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Notes of Ch 12 World Climate and Climate

Change| Class 11th Geography

 31 May, 2020

Notes of Ch 12 World Climate and Climate Change| Class 11th


• Three broad approaches have been adopted for classifying climate.

• They are empirical, genetic and applied.

• Empirical classification is based on observed data, particularly on temperature and


• Genetic classification attempts to organise climates according to their causes.

• Applied classification is for specific purpose.

Koeppen's Scheme of classification of climate

• The most widely used classification of climate is the empirical climate classification
scheme developed by V. Koeppen. Koeppen identified a close relationship between the
distribution of vegetation and climate.

• He selected certain values of temperature and precipitation and related them to the
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distribution of vegetation and used these values for classifying the climates.

• It is an empirical classification based on mean annual and mean monthly

temperature and
precipitation data.

• He introduced the use of capital and small letters to designate climatic groups and

• Although developed in 1918 and modified over a period of time, Koeppen’s scheme is
still popular and in use.

• Koeppen recognised five major climatic groups, four of them are based on
temperature and one on precipitation. Below table lists the climatic groups and their
characteristics according to Koeppen.

• The capital letters : A,C, D and E delineate humid climates and B dry climates.

Group Characteristics

A - Tropical Average temperature of the coldest month is 18° C or higher

B - Dry Climates Potential evaporation exceeds precipitation

C - Warm The average temperature of the coldest month of the (Mid-

Temperate latitude)
climates years is higher than minus 3° C but below 18° C

D - Cold Snow The average temperature of the coldest month is minus.


E - Cold Climates Average temperature for all months is below 10° C

H - High Land Cold due to elevation

The capital letters : A,C, D and E delineate humid climates and B dry climates.

• The climatic groups are subdivided into types, designated by small letters, based on

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seasonality of precipitation and temperature characteristics.

• The seasons of dryness are indicated by the small letters : f, m, w and s, where f
corresponds to no dry season m - monsoon climate, w- winter dry season and s -
summer dry season. The small letters a, b, c and d refer to the degree of severity of
temperature. The B- Dry Climates are subdivided using the capital letters S for steppe
or semi-arid and W for deserts.

Group Type Letter Characteristics


A -Tropical Humid Tropical wet Af No dry season

Climate Tropical Am Monsoonal, short dry
monsoon Aw season
Tropical wet and Winter dry season

B-dry climate Subtropical BSH Low-latitude semi arid or

steppe BWH dry
Subtropical BSK Low-latitude arid or dry
desert BWK Mid-latitude arid or dry

C-Warm Humid Cfa No dry season, warm

temperate (Mid- subtropical Cs summer
latitude) Climates Mediterranean Cfb Dry hot summer
Marine west No dry season, warm and
coast cool summer

D-cold snow forest Humid Df No dry season. Severe

Climate continental Dw winter
Subractic Winter dry and very severe

E-cold climate Tundra ET No true

Polar ice cap EF Perennial ice

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H-highland Highland H Highland with snow cover

Group A : Tropical Humid Climates

• Tropical humid climates exist between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

• The sun being overhead throughout the year and the presence of Inter Tropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) make the climate hot and humid.

• Annual range of temperature is very low and annual rainfall is high.

• The tropical group is divided into three types, namely:

(i) Af- Tropical wet climate;
(ii) Am - Tropical monsoon climate;
(iii) Aw- Tropical wet and dry climate.

Tropical Wet Climate (Af)

• Tropical wet climate is found near the equator. The major areas are the Amazon
Basin in South America, western equatorial Africa and the islands of East Indies.

• Significant amount of rainfall occurs in every month of the year as thunder showers
in the afternoon.

• The temperature is uniformly high and the annual range of temperature is


• The maximum temperature on any day is around 30°C while the minimum
temperature is around 20°C.

• Tropical evergreen forests with dense canopy cover and large biodiversity are found
in this climate.

Tropical Monsoon Climate (Am)

• Tropical monsoon climate (Am) is found over the Indian sub-continent, North Eastern
part of South America and Northern Australia.

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• Heavy rainfall occurs mostly in summer. Winter is dry.

Tropical Wet and Dry Climate (Aw)

• Tropical wet and dry climate occurs north and south of Af type climate regions.

• It borders with dry climate on the western part of the continent and Cf or Cw on the
eastern part.

• Extensive Aw climate is found to the north and south of the Amazon forest in Brazil
and adjoining parts of Bolivia and Paraguay in South America, Sudan and south of
Central Africa.

• The annual rainfall in this climate is considerably less than that in Af and Am climate
types and is variable also.

• The wet season is shorter and the dry season is longer with the drought being more

• Temperature is high throughout the year and diurnal ranges of temperature are the
greatest in the dry season.

• Deciduous forest and tree-shredded grasslands occur in this climate.

Dry Climates : B

• Dry climates are characterised by very low rainfall that is not adequate for the
growth of plants.

• These climates cover a very large area of the planet extending over large latitudes
from 15° - 60° north and south of the equator.

• At low latitudes, from 15°-30°, they occur in the area of subtropical high where
subsidence and inversion of temperature do not produce rainfall.

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• On the western margin of the continents, adjoining the cold current, particularly
over the west coast of South America, they extend more equatorwards and occur on
the coast land.

• In middle latitudes, from 35° - 60° north and south of equator, they are confined to
the interior of continents where maritime-humid winds do not reach and to areas
often surrounded by mountains.

• Dry climates are divided into steppe or semi-arid climate (BS) and desert climate
(BW). They are further subdivided as subtropical steppe (BSh) and subtropical desert
(BWh) at latitudes from 15°-35° and mid-latitude steppe (BSk) and mid-latitude desert
(BWk) at latitudes between 35°-60°.

Subtropical Steppe (BSh) and Subtropical Desert (BWh) Climates

• Subtropical steppe (BSh) and subtropical desert (BWh) have common precipitation
and temperature characteristics.

• Located in the transition zone between humid and dry climates, subtropical steppe
receives slightly more rainfall than the desert, adequate enough for the growth of
sparse grasslands. The rainfall in both the climates is highly variable.

• The variability in the rainfall affects the life in the steppe much more than in the
desert, more often causing famine.

• Rain occurs in short intense thundershowers in deserts and is ineffective in building

soil moisture.

• Fog is common in coastal deserts bordering cold currents.

• Maximum temperature in the summer is very high. The highest shade temperature
of 58° C was recorded at Al Aziziyah, Libya on 13 September 1922. The annual and
diurnal ranges of temperature are also high.

Warm Temperate (Mid-Latitude) Climates-C

• Warm temperate (mid-latitude) climates extend from 30° - 50° of latitude mainly on
the eastern and western margins of continents. These climates generally have warm

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summers with mild winters.

• They are grouped into four types:

(i) Humid subtropical, i.e. dry in winter and hot in summer (Cwa);
(ii) Mediterranean (Cs);
(iii) Humid subtropical, i.e. no dry season and mild winter (Cfa);
(iv) Marine west coast climate (Cfb).

Humid Subtropical Climate (Cwa)

• Humid subtropical climate occurs pole ward of Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn,
mainly in North Indian plains and South China interior plains. The climate is similar to
Aw climate except that the temperature in winter is warm.

Mediterranean Climate (Cs)

• As the name suggests, Mediterranean climate occurs around Mediterranean sea,

along the west coast of continents in subtropical latitudes between 30° - 40° latitudes
e.g. — Central California, Central Chile, along the coast in south eastern and south
western Australia.
• These areas come under the influence of sub tropical high in summer and westerly
wind in winter. Hence, the climate is characterised by hot, dry summer and mild, rainy

• Monthly average temperature in summer is around 25° C and in winter below 10°C.
The annual precipitation ranges between 35 - 90 cm.

Humid Subtropical (Cfa) Climate

• Humid subtropical climate lies on the eastern parts of the continent in subtropical
latitudes. In this region the air masses are generally unstable and cause rainfall
throughout the year.

• They occur in eastern United States of America, southern and eastern China,
southern Japan, northeastern Argentina, coastal south Africa and eastern coast of

• The annual averages of precipitation vary from 75-150 cm. Thunderstorms in summer

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and frontal precipitation in winter are common.

• Mean monthly temperature in summer is around 27°C, and in winter it varies from
5°-12° C. The daily range of temperature is small.

Marine West Coast Climate (Cfb)

• Marine west coast climate is located poleward from the Mediterranean climate on
the west coast of the continents.

• The main areas are: Northwestern Europe, west coast of North America, north of
California, southern Chile, southeastern Australia and New Zealand.

• Due to marine influence, the temperature is moderate and in winter, it is warmer

than for its latitude.

• The mean temperature in summer months ranges from 15°-20°C and in winter

• The annual and daily ranges of temperature are small.

• Precipitation occurs throughout the year. Precipitation varies greatly from 50-250

Cold Snow Forest Climates (D)

• Cold snow forest climates occur in the large continental area in the northern
hemisphere between 40°-70° north latitudes in Europe, Asia and North America.

• Cold snow forest climates are divided into two types:

(i) Df- cold climate with humid winter;
(ii) Dw- cold climate with dry winter. The severity of winter is more pronounced in
higher latitudes.

Cold Climate with Humid Winters (Df)

• Cold climate with humid winter occurs poleward of marine west coast climate and
mid latitude steppe. The winters are cold and snowy.

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• The frost free season is short.

• The annual ranges of temperature are large.

• The weather changes are abrupt and short.

• Poleward, the winters are more severe.

Cold Climate with Dry Winters (Dw)

• Cold climate with dry winter occurs mainly over Northeastern Asia.

• The development of pronounced winter anti cyclone and its weakening in summer
sets in monsoon like reversal of wind in this region.

• Poleward summer temperatures are lower and winter temperatures are extremely
low with many locations experiencing below freezing point temperatures for up to
seven months in a year.

• Precipitation occurs in summer. The annual precipitation is low from 12-15 cm.

Polar Climates (E)

• Polar climates exist poleward beyond 70° latitude.

• Polar climates consist of two types:

(i) Tundra (ET);
(ii) Ice Cap (EF).

Tundra Climate (ET)

• The tundra climate (ET) is so called after the types of vegetation, like low growing
mosses, lichens and flowering plants.

• This is the region of permafrost where the sub soil is permanently frozen.

• The short growing season and water logging support only low growing plants.

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• During summer, the tundra regions have very long duration of day light.

Ice Cap Climate (EF)

• The ice cap climate (EF) occurs over interior Greenland and Antartica.

• Even in summer, the temperature is below freezing point.

• This area receives very little precipitation. The snow and ice get accumulated and the
mounting pressure causes the deformation of the ice sheets and they break.

• They move as icebergs that float in the Arctic and Antarctic waters.

• Plateau Station , Antarctica ,79°S, portray this climate.

Highland Climates (H)

• Highland climates are governed by topography.

• In high mountains, large changes in mean temperature occur over short distances.

• Precipitation types and intensity also vary spatially across high lands.

• There is vertical zonation of layering of climatic types with elevation in the mountain

Climate Change

• India witnessed alternate wet and dry periods.

• Archaeological findings show that the Rajasthan desert experienced wet and cool
climate around 8,000 B.C.

• The period 3,0001,700 B.C. had higher rainfall. From about 2,000-1,700 B.C., this
region was the centre of the Harappan civilization. Dry conditions since then.

• During the Pleistocene epoch, glacial and inter-glacial periods occurred, the last

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major peak glacial period ago.

• The present inter-glacial period started 10,000 years ago.

Climate in the recent past

• Historical records of crop yield or crop failures, of floods and migration of people tell
about the effects of changing climate.

• The worst devastating drought in the Sahel region, south of the Sahara desert, from
1967-1977 is one such variability.

• A number of times Europe witnessed warm, wet, cold and dry periods, the significant
episodes were the warm and dry conditions in the tenth and eleventh centuries.

• Variability in climate occurs all the time. The 1990s recorded the warmest
temperature of the century and some of the worst floods around the world.

• During the 1930s, severe drought occurred in southwestern Great Plains of the
States, described as the dust bowl.

Causes of Climate Change

• The changes in solar output associated with sunspot activities. Sunspots are dark
and cooler patches on the sun which increase and decrease in a cyclical
manner. According to some meteorologists, when the number of sunspots increase,
cooler and wetter
weather and greater storminess occur.

• An another astronomical theory is Millankovitch oscillations, which infer cycles in the

variations in the earth’s orbital characteristics around the sun, the wobbling of the
earth and the changes in the earth’s axial tilt.

• Decrease in sunspot numbers is associated with warm and drier conditions. Yet,
these findings are not statistically significant.

• Volcanism is considered as another cause for climate change. Volcanic eruption

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throws up lots of aerosols into the atmosphere. These aerosols remain in the
atmosphere for a considerable period of time reducing the sun’s radiation reaching
the Earth’s surface.

• All these alter the amount of insolation received from the sun, which in turn, might
have a bearing on the climate.

Global Warming

• Due to the presence of greenhouse gases, the atmosphere is behaving like a


• The atmosphere also transmits the incoming solar radiation but absorbs the vast
majority of long wave radiation emitted upwards by the earth’s surface.

• The gases that absorb long wave radiation are called greenhouse gases.

• The processes that warm the atmosphere are often collectively referred to as the
greenhouse effect.

• The term greenhouse is derived from the analogy to a greenhouse used in cold areas
for preserving heat. A greenhouse is made up of glass. The glass which is transparent
to incoming short wave solar radiation is opaque to outgoing long wave radiation.

• The glass, therefore, allows in more radiation and prevents the long wave radiation
going outside the glass house, causing the temperature inside the glasshouse
structure warmer than outside.

Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)

• The primary GHGs of concern today are carbon dioxide (CO2), Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone (O3).

• Some other gases such as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) easily react
with GHGs and affect their concentration in the atmosphere.

• The effectiveness of any given GHG molecule will depend on the magnitude of the
increase in its concentration, its life time in the atmosphere and the wavelength of

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radiation that it absorbs.

• The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are highly effective.

• Ozone which absorbs ultra violet radiation in the stratosphere is very effective in
absorbing terrestrial radiation when it is present in the lower troposphere.

• Another important point to be noted is that the more time the GHG molecule
remains in the atmosphere, the longer it will take for earth’s atmospheric system to
recover from any change brought about by the latter.

• The largest concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

• The emission of CO2 comes mainly from fossil fuel combustion (oil, gas and coal).

• Forests and oceans are the sinks for the carbon dioxide.

• Forests use CO2 in their growth. So, deforestation due to changes in land use, also
increases the concentration of CO2.

• Doubling of concentration of CO2 over pre-industrial level is used as an index for

estimating the changes in climate in climatic models.

• The CFCs which drift into the stratosphere destroy the ozone. Large depletion of
ozone occurs over Antarctica. The depletion of ozone concentration in the
stratosphere is called the ozone hole. This allows the ultra violet rays to pass through
the troposphere.

• International efforts have been initiated for reducing the emission of GHGs into the
The most important one is the Kyoto protocol proclaimed in 1997. This protocol went
into effect in 2005, ratified by 141 nations.

• Kyoto protocol bounds the 35 industrialised countries to reduce their emissions by

the year 2012 to 5 per cent less than the levels prevalent in the year 1990.

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