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Module in
Directions are found inside each unit. That tells you how long you are going
to work on this module. All formative activities must be answered and
counterchecked with the attached feedback. Honesty is a school policy and yours
too. Be serious about the learning activities you are working on. It will define who
you are and what you will become in the future and will make West Visayas State
University proud of you.
At the end of the semester or as instructed otherwise, you are to submit this
module to your professor. Inquiries on some points not fully understood will be
made online via Google Classroom on a scheduled encounter. This module is a
selfcontained learning kit with instructions that will guide you to the end.
Course Outcomes:
2. Improved fitness from baseline (pre-test) levels;
West Visayas State University 202 3
There are 5 units (lessons) in this module. They are listed below.
Before you begin learning what the module is about, please be familiar with
some icons to guide you through this instructional tool.
ANALYSIS. You will be tested here and you will be able to know your
understanding in this lesson.
West Visayas State University 202 3
APPLICATION. In this part, you will practice what you have learned.
REFERENCES list of the resources and links from which the content of
the lesson was based. These may take the form of books, internet
sites, blogs, videos, photographs, animation, Power point presentations, icons,
How Much I Have Learned will be found at the end of the module.
This will serve as the midterm/final written examination. Feedback will
not be posted here but will be discussed online with your Course
You are now ready to begin. Make the most of the new normal time! Enjoy!
West Visayas State University 202 3
Table of Contents
Notes to the Students 1
1. Fitness Concepts 6
1.1 Definition of Health and Wellness 10
Activity #1 13
West Visayas State University 202 3
2.2 Factors that Promote Lifestyle Change 53
2.3 Steps in Self-Planning for a Healthy Lifestyle 60
Activity #4 64
2.4 Preparing for Physical Activity 70
3. Behavior Modifications - 75
Activity #5 78
4. Exercise Prescriptions
Activity #7 5. MFIT principles
6. Training Principle
Activity #9
West Visayas State University 202 3
Unit 4
Unit 4: Healthy Eating Habits
2. Eating practices
West Visayas State University 202 3
A. When you hear the word "fitness," what is the first thing
that comes to mind? Your explanation should be written on a
yellow pad with your name, course, and section written on it.
Make a note of it and take a picture as proof. (15pts)
Choose one of the activities you enjoyed doing while you were in the elementary
school. Please respond to the following questions.
What was the nature of that activity, and how did you feel while doing it?
Where it happened?___________________________________________________
What is the purpose of that activity?______________________________________
Who was with you? __________________________________________________
Discuss your answer by stressing the experience that you had. You may include your
attire, gadgets, etc. Use the back of the sheet if necessary.
Please be guided by the following rubric. 20 pts: 10 or more sentences 10 pts:
less than 5 sentences 0 pts: no description
West Visayas State University 202 3
The H in HELP stands for health. One theory that has been extensively tested
indicates that people who believe in the benefits of healthy lifestyles are more likely
to engage in healthy behaviors. The theory also suggests that people who state
intentions to put their beliefs into action are likely to adopt behaviors that lead to
health, wellness, and fitness.
Healthy behaviors are most effective when practiced for a lifetime. The
L in HELP stands for lifetime. Young people sometimes feel immortal
because the harmful effects of unhealthy lifestyles are often not immediate.
As we age, however, unhealthy lifestyles have cumulative negative effects.
Thus, adopting and sustaining healthy habits early in life is important for long-
term health, wellness, and fitness.
E. Intellectual health—freedom from illnesses that invade the brain and other
systems that allow learning. A person with intellectual health also possesses
intellectual wellness.
West Visayas State University 202 3
J. Spiritual wellness—the ability to establish a values system and act on the
system of beliefs, as well as to establish and carry out meaningful and
constructive lifetime goals. Spiritual wellness is often based on a belief in a
force greater than the individual that helps her or him contribute to an
improved quality of life for all people. A person with spiritual wellness is
generally characterized as fulfilled instead of unfulfilled.
Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness Dimension Negative Positive
Word to Remember!
Self-Management Skills. Skills that you learn to help you adopt healthy lifestyles
and adhere to them.
Health. Optimal well-being that contributes to one’s quality of life. It is more than
freedom from disease and illness, though freedom from disease is important to good
health. Optimal health includes high-level mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and
physical wellness within the limits of one’s heredity and personal abilities.
Lifespan. The number of years you live (life expectancy).
Health span. The number of healthy years in your life. It includes years free of illness
and debilitating conditions and years of wellness (years with a good quality of life).
Illness. The ill feeling and/or symptoms associated with a disease or circumstances
that upset homeostasis.
West Visayas State University 202 3
Wellness. The integration of many different components (physical,
emotional/mental, intellectual, social, and spiritual) that expand one’s potential to
live (quality of life) and work effectively and to make a significant contribution to
society. Wellness reflects how one feels (a sense of well-being) about life, as well as
one’s ability to function effectively. Wellness, as opposed to illness (a negative), is
sometimes described as the positive component of good health.
Quality of Life. A term used to describe wellness. An individual with a quality of life
can enjoyably do the activities of life with little or no limitation and can function
independently. Individual quality of life requires a pleasant and supportive community.
Holistic health. A term that is similarly abused. Consider that optimal health
includes many areas; thus, the term holistic (total) is appropriate. The word health
originates from a root word meaning “wholeness.” Unfortunately, questionable
health practices are sometimes promoted under the guise of holistic health. Care
should be used when considering services and products that make claims of wellness
and/or holistic health to be sure that they are legitimate.
Functional fitness refers to the ability to perform activities of daily life.
A. In the box below, briefly discuss the difference between health and
wellness in terms of physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Include
your propose activities for each term in reaching your goals (20 points)
Health Wellness
West Visayas State University 202 3
To test your understanding of health and wellness, make a short video clip showing
the activities under each in terms of physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it
is the basis of dynamic and cre
ative intellectual activity.”
- John F. Kennedy
Previously fitness was widely described as the person's ability to meet the physical
demands of everyday life and perform the day's activities without excessive fatigue.
However, changes in lifestyles make this concept inadequate due to increased
leisure time. These days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the capacity of
the body to perform efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be
safe, to endure hypo-kinetic disorders, and to meet emergencies.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this sub-topic 2 and after actively participating in the live and
online class the students must have:
West Visayas State University 202 3
A. Given the cluster map below, put words/phrases that are associated with the
word physical fitness. Provide a brief explanation on your bluebook.
1. Which games did you like to play when you were a child?
2. Does playing those games have an impact on your body? Explain
West Visayas State University 202 3
When the body is properly engaged in physical fitness exercises, it will attain a high
level of mental and physical health.
1. Body Composition - The relative percentage of muscle, fat, bone, and other
tissues that make up the body. A fit person has a relatively low, but not too low,
percentage of body fat (body fatness).
West Visayas State University 202 3
Hypokinetic Diseases or
movements, including
Conditions. Hypo- means “under” or
sports, dance, games, work, lifestyle
“too little,” and -kinetic means
activities, and exercise for fitness.
“movement” or “activity.” Thus,
Although they have slightly different
hypokinetic means “too little activity.”
definitions, exercise and physical
A hypokinetic disease or
activity are sometimes
condition is one associated with a lack
interchangeable to make reading
of physical activity or too little regular
less repetitive and more interesting.
exercise. Examples include heart
disease, low back pain, Type II
Physical Fitness. The body’s ability
diabetes, and obesity.
to function efficiently and effectively.
It consists of health-related physical
Metabolic Fitness is a positive state
fitness and skill-related physical
of the physiological systems commonly
fitness, which have at least 11
associated with reduced risk for chronic
components, each of which
diseases such as diabetes and heart
contributes to total quality of life.
disease. Metabolic fitness is evidenced
Physical fitness also includes
by healthy blood fat (lipid) profiles,
metabolic fitness and bone integrity.
healthy blood pressure, and healthy
Physical fitness is associated with a
blood sugar and insulin levels.
person’s ability to work effectively,
enjoy leisure time, be healthy, resist
West Visayas State University 202 3
hypokinetic diseases, and meet things, optimal physical fitness is not
emergencies. possible without regular
It is an important part of the exercise.
physical aspects of both health and
wellness but it also impacts the other
dimensions. Although the development
of physical fitness is the result of many 3
Perform the following activities below and be sure to follow the protocol.
Label your blue book (Full Name, course, year, and section.) Title: My
Health-Related Fitness Activities. Be sure to answer the PAR Q before
you perform any activity and submit it at the next meeting. Refer to pages
for comprehensive details.
West Visayas State University 202 3
1. 3Minute
Cardiorespiratory Step
2. Muscular Push-Up
3. Muscular Sit-Up
composition Ratio
6. BMI Body Mass
Multiple Choice
Purpose: To remember the dimensions of physical fitness. Write your
ansers on the bluebook.
1. Read the following questions thoroughly.
2. Write the best answer in the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. It refers to a type of fitness that can persist in physical exercise for a long
period without undue fatigue.
a. Cardio-respiratory Endurance c. Muscular Endurance
_____ 4. It refers to the ability of the movement of a joint through its full range of
West Visayas State University 202 3
a. Power c. Flexibility
b. Speed d. Balance
_____ 5. It refers to the amount of force you can produce with a single maximum
a. Body Composition c. Agility
b. Muscular Strength d. Coordination
_____ 6. Ben’s brother lifted 2 sacks of rice from their farm going to their house and
vice-versa. What health-related fitness/motor fitness does ben’s brother
a. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness c. Muscular Endurance
b. Muscular Strength d. Power
_____ 7. Anthony’s father is plowing the field for 8 hours a day. What health-related
fitness/motor fitness does Anthony’s father possess?
a. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness c. Reaction Time
b. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition
_____ 8. The ancient Filipino people were traveling through the land. They carry
their goods at their back without getting tired. What health-related
fitness/motor fitness does the ancient Filipino people possess?
a. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness c. Coordination
b. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition
_____ 9. Carlo weighs 200 lbs. It shows that Carlo wasn’t able to develop his ___.
What health-related fitness/motor fitness?
a. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness c. Muscular Strength
b. Coordination d. Body Composition
_____ 10. Bea is joining gymnastics. She can do a lot of things like split and several
cartwheels simultaneously. Does she possess what health-related
a. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness c. Muscular Strength
b. Flexibility d. Body Composition
West Visayas State University 202 3
Put your explanation in the box provided
What have you observed in your surroundings today? Do people act the same way
they did before the pandemic and now? Discuss briefly.
West Visayas State University 202 3
State in the box your explanation. You may site a place, the ambiance of the
surroundings, the socio-economic status, and other factors. Write your answers in a
blue book.
Please be guided by the following rubric. 20 pts: 10 or more sentences 10 pts:
less than 5 sentences 0 pts: no description
Question # 1
Healthy Unhealthy
Question #2
West Visayas State University 202 3
Health determinants are defined as the spectrum of personal, social, economic,
and environmental factors that affect health status.
Figure 1 provides a model for describing many of the factors that contribute
to health, wellness, and fitness. Central to the model are health, wellness, and
fitness because these are the states of being (shaded in green and gold) that each
of us wants to achieve. Around the periphery are the factors that influence these
states of being.
Those shaded in dark blue are the factors over which you have the least
control (heredity, age, and disability).
Those shaded in light blue (health care and environmental factors) are
factors over which you have some control but less than the factors shaded in red
(personal actions/interactions, cognitions, and emotions).
Those shaded in light red are the factors over which you have the greatest
control (healthy lifestyles).
West Visayas State University 202 3
Each of us can limit the effects of heredity by being aware of our personal
family history and by making efforts to best manage those factors over which we do
have control.
Health, wellness, and fitness are influenced by the aging of our population.
The major health and wellness concerns of older adults include losing health, losing
the ability to care for oneself, losing mental abilities, running out of money, being a
burden to family, and being alone. Chronic pain is also a major problem among older
Disabilities can affect, but they do not necessarily limit health, wellness, and
fitness. All people have a limitation of one kind or another. Societal efforts to help all
people function within their limitations can help everyone, including people with
disabilities, to have a positive outlook on life and experience a high quality of life.
The health-care system affects our ability to overcome illness and improve
our quality of life. Wellness as evidenced by quality of life is also influenced by the
health-care system. Traditional medicine, sometimes referred to as the medical
model, has focused primarily on the treatment of illness with medicine, rather than
illness prevention and wellness promotion. Efforts to educate health-care personnel
about techniques for promoting wellness have been initiated in recent years.
Healthy lifestyles are critical to wellness. Just as unhealthy lifestyles are the
principal causes of modern-day illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, and
diabetes, healthy lifestyles can result in the improved feeling of wellness that is
critical to optimal health.
West Visayas State University 202 3
The term health-related quality of life to describe the wellness benefits of
healthy lifestyles. This well-being, or wellness, is associated with social,
emotional/mental, spiritual, and physical functioning. Being physically active and
eating well are two healthy lifestyles that can improve well-being and add years of
quality living.
Establish strategies that examine the relationship between health status and
genetics, individual behavior, health care, social factors, and policies. Label your
task with (Full name, Course, and section) Use the back of the sheet if necessary.
Please be guided by the following rubric. 25 pts: 10 or more sentences 15 pts:
less than 5 sentences 0 pts: no description
Health Determinants Health Status Strategies
1. Social factors
2. Health services
4. Policymaking
5. Individual behavior
West Visayas State University 202 3
Promoting wellness and fitness is a top public health priority since it can
reduce the prevalence of illness and debilitating conditions. Experts have determined
that people who practice healthy lifestyles possess certain characteristics. These
characteristics, including personal responsibility, can be modified to improve the
health behaviors of all people.
Researchers have also identified several special skills, referred to as
selfmanagement skills that can be useful in altering factors related to adherence and
ultimately in making lifestyle changes. Like any skill, self-management skills must be
practiced if they are to be useful. The key is to learn from your experiences and adopt
a long-term perspective on healthy living.
Making Lifestyle Changes
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Unit and after actively participating in the class the students
must have:
1. identified the five stages of change and explained how the stages
relate to making lifestyle changes.
2. made a personal commitment to reaching the peak of change based
on their current stage of change.
Have you experienced making a decision like avoiding playing a video game
or other thing you enjoyed the most while consuming it most of your time?
How did you make it stop? Please state your response within the box.
West Visayas State University 202 3
1. Do you make any New Year’s resolutions? Can you share it? 5 pts
2. Where you able to put your resolutions into action? If YES, how did
you do it? 5pts
3. If NO, what are the obstacles that you encountered along the way that
turn your mind off doing so? 5 pts
1. Practicing one healthy lifestyle does not mean you will practice another, though
adopting one healthy behavior often leads to the adoption of another.
College students are more likely to participate in regular physical activity
than older adults. However, they are also much more likely to eat poorly and
abuse alcohol. Many young women adopt low-fat diets to avoid weight gain and
smoke because they mistakenly believe that smoking will contribute to long-term
weight maintenance.
West Visayas State University 202 3
A short presentation introducing the trans-theoretical model of behavior change. Produced by Nathan Smith
With support from the University of Birmingham Voice over Thom Udall Illustration: Kelsey Heinrichs
The stages can be used to describe the status of physical activity habits.
Those who are sedentary are considered to be in the pre-contemplation stage.
Contemplators are thinking about becoming active. A person at the preparation
stage may have bought a pair of walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the
activity. Those who have started activity, even if infrequent, are at the stage of
action. Those who have been exercising regularly for at least 6 months are at
the stage of maintenance.
West Visayas State University 202 3
Whether the lifestyle is positive or negative, people move from one
stage to another in an upward or downward direction. Individuals in the action
stage may move on to maintenance or revert to contemplation. Smokers who
succeed in quitting permanently report having stopped and started dozens of
times before reaching lifetime maintenance.
Stages of Lifestyle
Given the five stages of change, choose only one that you feel you can truly
achieve the most. What activities do you perform to reach your goal? Provide a brief
explanation of your choice. Put your answer in the box provided below.
1. Pre-contemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation
4. Action
5. Maintenance
West Visayas State University 202 3
2. How can you achieve your goal of having a healthy lifestyle? (10points)
What are the factors that promote lifestyle change?
Various factors have been found to influence the adoption and maintenance
of healthy lifestyles. Transtheoretical and Social-Ecological models have been
combined to provide a simpler way to understand the various factors that influence
behavior. The various factors are classified as:
West Visayas State University 202 3
3. Enabling – factors that physical activity, for a
help you carry out your lifetime.
healthy lifestyle plan.
4. Reinforcing - factors that
encourage to maintenance of
healthy lifestyles, such as
Table 1:*Self-Management Skills for Changing Predisposing Factors
Self-Management Skill How Is It Useful?
Build your beliefs on sound information. A person says, “I don’t think what I eat has
Knowledge does not always change beliefs, much to do with my health and wellness.”
but awareness of the facts can play a role in Acquiring knowledge is fundamental to being
achieving good health. an educated person. Studying the facts
about nutrition can provide the basis for
changes in beliefs and lifestyles.
Predisposing factors are important in getting you started with the process of
change. Several predisposing factors can help you move from contemplation to
preparation and then to taking action concerning healthy behavior. A person who
possesses predisposing factors is said to have self-motivation (also called “intrinsic
motivation”). If you are self-motivated, you will answer positively to two basic
questions: “Am I able?” and “Is it worth it?”
Two of these factors are self-confidence and self-efficacy. Both have to do
with having positive perceptions about your ability. People with positive
selfperceptions are more self-motivated and feel they are capable of making behavior
changes for health improvement. Other factors that help you feel you can engage in
healthy behavior include easy access and a safe environment.
A variety of skills help you follow through with decisions to make changes in
behaviors. Above are the lists of eight self-management skills that contribute to
behavior change provide opportunities to learn and apply these self-management
skills to your lifestyle. It will help explain the importance of each skill and how each
one can contribute to behavior change.
One of the most important reinforcing factors is success. If you change a
behavior and experience success, this makes you want to keep doing the behavior.
If attempts to change a behavior result in failure, you may conclude that the
behavior does not work and give up on it. Planning for success is essential for
adhering to healthy lifestyle changes.
Social support from family, peers, and health professionals can also be
reinforcing. There are, however, different kinds of support and some are more
helpful than others. Support for well-informed personal choices is referred to as
support of autonomy. One example is encouragement from family, friends, or a
doctor for starting and sticking to a nutritious diet. The supporting person might ask,
“How can I help you meet your goals?” This type of support helps you take control
of your behavior and is not viewed as controlling.
If you want to help friends and family make behavior changes, avoid applying
pressure and attempt to provide positive forms of support. It is desirable to promote
autonomy and freedom of choice so that change is self-directed.
Table 3:*Self-Management Skills for Changing Reinforcing Factors
West Visayas State University 2023
unhealthy lifestyle. Skills such as avoiding situations where there is pressure to smoke.
high-risk situations and learning how to say He or she can learn methods of saying no to
no help you avoid relapse. those who offer tobacco.
Word to Remember!
Self-Confidence. The belief that you can be successful at something (for example,
the belief that you can be successful in sports and physical activities and can
improve your physical fitness).
Self-Efficacy. Confidence that you can perform a specific task (a type of specific
Stages of Change and Self -Management Skills
Purpose: To assess your current Stage of Change for three key priority
lifestyle behaviors(physical activity, nutrition, and stress
management) and your self
-management skills related to each
can help you determine your reasons and establish reasonable goals for a healthy
lifestyle change.
1. Complete the Stages of Change Questionnaire on the next page. Check one box for
each of the three priority health behaviors (physical activity, nutrition, and stress
2. Complete the Self-Management Skills Questionnaire. Each question reflects one of
the self-management skills described in this Concept. Each of the 12 questions
requires a response about three different healthy behaviors.
Respond to each question by using a 3 for very true, a 2 for somewhat
true, or a 1 for not true. Record the appropriate number in the box beside each
question. After you have answered all 12 questions for all three healthy lifestyles,
total the numbers in the three columns to get a total score for physical activity,
nutrition, and stress management.
3. Record your Stages of Change for the three healthy lifestyles (the word by the box
you checked) in the Results section.
4. Record your Self-Management Scores for the three healthy lifestyles in the Results
section. Use the Self-Management Skills Rating Chart to determine a rating for each
healthy behavior. Record your ratings in the Results section.
5. Provide the appropriate information in the Conclusions and Implications section.
are more likely to become obese if they have obese friends. Similar relationships
have been shown among spouses. Researchers suggest that health behaviors tend
to be shared within social groups, resulting in shared outcomes.
How useful are these types of health-related apps for promoting and
maintaining healthy lifestyles? Are they simply fun technology, or do they
support health behavior change?
Preparing for Physical Activity
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this sub-topic 4 and after actively participating in the live and
Are you active in sports during your elementary and high school days? What
sport are you joining? Write your answer briefly
Activity Guidelines
Moderate • For walking and activities of equal intensity, no warm-up is necessary.
Activity • For moderate recreation, such as golf, a sport-specific warm-up may be
• Depending on the intensity, a general, dynamic, or, stretch warm-up
(after the general or dynamic warm-up) can be performed.
Vigorous • For aerobic dance or similar dance activities, similar dance-related Aerobics
movements can be performed, with gradually increasing intensity, as a
general warm-up. Some may choose a stretch warm-up (after the general
• For jogging, biking, swimming, and similar aerobic activities,
performing the activity slowly and then with increased intensity can serve
as a general warm-up. A dynamic warm-up can also be used as a general
warm-up. A stretch warm-up can be performed after the general warm-up.
Vigorous • A general warm-up is recommended but can be done using dynamic
Sports exercises. Sport-specific exercises are appropriate. If a stretch warm-up is
chosen, it should be done after the general warm-up. Stretches should not
exceed 60 seconds.
• For sports that require strength, speed, and power, you should
choose a dynamic warm-up (it can double as a general warm-up). The
stretch warmup is not recommended.
Muscle • Before training for muscle fitness, including speed training, choose a Fitness
dynamic warm-up (it can double as a general warm-up). The stretch warmExercises up is
not recommended.
Flexibility • Before performing flexibility exercises as part of your workout, a general
Exercises warm-up is recommended. Some may choose to do dynamic exercises as the
and general warm-up.
Activities • Before performing activities such as gymnastics, diving, and dance, a
stretch warm-up is recommended after the general warm-up.
unconsciousness; high
Precautions should be taken when doing physical activity in hot and humid
environments. The heat index (also referred to as apparent temperature) combines
temperature and humidity to help you determine when an environment is safe for
activity. The combination of high temperature and humidity presents the greatest
risk of heat-related problems in exercise. Physical activity is safe when the apparent
temperature is below 808F (26.78C).
Your score will be based on your output.
Behavior Modification
What is Behavior Modification?
Behavior modification is defined as “the alteration of behavioral patterns
through the use of such learning techniques as biofeedback and positive or negative
RICE. An acronym for rest, ice, compression, and elevation; a method of treating minor
Activity 5: Readiness for Physical Activity
1. Read the directions on the “PAR-Q & You” on the next page.
2. Answer each of the seven questions on the form.
3. If you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions, follow the directions just
below the PAR-Q questions regarding medical consultation.
4. If you answered “no” to all seven questions, follow the directions at the lower
left-hand corner of the PAR-Q.
5. Answer the five questions about physical readiness for sports or vigorous training
in Activity 6.
6. Record your scores below and answer the question in the Conclusions and
Implications section.
2022 PAR-Q+
The Physical Activity Readiness Questionna ire for Everyone
The health benefits of regular physical activity are clear; m ore people should
engage in physical activity every day of the week. Participating in physical activity is
very safe for MOST people. This questionnaire will tell you whether you must seek
further advice from your doctor or a qualified exercise professional to become more
physically active.
Please read the 7 questions below carefully and answer each one YES NO
honestly: check YES or NO.
1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition or high blood pressure?
2. Do you feel pain in your chest at rest, during your daily activities of living, or when
you do physical activity?
3. Do you lose balance because of dizziness or have you lost consciousness in the last
12 months?
(Please answer NO if your dizziness was associated with over-breathing
including during vigorous exercise.)
4. Have you ever been diagnosed with another chronic medical condition
(other than heart disease or high blood pressure)? Please
list condition(s) here:
6. Do you currently have (or have had within the past 12 months) a bone, joint, or
soft tissue (muscle, ligament, or tendon) problem that could be made worse by
becoming more physically active? (Please answer NO if you had a problem in the
past, but it does not limit your current ability to be physically active.)
Please list condition(s) here: __________________________
7. Has your doctor ever said that you should only do medically supervised physically
Note: It is important that you answer all questions honestly. The PAR-Q is a scientifically and medically researched pre-exercise selection device. It complements
exercise programs, exercise testing procedures, and the liability considerations attendant with such programs and testing procedures. PAR-Q, like any other pre-
1c. Have you had steroid injections or taken steroid tablets regularly for more than
3 months?
10. Do you have any other medical condition not listed above or do you have
two or more medical conditions?
1. Competition and personal challenge lead many individuals to push the limits
of exercise performance. While moderate amounts of exercise are beneficial, a
prominent cardiologist has suggested that exercise beyond certain levels can increase
your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It has been well established that
exercise can precipitate a heart attack in people who have cardiovascular disease risk
factors, but the shocking conclusion in this study is that extreme exercise) can cause
cardiovascular disease. More research is needed to confirm this finding, but it may
cause some athletes to rethink their exercise regimens.
Do you agree with the idea that too much exercise can be harmful? Would
this discourage you from participating in extreme forms of exercise? Why?
2. To exercise safely, you need to consider environmental conditions such as
weather, altitude, and air quality. You can use online weather and environmental
resources to check the heat index, wind chill, and even the environmental air quality
(see Use this information to determine the appropriate
exerciserelated precautions you should take.
Exercise Prescriptions
Activity 6: The Warm-Up
1. Consider the specific type of workout you are planning to perform and place a
check in the Results section (e.g., walk, jog, slow jump rope). When completed,
place a checkmark in the box in the Results Section that corresponds to your
planned workout.
2. Perform a general cardiovascular warm-up.
3. Perform each of the exercises in Chart 1 on the next page. Perform dynamic
exercises several times. Perform stretching exercises three times for 15–30
seconds each.
4. After you perform the specific warm-up exercises, place a check (results section)
beside the warm-up exercises that you think you would most likely include in your
warm-up for the workout you checked.
5. Answer the questions in the Conclusions and Implications section.
Long jog
Moderate-intensity recreational activity
Vigorous-intensity recreational activity
Vigorous aerobics
Sports (game or practice)
Muscle fitness exercises
Other _____
Cardiovascular Warm-Up
Warm- Up Exercises (check those that you would include in your warm-up):
Dynamic Warm-Up
Stretch Warm-Up
Calf stretch
Knee stride and reach
Hamstring stretch
High skip and reach
Seated side stretch
Leg hug
Backward jog
Conclusions and Implications: In several sentences, explain the reasons for your
The Warm-up.
When performing a dynamic warm-up in the future you may want to consider the
exercises from the 8 Basic Calisthenics on Muscle Fitness, as well as the exercises
With feet at shoulder width and arms out at shoulder height, move sideways.
With the right leg, step across the left leg, then step to the left with the left leg, the
right leg step behind the left leg, and step left leg to the left. Repeat in the opposite
direction, starting with the left leg. Repeat several times.
From the pushup position, walk the feet toward the hands several steps, keeping
the hands still. Then walk the hands forward keeping the feet still. Repeat several
Backward Jog
Jog backward slowly using moderately long steps. Pump your arms back and
forth. Cover a distance of 10 yards, turn around, and backward jog in the opposite
direction. Repeat several times.
When performing a stretch warm-up in the future, consider the four stretching
exercises above and/or other stretching exercises from the flexibility.
Calf Stretch
This exercise stretches the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus). Face a wall
with your feet 2 or 3 feet away. Step forward on your left foot to allow both hands
to touch the wall. Keep the heel of your right foot on the ground, toe turned in
slightly, knee straight, and buttocks tucked in. Lean forward by bending your front
knee and arms and allowing your head to move nearer the wall. Hold. Repeat with
the other leg.
Hamstring Stretch
This exercise stretches the muscles of the back of the upper leg (hamstrings) as
well as those of the hip, knee, and ankle. Lie on your back. Bring the right knee to
your chest and grasp the toes with the right hand. Place the left hand on the back of
the right thigh. Pull the knee toward the chest, push the heel toward the ceiling, and
pull the toes toward the shin. Attempt to straighten the knee. Stretch and hold.
Repeat with the other leg.
(to the right), reaching as far as possible to the left with the right arm. Hold. Do not
let the trunk rotate. Repeat to the opposite side. This exercise can be done in the
standing position but is less effective.
Leg Hug
This exercise stretches the hip and back extensor muscles. Lie on your back.
Bend one leg and grasp your thigh under the knee. Hug it to your chest. Keep the
other leg straight and on the floor. Hold. Repeat with the opposite leg.
5. Record the number of good and excellent scores in the box provided. Use the score in the
box to determine your rating using the Balance of Feelings Rating Chart.
Feeling good
Excellent 6–9
Good 5
Fair 4
Poor 2–3
Very poor 0–1
West Visayas State University 2023
MFIT Principles
1. Overload Principle
The most basic of all physical activity principles indicates that doing “more
than normal” is necessary if benefits are to occur. For a muscle (including the
heart muscle) to get stronger, it must be overloaded, or worked against a load
greater than normal. To increase flexibility, a muscle must be stretched longer
than is normal. To increase muscular endurance, muscles must be exposed to
sustained exercise for a longer than normal period.
The health benefits associated with metabolic fitness seem to require less
overload than for health-related fitness improvement, but overload is required,
just the same.
2. Principle of Progression
Indicates that overload should occur in a gradual progression rather than in
major bursts. Failure to adhere to this principle can result in excess soreness or
injury. Although some tightness or fatigue is common after exercise, it is not
necessary to feel sore to improve.
Training is most effective when the sessions become progressively more
challenging over time.
3. Principle of Specificity
States that to benefit from physical activity you must overload specifically
for that benefit. For example, strength-building exercises may do little for
developing cardiorespiratory fitness, and stretching exercises may do little for
altering body composition or metabolic fitness.
4. Principle of Reversibility
The overload principle is in reverse. To put it simply, if you don’t use it, you
lose it. Some people have the mistaken impression that if they achieve a health
or fitness benefit it will last forever. Although there is evidence that you can
maintain health benefits with less physical activity than it took to achieve them,
if you do not engage in regular physical activity, any benefits attained will
gradually erode.
5. Dose-Response Relationship
The more physical activity you perform, the more benefits you gain. The
“dose” of activity necessary to get one benefit is not the same as the “dose” for
another. For example, changes in cholesterol levels resulting from physical
activity may change at a different rate than changes in blood pressure.
Many benefits in health, wellness, and fitness are obtained with moderate
amounts of activity, so the key is to be at least active enough to obtain these
6. Principle of Diminished Returns
Explains the rate and degree of improvement decrease as a person gets
more fit. Beginners (people in the low and marginal fitness zones) often see
relatively large fitness improvements when they begin an exercise program.
However, people with higher levels of fitness must do considerably more
activity to continue to improve. For example, a person who runs a mile in 15
minutes may cut several minutes from his or her running time in the first
month or two of training. A fitter person who currently runs a mile in 5
minutes would have to do considerably more training to cut his or her time
by even a few seconds. For most people, reaching a good fitness zone is a
worthwhile goal.
As the principle of diminishing returns indicates, those interested in
highlevel competition requiring high levels of fitness will have to follow high-
volume exercise regimens.
7. Principle of Rest and Recovery
Indicates that you should allow time for recuperation after overload. Proper
rest is needed within intense periods of activity, and appropriate rest is needed
between training sessions. Rest provides time for the body to adapt to the
stimulus provided during the workout.
Failure to take sufficient rest can lead to overuse injuries, fatigue, and
reduced performance. For recreational exercisers, rest generally implies taking a
day off between bouts of exercise or alternating hard and easy days of exercise.
8. Principle of Individuality
Indicates that the benefits of physical activity vary from individual to
individual based on each person’s unique characteristics. Heredity, age, gender,
ethnicity, lifestyle, current fitness and health status, and a variety of other
factors make each person unique at any point in time.
Time (how long)—Physical activity must be done for an adequate length of t ime to
be effective. The length of the activity session depends
on the type of activity and the expected benefit.
Type (kind of activity)—the benefits derived depend on the type of activity
performed. For example, moderate activity must be
done at least 5 days a week, while muscle fitness activity may be done as few as 2
days a week.
Types of Activity
a. Moderate Aerobic Activities
Aerobic activities equal in intensity to a brisk walk are referred to as
moderate activities.
b. Vigorous Aerobic Activities
Vigorous aerobic activities that elevate the heart rate and are greater in
intensity than a brisk walk
c. Vigorous Sports and Recreation
Sports such as soccer and volleyball, or recreational activities such as hiking
elevate the heart rate and are of greater intensity than a brisk walk.
3. Marginal Zone
Marginal scores indicate that some improvement is in order, but you
are nearing minimal health standards set by experts.
4. Low-Fit Zone
If you score low in fitness, you are probably less fit than you should
be for your good health and wellness.
Training Principles
Humans are meant to move, but the nature of our society has made it
difficult for many people to lead active lifestyles. Cars, motorized golf carts, snow
blowers, elevators, remote control devices, and email are just some of the modern
conveniences that have reduced the amount of activity in our daily lives.
Finding ways to get regular physical activity is critical for optimal health
and wellness, but it is now clear that avoiding inactivity is also important. Evidence
suggests that excessive inactivity (especially too much sitting) puts your health at
risk even if you are physically active.
Inactivity can be hazardous to your health. The words “Avoid Inactivity” are
included in the bold black type below the pyramid to illustrate the importance of
minimizing inactivity. To reduce risks of inactivity, it is important to minimize the
total amount of sedentary time and to include periodic breaks in sitting by standing
up and moving about more often.
Obtaining physical activity from the five steps of the physical activity pyramid is ideal,
but minimizing time spent being sedentary provides independent benefits.
Classification Intensity Range Examples
This means that they require between three and six times the energy
expended while at rest. Moderate-intensity activities are often referred to as aerobic
physical activities because the aerobic metabolism can typically meet the energy
demand of the activity.
Activities below 3.0 METs can be classified as “light intensity” but researchers
now distinguish light activity (1.5 to 3.0 METs) from sedentary activity (1.0 to 1.5
METs), which primarily captures sitting and lying time. Examples of light activities
include lower-intensity activities of daily living such as showering, grocery shopping,
Because moderate activities are relatively easy to perform, they are popular
among adults. Walking is the most popular of all leisure-time activities among
adults. Women walk more than men, and young adults (18–29) walk less than older
adults, probably because of more involvement in sports and other vigorous
activities. As many as 40 to 50 percent of adults say they walk, but less than half
that number report walking 30 minutes or more at least 5 days a week.
While overall activity levels tend to decline with age, involvement in lifestyle
activity actually tends to increase. This is because many older adults move away
from vigorous sports and recreation and spend more time in lifestyle activities, such
as gardening and golf. Older adults tend to have more time and money for these
types of recreational activities, and the lower intensity may be appealing.
The health benefits from physical activity are impressive, but the wellness
benefits may have a bigger impact on our daily lives. Numerous studies have shown
that physical activity is associated with improved quality of life (QOL), but it has
proven difficult to determine the contributing factors or underlying mechanisms. The
influence may be due to reduced stress, improved cognition, better sleep, improved
self-esteem, reduced fatigue, or (more likely) a combination of many different effects.
Research suggests that college students who are more physically active have more
positive feeling states (“pleasant-activated feelings”) than students who are less
physically active, even after controlling for sleep and previous days’ activity and
feeling states. They also noted that feeling states improved on days when people
reported performing more activity than normal. The wellness benefits can
impact young people every day, whereas health benefits may not be noticed
until a person gets older.
Vigorous activity can substitute for moderate activity the guidelines specify
that 150 minutes of moderate physical activity can be accumulated during the week.
If you fail to meet the 30-minute guideline on 1 day, you can make it up on another
and still meet the guideline. Vigorous-intensity activity can also be substituted to
meet the weekly targets. According to the guidelines, each minute of vigorous activity
counts as 2 minutes of moderate activity.
MET. One MET equals the amount of energy a person expends at rest. METs are
multiples of resting activity (2 METs equal twice the resting energy expenditure).
Sedentary Activities. Activities that involve lying or sitting with intensities similar
to (or just slightly higher) than rest (1.0–1.5 METs).
1. Read the five stages of change questions below. Place a check by the stage
that best represents your current moderate physical activity level. If you are at stages
1–3 (pre-contemplation, contemplation, or preparation), you may want to set goals
below the threshold of 30 minutes per day to get started. Those at the action or
maintenance stage should consider goals of 30 minutes or more per day.
2. Determine moderate activity goals for each day of 1 week. In the columns
(Chart 1) under the heading “Moderate Activity Goals,” record the total minutes per
day that you expect to perform OR the total steps per day that you expect to perform.
Record the specific date for each day of the week in the “Date” column.
3. The goals should be realistic for you, but try to set goals that would meet
current physical activity guidelines. If you choose step goals, you will need a
pedometer. Use Table 5 on page 105 to help you to choose daily step goals.
4. If you choose minutes per day as your goal, use Chart 2 to keep track of the
number of minutes of activity that you perform on each day of the 7 days. Record
the number of minutes for each bout of activity of at least 10 minutes in length
performed during each day (Chart 2). Determine the total number of minutes for the
day and record this total in the last column of Chart 2 and the “Minutes Performed”
column of Chart 1.
5. If you choose steps per day as your goal, determine the total steps per day
accumulated on the pedometer and record that number of steps in the “Steps
Performed” column for each day of the week (Chart 1).
6. Answer the questions in the Conclusions and Implications section (use full
sentences for your answers).
Check only the stage that represents your current moderate activity level.
_____Precontemplation: I do not meet moderate activity guidelines and have not
been thinking about starting.
_____Contemplation: I do not meet moderate activity guidelines but have been
thinking about starting.
_____Preparation: I am planning to start doing regular moderate activity to meet
Day 1
Day 2
2. Did setting goals and logging activity make you more aware of your daily moderate
physical activity patterns? Explain why or why not.
Walking is by far the most commonly reported moderate activity, but some
people often go out of their way to avoid walking (such as waiting for campus
buses, driving around parking lots to get closer to a store, or taking an elevator
rather than climbing a few flights of stairs).
Do you view walking as a “means to an end” (i.e., simply as a way to get around)
or as an “end in itself” (i.e., as a way to get more physical activity)? How might
this perception influence your activity patterns?
In the News!
Movement skills are core to the physical, cognitive, and social development of
a child. (Luban, Morgan, Cliff, Barnett, and Okely, 2012). Enhancing movement is a
big factor in the development of skills. Mastering of the fundamental motor skills “is
the precursor to their application in sport, conversely, a lack of proficiency is a key
reason for attrition from organized sport.” (Miller, 2006).
Thus, this unit will focus on the anatomical position of the body during movement
and the different exercises that could enhance one’s physical health.
1. Recall your childhood days. Interview your mother about the physical
development that she observed when you were a child. Highlight the milestone of
your growing up. Create your “Lifeline” You may support this with pictures. (Label
your task with your Name_Year & Section_Title: Me and My Body. Pass it next
meeting. Typewritten and follow the format. Attach pictures if possible.
Unit 2:
The human body moves toward the midline of the body in a body segment phase.
Circumduction is a motion in which the hinge is the joint and the segment of the
Skeletal System
The skeleton provides a strong internal framework that supports the body
and provides protection for vital organs. These bones meet at joints, the majority of
which are freely movable, making the skeleton flexible and mobile.
Physiological functions
Structural functions
2. Axial skeleton - which is composed of the skull, ribs, trunk, vertebral column,
and pelvis.
Due to the loss of calcium that goes out with blood during the monthly
period, some females can develop a lower peak bone mass than females with regular
monthly periods. Acceleration in the rate of bone loss is also likely to happen in
menopausal women due to loss of estrogen.
Pectoral Girdle
a. Clavicle (2)- collarbone
f. Tibia (2) - medial and larger two bones of the lower leg
h. Metatarsals (10) - long bones in the foot that are concave on the plantar or lower
The human skeleton is the internal skeleton that serves as a framework for the
body. This framework consists of many individual bones and cartilages. There also are
bands of fibrous connective tissue—the ligaments and the tendons—in an
intimate relationship with the parts of the skeleton. This article is concerned primarily
with the gross structure and the function of the skeleton of the normal human adult.
skeletal system, human Front and back views of the human skeleton. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Muscles are the exert forces and thus are the major contributors to human
movement. Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower a body part, to
slow down a fast-moving segment, and to generate great speed in the body or in
an object that is propelled in the air. The muscles only can pull and create motion
because they cross a joint. The tension developed by the muscles applies
compression to the joints, enhancing their stability. In some joints position,
however, the tension created by the muscles can act to pull the segments apart
and create instability.
4. Elasticity - is the ability of the muscle fiber to return to its resting length
after the stretch is removed.
Functions of Muscles
1. Produce movement
3. Stabilize Joints
4. Other Functions
a. Muscles support and protect the visceral organs and protect the internal
tissues from injuries.
b. Tension in the muscle’s tissues can alter and control pressures within the
d. The muscles control the entrances and exits of the body through voluntary
control over swallowing, defecation, and urination.
d.1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that can contract or shorten,
to produce a pulling force.
d. 2. Muscles are also extensible and are elastic so that they can stretched and
then recoil and resume their normal resting length.
Groups of Muscles
3. Medial (Adductors)
Muscles Architecture
1. Parallel Fiber Arrangement, The fascicles are parallel to the long axis
of the muscles. This muscle run s in the same direction as the whole
b. Strap - Sartorius
a. Unipennate- Semimembranosus
b. Bipennate - Gastrocnemius
c. Multipennate - Deltoid
Role of Muscle
Origin- The attachment closest to the middle of the body, or more proximal, and
this attachment is usually broader.
Insertion- The attachment farther from the midline, or more distal, this attachment
usually converges to a tendon.
Developing Torque
1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that can contract or shorten,
to produce a pulling force.
2. Muscles are also extensible and elastic so that they can stretch and then
recoil and resume their normal resting length.
Body Regions
Head and Neck region - The head houses the brain and major sense
1. Thorax
2. Abdomen
2. Forearm
3. Hand
Lower Extremities
1. Thigh 2. Leg 3. Foot
A. Flexion
A. Flexion
B. Extension
B. Extension
C. Adduction
C. Lateral Flexion D. Abduction
E. Circumduction
F. Extension
Hip Joint
A. Flexion
B. Extension
C. Adduction
D. Lateral Rotation
Shoulder Girdle
E. Medial Rotation
A. Abduction F. Abduction
Knee Joint
B. Adduction
A. Flexion
C. Depression
B. Extension
D. Elevation Ankle Joint
A. Pronation B. Eversion
1. A coronal or frontal plane divides the body into dorsal and ventral (back
and front, or posterior and anterior) portions.
3. A Sagittal Plane divides the body into sinister and dexter (left and
right) portions.
3. Enumerate the type of stretching. Give an example for each type. (10
Inc. k
The best way to improve movement is, to move. One must be able to move
and manage one’s b ody weight as well. If one can do so, then a progression in the
load from one’s b ody weight to an external mass can be made. In other words,
there will be movement progression. However, if one cannot perform a movement
pattern with one’s body weight, then one must perform with an assisted load or a
movement regression.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson and after reading and understanding the module,
the students must have:
The Warm-Up
1. Consider the specific type of workout you are planning to perform and place a
check in the Results section (e.g., walk, jog, slow jump rope). When completed,
place a checkmark in the box in the Results Section that corresponds to your
planned workout.
2. Perform a general cardiovascular warm-up.
3. Perform each of the exercises in Chart 1 on the next page. Perform dynamic
exercises several times. Perform stretching exercises three times for 15–30 seconds
4. After you perform the specific warm-up exercises, p lace a check (results section)
beside the warm-up exercises that you think you would most likely include in your
warm- up for the workout you checked.
Long jog
Moderate-intensity recreational activity
Vigorous-intensity recreational activity
Vigorous aerobics
Sports (game or practice)
Cardiovascular Warm-Up
Muscle fitness exercises
Other _____
Warm-Up Exercises (check those that you would include in your warm-up):
Calf stretch
Knee stride and reach
Hamstring stretch
High skip and reach
Seated side stretch
Leg hug
Backward jog
In several sentences, explain the reasons for your selections. (10 pts.)
Dynamic Warm-Up
Stretch Warm-Up
Unit 2 Lesson 2
Components of a Typical Bout of Physical Activity
The warm-up phase prepares the body for more vigorous activity.
A. Warm-Up Light to moderate physical activity performed to prepare
for a more vigorous workout.
From the pushup position, walk the feet toward the hands several steps, keeping
the hands still. Then walk the hands forward keeping the feet still. Repeat several
Backward Jog
Jog backward slowly using moderately long steps. Pump your arms back and
forth. Cover a distance of 10 yards, turn around, and backward jog in the opposite
direction. Repeat several times.
When performing a stretch warm-up in the future, consider the four stretching
exercises above and/or other stretching exercises from the flexibility.
Calf Stretch
This exercise stretches the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus). Face a wall
with your feet 2 or 3 feet away. Step forward on your left foot to allow both hands
to touch the wall. Keep the heel of your right foot on the ground, toe turned in
slightly, knee straight, and buttocks tucked in. Lean forward by bending your front
knee and arms and allowing your head to move nearer the wall. Hold. Repeat with
the other leg.
Hamstring Stretch
This exercise stretches the muscles of the back of the upper leg (hamstrings) as
well as those of the hip, knee, and ankle. Lie on your back. Bring the right knee to
your chest and grasp the toes with the right hand. Place the left hand on the back of
the right thigh. Pull the knee toward the chest, push the heel toward the ceiling, and
pull the toes toward the shin. Attempt to straighten the knee. Stretch and hold.
(to the right), reaching as far as possible to the left with the right arm. Hold. Do not
The trunk rotates. Repeat to the oppos ite side. This exercise can be done in the
standing position but is less effective.
Leg Hug
This exercise stretches the hip and back extensor muscles. Lie on your back.
Bend one leg and grasp your thigh under the knee. Hug it to your chest. Keep the
other leg straight and on the floor. Hold. Repeat with the opposite leg.
For further reading and understanding
https://www. w
Appli cation
Do the following tasks and document them.
1. Interpret the Dynamic and Stretching Exercises.
2. Make your “My exercise safety measures”
A. Performance Test: Let someone take a video of you while performing the “dynamic
and stretching exercises. With background music if possible but not required”
Rating Scale:
Poor (1-2 Good Very Good Excellent (9-10
pts) pts)
(3-5 pts) (6-8 pts)
Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task
with a low level of with moderate with a high-level of with very high level
mastery, skills, and level of mastery, skills mastery, skills, and of mastery,
confidence and confidence confidence, and
confidence skills
B. Document your Daily Physical Activity in seven days by following the sample
in “RED” below
In your observation or experience, how do coaches train their players?
Discuss briefly.
1. Which is better, to exercise only when you feel like doing it or not to exercise
at all? Why?
2. What will happen to a person if after several months of being involved in
physical activity suddenly she/he stops doing it?
Unit 2 Lesson 2
To get the maximum out of your training you need to apply the training principles.
There are several training principles you need to understand and how they are
1. Overload Principle
The most basic of all physical activity principles, indicates that doing “more
than normal” is necessary if benefits are to occur. For a muscle (including the heart
muscle) to get stronger, it must be overloaded, or worked against a load greater
than normal. To increase flexibility, a muscle must be stretched longer than is
normal. To increase muscular endurance, muscles must be exposed to sustained
exercise for a longer than normal period.
The health benefits associated with metabolic fitness seem to require less
overload than for health-related fitness improvement, but overload is required,
just the same.
Additional readings for further understanding:
2. Principle of Progression
Indicates that overload should occur in a gradual progression rather than in
major bursts. Failure to adhere to this principle can result in excess soreness or
injury. Although some tightness or fatigue is common after exercise, it is not
necessary to feel sore to improve.
Training is most effective when the sessions become progressively more
challenging over time.
Additional readings for further understanding:
3. Principle of Specificity
4. Principle of Reversibility
The overload principle is in reverse. To put it simply, if you don’t use it, you
lose it. Some people have the mistaken impression that if they achieve a health
or fitness benefit it will last forever. Although there is evidence that you can
maintain health benefits with less physical activity than it took to achieve them,
if you do not engage in regular physical activity, any benefits attained will
gradually erode.
Additional readings for further understanding:
5. Dose-Response Relationship
The more physical activity you perform, the more benefits you gain. The
“dose” of activity necessary to get one benefit is not the same as the “dose” for
another. For example, changes in cholesterol levels resulting from physical
activity may change at a different rate than changes in blood pressure.
Many benefits in health, wellness, and fitness are obtained with moderate
amounts of activity, so the key is to be at least active enough to obtain these
Additional readings for further understanding:
8. Principle of Individuality
Indicates that the benefits of physical activity vary from individual to
individual based on each person’s unique characteristics. Heredity, age, gender,
ethnicity, lifestyle, current fitness and health status, and a variety of other
factors make each person unique at any point in time.
Additional readings for further understanding:
Answer the questions below. Be aware of its application. 5 pts each.
1. Apply the Overload Principle in your training. Choose any ex ercise of your
2. Discuss specificity and site example s to validate your answers. Be guided by the
adage “what you sow., you shall reap”
3. What principle above applies to the “Theory of Use and Disuse”? Why?
Enumeration & Discussion 3 pts each. 1. Enumerat e and explain the different
principles of training. Site example for each.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson and after reading the module the students must
From your answer in the activity above, which is the most memorable?
Answer the following questions below.
2. If given a chance, do you still want to play it and with whom? Why?
3. What are your favorite sports and how do you maintain your skills?
Unit 2 Lesson 3
Think of a young child participating in a ballet class. She must be able to bend,
reach, leap, and slide. Commanding these fundamental body movements allows her
to participate in several physical activities throughout her lifetime. Studies show that
the younger a child commands fundamental movements, the more likely that child
will be to maintain an active lifestyle as an adult. That's why fundamental body
movements are an important part of physical education.
There are three types of fundamental body movements typically taught during
preschool and elementary school:
• Locomotor skills
• Non-locomotor skills
• Manipulative skills
In this lesson, you will learn to perform the Different Non-Locomotor and Locomotor
Activities with Specific Activity Skills.
At the end of this unit, you must perform these specific activities by following the
pictures or illustrations shown below.
1. Non-Locomotor Skills
A. Bend Knees
B. Straight Leg-up
C. Elbow to Knee
Additional viewing for further understanding:
A. T-W-Y-L
1 2 3
4 5
Plank Series
Additional viewing for further understanding:
A. Arms Forward
B. Squat Progression
1 2
4 5
A. Bear
2 3 2
B. Frog Leap
C. Multiple Jumps
A. Triyoga / Grapevine
A. Quick Cross
B. Juggle Hop
A. Kick Legs
3 3
4 4
Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task
with a low level of with moderate with a high-level with very high
mastery, skills, and level of of mastery, skills, level of mastery,
confidence mastery, and confidence confidence, and
skills and skills
Presentation of Group Tasks as BSIS students: Save the file with the title
Group Members: (LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_YEAR&SECTION_Locomotor & Non-
Locomotor). Scoring will be done using the performance rating scale provided
below. Please be guided by the following. Additional file for the portfolio. Actual
performance will be done face to face.
Rating Scale:
Poor (2- Good Very Good (9- Excellent (13-
4 pts) 12 pts) 15 pts)
Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task Performed the task
with a low level of with moderate with a high-level with very high
mastery, skills, and level of of mastery, skills, level of mastery,
confidence mastery, and confidence confidence, and
skills and skills
In the way we look and feel, the food we eat plays a crucial role. Regular exercise is
significant, but nutrition has the biggest impact on our health. A common trend for
enhancement has been the use of food as our medicine. As a primary wellness target, the
trend now is to concentrate on balanced food consumption. We’re healthier and happier when
good eating habits become a lifestyle. Eating right will help us lower body fat, lose a few
pounds, feel more relaxed, and decrease our risk of disease.
Exercise and nutrition are also essential components of losing weight and gaining
strength. Nutritional habits can have a much greater effect than any other exercise aspect on
your body composition and physique goals. It is when a mix of exercise and a balanced diet is
incorporated that effective body change takes place.
In this premise, this unit will focus on physical activity applying FITT principles and food
consumption and its effect on one’s health and fitness.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Unit and after actively reading and reviewing the module the
students must have:
1. defined the acronym FITT discussed its application in physical activity 2. analyzed
the relationship between nutrition and physical activity engagement.
3. created a personal exercise program applying FITT.
Abstraction Unit 3:
Types of Activity
a. Moderate Aerobic Activities
Aerobic activities equal in intensity to a brisk walk are referred to as moderate
b. Vigorous Aerobic Activities
Vigorous aerobic activities that elevate the heart rate and are greater in intensity than
a brisk walk
The FITT Principle is most commonly used in the weight loss industry, although it’s also used
as part of strength and weight training recommendations. The standard recommendation is
as follows.
at each of the
Frequency is a key component of the FITT Principle. Remember that it’s important to know
why you’re exercising and what you want to achieve before rushing into any exercise
Adjust the number of times you exercise per week to reflect your current fitness level, the
time you realistically have available, your other commitments like family and work, and the
goals you’ve set for yourself.
This is an extremely important aspect of the FITT principle and is probably the hardest factor
to monitor. The best way to gauge the intensity of your exercise is to monitor your heart rate.
There are a couple of ways to monitor your heart rate but the best way by far is to purchase
an exercise heart rate monitor. These can be purchased through online. They consist of an
elastic belt that fits around your chest and a wrist watch that displays your exercise heart rate
in beats per minute.
If you don’t want to spend the money on a heart rate monitor, simply count your heart rate
over 15 seconds. All you need is a wrist watch that has a “seconds” display. Feel for your
heart beat by either placing your hand over your heart or by feeling for your pulse in your
neck or on your wrist. Count the beats over 15 seconds and then multiply by 4. This will give
you your exercise heart rate in beats per minute.
The time you spend exercising is also an important part of the FITT Principle. The time
dedicated to exercise usually depends on the type of exercise undertaken.
For example, it’s recommended that to improve cardio-vascular fitness you’ll need at least 20
to 30 minutes of non-stop exercise. For weight loss, more time is required; at least 40
minutes of moderate weight-bearing exercise. However, when talking about the time required
for muscular strength improvements, time is often measured as several “sets” and “reps.” A
typical recommendation would be 3 sets of 8 reps.
Like time, the type of exercise you choose will have a big effect on the results you achieve.
That’s why it’s important to know what you want to gain from your efforts.
For example, if you’re looking to improve your cardio-vascular fitness, then exercises like
walking, jogging, swimming, bike riding, stair climbing, aerobics, and rowing are very effective.
For weight loss, any exercise that uses a majority of your large muscle groups will be effective.
To improve muscular strength the best exercises include the use of free weights, machine
weights, and body weight exercises like push-ups, chin-ups, and dips.
For example, walking three times a week for 30 minutes at a moderate pace might be a great
place for a beginner to start. After a few weeks, however, your body adapts to these workouts
and several things may happen:
• Weight loss: Your new workouts may assist weight loss which,
of course, is a good thing. The downside is that you expend
fewer calories moving that new, smaller body around.
It's at this point you want to manipulate one or more of the F.I.T.T. principles, such as:
Even just changing one of these elements can make a big difference in your workout and in
how your body responds to exercise. It's important to change things up regularly to keep
your body healthy and your mind engaged.
World-class athletes know that preparation and nutrition depend on results. They
carefully choose the foods they consume, so they will be fueled to success by the right mix of
nutrients. Take some tips and tun a world-class diet into your eating habits. You will reap the
advantages of being well-fed by eating wisely. Maximize muscle development, assist recovery,
and replenish glycogen reserves, and through your exercises and athletic endeavors, you will
have the energy and stamina to power you.
Eating a well-balanced diet will help you get the calories and nutrients that you need,
including frequent exercise, to fuel your everyday activities.
It’s not as easy as choosing vegetables over junk foods when it comes to eating food
to fuel your exercise efficiency. At the right time of the day, you need to eat the right food
Learn about the value of a balanced breakfast, snacks for workouts, and meal plans.
To start the day right, is to have your breakfast proper which is the most vital of all.
Eating your first meal daily has been related to a lower risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart
disease. Several studies have proven this to be true. Starting a nutritious meal in your day will
help replenish the sugar in your blood that your body requires to fuel your muscles and brain.
Carbohydrates are an important nutrient for everyone because they maintain blood
glucose levels during exercise and replace muscle glycogen, the carbohydrate that is stored
inside muscles. Muscle glycogen is the main fuel during prolonged exercise.
The right kind of carbohydrate consumption is vital. A person especially athletes should
focus on eating the complex carbs found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans instead
of relying on simple carbs found in sweets and processed food. Whole grains have more staying
power because it is digested more slowly and have vitamins and minerals needed to keep the
body function at its best.
Protein is needed to help keep the body growing, maintained, and repaired. As
reported, red blood cells die after 120 days. Protein is also essential for building and repairing
muscles, helping you enjoy the benefits of your workout. It can be a source of energy when
carbohydrates are in short supply, but it’s not a major source of fuel during exercise.
Protein recommendations for endurance and strength-trained athletes range from 1.2
to 1.7 grams/kg body weight. This protein intake can generally be met through diet alone,
without the use of protein or amino acid supplements.
Adults need to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilogram of their body
weight, reports Harvard Health Blog. That’s equal to about 0.36 grams of protein for every
pound of body weight. Exercisers and older adults may need even more.
Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of natural fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other
compounds that your body needs to function properly. They’re also low in calories and fat.
Aim to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal. Try to “eat the
rainbow” by choosing fruits and veggies of different colors. This will help you enjoy the full
range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the produce aisle has to
Fat intake should range from 20% to 30% of total calorie intake. Fat shouldn't be
restricted below 20% because fat is an important source of calories, fatsoluble vitamins
A, D, E, and K, and essential fatty acids.
While fat is a primary fuel for aerobic exercise, we have plenty stored in the body to fuel
even the longest workouts. However, getting healthy unsaturated fats helps to provide
essential fatty acids and calories to keep you moving.
• nuts
• seeds
• avocados
• olives
• oils, such as olive oil
6. Fluids
Adequate fluid intake before, during, and after exercise is important for health
and optimal performance. Two to three hours before exercise, drink 15-20 ounces
or water, and then another 8-10 ounces ten to fifteen minutes before exercise.
During exercise, drink 8-10 ounces every ten to fifteen minutes.
For intense endurance exercise lasting more than 90 minutes or when you are
exercising in an extreme environment (heat, cold, or high altitude), the goal is to drink
to stay hydrated and to provide carbohydrates so that blood glucose levels are
maintained. Intake should provide 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour. This
carbohydrate can be consumed in a 6-8% carbohydrate sports beverage (8-16
ounces) every ten to fifteen minutes.
Water is the most important, yet overlooked, nutrient for athletes. Water and fluids
are essential to keep the body hydrated and at the right temperature. Your body can lose
several liters of sweat in an hour of vigorous exercise. Clear urine is a good sign that you
have fully re-hydrated.
Food eaten before exercise should be relatively low in fat and fiber, moderate in
protein, and relatively high in carbohydrates to maximize maintenance of blood glucose.
Within 30 minutes after exercise, dietary goals are to provide adequate fluids, electrolytes,
calories, protein, and carbohydrates to replace muscle glycogen and promote recovery. A
carbohydrate intake of approximately 0.5-0.7 grams per pound during the first thirty minutes
and again every two hours for four to six hours will be sufficient to replace glycogen stores.
Protein consumed after exercise will provide amino acids for the building and repair of muscle
tissue. So adding protein 0.2 g - 0.5 g/kg/day to carbohydrate at a ratio of 3 - 4:1
(Carbohydrate: Protein) may further improve glycogen re-synthesis so properly refuel for future
It is crucial to achieve the right equilibrium of carbs and protein when it comes to
fueling up before or after a workout. Combining carbs with protein, pre-workout snacks will
make you feel more energized than junk foods made from simple sugars and tons of fat.
With some of these easy snacks, consider stocking your exercise bag and refrigerator:
Bananas are full of potassium and magnesium, which are important nutrients to get daily.
Eating a banana can help replenish these minerals while providing natural sugars to fuel your
workout. For added protein, enjoy your banana with a serving of peanut butter.
These fruits are all full of vitamins, minerals, and water. They’re easy on your intestines, give
you a quick boost of energy, and help you stay hydrated. Consider pairing them with a serving
of yogurt for protein.
Nuts are a great source of heart-healthy fats and also provide protein and essential nutrients.
They can give you a source of sustained energy for your workout.
Pair them with fresh or dried fruit for a healthy dose of carbohydrates. However, test these
options to see how they settle. High-fat foods can slow digestion, and they may make food sit
in your stomach too long if your workout is coming up quickly.
Nut butter
Many grocery stores carry single-serving packets of peanut butter that don’t require
refrigeration and can be easily stored in a gym bag. For a tasty protein-carbohydrate combo,
you can spread peanut butter on:
• an apple
• a banana
• whole-grain crackers
• a slice of whole-grain bread
If you don’t like peanut butter, try almond butter, soy butter, or other protein-rich alternatives.
You can be tempted to remove a lot of calories from your meals if you’re trying to lose
weight or tone up your body. A main aspect of weight reduction is cutting calories, but it is
possible to go too far.
Diets for weight lose should never leave you feeling tired or sick. Those are signs that
you don’t get the calories for good health and fitness you need.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Trusted Source, a diet containing
1,200 to 1,500 daily calories is suitable for most women who are trying to lose weight safely.
A diet with 1,500 to 1,800 daily calories is appropriate for most men who are trying to shed
excess pounds.
If you’re very active or you don’t want to lose weight while getting fit, you may need to eat
more calories. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian to learn how many calories you need to
support your lifestyle and fitness goals.
Balance is key
You’ll probably discover which foods give you the most energy and which have detrimental
effects when you settle into an active lifestyle. The trick is to teach your body to listen and to
align what feels right with what is good for you.
The right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients can help fuel
your exercise routine.
Create your personal exercise program for 1 week by applying FITT. Be sure to perform
what you have created. Document it to support your results.
Name:_________________________ Course&Section:_________
For Portfolio(TO BE DONE FOR SEVEN DAYS) (equipment needed: camera for
Pototan Campus
Movement Enhancement
PE 111-
Date Picture Mea l Item Calorie Total
s s (cal)
PE Movement Enhancement
Mond 999 56. 942.75 not final High Incre
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(Male &
female has
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r evaluation)
(Sample Only. Make your own physical activity and food intake)
4. Discuss the acronym FITT. Give example for each component(5 points)
5. Enumerate the vital nutrients and how important are they especially for the athletes
or hardworking people. (5 points.)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson and after reading and understanding the module, the
students must have:
examined personal, cultural, and social factors that affect activity choices and nutrition
described personal, cultural and, social factors that affect nutrition behaviors
. enumerated the personal, cultural, and social factors that affect activity choices and
nutrition behaviors
1. Can you think of a way society has influenced the way you eat? Have you overcome
any trends you weren’t even aware you were following?
In several sentences, explain the statements below. (5 pts each)
1. Why do people vary in their choice of activities despite of same culture?
2. Are you the type of person who is fond of eating on fast food chains or do you
prefer to eat a home prepared food? Why?
3. Are you a socially inclined person who goes with the group and follows their
physical activities and spends more time with them or are you the opposite
Unit 3
Lesson 2 Factors affecting physical activity and nutritional
choices and behaviors
There are several factors influencing nutrient intake. How do social and
cultural variables influence healthy eating? Let’s look at the basic essence of the
human social system to fully comprehend the idea.
According to social scientists Elizabeth Barnett, Ph.D. and Michele Casper, Ph.D.:
Most social activities are focused around food and it become the new national
pastime. Do you agree? For instance, when you want to meet a long-lost friend,
where is the usual meeting place? When you buy your groceries, what are the most
common stuff you buy?
On eating habits, friends and family exert an influence. They prefer to eat
more or less when they are together than when they are alone. In social settings,
the form of food eaten may be different from the food eaten when a person is alone.
In particular, one study found that “meals consumed with others contained more
carbohydrates, fat, protein, and total calories.”
Many individuals, especially young adults, are vulnerable to how the media
depicts the “perfect body.” Is the media responsible for the epidemic of body
dysmorphia and other problems with self-image?
The problem with people who have anorexia nervosa, they see themselves as
overweight, even when they are underweight. Food sleeping and weight
management are becoming obsessions.
There are many symptoms of anorexia, but the most common include repeated
weighing, consuming extremely small amounts of food, self-induced vomiting, abuse
of laxatives, diuretics, or even enemas. The highest mortality rate of any psychiatric
disorder is currently associated with anorexia.
Bulimia nervosa people appear to consume unusually large quantities of food and
experience a loss of control over these episodes. The use of laxatives, diuretics,
fasting, excessive exercise, or some combination of them is accompanied by binge
eating. The aim is to compensate for the out-of-control eating.
People with this disorder often maintain a normal weight. But the psychological fear
factors remain the same — the fear of gaining weight and intense unhappiness with
body size and shape. Bulimic behavior is often done secretly as it is often
accompanied by feelings of disgust or shame.
Binge-Eating Behavior
Binge-eating behavior often leads to losing control over eating. The difference
between binge-eating and bulimia is that in both cases, people eat excessive
amounts of food, but people with bulimia compensate for out-of-control eating with
purging, while pure binge-eaters will not. As a result, people with binge-eating
disorder often become overweight or obese.
The muscles you are involved in during exercise depend on the nutrients you offer them
through your diet, whether it's cardio, strength training, or flexibility practice.
It can affect the quality of your workout and affect your fitness goals by supplying
your body with nutrients before you work out after you work out, and in the recovery
time between workouts. Fueling up after an exercise session can also improve
performance in certain situations.
Several functions linked to exercise are fulfilled by your dietary protein. Protein
helps create new muscle fibers as the primary component of muscle tissue and
replaces weakened tissues during your workout. Having ample high-quality protein in
your daily diet-up to 2 grams for each kilogram you weigh-allows the increase in
muscle mass that during subsequent exercises will increase your physical strength
over time. In addition, it will facilitate muscle regeneration by eating protein that
contains branched-chain amino acids, such as those found in milk protein whey, so
that you can work out again faster.
The energy your muscles need to conduct work is provided by carbohydrates, both
starches and sugar. The carbohydrates that you eat before you exercise not only
burn as fuel but also accumulate as glycogen in your muscles and liver, a storage
form of starch that your muscles call on to keep them going during exercise. After
exercising, this nutrient is also important, since vigorous physical activity depletes
your glycogen reserves. In preparation for the next exercise session, replenishing
glycogen during or after a workout speeds recovery. Soon after exercise, taking in
between 1 and 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight helps
optimize the system.
Many of the functions of the body that come into play during exercise, such as energy
production and muscle contraction, include vitamins and minerals. Therefore, lack of
any of these nutrients will affect your ability to work out as you want to. Your blood
cells, for example, contain oxygen that is bound to an iron-rich protein, and if your
dietary iron is poor, during exercise you will easily become hot and dry and exhausted.
Vitamin C can help you absorb iron and your iron levels can be indirectly affected by
a deficiency of this vitamin. By pulling in water, electrolytes, such as sodium, help
sustain fluid balance in your cells, and too little sodium in your diet can lead to
muscle cramps as you exercise.
One of the most essential nutrients in exercise is water. Staying well hydrated
requires replacing the fluids that you lose from heavy breathing and sweating.
Hydration prevents your heart rate from climbing too fast, which helps to control the
temperature of your body in turn. Each time you lose a liter of fluid by sweat, the
heart rate rises by eight beats per minute, according to the American Council on
Exercise. Your core temperature can be dangerously raised if fluid loss persists.
Before, during, and after exercise, drinking plenty of water helps ensure you
complete your workout so that you can healthily achieve your fitness goals.
For youth and adults engaging in physical activity and sports, healthy eating is
essential for optimizing performance. Combining good nutrition with physical activity
can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
8. Drink water
Stay hydrated by drinking water instead of sugary drinks. Keep a reusable water
bottle with you to always have water on hand.
Make a scrapbook
Title: “Am I what I eat and do?”
Make a reflection paper emphasizing how you observe your feelings based on your
food intake and daily physical activities. Prove that you are what your lifestyle is. Write
your answers on bond paper and paste some of your photos on it while eating and
doing your physical activities. (Scrapbook) please be guided by a rubric.
Scrapbook Rubric
Amount of Information All topics are addressed All topics are addressed All topics are One or more topics were
and all questions are and most questions are addressed, and most not addressed.
answered with at least answered with at least questions are answered
2 sentences about 2 sentences about with 1 sentence about
each. each. each.
Quality of Information Information relates to Information relates to Information relates to Information has little
the main topic. It the main topic. It the main topic. No or nothing to do with
includes several provides 12 supporting details and/or examples the main topic.
supporting details details and/or examples. are given.
and/or examples.
Diagrams & Illustrations Diagrams and Diagrams and Diagrams and Diagrams and
illustrations are neat, illustrations are illustrations are neat illustrations are not
and accurate and add to accurate and add to the and accurate and accurate OR do not
the reader's reader's understanding sometimes add to the add to the reader's
understanding of the of the topic. reader's understanding understanding of the
topic. of the topic. topic.
Read the statements below and answer it with heart. (10 pts each)
1. Enumerate and discuss the nutrients that control the functions of the body.
healthy lifestyle
Learning Outcomes
Are you particular about the foods that you intake? Why? Discuss briefly.
_ _________________________________________________________________.
needs. People can get the nutrients and calories they need and stop consuming fast
food, or food without nutritional value, by eating a healthy diet.
A healthy diet provides the body with the nutrients it requires to work
properly. To get the diet you need, most of your daily calories should come from
what is found in the Food Pyramid.
Shelf 1: (at least 5 to 7 servings a day) of vegetables, salad and fruit. On these,
base your meals and enjoy a range of colors. Better is more. Limit fruit juice to once
a day, unsweetened.
Shelf 2: Wholemeal cereals and bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice (3–5 servings a
day, up to 7 servings a day for 19-50 years of age for teenage boys and men). the
best are whole meals and wholegrain cereals. Enjoy it with every meal.
Shelf 3: Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese (3 servings a day and 5 from the age of 9 to 18
years of age) Select low-fat varieties or reduced-fat types. More often than cheese,
prefer low-fat milk and yogurt. In small quantities, enjoy cheese.
Shelf 4: Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, and Nuts Pick lean meat, poultry (without
skin), and fish (2 servings a day). Up to twice a week, eat oily fish. Choose eggs,
nuts, and beans. Limit salty meats such as sausages, bacon, and ham that have been
Shelf 5: Use as little as possible Fats, Spreads, and Oils (In very limited amounts).
Select reduced fat or light spreads that are mono or polyunsaturated. Pick the oils of
rapeseed, olive, canola, sunflower, or corn. Limit the dressings of mayonnaise,
coleslaw, and salad as they also contain oil. Always cook with as little fat or oil as
possible – grilling, oven-baking, steaming, boiling, or stir-frying.
Top Shelf: The Top Shelf divides the modified Food Pyramid from the rest of the
pyramid. Foods and beverages rich in fat, sugar, and salt are part of the Top Shelf.
These are not needed for good health and should not be eaten daily. Very small
quantities are appropriate for a maximum of one or two days a week.
To achieve a safe, balanced diet, the Food Pyramid shows how much of what you
consume overall can come from each shelf. The food Pyramid’s form illustrates the
kinds of foods and drinks that people need to consume most for healthy eating. It is
split into six racks, each of which provides the range of nutrients and energy needed
for good health.
Create your 7-day personal menu plan. Use the data for your Daily food
Be sure to document it.
1. Explained the importance of planning a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle. (10 pts)
The importance of good nutrition for optimal health is well established. Eating
patterns have been related to four of the seven leading causes of death, and poor
nutrition increases the risks for numerous diseases, including heart disease, obesity,
stroke, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and many cancers (e.g., colon, prostate,
mouth, throat, lung, and stomach). In addition to helping avoid these health risks,
proper nutrition can enhance the quality of life by improving appearance and
increasing the ability to carry out work and leisure-time activity without fatigue.
Most people believe that nutrition is important but still find it difficult to
maintain a healthy diet. One reason for this is that foods are usually developed,
marketed, and advertised for convenience and taste rather than for health or
nutritional quality. Another reason is that many individuals have misconceptions
about what constitutes a healthy diet. Some of these misconceptions are propagated
by commercial interests and so-called experts with less-than-impressive credentials.
Other misconceptions are created by the confusing, and often contradictory, news
reports about new nutrition research. Although nutrition is an advanced science,
many questions remain unanswered.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Unit and after actively reading and reviewing the module the
students must have:
List down your favorite food for breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks
and dinner.
Breakfast Snacks Lunch Snacks Dinner
Based on your answers from the activity above compare it to the food pyramid below.
Analyze your food intake compared to the pyramid (5 pts each)
5. On what level or section of the pyramid is your food intake mostly seen?
6. Are you aware of the effects of these foods on your body? Explain your answer
National dietary guidelines provide a sound plan for good nutrition. The first
guidelines were published in 1980, and federal law requires that these guidelines be
updated every 5 years to incorporate new research findings. The most recent USDA
nutrition guidelines were published in 2015.
• Eat the right amount of calories for you. Effective weight control requires
balancing energy intake with energy expenditure. Studies indicate that
Americans underestimate the number of calories they eat, and only about 9
percent regularly keep track of the calories in the foods they eat.
• Reduce solid fats and added sugars. Consumption of solid fats and added
sugars leads to excessive intake of saturated fat and cholesterol and
insufficient intake of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Consuming fewer
processed foods (e.g., meats, grains) and sweetened foods and drinks
contributes to a healthier dietary pattern.
• Reduce sodium intake. Excessive sodium in the diet can increase blood
pressure and lead to health problems. Consuming fewer processed foods
and snack foods can help reduce overall sodium intake. The goal is to stay
the limit of 2,300 milligrams per day.
1. Carbohydrates
A. Complex carbohydrates should be the principal source of calories in the
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap in recent years due to the hype
associated with low-carbohydrate diets. Carbohydrates have been unfairly implicated
as a cause of obesity. Simple sugars (such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose) found
in candy and soda lead to quick increases in blood sugar and tend to promote fat
deposition. Complex carbohydrates (e.g., bread, pasta, rice), on the other hand, are
broken down more slowly and do not cause the same effect on blood sugar. They
contribute valuable nutrients and fiber to the diet and should constitute the bulk of a
person’s diet. Lumping simple and complex carbohydrates together is not appropriate,
since they are processed differently and have different nutrient values.
Several low-carb diet books have used an index known as the glycemic index (GI) as
the basis for determining if foods are appropriate in the diet. Foods with a high GI
value produce rapid increases in blood sugar, while foods with a low GI value produce
slower increases.
B. Reducing dietary sugar can help reduce the risk of obesity and heart
Although sugar consumption has not been viewed as harmful, people who
consume high amounts of sugar also tend to consume excess calories. The new
dietary guidelines recommend decreasing the consumption of added sugars to
reduce the risk of excess calorie consumption and weight gain. The World Health
Organization also emphasized limiting sugars to 5 to 10 percent of total calories
consumed each day.
It has proven difficult to isolate the effects of dietary fiber, but there is no
debate about the benefits. Past guidelines distinguished soluble fiber (typically found
in fruits and oat bran) from insoluble fiber (typically found in grains), but this was an
oversimplification of the different types of fiber as well as how they are processed in
the body. From a technical perspective, dietary fibers are defined as carbohydrate
molecules that escape digestion in the small intestine and pass into the large intestine,
where they are slightly or nearly completely fermented. The fermentation products
contribute to the many physiological benefits of dietary fiber since they can be
absorbed into the bloodstream.
D. Fruits and vegetables are essential for good health. Fruits and vegetables
are a valuable source of dietary fiber, are packed with vitamins and minerals, and
contain many beneficial phytochemicals, which may have positive effects on health.
2. Fat
A. Fat is an essential nutrient and an important energy source. Humans
need some fat in their diet because fats are carriers of vitamins A, D, E, and K. They
are a source of essential linoleic acid, they make food taste better, and they provide
a concentrated form of calories, which serve as a vital source of energy during
moderate to vigorous exercise. Fats have more than twice the calories per gram of
There are several types of dietary fat. Saturated fats come primarily from
animal sources, such as red meat, dairy products, and eggs, but they are also found
in some vegetable sources, such as coconut and palm oils. There are two basic types
of unsaturated fats: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.
Polyunsaturated fats are derived principally from vegetable sources, such as
safflower, cottonseed, soybean, sunflower, and corn oils (omega-6 fats), and
coldwater fish sources, such as salmon and mackerel (omega-3 fats).
Monounsaturated fats are derived primarily from vegetable sources, including olive,
peanut, and canola oil.
• ∙ Consume two servings of seafood per week to provide healthy amounts of omega-
3 fatty acids.
3. Proteins
A. Protein is the basic building block for the body, but dietary protein
constitutes a relatively small amount of daily caloric intake. Proteins are often
referred to as the building blocks of the body because all body cells are made of
protein. More than 100 proteins are formed from 20 different amino acids.
Eleven of these amino acids can be synthesized from other nutrients, but 9
essential amino acids must be obtained directly from the diet. One way to identify
amino acids is the -ine at the end of their name. For example, arginine and lysine are
two of the amino acids. Only 3 of the 20 amino acids do not have the -ine suffix. They
are aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and tryptophan.
Certain foods, called complete proteins, contain all of the essential amino
acids, along with most of the others. Examples are meat, dairy products, and fish.
Incomplete proteins contain some, but not all, of the essential amino acids.
Examples include beans, nuts, and rice. High-protein diets are damaging to the
kidneys, as the body must process a lot of extra nitrogen. Excessive protein intake
can also lead to urinary calcium loss, which can weaken bones and lead to
People who eat a variety of foods, including meat, dairy, eggs, and plants rich
in protein, virtually always consume more protein than the body needs. Because of
the negative consequences associated with excess intake, dietary supplements
containing extra protein are not recommended for the general population.
1 glass milk = 8 grams
1 ounce chicken breast = 7 grams 1 slice
bread = 3 grams cup vegetables = 2
grams cup navy beans = 7 grams
B. Vegetarian diets provide sufficient protein and may offer health benefits.
Vegetarian diets provide ample sources of protein as long as a variety of protein-
rich food sources are included in the diet. According to the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics, well-planned vegetarian diets “are appropriate for all stages of the
life cycle, including during pregnancy, and lactation,” and can “satisfy the nutrient
needs of infants, children, and adolescents.” You can get enough protein as long as
the variety and amounts of foods consumed are adequate. Vegans must
supplement their diet with vitamin B-12 because the only source of this vitamin is
food from animal sources. Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not have the same concerns
because vitamin B-12 can be obtained in dairy products.
• ∙ Protein in the diet should meet the RDA of .8 grams per kilogram (2.2 pounds)
of a person’s weight (about 54 grams for a 150-pound person).
• ∙ Protein in the diet should not exceed twice the RDA (1.6 grams per kilogram of
body weight). Excess protein can be harmful to the kidneys.
4. Vitamins
A. Adequate vitamin intake is necessary for good health and wellness, but
excessive vitamin intake is not necessary and can be harmful. Vitamins serve a
variety of functions within the body. For example, they serve as co-enzymes for the
metabolism of different nutrients, contribute to the regulation of energy stores, and
assist in immune function.
Some vitamins (e.g., B-complex vitamins and vitamin C) are water soluble
and are excreted in urine. These vitamins must be consumed daily. Other vitamins,
such as A, D, E, and K, are fat soluble. These vitamins are stored over time, so daily
doses of these vitamins are not necessary. Excess consumption of fat-soluble
vitamins can build to toxic levels and harm cell function and health. Vitamins A, C,
and E (as well as beta-carotene) act as antioxidants within the body.
Antioxidants are substances that are thought to inactivate free radicals
(molecules that can cause cell damage and health problems). Many common grain
products are fortified with folic acid because low folic acid levels increase the risk of
birth defects in babies. Fortification is considered essential since more than half of all
women do not consume adequate amounts of folic acid during the first months of
gestation (before most women even realize they are pregnant).
Vitamin supplementation may not be necessary for people with healthy diets,
but it is acceptable to take a standard multivitamin/mineral supplement to ensure
that your needs are met.
4. Vitamins
A. Adequate vitamin intake is necessary for good health and wellness, but
excessive vitamin intake is not necessary and can be harmful. Vitamins serve a
variety of functions within the body. For example, they serve as co-enzymes for the
metabolism of different nutrients, contribute to the regulation of energy stores, and
assist in immune function.
Some vitamins (e.g., B-complex vitamins and vitamin C) are water soluble
and are excreted in urine. These vitamins must be consumed daily. Other vitamins,
such as A, D, E, and K, are fat soluble. These vitamins are stored over time, so daily
doses of these vitamins are not necessary. Excess consumption of fat-soluble
vitamins can build to toxic levels and harm cell function and health. Vitamins A, C,
and E (as well as beta-carotene) act as antioxidants within the body.
Antioxidants are substances that are thought to inactivate free radicals
(molecules that can cause cell damage and health problems). Many common grain
products are fortified with folic acid because low folic acid levels increase the risk of
birth defects in babies. Fortification is considered essential since more than half of all
women do not consume adequate amounts of folic acid during the first months of
gestation (before most women even realize they are pregnant).
Vitamin supplementation may not be necessary for people with healthy diets,
but it is acceptable to take a standard multivitamin/mineral supplement to ensure
that your needs are met.
Examples of Functional Foods and Potential Benefits
Carotenoids Potential Benefits
Beta-carotene: found in carrots, pumpkin, sweet May bolster cellular antioxidant defenses
potato, cantaloupe
5. Minerals
A. Adequate mineral intake is necessary for good health and wellness, but
excessive mineral intake is not necessary and can be harmful. Like vitamins, minerals
have no calories and provide no energy for the body. They are important in regulating
various bodily functions. Two particularly important minerals are calcium
and iron.
Calcium is important to bone, muscle, nerve, and blood development and
function and has been associated with reduced risk for heart disease. Iron is
necessary for the blood to carry adequate oxygen. Other important minerals are
phosphorus, which builds teeth and bones; sodium, which regulates water in the
body; zinc, which aids in the healing process; and potassium, which is necessary for
proper muscle function.
Another concern is iron deficiency among very young children and women of
childbearing age. Low iron levels may be a special problem for women taking birth
control pills because the combination of low iron levels and birth control pills has been
associated with depression and generalized fatigue. Eating a well-balanced diet with
recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, and grains can help in meeting the RDA
for minerals. Nutrition goals for the nation emphasize the importance of adequate
servings of foods rich in calcium, such as green, leafy vegetables and milk products;
adequate servings of foods rich in iron, such as beans, peas, spinach, and meat; and
reduced salt in the diet.
• ∙ Extra servings of green and yellow vegetables, citrus and other fruits, and other
non-animal sources of foods high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals are recommended
as a substitute for high-fat foods.
C. Reducing salt in the diet can reduce health risks. Salt is common in many
processed food products, and most Americans consume way too much. Most meals
at fast food chains provide more than a full day’s allotment of salt. Therefore, major
public health efforts have focused on encouraging manufacturers to reduce salt
content in processed and fast foods.
While changes in food supply are important, taking responsibility for lowering
salt in the diet is the best way for an individual to make a change. Salt intake
increases the risk for hypertension, which is a major risk factor for heart disease and
stroke. Many people have assumed that salt consumption is not a problem if you are
not hypertensive, but this is not the case. Recent studies have shown that sodium
intake increases the risk of stroke independent of the presence of hypertension.
B. Beverages other than water are a part of many diets, but some beverages
can harm good health. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are often
substituted for water. Too much caffeine consumption has been shown to cause
symptoms such as irregular heartbeat in some people. Tea has not been shown to
have similar effects, though this may be because tea drinkers typically consume less
volume than coffee drinkers, and tea has less caffeine per cup than coffee. Many soft
drinks also have caffeine, though drip coffee typically contains two to three times the
caffeine of a typical cola drink.
Word to Remember!
Nutrition Analysis
1. Record your dietary intake for 2 days using the Daily Diet Record sheets. Record
intake for 1 weekday and 1 weekend day. You may wish to make extra copies for
future use.
3. List the number of servings from each food group by each food choice.
4. Estimate the proportion of complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, protein, and fat
in each meal and in snacks, as well as for the total day.
5. Answer the questions, using information for a typical day based on the Daily Diet Record
sheets. Score 1 point for each “yes” answer. Then use Chart 2 to rate your dietary habits
(circle rating).
6. Complete the Conclusions and Implications section.
Record the number of calories consumed for each of the 2 days.
Weekday Calories Weekend Calories
8. Do you limit the amount of saturated fat in your diet (no more than 10
11. Do you typically eat 6 to 11 servings from the bread, cereal, rice, and
pasta group of foods?
14. Do you typically eat 2 to 3 servings from the milk, yogurt, and cheese
group of foods?
15. Do you typically eat 2 to 3 servings from the meat, poultry, fish, beans,
eggs, and nuts group of foods?
19. Is your average caloric consumption reasonable for your body size and
for the amount of calories you normally expend?
________Total number of “yes” answers
*Based on USDA standards.
13–14 Marginal
12 or less Poor
In the News!
Other key changes on the proposed labels include revised portion sizes and
more information on the sugar content of foods to help consumers be more aware of
added sugar. The proposed changes in the labels are more in line with labeling
approaches used in England and Australia that provide “at a glance” information,
making it easier for consumers to find healthier choices. Some food companies oppose
efforts to categorize the relative health of different foods, but many agree that simpler
labels are needed to help consumers. Consistent with food labeling rules, the FDA also
1. Do you review the nutritional quality of the foods you eat? Why?
2. Do you see benefits from the changes in labeling? Why or why not?
3. Are you the type of consumer who is particular about the expiration date and
nutritional value of the goods that you are buying? Why?
References Activity
In several sentences, explain the statements below. (5 pts each)
1. Do you believe and patronize food products endorsed by actors/actresses or athletes?
2. Do you prefer imported products over locally produced canned foods? Why?
Unit 4
Lesson 2: Eating Practices
Managing Diet and Activity for Healthy Body Fatness
The fact that more than two-thirds of adults are classified as overweight is
evidence that weight control is a vexing problem for the majority of the population.
Too often, the focus is on appearance rather than health and on weight loss rather
than fat loss. In attempts to lose weight, the dietary (energy intake) side of the
energy balance equation is typically emphasized. However, the energy expenditure
side of the equation is just as important, if not more so. Despite the documented
benefits, few people trying to lose weight are physically active.
Thus, the challenges many people experience with weight control may be an
indirect reflection of the challenges people face in trying to be more active. Although
being physically active cannot ensure you will become as thin as you desire, you may
attain a body size that is appropriate for your genetics and body type.
The average person gains 1 pound of weight (i.e., fat) every year over the
age of 25. This may sound like a lot, but it represents a calorie difference of only 10
kcal per day (approximately the calories found in a cracker or potato chip). This
subtle difference shows the precise regulation of intake and expenditure that is
normally in effect when a person maintains his or her body weight. The built-in
regulation system is based on our appetite, which guides us when we might be
running low on energy. To maintain a healthy weight, a person’s overall energy
expenditure must offset energy intake.
It can be maintained for long periods and results in significant calorie expenditure.
Long-term studies show that 60 or more minutes of moderate activity such as
walking is very effective for long-term weight loss and maintenance.
Awareness and dietary restraint are needed to avoid excess caloric intake. In
our modern society, it is very easy for people to meet their daily energy needs.
Considerable willpower is needed to keep energy intake at a manageable level. Having
an extra cookie or brownie for a snack may sound like a good idea until you realize
you would need to possibly walk between one and two miles to burn it off. Foods
high in empty calories are easily available and are frequent selections of college
students, who may be responsible for their food selection or preparation for the first
time in their lives. Sugar, especially from soft drinks, and beer adds calories. Learning
to make healthy choices and showing some restraint with food intake are important
skills for long-term weight control.
Paying attention to appetite and hunger can help in weight control. The body
has built-in regulatory systems that help in weight regulation. Hunger and appetite
are the cues that should regulate calorie intake, but many people develop unhealthy
habits and eat when they are not hungry. For example, food is often consumed as a
source of comfort when feeling sad, anxious, or bored. This has been termed
“emotional eating” since the consumption of food is directly tied to our emotions. The
assumption has been that food is consumed in response to emotional situations, but
new research shows that the consumption of some foods may have reciprocal effects
on our emotions. One study showed that consumption of a high-fat snack.
Who should consider Individuals with a BMI of .25 or in the marginal or over-fat zone should
consider reducing their body weight—especially if it is accompanied by
weight loss?
abdominal obesity. Individuals with a BMI of .30 are encouraged to
seek weight loss treatment.
What types of goals Overweight and obese individuals should target reducing their body
weight by a minimum of 5 to 10 percent and should aim to maintain
should be established?
this long-term weight loss.
What about Individuals should strive for long-term weight maintenance and the
maintenance? prevention of weight regain over the long term, especially when
weight loss is not desired or when attainment of ideal body weight is
not achievable.
What should be targeted Weight loss programs should target both eating and exercise
behaviors, as sustained changes in both behaviors have been
in a weight loss
associated with significant long-term weight loss.
How should diet be Overweight and obese individuals should reduce their current intake
by 500–1,000 kcal/day to achieve weight loss (,30% of calories from
fat). Individualized levels of caloric intake should be established to
prevent weight regain after initial loss.
How should the activity Overweight and obese individuals should progressively increase to a
be changed? minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per
week for health benefits. However, for long-term weight loss, the
program should progress to higher amounts of activity (e.g., 200–300
minutes per week or .2,000 kcal/ week).
What about resistance Resistance exercise should supplement the endurance exercise
program for individuals undertaking modest reductions in energy
intake to lose weight.
What about using drugs Pharmacotherapy (medicine/drugs) for weight loss should be used only
by individuals with a BMI of .30 or those with excessive body fat.
for weight loss?
Weight loss medications should be used only in combination with a
strong behavioral intervention that focuses on modifying eating and
exercise behaviors.
Behavioral goals are more effective than outcome goals. Researchers have
shown that setting only outcome goals, or goals that set a specific amount of
weight or fat loss (or gain), can be discouraging. If a behavioral goal of eating a
reasonable number of calories per day and expending a reasonable number of
calories in exercise is met, outcome goals will be achieved. Most experts believe that
behavioral goals work better than weight or fat loss goals, especially in the short
meaningful weight loss, regardless of the composition of the diet (e.g., carbohydrates,
fats, proteins). Diets high in grains, fruits, and vegetables are generally recommended
because they are typically low in calories and easy to maintain over time. Research
also clearly indicates that regular exercise is crucial to long-term fat loss. Weight loss
programs that do not include physical activity are likely to fail. A major advantage of
physical activity in a weight loss program is that it can help maintain basal metabolic
rate and prevent the decline that occurs with calorie sparing.
• ∙ Eat breakfast every day. Studies show that breakfast skipping is associated
with an increased risk of obesity.
• ∙ Use smaller plates and taller, thinner glasses for meals. Research has
shown that the size of serving dishes is related to the amount of food
consumed. By using smaller plates and bowls and taller, thinner glasses you
can help trick your mind into eating less.
• ∙ Avoid negative self-talk. One type of negative self-talk occurs when a
person self-criticizes for not meeting a goal. For example, if you are
determined not to eat more than one serving of food at a party but fail to meet
this goal, you might say, “It’s no use stopping now; I’ve already blown it.”
View this as a minor setback rather than a failure. A more appropriate response
is positive self-talk, such as, “I’m not going to eat anything else
tonight; I can do it.”
The support of family and friends can be of great importance in balancing caloric
intake and caloric expenditure. Family and friends can help you adopt and maintain
healthy eating practices and follow shopping guidelines (see
Table 2). Sometimes, friends and family can “try too hard” to help. This can have the opposite
effect if it is perceived as an attempt to control your behavior.
Encouragement and support, rather than control of behavior, are the keys. Group
support can also be beneficial to many individuals attempting to change their
behavior. Commercial groups such as Overeaters Anonymous and Weight Watchers
help those who need the support of peers in attaining and maintaining desirable fat
levels for a lifetime. Several new group-based lifestyle and fitness programs are
available to provide social support for change (e.g., Kosama).
Guidelines for When you eat, do nothing else but eat. If you watch television,
How You Eat read, or do some other activity while you eat, you may be
unaware of what you have eaten.
• Eat slowly. Taste your food. Pause between bites. Chew
slowly. Do not take the next bite until you have swallowed
what you have in your mouth. Periodically take a longer pause.
Be the last one finished eating.
• Do not eat food you do not want. Some people do not
want to waste food, so they clean their plates even when they
feel full.
• Follow an eating schedule. Eating at regular meal times
can help you avoid snacking. Spacing meals equally throughout
the day can help reduce appetite.
• Leave the table after eating to avoid taking extra,
unwanted bites and servings.
• Eat meals of equal size. Some people try to restrict
calories to one or two meals to save up for a big meal.
• Eating several small meals helps you avoid hunger
(fools the
Guidelines for Store food out of sight. Avoid containers that allow you to
Controlling see food. Limit the accessibility of foods that tempt you and
the Home foods with empty calories. Foods that are out of sight are out
Environment of mouth.
• Do your eating in designated areas only, such as the
kitchen and dining room, so you do not snack elsewhere. It is
especially easy to eat too much while watching television.
• If you snack, eat foods high in complex carbohydrates
and low in fats, such as fresh fruits and carrot sticks.
• Freeze leftovers so that it takes preparation to eat
them, helping you avoid temptation.
Guidelines for • Bring food from home rather than eating from vending
Controlling machines or catering trucks.
the Work • Do not eat while working and take your lunch as a break.
Environment Do something active during breaks, such as taking a walk.
• Avoid food provided by coworkers, such as snacks in
work rooms, birthday cakes, or candy.
1. Read the strategies listed in Chart 1.
2. Check the box beside 5 to 10 of the strategies that you think will be most useful for you.
3. Answer the questions in the Conclusions and Implications section.
Methods of Eating
When you eat, do nothing but eat. Don't watch television or read.
Eat slowly.
Eat several meals of equal size rather than one big meal and two small ones.
Order à la carte.
Eating at Home
If you snack, choose snacks with complex carbohydrates, such as carrot sticks or apple
3. In several sentences, discuss the value of using behavioral goals versus outcome
goals when planning for fat loss.
Purpose: To learn about the energy and fat content of fast food and how to make
better choices when eating at fast food restaurants
1. Select a fast food restaurant and a typical meal that you might order. Then use an online
food calculator to determine total calories, fat calories, saturated fat intake, and cholesterol
for each food item.
2. Record the values in Chart 2.
3. Sum the totals for the meal in Chart 2.
4. Record recommended daily values by selecting an amount from Chart 1. The estimate
should be based on your estimated needs for the day.
5. Compute the percentage of the daily recommended amounts that you consume in the
meal by dividing recommended amounts (step 4) into meal totals (step 3).
Record the percentage of recommended daily amounts in Chart 2.
6. Answer the questions in the Conclusions and Implications section.
Chart 2 Listing of Foods Selected for the Meal
Total Total Fat Saturated Cholesterol
Food Item
Calories (g) Fat (g) (mg)
2. What could you do differently at fast food restaurants to reduce your intake of fat,
saturated fat, and cholesterol?
3. Were you surprised at the amount of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol in the meal
you selected?
In the News!
The study found the most favorable long-term outcomes from Weight
Watchers and Jenny Craig—programs that focused on healthy food choices and
social/emotional support. Low-calorie meal replacement plans such as Medifast and
Optifast were found to produce short-term weight loss but poor retention of effects
when examined 1 year later. While this study evaluated commercial programs,
individuals can also find success through their behavior change efforts.
Do commercial diet plans provide unique benefits, or do they just provide the
accountability that helps people stick to their goals?
Read the statements below and answer them comprehensively. (10 pts each)
3. State the reasons why most people believe that nutrition is important but
still find it difficult to maintain a healthy diet.
American College of Sports Medicine. (2014).
ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (9th ed.). Philadelphia:
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. American Heart Association. (2015).
The effectiveness of sit-stand workstations for changing office workers’ sitting time:
Results from the Stand@Work randomized controlled trial pilot. International Journal
of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
Activity, 11, 127. Chau, J. Y., Daley, M., Srinivasan, A., Dunn, S., Bauman, A. E., & van
der Ploeg, H. P. (2014).
Foundations of physical activity and public health. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Lee, D. C., Pate, R. R., Lavie, C. J., Sui, X., Church, T. S., & Blair, S. N. (2014).
Leisure-time running reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk. Journal of the
American College of Cardiology, 64(5), 472–481. Sports and Fitness Industry
Association. (2013).
2013 Sports, fitness, and leisure activities topline participation report. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2008). Physical
activity guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC: Author.
Ainsworth, B. E., Haskell, W. L., Herrmann, S. D., Meckes, N., Bassett, Jr., D. R., Tudor-Locke,
C., . . . Leon, A. S. (2011).
Aerobics. New York: Bantam Books. Knab, A. M., Shanely, R. A., Corbin, K. D., Jin, F.,
Sha, W., & Nieman, D. C. (2011).
45-minute vigorous exercise bout increases metabolic rate for 14 hours. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43(9), 1643–1648. Mons, U., Hahmann, H.,
& Brenner, H. (2014).
Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2015: What’s driving the market.
ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 18(6), 8–17
Then perform all these Fitness Tests to get your Post-test Result.
4. Divide the value you obtain in step 3 (square of height in meters) by the value you obtain in
step 1(weight in kilograms).
5. Use the rating scale below to obtain a descriptive rating of your BMI.
Equipment needed: Stopwatch or clock with a second hand; a friend to help you
keep count; a 12-inch bench, box, or step; a metronome (if you don't have one, use
the free online version at
Starting Position: Step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight while keeping a consistent
pace and then see how quickly your heart rate will come back down.
Performance: This test is based on a 12-inch step, so use one as close to 12 inches
as possible, otherwise your results will be skewed. Set the metronome to 96 beats
per minute and make sure you can hear the beat. Stand facing the step. When ready
to begin, start the clock or stopwatch and march up and down on the step to the
metronome beat (up, up, down, down) for 3 consecutive minutes. (You can rest if
you need to, but remain standing.) When 3 minutes are up, stop immediately, sit
down on the step, and count (or have a friend count) your pulse (use your wrist or
neck) for one full minute.
This test assesses your fitness level based on how quickly your heart rate
recovers after exercise. The fitter you are, the quicker your heart rate will return to
normal after exercise.
Scoring: Here are the age-adjusted standards based on guidelines published by YMCA.
Ruler, step (optional, you could make your sit and reach box if keen too), Tape
Measure, or meter stick
• Your client should sit on the floor with their back and head against a wall.
Their legs should be out straight ahead and their knees flat against the floor.
• Place the box against your client’s feet (no shoes). Whilst keeping their head
and back against the wall, instruct your client to stretch out their arms as far
as they can towards the box without their head or back losing contact with
the wall.
• Place the ruler on the box and move the zero end towards your client's
fingertips. When the ruler touches their fingertips you have the zero point
and the test can begin.
• Instruct your client to lean forward slowly as far as possible keeping their
fingertips level with each other and their legs flat on the floor. Their head
and shoulders can come away from the wall now.
• Slowly reach along the length of the ruler three times. On the third attempt,
the client should reach as far as possible and hold for 2 seconds. Record this
measure and if you wish to, compare it with the normative data in the
following table.
Sit-and-reach results compare your flexibility over time as well as compare your
score to norms, or averages, for your gender and age. Adequate flexibility is concerned
with being able to reach your toes while keeping your legs straight. If you can’t reach
your toes (the 26-cm mark on the ruler), your flexibility is less than recommended.
Scoring: Compare your results to the table below. Remember, these scores are based
on doing the tests as described, and may not be accurate if the test is modified at all.
Don't worry too much about how you rate - just try and improve your score.
This test measures muscular endurance of the upper body muscles (anterior
deltoid, pectoralis major, triceps). Muscular endurance is defined as the ability to
contract the muscle repeatedly over a specific period without undue fatigue.
Equipment: Mats,
Starting Position: Men should use the standard "military-style" push-up position with
only the hands and the toes touching the floor in the starting position.
Women have the additional option of using the "bent knee" position. To do
this, kneel on the floor, hands on either side of the chest, and keep your back
straight. Lower the chest down towards the floor, always to the same level each
time, either till your elbows are at right angles or your chest touches the ground.
1. Your hands should be placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with fingers
pointing forward. Your feet should be together. Do not cross them.
2. Starting from the up position (front leaning rest), lower your body until your upper
arms are parallel to the ground in the down position. You will then return to the up
position. In the up position, your elbows must be extended, to count. This is one
3. Resting should be done in the up (front leaning rest position). Both hands must
remain in contact with the floor at all times.
4. The total number of correct push-ups in one minute is recorded as the score.
1. Measure your waist circumference. Wrap the tape measure around the
widest part of your stomach, across your belly button. The tape measure
should rest gently on your skin. Once the tape measure is positioned correctly,
breathe in gently, and then measure on the exhale.
2. Take a hip measurement. Stand with your feet directly beneath your hips
and wrap the tape around the widest part of your hips and buttocks. Note the
measurement in inches.
3. Calculate your WHR. Divide your waist size by your hip size to get your
To get a better idea of how your WHR works, use this example of a woman
named Sarah. If her waist measurement is 30 inches and her hip measurement is 38
inches, then her WHR is:
If Sarah gains abdominal fat, her WHR will change. For example, if her waist
measurement increases to 39 inches and her hip measurement increases to 38
inches, then her new WHR would be:
Sarah's weight gain has now put her in a higher risk category for conditions like heart
Start by standing side on to a wall and reach up as high as you can with the
hand closest to the wall. Make note of how high you can reach. This is called the
standing reach height. Then stand a little away from the wall, and jump high as
possible using both arms and legs to assist in projecting the body upwards. Attempt
to touch the wall at the highest point of the jump. Make note of where you touched
the wall at the height of the jump. Measure the distance between the standing reach
height and the maximum jump height, and that is your result.
You can assist in recording your score by holding a piece of chalk in your
hand and using it to mark the wall. If the wall already has horizontal lines, such as a
brick wall, it will be easier to mark your jump height. Have as many attempts as you
need to get the best possible score. Practice your technique, as the jump height can
be affected by how much you bend your knees before jumping, and the effective use
of the arms.
1 Minute Sit Up
1 Minute Push-up
Vertical Jump
B. Fill in the matrix below. Copy your results in your Pre-Test Result in Chapter 1 and
also copy the results of your post-test in this Unit (Unit 4).
1 Minute Sit Up
1 Minute Push-up
Vertical Jump
2 .Compare your results in Physical Fitness Pre-Test and Post-Test . Are there differences
and changes? 3 points
6. What is your advocacy in promoting creative activities in this Subject involving friends,
relatives, or members of the family? 10 points
Final Output:
Gather all your photo documentation from Units 1-5. Make a photo collage. (e.g. During
your pre-test and post-test, screenshots of your video clips presented, when you are
doing your practical exams, etc.) Then tell your experiences and all the learnings that
you have learned in this Subject. As a Bachelor of Science in
Information Systems post it on social media as a part of promoting the importance of
Physical Education.
PATH-Fit 1