Cs3391-Question Bank

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(Approved by AICTE &Affiliated To Anna University,Chennai)

St.Mary’sNagar, Thiruninravur,Chennai-602024





PART – A (2 marks)
1 Express what is meant by Object Oriented Programming.
2 Compare class and object.
3 List the core OOP’s concepts.
4 Tabulate the difference between C++ and Java
5 Discuss what is meant by abstraction
6 Describe about Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism
7 Point out the justification of the statement “Java is platform independent”.( Express a
Java programming structure to display “Hello World”.
8 List the various access specifiers supported by OOPS.
9 Illustrate constructors in Java.
10 Express a simple Java Program to find the given number is Prime or
not. 11 Write down the characteristics of objects.
12 Illustrate with example what is meant by parameter passing constructor
13 Quote the purpose of finalize methods
14 List out the type of Arrays.
15 Illustrate the working of Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). 16 Define static variable and static method.
17 Explain what is meant by Java package.
18 Illustrate how to import a single
19 Summarize any four Java doc comments List any four common browsers.

20 Explain the difference between a ‘class’ and an ‘object’ in

Java. 21 What does JVM stand for?
22 What is the purpose of the ‘public’ access specifier in Java?
23 What is a ‘method’ in Java?
24 What is the role of the ‘main’ method in a Java application?
25 Differentiate between ‘static’ and ‘non-static’ members in a
class. 26 What are the basic data types in Java?
27 How do you declare an array in Java?
28 What is the output of the expression 5 + 3 * 2 in Java?
29 What does the ‘if’ statement do in Java?
30 What is the use of the ‘switch’
statement? 31 How do you define a class in
32 What is the role of ‘JavaDoc’ comments?
33 Explain the use of ‘private’ access
34 What is the difference between ‘int’ and ‘Integer’ in Java?
35 What is the purpose of the ‘super’ keyword in Java?

PART – B (13 marks)

1. 1.I. Explain OOPS and its features. (7)
2. ii. Summarize about the usage of constructor with an example using Java. (6)
3. 2 i. What is class? How do you define a class in Java? (7)
4. ii. Examine the use of inheritance and class hierarchy. (6)
5. 3 i. Define polymorphism. (7)
6. ii Describe variables and operators in Java.(6)
7. 4. Define and explain the control flow statements in Java withsuitable examples. (13)
8. 5. What is meant by constructor? Discuss the types of constructor with example. (13)
9. 6 i. Analyse and Develop a simple Java program to sort the (7)
10. given numbers in increasing order
11. ii. Write a Java program to reverse the given number. (6)
12. 7. i. Classify the characteristics of Java (6)
13. ii. Illustrate the working principles of Java Virtual Machine. (4)
14. iii. Show with an example the structure of Java Program (3) .
15. 8. i. Summarize about access specifier in Java. (7)
16. ii. Describe the term static fields and methods and explain its types with example.
17. 9. i) Define Arrays. What is array sorting and explain with an example (7)
18. ii) Tabulate and explain documentation comments in Java. (6)
19. Illustrate what is meant by package? How its types are created and implemented in Java. (13)
20. 11. Write the techniques to design classes in Java using Java Doc. (13)
21. 12. Explain with example passing objects as parameters to methods and returning objects
from methods in Java. (13) - .
22. 13. Explain packages in Java with example. (13)
23. 14. Interpret with an example what is method overloading and method overriding. (13)
24. What are the different operators available in Java? Explain with examples.
25. Write a Java class that demonstrates the use of constructors and methods.
26. Explain the concept of ‘abstract classes’ and ‘interfaces’ in Java with examples.
27. Discuss how to use control statements to handle multiple conditions in Java. Provide examples using ‘if-
else’ and ‘switch’.
28. Explain the concept of ‘Inheritance’ and its impact on the design of a Java application.
29. Describe how Java supports multiple inheritance through interfaces and discuss its advantages.
30. Write a program using primitive data types and using char data type in program.

PART – C (15 marks)

30.1. Discuss in detail the four principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and provide Java
code examples for each.
30.2. Write a detailed explanation of how to define and use classes and objects in Java,
including constructors, methods, and access specifiers. Provide a complete Java code
30.3. Explain the concept of polymorphism with a detailed example that demonstrates both
method overloading and method overriding.
30.4. Provide an in-depth explanation of encapsulation and its benefits. Illustrate with a Java program
that uses private data members and public getter/setter methods.
30.5. Discuss Java data types and variables, including primitive types, wrapper classes, and
type conversions. Provide code examples to demonstrate their use.
30.6. Explain the different control statements available in Java (if-else, switch, while, for, do-while) with
examples and discuss their usage scenarios
30.7. Explain a Java program to find a smallest number in the given array by creating one dimensional
array and two dimensional array using new operator.
30.8. Explain class hierarchy and explain its types with suitable examples.
30.9. Illustrate the use of arrays in Java, including single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
Write a complete program that demonstrates array manipulation and operations.
30.10.Illustrate a Java application to generate Electricity bill. Create a class with the following
members: Consumer no., consumer name, previous month reading, current month reading, and type
of EB connection (i.e. domestic or commercial). Compute the bill amount using the following tariff.
If the type of the EB connection is domestic, calculate the amount to be paid as follows:
30.10.1.First 100 units - Rs. 1 per unit units - Rs. 2.50 per unit -500 units - Rs. 4 per unit
30.10.4.> 501 units - Rs. 6 per unit

PART – A (2 marks)

1. What is method overloading?

2. Examine the importance of inheritance.
3. Summarize the characteristics of constructor function. .
4. What is a default constructor? Illustrate. .
5. Identify what are the two ways of using super keyword.
6. What modifiers may be used with top-level class?
7. Give how protected members in a subclass can be accessed in Java.
8. Show what methods are provided by the object class.
9. Point out the conditions to be satisfied while declaring abstract classes.
10. Give the use of final keyword. .
11. Illustrate what is protected visibility. .
12. Define interface and write the syntax of the interface. .
13. Express what is Dynamic Binding. .
14. Assess what is a clone able interface and how many methods does it contain. .
15. Describe whether you can have an inner class inside a method and what variables can you access. .
16. Differentiate between abstract class and interface. .
17. Define: Package. .
18. Give the role of clone () method in Java. .
19. Point out what are inner class and anonymous class. .
20. What is the use of Array List class? ...
21. Summarize any two string handling methods in Java. .
22. Define method overriding.
23. How does Java support static methods?
24. What is the purpose of the super keyword in Java?
25. Explain the concept of dynamic method dispatch.
26. What is an abstract class in Java?
27. How do you declare a final class in Java?
28. What does the final keyword do when applied to a method?
29. What is the difference between a static class and an inner class?
30. Describe the concept of returning objects in methods.
31. What is a nested class in Java?
32. How do you import a package in Java?
33. What is the purpose of interfaces in Java?
34. What does the import statement do in Java?
35. Can a method be both static and abstract? Explain.
36. How can you restrict access to members of a package?
37. What is the default access level for classes and members in a package if no access modifier
is specified?
38. Explain the role of a package in Java.
39. What is the purpose of the this keyword in a method?
40. Can a method be overridden if it is static? Why or why not?
41. What is the use of the abstract keyword in a method declaration?
42. What is method hiding, and how does it differ from method overriding?
43. What is the significance of the implements keyword?
44. Describe how Java handles access control with packages.
45. What are the two main types of inheritance in Java?

PART - B(13 marks)

1. i. Describe in detail about inheritance.

ii. Write a program for inheriting a class.
2. .i. Illustrate what is super and subclass in Java.
ii. With an example, illustrate how the objects from sub class are inherited by the
super class.
3. Examine how to control top level and member level access for the members
of the class.
4. Illustrate with an example how passing objects as parameters to methods
and returning objects from methods in Java.
5. Describe in brief about object class and its methods in Java with
suitable example.
6. .i. Discuss the concept of abstract class.
ii. Give a program for abstract class with example.
7. .i. Explain briefly on final keyword.
ii. Explain the concept of abstract class with an example.
8. .i. Describe what is meant by interface.
ii. How is interface declared and implemented in Java. Give example.
9. i. Differentiate classes with interface with suitable examples.
ii. Express a Java program for extending interfaces.
10. Define inner classes. How to access object state using inner classes? Give
an example.
11. i. Explain with an example what is meant by object
ii. Summarize in detail about inner class with its usefulness.
12. Analyse and write a Java program using array List classes and object for
the following operations.
i. Push
13. Analyse with an example, how string objects are created. How it can
be modified?
14. Illustrate String handling class in Java with example.
15. Explain in detail about Package with an Example Program.
16. Illustrate how packages help in organizing code in Java. Provide examples of package creation
and usage.
17. Compare and contrast inner classes and static nested classes with examples.
18. Explain dynamic method dispatch with an example.
19. Discuss how Java achieves method overriding and the role of the @Override annotation.
20. Illustrate the role of the this keyword in method and constructor calls.
21. Explain how method hiding works and its impact on static methods.
22. Describe how Java handles access control for members of a package.
23. Illustrate the use of multiple interfaces with examples.
24. Discuss the differences between abstract classes and interfaces in Java.
25. Provide an example of using the implements keyword with an interface.
26. Explain how package access modifiers affect class and member accessibility with examples.
PART – C (15 marks)

1. Illustrate a program to perform string operations using Array List. Write functions for the
following Append - add at end
Insert – add at particular index Search
List all string starts with given letter
2. Assess and write an inheritance hierarchy for classes Quadrilateral, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Rectangle
and Square. Use Quadrilateral as the super class of the hierarchy. Specify the instance variable and
methods for each class. The private instance variables of Quadrilateral should be the x-y coordinate pairs
for the four end points of the quadrilateral.
3. Write a program that instances objects of your classes and outputs each objects area (except Quadrilateral)

4. Consider a class student .Inherit this class in UG Student and PG Student. Also inherit students into
local and non-local students. Define five Local UG Students with a constructor assuming all classes
have a constructor.
5. Express a Java Program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains two integers and an empty
method named print Area (). Provide three classes named Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each
one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method print Area
() that prints the area of the given shape.
6. Discuss abstract classes and methods in Java. Provide an example showing how abstract classes are
used and how they differ from concrete classes.
7. Explain the role of the super keyword in inheritance and method overriding. Provide examples
demonstrating its use.
8. Discuss the final keyword with respect to classes, methods, and variables. Provide examples showing how
final affects inheritance and method overriding.
9. Illustrate with examples how dynamic method dispatch works in Java. Explain how it enables
runtime method resolution.
10. Explain the use of packages in Java. Describe how packages provide access control and organize code.
Include examples of package creation and usage.
11. Discuss interfaces in Java. Explain how they are defined, implemented, and used. Provide examples
of implementing multiple interfaces.
12. Describe the differences between static and non-static inner classes with examples. Discuss their
use cases and implications on memory and access.

PART - A (2 marks)
1. Interpret what is an Exception. What is its use? .
2. Predict what function does terminate and unexpected handlers call. .
3. What is re-throwing an expression? .
4. Define uncaught exception. .
5. Summarize the task performed by exception handling. .
6. Differentiate exception and error. .
7. Classify the exception types with example. .
8. Draw the exception hierarchy. .
9. What are the two methods available in stack trace elements? .
10. Express the advantages of using exception handling. .
11. What are three types of I/O streams? .
12. Show what is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-
catch- finally statement? .
13. Explain how to create custom exception. .
14. List the any five byte stream class. .
15. Illustrate any four character stream class. .
16. Point out the syntax of buffered reader to connect to the keyboard. .
17. What are streams? What are their advantages? .
18. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of read line method. .
19.Illustrate a Java application using a print writer class to handle console output. .
20. Define: Thread.
21. What does the wait method do in inter-thread communication?
22. What is the role of the notify method in thread communication?
23. How do you resume a suspended thread?
24. Explain the concept of thread-safe collections.
25.What is a custom exception and how is it different from built-in exceptions?

PART – B (13 marks)

1. Discuss in detail about exception handling constructs and write a program to illustrate Divide by
zero exception.
2. Describe the following concepts with example.
 Try-catch-throw paradigm.
 Exception specification.
3. Describe about the syntax of catch and re-throw an exception with an example. .
(i) Point out the importance of exception
hierarchy. (ii)Explain on stack trace elements give
4. Tabulate any five classes to support exception handling in Java with an example for each.
i. Summarize what is finally class. How to catch exception? Write an example.
ii. Give short notes on Java built in exceptions
5. Explain the following in detail with example program .
i. Checked Exception
iii. Unchecked exception
i. Classify the errors and exception in Java.
ii. Illustrate about multiple catching exceptions with example How to reduce the number of digits?
6. Summarize the following with example program .
i. Arithmetic exception
iii. Array out of bound
exception ii. String index out of
bound exception
7.i. Express a program to read and count the characters from files. ii.
Illustrate a Java program to transfer the content of one file to another file.
8. Discuss briefly about the features .
i. Byte streams input/output
ii. Character streams input/output
9. Explain the following with example .
i. Reading console input
ii. Writing console output.
10. i. Identify a Java program to read characters from the
console. ii .Identify a Java program to read strings from the
11. Illustrate in brief about .
i. Reading from a file.
ii. Writing in a file.
12. Explain in detail about Thread and its types
13. Describe the methods for suspending, resuming, and stopping threads in Java. Discuss the implications
of these operations on thread execution.
14. Explain the concept of auto boxing and un boxing in Java with examples. How does it simplify code?
15. Discuss the role of wrapper classes in Java. Provide examples of common wrapper classes and
their methods.
16. Illustrate how to handle exceptions that may occur in a multithreaded environment. Provide
examples showing how exceptions are managed in concurrent applications.
17. Explain the concept of thread safety and how to achieve it in Java. Discuss the use of
synchronized collections and concurrent data structures.
18. Discuss how you can use exception handling to improve the robustness of a Java application.
Provide examples demonstrating best practices for exception handling.
19. Describe how to implement and manage thread pools in Java. What benefits do thread pools provide
over creating individual threads?
20. Explain the use of the Thread. sleep method. How does it affect thread execution and scheduling?
21 Discuss the differences between the Run able interface and Callable interface. Provide examples of their
usage in concurrent programming.

PART – C (15 marks)

1. Implement a Java program for user defined exception handling.
2. Custom exception has been created in the code given below. Correct and evaluate the
code Class my exception extends Exception
My exception(strings)
Public static void main (String args [])
{‘ if (args [0] == “Hello”) System .out .print ln(“String is right”);
else try
Throw new my exception(“Invalid string”);
Catch(my exception ex)
System.out.print ln(ex.gemessage());
ii.The program calculates sum of two numbers inputted as command-line arguments. When will
it give an exception?
Public static void main( String [] args)
int n= Integer.parseInt(arg[0]);
int n1=Integer.parseInt(arg[1]);
int n2=n+n1;
System.out.print ln(“Sum is:” +n2);
Catch(Number Format Exception ex)
System .out .print ln(ex);
3. Illustrate the Java program to concatenate the two files and produce the output in the third file.
4. Deduce a Java program that reads a file name from the user displays information about whether the
file exists, whether the file is readable, or writable, the type of file and the length of the file in bytes.
5. Illustrate how to handle exceptions in a multithreaded application. Discuss common pitfalls and
best practices for managing exceptions across multiple threads.
6. Explain the concept of thread priorities and how they affect thread scheduling. Provide examples of
setting and getting thread priorities. Discuss the impact on thread execution.
7. Discuss the use of user-defined exceptions in Java. How do they differ from built-in exceptions?
Provide examples of creating and using custom exceptions.
8. Describe the process of auto boxing and un boxing. Explain how Java automatically converts
between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes with examples.
9. Illustrate how to stop, suspend, and resume threads in Java. Discuss the recommended practices and
potential issues associated with these operations.
10. Explain the concept of wrapper classes and their role in Java. Provide examples of the
commonly used wrapper classes, their methods, and how they facilitate working with
primitive types.
PART – A (2 marks)
1. Give the properties of thread. .
2. Show the different states in thread. .
3. Why synchronization is required in thread? .
4. Select any four thread constructor. .
5. What is the need for thread? .
6. List the importance of thread constructor. .
7. Give the idea to achieve thread synchronization in Java. .
8. Define multithreading. .
9. Give the life cycle of thread. .
10. Show how virtual machine in used in generic programming. .
11. Write down the need for generic programming. .
12. Define generic class. .
13. Illustrate a simple generic class with an example. .
14. Summarize the advantages of generic programming.
15. What are the parts of synchronizers that are often needed? .
16. Give the methods used for inter thread communication. .
17. Classify what are three ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state? .
18. Illustrate what is daemon thread and which method is usedto create the daemon thread. .
19. Differentiate between yielding and sleeping.
20. Illustrate what is thread group.
21. What is a bounded type parameter in generics?
22. How do you define a generic method with multiple type parameters?
23. What is the use of char at (int index) method in String class?
24. What is type erasure in Java generics?
25. What method is used to replace a character in String Builder?

PART – B (13 marks)

1. Describe in detail about multithread programming with example
2. i. Differentiate multithreading and
multitasking. ii. Describe the properties of
thread in detail.
3. Summarize the two types of thread implementation supported by Java .Give
example. 4.i.Illustrate the concept of synchronization in thread.
ii.Write a Java code for reader writers problem.
5. i. Describe how to implement run able interface for creating and starting
threads. ii. Define threads. Describe in detail about thread life cycle.
6.i. Explain what is inter-thread communication? List out the methods used for it.
ii. Explain inter-thread communication using producer consumer problem.
7. Summarize the following .
i. Thread priorities
ii. Deam on thread
8. Explain the following .
i) States of a thread with a neat diagram
ii) Explain how threads are created in Java
9. i. Illustrate the motivations of generic programming.
ii. Develop a program to show generic class and methods with example.
10.i. Describe in detail about bounded types with suitable example. ii. List the inheritance rules for generic
types with example.
11. Give the limitations of generic programming.
iii. Explain any two restriction of generic programming in detail with
suitable example.
12 Describe the following
i. Generic class
ii. Generic method
13. Illustrate generic code and the virtual machine with suitable example.
14. Summarize thread group. How to implement the thread group. Explain it with example.
15. Explain how to implement and use a generic method that operates on multiple types. Provide
code examples.
16. Discuss the concept of type erasure in generics and its impact on generic programming in Java.
17. Describe how to read and write primitive data types (e.g., int, double) using Data Input Stream
and Data Output stream
18. Illustrate the process of handling I/O exceptions and ensuring proper resource management in
file operations.
19. Discuss the features of String Builder and String Buffer that make them suitable for mutable
string operations.
20. Explain how generic types are used in Java collections, providing examples of generic collections such
as Array List and Hash Map.
21. Provide examples of how to use String class methods to manipulate and format strings in Java.

PART – C 15 marks)
1. Express multithreading for an sample sequence of strings with a delay of 1000 millisecond for displaying
it using Java threads.
2. Deduce a Java program to perform the following tasks using three different threads. Each thread will be
responsible for its own task only. Among these three threads one will find the average number of the
input numbers, one will be responsible for finding the Maximum number from the input array of
numbers, and one will be responsible for finding the Minimum number from the input array of numbers.
3. Express a simple generic class example with two type parameters. so that we can define two types
of parameters called U & V, separated by ",".
4. Assess an example program in Java on how to implement bounded types (extend super class) with generics.

5. Explain how to manage and manipulate text data in Java using String, String Builder, and String Buffer. Discuss
their performance characteristics with examples.
6. Discuss the concept of bounded type parameters in generics. Provide examples demonstrating their use
and explain their importance in type safety.
7. Provide a detailed explanation of how Java handles file I/O, including examples of reading and writing files,
and handling I/O exceptions effectively.
8. Explain type erasure in Java generics and how it affects generic type operations at runtime. Discuss with
examples and its implications for generic programming.
9. Discuss the usage and implementation of generic classes and methods in Java collections. Provide examples of
how generics are used in standard Java collections like List, Map, and Set.
10. Illustrate how to handle and format string data in Java, using String, String Builder, and String Buffer.
Provide examples of common operations and their performance impacts.

PART – A (2 marks)
1. List out some system colors available in Java and their purpose. .
2. Give the role of layout manager. Which layout is default in Java? Define Border Layout. .
3. Give the steps needed to show a Frame. .
4. Analyse the function of .
i. Set Layout
ii. Flow Layout
5. List the features of Swing. .
6. Name any four event of a button component. .
7. List the various mouse events supported by Java. .
8. Recommend what method can be used for changing case of characters. .
9. Illustrate the swing components. .
10. Differentiate between Swing and AWT.
11. Express what is an event and what are the models available for event handling. .
12. List the difference between scrollbar and scroll pane. .
13. Differentiate between a Choice and a List. .
14. Quote how can you create your own GUI components? .
15. Analyse what is the purpose of the enable Events () method? .
16. Write a program to print the names of all fonts on your system. .
17. Show the methods of frame class. .
18. Show the structure of AWT Event Hierarchy. .
19. Give what is J Radio Button and its constructor. .
20. Show what method can be used for changing font of characters? .
PART -B(13 marks)
1 .i. Describe in detail about working with 2D shapes in Java.
ii.Identify a Java program to illustrate Mouse Events.
2.i..Describe in detail about swing
Components. ii.Describe the types of layout
3. Summarize in detail about graphics programming.
4.I. Explain how an application can respond to events in Java? Write the steps and the example.
ii. Explain the adapter class using example.
5. What is meant by event handling? Analyze and write a simple calculator using mouse events that
restrict only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
6. Tabulate the controller design pattern and components of swing briefly.
7.i. Illustrate what is layout management? State the various types of layout supported by Java? Which layout
is default one?
ii. Examine the basic of event handling.

8. Explain with an example program and discuss in detail about Mouse listener and Mouse Motion Listener.

9.i. Illustrate the methods available in graphics for

COLOR. ii.Examine the methods available to draw
10 i. Explain on AWT Event Hierarchy
ii. Explain about Semantic and Low-Level Events
11. List the characteristics of Model View Design (MVC) patterns. Explain the advantage of MVC
and methods MVC. .
12.I .List the types of adjustment events in scrollbar.
ii. Explain and write a program to demonstrate the usage of Scroll bar.
13 Examine the following in detail .
i. Handling a Text Field.
ii. Using a Text Area.

14. Explain how to create and use Toggle Group with Radio Button controls. Provide examples of
managing exclusive selections.

15. Discuss the use of Flow Pane for arranging nodes in a flow layout. Provide examples showing how
to manage the wrapping of nodes.

16. Describe how to manage and handle user interactions with Combo Box and Choice Box. Provide
examples of handling user selection changes.

17. Illustrate how to use Stack Pane for overlaying nodes and managing their alignment. Provide examples.

18. Explain the creation and management of Menu Bar and its associated menus in a Java FX
application. Provide code examples.

19. Discuss the different event types in Java FX, such as mouse events, key events, and action events.
Provide examples of handling these events.

20. Describe how to use Scroll Pane to handle large content areas. Provide examples of integrating Scroll
Pane with other controls.
PART – C (15 marks)

1. Illustrate a Java program to implement the following .

Create four check boxes. The initial state of the first box should be in checked state. The status of each check
box should be displayed. When we change the state of a check box, the status should be displayed and updated.

2. Express a Java program to display the following picture

as Output.

3. Explain a Java program for event handling using actionlistener interface.

4. Recommend a Java swing with one button and adding it on the J Frame object inside the main() method.
5. Explain how to create and use menus in Java FX applications. Discuss the structure of Menu, Menu
Bar, and Menu Item, and provide examples of creating a menu-driven application.
6. Discuss the use of Scroll Pane in Java FX for managing scrollable content. Provide examples of
integrating Scroll Pane with various controls and handling scroll events.
7. Illustrate how to manage multiple events on a single control. Provide examples of handling various
event types such as mouse clicks, key presses, and action events on the same control.
8. Describe how to use Grid Pane for creating a flexible grid layout. Include examples of adding controls
to specific grid positions and managing row and column constraints.
9. Explain how Border Pane can be used to create a typical application layout. Provide examples of
arranging controls in the top, bottom, left, right, and center regions.
10. Discuss the concept of Toggle Group in Java FX and its use with Radio Button controls.
Provide examples of managing mutually exclusive options and handling user selections.

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