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Qp. Qp.

Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
No. U

1. 1 How would you define JEE?

1. 2 Can you justify why Servlet is important?

1. 3 Why do you think Socket play major role?

1. 4 How do you explain web socket?

1. 5 What explanation do you have Transaction API?

1. 6 What do you remember about EJB components?

1. 7 Discuss the pros and cons of Distributed multi tiered Application?

1. 8 How to explain web-tier component?

1. 9 Define JEE server.

1. 10 How would you present EIS?

2. 1 Can you explain the Application client?

2. 2 What do you observe about Applet?

2. 3 What is Business component?

2. 4 Mention the use of EJB Component?

2. 5 Why web container is important?

2. 6 What you understand about EJB container?

2. 7 Why MVC architecture is important to develop web application?

2. 8 What can you point out view layer?

2. 9 Compare and contrast of .JAR and .WAR file?

2. 10 How to create .Jar file in Java EE framework?

3. 1 What would you observe Spring framework?

3. 2 Discuss the advantages of Spring Framework?

3. 3 How you improve the IOC?

3. 4 Define Inversion of Control?

3. 5 Can you suggest why Spring web service using MVC?

3. 6 What you remember about Spring web service?

3. 7 What is Bean Factory?

3. 8 What would the result be if bean is not used in Framework?

3. 9 Elaborate on Dependency injection?

3. 10 How would you define @autowired?

4. 1 What you understand about Spring MVC?

4. 2 Discuss the pros and cons of Spring MVC framework?

4. 3 What is use of View layer in MVC architecture?

4. 4 Why Abstraction is required in ORM in spring boot?

4. 5 How do you explain metadata in ORM?

4. 6 Can you define JNDI?

4. 7 What you observe on @controller?

4. 8 What is use of POJO class?

4. 9 Can you define Dispatch servlet?

4. 10 Define Aspect oriented Programming.

5. 1 Can you justify why ORM is important in spring boot?

5. 2 How would you differentiate between ORM and JDBC?

5. 3 What do you think about JDBC?

5. 4 List out the Advantages of Object relational mapping?

5. 5 Mention some ORM tools to create web application?

5. 6 How to justify , Why ORM is better than JDBC?

5. 7 How to import naming interface in JNDI?

5. 8 How do you explain, Why bind() is important?

5. 9 What explanation do you have bind()

5. 10 How to search the attributes in Directory packages?

6. 1 How to use event() in JNDI?

6. 2 How would you present naming directory?

6. 3 What do you observe about naming packages?

6. 4 What do you observe about lookup in JNDI?

6. 5 How can you point out about lookup?

6. 6 List out some methods of Directory packages?

6. 7 What would the result be if LDAP is not used in Application?

6. 8 How to retrieve the attributes in JNDI?

6. 9 How would you identify getattribute()

6. 10 Discuss the pros and cons of JNDI?

7. 1 Can you suggest why session Factory is required?

7. 2 What you remember about session factory?

7. 3 Can you suggest why session is required?

7. 4 What would you observe session?

7. 5 How would you identify Transaction?

7. 6 Can you justify why Entity manager is required?

7. 7 What can you point out about Entity transaction ?

7. 8 Elaborate on JPA?

7. 9 How would you Differentiate JPA and Hibernate?

7. 10 What would the result be if JPA is not used in Framework?

8. 1 How would you define Hibernate?

8. 2 How would you prioritize Hibernate?

8. 3 Discuss the pros and cons of JPA Annotations?

8. 4 How would you identify @entity?

8. 5 What would the result be if entity is not used in Framework?

8. 6 What do you understand about @orderby?

8. 7 What you observe on @Table?

8. 8 Can you justify why Connection provider is important?

8. 9 How to generate Automation of table creation?

8. 10 What do you think about Transaction factory?

9. 1 What do you observe Web security??

9. 2 Why JWT is required in Web Applications?

9. 3 Write the Advantages of JWT?

9. 4 What are the uses of JSON Web Token?

9. 5 Define the Structure of JWT?

9. 6 How to create Header in JWT?

9. 7 What do you observe Oath?

9. 8 What are the Oauth Four Roles?

9. 9 What you remember about Resource server?

9. 10 How do you observe Authorization Server?

10. 1 How to create the Access Token?

10. 2 What would the result be if authorization code is not used in Application?

10. 3 Can you suggest about callback()?

10. 4 Why Grant type is required?

10. 5 Why Device code is required?

10. 6 What do you understand about Abstract protocol flow?

10. 7 What are the steps are required to register the Application?

10. 8 What is the use of Client ID?

10. 9 Discuss the advantages of JWT?

10. 10 How to create the JSON web token?

Part – B ( 5 x 13 = 65 Marks)

11.a. 1 Analyse and Apply how to implement java EE multi-tiered application divided in 3
different tiers ?

11.a. 2 Analyse and Describe briefly about Web Components and Business Components with

11.a. 3 How would you elaborate on the reason about Java EE specification defines the following
Java EE components with neat diagram?

11.a. 4 How can you classify Java EE container and its types with neat diagram? (6)
How would you compare and contrast Web Components and Web Container? (7)

11.a. 5 How would you demonstrate about Model View controller (MVC) Architecture and
packaging with implementation example?

11.a. 6 How to implement the application based on the Java Beans component architecture to
manage the data flow.

11.a. 7 Can you elaborate in detail about Distributed multi-tiered Application with neat diagram?

11.a. 8 How to implement the web application using Java EE specification and defines the Java EE
components in detail?

11.a. 9 How would you demonstrate the main components of the J2EE application? (6)
Compare and Analyze of Application client module, Web Module and EJB module ? (7)

11.a. 10 To develop a Simple Web Application in Model-view-Controller Design Pattern and

Mention its advantages?

11.b. 1 To implement a simple web application, The Cab Management System is a web-based
solution for this manual tedious work and helps the agencies manage the data very easily.
Travel agencies have to manage a lot of cars/buses with the details of drivers and a lot of

11.b. 2 Write the code to create the application creation, and process it into the
source code repository using Maven and mention need for Maven and its features

11.b. 3 How does Maven work?What are the different types of Maven repositories? What is the
settings.xml file in Maven?Explain in detail

11.b. 4 Develop an MVC Web Application? Create an Appointment Scheduler can be a web-based
software application that can help these people in the effective management of their time
and keeping records of all the appointments and meetings.

11.b. 5 Write down the steps and code snippets for creating a simple application for login a website
using maven.

11.b. 6 How would you demonstrate Maven, Discuss the steps and implement the code snippets for
creating a financial application using maven?

11.b. 7 Explain the following

i. Application clients components. (3)
ii. Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technology components. (3)
iii. Business Components (Enterprise JavaBeans). (3)
iv. Resource adaptor components. (4)

11.b. 8 Explain the following

I.Applets (3)
ii. Application clients (4)
iii.Java Web Start-enabled clients (3)
Iv.Wireless clients (3)

11.b. 9 I. How would you differentiate between Servlet and JSP? (7)
II. Discuss the pros and cons of J2EE Framework? (6)

11.b. 10 I. What do you observe by @RequestMapping annotation? (6)

II. Analyze in Spring MVC framework, what is controller? (7)

12.a. 1 Discuss about Spring Framework architecture and spring framework modules with neat

12.a. 2 Explain the following

(i)Spring IOC (6)
(ii) Spring Framework modules (7)

12.a. 3 Discuss briefly about Inversion of Control and its types of IOC containers?

12.a. 4 Compare Java Bean , Pojo Class and Spring Beans? Discuss about Bean factory and
Application Context with an example program?

12.a. 5 How many modules are there in Spring Framework and what are they? Explain in detail
with suitable program?

12.a. 6 How would you determine the facts about Dependency Injection constructor with an
example program?

12.a. 7 i. What do you mean by Dependency Injection? In how many ways can Dependency
Injection be done? (6)
How many types of IOC containers are there in spring? Differentiate between Bean-factory
and Application-context.(7)

12.a. 8 Analyze how to create the web application using Spring web model-view-controller with
architecture diagram? Discuss the pros and cons of spring MVC in spring boot framework?

12.a. 9 Elaborate the Bean life cycle in the Spring framework?Discuss the features of Spring

12.a. 10 How does the Spring MVC flow look like? In other words, How does a DispatcherServlet
know what Controller needs to be called when there is an incoming request to the Spring

12.b. 1 Explain the following

(i) Initializing a Spring Boot Project (4)
(ii) Connecting Spring Boot to the Database (4)
(iii)Creating a user model (3)

12.b. 2 How can you compare the different types of annotation using in Spring with an example
12.b. 3 Discuss about http calls (GET, POST, PUT, etc) with annotations with example program?
What information would you use to prioritize this HTTP calls?

12.b. 4 What do you observe by @RequestMapping annotation? (6)

Analyze in Spring MVC framework, what is controller? (7)

12.b. 5 (i)Explain the bean scopes supported by Spring? (7)

(ii)Explain the Bean life-cycle in the Spring framework? (6)

12.b. 6 What actions would you take to perform using different modes of auto wiring? (7)
What is Spring Java-Based Configuration? Give some annotation examples? (6)

12.b. 7 How would you express Spring AOP framework.? How would you demonstrate types of
Advices in detail.

12.b. 8 Build a spring project implementing the springdao to store and retrieve the all the data.
Create a variable inside Student.java • id -int • name - String write the relevant methods to
store and retrieve the Students details?

12.b. 9 What information would you use to prioritize to develop the business application using
annotations based configuration and implicit constructor injection with example?

12.b. 10 Analyze how to create the controller class by using two annotations @controller and
@requestmapping with example program?

13.a. 1 How can you classify about LDAP packages and Naming packages?
What actions would you take to perform using JNDI LDAP packages?

13.a. 2 I. How to simplify the Database operation using ORM and Discuss briefly about ORM
with diagram?(7)
Discuss the pros and cons of JDBC?(6)

13.a. 3 How would you elaborate about JNDI Architecture with neat diagram and explain its

13.a. 4 How would you explain the reason for JNDI and Explain briefly about JNDI Architecture
with neat diagram and explain its packages?

13.a. 5 How would you determine about Java naming packages and its methods and properties ,
Explain with example program?

13.a. 6 Explain briefly the following

(i)Naming packages(7)
(ii) Directory packages(6)

13.a. 7 How would you present following packages in detail

I. javax.naming.directory (4)
II. javax.naming (5)
Iii. javax.naming.ldap (4)
13.a. 8 Analyse and Apply how to implement about ORM in spring boot with neat diagram and
mention its advantages and disadvantages?

13.a. 9 How would you explain the reason for JNDI and Explain briefly about JNDI Architecture
with neat diagram and explain its packages?

13.a. 10 To implement the School Management System is a Java application that stores records of
schools be it related to students, teachers, and staff using JNDI

13.b. 1 Develop Supermarket system is a Java project that is usually built for keeping the sales
recording made on a daily basis. It uses a MySQL database for recording the data of the
users, products, and orders made by the user (customer) using JNDI naming packages

13.b. 2 How would you retrieve associated with objects stored in the directory by using Directory
Package methods? Explain with example program?

13.b. 3 How would you determine the facts of Event and service provider packages with example

13.b. 4 How do we use LDAP to work with a directory service?Why we need JNDI if
communication to systems via LDAP is possible?

13.b. 5 How to To create a JNDI DataSource object and Discuss briefly about Tomcat DataSource
JNDI with its classification types?

13.b. 6 How would you demonstrate, How to configure DataSource in JNDI context and explain its
three different ways with implementation example?

13.b. 7 Explain the following

i. Bind() (3)
ii. Lookup() (3)
iii. Getattributes() (3)
iv. List() (4)

13.b. 8 Discuss briefly about the command components of JNDI Data source object and explain
how to create Data source object with example program?

13.b. 9 How to configure DataSource in JNDI context and explain its three different components in
detail with example program?

13.b. 10 To create an simple application for A Text-Based Adventure game, built using Java in
ORM tool.

14.a. 1 i.What is Hibernate? Explain the Hibernate Framework architecture with neat diagram? (6)
ii. How would you compare and contrast Hibernate and JPA?(7)

14.a. 2 How would you demonstrate common implementations of JPA ? Discuss about Hibernate
Framework architecture with neat diagram?

14.a. 3 Explain briefly about elements of Hibernate Framework architecture with neat diagram?
14.a. 4 How would you express Hibernate? Discuss about elements of Hibernate Framework
architecture with neat diagram?What would the result be if Hibernate is not used in

14.a. 5 Write down the steps and code snippets for creating a simple application for login in
Hibernate Application with six steps? And explain the steps in detail?

14.a. 6 How to create the persistence class and how to map the persistence class and create the
configuration file?

14.a. 7 Explain the following

i.Create the Persistent class 5
ii. Create the mapping file for Persistent class 4
iii.Create the Configuration file 4

14.a. 8 How to create the first hibernate application without IDE. For creating the first hibernate
application, what are steps need to follow?.Explain in detail.

14.a. 9 Explain and implement how to create the simple Hibernate Application and run without

14.a. 10 I. What does the Session Factory interface do in Hibernate? (6)

What is Hibernate and explain the method and properties of Hibernate? (7)

14.b. 1 Discuss briefly about method and properties of Hibernate? And explain with example

14.b. 2 How would you determine the facts about Java Entity manager? Explain the important roles
of an entity manager?

14.b. 3 How would you Creating an entity manager factory object and initializing an entity
manager with example program?

14.b. 4 Elaborate in detail about JPA Annotations for mapping java object to database table in

14.b. 5 How to develop the web application for user Management system project in Hibernate
framework platform.

14.b. 6 How would you elaborate Entity manager? Explain about Entity relationships with example

14.b. 7 How to create an object referenced by an entity is managed by entity manager. Write the
Steps to persist an entity object in JPA?.

14.b. 8 Discuss about the following

(i)One to One Entity relationship (7)
(ii) one to many Entity relationship (6)

14.b. 9 To develop a Simple Web Application in Hibernate framework using one to one Entity
relationship with example program?
14.b. 10 To build a simple application using JPA Entity relationships? How would you compare and
contrast Hibernate and JPA?

15.a. 1 What is JWT? Explain briefly about the structure of JWT and its components with an neat

15.a. 2 When should you use JSON Web Tokens? How to encode and decode the information by
using JWT components?

15.a. 3 a) What is JWT? How does it work? (6)

b) Explain briefly about structure of JWT with neat diagram? (7)

15.a. 4 a)Discuss about components of JWT? (7)

b)What is JWT? Mention some advantages of JWT? (6)

15.a. 5 How would you demonstrate JWT structure and configuration with example program?
Discuss the pros and cons of JWT?

15.a. 6 To Create an simple web application with JWTOAUTH2 for Web security framework?

15.a. 7 Discuss briefly about JSON Web Token Authentication with neat diagram and Explain in
detail about Header , payload and Signature?

15.a. 8 a) How to design issues and flawed handling of JSON web tokens? (7)
b) Mention the uses of JSON Web Tokens
(i) Authentication (3)
(ii) Information Exchange (3)

15.a. 9 To Create an Online booking application with JWTOAUTH2 for Web security framework?

15.a. 10 How to develop an Online banking Application and provide the web security using JSON
web token with suitable diagram?

15.b. 1 What is Oauth 2? Discuss briefly about Oauth2 four roles with neat diagram? Illustrate
about Abstract Protocol flow?

15.b. 2 What is OAuth 2 and how does it work? What challenges have you encountered with

15.b. 3 Ellobrate about Oauth2 Roles and Abstract protocol flow? Explain in detail about
application Registration with service?

15.b. 4 Discuss briefly about Grant type - Authorization code with suitable diagram and describe
the authorization code flow?

15.b. 5 Explain the following

I. Grant type: Client credentials
II. Grant type: Device code
Authorization Grant

15.b. 6 Develop a Spring based application with JWT OAuth 2.0 to enables third-party applications
to access protected resources on behalf of a user without requiring the user’s credentials.
15.b. 7 Explain how to create credentials for your project. Your applications can then use the
credentials to access APIs that you have enabled for your project.

15.b. 8 To build an OAuth2 application that enables the use of Authorization Server, Resource
Server with the help of a JWT Token.

15.b. 9 How to implement the Spring Boot Security with JSON web token by accessing the

15.b. 10 Develop an Web application with authorized access using authorization grant and its three
primary grant types, Explain in detail?

Part – C ( 1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

16.a. 1 create a simple web application with Spring Boot. We will develop a simple application
with login functionality as well as the functionality to show a list of todo’s. We will follow
MVC pattern using JSP as the view.

16.a. 2 Discuss the importance of dependency injection in Spring and explain the
concept of constructor-based dependency injection? How to implement with an example

16.a. 3 To develop an Online Learning Platform aims to facilitate online education by providing
instructors a platform to design different courses with various specifications so that students
could get a quality education remotely using Spring boot and Spring MVC.

16.a. 4 To develop a simple web application with Spring Boot. We will develop a simple
application with login functionality as well as the functionality to show a list of todo’s. We
will follow MVC pattern using JSP as the view.

16.a. 5 To design an online banking application that should have all the necessary basic as well as
advanced features. This project is implemented on Java using Spring MVC Framework.

16.a. 6 To develop and design an online Event Management System is to provide facilities which
will help in making efficient event planning, and organization using Spring Security, Spring
Data JPA.
16.a. 7 To implement a simple web application, The Cab Management System is a web-based
solution for this manual tedious work and helps the agencies manage the data very easily.
Travel agencies have to manage a lot of cars/buses with the details of drivers and a lot of
passengers in Spring framework.

16.a. 8 To implement a simple web application, The Cab Management System is a web-based
solution for this manual tedious work and helps the agencies manage the data very easily.
Travel agencies must manage a lot of cars/buses with the details of drivers and a lot of
passengers in Spring boot.

16.a. 9 To develop the Personal Finance Tracker aims to simplify financial management for users.
This application will provide users with a user-friendly platform where users can input their
income and expenses, users can categorize transactions, and can uncover patterns in
spending behaviors in Spring boot.

16.a. 10 Develop a Social Media App that will allow users to create profiles whether
personal/business, connect with friends on social media, and can have great interaction by
creating a dynamic space that facilitates connections, communication in Spring Boot

16.b. 1 To implement the E Applicant System, A student will be able to request any kind of
Certificate like Transfer and Bonafied etc by applying through this System. The student can
check the status through his/her account. There are many users like Internal Staff, Vice
Principal and Principal to verify and approve the request in Hibernate framework

16.b. 2 To create an Hospital Management System, Patient can request the hospital for a Doctor
Appointment on a particular day. Admin can see the requests and available and suitable
doctors and can fix an appointment between the two in Hibernate Framework.

16.b. 3 To create an application for Bus Booking System is to manage the details of Operators,
Customers, and Ticket Booking. It manages all the information about Bus Ticket Booking.
The project is totally built at the administrative end and thus only the administrator is
guaranteed access. in Hibernate framework

16.b. 4 To build an application and implement the banking features, main functionality of the
banking website such as transferring money, withdrawing money, depositing money, etc.
Using Hibernate Framework.

16.b. 5 To create an simple hibernate application for Attendance Management System, to manages
the attendance of any student in school or college, also employees in an organization. It has
an admin feature that holds the access to do any kind of changes like update, delete, and add
user records to the list. in Hibernate framework

16.b. 6 To create a project can be built using Java, the MVC architecture could be followed, and
Maven as a built tool. It uses MySQL as a backend for database management and uses a
tomcat server to deploy the application in order to see it working live to access database
operation using ORM?

16.b. 7 To create personal banking system using JNDI where users can perform various
transactions like withdrawals, deposits, and checking the balance of the account in just one
click. It has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make the process user-friendly.
16.b. 8 To create a project can be built using Java, the MVC architecture could be followed, and
Maven as a built tool. It uses MySQL as a backend for database management and uses a
tomcat server to deploy the application in order to see it working live to access database
operation using ORM?

16.b. 9 To create personal banking system using JNDI where users can perform various
transactions like withdrawals, deposits, and checking the balance of the account in just one
click. It has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make the process user-friendly.

16.b. 10 To create project is built to help the customers book tickets online, check the availability of
seats, get the details of the flight arrival, select the class they want to choose, and departures
reserve seats for national or international flights. How would you simplify the database
operation using ORM?

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