Dawn Vocabulary To
Dawn Vocabulary To
Dawn Vocabulary To
09 October
Synonyms: allegorize, bring home, clarify, clear, clear up, delineate, depict, disclose, elucidate, emblematize,
Synonyms: accompany, attend, bear, bring, companion, company, conduct, consort, defend, guard, pilot, protect,
Synonyms: affray, argument, battle, brawl, break, broil, brush, bump, collision, concussion, conflict, confrontation,
crash, discord
Synonyms: acute, cognizant, conscious, delicate, easily affected, emotionable, emotional, feeling, fine, high-strung,
hung up, hypersensitive, impressible, irritable, keen, knowing
Synonyms: address, balderdash, big talk, bombast, composition, discourse, elocution, eloquence, flowery language
Antonyms: monologue
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09 October
Synonyms: abate, abbreviate, attenuate, close, contract, curtail, cut, decline, decrease, depreciate, die out, drain
Synonyms: bigotry, favoritism, hatred, inequity, injustice, intolerance, partiality, prejudice, unfairness, wrong
Antonyms: impartiality
Synonyms: absolutely, de facto, genuinely, in fact, in reality, in truth, indeed, literally, really, truly, veritably, very
Antonyms: de jure
Synonyms: annihilate, bankrupt, bare, break down, break up, decimate, demolish, denudate, denude, deprive,
destroy, disassemble
Synonyms: advancing, antipathetic, assailing, attacking, barbaric, bellicose, combative, contentious, destructive,
Synonyms: double entendre, double meaning, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, enigma, equivocacy,
equivocality, equivocation, incertitude
Get Daily Vocabulary, Current Affairs, Dawn Editorial And Opinion With Urdu
Translation, Dawn Newspaper, Magazine WhatsApp 03058604746
09 October
Synonyms: absence, default, defect, deficiency, exiguousness, famine, inadequacy, infrequency, lack, meagerness
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Translation, Dawn Newspaper, Magazine WhatsApp 03058604746