BT02 MT Notes

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SUBJECT: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 02 • In this case, the subsurface must first be

INSTRUCTOR: AR. HANNAH RUTH M. LAPEÑA, RMP prepared to receive the paint, adjacent areas
need to be protected from the painting, the
DRAWING AS A GUIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION minimum skills of the painter must be
• Drawings serve as the prime means of specified, and the cleanup needed must be
communication for constructing buildings, called out.
interior spaces, cabinets, furniture, and other CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS
objects. • Construction drawings (often called
• Construction drawings are scaled, working drawings) visually
detailed, and accurate representations of communicate the design and the
how an object looks and how it constructed, information required to bring a building
as well as the materials used. or space into reality to everyone who is
o The drawings follow established involved in the building process.
architectural graphic conventions to • These drawings generally follow a set of
indicate sizes, material, and related architectural drawing conventions that
information that is needed to bring are widely accepted in the industry.
the objects or spaces into reality. • However, there is not just one right way
o The builder needs clear, concise to do construction drawings. The office
drawings that are directly related to staff and project size, office standards,
the different views of an object, and the detail needed for custom
such as plans, elevations, sections fabrications can require construction
and other drawing types. drawings that vary from the conventions.
• Specifications, contracts, and construction DRAWINGS
drawings are on integral part of what is • A variety of types of drawings are
referred as the contract documents. These needed to accurately describe a
documents form a guide for the various project to the various tradespeople
workers and suppliers to follow in who will do the work.
constructing the project. • The main types are what are
• The construction drawings show the generally called architectural and
location, size, and particulars of a structure engineering drawings.
to be built. The specifications set the • For example, a concrete wall may
standards of the workmanship and materials be described as to its size and
in writing. finish on the architectural drawings,
• The drawings and specifications but an engineering drawing is also
complement one another and are used needed to spell out the exact
together. structural components, such as size
THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS and spacing of steel reinforcing in
TOGETHER • Construction drawings are
• For example, the drawings show the color sequentially arranged by major
and location of paint to be applied to a wall a components.
wall surface but do not tell how it is to be • This sequence generally follows
applied (sprayed, rolled, brushed) and the how the building is constructed,
resulting quality of workmanship required. from the ground to the shell of the

1 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 02 Ar. Hannah Ruth M. Lapeña, RMP

Republic of the Philippines



building to the interiors. However, + Include legend and reference to reflected

the exact sequence of drawings ceiling plan
and their content will vary from 17. MECHANICAL PLAN/S including plumbing
project to project and office to 18. SPECIFICATIONS (if required or put in
office. separate booklet)
SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS • The sheet numbering system can vary
1. TITLE/COVER SHEET according to complexity of the project and
+ Client, project, designer information office preference.
+ Index sheets, professional stamps • For small projects, a simple numeric system
+ Architectural symbols and abbreviations can be used. Most offices prefer to use a
+ Perspective or other visuals system that identifies each area of specialty
+ Design factors and applicable codes by a prefix.
2. LOCATION OR SITE PLAN (Civil Engineer’s • A list of the most common prefixes follows.
drawings might include these). This However, other prefixes may be added as
information might be on cover sheet needed:
3. FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY PLAN (might be o A – Architecture
included on another sheet) o S – Structural
+ Exits, firewalls, square footages, and other o M – Mechanical
code compliances o E – Electrical
required) Might be part of the structural o I – Interiors
engineer’s drawings. o F – Finishes or Furniture
5. DEMOLITION PLANS (if required) o Q – Equipment
+ Begin with the lowest floor first • Sheet Size
7. BUILDING SECTIONS ➢ The size of sheets that drawings
+ Key to floor plans are done can vary among
8. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS professional firms, depending upon
9. WALL SECTIONS, STAIR SECTIONS the office standards, the type of
+ Drawn at large scale project, and the form of
10. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS reproduction selected for the
+ Show most prominent elevations drawings.
11. DETAILS ➢ Generally, sheets are composed in
+ Drawn at large scale a horizontal format, and multiple
12. FINISH PLAN/S or FINISH SCHEDULE sheets (which comprise a set) are
+ Include legend and specific finishes bound on the left side, as for a
+ Include legend and coordinate with ➢ A0,A1,A2,A3…
electrical and mechanical • Sheet Composition
14. FURNISHING AND EQUIPMENT PLAN/S (if ➢ When sheets are bound into a set
required) and a person lifts through the
15. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN/S sheets, the information on the right-
+ Include legend and coordinate with hand side of the sheet is generally
electrical and mechanical seen first. For this reason,
16. ELECTRICAL PLAN/S and/or important information are often
POWER/COMMUNICATION PLAN/S placed to the right side of the sheet.

2 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 02 Ar. Hannah Ruth M. Lapeña, RMP

Republic of the Philippines



This is particularly important if the • Notes

sheet is not completely filled with ➢ Notes are used on construction
drawings, schedules, etc. The drawings for the identification of
blank, unused areas should appear features or information that cannot
to the left. be conveyed by drawings or by a
• Title Blocks symbol. Notes should be concise,
➢ Title blocks on a construction easy to read, and clear in their
drawing sheet serve a number of meaning.
key functions. These title blocks are ➢ Notes should be grouped and
drawn in a variety of ways. aligned vertically to the right or left
➢ Title blocks typically contain side. They should also be placed
information that identifies the close to the elements described in
project, its location, the name of the order to keep leaders as short and
client, the designer’s (or firm’s) direct as possible. Notes should be
name and address, names or placed in open areas of the
initials of the drafters and checkers, drawings so line work, textures, and
revision blocks, and space for dimensions will not be drawn over
professional seals. them.
• Lettering in Drawings DRAWING CONVENTIONS AND
➢ The most important aspect of REPRESENTATIONS
lettering in construction drawings is • Construction drawings communicate how
its readability. something is built by showing specific
➢ It should be consistent in style and assemblies and employing architectural
easy to follow. Most offices use drawing conventions. These conventions are
uppercase lettering for quick fairly standard throughout the industry and
readability. are used to reduce the drawing time and
➢ In both manual and computer-aided space needed to convey information.
lettering, a consistent style or font • Abbreviations, graphic symbols, keys, and
should be selected and used by all legends are used as shorthand to reduce
participants. drawing time while conveying important
➢ The height of lettering on information.
construction drawings varies • Another convention governs how dimensions
according to the hierarchy of the are recorded in a drawing. Dimensioning
information being presented and standards ensure that he exact sizes and
the type of reproduction being used. placement of assemblies are communicated
The following standards are by using a system that is recognized by both
generally used: the designer and the builder.
1. Sheet numbers in the title • Abbreviations
block = ½ inch or 12mm ➢ Abbreviations for words and short
2. Main titles under individual phrases are often used in
drawings = 6mm to 10mm construction drawings.
3. Subtitles, such as room ➢ The architect, engineer, interior
names = 4mm to 5mm designer, drafter, and contractor
4. Majority of lettering, such must all be able to recognize what
as notes and dimensions = each abbreviation stands for. The
2.5mm to 3mm drafter should include a legend of

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Republic of the Philippines



abbreviations (often shown on the

title sheet of a set of drawings) to
ensure their meaning is understood.
• Symbols
➢ Symbols are used in construction
drawings as a pictorial shorthand
language to reduce drawing time
and coordinate separate drawings.
➢ Symbols are divided into several
types: material symbols, line
symbols, graphic symbols, and
component symbols.
➢ Material symbols are used in
drawings to represent the type of
construction materials used in a
component. Symbols are also used
to indicate materials in elevation
➢ Materials shown in section view are
rendered with commonly
recognized marks, as seen in this
particular example. ➢ Graphic symbols can be used to
➢ Standard techniques can also be index related parts of drawings,
used to represent material seen. either on the same sheet or multiple
sheets. Letters, numbers, and notes
can be placed within the symbol to
organize it with other symbols and
refer to other sheet numbers.
Symbols can also be used to
denote a specific height of a floor
elevation or structural column
➢ This example shows a few of the
most commonly recognized
architectural symbols.

➢ Line symbols. Construction

drawing legends combine graphic

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Republic of the Philippines



symbols with notes. They are used ➢ In drawings using metric system, all
on a variety of drawings, such as dimensions (texts) are in
floor plans, and lighting plans. millimeters, such as 5mm.
➢ A wall legend is helpful for ➢ The most common method of
designating specific wall types in a dimensioning is the framing
floor. technique. The advantage of this
system is that it most closely
follows the construction sequence
in the field and informs the
particular trades of dimensions
most important to their area of
construction. The framing technique
is to the face of a stud, concrete, or
➢ The plumbing legend details out the masonry wall.
information represented by symbols ➢ The dimension can be placed to
on the plumbing and sanitary plan. either the face of the sub wall
➢ Graphic symbols used on electrical (depending on the location and how
plans to indicate the location of the easy it is for the builder to make a
electrical outlets and wall switches. mark), or to each side, with an
• Dimensioning indication of the total sub wall
➢ It involves incorporating numerical thickness. The other method of
values in a drawing to accurately dimensioning involves locating the
locate and size various objects and centerline of a wall. In this case,
assemblies in buildings and the builder must subtract from the
interiors. centerline to find where to run the
➢ Dimension lines and arrows (or tick face of the wall studs, or make a
marks) are used to identify exactly center mark on the stud. This takes
where the dimension begins and extra time and introduces the
ends. possibility of errors. However, this
➢ Dimensions are grouped, where method is appropriate where one
possible, and ordered in a wants to locate a wall in the center
hierarchical manner. First the of a space, or in the center of a
overall or outside, dimension of a structural frame gridwork.
space or object is indicated, then ➢ In the field of kitchen design,
the dimension of smaller details specialized cabinetry is almost
within the space are noted. exclusively dimensioned in only
➢ Dimensions are required on all inches (or millimeters) instead of
construction drawings and must be feet and inches to the finish faces.
accurate, complete, and readable. ➢ The usual distance of the nearest
At the present time, most dimension line from the building line
construction drawings are is 20mm, and the distance between
dimensioned in the English or dimension line is 10mm.
metric systems, using feet and FLOOR PLAN
inches, or meters. ➢ The floor plan is perhaps the most
significant architectural drawing, as
it contains a tremendous amount of

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Republic of the Philippines



information about the design and ▪ Wood Frame

construction of a building or space. ▪ (Galvanized) Steel Frame
➢ It also serves as the primary ▪ (Brick) Masonry Partition
drawing to which many of the other • Wood Frame Partitions
specialty drawings can be keyed. ➢ Wood construction for interior
➢ A floor plan is an orthographic view partitions are generally consists of
of a total building or an area within 2x4” wood studs [actual size is 1-
a building, seen as if a horizontal 1/2” x 3-1/2” (38.1mm x 88.9mm)]
cutting plane were passed through spaced 16 inches (406mm) or 24
it a height of approximately 1.50 inches (610mm) on center; the 16-
meters above the floor line. inch spacing being more common.
➢ The portion of the building seen ➢ Studs are upright supports in the
from above may be in three wall of a building to which
dimensions but the drawing shows sheathing, drywall, etc., are
these elements only in two attached.
dimensions: length and width. ➢ Gypsum wall board of various
There is no sense of height. thicknesses is nailed or screwed
➢ In multiple-level buildings, a directly to the wood studs on one or
separate floor plan is drawn for both sides of the partition
each level. In turn, each level is depending on the design intent, use
aligned with the one above for of space, fire and sound rating.
bearing walls, stairways, ductwork, • Steel (Metal) Frame Partition
and other vertical elements related ➢ Steel construction with metal studs
to both floors. is more common for large
➢ Stairways are labeled “up” on one commercial buildings and consists
level and “down” on the level of galvanized steel.
above. When viewing a floor plan of ➢ Metal studs are available in several
a building that includes a thicknesses, referred to as gauges.
mezzanine or loft, the upper level is The most common thickness used
shown in plan, with the lower level for studs and other metal framing is
also shown or simply labeled ga. 25. Heavier gauges are used for
“open”. load-bearing partitions, framing
➢ In construction drawings, floor plans door openings, or very tall
are drawn to scale and detailed to partitions.
show walls, doors, windows, ➢ Metal studs are manufactured in a
plumbing fixtures, appliances, “U” shape with small flanges and
stairs, cabinetry, and any other have precut openings for the
built-in or free-standing interior passage of electrical conduit and
features. Most of these items are other cables. They are attached to
drawn, as viewed from above. a top and bottom metal channel or
• There are three commonly used interior ➢ Metal studs are similar size to wood
partition types in building design. studs and are available in widths 1-
• These are wood frame, steel frame, and 5/8, 2-1/2, 3-5/8, 4, and 6 inches
masonry partitions; or a combination of (41.3, 63.5, 92.1, 101.6, and 152.4
these. mm).

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Republic of the Philippines



➢ Like wood studs, they are spaced ▪ EXTERIOR WALLS:

16 inches or 24 inches (406mm or 15mm or 20mm with
610mm) on center. For most plastering
commercial interior partition ▪ INTERIOR WALLS: 10mm
construction 24-inch spacing is or 15mm with plastering
used. ➢ Generally, a minimum of three line
• Masonry Partition weights should be used. Walls should
➢ Masonry partitions refer to walls be drawn with the darkest and thickest
constructed of concrete blocks, lines.
glass block, brick structural clay, o Textures are represented with
tile, terra cotta, and gypsum block. light lines.
➢ Generally, masonry partitions form o Built-in furniture, cabinetry, and
the exterior walls that are what the other objects are drawn with
building is constructed of. However, medium lines.
depending on the design intent, o Walls are drawn with heavy
there may be interior masonry lines.
partitions required for special • Doors and Windows in Plan View
purposes such as a bearing wall, ➢ Doors and windows are drawn in
fire resistive construction, or the floor plan using various symbols
acoustical barrier. and images, and are further
SCALE OF FLOOR PLAN dimensioned and referenced to
➢ Floor plans are drawn at a scale that best schedules in the construction
represents the information to be conveyed drawings.
without being too small to read. ➢ The symbols used will depend upon
➢ Residential floor plans are relatively small in the operating action of the door or
overall square meter and are generally window, the specifics needed to
drawn at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 in metric describe it, and the scale of the
scale depending upon the floor area. floor plan drawing.
➢ As commercial spaces can be quite large, a ➢ Windows are drawn in floor plans in
scale of 1:100 or even 1:200 metric might be a variety of ways according to the
more appropriate. scale of the plan and office
➢ In NBCP, floor plans drawn to scale of not standards. Generally, if the scale is
less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete large enough, windows are drawn
identification of rooms or functional spaces. in based on their style and type of
➢ The actual wall thickness will vary PLANS
with the type of construction and • Room Names and Notes
materials, but typically exterior wall ➢ There are a number of items in a
are drawn at about 6 to 8 inches floor plan drawing/s that cannot be
(152 to 203mm) thick, depending portrayed graphically and need to
upon what materials they are be noted. These will vary according
constructed of. Interior walls are to the scale of the floor plan, its
generally drafted at approximately 4 complexity, and whether it is a
inches (101.6mm) thick in plan design or construction drawing.

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Republic of the Philippines



➢ Approximate room size is ➢ A floor plan is carefully dimensioned to

sometimes indicated beneath the ensure items such as walls, columns, doors,
room name; however, this is done windows, openings, stairs, and other
mostly in presentation drawings, as particulars are correctly located for
the dimension is generally not construction.
accurate enough for a construction ➢ Generally, it uses the frame dimensioning
drawing. technique.
• Architectural Symbols DIMENSIONING TECHNIQUE
➢ A number of specialized symbols ➢ The extension line begins slightly away
are used on the floor plan. from the object a minimum 1.50mm
➢ For example, columns are usually never touching it. It extends about 3mm
assigned a grid number and beyond the dimension line.
referenced to the column centerline ➢ Arrows, dots, or 45-degree tick marks
for dimensioning purposes. The grid (most common) are used at the
consists of numbers along one axis extension line and dimension line
and letters of the alphabet along the junction. The arrows, dots, or tick marks
other, so that one can easily are drawn with a thicker and/or darker
pinpoint a specific column, such as line to make them stand out graphically.
D-2 or C-4. A centerline is drafted The 45-degree tick marks are drawn in a
as a series of single dash and long consistent direction, generally sloping
lines passing through the column. A left to right.
column designation bubble (sized ➢ Exterior walls of a building are
for the appropriate lettering within it) dimensioned outside the floor plan. The
is placed at the end of this line. In outermost dimension line is the overall
some cases, such as at an end building dimension. The next dimension
column, the reference line might be line, moving toward the plan, indicates
to the face of a column, instead of wall locations and centerlines to doors
the center. and windows (depending on the wall
➢ Wall and building section cuts are type).
shown on the floor plan with a ➢ Other miscellaneous details in the plan
symbol that indicates the (such as minor offsets, jogs, or cabinetry
approximate location of the cut and and fixtures) are located on a third
the direction of view. dimension line. This hierarchy of line
➢ A circle is generally used that is work allows the carpenters and other
divided in two sections. The top trades to quickly locate major framing
portion of a letter, such as A, B, and elements and minor details by referring
C, generally indicates how many to the appropriate dimension line.
sections are cut. The bottom ➢ Numerals are placed above and
section of the circle contains a centered on the dimension linem being
number that refers to the sheet drafted at a height of 1/8 to 3/16 inch
number this section is drawn on. In (3.17 to 4.76mm = 5mm)
small projects where there are ➢ The numbers do not rest on the
limited number of sheets, bottom dimension line, as they might blend in
numbers are not used. with the line and become unreadable. In
DIMENSIONING FLOOR PLAN computerized drafting, the machine is
often programmed to automatically

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Republic of the Philippines



place the numbers centered in the

broken dimension line, rather than
above it.
➢ Dimensions are oriented to read from
the base or right side of a drawing.
When an area is too small for the
dimension to go in the usual place, the
numbers are placed outside (or
sometimes below) the extension line
and a leader is used to point to the
dimensioned area.
• Designation of Materials
➢ Floor plans generally are not used
to designate specific materials, as
finishes might be too small to show
in plan and their selections might be
changed later. The amount of
material information provided on a
floor plan depends on the size and
complexity of the proposed
➢ The plans for a small residential
project may contain more detailed
information, such as the finished
floor materials, because the design
may be simpler and very few
materials used.
➢ The few materials that might be
designated on the floor plan are the
walls, which can be pouched to
indicate word or other wall material
designations such as block, brick,
or concrete. Floor and wall finish
materials are better indicated on the
finish plans.

9 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 02 Ar. Hannah Ruth M. Lapeña, RMP

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