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Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-Gramin

Organizational Structure Diagram

(Rural Development)

Additional Secretary

Deputy Director General

(Rural Housing)

Director (Monitoring and Director (Monitoring Deputy Secretary Director

Training Section - I) and Training Section - II) (Policy Section) (Accounts Section)

Assistant Director Assistant Under Secretary Under Secretary


Section Officer

Assistant Section Assistant Section Assistant Section Assistant Section

Officer Officer Officer Officer
I. Objective/purpose of the Scheme

PMAYG is a housing scheme for construction of dwelling unitsin the rural part of
the Country by providing the financial assistance of Rs. 1.2 Lakh/1.3 lakh to the
eligible beneficiaries in plain/Hilly areas.

Brief history of the scheme

Public housing programme in the country started with the rehabilitation of refugees
immediately after independence. Till the year 1960, nearly 5 lakh families were
provided houses in different parts of India. Specific focus on rural housing in India, has
its origin in the wage employment programme of National Rural Employment
Programme (NREP -1980), and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
(RLEGP- 1983), by allowing construction of houses under these programmes for
SCs/STs and freed bonded laborer. A full-fledged rural housing program Indira Awaas
Yojana (IAY) was later launched in June 1985 as a sub-scheme of Rural Landless
Employment Guarantee Programme, with earmarking of funds, for the construction of
houses for SCs/STs and freed bonded labourers. Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) was made
an independent programme with effect from 1st January 1996 aimed at addressing
housing needs of the Below Poverty Line (BPL) households. After more than 30 years
of its implementation, although IAY addressed the rural housing shortage, in view of
the limited scope of coverage (BPL)under the programme, there were considerable gaps
in rural housing. Government has committed to provide “Housing for All” by 2022. To
fulfill the Government’s commitment and address rural housing gaps, the Pradhan
Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G) launched w.e.f. 1stApril, 2016. The scheme
was subsequently launched on 20th November 2016 by Hon’ble Prime Minister from
Agra, Uttar Pradesh.

II. Duties of the Organization

Dealing with all issues related to Rural housing and all matters germane and
incidental, in so far as it relates to rural areas.

Main activities/functions

• Formulation of policy guidelines,

• Release of funds under PMAYG

List of services being provided

• Allocation of Physical/Financial Targets

• Release of funds
• Monitoring and Review of implementation of the Scheme
• Organising training programmes for functionaries involved in
the implementation of the Scheme
III. Details of CPIOs (including Appellate Authorities)

Name, Designation Subject Matter Appellate Subject

&Address of CPIO related with Authority Name, Matter
Phone No., E-Mail Designation, related
Fax No. Address, Phone with
No., E-
Ms. Chahat 1. Andhra Pradesh Ms. Roop Avtar Kaur, 1. Andhra Pradesh
Singh, Assistant 2. Rajasthan Director (RH) 2. Rajasthan
Commissioner, 3. Tamil Nadu Krishi Bhawan New 3. Tamil Nadu
Krishi Bhawan, 4. Haryana Delhi 4. Haryana
New Delhi
5. Tripura Email Id: 5. Tripura
6. Ladakh [email protected] 6. Ladakh
7. Andaman & Tel No.- 011- 7. Andaman &
Nicobar Islands 23074307 . Nicobar Islands
8. Dadra & Nagar 8. Dadra & Nagar
Haveli and Haveli and
Daman & Diu Daman & Diu
9. Lakshadweep 9. Lakshadweep
10.Jammu and 10.Jammu
Kashmir and
11.Madhya Pradesh Kashmir
12. Chhattisgarh Dr. Manashvi 1. Arunachal
13. Goa Kumar Pradesh
Krishi Bhawan 2. Bihar
New Delhi. 3. Chhattisgarh
[email protected] 4. Goa
5. Madhya
Room No – 471, Pradesh
Krishi Bhawan, 6. Meghalaya
New Delhi 7. Mizoram
PhoneNo.011- 8. Punjab

Shri A K Singh 1. West Bengal Shri Shailesh 1. West Bengal

Under 2. Jharkhand Kumar,Deputy 2. Jharkhand
Secretary(RH), 3. Uttarakhand Secretary (RH), 3. Uttarakhand
Krishi Bhawan, 4. Himachal Pradesh 4. Himachal
New Delhi 5. Manipur shailesh.kumar83@nic Pradesh
6. Nagaland .in 5. Manipur
7. Sikkim 6. Nagaland
Room No.361 (B),
anilksingh.edu@gov. 8. Telangana Krishi Bhawan, New 7. Sikkim
in 9. Mizoram Delhi 8. Telangana
10. Meghalaya PhoneNo.011-
Shri M. V. N. Vara1. Assam Shri Chander 1. Assam
Prasad, Under 2. Gujarat Shekhar,Director 2. Gujarat
Secretary (RH),3. Karnataka (RH), 3. Karnataka
Krishi Bhawan, 4. Kerala chandershekhar.ofb@4. Kerala
New Delhi 5. Maharashtra ofb.gov.in 5. Maharashtra
011-23071326 6. Odisha 6. Odisha
7. Uttar Pradesh Krishi Bhawan, New 7. Uttar Pradesh
[email protected] 8. Bihar Delhi
n 9.Arunachal Pradesh 23382860
10. Punjab

IV. Important Guidelines

S. Items
1 Name of the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana Gramin
2 Duration of the It is an ongoing Scheme
3 Objective of the Programme To provide a pucca house with basic amenities to all rural
houseless households living in kutcha and dilapidated
house in rural areas by 2022.

4 Physical and financial During the year 2020-21 Rs.4118490.00 Lakh was
targets of the allocated for construction of 35.27 lakh houses.
programme(for the last year)
5 Eligibilityofbeneficiary
The universe of eligible beneficiaries under PMAY-G
includes all the houseless and households living in zero, one
or two room with kutcha wall and kutcha roof (kutcha
houses) as per SECC data, subject to the exclusion process
described in Annexure I.

6 Pre–requisitesforthe Beneficiary’snameshouldexistinthe SECC List2011.

7 Procedure to avail the
benefits of the programme A multilayered prioritization within the universe of eligible
PMAY-G beneficiaries is then done first based on
parameters reflecting housing deprivation in each category
viz., SC/ST, Minorities and Others. Priority lists, satisfying
the principles of prioritization will be generated for SC, ST,
Others and Minorities for each Gram Panchayat / Village
Sabha or lowest unit of local self-government as recognized
by the respective State/UT Panchayat Act, subject to
availability of eligible households. System generated
category wise ranked priority list could be downloaded from
the programme MIS- AwaasSoft. Thereon, the lists are
circulated to the concerned Gram Panchayats for verification
by Gram Sabha. Beneficiaries are selected after verification
of the list by Gram sabha

Once the list is final, sanction order is issued in the name of

the beneficiary after geo tagging of the existing dwelling
unit. The issue of sanction in favour of the beneficiary shall
also be communicated through SMS to the beneficiary. The
beneficiary can either collect the sanction order from the
Block Office or download it from the PMAY-G website
using his PMAY-G ID. The first installment shall be
released to the beneficiary electronically to the registered
bank account of the beneficiary within a week (7 working
days) from the date of issue of sanction order

8 Criteria for deciding Seniority in the Permanent wait list prepared on

eligibility The basis of SECC list,2011 and as per the Awaas+ survey
9 Detail of the benefits given in Unit assistance of Rs. 1.20 lakh in plains and Rs.1.30 lakh
the programme (also mention in hilly States/UTs, North Eastern States, difficult areas and
the amount of subsidy or other worst Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) districts.
help given)
In addition, provision of assistance (Rs.12,000/-) for toilets
through convergence with Swachh Bharat Mission – Gramin
(SBM-G), MGNREGS or any other dedicated source of
funding.Provision of 90/95 person-days of un-skilled labour
wage under MGNREGA for construction of house, over and
above the unit assistance.

10 Procedure for the The financial assistance in installments shall be released to

distribution of the the beneficiary electronically to the registered bank account
financial assistance of the beneficiary at various level of construction of the

11 Where to apply or whom to Not applicable as the beneficiaries are selected by

contact in the office for The Gram Sabha from the permanent waitlist prepared on
applying the basis of SECC List,2011.

12 Applicationfee(where Not Applicable

13 Application format(where Not Applicable
applicable .If the application is
made on plain paper please
mention it along with what the
applicant should
Mention in the application)
14 Listofattachments NotApplicable
15 Formatofattachments NotApplicable

16 Where to contact in case TheSecretary,RuralDevelopmentDepartmentsofthecon

ofprocessrelatedcomplaints cernedStates/ DistrictRuraldevelopment
17 Details of available fund(At Is available in the Ministry’s website
various levels like District www.PMAYG.nic.in
level, Block level etc.)

Frequently asked Questions and their answers

Q.1 What is the aim of the Pradhan Mantri AwaasYojana (Gramin)?

Ans.PMAY-G aims to provide a pucca house with basic amenities to all eligible rural houseless
households living in kutcha and dilapidated house in rural areas by providing financial assistance to the
eligible beneficiaries.

Q.2 Who are eligible to get assistance under PMAYG?

Ans.The universe of eligible beneficiaries under PMAY-G includes all the houseless and households
living in zero, one or two room with kutcha wall and kutcha roof (kutcha houses) as per SECC data,
subject to the exclusion process based on certain parameters.
Q. 3 Who will provide the assistance?
Ans. Funding of PMAYG is shared between the Centre & State Government in the ratio of 60:40 and
for North Eastern States this ratio is 90:10. In the case of UTs., entire funds of PMAYG is provided by
the Centre.

Q.4 How much of financial assistance is given to the beneficiary?

Ans.Financial assistance for construction of a new house under PMAY-G is Rs.1,20,000/- in plain areas
and Rs.1,30,000/- in hilly/difficult/IAP areas.

Q.5 What are the provisions for weaker sections, minorities and persons with
disabilities under PMAYG?

Ans.Under PMAY-G, minimum 60% of the target at the national level is earmarked for SC/ST
households. To maintain this, 60% of the target allocated to each State / UT is earmarked for SC/STs
subject to availability of eligible PMAY-G beneficiaries in the Permanent Wait List (PWL). Within
earmarked targets the proportion of SC and ST is to be decided from time to time by the respective
States/UTs. Further, the States / UTs are allowed to interchange targets between SC and ST if there are
no eligible beneficiaries from either of the category and it is certified as such. In case all SC and ST
households in the Permanent Wait List are covered, the State / UT targets would be allocated to
beneficiaries from ‘Other’ categories included in the Permanent Wait List.

Further, as far as possible, 15% of the total fund would be earmarked for Minorities at the National
Level. The allocation of targets for Minorities among the States/UTs would be on the basis of number
of Minority households included in the Permanent Wait List of PMAY-G. Minorities notified under
Section 2(c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 are to be considered eligible for
receiving benefits against Minority earmarks.

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, provides for social security for persons with
disabilities. Accordingly, in the scheme of PMAY-G while deciding the inter-se priority among the
beneficiaries who are to be provided assistance, households with any disabled member and no able
bodied adult member have been accorded additional deprivation score so that such households are given
priority while allotting the houses. Keeping in view the provisions of The Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016, the States to the extent possible, may ensure that 5% of beneficiaries at the State
Level are from among persons with benchmark disabilities with priority to women with benchmark

Q.6 Is there any provision under PMAYG to meet the expenses of uploading photographs
of PMAYG houses, training of masons etc.?

Ans. Yes, upto 2% of the funds released under PMAYG can be utilized for administering the scheme.
Cost towards monitoring the quality of construction of PMAYG houses and training of masons are
some of the eligible items of expenditure under administrative expenses.

Q.7 Who is the Agency for implementation?

Ans.Department of Rural Development is the implementing agency at State/UT level. At district level
Zilla Parishad will implement or its equivalent in States where there are no Zilla Parishad. At local
level, Village Panchayat or its equivalent where there are no Village Panchayats will implement the

Q.8 What is the selection procedure under PMAYG?

Ans.The universe of eligible beneficiaries under PMAY-G includes all the houseless and households
living in zero, one or two room with kutcha wall and kutcha roof (kutcha houses) as per SECC data,
subject to the exclusion process described in Annexure I.
A multilayered prioritization within the universe of eligible PMAY-G beneficiaries is then done
first on the basis of parameters reflecting housing deprivation in each category viz., SC/ST, Minorities
and Others. Priority lists, satisfying the principles of prioritization will be generated for SC, ST, Others
and Minorities for each Gram Panchayat / Village Sabha or lowest unit of local self-government as
recognized by the respective State/UT Panchayat Act, subject to availability of eligible households.
System generated category wise ranked priority list could be downloaded from the programme MIS-
AwaasSoft. Thereon, the lists are circulated to the concerned Gram Panchayats for verification by Gram
Sabha. Beneficiaries are selected after verification of the list by Gram sabha.

Q.10 Is there any mandatory type design for PMAYG house?

Ans. There is no mandatory type design for PMAYG house. A menu of options in respect of uses of
materials and building technologies as appropriate locally, will be provided to the beneficiary along
with the costimplications and the choice will be left to the beneficiary.

Q. 11 What is the criteria for allocation of PMAYG houses in each year to a particular
State/District/Gram Panchayat?

Ans.The Annual allocation to the States/UTs is based on the Annual Action Plan (AAP) approved by
the Empowered Committee of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The State/UT
wise total number of houses to be constructed is finalized by Ministry of Rural Development based on
the number of households included in the Permanent Wait List. The States/UTs may propose the annual
target within the overall number of houses that have to be completed in the financial year as
communicated by the Ministry.Further, keeping the target of the State as base, target of GPs is allocated
based on three parameters namely Person days by beneficiary, percentage of SC/ST population and
SECC deprivation score.

Q. 13 In whose name PMAYG house/plot is allotted?

Ans. Allotment of house shall be made in the name of the woman or jointly in the name of the husband
and wife, except in the case of a widower/unmarried /separated person. In case of landless households,
the State shall facilitate provision and then registration of land in the name of the woman or jointly in
the name of husband & wife except in the case of a widower/unmarried /separated person/transgender.
In the case of beneficiaries selected under the quota for persons with disabilities, the allotment should
only be in the name of such person.

Q. 14 Is it necessary to have a Bank/Post Office account?

Ans. Yes. The fund would be transferred into the Bank/Post Office account of each beneficiary. Release
of instalments in cash to beneficiaries is not permissible underPMAYG.

Q. 15 Who will construct the houses?

Ans.The house shall be constructed by the beneficiary himself/herself under PMAY-G or get the house
constructed under his/her supervision. No contractor should be engaged by the State in construction of
houses. If any case of construction through a contractor comes to notice, the Ministry of Rural
Development, will have the right to recover the releases made to the State for those PMAY-G houses.
The house shall also not be constructed by any Government Department/Agency, except where
specifically authorised.
In cases where the beneficiary is old or infirm or a person with disability and is therefore not in a
position to get the house constructed on his own, such houses shall be taken up as a part of the rural
mason training program. In case there are still some beneficiaries left out, the State Government will
ensure that they are assisted through the Gram Panchayats or a ground functionary to get their house

Q. 16 Will the beneficiaries get any information about construction technology or procurement
of raw materials?
Ans.The States/UTs sensitizes the selected beneficiaries, preferably at the block level, on a date fixed
by the State/ UT Government on different aspects of housing. This includes the quantum of assistance,
stage wise instalments thereof, different options of the available house type designs suitable to their
area, the disaster resilient features, green housing elements, cooking area, sanitation, water storage, etc.
that need to be incorporated for houses in their locality, the need to take up construction of the core
house initially, the approximate requirement of material for construction of each stage, the availability
of the skilled mason along with their contact details, source for procurement of the material at
reasonable rate, sources of availability of institutional loan (with details of rate of interest, repayment
period), sanitation of surrounding areas etc.

The States/UTs also facilitate interaction of the beneficiaries during sensitization with the Line
Departments, that are supposed to provide converged services to the beneficiary.

Q.17Is there any provision for procurement of materials from State/District?

Ans.Yes, The States/UTs shall sensitize the selected beneficiaries, preferably at the block level, on a
date fixed by the State/ UT Government on different aspects of housing. This may include the quantum
of assistance, different options of the available house type designs suitable to their area, the approximate
requirement of material for construction of each stage, the availability of the skilled mason along with
their contact details, source for procurement of the material at reasonable rate, sources of
availability of institutional loan sanitation of surrounding areas etc.

Further, Production of building materials including green materials by the SHGs, where feasible,
should be taken up for supply of the same to the beneficiaries of PMAY-G at reasonable cost, thereby
benefitting both the SHGs and the beneficiaries.

Q.18 What is the constitution of Empowered Committee of PMAYG and what are its functions?

Ans.The Empowered Committee is chaired by Secretary (RD) and consist of the of following members:

a) Special Secretary/ Additional Secretary (RD)

b) Joint Secretary/ Dy. Director General / Officer of similar rank in charge of Rural Housing,
Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
c) Adviser, NITI Aayog
d) Representative of National Housing Bank
e) Secretary dealing with Rural Housing, of the State/UT concerned.
f) Representative of Internal Finance Division.

The Committee may co-opt any other person or organization, as required, to assist it in its meetings

The other functions of the Empowered Committee are: -

a) To approve the annual action plan of States/UTs

b) To approve Special Projects
a) To approve State’s criteria for determination of “difficult areas”.
b) To review the programme, suggest studies, measures for promotion of green housing etc.
c) Reallocation of targets
d) To approve supply of construction material including green building materials in lieu of
financial assistance.
e) Any other matters related to PMAY-G

Q. 19 What is the duration of completion of house?

Ans.The construction of house should be completed within 12 months from the date of sanction.
Q. 20 What are the other schemes with which PMAYG has been converged?

Ans.PMAYG has been converged with the following schemes:

For construction of toilets- Convergence with Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SBM-G), MGNREGA
or any other dedicated financing source

Wage employment at the current rates to a PMAY-G beneficiary for construction of his/her house- in
convergence with MGNREGA

Access to safe drinking water-in convergence with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) of Department of Drinking
Water and Sanitation.

Electricity connection through convergence with relevant scheme implemented by Ministry of

Power/State Government/UT Administration.

LPG connections- in convergence with Ujjawala Yojana

Q.21 How is PMAYG monitored?

Ans.Monitoring under PMAY-G is conceived to be multi-level and multi – agency with profuse use of
technology. Monitoring shall be done at the level of Government of India, State/UT Government with
special emphasis on quality and timely completion of house and compliance of green measures, if any.
Monitoring through Performance Index Dashboard helps in identifying areas of improvement and
motivate towards better results in implementation of the programme and ensuring timely completion of
houses against targets assigned.

Q.22 What is MIS?

Ans.AwaasSoft is a bi-lingual (Hindi & English), web based, transactional electronic service delivery
platform to facilitate e-G-governance in PMAY-G. The system has been developed in house by the Rural
Housing Division of Ministry of Rural Development, in collaboration with NIC. The portal is currently
hosted at the url: https://pmayg.nic.in/.All the critical functions of PMAY-G like the identification of
beneficiaries from SECC, fixing of targets, the release of funds, issue of sanction order to the
beneficiary, monitoring of the progress stages of the house construction by the beneficiary and the
release of the assistance amount to the beneficiary, etc. are done through the AwaasSoft.

Q. 23 What is the fund flow system under MIS?

Ans.All the payments from the States (State Nodal Account) to the beneficiary shall be electronically
done through PFMS. The process flow is given below:
Q. 24 Is there a provision for Social Audit under PMAYG?

Ans. Yes, formal Social Audit is to be conducted in every Gram Panchayat at least once in a year,
involving a mandatory review of all aspects.

Q.25 Is there any provision for rehabilitation of families affected by natural calamities, riots,
violence etc.

Ans.Five percent of annual central allocation under PMAY-G, is retained at the Central Government
level as a reserve fund. This fund is used for financing the proposals under Special Projects received
from the States. For Special Project, the States may submit the proposals in respect of the following:

A. Rehabilitation / relocation of families whose houses have been completely /substantially

damaged on account of: -
i. Natural hazards as categorized in the extant National Disaster Management Plan of National
Disaster Management Authority - Flood, earthquake, fire etc.
ii. Law and order problems

B. Settlement of families
i. Affected due to International border issues
ii. Notified under “The Scheduled vil and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Rights) Act, 2006 or its subsequent amendments”
iii. Occupational diseases like silicosis, asbestos, people affected by overuse of pesticides or
individuals who are affected by epidemic diseases such as “Kala-azar”
C. Settlement of surrendered militants and their families
D. New technology demonstration – especially with focus on affordable and green technologies
and using locally available materials.
E. To demonstrate and scale up innovative and sustainable solutions for green housing, special
projects may be taken up by the Ministry and/or in collaboration with different funding and
technology partners.

Q. 26 Where can one get information on the Pradhan MantriAwaas Yojana-Gramin(PMAYG)?

Ans. The information may be obtained from Ministry of Rural Development, State Government &
DRDAs/Gram Panchayat. Information is also available on the website of Ministry of Rural Development
at www.pmayg.nic.in.
Annexure –I
Step 1: Exclusion of pucca houses- All households living in houses with pucca
roof and/or pucca wall and households living in houses with more than 2 rooms
are filtered out.
Step 2: Automatic Exclusion– From the remaining set of households, all
households fulfilling any one of the 13 parameters listed below are
automatically excluded: -
1. Motorised two/three/four-wheeler/ fishing boat
2. Mechanised three/ four-wheeler agricultural equipment
3. Kisan Credit Card with credit limit of Rs.50,000 or above
4. Household with any member as a Government employee
5. Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with the Government
6. Any member of the family earning more than Rs.10,000 per month
7. Paying income tax
8. Paying professional tax
9. Own a refrigerator
10. Own landline phone
11. Own 2.5 acres or more of irrigated land with at least one irrigation equipment
12. 5 acres or more of irrigated land for two or more crop seasons
13. Owning at least 7.5 acres of land or more with at least one irrigation equipment


1. Households without shelter

2. Destitute / living on alms
3. Manual scavengers
4. Primitive Tribal Groups
5. Legally released bonded labourer

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