this programme, he could regain his interest in 和活潑的一面。」另一導師文 SIR 對俊希的課堂
learning. Mr. Cheuk, one of the instructors in our programme, already 表現亦讚口不絕。教授高階思維、單車與機械、
noticed the drastic changes of Chun Hei after a month. “When I first 山藝等科目的文 SIR 表示,不論是課堂或是外出
met Chun Hei, he was a bit shy and reserved. However, as our classes 活動,俊希都表現投入。例如有次安排同學到馬
focused a lot of group work and discussion, Chun Hei was able to fit into 鞍山礦場考察,他跟組員細心研究磁鐵礦,樂在
the group very fast and we could see how active and lively he could be,” 其中。年初,文 SIR 曾到俊希的家進行家訪,俊
said Mr. Cheuk. Another instructor, Mr. Man, was very impressed by Chun 希主動向他展示和講解各式各樣的模型,表現得
Hei’s performance in class. Mr. Man teaches subjects such as higher- 開心又雀躍,可見俊希真正找到發展自己潛能的
order thinking, cycling and mechanics as well as mountaineering. He said 學習機會。
that Chun Hei was engaged in all kinds of in-class and outdoor activities.
The participants went to Ma On Shan Iron Mine for a field trip for a couple 鼓勵愉快學習 引領孩子走喜歡的路
of times. Chun Hei had a blast learning about magnetite. During the home 本計劃結合理論和實踐的元素,鼓勵兒童透過學
visit at the beginning of this year, Chun Hei took the initiative to show 習 STEM 知識,並把所學的多元知識融會貫通。
Mr. Man all his models. He looked so elated and excited when he was Ivy 亦表示,俊希重拾對學習的興趣,跟一班思
explaining everything about those models. It is obvious that Chun Hei has 考模式相近的組員相當投契和合拍,且變得更有
found his best learning opportunity which allows him to develop his real 動力及自信。她認為課程以小班教學和活動教學
potential. 模式授課,非常切合俊希的個性,「導師經常引
Encourage Happy Learning; 習動力。」她感恩兒子能認識一班新朋友,亦感
Lead Children to their Desired Path 謝計劃社工、導師,尤其是袁大偉博士對兒子的
Our programme combines both theoretical and practical elements. We 鼓勵。俊希在計劃中揀選了他最喜歡的機械工程
encourage children to integrate the diverse areas of knowledge that they 為主修科,教授此科目的導師是機械工程博士袁
have learnt in STEM. Ivy stated that Chun Hei had regained his learning 大偉。袁博士表示他對俊希的印象深刻,因他是
interest. Having got the chance to work so well with a group of participants 班中表現較為突出的其中一人,他說:「俊希能
who share similar mode of thinking, Chun Hei has become much more 清楚掌握機械工程的原理及理論,且學習能力和
motivated and self-confident. Ivy gave credit to the small class size and 手眼協調能力高,是班裡動手能力最強的一位同
the interactive way of teaching which suited the personality of Chun Hei 學。」袁博士補充,俊希非常享受動手創作和實
perfectly. “The instructors encouraged the participants to think and to 驗的過程,例如學習機械結構,他不消片刻就能
ask questions. That enhanced Chun Hei’s motivation to learn,” Ivy said. 想到應該怎樣做,還會引導其他同學去思考及解
She was very grateful that Chun Hei got to meet a group of new friends. 決疑難。袁博士表示一個成功的工程師必須具備
She also wanted to thank the social worker, the instructors and Dr. David 三大條件:自發性學習、理解能力和動手能力,
Yuen particularly for his considerable encouragement to Chun Hei. Chun 「將來如果俊希能繼續向機械工程方面發展,將
Hei chose his favourite subject, mechanical engineering, as his major in 會是一位出色的工程師。」
this programme. Dr. Yuen, a mechanical engineer, was the instructor of
this subject. Dr. Yuen was deeply impressed by Chun Hei because he 世事多變,當你感到失落和困惑之時,往往會柳
was one of the most outstanding participants in the class. He said, “Chun 暗花明。Ivy 和俊希因參加本計劃而認識到計劃
Hei could grasp the concept and theory of mechanical engineering very 合作夥伴天虹小學,這間接改變了俊希的學習生
well. With his learning ability and eye-hand coordination, he was one of 涯。Ivy 表示,計劃裡大部分的課堂和活動都在
the most skillful students in the class.” Dr. Yuen also said that Chun Hei 該學校進行,使她對該校有更多的了解,覺得該
had enjoyed the process of creating and experimenting. For example, he 校的學習環境和風氣較適合俊希。去年上學期,
knew how to work on something by himself right after he had learned the 她向校方提出轉校申請,得幸運之神眷顧,俊希
basic mechanical structures. In addition, he led other participants to think 獲得取錄及被安排跳級升讀小五。俊希咧嘴而笑
and find solutions when they encountered difficulty. Dr. Yuen said that a 地表示,校長十分親民,有時還會跟同學們一起
successful engineer always possesses these three elements, self-initiative 打乒乓球,「現在我跟同學相處融洽,我很喜歡
to learn, understanding ability and practical ability. “If Chun Hei wants to 這樣的校園生活,覺得好開心。」他笑著說。
develop a career in mechanical engineering, he will be a great engineer.”
Life is full of many unpredictable changes. When you are down or 求知若飢 虛心若愚
confused, you may get to realise that every cloud has a silver lining. Ivy 蘋果電腦創辦人喬布斯的名言:「Stay Hungry.
and Chun Hei came across Baptist Rainbow Primary School, a programme Stay Foolish」。我們求知識、求學問,不但要
partner, through the participation of this programme. This has altered Chun 膽子大、要探索、要提問,更需要虛心謙讓。這
Hei’s academic life. Ivy said that as most of the courses and activities 些年來,Ivy 慶幸自己能夠跟俊希一起學習和成
had taken place at Baptist Rainbow School, she was able to know more 長。她表示,俊希對世界充滿好奇的心,令她有
about their learning environment and style which she felt would fit Chun 更深的反思和啟發。她回想求學時期的自己,覺
Hei better. She helped Chun Hei to apply to change to this school in the 得老師所教的東西永遠是正確的,從沒有探究和
first semester last year. Fortune smiled upon them. Chun Hei got accepted 質疑。「俊希讓我明白到思考和求證的重要,不
and he could skip a grade to start Primary 5 there. Chun Hei revealed with 要人云亦云。他就像一本百科全書,跟他一起尋
a grin that the principal was very amiable because he would play table 找答案的過程,對我來說也是一種自我學習。」
tennis with the students sometimes. “I get along with my classmates very 她希望俊希能保存著這顆對世界好奇、探求真理
well. I like such kind of school life and I am very happy,” said Chun Hei 的心,讓他的天賦才能引領他走自己喜歡的人生
with a smile. 路,就如璞玉得到琢磨加工的機會,成為奪目耀
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish
“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish” was a famous quote from Steve Job, the co-
founder of Apple Inc.. We seek knowledge. We want to learn. Not only is it
essential to be bold, explorative and inquisitive, being humble and modest
is even more important. Ivy was glad that she got to learn and grow with
Chun Hei all these years. She said that Chun Hei was full of curiosity
and that drove her to think and reflect on herself even more deeply. She
recalled the time when she was still in school. She always thought that
what the teachers were teaching had to be right. She never even doubted
any of it, not to say to explore on her own. “Chun Hei helps me understand
the importance of thinking and seeking proof. You can’t just follow suit. He
is like an encyclopedia. I can definitely learn a lot for myself throughout
the whole process of seeking answers with him,” said Ivy. She hoped that
Chun Hei can keep his curious mind and his eagerness to strive for truth
so that his talent will lead him to a path that he loves. After polishing and
processing, this piece of raw jade will eventually become a sparkling gem.
▲ Mr. Adam Kwok, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, attended the programme activity with all programme partners to support the participants.
Sponsored by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, SHKP Science & 本計劃由新鴻基地產發展有限公司贊助,目的
Innovation Project for Gifted aims at developing gifted children from low- 是為發掘低收入家庭的資優兒童在 STEM ( 科學
income families’ potentials, and through integration of knowledge, it aims Science、科技 Technology、工程 Engineering、
to enhance their thinking ability; to stimulate creativity; to solve future 數學 Mathematics) 的潛能,並透過統整知識,促
problems in the society; to cultivate manpower with the qualities of STEM 進學生提升思考能力,激發創意概念,解決未來
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). The two-year long 社會面對的問題,培養具有 STEM 素質的未來人
project, is divided into two terms and there are 150 participants in total. Its 材。為期兩年的「新地資優科學創意發展計劃」
objective is to provide children, of primary three to secondary two, from 共分兩屆,為就讀小三至中二的低收入家庭資優
low income families to receive free-of-charge STEM enrichment courses. 兒童免費提供 STEM 增益課程,兩屆共有 150 名
In order to develop their potentials in STEM, they go through higher-order 學童參加。學童透過參與高階思維訓練、網上解
thinking training, online problem-solving and participate in small-group 難、小組活動及一系列與 STEM 相關的專題課
activities, as well as STEM-themed courses. 程,發展他們在 STEM 方面的潛能。
62 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
With our professional experiences in child service, BGCA received the 本會憑著兒童服務方面的豐富經驗,於 2015 年
award of the Lotteries Fund from Social Welfare Department In 2015, to 獲社會福利署透過獎券基金撥款,推行為期兩年
launch a brand new pilot project – “Pilot Scheme on On-site Pre-school 的「到校學前康復服務試驗計劃」,使有特殊需
Rehabilitation Services” for 2 years. It aims to enable children under the 要的兒童在訓練的黃金期及早獲得所需服務。由
age of six years with special needs to receive necessary services as soon 於成效顯著,社會福利署已表示計劃將延長至
as possible so as to facilitate their learning and development. Because of 2018 年年底,成為本會在學前兒童服務發展上
the successful service delivery, Social Welfare Department has committed 的一項重要里程碑。
to extend the services till the end of 2018.
Through collaborative approach with families, schools and community, the 前康復服務輪候冊上的兒童,提供一站式的及早
scheme provides early intervention for children on the waiting list for SWD 介入服務。資深社工、臨床心理學家、言語治療
pre-school rehabilitation services. This one-stop service portal with inter- 師、職業治療師、物理治療師及特殊幼兒工作
disciplinary professional teams which include Senior Social Worker, Clinical 員,為各類被評為有特殊需要的學前兒童,提供
Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist 到校及中心訓練和社區支援等服務;為家長提供
and Special Child Care Worker, offering on-site rehabilitation services 講座及研討會,以提升家長對子女成長需要的認
to kindergartens or kindergarten-cum-child care centres to provide early 識及強化家長的社區支援;為幼兒老師提供訓練
intervention for children identified with special needs. Synergized with 支援,增進老師在照顧特殊需要兒童方面的知識
surrounding centres nearby, parents and community support services are 和技巧。一站式的服務模式讓家長不再需要走訪
leveraged for expanding their social network so as to nurture a socially 不同的服務地點尋求適切的服務,同時亦提供家
inclusive environment in schools and community. Tailor-made training for 長與跨專業團隊的溝通平台,家長可於最短的時
school teachers and child care workers will also be provided to strengthen 間內獲取不同專業人士意見,有助家長建立信心
their knowledge and skills in supporting children with special needs. It 與子女一起面對成長挑戰。
enables parents to obtain necessary services without the hassles of visiting
different locations for services. Meanwhile, the portal provides a platform 過去一年,本會聯同參與計劃的 23 間幼稚園及
for the exchange between multi-disciplinary professions and parents. With 幼稚園暨幼兒中心為 213 位學前兒童提供服務,
the support from the inter-disciplinary professional teams, parents and their 並積極以實證為本的介入手法為家長提供培訓,
children have learnt to face the challenges with confidence. 共舉辦了 71 場講座及小組活動,超過 1000 名
家長受惠。從問卷中,家長表達 100% 滿意本計
In 2016-17, 23 kindergartens or kindergarten-cum-child care centres have 劃為其孩子所提供的服務,可見服務成效得到家
joined the scheme and 71 sessions of seminars and group activities were 長和學校的高度認同。
arranged for the participants. 213 children and over 1,000 parents were
successfully served. The services were satisfied and highly recommended
by parents and schools.
Service Overview 服務概覽
New Initiatives 創新服務
Membership Statistics, Children Centres and Non-Subvented Centres & Integrated Children &
Youth Services Centres, 2016-2017
2016-2017 年度兒童中心及非資助中心和綜合青少年服務中心會員統計
Children Centres & Non-Subvented Centres Integrated Children & Youth Services Centres
兒童中心及非資助中心 綜合青少年服務中心
2,725 22,124
Children 兒童
Youth 青年(15-24)
118 5,211
20 336
Youth 青年(25+)
2,756 21,201
Parents 家長
5,619 48,872
Total 總數
Service Overview 服務概覽
Regular Services 恆常服務
Core Service Statistics, Children Centres and Non- Core Service Statistics, Integrated Children and Youth
Subvented Centres, 2016-2017 Services Centres, 2016-2017
2016-2017 年度兒童中心及非資助中心核心活動節數統計 2016-2017 年度綜合青少年服務中心核心活動節數統計
Groups / Activities 86,087
輔導小組 / 活動
8,939 Support
Social Responsibility Services
and Ability Social Responsibility 支援服務
Development Support Services and Ability
社會責任和能力發展 支援服務 Development 15,915
704 2,561
Core Programme Statistics, Centre Services and Objectives Achievement Rate, 2016-2017
2016-2017 年度各類型中心的社署服務指標統計
Total 總數
Our Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin, Sai Kung, Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan/Kwai 本會共有 5 所家庭生活教育服務單位,分別位於
Tsing district Family Life Education Units aim to help parents improve their 九龍城、黃大仙、西貢、沙田及荃葵區,以親職
parenting skills and parent-child relationships. Our Family Life Education 教育為重點,協助父母改善其管教技巧及親子關
officers campaign against family crises through community education 係。同時,家庭生活教育員亦致力進行倡導及提
through the promotion of family cohesion and reinforcement of family 供具預防及發展功能的社區教育工作,推動家庭
bonds. 凝聚,強化家庭功能,以預防家庭危機的發生。
Academic 學業 30 31 7.6%
Vocational 職業 56 69 15.7%
Peer 朋輩 84 30 14.3%
Below aged 14
10 (0.1%)
14 歲或以下 Aged 40 to 59
6,070 (43.2%) 40 至 59 歲
603 (4.3%)
Aged 25 to 39
Aged 15 to 24
25 至 39 歲
15 至 24 歲
5,670 (40.4%) 1,687 (12%)
Total 總數 338
It is the tenth year since the establishment of BGCA’s registered social 本會於內地註冊的社工服務機構-成長動力社會
services centre - “Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional 工作專業發展與資源中心(下稱「成長動力」)
Development and Resource Centre” (Growth Dynamics). The Growth 已邁進第十個年頭。成長動力除了持續得到廣州
Dynamics has continuously been classified and certified as the key training 市民政局評審及認證為全市社會工作專業人才重
centre for professional social workers by the Bureau of Civil Affairs of 點實訓基地外,服務同時遍及廣州、佛山、珠海
Guangzhou Municipality. The Growth Dynamics offers services in different 等地。
cities including Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhuhai.
In the previous year, the Growth Dynamics continued to serve foster care 過去一年,成長動力繼續為廣州市寄養孤兒、散
orphans and dispersed orphans. The centre also supports underprivileged 居孤兒及其他身處不利處境的兒童及家庭提供社
children and their families. We are fortunate to receive funding from 工服務。有幸獲得埃森哲 (中國)與日立(中國)
Accenture (China) and Hitachi (China), as well as material supplies 等企業的資助,以及在廣州市政府、本會籌集的
from BGCA. Together with the support of the government, we strive to 物資及同工智力支援下,成長動力努力為不同需
offer efficient assistance to the needy children and families. During mid- 求的孩子及家庭提供了有效能的支援。2016 年
2016, the Growth Dynamics started some other programmes, including: 年中起,除原有的項目外,成長動力增加「兒童
Child Protection for the Future: Using Theatre to Promote Citizenship 保護 · 童聲童戲創未來-劇場手法推動社區公民
Education, the Training Programme for the social workers of Guangzhou 教育服務專案」、「廣州市殘疾人安養院社工督
Nursing homes for the disabled and the Social Work Services Programme 導服務專案」及「廣州市救助管理站專業社工服
for Guangzhou Salvation management Station. Besides providing 務專案」,可見除直接服務外,開始嘗試通過運
direct services, they have also been endeavored towards promoting 用不同手法倡議「兒童保護」,亦開始更多地對
child protection. The social workers from Hong Kong and Mainland are 其他機構及社工進行「經驗轉移」。
keen on sharing their knowledge of the profession from their respective
Looking forward, BGCA will continue to serve as an incubator and a 為角色定位,適當選擇服務重點以作深化和延續
vocational training base for social workers and social work students in 發展,以有效達至服務示範作用,並作為社工學
Mainland China. Drawing from our collective experiences in the past nine 生及人員的實習和掛職培訓基地。基於過去 9 年
years and expertise in the sector, as well as taking into consideration 的服務探索試驗、國家政策方向,及本會的經驗
the development of national policy in social services, we will continue 專長,我們現階段選擇孤殘兒童服務、家庭綜合
to explore our direction in serving Mainland China. We will continue to 服務、學校服務 3 個領域作深化延續發展及培訓
develop and deepen some selected core services so as to capitalise 重點。
on our expertise in those areas, as well as to effectively share our best
practices. Currently, the Guangzhou Centre focuses on serving disabled
orphans and offering integrated family services and school services. We 「培育新一代、攜手創未來」是本會的服務使
send our gratitude to BGCA’s committee for establishing the“Mainland 命。放之於內地,它更有深層意義。「新一代」
Social Work Development Fund” in 2013-14, with which we can continue 除包括兒童青少年及家長外,更包括「新一代」
to offer trainings to social workers in China. 的社工。「攜手」的意義更重大:社工在內地作
“Nurture the Young - Create the Future” is the mission of BGCA and 創新,作為國家深化改革重點之一,更需官、商、
applies just as truly in Mainland China. The “Young” refers not only to 學、民各界機構人士衷誠「攜手」合作,共同努
children, youth and their parents, but also refers to the nascent generation 力推動社工業務創新發展!
of social workers. Mainland China is a new to social service organizations
and to the profession of social workers, collaborations between Chinese
officials, the business community, academic bodies and the public are
important to promote the development of profession and innovate new
social services in the community.
72 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Services Statistics, Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Professional Development and Resources
Centre, 2016-2017
2016-2017 年度廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心服務人次
Service Unit and Event Beneficiaries
單位及項目 受惠人次
Work Direction (1) - Training 工作方向(一) 培訓
Supporting services, volunteer trainings, internship supervisions, professional social work courses at the 223
professional development and resources centre for social workers
Supervision service project of Guangzhou Conghua Street Family integrated service centre 143
Social work supervision service of Guangzhou disable nursing homes 1,233
Social work training project of Xingyu social work service centre of Foshan Shunde District 480
Work Direction (2) - Localised Research and Exchange 工作方向(二) 成長本土化實地研究
Exchange activities between institutional organizations, non-governmental organizations, and community 250
organizations in Mainland China
Resilience research on Mainland Chinese children (in progress) 500
Work Direction (3) - Professional social services development 工作方向(三) 專業社工服務
Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality 8,697
Two Growth & Counselling Centres for Orphans (Family Foster care)
Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality 8,082
Two Growth & Counselling Centres for Orphans (Village Foster Care)
Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality 2,662
Guangzhou children welfare home adult orphans fostering services
Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality 7,035
Vocational training and counselling for disabled orphans
Children Welfare Office of Guangzhou Municipality 598
Evaluation of resettlement for adult orphans
Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality 8,838
Citywide counselling and supporting programme for dispersed orphans (From 06/2016 to 06/2017)
Stationing school social worker services in Foshan Li Shui Town Government Zhong Xin Primary School (From 2,857
11/2016 to 05/2017)
School social work services in Qifeng Primary School of Foshan Lishui Town Government (From 11/2016 to 2,238
School social work services in Lishui Primary School of Foshan Lishui Town Government (From 11/2016 to 4,375
School social work services in Mashe Primary School of Foshan Lishui Town Government (From 11/2016 to 5,708
Dali Town Government of Foshan Yanbu integrated family services centre 10,682
Service project of Guangzhou rescue and protection center for homeless children (From 03/2016 to 06/2017) 32
Hong Kong-Guangzhou youth volunteering programme, outstanding students adventure camps and Hong Kong- 1,685
China student exchange tours
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
A special initiative named i100 iNurturing Programme was commenced 「i100 電腦贈學童培育計劃」是上網學習支援計
under Internet Learning Support Programme. Thank you for the support of 劃下的一項特別服務。得到鵬程慈善基金、陳明
our benevolent donors, including Bright Future Charitable Foundation, Mr. 耀先生、楊志雄先生、利記控股有限公司、東江
Chan Ming Yiu, Mr. Yeung Chi Hung, Lee Kee Holdings Limited, TK Group 集團 ( 控股 ) 有限公司及衍盛數碼有限公司的支
(Holdings) Limited and Artemis Digital Limited, over 100 computers were 持,今年捐出超過 100 部電腦予有上網學習需要
offered to students in need to facilitate their internet learning. This year, over 的學童。本年度,本計劃共收到超過 800 份申
800 applications were received. 90% of the top ranked 113 students came 請,在 113 位入圍的學生中,有 90% 的入圍者
from CSSA supporting families while some of these shortlisted students 是來自綜援家庭,亦有部分入圍的學生有特殊學
have special educational needs due to mental/ physical disability. A kick-off 習需要。「i100 電腦贈學童培育計劃」啟動禮已
ceremony for computer presentation was launched on 25th March 2017. 於 2017 年 3 月 25 日舉行。
This programme has been well acclaimed since 2013 and the number of 此計劃自 2013 年開展至今,已累積超過 440 名
beneficiary has been accumulated to 440. Thanks to the support of over 550 學童受惠。感謝來自各大專院校逾 550 名義工支
volunteers from tertiary education institutions, a series of supplementary 持,我們提供了一系列有關硬件和網絡使用的家
training courses on both hardware and internet usage were provided to 訪培訓予有需要的學生,讓他們可以透過互聯網
students to foster self-learning through internet. Through internet learning 自學。透過上網學習以及義工的幫助,學童便能
and interactions with volunteers, students have a chance to break through 打破經濟或自身狀況的局限,他們的未來亦將演
their disadvantaged situation to flourish in so many possibilities. 化出更多可能性。
74 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Treasure Trove
Every child has their own unique potential and talents. Children and young 每個孩子都有自己的潛能和所長。受經濟條件所
people from low-income families or disadvantaged backgrounds often lack 限,生活於低收入家庭的兒童和青少年往往缺乏
space for growth and resources for studies. 發展空間、欠缺學習資源及自我形象低落。
There is about 24% of children and youth who are living under poverty line 現時全港約有 24% 的兒童及青少年生活在貧窮
in Hong Kong nowadays. Alleviating child poverty has always been one of 線下。關注貧窮兒童是香港小童群益會的服務重
the work foci of BGCA. Treasure Trove is a special project that responds to 點之一。「群益寶庫」的設立是為這群處於不利
the social needs to enhance all-round “body, mind and social” development 環境的兒童及青少年,提供金錢、物質和學習機
of disadvantaged children. Serving disadvantaged children aged 3-15 and 會的支援,以提升他們在「身、心、靈、社」各
their families who have special educational needs, from low income families 方面的發展。本計劃的服務對象為 3 至 15 歲有
or ethnic minorities, we offer them material and non-material support, 需要的兒童及其家庭,包括來自低收入家庭、有
including providing food, learning tools and daily necessities, as well as 特別學習需要或少數族裔,為他們提供物質和非
learning opportunities and learning courses. Money, resources and learning 物質資助,包括食物、學習工具和生活必需品,
opportunities are donated by different corporations and the public. We 以及學習機會和課外學習課程等。本計劃匯聚企
allocate those resources to different children according to their unique needs. 業及社會大眾所捐助的金錢、物資、學 習機會
Treasure Trove 1,673 702 145 1,745 Leon Textile Limited, Yiu Leung Yee Tong Charitable
群益寶庫 Fund Limited, Delicious Express,OKIA Optical Company
Limited and OKIAN Optical Company Limited
Volunteers / Mentors Others 其他
義工 / 友師
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
Internet Learning Support Programme 10,314 6,852 187 / Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the
上網學習支援計劃 Innovation and Technology Bureau (OGCIO)
PFD-Mead Johnson Feeding Hope Project 3,875 455 64 / Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged
PFD - 美贊臣童懷希望計劃 攜手扶弱基金
Caltex Project - Fuel Your School 813 50 13 / Chevron Companies (Greater China) , LimitedHong
加德士 – 推動學校 Kong Aerospace Society, QnS Consultancy Limited and
Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
雪佛龍 ( 大中華 ) 集團有限公司、香港航天學會、科量顧
Growing Partners 2 - Child Development Fund 196 183 147 / Labour and Welfare Bureau, Zurich Insurance (Hong
IV( Sha Tin / Kwun Tong) Kong), Chartered Insurance Institute Hong Kong, Sha Tin
CDF – 結伴再成長 ( 兒童發展基金計劃第四期 ) Junior Chamber, HKU Alumni, The Hong Kong Institution
( 沙田 / 觀塘 ) of Engineers, The Hong Kong Financial Planners
General Union, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors,
Dialogue Experience, Little Philanthropist
勞工及福利局、蘇黎世保險 ( 香港 )、英國特許保險學會、
IMC Sunday School 120 240 448 41 IMC Charity Foundation Asia Pacific Limited
Mustard Seed Plus Project 29 29 21 / Zheng Ge Ru Foundation Cooperated and Sau Mau Ping
芥菜籽計劃 Catholic Primary School
"Walk With Children" Ten Percent Donation 40 40 10 / Ten Percent Donation Scheme and Social Welfare
Scheme Foundation Department
十分關愛伴童行 十分關愛基金會及社會福利署
Project CRADLE 30 30 30 / Centaline Charity Fund Limited, Partnership Fund for the
「攜動.明天」計劃 Disadvantaged, Social Initiative Group and Hong Kong
Lacrosse Association
HSBC TSW Children Learning and Support 598 186 / 745 Hongkong Bank Foundation
Centre 滙豐銀行慈善基金
Kaleidoscope of Life - Creative Arts Approach 175 18 / 500 Peter Chan Jee Yat Charitable Foundation through
for ASD and ADHD Students HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited
生命萬花筒 ─ 藝術 ‧ 共融│支援 SEN 學生創 匯豐銀行慈善信託基金
SHKP-Science & Innovation Project for Gifted 150 150 2 3 Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, Hong Kong Aerospace
新地資優科學創意發展計劃 Society, Eco-Education & Resources Centre and
Dr. David Yuen
"SMILE" On-Site Pre-School Integrated Services 137 79 / / Race for the Kids
「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心 童心競賽
Volunteers / Mentors
義工 / 友師
Parents 家長
Others 其他
Total beneficiaries
Children / Youths
兒童 / 青少年
▲ We provide play therapy and counselling services to support children and parents in need. This is the photo of our playroom.
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
12,594 744 70
The purpose of the programme is to help young people building positive 是次計劃選取小組工作的工作手法,目的為協助
peer relationships and support networks. Through the influence and 青少年建立正面的朋輩關係及支援網絡,透過朋
companionship of their peers, they will help young people to overcome the 輩的影響力及陪伴,輔助青少年渡過挫折難關、
difficulties and challenges, and promote anti-drug preventive education. 跨過誘惑挑戰,從而減低受毒品引誘的機會。當
The programme includes potential developmental series, such as groups 中包括潛能發展系列小組,如長跑、模型等,及
through means of long runs, models, etc., and friendly growth groups. 友愛成長小組。
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and co-organised 本計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款,與香港
with the School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong, the 大學公共衛生學院賽馬會「愛 + 人」計劃合辦。
programme aimed at promoting health, happiness and harmony for 透過極具吸引力的互動音樂劇,向兒童及其家庭
children and their families through interactive musicals. We also promoted 宣揚健康、快樂及和諧的家庭生活,向小學生及
the “0-1 campaign” and healthy eating, and spread this message to the 其家長推廣「0-1 運動」及健康飲食,並將訊息
community. 推展至社區。
The programme launched an Opening Ceremony and Family Health Kick- 本計劃舉辦開幕禮暨家庭健康起動日、「健康戲
off, Health Ambassadors training, 100 live school drama shows, booster FUN」大使訓練、100 場校園巡迴音樂劇演出、
programme and website sharing, children acting training workshops, 強化活動及網頁分享、兒童音樂劇演出訓練課
community-based drama shows with carnival game booths, Physical 程、社區表演活動、好玩運動同樂日、學術研究
Exercise Fun Days, scientific research and project evaluation, Closing 及成效評估、閉幕禮暨成果分享會等。
Ceremony cum Practice Wisdom Sharing.
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
Fostering good children and youth mental health Special Projects in 2016-2017
3Hs Family Drama Project II - Family Interactive 10001 360 434 3866 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, School
Drama with Exercise and Fun of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong and
家添好動好戲 FUN Committee on Home-School Co-operation
Ready League - Active Lifestyle Award Program 2,407 1,153 10 / Coca Cola China Limited
「樂動聯盟 – 熱玩運動獎勵計劃」 可口可樂中國有限公司
Understanding Adolescents Project 740 740 / / Education Bureau, Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung
成長的天空計劃 Memorial School, Ka Ling School of The Precious
Blood, SKH St. Thomas' Primary School, Maryknoll
Fathers' School (Primary Section), CCC Kei Chun
Primary School, Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School,
St. Francis of Assisl's Caritas School, St. Patrick's
School, Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School,
St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School (Po Kong
Village Road), Tai Koo Primary School, Farm Road
Government Primary School, Tak Sum School
公會聖多馬小學、瑪利諾神父教會學校 ( 小學部 )、中華
( 蒲崗村道 )、太古小學、農圃道官立小學、德信學校
Jockey Club Cyber Youth Outreach Service – 627 336 32 39 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust,
BGCA Nite Cat Online Hong Kong Game Development Association,
Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing,
Department of Social Work, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Department of Applied Social Studies,
The City University of Hong Kong, Department of
Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Caritas Youth and Community Service, The
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Centurysoft
International Limited, i-ONE Technical Service Limited
and G-Force
"Open the Heart" Holistic Child-Focused 570 2,590 / 760 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Counselling Project 賽馬會慈善信託基金
香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 - 童展心窗 - 全方位兒
Working towards Social Inclusion: Pre-school 440 880 80 60 Quality Education Fund
Education Project on Developing Children's 優質教育基金
齊創共融校園 - 學前同理心教育計劃
Health Angel – Child Health Promotion Project 102 / 3 102 Sun Hung Kai Properties
新地識「息」 天使健康生活提升計劃 新鴻基地產
Growing Partners Project - Hung Hing Ying and 60 60 60 / Hung Hing Ying & Leung Hau Ling Charitable
Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation (2015-17) Foundation
結伴成長計劃 - 孔慶熒及梁巧玲基金 孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金
Growing Partners (2015-17) HKU Alumni
Others 其他
Children / Youths
Volunteers / Mentors
兒童 / 青少年
義工 / 友師
Parents 家長
Total beneficiaries
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
Junior Advisor
Project for Development of Learning & Teaching 49 / 4 200 Education Bureau Curriculum Development Institute
Strategies to Promote Students’ Deep Learning 教育局課程發展處
in the Study of Life and Society(S1-3) Curriculum
Others 其他
Children / Youths
Volunteers / Mentors
兒童 / 青少年
義工 / 友師
Parents 家長
Total beneficiaries
Service Overview 服務概覽
Special Projects 特別計劃
A wide variety of workshops and digital creativity camps have been 從 2006 年 開 始, 機 構 轄 下 7 個 服 務 單 位 合 辦
conscientiously tried out in seven of our neighborhood centers with DC@7 兒童數碼創意計劃。計劃主要鼓勵兒童
positive responses from children and parents since 2006. Workshop aims 運用個人豐富的想像力投入創作天地,發揮創意
at developing their creative ideas based on reflections and inspirations 潛能。本計劃亦以多媒體創作輔以免費電腦軟件
on technology through different activities. With the principle of DESIGN, 幫助參加者發揮創意,為兒童帶來饒有趣味的創
MAKE and SHARE, members have experienced the journey of creative 作體驗。
and fun making process.
本會 DC@7 工作小組連續 7 年參加創新科技署
This is the 7 consecutive years for DC@7 to join the InnoCarnival, which is 舉辦的「創新科技嘉年華」,是次活動於 2016
organised by Innovation and Technology Commission. InnoCarnival was 年 10 月 29 日至 11 月 6 日在香港科學園舉行,
successfully held in Hong Kong Science Park from 29th October to 6th 本會的攤位得到 UMeWorld Limited 和尊科 ( 香
November 2016. The booths were sponsored by UMeWorld Limited and 港 ) 有限公司贊助,推行「童 ‧ 尋 ‧ 作 ‧ 樂 ~
Trumptech Limited and implemented “Learning through Engineering, 親子數碼創意體驗計劃」。各個攤位透過不同的
Art and Design”. By using different digital media and art materials, each 美工物料及多媒體器材,做出富趣味又高效的創
booths aimed at delivering a fun-filled and effective experience to foster 新工作坊及快速回應體驗活動,藉以培養兒童的
the creativity of children, while promoting innovation and technology 創意思維,並向社區推廣創意媒介及有關科技。
culture to the community. About 10,000 children and youth aged from of 3 約有 10,000 名年齡由 3 歲至 16 歲的兒童及青
to 16 participated in the mini workshops and the quick response programs, 少年參與各個創新工作坊及快速回應體驗活動,
while 550 low-income families benefited by the Parent-child Innovative 而 550 個低收入家庭亦受惠於家庭創新之旅。
Children and Families Digital Project for Fun and 10,000 / / / Trumptech (Hong Kong) Limited
Innovation Chevron Hong Kong Limited
童創、童玩 - 親子數碼創意體驗 UMFUN 優滿分
Community Creativity Learning Centre 11,140 100 / 199
Maker Faire Hong Kong 2017 1,500 700 / 2,000 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shool of Design
造大世界 香港理工大學設計學院
CLAP for Youth @ JC 500 360 139 248 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
「賽馬會鼓掌 ‧ 創你程計劃」 Hong Kong Correctional Services
Vocational Training Council
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hong Kong Baptist University
Sham Shui Po Holding Environment Project For 203 / / 49 Hong Kong Police Force, Hong Kong Police Dog Unit
Youth 2016 and Funded by Sham Shui Po District Council
「深」連心社區承托計劃 2016 深水埗區撲滅罪行委員會、香港警務處、
It's Show Time 8 90 / 100 / Mill 6 Foundation, The D.H. Chen Foundation,
青年製造 8 Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Canbran Int'l LTD
and Helena Beauty Centre
Total beneficiaries
Service Overview 服務概覽
Research and Advocacy 研究及倡議
▲ More than 1,000 of Swire Properties’ Community Ambassadors and volunteers from BGCA participated in book sorting and the operation of the charity sale.
In 2016, BGCA had jointly hosted the annual ‘Books for Love @ $10’ 香港小童群益會與太古地產攜手舉辦的「書出
charity book sale for the seventh consecutive year. The book sale was 愛心 十元義賣」已踏入第七年,本活動於 2016
held from 21st to 24th April, 2016 at ArtisTree in Taikoo Place. We were 年 4 月 21 至 24 日在太古坊 ArtisTree 舉行。商
very grateful to have the support from Commercial Press and Sun 務印書館和新雅文化事業有限公司十分支持本活
Ya Publications (HK) Limited. With the donations from the above two 動,捐出書籍義賣籌款。連同公眾捐出的書籍,
publication companies and the general public, we had over 100,000 new 現場共超過 10 萬本全新或二手書籍作義賣,籌
and second-hand books in different genres for sale. All proceeds went 得的所有善款捐贈本會,以提供更多元化的服
to BGCA for supporting its diversified services. Prior to the event, we 務。為鼓勵兒童以圖畫方式分享故事閱讀後感,
organised a “Book Review for Love 2016 – Stamp Design Competition” 我們還舉辦了「書出愛 - 閱讀後感郵票設計比
and the prizes were presented during the book sale. To encourage children 賽」,並在義賣活動中頒發獎項予各得獎者。此
to read more and share the stories they read, we also partnered with Radio 外,本會與香港電台合辦「全港兒童故事演講比
Television of Hong Kong to host the “Children Storytelling Competition 賽」的複賽賽事,也在義賣活動場內進行,藉此
2016” with the semi-final held during the book sale. The four-day book sale 推動閱讀與故事分享的風氣。一連 4 天的義賣活
generated over HK$630,000. 動,我們共籌得善款超過 63 萬元。
Service Overview 服務概覽
Fundraising Events 籌款活動
▼ Dr. Ng Yin Ming, the Chairman of Executive Committee, Mr. Andrew Shum, Dr. Katherine Yau and Mr. Josiah Chiu,
Committee members met and supported the volunteers on Flay Day.
90 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Competitions 比賽活動
The 52nd Hong Kong Healthy Children Competition
第 52 屆全港兒童健康比賽
Co-organised by BGCA and the Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation, the
52nd Hong Kong Healthy Children Competition aimed at raising public
awareness about children’s and youth’s development, their physical
and mental health, was held in October and November 2016. In the
meantime, it raised the importance of providing our young generation with
a good environment for growing up. The competition received generous
support from various professional groups across different disciplines.
Collaboration parties included The Hong Kong Paediatric Society, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association, Hong
Kong Physiotherapy Association, Hong Kong Nutrition Association Limited
and Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine in the Chinese
University of Hong Kong. Over 400 children aged 3 to 11 took part in
the completion and they were divided into 5 groups to take tests on
their physical fitness, vitality, and emotional intelligence. They were also
required to participate in a talent show.
由本會及香港兒科基金合辦的「全港兒童健康比賽」於 2016 年 10 月至 11
兒童締造一個健康的成長環境。活動去年踏入第 52 屆,一直深受家長及兒
香港營養學會有限公司和香港中文大學醫學院兒科學系。去年有超過 400
名年齡介乎 3 至 11 歲的兒童參加比賽,共分為 5 個年齡組別,參加者需接
▲ Dr. Chan Chok Wan, the Chairman of the Board, Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation (2nd row, left 8), Dr. Albert Lo, Kowloon Central Cluster Chief Executive cum Hospital Chief Executive of Queen
Elizabeth Hospital (2nd row, left 7), Dr. Roy Chung, the Hon Chairman of BGCA (2nd row, left 9) and Ms. Lilian Law, the Executive Director of BGCA (2nd row, left 6) attended the activity.
Service Overview 服務概覽
Competitions 比賽活動
▼ Hong Kong Rope Skipping team was invited to perform rope skipping for the opening ceremony.
▲ A group photo of participants with Ms. Lilian Law, Executive Director of BGCA and Mr. Doug Moore, CEO, RBC Capital Markets Asia and Head of RBC Investor & Treasury Services Asia Pacific.
92 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Team Challenge 36 began in 1998 and remains as one of the largest 「團隊挑戰 36」自 1998 年起舉辦,是其中一
amphibian charity races in Hong Kong. Each team of 5 members must visit 個全港最大型的水陸越野挑戰賽。每隊參賽隊伍
all the designated check points within 10 or 36 hours according to their 以 5 人一組,須於指定時間 (10 小時或 36 小時 )
own planned routes. They must also accomplish all the challenging tasks, 內自訂路線抵達大會指定的檢查點,並完成各個
including canoeing, orienteering, abseiling and cycling. It was the first time 挑戰項目,包括划艇、野外定向、緣繩下降和單
for Team Challenge to be held across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and 車等,與隊員一起挑戰自己,訓練團隊合作能
New Territories. Over 630 people in 140 teams completed the race in deep 力。「團隊挑戰 36」 2016 路線首度跨越區域限
winter. The routes of the challenge for Elite teams and Challenge teams 制,路線遍及港九新界,吸引接近 140 隊、逾
were 51.88 km long, The Champion of Elite Team – Open spent about 9 630 人在嚴冬下攀山越嶺,挑戰自我。精英組和
hours and 6 minutes to finish the route. Our Title Sponsor was Henderson 挑戰組賽事的路線總長度達 51.88 公里,精英組
Land Development Company Limited. The supporting organization last - 公開隊的冠軍花了約 9 小時 6 分鐘完成賽事。
year including China Amateur Radio Study Club, Challenge Course 本活動去年得到恒基兆業地產有限公司冠名贊
Association of Hong Kong, Shinryo (Hong Kong) Limited and Santos 助,並得到中華業餘無線電研究會、中國香港挑
Soccer Training Limited Hong Kong. 戰網陣協會、新菱工程香港有限公司和車路士足
球學校 ( 香港 ) 等機構支持。
家庭兒童提供學習樂器的機會,助他們發展音樂的才能。30 名學
Hong Kong
New Territories 新界
34 21
29 22
32 18 8
30 9
31 15 19
13 10
17 20
7 14
Kowloon 九龍 11
1 3
5 Hong Kong 港島
1a Internet Learning Support Programme 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
上網學習支援計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
1b 3Hs Family Drama Project II - 1/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
Family Interactive Drama with Exercise and Fun 香港灣仔駱克道3號1樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
1c Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 2/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 8484
(Wanchai) 香港灣仔駱克道3號2樓 Fax 傳真:2529 8482
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Email 電郵:[email protected]
1d Growth & Development Centre / 3/F & 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2529 3322
Growth Education Centre 香港灣仔駱克道3號3樓及4樓 Fax 傳真:2529 3353
成長發展中心 / 成長教育中心 Email 電郵:[email protected]
1e Counselling Centre 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950
輔導中心 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843
Email 電郵:[email protected]
1f “Open the Heart”Holistic Child-Focused 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2520 2950
Counselling Project 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Fax 傳真:2143 6843
1g “SMILE” On-site Pre-school Integrated Services 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話: 3709 8810
「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
1h Parents’ Hotline 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2866 6388
「兒童身心發展」家長專線 香港灣仔駱克道3號4樓
1i Psychological Support Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
心理支援服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
Email 電郵:[email protected]
1j Art Psychotherapy Service 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
藝術心理治療服務 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
1k Trauma Treatment Service for Children and 6/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
Youth 香港灣仔駱克道3號6樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
Youth ImpACT Award 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
感創敢為—青年社會創新服務獎 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
Email 電郵:[email protected]
1m School Social Work Section 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
學校社會工作部 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
1n Mustard Seed Plus Project 9/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2527 9121
芥菜籽計劃 香港灣仔駱克道3號9樓 Fax 傳真:2865 4332
100 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Kornhill Children Centre G/F, Block 2-3, Kornhill Garden, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel 電話:2886 1916
康山兒童中心* 香港鰂魚涌康山花園第2至第3座地下 Fax 傳真:2535 9855
Email 電郵:[email protected]
4 Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children & 11/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, Tel 電話:2850 7237
Youth Integrated Services Centre 345 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2541 8077
賽馬會上環青少年綜合服務中心* 香港上環皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈11樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
5 Jockey Club Southern District Children & 1/F & 3/F, Wah Kwai Community Centre, Tel 電話:2550 3622
Youth Integrated Services Centre Wah Kwai Estate, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2552 3993
賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 香港仔華貴邨華貴社區中心1及3字樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
5a Jockey Club Southern District Children & Flat 120 - 124, G/F, Wah Tai House, Wah Fu (2) Estate, Tel 電話:2550 7200
Youth Integrated Services Centre Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected]
(Wah Tai Branch) 香港仔華富邨華泰樓120至124號
賽馬會南區青少年綜合服務中心 (華泰分處) *
6 Jockey Club South Horizons Children & 2/F, Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tel 電話:2552 2111
Youth Integrated Services Centre East Commercial Block, South Horizons, Fax 傳真:2552 8666
賽馬會海怡青少年綜合服務中心 Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong Email 電郵:[email protected]
6a Jockey Club South Horizons Children & G/F, 9-13, Low Block, Lei Fook House, Tel 電話:2555 2165
Youth Integrated Services Centre Ap Lei Chau Estate, Hong Kong Fax 傳真:2580 9567
(Ap Lei Chau Branch) 香港鴨脷洲邨利福樓低座9至13號地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
(鴨脷洲分處) *
7 Lok Man Children & Family Integrated G/F, Block G, Lok Man Sun Chuen, Tokwawan, Kowloon Tel 電話:2714 3200
Activity Centre 九龍土瓜灣樂民新邨G座地下 Fax 傳真:2768 8490
樂民兒童及家庭綜合活動中心 Email 電郵:[email protected]
8 Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & Rm. 203, 1/F, Lung Poon Court Commercial Centre, Tel 電話:2320 4005
Youth Integrated Services Centre Diamond Hill, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2328 6401
賽馬會慈雲山青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場2樓203室 Email 電郵:[email protected]
8a Wong Tai Sin Family Life Education Office Tel 電話:2329 5102
黃大仙區家庭生活教育組辦事處 Fax 傳真:2328 6401
Email 電郵:[email protected]
8e Jockey Club Tsz Wan Shan Children & G/F, Lok Yan House, Tsz Lok Estate, Tsz Wan Shan, Tel 電話:2326 6555
Youth Integrated Services Centre Kowloon Fax 傳真:2351 9992
(Tsz Lok Branch) 九龍慈雲山慈樂邨樂仁樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
9 Cheerland Nursery School cum G/F, Tat Sin House, Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate, Tel 電話:2216 4216
Kindergarten (Wong Tai Sin) Kowloon Fax 傳真:2216 4811
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙) 九龍黃大仙上邨達善樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
10 Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & G/F, Sau Lok House, Sau Mau Ping (III) Estate, Tel 電話:2348 0636
Youth Integrated Services Centre Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2348 0696
賽馬會秀茂坪青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍觀塘秀茂坪邨第3期秀樂樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
10b Jockey Club Sau Mau Ping Children & G/F, Wing C, Sau Mong House, Sau Mau Ping Tel 電話:3565 6564
Youth Integrated Services Centre South Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Email 電郵:[email protected]
(Sau Mau Ping South Branch) 九龍觀塘秀茂坪南村秀旺樓C翼地下
11 Jockey Club Yau Tong Children & No. 1, 3/F, Carpark Block, Ko Cheung Court, Tel 電話:2343 3554
Youth Integrated Services Centre Yau Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2343 3615
賽馬會油塘青少年綜合服務中心* 九龍油塘高翔苑停車場大樓3樓1號 Email 電郵:[email protected]
12 Kwun Tong District Youth Outreaching Unit 212, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong Tel 電話:2347 2733
Social Work Team Tin Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2347 4450
觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍觀塘廣田邨廣田商場212室 Email 電郵:[email protected]
* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務
102 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
14 CLAP for Youth @ JC 3/F, Tamson Plaza, 161 Wai Yip Street , Kwun Tong Tel 電話:3692 4470
「賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃」 九龍觀塘偉業街161號德勝廣場3樓 Fax 傳真:3692 4474
Email 電郵:[email protected]
15 Jockey Club Cheung Sha Wan Children & Room 101-120, G/F, Lai Ho House, Lai Kok Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2294
Youth Integrated Services Centre Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2725 5726
賽馬會長沙灣青少年綜合服務中心 九龍長沙灣麗閣邨麗荷樓地下101-120室 Email 電郵:[email protected]
16 Youth Action Network – 2/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2304 2401
Community Support Service Scheme 九龍大角咀必發道54號2樓 Fax 傳真:2304 3702
青鋒網 - 社區支援服務計劃 Email 電郵:[email protected]
16a School Support Scheme 3/F, 54 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Tel 電話:2527 3226
全方位校園支援計劃 九龍大角咀必發道54號3樓 Fax 傳真:2395 9595
Email 電郵:[email protected]
16f Jockey Club Cyber Youth Outreach Service- Tel 電話:2396 9447
BGCA Nite Cat Online Fax 傳真:2395 9595
賽馬會網上青年外展服務— Email 電郵:[email protected]
17 Mei Foo Children & Youth Integrated 4/F & 5/F, Mei Foo Government Complex Building, Tel 電話:2741 6294
Services Centre No.33 Mei Lai Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2370 0747
美孚青少年綜合服務中心 九龍深水埗美荔道33號美孚政府綜合大樓4及5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
17a Healthy School Programme Tel 電話:5492 7226
(Kowloon District Government Schools) Fax 傳真:2370 0747
健康校園計劃(九龍區官立中學) Email 電郵:[email protected]
18 Shamshuipo District Youth Outreaching Unit 2, G/F, Un Kin House, Un Chau Estate, Tel 電話:2729 2262
Social Work Team Shamshuipo, Kowloon Fax 傳真:2708 2422
深水埗區青少年外展社會工作隊 九龍深水埗元洲邨元健樓地下2號 Email 電郵:[email protected]
19 Jockey Club Tseung Kwan O Children & 1/F, (East Wing), Po Kan House , Po Lam Estate, Tel 電話:2701 4388
Youth Integrated Services Centre Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung Fax 傳真:2701 0309
賽馬會將軍澳青少年綜合服務中心 西貢將軍澳寶林邨寶勤樓(東翼)2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
19a Family Life Education Unit (Sai Kung) Tel 電話:2703 5955
西貢區家庭生活教育組 Fax 傳真:2701 0309
Email 電郵:[email protected]
21 Bradbury Camp DD 257, Lot 642, Wong Yi Chau, Sai Kung, N.T. Tel 電話:2792 1409
白普理營 新界西貢黃宜洲257約份642地段 Fax 傳真:2792 0721
Email 電郵:[email protected]
22 Tai Wai Children & Youth Integrated 1/F, (Carpart Floor), Tai Wai Social Service Building, Tel 電話:2694 9322
Services Centre 1 Mei Tin Road, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2606 4135
大圍青少年綜合服務中心 * 新界沙田大圍美田路1號大圍社會服務大樓1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
22a Tai Wai Growth and Development Centre Room129-140, G/F, Mei Yeung House, Mei Lam Estate, Tel 電話:2697 6989
大圍成長發展中心 Shatin, N.T Fax 傳真:2636 4072
新界沙田美林邨美楊樓地下129-140室 Email 電郵:[email protected]
23 Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & 1/F, Kam Tai Shopping Centre, Kam Tai Court, Tel 電話:2641 7999
Youth Integrated Services Centre Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2640 1048
賽馬會馬鞍山青少年綜合服務中心* 新界沙田馬鞍山錦泰苑商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
23b Family Life Education Unit (Sha Tin District) Tel 電話:2641 8454
沙田區家庭生活教育組 Fax 傳真:2641 2550
Email 電郵:[email protected]
23c Jockey Club Ma On Shan Children & 1/F, Commercial Centre, Chevalier Garden, Tel 電話:2641 7994
Youth Integrated Services Centre Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:2641 2550
(Chevalier Branch) 新界沙田馬鞍山富安花園商場1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
24 Ma On Shan East Children & 2/F, Ma On Shan Lee On Community Services Complex, Tel 電話:3525 0440
Youth Integrated Services Centre 23 Sha On Street, Shatin, N.T. Fax 傳真:3168 2767
馬鞍山東青少年綜合服務中心* 新界沙田沙安街23號馬鞍山利安社區服務大樓2樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
25c SHKP-Science & Innovation Project for Gifted Tel 電話:2338 0160
新地資優科學創意發展計劃 Fax 傳真:2338 0005
26 Jockey Club Tai Po Children & 1/F, 2/F & 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Tel 電話:2651 4987
Youth Integrated Services Centre Community Centre, Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2650 6904
賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心* 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心1、2、4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
26b Tai Po Early Education and Training Centre 4/F, Tai Wo Neighbourhood Community Centre, Tel 電話:2653 8772
for Special Education Needs Children Tai Wo Estate, Tai Po, N.T. Fax 傳真:2650 6904
「樂牽」大埔早期教育及訓練中心 新界大埔太和邨太和鄰里社區中心4樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
27b Jockey Club Fanling Children & No.19, G/F, Ching Long House, Ching Ho Estate, Tel 電話:2663 5088
Youth Integrated Services Centre Sheung Shui, N.T. Fax 傳真:2669 8287
(Ching Ho Branch) 新界上水清河邨清朗樓地下19號
28 Sham Tseng Children & Youth Integrated Level 5, Commercial Block Bellagio, 33 Castle Tel 電話:2496 0116
Services Centre Peak Road, Sham Tseng, N.T. Fax 傳真:2496 0068
深井青少年綜合服務中心 新界青山公路33號深井灣畔碧堤半島碧堤坊5樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
* After School Care Services Attached 附設課餘託管服務
Contacts of Service Units 服務單位聯絡資料
Appendices 附錄
29 Jockey Club Shek Yam Children & Youth G/F & 1/F, Yam Yue House, Shek Yam East Estate, Tel 電話:2481 3222
Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2420 6278
賽馬會石蔭青少年綜合服務中心 新界葵涌石蔭東邨蔭裕樓地下及1樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
30 Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & 2/F & 3/F, Block D, 6 King Cho Road, Cho Yiu Chuen, Tel 電話:2744 2123
Youth Integrated Services Centre Kwai Chung, N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153
賽馬會南葵涌青少年綜合服務中心* 新界葵涌祖堯邨敬祖路6號D座2樓及3樓 Email 電郵:[email protected]
30a Jockey Club South Kwai Chung Children & G/F, Yeung King House, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung, Tel 電話:2742 8736
Youth Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2310 2153
(Lai King Branch) 新界葵涌荔景邨仰景樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
31 Jockey Club Tsing Yi Children & Youth G/F, Yee Kui House, Tsing Yi Estate, Tsing Yi Island, Tel 電話:2433 2319
Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 6326
賽馬會青衣青少年綜合服務中心 新界青衣島青衣邨宜居樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
32 Jockey Club Cheung Hang Children & G/F, Hang Yee House, Cheung Hang Estate, Tel 電話:2435 2113
Youth Integrated Services Centre Tsing Yi Island, N.T. Fax 傳真:2435 1830
賽馬會長亨青少年綜合服務中心* 新界青衣島長亨邨亨怡樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
33 (Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing) G/F, Fu Ching House, Tai Wo Hau Estate, Tsuen Wan, Tel 電話:2481 6316
Family Life Education Office cum N.T. Fax 傳真:2401 3445
Tai Wo Hau Family Activity Centre 葵涌大窩口邨富靜樓地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
34 Jockey Club Tuen Mun Children & Youth G/F, Tower 1, Phase 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun, Tel 電話:2462 3161
Integrated Services Centre N.T. Fax 傳真:2466 1400
賽馬會屯門青少年綜合服務中心* 新界屯門大興花園第2期第1座地下 Email 電郵:[email protected]
34a Tin Shui Wai Small Group Home Social Tel 電話:2462 3619
Worker Office Fax 傳真:2466 1400
天水圍兒童之家社工辦事處 Email 電郵:[email protected]
34b Tuen Mun Small Group Home Social Tel 電話:2461 8917
Worker Office Fax 傳真:2466 1400
屯門兒童之家社工辦事處 Email 電郵:[email protected]
35 BGCA HSBC TSW Children Learning and Unit 104, 1/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Tel 電話:2445 5899
Support Centre Building, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. Fax 傳真:2445 5829
匯豐天水圍兒童學習及發展支援中心 新界天水圍天晴邨天晴社區綜合服務大樓1樓104室 Email 電郵:[email protected]
36 Guangzhou Growth Dynamics Social Work Room 507, No. 68 Huan Shi Xi Road, Guangzhou, Tel 電話:(86) 020-8197 0694
Professional Development and Resource Centre Liwan District, Guangzhou, China Email 電郵:[email protected]
廣州市成長動力社會工作專業發展與資源中心 廣州市荔灣區環市西路68號廣州市社區服務
Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten Tak Sun Private Kindergarten Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated
(Wanchai) 德信幼稚園 School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔) Primary School
San Wui Commercial Society School 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學
Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten 新會商會學校
(Wong Tai Sin) St. Patrick’s School
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(黃大仙) Taikoo Primary School 聖博德學校
Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten Tak Sun School
(Kowloon Bay) Sau Ming Primary School 德信小學
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣) 秀明小學
Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten Farm Road Government Primary School
(Tseung Kwan O) 農圃道官立小學
Secondary School 中學
Hotung Secondary School Lee Kau Yan Memorial School Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial
何東中學 李求恩紀念中學 Secondary School
King’s College Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary
英皇書院 School Kowloon Technical School
仁濟醫院王華湘中學 九龍工業學校
Queen Elizabeth School
伊利沙伯中學 Carmel Holy Word Secondary School Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School
迦密聖道中學 天主教南華中學
San Wui Commercial Soc Chan Pak Sha School
新會商會陳白沙紀念中學 Pui Kiu College Renaissance College
培僑書院 啟新書院
St. Clare’s Girls’ School
聖嘉勒女書院 Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary N.L.S.I. Lui Kwok Pat Fong College
School 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學
St. Margaret’s Girls’ College, Hong Kong 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學
香港聖瑪加利女書院 Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College
Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 保良局第一張永慶中學
Semple Memorial Secondary School 浸信會永隆中學
深培中學 Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College
S.K.H. Li Ping Secondary School 佛教孔仙洲紀念中學
Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College 聖公會李炳中學
佛教大光慈航中學 F.D.B.W.A. Szeto Ho Secondary School
Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School 五邑司徒浩中學
Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College 馬鞍山崇真中學
保良局姚連生中學 Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School
Tak Sun Secondary School 天主教普照中學
H.K.W.M.A. Chu Shek Lun Secondary School 德信中學
香港布廠商會朱石麟中學 T.W.G.Hs. Lui Yun Choy Memorial College
Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學
S.K.H. Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School Secondary School
聖公會梁季彜中學 皇仁舊生會中學 Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) T.W.G.Hs. S.C. Gaw Memorial College
可立中學(嗇色園主辦) 東華三院吳祥川紀念中學 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy
S.K.H. St. Benedict’s School Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College
聖公會聖本德中學 保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學 Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
Lai King Catholic Secondary School
Appendices 附錄
1. 印製2017職員會日記簿
2. 聯繫商戶為員工提供各式購物優惠。
Staff Committee Members 2016-17 職員會常務委員會 3. 年內籃球隊及足球隊定期練習並參加比賽,足球隊
Chairman 主席 Chung Wai Lun Adino 鍾威麟
Vice Chairman 副主席 Lau Ho Yuen Benny 劉浩源 4. 舉行週年聚餐。
Wu Ka Shing Mike 胡家誠
Treasurer 財政 Yee Kai Lai 余嘉麗
Secretary文書 Kwok Wing Yee Carol 郭詠怡
External Affairs 外務 Kung Wai Sum 龔偉森
Ho Chun Yu Stanley 何振宇
Internal Leisure 內務 – 康樂 Miu Siu Mui 繆小玫
Tong Lai Chun 湯麗珍
Internal Welfare 內務 – 福利 Law Yun Yuen Sam 羅潤源
Cheung Ying Hung Vicky 張映紅
Appendices 附錄
Acknowledgements 鳴謝
Acknowledgements 2016-2017
2016-2017 鳴謝
The Association wishes to express its grateful thanks to the following, whose support have made its work possible:
The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.
Office of the Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People’s Republic of China
Education Bureau Red Ribbon Centre, Department of Health Hong Kong Housing Society
教育局 香港衛生署-紅絲帶中心 香港房屋協會
Home Affairs Bureau Special Prevention Project, Department of Estate Management Advisory Committee of
民政事務局 Health Lai Kok Estate, Wah Lai Estate & Tsz Lok
香港衛生署-特別預防計劃 Estate, Hong Kong Housing Authority
Labour and Welfare Bureau 香港房屋委員會-華茘邨、麗閣邨、慈樂邨
勞工及福利局 Home Affairs Department 屋邨管理諮詢委員會
Child Development Fund, Labour and Employees Retraining Board
Welfare Bureau District Offices, Home Affairs Department 僱員再培訓局
勞工及福利局-兒童發展基金 各區民政事務處
West Kowloon Youth Care Committee
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Leisure and Cultural Services Department 西九龍護青委員會
政制及內地事務局 康樂及文化事務署
District Youth Programme Committee
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Social Welfare Department 各區青年活動統籌委員會
Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation ) 社會福利署
Funding Scheme District Fight Crime Committee
政制及內地事務局平等機會(性傾向)資 Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, 各區撲滅罪行委員會
助計劃 Social Welfare Department
社會福利署攜手扶弱基金 District Councils
Hong Kong Police Force 各區區議會
香港警務處 Social Welfare Department “Opportunities
for the Elderly Project” Auxiliary Medicial Service
Hong Kong Police Dog Unit 社會福利署老有所為基金 醫療輔助隊
Social Welfare Department – Steering Beat Drugs Fund
Narcotics Bureau, Hong Kong Police Force Committee on Volunteer Movement 禁毒基金
香港警務處-毒品調查科 社會福利署義務工作統籌課
Council for the AIDS Trust Fund
Regional Crime Prevention Office, Kowloon Social Welfare Department - District Social 愛滋病信託基金委員會
West Region - Hong Kong Police Force Welfare Offices
香港警務處 西九龍總區防止罪案辦公室 社會福利署各區福利辦事處 Quality Education Fund
Narcotics Division Office of the Government Chief Information
禁毒處 Officer U.S. Consulate General
Department of Health
香港衛生署 Television and Entertainment Licensing
110 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
Bei Shan Tang Foundation Mr. Chan Hing Yiu Mr. Li Pui-leung
北山堂基金 李沛良先生
Mr. Chan Ming-yiu, Samson
Bright Future Charitable Foundation 陳明耀先生 Ling Hoh Yan
Dr. Chan Po King Betty Mr. Louey Pak Hin Raymond
China Merchants Charitable Foundation Ms. Mok Yvonne
Mr. Chan Wai Ming, M.H.
招商局慈善基金會 陳偉明先生, M.H.
Ms. Ng Kuen Wah
The D. H. Chen Foundation Ms. Chan Yuen-shan, Clara 吳娟華女士
陳廷驊基金會 陳婉珊小姐
Mr. Ng Kwai Hung, M.H., J.P.
Henderson Warmth Foundation Limited W I Cheung Scholarship 吳貴雄先生, M.H., J.P.
Mr. Ng Kwok Shing Peter
The Hongkong Bank Foundation 伍國成先生
匯豐銀行慈善基金 Mr. Cheung Tak Man Desmond
Mr. Cheung Wing Sum, B.B.S., M.H., J.P. Mr. Shum Siu Hung William
Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 沈少雄先生
張永森先生,B.B.S., M.H., J.P.
Ms. Cheung Yee Ling Elaine Ms. Tam Wai Chu Maria
i-Future Teens International Foundation
Limited Mr. Chiu Chun Leong David Ms. Tsang Kok Ching
Mr. Fung Chak Kwan
馮澤坤先生 Ms. Tse Kim Lan
Keswick Foundation Limited 謝劍蘭女士
Mr. Fung Ka Keung
Mr. Wong Chung Fu
Lee Hysan Foundation Ho Elke Michelle 黃仲夫校長
Ms. Hui Like Sea Ruby Mr. Wong Chung Leung
Remad Foundation Limited 許禮詩小姐 王頌良先生
Ms. Hui Na Na Anna Mr. Tommy Wong
Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund Mrs. Wong Tsang Chi Heung
Ms. Deborah Ho
Limited 黃曾自香女士
新鴻基地產慈善基金有限公司 姜振先生
Ms. Michelle Ye
Ten Percent Donation Scheme Foundation Mrs. Kwok Li Mung Yee Helen 葉敏女士
十分關愛基金會 郭李夢儀女士
Mr. Yeung Chi-hung, Johnny, MH
Yiu Leung Yee Tong Charitable Fund Mr. George Lam 楊志雄先生, MH
Limited 林其東先生
Mr. Yeung Kwong Shing
Mr. Damian Lee 楊廣成先生
Zheng Ge Ru Foundation Ms. Yuen Ka Ning Candace Maria
鄭格如基金 Mr. Edan Lee
Ms. Yim Siu Fung Onnie
Z Zurich Foundation Mr. Lee Wing Man
Mr. Li Hon Hung, M.H., J.P. Society of Boy’s Centres Hui Chung Sing
李漢雄先生M.H., J.P. Memorial School
Ms. Li Lai Ping
Appendices 附錄
Acknowledgements 鳴謝
Hong Kong Astronomical Society Chevron Hong Kong Limited New World Development Company Limited
香港天文學會 雪佛龍香港有限公司 新世界發展有限公司
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Educa- Coca-Cola China Limited Nikkin (Hong Kong) Company Limited
tion, Department of Information Technology 可口可樂中國有限公司 日勤(香港)有限公司
Dare to Dream@EASTERN Overseas Management Company (Asia)
Hong Kong Baptist University, Leadership 東方踢出夢想 Limited
Qualities Centre, Office of Student Affairs,
香港浸會大學學生事務處 領袖素質中心 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ozorio MF & VJ
Pash Limited T/A Don’t Believe in Style
Hong Kong Lacrosse Association
香港棍網球總會 Dimension Data China/Hong Kong Limited
RBC Investor Services Holding (HK) Ltd.
Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation Excel Linkage Limited
Royal Bank of Canada
香港兒科基金 加拿大皇家銀行
FrieslandCampina (Hong Kong) Limited
Hong Kong Paediatric Society SAE Magnetics (Hong Kong) Limited
香港兒科醫學會 Fujikon Industrial Holdings Limited
富士高實業控股有限公司 香港新科實業有限公司
Applied Social Science Department, The ServiceOne Limited
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C
香港理工大學應用社會科學系 Shinryo Technical Services Limited
Hoi Yeung Bus Company
海洋旅遊汽車公司 新菱技術服務有限公司
Hong Kong Productivity Council
香港生產力促進局 Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited
Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited
香港寬頻網絡有限公司 新鴻基地產發展有限公司
Alumni of The University of Hong Kong
Steering Committee Swire Properties Limited
香港大學校友督導委員會 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited 太古地產
Jao Tsung-I Academy 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 Systems Information Technology (HK)
饒宗頤文化館 Limited
International Conference Consultants Ltd
May Ching United Sport & Recreation TC Toys International Company Limited
Association Limited Jing Mei Automotive Limited
The Kowloon Dairy Limited TK Group (Holdings) Limited
Nong’s Company Limited 維記牛奶
Paws Academy Lee Kee Holdings Limited Trumptech (Hong Kong) Limited
RunOurCity Foundation Limited Unilever Hong Kong Ltd.
街跑少年 Lenovo (Hong Kong) Limited 香港聯合利華有限公司
Tobby’s Friends Foundation Limited 聯想(香港)有限公司
VEGA Technology Limited
Yello Limited
112 BGCA Annual Report 2016-2017 香港小童群益會年報
All relevant schools for supporting our school social work service;
All sponsors, advertisers, organizations, schools and all members of the public who have supported our annual appeal;
The local newspapers, T.V. and radio broadcasting stations for promoting our activities; and
All our benefactors, voluntary workers, supporters and staff.