Pdf-Final Ls1eng Adverbs of Place and Tim
Pdf-Final Ls1eng Adverbs of Place and Tim
Pdf-Final Ls1eng Adverbs of Place and Tim
Learning Strand 1
Communication Skills (English)
School: District:
To the Learner
Use the table below by following the instructions:
1. Write your name clearly under the column Name of Borrower.
2. Use the following letters in recording the condition of the book before and after borrowing:
Name of Borrower Date Issued Condition Condition
Dos: Don’ts:
1. Cover your book using a plastic cover, 1. Do not fold the pages.
manila paper, old newspaper, or magazine. 2. Do not write on the cover or pages.
2. Be sure your hands are clean when you 3. Do not cut out any picture.
handle or turn the pages. 4. Never detach or tear any page.
3. When using a book for the first time, lay it 5. Do not leave it open or lying face down
on its back and open only a few pages at a when not in use.
time. 6. Do not use pencils, ballpens, or thick
4. Use a piece of paper or cardboard for objects as bookmarks.
bookmarks. 7. Do not force the book into a packed
5. Paste or tape immediately any torn pages. schoolbag.
Always take care of damaged book. 8. Do not use it to cover your head when it is
6. Handle the book with care when passing raining.
from one person to another. 9. Do not sit on it.
7. Always keep your book in a clean dry place.
8. When your book is lost, report it to your
teacher right away.
Learning Strand 1
Communication Skills (English)
Management Team:
User’s Guide
For the ALS Learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
What Is This Module This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
Let’s See What You This part includes an activity that aims to
Already Know check what you already know about the lesson.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you
may decide to skip
What Will You Learn This contains objective/s or the learning
from This Module? competencies in a lesson. This may include a
brief rationale on what you will learn.
Let’s See What You This section provides an activity that will
Have Learned help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill in real-life situations or concerns.
Let’s Remember and This contains key concepts taken from all the
Review lessons covered in every module.
Explore More This is an activity in a form that increase the
strength of the response and tends to induce
repetitions of actions/learning.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your level
What Have You of mastery in achieving the given learning
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer the Pre-assessment before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your ALS Teacher/Instructional Manager/Learning
Facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your ALS Teacher/Instructional Manager/Learning Facilitator.
Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What Is This Module About?
Speaking and writing are two important macro skills in English. These
are ways of communicating with other people. As a learner, you are expected
to speak clearly in a way that your listeners will understand what you want
to tell them. You should also write legibly so that it can be read and
understood. Aside from speaking and writing clearly, you are also expected
to demonstrate understanding of familiar words so that you can
communicate your personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and
actions to others.
The following are the learning competencies that you have to develop
in this module:
Let’s See What You Already Know
5. They looked around but did not see the missing ball.
8. Waking up at 5:00 am, Veron reached her destination (on time, late)
9. The children were allowed to play only (before, after) finishing their
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify and use adverbs
of place in sentences. LS1CS/EN-S-PSB-AE-41
Let’s Do This
Activity: Read the text below and perform the given activities on a
separate sheet of paper.
A cat slept soundly on the rug in the living room that afternoon. It was
awakened by the noise outside the house. The cat hurriedly went up to the
living room window and peered through the glass. It was a dog barking
behind the neighbor’s fence. It was welcoming its human master in front of
their house. The cat jumped down from the window and returned to its place
on the rug.
A. Complete the table by identifying the adverbs used in the text. Put a
check (/) if it answers the question WHERE and cross mark (x) if it is
Activity B
Write down all adverbs from the box that answers WHERE on a
separate sheet of paper.
Adverbs are parts of speech. These are words or phrases that tell
something about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. There are different
types of adverbs.
Let’s Try This
B. Write a sentence to describe the position of the following things. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Flower Vase
2. __________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to use appropriate adverbs of
time in sentences. LS1CS/EN-S-PSB-AE-42
Let’s Do This
2. At what time of the day, did they see the bright object, during the
day or at night?
3. Write a sentence describing the time of the day when the children
saw the moon in the sky.
Let’s Study and Analyze
1. on time 6. today
3. tonight 8. tomorrow
4. every 9. everyday
Let’s See What You Have Learned
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the question “What are your
family or friends’ bonding activities?”. Use five (5) sentences using
adverbs of time. Underline the adverbs in your sentences.
Let’s Remember and Review
2. An adverb of time tells when the action was done in a sentence. It also
describes how long or how often something happened. It is usually placed
at the end of sentences. Examples are today, yesterday, tomorrow, soon,
at noon, etc.
4. They are going to jog around the park (early in the morning, at
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of time or place in each
sentence. Choose from the words inside the box. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper
B. What Have You Learned?
1. The flower vase is on the A. 1. Under Let’s See What You
table. 2. on Have Learned
2. The ball is under the 3. every December Answers of learners
chair. 4. early in the may differ depending
3. The pair of shoes is inside morning on their personal
the box. 5. every day experiences.
4. The eagle flies high up in B. 1. Everywhere
the sky. 2. lately Sample answer: We eat
5. A dog walks in front of its 3. on top lunch at the same
master. 4. under time.
LESSON 2 – ADVERB OF 5. back
Let’s Do This Let’s See What You
inside, near, up,
1. Moon Already Know
2. At night
behind, over, down,
3. The boys saw a bright on top, beside,
moon during the night. under, above, on 1. under
Let’s Try This Let’s Try This 2. outside
The learners will have 1. On 6. behind 3. everywhere
different answers. 4. on
2. In 7. inside
Sample answers: 5. around
1. The delegates arrived on
3. Over 8. out
4. Near 9. behind 6. Tonight
2. They will go home to the 5. Under 10. back 7. Morning
province next week. Let’s See What You 8. on time
3. They will watch a movie Have Learned 9. After
tonight. 10. immediately
A. Answer of learners
4. Mother and Lea go to the
grocery store every
may differ
Saturday. Sample answers: Let’s Do This
5. The participants need 1. The Car was parked Activity
to submit their project in front of the house. Adverb / or X
immediately. 2. Eli placed a potted On /
6. The basketball game will plant outside the Outside /
start today. Up /
7. It rained hard yesterday. Through /
3. She will come here Behind /
8. The school will celebrate
their foundation day on Saturday. In front /
tomorrow. 4. Their house is not far Down /
9. They water the plants in from the market. Afternoon X
the garden everyday. 5. There were many Soundly X
10. Eli and Jeremiah often flowers in the nearby hurriedly x
visit their grandfather
in the province.
Answer Key
Adverbs are words that tell when and where something happened. They
describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs in sentences
Adverbs of Place are words that describe where an action happened. They
describe verbs in a sentence.
Adverbs of Time are words that describe when something had happened.
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