Stevens 2007
Stevens 2007
Stevens 2007
Abstract. With the U.S. facing a decline in science, math and engineering skills,
there is a need for educators in these fields to team with engineers and cognitive
scientists to pioneer novel approaches to science education. There is a strong
need for the incorporation problem solving and emerging neuroscience
technologies into mainstream classrooms, and for students and teachers to
experience what it means at a very personal level, to engage in and struggle with
solving difficult science problems. An innovating and engaging way of doing
this is by making the problem solving process visible through the use of real-
time electroencephalography cognitive metrics. There are educational, task, and
measurement challenges that must be addressed to accomplish this goal. In this
paper we detail some of these challenges, and possible solutions, to develop a
framework for a new set of Interactive Neuro-Educational Technologies (I-Net).
1 Introduction
Science educators are increasingly being pressured to make their efforts more
effective, efficient and relevant to the needs of today’s workforce. Promoting "…an
individual's capacities to use cognitive processes to confront and resolve real, cross-
disciplinary situations where the solution path is not immediately obvious" is a
worldwide educational priority (National Research Council, 2005, OECD, 2004). As
tasks and problems become more complex, students face greater demands to hold and
manipulate many forms of data in working memory. The burden placed on working
memory (i.e., cognitive load) in these situations can have a significant impact on
students’ abilities to perform learning tasks and to benefit from them, because
working memory capacity is limited (Baddeley, 2003, Sweller, 1989, 1994). Given
the increasing consolidation of job functions within the workforce, the reality is that
students will be assuming more responsibility for learning and decision making in the
future, and will be increasingly confronted by data / information overload.
While students are individually struggling with increased mental demands, it is
becoming more difficult for teachers to support their learning in meaningful cognitive
D.D. Schmorrow, L.M. Reeves (Eds.): Augmented Cognition, HCII 2007, LNAI 4565, pp. 47–56, 2007.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
48 R.H. Stevens, T. Galloway, and C. Berka
ways. With limited training resources and staff size, rapid identification of students
who are / are not developing problem solving skills has remained elusive (National
Research Council, 2004). Part of the challenge is cognitive. Strategic problem solving
is complex with skill level development being influenced by the balance of the task
and the experience and knowledge of the student. Another challenge is observational.
Assessment of problem solving requires real-world tasks that are not immediately
resolvable and require movement among structural, visual and auditory
representations. Lastly, there are challenges of how rapidly valid inferences of the
cognitive state of a student can be made and reported from the performance data.
Application of neurophysiologic solutions, especially electroencephalography
(EEG) to education offers cutting-edge approaches to these educational challenges.
First, with a temporal resolution of seconds or milliseconds the goal of real-time
feedback could optimize engagement and cognitive workload during learning. As
EEG data collection occurs without interfering with normal task-driven cognition, it
can provide an assessment of cognitive load that is not confounded by strong
measurement effects. Further on the horizon would be the use of brain-computer
interfaces to drive learning in ways that remain in the domain of science fiction.
With today’s technologies, classroom-wide application of EEG during educational
tasks could individualize the learning experience in specific ways. For example:
Existing monitoring devices could detect situations where the student is simply not
ready to learn. This could arise through sleep deprivation, a common occurrence
among pre-teens and teens (Meijer et al, 2000), or excessive stress / poor stress
management. Under these situations classroom instruction may fail, and errors in the
learning process will increase
There may also be situations where the task exceeds the individual’s immediate
ability to mentally model the problem due to the difficulty of the task with respect to
content / language and the student cannot be adequately engaged in the learning
process although they are motivated to do so. This would be evidenced either by
disengagement or ‘thrashing’, (acquiring excessive data while not engaged or while
not processing it), conditions that could lead to poor decision making. Finally there
are conditions where distractions and constraints in the environment combine to make
a task that a student would normally easily learn, difficult. Such constraints include
time pressure, noise, distraction and/or peer pressure. Were these situations quickly
recognized and corrected then learning could become accelerated and more
Throughout education, there is a wide gap in translating the findings of cognitive
neuroscientists into everyday educational practice (Goswami, 2006). The challenges
are multi-factorial involving issues of diffusion of innovations, disconnects between
scientists and educators, and issues of technology and turf. In this paper we draw from
multiple perspectives of technology and education to explore possible pathways for
taking I-NET into the messy world of real tasks and classroom environments. We first
outline the major challenges along the way and close with a near vision of what these
approaches can contribute to improving the learning of students.
Our starting framework for situating I-NET tools in education includes the:
• Parameters for measures and devices
• Approaches for situating neurophysiologic measures in education,
Integrating Innovative Neuro-educational Technologies 49
events. The analogous components in problem solving are framing, navigation and
investigation, and closure.
Navigation and Integration. Once the problem is framed the next important step is
the identification of the most relevant resources available to solve the problem. All
IMMEX tasks contain a hierarchy of resources that students navigate while gathering
information. Figure 1 shows the problem space for Phyto Phyasco which consists of 5
major categories, each containing multiple sub categories of information.
The top menus are mainly used for problem space navigation. The sub menu items
to the left are more decision making points as there is a cost or risk associated with
each. In the problem set Phyto Phyasco there are 38 choices. What results is a
dynamic iterative process of data collection and integration from which the solution to
the problem is derived.
This is a complex process as few students solve IMMEX problems using the same
sequence of actions, and currently it is not possible to determine from the framing,
navigation, and decision events alone whether the student will solve the problem.
Some students may have the relevant information in hand but do not understand the
significance of it in the context of the problem. Other students through either bias or
poor framing will never acquire the most useful information. Still others will access all
the available information in a non-discriminating way without a clear hypothesis.
Probabilistic descriptions of navigation and integration can provide a proxy for student
understanding, but the models often lack the precision and temporal updating needed
for a global metric of student’s situation awareness (Stevens & Casillas, 2006).
During efficient navigation and investigation, students often demonstrated a cycling
of the B-Alert cognitive indexes characterized by relatively high workload and low
engagement which then switched to lower workload and higher engagement. These
cycle switches were often, but not always associated with selection of new data items.
Integrating Innovative Neuro-educational Technologies 53
Fig. 1. Sample IMMEX™ simulation. In the Phyto Phyasco simulation, potato plants are dying
and the student must identify the cause by examining weather conditions, nutrients, etc.
Students navigate throughout the problem space using the Main Menu and select data to make
decisions using the Sub Menu Items.
Multiple EEG correlates exist that are useful for understanding the navigation and
integration events. On complex tasks, humans seem to use prior information to
generate predictive codes for anticipated future events and continually compare
incoming data with these codes (Summerfield et al, 2006). Perception-related evoked
response potentials (ERP) similar to the auditory mismatch negativity (MMN)
(Naatanen, 2001), may be observed when data is displayed that is not consistent with
the current hypothesis. The absence of such signals could also be important if a
deviant source of data was not recognized when presented.
It is also likely that there will be differences in engagement and workload when
specific items of data are seen for the first time vs. subsequent times. The first time a
piece of data is examined the student must categorize both the representation of the
data, as well as associate the importance of the data to the context of the problem.
Once the representation of the data is understood then the subsequent data viewing
should only relate to the problem context and workload and engagement measures
would be expected to be shorter or lower. At the level of ERP, a decrease in the latency
of the P300 wave may be seen once the data representation is learned (Luck, 1998).
54 R.H. Stevens, T. Galloway, and C. Berka
Fig. 2. Prototype I-NET interface for linking EEG measures of workload, distraction and
engagement with details of the tasks and probabilistic models of problem solving performance
and progress. While the interface itself is not yet functional, the tasks, EEG readings and
machine learning model reports are actual student performance data.
Acknowledgements. This project has been funded by several grants from the
National Science Foundation, (DUE- 01236050, REC-02131995, NSF-ROLE
0528840, HRD-0429156, DUE-0512526) whose support is gratefully acknowledged.
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