BT02 MT Notes
BT02 MT Notes
BT02 MT Notes
symbols with notes. They are used ➢ In drawings using metric system, all
on a variety of drawings, such as dimensions (texts) are in
floor plans, and lighting plans. millimeters, such as 5mm.
➢ A wall legend is helpful for ➢ The most common method of
designating specific wall types in a dimensioning is the framing
floor. technique. The advantage of this
system is that it most closely
follows the construction sequence
in the field and informs the
particular trades of dimensions
most important to their area of
construction. The framing technique
is to the face of a stud, concrete, or
➢ The plumbing legend details out the masonry wall.
information represented by symbols ➢ The dimension can be placed to
on the plumbing and sanitary plan. either the face of the sub wall
➢ Graphic symbols used on electrical (depending on the location and how
plans to indicate the location of the easy it is for the builder to make a
electrical outlets and wall switches. mark), or to each side, with an
• Dimensioning indication of the total sub wall
➢ It involves incorporating numerical thickness. The other method of
values in a drawing to accurately dimensioning involves locating the
locate and size various objects and centerline of a wall. In this case,
assemblies in buildings and the builder must subtract from the
interiors. centerline to find where to run the
➢ Dimension lines and arrows (or tick face of the wall studs, or make a
marks) are used to identify exactly center mark on the stud. This takes
where the dimension begins and extra time and introduces the
ends. possibility of errors. However, this
➢ Dimensions are grouped, where method is appropriate where one
possible, and ordered in a wants to locate a wall in the center
hierarchical manner. First the of a space, or in the center of a
overall or outside, dimension of a structural frame gridwork.
space or object is indicated, then ➢ In the field of kitchen design,
the dimension of smaller details specialized cabinetry is almost
within the space are noted. exclusively dimensioned in only
➢ Dimensions are required on all inches (or millimeters) instead of
construction drawings and must be feet and inches to the finish faces.
accurate, complete, and readable. ➢ The usual distance of the nearest
At the present time, most dimension line from the building line
construction drawings are is 20mm, and the distance between
dimensioned in the English or dimension line is 10mm.
metric systems, using feet and FLOOR PLAN
inches, or meters. ➢ The floor plan is perhaps the most
significant architectural drawing, as
it contains a tremendous amount of