Architectural Interiors Terminologies
Architectural Interiors Terminologies
Architectural Interiors Terminologies
REFURBISH •In the design of a building, the Architect works on a development concept.
To realize this, the Architect develops the design by determining the size and
• Refurbishment on the other hand implies a process of improvement by interrelationship of interior spaces, laying out the furniture, movables,
cleaning, decorating, and re-equipping. It may include elements equipment, built-ins and fixtures to support the required activities, thus
of retrofitting. making both the exterior and interior spaces contribute to the total concept.
RENOVATION •laying out the furniture, movables, equipment, built-ins and fixtures to
support the required activities, thus making both the exterior and interior
• The term ‘renovation’ refers to the process of returning something to a spaces contribute to the total concept.
good state of repair.
•The Architect plans and designs the architectural interiors (AI) of buildings
REHABILITATION such that they contribute to the physical, visual, intellectual and emotional
comforts of the intended end-users.
• The process of making possible a compatible use for a property through
repair, alternations and additions, while preserving those portions or SCOPE OF SERVICES:
features that convey what have been determined to be important cultural or
architectural values. the Architect as specialist:
AS-BUILT PLANS •prescribes space plans, stacking diagrams / sections and computations of
areas for the different activities and spaces to be integrated in a building
• As Built Plans Project.
• As Constructed Final Plans (ACFP) •lays out and prescribes furniture / builtins / equipment for the project and
prepares specifications of AI components including all floor / wall / ceiling
• Marked Final Plans are original awarded project plan sheets that have been finishes, doors and partition systems, hardware, modular or ready-assembled
updated to show changes, corrections and comments made during furniture pieces/ systems, equipment, furnishings, built-ins, fixtures, signage
construction. and graphic devices, etc.
• As-built Drawings are a very important piece of information that every •assists the Client in conducting bids or negotiations with General
project must record Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of building materials, furniture,
equipment, fixtures, etc.
. • As-Built drawings are also called Record Drawings.
•checks and approves samples of materials and shop drawings of AI
• As-Built drawings demonstrate how the contractor built the project and
what changes were made during the construction process. Transferring the
revisions and completing the markups on the AsBuilt drawings must be •reviews and approves billings of AI components.
executed carefully to a final as-built set of drawings.
•conducts final inspection and approves installed AI components and related
• These final as-built drawings will contain modifications, field changes; shop items
drawing changes, design changes, extra works and every change that was
approved and made during construction MANNER OF PROVIDING SERVICES
STANDARD OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (SPP) ON SPECIALIZED The Architect may enter into contract with the Owner in two possible ways:
ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266)
•Working in a dual capacity as Architect-of-record and as Consulting
SPP Document 203 (replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 203) Architect for AI services.
ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR (AI) SERVICES •Working as Consulting Architect for AI services only.
•For projects involving extensive detailing of AI components such as custom concern with the structural design of the building and are not required to be
floor, wall, ceiling construction and finishes, cabinet design, built-in as knowledgeable about building regulations. As in the image above of the
components, equipment and special fittings, the Architect’s Fee shall be a Christmas decorations from the White house in 2014, there is no
percentage of the cost of the AI work. This excludes the fee of any involvement with any aspect of the space other than with décor, so this
Engineering and / or Specialist Consultants (SCs) working with the Architect project would require the services of an interior decoration contractor.
•Should the Client separately hire the services of Specialist Consultants (SCs), •An interior decorator will not usually need to be involved from the
their professional fee shall be for the account of the Client. For this beginning of the build and will not need to have in-depth knowledge of
Specialized Service, the payment of the Architect’s services shall be as stated technical elements such as CAD and structural design. They must, however,
in the Architect’s Guidelines. be very artistic and have a fantastic eye for interior design trends and
aesthetic detail.
•Distinguished the difference of architectural interiors to interior design as • Have cross-over skills, namely space-planning.
well as interior decoration and its definition.
• Are up-to-date with a area’s building codes and regulations.
•Understand the profession of architect, interior designer and interior
• Have specialties they bring to the design/build team.