Big Launcher Manual
Big Launcher Manual
Big Launcher Manual
5 User Manual
Setup Wizard
Language selection Text size selection
System settings
This will show the default system
settings of the device. This item
can be also password protected
or completely hidden. This can be
done in the Preferences.
Set buttons
This will allow you to quickly
change the functionality of any
button. More customization options
are available in the Preferences.
Different layouts
You can choose different button layout for each screen in the Preferences - Customize buttons and screens section.
Warning! Layouts 2x2 and 1x1 don’t include the menu top info bar with menu button. If your device doesn’t have the hardware menu
button, you won’t be able to get into Preferences as usual. The shortcut for settings will be created automatically when choosing
these layouts. However, if you change it or remove it, the only way of getting to Preferences again is to hold the first (top-left) button
on the Home screen for 30 seconds.
Received call
Missed call
Outgoing call
Contact Detail Call Detail
You can see various contact in- When you tap any item in the Call
formation in the Contact Detail log, a Call detail screen will appear.
screen. Every contact can have Here you can see the complete
multiple phone numbers, e-mails history of calls with this contact.
and other data included.
Phone number
When you tap the phone number,
you can choose between calling or
writing a new SMS to this number.
Deleting of the call history item
This will run the Contact editor so
For the safety reasons, the option
you can make changes to this con-
to delete the call from the history is
tact or add new data.
disabled by default. If you want this
option, you have to turn it on in the
Phone section of the Preferences.
For the safety reasons, the option
to delete the contact is disabled
by default. If you want this option,
you have to turn it on in the Phone
section of the Preferences.
Contact Editor
When creating a new contact, you Set photo
can choose the location of the con- Allows you to change or remove
tact. You can choose between the the contact photo. A dialogue will
Phone callbook and your Google appear.
account. We recommend storing all
the contact in the Google account. Clear
Clears the photo (only visible when
Add name a contact already includes a photo)
Add the full name of the contact
including surname. Gallery
Opens the system gallery of im-
Add phone ages. You can choose any image
This button allows adding a phone from your phone. May not work on
number to the contact. Contact some non-standard devices.
can have more numbers assigned.
Once entered, you can change the Camera
type of the number after tapping it. Opens the system camera app.
In this dialogue you can also Delete You can take a photo. May not
the number from the contact. work on some non-standard devic-
es. May require the presence of a
Add star / Remove star SD card.
You can mark your favorite con-
tacts with a star. After choosing the photo a crop di-
alogue will appear. Drag the orange
Edit in system app arrows to change size of the area
This button allows you to edit the used for contact photo.
contact in the system contacts
editor. This allows you to use more You can use the yellow button to
options or assign a photo to a rotate the image. Use green button
contact. to save the image. Use red button
to cancel the operation and return
Delete to the previous menu.
This button will delete the contact.
Dialer is pretty straightforward.
Press the buttons with numbers
and the number will appear in the
top row. You can erase the last
entered number by tapping the
top row. Special characters can be
entered by the #* button.
This will dial the number.
This will open a SMS message
editor with pre-filled the recipient
Add contact
This allows you to save the number
to a new or existing contact.
Messages Message Editor
Write new When you select the contact with
This will show the Message editor more than one phone number, you
which will allow you to write a new can swap them by tapping the but-
SMS message. ton with the selected phone num-
ber. Then you can select a different
If you don’t like it, you can disable one.
the internal message editor in the
Messages section of the Preferenc-
Recent messages:
This is a history of a message con-
versations. You can tap any item to
open the Conversation thread.
Set buttons
This allows you to customize the
buttons on the selected screen.
Set name
This allows you to rename the
Set icon
This allows you to change the icon
of the screen. It is displayed on the
buttons leading to this screen.
Set/Remove background
Allows you to choose custom
background from your gallery of
Customize Buttons
This creates a shortcut to the
This clears the selected button.
selected app in your device.
On the Home screen, it returns
App’s internal icon will be used
the default function of the but-
as a button icon. This can be
changed by Change icon op-
(only on Home screen)
Contact details
This reverts the function of the
This opens the Contact detail
button to the original - Phone,
screen of selected contact in
Messages, etc.
your phone when the selected
button is pressed. A contact
Change icon
photo will be used as a button
This allows you to change the
icon of the selected button.
You can choose from internal
Direct call/SMS
icons, installed icon packs or
This allows to directly call or
themes. You can download
send SMS to selected number
additional icon packs online.
of one of your contacts when
You can also choose from icon
the selected button is pressed.
packs from other launchers
A contact photo will be used as
(Nova, Apex, etc.)
a button icon.
Set label
Go to screen
You can set a text label which
This creates a shortcut to an-
will be displayed on in the
other custom screen. You can
lower part of the button. It uses
choose from existing screens
big letters, so we recommend
or you can create a new one.
to use only short words.
A screen’s icon will be used as
You can invert the label colors
a button icon. You can change
in the Preferences - Screens’
this by the Change icon option,
options section.
or by changing the screen’s
icon in its settings.
Wi-Fi toggle SOS
This creates an active widget This will create the shortcut to
for turning on/off the Wi-Fi the SOS screen.
of the device. The button will
change the color of its icon: External Shortcut
green means Wi-Fi is on, red This will allow to use a short-
means Wi-Fi is off. cut to a special functions of
installed Apps (bookmarks,
Bluetooth toggle switches etc.)
This creates an active widget
for turning on/off the Bluetooth External Widget
of the device. The button will This allows you to insert a sys-
change the color of its icon: tem widget on a button. Not all
green means Bluetooth is on, widgets are suitable for this.
red means Bluetooth is off. Please note if you choose cus-
tom icon for a button, it will be
Airplane mode overwritten by the widget, so it
This creates an active widget won’t be visible.
for turning on/off the Airplane
mode (all radio devices off).
The button will change the col-
or of its icon: green means Air-
plane mode is on, red means
Airplane mode off.
Please note that Airplane mode
isn’t available on devices with
Android 4.3 and newer.
This will create the shortcut to
the All applications list.
Adding a New Screen Example of a New Screen
When adding a new screen, you During the creation of the Second
have the option to automatically screen, the user has selected to
link the screen to the last button of automatically link this screen to the
the previous screen. This way, you last button of previous screen. As
can create multiple screens very there was only one screen pres-
quickly. The new screen will be ent (Home), the lower right button
linked to the lower right button of of this screen, which was the All
the previous screen. If there is any applications list, was replaced with
functionality already present on this the shortcut to the new Second
button, it will automatically move screen. The icon can be changed
to the bottom right button of the to something else in the Second
newly created screen. screen config.