07 Vocabulary n-5

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Tuesday , 07 May 2024 WhatsApp 0322 9117651

Dawn Vocabulary 07 May 2024

Word: ought ‫الزم‬

Meaning: (Noun) having no measurable or otherwise determinable value

Synonyms: care, commitment, committal, concern, custody, deadweight, duty, millstone, must, need, obligation,
office, onus

Antonyms: absolve, empty, unload

Word: effective ‫موثر‬

Meaning: (Adjective) able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively

Synonyms: able, active, adequate, capable, cogent, compelling, competent, convincing, direct, effectual, efficacious,
efficient, emphatic, energetic, forceful, forcible, impressive

Antonyms: futile, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual

Word: acquainted ‫واقف‬

Meaning: (Verb) make familiar or acquainted

Synonyms: accustom, advise, apprise, bring out, clue, disclose, divulge, enlighten, familiarize, fill in, get together,
habituate, inform

Antonyms: conceal, deceive, falsify, hide, hold back, mislead, misrepresent, withhold

Word: comprehensive‫جامع‬

Meaning: (Adjective) broad in scope

Synonyms: absolute, all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, catholic, compendious, complete, comprising,
containing, discursive

Antonyms: exclusive, incomprehensive, limited, narrow, noncomprehensive, selective

Word: impoverished ‫کنگال‬

Meaning: (Verb) make poor

Synonyms: blackmail, confiscate, deplete, drain, exhaust, extract, fleece, impoverish, leech

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Tuesday , 07 May 2024 WhatsApp 0322 9117651

Antonyms: fortify, strengthen

Word: adjourned ‫ملتوی‬

Meaning: (Verb) close at the end of a session

Synonyms: curb, defer, delay, discontinue, hold off, hold over, hold up, postpone, prorogue

Antonyms: begin, convene, convoke, encourage, further, keep on, open

Word: fraternity ‫بھائ چارہ‬

Meaning: (Noun) people engaged in a particular occupation

Synonyms: Greeks, association, camaraderie, circle, clan, club, companionship, company, comradeship, fellowship,
frat, guild, house, kinship

Antonyms: sorority

Word: transparent ‫شفاف‬

Meaning: (Adjective) so thin as to transmit light

Synonyms: cellophane, clear, crystal clear, crystalline, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, glassy, gossamer, hyaline, limpid,
lucent, lucid, pellucid

Antonyms: cloudy, opaque

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