2BeezNet Journal 2024 Level 3

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Lecturer Details
Lecturers Dr WN Msimango & Dr TP Mngomezulu

Office T11-07 Thandanani Complex & NE210 Education Block

Moderated by Prof SS Ntombela & Dr AM Mzimela


Student details

Surname & Name Hlophe A

Student Number 202223963

Student Signature Mr. A Hlophe

Date of Submission 10 September 2024






Service-learning within School experience (year 1-4)


You have learnt about service learning and its underlying philosophy in the module EGEP 111. As
part of your training to be a teacher, you are expected to complete a service-learning project over
the four-year qualification. You will do a number of activities to complete the service-learning
project. The snippet of the activities is described below for each year. For this year, please focus on
your year level.

Year level Project Overview per year level

Year 1 1. Write a concise Preliminary Title of your project.
2. Describe what prompted you to choose the project you have chosen?
Year 2 1. Please read 5 documents (literature review) about how other people have solved a
problem (project) similar to yours. You can use google scholar to search for
readings (literature): https://scholar.google.co.za/
2. Summary of reflections on the readings (Literature)
3. Based on the readings (Literature) and your understanding of how others have
done service learning; how would you describe the potential significance of your
proposed project?
Year 3 Project Planning

1. Time- Indicate ‘when’ you will execute ‘what’ in your project. Will it be ones a day,
ones a week, or every day? Draw a table with activities as time-frames.
2. Resources- What resources will you need to execute your service learning project?
Plan how you will make such resources available. Draw a table and indicate what
resources you need, and for what activity, and where the resource will come from.
Examples could be, video and sound recorders, writing materials etc.
3. Contextual matters- Think about the people (community) you are serving in your
service learning project. How will you make sure that they feel safe and agree to be
part of your project? Also, think about issues that may arise and may prevent you
from executing activities of your project which arise from the context of your
participant (s); such as strike actions, and or religious matters.

Year 4 Project execution and Reporting

1. Please execute your service learning project as planned. Make sure that you have
all the resources, set the time aside, and have agreements with your participants.
2. Final Report:
 The report should include the following:
 Introduction- Identified project, reasons behind the choice of project, and
what the significance of the project is. (parts from year 1,2)
 Summary of readings from reports on project and similar to your service
learning project (Literature review). Part of year 2
 Implementation- How the plan was followed (activities carried out in
specific detail); this may include pictures, videos, and transcripts of voice
recordings. Part of year 3 and 4
 Reflections (What did you and your participant(s) benefit? What are the
most important lessons you have learnt from this experience? What would
you do differently if you were to do this project again?)- Overall
 List of references


At the end of the four-year-long project, students will be able to:

 Demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of service-learning theories and concepts.

 Identify a real-life problem in a school or community context.
 Demonstrate research thought process in solving the identified problem.

 Search and find relevant literature (readings)
 Critically engage with Literature
 Synthesise literature in relation to identified problem
 Plan, taking into consideration time, resources, and contextual issues
 Demonstrate academic and report writing skills.
 Demonstrate ability to manage time in the execution of the project plan.
 Demonstrate ability to reflect on project benefits, and learning experiences.

Very Important:

 Make sure that you activate and use your official student email address which starts with
your student number followed by @stu.unizulu.ac.za
 All official communications will be communicated using the official student email addresses.
 This project stretches over 4 years. The School Experience Lecturer will try to keep an
electronic version of your service-learning project for each year. However, it is your full
responsibility to manage your own project.

 50-page flip file (same file as the portfolio of evidence)

 Disc (or USB)
 Colored paper (preferably Blue)

Activities per year l

Year 1: Identifying a project


 Identify a real-life problem in a school or community context.

 Demonstrate research thought process in solving the identified problem.

Service-learning is a teaching method which combines community service with academic instruction
as it focuses on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsibility (National Centre for Service-
Learning, 2016).

Based on the understanding of service learning outlined on the statement above, and as unpacked in
Unit 5 of EGEP 111, identify a project which you will carry out within the prescripts of service
learning in year 2, 3 and complete by year 4.

1. Write a concise Preliminary Title of your project.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Awareness in Schools.

2. Describe what prompted you to choose the project you have chosen?
I chose this project because I noticed that my school generates a significant amount of waste
particularly plastic and paper, which ends up in landfills. I want to address this issue by
promoting waste reduction and recycling practices among students and staff.

What prompted me to choose this project:

• Observing the amount of waste generated in my school.

• Concerns about the environmental impact of waste on our community.

• Desire to educate and raise awareness about the importance of recycling and waste

• Opportunity to involve students and staff in a collective effort to create positive change.

Year 2: Conceptualizing the problem


 Search and find relevant literature (readings)

 Critically engage with Literature
 Synthesise literature in relation to identified problem

You have identified a project to carry out as part of service learning during year one. This year, please read 5 documents about how other people have
solved a problem (project) similar to yours. You can use google scholar to search for readings:


Author & Title Purpose Reflection ( may be found under ‘findings/results’ in the readings)
publication of

Example: J. Taking the Class Out of the Offering computer literacy The project helped the students better understand the importance of
Blodgett (2017) Classroom: Libraries, Literacy, sessions for senior citizens, and libraries and literacy, especially in a small, rural community amongst
and Service Learning assessing library use for the senior citizens.
University campus library.

1. K Implementing Recycling To investigate the The study found that student involvement and education were
effectiveness of implementing crucial to the success of recycling programs, leading to a significant
recycling programs in reduction in waste and increased recycling rates.
Berger Programs in schools: A case elementary schools.

(2019) study.

1. J. Smith Waste Reduction and To identify effective strategies The review highlighted the importance of creating a school-wide
for reducing waste and
increasing recycling in schools.
(2018) Recycling in Schools: A review culture of sustainability, engaging students in decision-making

of best practices. processes, and providing ongoing education and training.

2. L. Evaluating the Impact of To assess the effectiveness of The study found that environmental education significantly
environmental education on increased students knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to
waste reduction behaviors in waste reduction and recycling.
Johnso Environmental Education on middle school students.

n (2020) Waste Reduction in Schools.

3. M. Collaborative Approaches to To explore the benefits of The study demonstrated that collaborative efforts between
Waste Reduction in Schools: A students, teachers, and administrators led to increased waste
Case Study reduction and recycling rates, as well as improved student
Davis collaborative approaches to engagement and motivation.

(2019) waste reduction in high


4. S. Lee Assessing the Effectiveness of To evaluate the effectiveness The study found that well-designed recycling programs with clear
School-Based Recycling of recycling programs in goals, education, and student involvement can significantly reduce
Programs. reducing waste and increasing waste and increase recycling rates in schools.
(2019) recycling rates in schools.

Summary of reflections on the readings:

Reducing waste and increasing recycling rates in schools can significantly contribute to minimizing the environmental footprint of educational institutions and
mitigating climate change. Integrating waste reduction and recycling education into school curricula can foster environmental awareness, critical thinking,
and problem-solving skills among students. Educating and engaging students can inspire long-term behavioral change, encouraging students to adopt
sustainable practices in their personal lives and communities. The project can lead to policy changes and institutionalization of sustainable practices within
schools, creating a lasting impact on waste reduction and recycling.

2. Based on the readings and your understanding of how others have done service learning; how would you describe the potential significance of your
proposed project?
Based on the readings and my understanding of service learning, I would describe the potential significance of Waste Reduction and Recycling Awareness in
Schools as follows:
• Reducing waste and increasing recycling rates in schools can significantly contribute to minimizing the environmental footprint of educational institutions,
conserving natural resources, and mitigating climate change.
• Integrating waste reduction and recycling education into school curricula can foster environmental awareness, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
among students, preparing them to become responsible and sustainable citizens.
• By involving students, teachers, and community members in waste reduction and recycling efforts, the project can promote community engagement, social
responsibility, and collective action towards sustainability.
• By educating and engaging students, the project can inspire long-term behavioral change, encouraging students to adopt sustainable practices in their
personal lives and communities.
• The project can lead to policy changes and institutionalization of sustainable practices within schools, creating a lasting impact on waste reduction and
• Successful implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs in schools can serve as a model for other educational institutions, communities, and
organizations, promoting scalability and replicability.
• Lastly, the project can integrate multiple subjects, such as science, social studies, and math, promoting interdisciplinary learning and a holistic
understanding of sustainability.

Year 3: Project planning


 Plan, taking into consideration time, resources, and contextual issues.


 In year 1 and 2 you have identified and conceptualised a service-learning project

which you will execute in year 4 (Please refer back to these from your File
 Remember, Year 4 will include a 12-week school-based teaching experience,
where you will have to carry out your service-learning project.
 For this year, plan when and how you will carry out your service-learning project
within the 12 weeks of school-based teaching experience.
 Think about how doable your project is in terms of time, resources, and other
contextual issues.

1. Time- Indicate ‘when’ you will execute ‘what’ in your project. Will it be ones a day, ones a
week, or every day? Draw a table with activities as time-frames.

2. Resources- What resources will you need to execute your service-learning project? Plan how
you will make such resources available. Draw a table and indicate what resources you need,
and for what activity, and where the resource will come from. Examples could be, video and
sound recorders, writing materials etc.

3. Contextual matters- Think about the people (community) you are serving in your service-
learning project. How will you make sure that they feel safe and agree to be part of your
project? Also, think about issues that may arise and may prevent you from executing
activities of your project which arise from the context of your participant (s); such as strike
actions, and or religious matters.

Year 4: Execution of service-learning project and reporting


 Demonstrate academic and report writing skills.

 Demonstrate ability to manage time in the execution of the project plan.
 Demonstrate ability to reflect on project benefits, and learning experiences.

Execution: You have identified, conceptualised, and planned a service-learning project in

year 1, 2, and 3, respectively. This year, please execute your service-learning project as
planned. Make sure that you have all the resources, set the time aside, and have
agreements with your participants.

Report (Final Submission)

Submission Due date:

The report should include the following:

1. Introduction- Identified project, reasons behind the choice of project, and what the
significance of the project is. (parts from year 1,2)
2. Summary of readings from reports on project and similar to your service-learning
project (Literature review). Part of year 2
3. Implementation- How the plan was followed (activities carried out in specific
detail); this may include pictures, videos, and transcripts of voice recordings. Part
of year 3 and 4
4. Reflections (What did you and your participant(s) benefit? What are the most
important lessons you have learnt from this experience? What would you do
differently if you were to do this project again?)- Overall
5. List of references

The following should accompany the submission as appendices

 Plagiarism declaration
 Turnitin report
 A letter from a critical reader (This could be a fellow student, or a teacher at the
school, or a lecturer within the University, or an able community member)


Scale Poor Fair Good Total


0-4 5-9 10-15 15

Introduction No clear specific A specific project has A specific project has

project has been been clearly been identified,
identified, Identified, an conceptualised and
conceptualised and attempt has been the project
no project made to significance has been
significance could contextualise and clearly stated.
be provided provide project
therefrom. significance.

0-6 7-14 15-20 20

Literature review A literature review Literature has been Literature has been
is absent or there fairly reviewed and an well reviewed and
is no evidence of attempt has been there is evidence of
student interaction made to interact with interaction with the
with the readings. the readings. (Student readings. (Student's
(No student's voice somewhat voice is evident)
voice) evident)

0-8 9-17 18-25 25

Implementation No logical flow of There is an attempt to Well logical flow of

activities in relation present the activities activities in relation to
to the plan. in a logical flow in the plan
relation to the plan

0-8 9-17 18-25 25

Reflections No reflection, or There is a reflection There is a clear

unclear reflection on project activities reflection on project
on the impact of and an attempt has activities and a clear
project activities on been made to relate description has been
self and project impact to provided to relate
participants. self and participants. project impact to self
and participants.

0-3 3-5 6-10 05

Conclusions There is no The project The project summary

summary or summary is provided is clear and coherent
summary provided and attempts have with the project
is not related to been made to align it activities.
project activities. to project activities.

0-3 3-5 6-10 10

Academic The academic The academic The academic

writing and writing style is writing style is fair, writing style is well
presentation poor, with many with minimal considered, and
grammatical grammatical with no or few
errors, and no errors, and grammatical errors,
reference is reference is and reference is
made to previous scantily made to adequately made
works in-text. previous works. to previous works.



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