Chemical r-6+7
Chemical r-6+7
Chemical r-6+7
6-5. Design Procedures for Single Tank Flow Reactors. The design
concepts for tank flow reactors were developed in Sec. 4-4 and
resulted in
Kq. (4-12). As written there and repeated as Eq. (6-7), the feed and
conversion can be expressed in either mass or molal units.
Fay — ty) =1Ve (6-7)
where F = total feed rate, mass/unit time (also, F equals exit mass
x’ = conversion of reactant, mass of reactant/mass of total feed
(the subscript F refers to feed stream and E to exit stream)
r= constant rate of reaction at uniform temperature, pressure,
and composition of reaction mixture [the rate is based upon
same reactant as the conversion and has the units (mass of
reactant converted)/(unit volume) (unit time)]
‘K. G. Denbigh, Trans. Faraday Soc., 40:352 (1944), 43:648 (1947).
K. G,
Denbigh, M. Hicks, and F. M. Page, T’rans. Faraday Soc., 44:479
aa Stead, F. M. Page, and K. G. Denbigh, Discussions Faraday Soc.,
It has been mentioned that tank flow or continuous-stirred-tank
are most commonly employed for liquid systems. In such cases the
density changes are often negligible so that the feed and exit flow
are equal in volume as well asin mass units. Then Eq. (6-7) can be
in a simple form in terms of the concentrations (moles per volume)
reactant in feed and exit streams. The volumetric flow rate of feed
exit stream is Pvp, where F is the molal flow rate and vp the volume
of the
feed per mole. The moles of reactant entering per unit time is (Fur)C
and leaving, FurCz. Then, according to Eq. (4-1),
(Fur)Cr — (Fur)Cz = rVp
rV or Cr — Cz = Fup (6-8)
Eldridge and Piret' have developed design equations based upon
density for single and multiple tank flow reactors.
Equation (6-8) gives the exit concentration Cg as a function of the
reactor volume. The ratio Vg/Fv, is the holdup time in the reactor
has the physical meaning of the average time a slug of liquid is in
vessel. The reciprocal, Fur/Vz is the familiar space velocity as
by Eq. (4-13).
When the temperature in the reactor is the same as that of the
reactants, Eq. (6-7) [or Eq. (6-8) for constant-density liquid systems]
can be used directly to determine the reactor volume required to
a given conversion x;. This will be true when (1) the heat of reaction
egligible with respect to the heat capacity of the reactor contents or
here the heat of reaction is significant but the heat-transfer rate
he surroundings is sufficient to balance the heat of reaction.
When neither of these conditions is fulfilled, an energy balance must
e made over the system in order to determine the reaction
nd, therefore, the value of the rate that is to be used in Eq. (6-7). If
, represents the temperature of the entering reactants and é: that of
eaction mixture, the energy balance may be written
Lepli(ti a to) aie rVp(—AH) = UMC p;(te = to) =i UA (te a A) Be (6-9)
he left-hand term represents the thermal energy added in the feed
bove an arbitrary base temperature ¢); the second term? gives the
nergy evolved as a result of the heat of reaction. The right-hand
rms represent the energy removed from the system. The first is the
1J. W. Eldridge and FE. L. Piret, Chem. Eng. Prog., 46 :290 (1950).
2The minus sign preceding AHp is necessary, because AH»
represents the energy
bsorbed by the reaction, not the energy evolved. Note that AHo is
the heat of
eaction at lo.
energy removed with the products leaving the system.' The second
represents the heat transfer from the reactor to the surroundings.
The summation terms in the equation correspond to the heat
per hour of the feed and the products; F’; is the mass feed rate of
7 in the feed and m; the mass rate of product 7 leaving the reactor.
The surroundings temperature is ¢,, and U and A are the heat-
coefficient and area.
Equation (6-9) may be simplified by choosing the base temperature
equal to the feed temperature ¢; or reactor temperature fs, since
choice eliminates one term of the equation. If fo is chosen equal to
the necessity of evaluating Dm,cp, is avoided, and the energy
LepFi(t: — t2) + rVe(—AH) = UA(he — A= (6-10)
Equations (6-7) and (6-10) are sufficient to complete the design of
reactor, i.e., to determine the exit temperature and the reactor
required for a given conversion. As Eq. (6-10) is written, a trial-
solution of the two equations is necessary, since the unknown
and temperature are both involved in each equation. However, if
Eq. (6-7) is used to eliminate the term rVz, a simultaneous solution
avoided.2. Thus Eq. (6-10) may be written
Lepii(t: — te) + F(ae — 2p)(—AH) = UA(te — te)m (6-11)
This expression can be solved directly for the exit temperature ¢,
from a
knowledge of the conversion required in the reactor. Then the rate r
can be evaluated at this temperature f2 and used in Eq. (6-7) to
the reactor volume.
On the other hand, if the reactor volume is known and the exit
x is the desired quantity, a trial-and-error simultaneous solution
of the design equation and energy balance is required regardless of
the form of the energy balance. However, it is still more convenient
to use Eq. (6-11) rather than (6-10). A method of approach is to
a series of exit conversion values, x;, and compute the
corresponding exit
temperatures fz from Eq. (6-11). Then for each x} and fz evaluate r,
use it in Eq. (6-7) to determine a reactor volume. When the
volume agrees with the known volume, the temperature and
are correct. This variation of the design problem would be
when the performance of an existing reactor is to be predicted.
Numerical illustrations of stirred-tank flow reactors are illustrated in
Kxamples 6-6 and 6-7,
' The reaction-mixture temperature tz is equal to the temperature of
the exit stream
because of the assumption of complete mixing.
pert ce . ; ‘
* When only one reaction occurs. With reversible, simultaneous, or
reactions a simultaneous solution may be required.
Example 6-6. Consider the design of a tank-type flow reactor for the
of allyl chloride from propylene, using the reaction-rate data given
in Example
6-5. In order to compare the different types of reactors for this case,
the same
feed condition will be employed: total rate = 0.85 mole/hr,
temperature = 200°C,
pressure = 29.4 psia; molal ratio of propylene to chlorine = 4.0.
The equipment should be insulated so that the operation is
essentially adiabatic.
Also, suitable baffles and entrance nozzles will be used so that the
of the reactor, though gaseous, will be of uniform temperature,
pressure, and
Using the heats of reaction and heat capacities given in Example 6-
5, determine
the conversion of chlorine to allyl chloride expected for a range of
sizes of
reactor (i.e., reactor volumes).
Solution. The rate of each reaction (allyl chloride and
dichloropropane formation)
will be a constant and should be evaluated at the temperature and
of the stream leaving the reactor. To determine this temperature,
energy balance Eq. (6-11) will be employed. Since the operation is
and the entering conversion zero, this expression may be written
ZF icp,(ti — te) + Flx}(—AHi) + 23(—AH.)] = 0 (A)
where x; and «ry refer to exit conversions for reactions 1 and 2.
If only one reaction were involved (for example, if 2, = 0), this
energy balance
could be used to calculate an exit temperature f. for a series of
shosen conversions x}. Then each value of az, would fix a rate 71.
These rates,
substituted in the design equation (6-7), would give the required
reactor volumes
sorresponding to the conversions. In the present case the procedure
is complisated
by the existence of the two simultaneous reactions. Two equations
of the
form of (6-7) must be satisfied, i.e.,
ti —-O=7 oa (B)
ee ete (C) Vs = 712 P
The rate expressions are obtained by substituting 7’. = t. + 460 for
the temerature
in Eqs. (E) and (F) of Example 6-5,
(0.8 — x; — ©2)(0.2 — 2, — 29)
Suath —13,700/T2 : D r; = 824,000e Gd — 21) (D)
(0.8 — x; — 23)(0.2 — x; — x4) = —3,460/T2 = E rz = 46.8¢ a — 2)
The essence of the problem is the solution of the five equations (A),
(B), (C),
D), and (FE) for the five unknowns 21, 9, ts, 71, and ry at different
values of the
actor volume Vz. One procedure which is not tedious is to choose a
value of
Then from the ratio of Eqs. (B) and (C), using (D) and (E) for r; and
btain the ratio of the conversions 2;/z5. Employing this ratio in Eq.
(A) will
ive separate values for each conversion. Finally the corresponding
olume can be obtained from either Eq. (B) or Eq. (C). This approach
be illustrated by including the numerical calculations for an exit
temperature of
1302°R (450°C),
Lo I's 46.8e7—3) 460/1, 302
4 1 824, 000e= 18) 700/2,308
= 6.77
Using this ratio in Eq. (A), and noting that the hourly heat capacity
of the
feed SF cp, was determined as 18.5 Btu/(hr)(°F) in Example 6-5,
18.5(t, — te) + 0.85(6.772, X 48,000 + 2 X 79,200) = 0
18.5(852 — 1,302) + 343,0002, = 0
ty = 0.0243
z, = 6.77 X 0.0243 = 0.164
Since the feed rate is 0.85 lb moles/hr, the reactor volume required
for these
conversions is, from Eq. (B),
Vz ' (0.8 — 0.164 — 0.024)(0.2 — 0.164 — 0.024)
0.164 = 9 = 824,000¢ 13,700/1,302 @ — 0.0243)
y, — 0-164 X 0.85
teeta tGy
= 0.83 cu ft
The corresponding values of the conversions and volume for other
are summarized in Table 6-12. In comparing the results with those
of Example
Reactor (and Conversion /mole Conversion of
exit) temp of feed chlorine in feed esner
ny al ry Lo ry Xe
960 | 260 | 0.0098 | 0.0237 | 0.049 | 0.119 | 0.12
1032 300 0.0282 0.0324 0.14 0.162 O15
1122 350 0.0660 0.0341 Ons OR At 0.18
PAP 400 0.114 0.0298 OLo7 0.149 0.24
1257 425 0.138 0.0273 0.69 0.136 0.34
1302 450 0.164 0.02438 0.82 O72 0.83
6-5 it is seen that the adiabatic tank reactor is better adapted to the
of allyl chloride than the tubular type. In the latter equipment
dichloropropane is formed in the initial sections of the reactor,
where the tem
perature is relatively low. This is avoided in the adiabatic tank
reactor b>
operating at a constant temperature high enough to favor allyl
chloride rathe:
than dichloropropane formation. For example, if the adiabatic tank
reactor i
operated at 450°C, 0.164 X 5 X 100, or 82 per cent, of the chlorine
is convertee
to allyl chloride and 0.0243 X 5 X 100, or 12.1 per cent, converted to
propane. The total conversion is (0.0243 + 0.164) x 5 x 100, or 94.1
cent. In the adiabatic tubular reactor of Example 6-5 the products
much greater amounts of dichloropropane for all reactor volumes.
These conclusions
are summarized in Fig. 6-14 where the fraction of the chlorine
to each product is shown plotted vs. reactor volume for both the
tubular and the
tank reactor.
Tank reactor, adiabatic (Example 6)
——-—— Jubulor reactor, adiabatic (Example 5)
0.1 0.2 0.3 04 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09
Reactor volume -cu ft
Fra. 6-14. Comparison of tubular and tank reactors for allyl chloride
A. Cross-sectional area of tubular reactor
Ar Heat-transfer area /unit length of tubular reactor
F Feed rate
F; Feed rate of component 7
h Inside-heat-transfer coefficient for tubular reactor
AH Heat of reaction (AH» applies at ty)
n Number of components in a reaction mixture
m; Mass rate of flow of component i at any point in a tubular reactor
or leaving a
tank reactor
p Partial pressure
Heat-transfer rate from the reactor to the surroundings
vr Volume/mole of feed
Ve Volume of tank reactor
Ver Volume of tubular reactor
t Temperature; t,, ¢2 entering and exit values, respectively
T Absolute temperature
y Mole fraction in gas phase
6’ Holdup, or average residence, time in tank flow reactors
F Subscripts to denote exit and entering values, respectively, of the
in a tank-flow reactor
1. The production of carbon disulfide from methane and sulfur vapor
can be carried
out homogeneously, or with a solid catalyst. Also, some solid
materials act as a
poison retarding the reaction.
The following data were obtained on a flow basis at a constant
temperature of 625°C
and with an initial reactants ratio of 1 mole of CH; to 2.0 moles of
sulfur vapor (considered
as S2). The first set of data were obtained with the reactor empty
volume 67.0 ml), while the second set were obtained after packing
the reactor with a
granular material (7-mesh) which reduced the void volume to 35.2
ml. Was the
granular material acting as a catalyst or poison in this case?
eee Product rate, | Conversion
Set | Run CS: g moles/hr} of methane
CH, S.
1 1 0.417 0.834 0.0531 0.127
0.238 0.476 0.0391 0.164
3 0.119 0.238 0.0312 0.262
2 1 0.119 0.238 0.0204 0.171
2 0.178 0.357 0.0220 0.123
Mann ee | I ee ee EN AEE eS eee
2. Butadiene and steam (0.5 mole of steam per mole of butadiene)
are fed to a
tubular flow reactor which operates at 1180°F and a constant
pressure of | atm. The
reactor is noncatalytic.
Considering only the reversible polymerization reaction to the
dimer, determine:
(a) the length of 4-in.-ID reactor required to obtain a conversion of
40 per cent of the
butadiene with a total feed rate of 20 Ib moles/hr; (b) the space
velocity, measured
as liters per hour of feed gas (at 1180°F and 1 atm) divided by the
reactor volume in
liters, required to obtain a conversion of 40 per cent.
The polymerization reaction 1s second-order and has a specific
reaction-rate constant
given by the following equation:
log k = — 779 + 8.003
k = g moles Cie polymerized / (liter) (hr) (atm)?
The reverse (depolymerization) reaction is first-order. The
equilibrium constant for
the polymerization reaction is given by the expression
—Rin K = — 2485 4 5.968 + 11.075 log T + 10-7 — 1.288 X 10-*7"
At 1180°F (911°K) the value of K from the preceding equation is
3. (a) A mixture of butenes and steam is to be thermally
(noncatalytically) cracked
in a tubular flow reactor at the constant temperature of 1200°F and
constant pressure
of 1.0atm. While the feed consists of a number of different butenes!
and the products
vary from coke to butadiene, the rate of reaction may be adequately
represented by a
first-order mechanism as follows:
fee ee — kipa
log ki = — L575? + 15.27
The rate was determined experimentally in a reactor packed with
inert quartz chips,
and the reactor to be designed in this problem will also be so
7, = g moles butenes cracked/(g quartz chips) (hr)
5 = void fraction = 0.40
pp = bulk density of bed packed with quartz chips = 1,100 g/liter
Ps = partial pressure of butenes, atm
T =. "K
The ratio of steam to butenes entering the reactor will be 10:1.0 on
a molal basis.
Under these conditions the change in number of moles during the
course of the reaction
can be neglected.
Determine the conversion as a function of size of reactor. Also,
prepare a plot
having two abscissas [(1) pounds of quartz chips per pound moles of
butene feed per
hour; (2) space velocity defined as cubic feet per hour of feed at
1200°F divided by the
void volume in cubic feet] and one ordinate (the conversion of
butenes). Cover a
range of values of the first abscissa of 0 to 3,000.
What total volume of reactor would be required to obtain a 20 per
cent conversion
with a butenes feed rate of 5 lb moles/hr?
(b) In this case the feed will consist of 10 moles of steam per mole
of total hydrocarbons.
The hydrocarbon fraction is 60 mole per cent butenes and 40 mole
per cent
butadiene. Consider that the butadiene may undergo two reactions,
cracking and
polymerization to the dimer. The rate data for these are as follows:
1See Chem. Eng. Prog., 44:229 (1948).
Et a 6 ,
Cracking: ets kop,
_ 30,000
log kz = T5757 + 7.241
Polymerization to the dimer:!. r, = © kis(py )?
log k3 = TTT + 8.063
where r2=£ moles butadiene cracked/(g of quartz chips) (hr)
Pp, = partial pressure of butadiene, atm
rs = g moles butadiene polymerized/(g of quartz chips) (hr)
Determine the conversion of butenes and that of butadiene as a
function of W/F from
0 to 3,000 lb chips/(lb mole feed) (hr).
Assume that the total number of moles is constant, and neglect all
reactions except
those mentioned.
4. Benzene is to be chlorinated in the liquid phase in a kettle-type
reactor operated
on a steady-state basis. Liquid benzene is added continuously; the
liquid product and
gaseous hydrogen chloride are continuously removed. The chlorine
gas is bubbled
continuously into the liquid-reaction mixture in the kettle.
The rate of reaction may be assumed large enough so that there is
no unreacted
chlorine in the reaction products. Also, the concentration of chlorine
in the reaction
mixture will be small. The hydrogen chloride concentration in the
reaction is likewise
small. The density of the liquid mixture may be assumed constant.
At the constant operating temperature of 55°C the significant
reactions are the
three substitution ones leading to mono-, di-, and trichlorobenzene.
Each reaction is
second-order and irreversible. The rate constants for each case are
designated as
ki: C.He a. Cl, > C.H;Cl, + HG
ko: C.H;Cl a Cl. — C.H;Cl. ah HCl
k3: C.H;Cl. + Cl. — C.H3Cls + HCl
It was noted in Chap. 3 that, at 55°C, the ratios of the rate constants
ee 8.0
ky _
i 30
Under the proposed operating conditions, the composition of the
liquid product will
be constant for any one run. Different products will be obtained for
different ratios
of benzene and chlorine fed to the reactor. Compute the
composition of the liquid
product for the case where 1.4 moles of chlorine per mole of
benzene are fed to the
5. Reconsider Prob. 4 for the case where, instead of a single reactor,
a two-reactor
system is used. The liquid stream enters the first reactor (as pure
benzene), flows
from the first to the second, and finally the product is withdrawn
from the second
reactor. Gaseous hydrogen chloride is withdrawn from each reactor.
Plot the composition of the product vs. moles of total chlorine added
per mole of
benzene. Cover a range of the latter variable from 0 to 2.5.
One-half the total chlorine is added to each reactor.
1 This reaction is reversible, but neglect the reverse reaction in this
The semibatch reactor has been defined in Chap. 4 (Fig. 4-1C) as a
tank type, operated on a non-steady-state, or transient, basis.
behavior occurs whenever a tank flow reactor is started up, when
its operating conditions are changed from one steady state to
or when it is shut down, for then the properties of the system
with respect to time. Purging processes in which an inert material is
added to the tank reactor can also be classified in the semibatch
In addition to these applications arising from short-period deviations
from steady-state operation the semibatch reactor is used for its
particular characteristics. For example, it is sometimes
to add all of one reactant initially and then the other continuously.
certain instances this modified procedure has advantages over
batch operation. In systems with a high heat of reaction the energy
evolution (or absorption) can be controlled by regulating the rate of
of one of the reactants. In this way the disadvantage of batch
reactors due to their poor heat-transfer characteristics can be
eliminated. As mentioned in Chap. 4, this form of semibatch
also allows for a degree of control of concentration of the reaction
and hence rate of reaction, that is not possible in batch or flow
reactors. Another illustration occurs when the reactants are all
in the vessel, but one of the products is continuously removed. An
example is the removal of water, by boiling, in esterification
In this instance the advantage gained is an increased rate due to (1)
removal of one of the products of a reversible reaction and (2)
concentrations of reactants.
The design equations for semibatch operation are complicated
each of the four terms in the general material balance [Eq. (4-1)]
may be
significant. The feed and withdrawal streams from the reactor cause
changes in the composition and volume of the reaction mixture in
to the changes due to the reaction itself. These variations so affect
the rate that the design equations cannot be integrated analytically,
except for first- or zero-order reactions and isothermal conditions.
in the case of other examples of tank reactors complete mixing
must be
assumed in order to handle the design problem in a quantitative
7-1. Isothermal Design. The design equation may be formulated in
terms of the amount of the specific reactant which is used to
the rate of reaction. Thus the rate of addition of reactant A in the
stream will be Fyz;, where F is the mass feed rate and z the weight
Writing the other three terms in Eq. (4-1) in a similar way leads
to the result
M, d(V C2)
Fy21 — Foz — rVe = dé (fall)
Allowance must be made for the rate of feed Fiz; and withdrawal
to be different. The subscripts 1 and 2 are used to indicate this
The term on the right represents the rate of accumulation of
reactant A in the reactor contents. MM, is the molecular weight of A,
and C2 is the molal concentration of A in the mixture. The
of complete mixing means that this concentration corresponds to
weight fraction z in the exit stream.
Equation (7-1) cannot be integrated analytically, in the general case
where Fj, 21, F2, 22, r, Vz, and p can all vary with time. However, an
important case will be considered in which assumptions are made
the constancy of the density, temperature, rates of flow, and the
form of the rate equation.
The general equation can always be integrated numerically. Such
procedures will be illustrated for an example in which there is a feed
stream but no product withdrawn from the reactor.
Constant-density First-order Reactions. Piret and Mason*? have
reviewed the subject of transient conditions in tank flow reactors,
the conditions of constant flow rates, constant temperature,
density, and first-order rate equations. From a practical point of
these conditions are reasonable in many of the semibatch
operations that
correspond to starting up and shutting down of steady-state
The assumption of constant density permits the use of the term
to account fully for changes in amount of reactant. Also,
constant density, along with constant flow rates, means that the
volume Vz will remain constant. Under these restrictions Eq. (7-1)
be written
ae (7-2) (Fur)C, — (Fur)C2 — 1Vs = Ve
1 Equally satisfactory would be to define F as the molal rate and 24
as the mole
fraction A.
21). R. Mason and E. L. Piret, Ind. Eng. Chem., 423817 (1950).
27). R. Mason and E. L. Piret, Ind. Eng. Chem., 4321210 (1951).
(Fv) is the constant volumetric flow rate through the reactor.
(7-2) may be rearranged as follows:
dC, , Fur, , _ For
de ee ee
The quantity Vz/Fu,r is the holdup time in the reactor and has been
designated previously as 6’. If the rate may be expressed in a first-
form and the temperature is constant, Eq. (7-3) is a linear
equation which can be integrated analytically. In terms of 6’ it may
ar (t+) = = (7-4)
where k is the first-order rate constant. Mason and Piret have
solutions of Eq. (7-4) for both single reactors and when the equation
applied to each reactor vessel in a multistage system. The
method is used to solve the differential equations applying
to a variety of transient conditions for the starting up and shutting
down of tank flow reactors.
The application of Eq. (7-4) is illustrated for a single reactor with a
constant feed composition in the example that follows:
Cy (7-3)