Sofiana 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 998 012033
Sofiana 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 998 012033
Sofiana 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 998 012033
Abstract. Concern for the environment, especially the pile of plastic waste, is an issue that
needs attention, especially for designers and the communities. How can both of them
contribute to environmental care through the application of sustainable design into existing
facilities in the community? The focus of this paper is how the implementation of
thermoplastics recycled materials (HDPE) for furniture in the painting community can be an
inspiration and educational value for the painting community's action in sustainability. The
paper will be discussed the design process of design inspiration with the implementation of
thermoplastics (HDPE) as a recycled material that can be an inspiration for the painting
community and analyze the application of thermoplastics (HDPE) as recycled materials in
the design process carried out. The research was conducted in descriptive qualitative research
consists of literature review on sustainable design, thermoplastics (HDPE), recycled
materials, and painting community activity and by doing some observation on related design
implementation and how the design process could extend the series of furniture for painting
community. The results of this paper are how the furniture design can be used by the painting
community as an inspiration and educational action for sustainability. The resulting design
is expected to be an inspiration and educational value for other communities and society on
how thermoplastics (HDPE) as recycled materials from waste products can be implemented
for sustainable living.
1. Introduction
Plastic is a widely used material in modern furniture. It was first developed in the 1950s and is still
regularly used today. Plastic implementation has numerous benefits; yet, the detrimental influence it has
on our environment exceeds its positive characteristics. Plastic is currently the ideal material for
packaging and transportation. It's light, inexpensive, flexible, durable, resistant to environmental
changes, and enormously long. All of these benefits have allowed the plastic to take the place of less
environmentally friendly materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, and glass. Plastics are classified into
different categories, with thermoplastics being the most often used polymers in industry. They're
frequently used in packaging and containment applications. The significant issue with plastic packaging
is the negative environmental impact it has in compared to the limited timeframe it is reused. The
packaging primarily acts as a means of transit or protection; once the material inside has been obtained,
the container is discarded. The majority of this plastic does not have a long-term application, resulting
in a substantial trash problem.
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5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
The potential to re-use thermoplastics is an important environmental benefit. However, the industry
has remained uninterested in using recycled plastic in their goods due to low prices in virgin materials,
a lack of technological advancements, and degradation after consumer use. Since the demand for plastic
will increase, re-cycling is the greatest solution for the time being. The number of products that can be
made from renewable thermoplastics needs to be enhanced. Since current market trends require eco-
friendly products, there is no better time than now to promote and produce goods made with recycled.
Then, to promote the use of eco-friendly products that are made from recycling, designers need to
explore more creatively recycled material as an alternative material in their design.
This paper aims to discuss and explore the use of recycled material thermostats (HDPE) as an
alternative material for furniture in a community specifically a painting community, where is community
as a place for people to collaborate, learning and education together. Community is a proper place to
encourage and educate people in the community to be more aware of living sustainably. Through the
community, engagement and awareness about sustainable living can be developed slowly. As Daniels
and Daniels defined that a community is people who live nearby, share public services and private
institutions, and interact socially with one another [1].
Through community activity, people can work together with designers to design a place that is
suitable for people doing art activities. A community that uses its resources to meet current needs while
ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations. A sustainable community seeks a
better quality of life for all its residents while maintaining nature's ability to function over time by
minimizing waste, preventing pollution, promoting efficiency, and developing local resources to
revitalize the local economy. Decision-making in a sustainable community stems from a rich civic life
and shared information among community members. A sustainable community resembles a living
system in which human, natural and economic elements are interdependent and draw strength from each
other [2].
2. Method
The method used in this study is descriptive analysis, which started from collecting data from the
literature reviews regarding the issues of sustainable design, sustainable material, and painting
community activities. Then, the data were analyzed based on the criteria of sustainable design and
material, and assessment facilities in the painting Community. From those aspects, the data will be
developed into the design process, including an interactive design process and design development
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
Art can play a powerful and valuable role in healing the community and fostering dialogue about public
policy. Some research shows that program in Art community includes the painting community foster art
education in society and are effective to bridge the gap between art and community. By using arts
activities such as painting in the community people can learn together and create a creative solution for
a community member. Activities in the painting community can benefit members to learn the art and
also use facilities that support environmental sustainability. To support the message of environmental
awareness, the community can start by using existing facilities in the community using recycled
To integrated the material with the design, the concept of furniture design will be dominated by
dynamic and organic forms developed from the shape of the eye. One of the reasons because of the eye
is the sense of sight that first captures when you want to start the painting. The eyes have an important
role in painting activities, namely to determine the choice of color, shape, and composition. Eyes also
have an implied meaning, language, and feeling. Feelings of sadness, anger, or happiness radiate from
the eyes. Painting is an object that is enjoyed visually. The image will be caught by the eye and channeled
to the brain, then the brain will process the meaning or feeling in the painting. It is for this reason that
the eye became the shape inspiration for this design. The design focused on the facilities that supported
the activities of the painting community with furniture that implementing recycled material.
The design concept implementing in designing the furniture facilities is 'Mata Guratan Hati' where
the eyes are an important role in the process of painting and enjoying a painting. The eye plays a role in
capturing a memory, where the memory is channeled to the brain which will then be processed to find
out the meaning of a painting. The eyes also have an implied language that conveys a person's feelings
or expressions. It's the same with painting, where painting creates an expression in the heart or feelings
of the painter. Therefore, 'Mata Guratan Hati' is a place for the painting community to channel their
expressions and feelings, and to be able to see and participate in appreciating the work of others. The
application of the concept to the design can be seen from the form of furniture facilities which are the
result of a study of the shape of the eye.
As a material combination for the recycled material will be used sungkai wood and plywood that are
coated with wood grain texture HPL as a representation of the word 'stroke' because it has a texture and
wood that looks like strokes. For the application of the word 'heart', it is found in recycled plastic bottles
(HDPE) and iron pipes with powder coating finishing that has a smooth texture, where the heart in a
person is sensitive and soft. The combination of materials from recycled bottle caps and plastic will
produce attractive colors and are suitable to be combined with sungkai wood and plywood.
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
There are two types of plastic, namely thermoset and thermoplastic. Thermosets are plastics whose
constituent polymers are permanently bonded, so they cannot change when they are formed or harden
at cold temperatures. In other words, thermoset-type plastic cannot be melted or recycled. While
thermoplastic is a polymer plastic that hardens at low temperatures and melts at high temperatures.
When heated, they become molten and harden as they cool.
A thermoplastic, on the other hand, becomes crystalline and prone to fracture when frozen. These
irreversible properties, which give the material its name, allow it to be reheated, molded and frozen
multiple times. Thermoplastics are thus mechanically recyclable. Polypropylene, polyethylene,
polyvinylchloride, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polycarbonate are some of the most
prevalent thermoplastics. Thermoplastics are made in large quantities from plants but then transformed
through chemical processing. Polyethylene [low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density
polyethylene (HDPE)], polypropylene (PP), poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC), and polystyrene are some of
the most important thermoplastics [5]. These polymers can be applied in a variety of structural
applications, including wire and light-duty utility. Natural and synthetic fibers are also combined with
thermoplastic polymers. The qualities of thermoplastics that make them a good alternative material are
their ability to handle caustic materials and conditions. They can transfer materials at high temperatures
(hot or cold), making them suitable for almost any form of fluid transport application.
Even though several organizations such as the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) and the British
Wool Marketing Board's 'OneWool' access information about green and sustainable materials, no one is
focusing on creating a comprehensive understanding of environmentally responsible materials [3].
Following that, we will select some of the sustainability indicators that are generally explored when
considering recycled material.
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
The design will also be taken into account when incorporating this material into products, which in this
case will be furniture. When it comes to applying eco-design to furniture, the goal is clear: use the least
amount of resources and energy in the production process while ensuring that the material used is the
most efficient in terms of environmental impact, cost, and social awareness [4]
The process of recycling plastic into furniture or other accessories begins with sorting plastic waste
first, the selected plastic is High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic. After sorting, the plastics are
cleaned first before being crushed or cut into small pieces. After that, place the plastic pieces into a heat-
resistant container to heat to melt into a dough. Then when it has changed shape to become like dough,
print the plastic dough into a mold or mold container to be shaped as desired. After the shape has
hardened, then the recycled material is sanded to be smooth and then polished so that it looks shiny.
The materials used in the design of furniture and accessories are materials that are durable for a long
time, sourced from nature, can be recycled, or are the result of recycling, easy to shape, and easy to
clean. The choice of materials used is wood, rattan, metal, linen, and recycled materials from plastic
bottle waste. The selection of recycled materials from plastic bottle waste will be applied to the painting
table because the material is easy to clean and waterproof. In addition to the table, it will also be applied
to furniture and other interior accessories. Especially for chair furniture, recycled plastic bottle material
is applied in the form of a rope that is on the back of the chair.
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
5th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 998 (2022) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/998/1/012033
4. Conclusion
The aim of this paper is to be seen as a contribution to the advancement of evidence-based biophilic
interior design solutions for health care environments such as hospice care. Interdisciplinary research
and the guidelines proposed are hypotheses as to how to further design for human well-being with
nature. They provide support and design considerations for normal psychological responses in the
healthcare environment. Because of the interdisciplinary complexity of biophilic interior healthcare
architecture, one significant consequence for future work that stems from that interdisciplinarity can be
emphasized here. Such features are also particularly relevant to consider in the sense of an indoor health
environment since they can answer many of the patients' physical and psychological responses to well-
[1] Daniels T and Daniels K 2003 The Environmental Planning Handbook: for Sustainable
Communities and Regions Chicago: American Planning Association.
[2] Roseland M 2012 Toward Sustainable Communities 4th ed. British Columbia: New Society
[3] Jones L 2008 Environmentally Responsible Design: Green and Sustainable design for interior
designers John Wiley & Sons.
[4] Yüksel E and Kiliç M 2015 Eco-friendly approach in furniture design Paper presented at the
Research for Furniture Industry 27th International Conference.
[5] PlasticsEurope 2016 Plastics The Facts 2016 An analysis of European plastics production
demand and waste data. Retrieved from http://www.
plastics_the_facts_2016_final_version.pdf Accessed: 08/6/2021
[6] BrothersMake 2019 Beginner’s Guide to melting HDPE-How to make recycled plastic pen Retrieved from 08/6/2021.