Unit 4 - Final
Unit 4 - Final
Unit 4 - Final
Inferential statistics: SPSS can be used to conduct hypothesis tests such as t-tests, ANOVA,
and chi-square tests, which allow researchers to test whether differences between groups are
statistically significant.
Regression analysis: SPSS can be used to conduct regression analyses, which allow
researchers to model relationships between variables and make predictions based on those
Factor analysis: SPSS can be used to conduct factor analyses, which allow researchers to
identify underlying factors that explain patterns in the data.
Overall, SPSS is a powerful tool for data analysis and can be used for a wide range of research
Editing of data is a process of examining the collected
raw data to detect errors and omissions and to correct
these when possible.
Clarity responses
Makes Omissions
Avoid biased editing
Make judgements
Check handwriting
Recontact the respondent
1. Field Editing