Sds Znse 01
Sds Znse 01
Sds Znse 01
2. Hazard Summary
Danger from Fire
Zinc selenide is non flammable when it is in a solid state, thus there is no chance to be
a cause of fire. Flash point, flammable limits and explosion limits have not been found.
Zinc selenide is stable under the general condition. But chemical reaction with acids may
liberate hazardous gases. Thermal decomposition may liberate selenium products or toxic f
GHS classification is carried out by the information of selenium and its grounds are written
in Sec11.
The solid selenium has low acridity, but it is reported that selenium gas or fumes stimulat
es mucous membranes such as eyes, a nose, a throat, the skin, and acute or chronic int
oxication may occur. But as to acute intoxication and acridity for eyes and skin, GHS cla
ssification is not applicable because of lack of data as shown in Sec11. Toxicological Info
rmation. Other selenium compounds such as selenium hydrogen, oxidation selenium, sele
nic acid, selenious acid have toxicity. In addition, inhaling fume of zinc oxide may cause
chills, high heat several hours later.
Environmental Impact
There is no information available to be harmful regarding zinc selenide.
GHS Classification: Classified on Aug.8,2016)
Physical and Chemical Hazards: Not applicable
Health Hazards:
Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure) Category1
(the central nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, digestive organs)
Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) Category1
(nervous system, respiratory organs, liver)
Environment Hazards: Not applicable
3. Identity Information
Chemical Weight % of CAS No. Classification No. Enforcement Serial No. b
Formula ingredients by PRTR Law y Industrial Safety and H
ealth Laws
ZnSe 100% 1315-09-9 Class 1-No.242 No. 9-333 Table
9. Physical/Chemical Data
Melting point : 1520℃
Specific gravity (Water=1) : 5.27
Vapor pressure(Pa) : Not applicable
Solubility : Insoluble in water
Appearance and Odor : Reddish yellow transparent solid. No odor.
Acute toxicity:
Not classifiable because of LD50(rat) 6700mg/kg (NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008,
ATSDR 2003, ACGIH7th 2001, Japan Society for Occupational Health OLE documentation 2
Not classifiable because of lack of data.
Respiratory (gases)
Not classifiable because it is solid in the definition of GHS
Respiratory (Vapours)
Not classifiable because of lack of data.
Respiratory (Dust/Mist)
Not classifiable. LCL0(rat) ≦33mg/m3(NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008) is reported.
But LC50 cannot be specified which category correspond to only by this report.
Skin Corrosion/Irritation
Not classifiable because of lack of data.
Not classifiable. Se classified in group3 by IARC 2005 and in D by EPA 2005.
Reproductive Toxicity
Not classifiable. In the reproduction toxicity oral test using rat with blended bait, though g
eneral toxicity for the parents was not mentioned, drop of fecundity and the death of some
children were reported. But the test was done 1936 in which the method was different from
current one. And the number of rats is small(two male and four female).
(EHC 58(1986))
For human this material may cause the injury for the central nervous system, respiratory or
gans, cardiovascular system and the influence on gastrointestinal tract. And animal experime
nts show injury on respiratory organs is seen in a density range equivalent to category1. T
herefore, in the Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure) division, this material classifi
ed in category 1 (the central nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, ga
strointestinal tract).
Aspiration Hazard
Not classifiable.