Define Objects and Classes in Java

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Define Objects and classes in java

2. Name the types of Array
3. List any four java Doc comments
4. Define access specifier? give example
5. Define objects and object variable
6. What is the need of overloaded constructors
7. Describe default constructor
8. Express what is meant by java package
9. Enumerate two situations in which static methods are used
10. Express what is the default access to a member in a class
11. Illustrate with example how to import a single package?
12. Show how could Java classes direct program messages to the system console, but error
messages, say to a file
13. Demonstrate private access specifier
14. Differentiate procedural Vs Object - oriented Programming
15. Define the features of Java
16. Can an inner class declared inside of a method access local variables
of this method?
17. Justify what is the need for javadoc multiline comments
18. Conclude what can go wrong if you replace && with & in the
following code: String a=null; if (a!=null && a.length()>10) {...}
19. Difference between OOPS and procedural programming language
20. Generalize the ways by which the members of a package can be accessed by other package?

1. Explain the types of package with its importance

2. (i) What is method? How method is defined? give example(6)
(ii) State the purpose of finalize() method in java? With an example explain how finalize() method
can be used in java program
3. (i) What is class? how do you define a class in java(6)
(ii) (ii)Define Package? How does compiler locate packages?
4. Explain in the features of java and list out the characteristics of Java.
5. Explain the characteristics of OOPs
6. Summarize the types of constructors supported by JAVA with example.
7. Discuss the usage of constructor with an example using java.
8. Explain the object constructors and calling other constructor with example.
9. Create a java program to find a smallest number in the given array by creating one dimensional array
and two dimensional array using new operator.
10. Write a Java program that uses an abstraction and encapsulation.
1. Define inheritance hierarchy. Give an example
2. How will you define an interface in java program
3. What is meant by abstract classes
4. What is object cloning
5. Define static inner classes
6. What is class hierarchy? Give example
7. In java describe the use of Interfaces?
8. Describe the purpose of the keyword “final”
9. Define static binding (early binding) and dynamic binding (late binding)
10. Define wrapper classes? Why the wrapper classes are defined as final.
11. Show how to prevent inheritance
12. Demonstrate the conditions to be satisfied while declaring abstract classes.
13. Illustrate the usage of super keyword?
14. Differentiate shallow and deep copy in object cloning
15. Distinguish between copying and cloning
16. Assess how to reverse ArrayList in Java
17. Deduce the meaning for the keywords : final, finally, finalize
18. In how many ways you can create string objects in java

1. What is interface? Write a java program to illustrate the use of interface.

2. Write briefly on Abstract classes with an example.
3. List the type of constructors and the concept of destructor with example.

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