Sds Znse 01

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Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019


Safety Data Sheet

1. Product and Company Identification

Product Identification : Zinc Selenide, ZnSe (with coating film)

General Use : Optical Material
Description : Inorganic Crystalline Material
Manufacturer : Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.
1-1-1, Koya-kita, Itami, Hyogo, 664-0016 Japan
Emergency Telephone : +81-72-771-0555

2. Hazard Summary
Danger from Fire
Zinc selenide is non flammable when it is in a solid state, thus there is no chance to be
a cause of fire. Flash point, flammable limits and explosion limits have not been found.
Zinc selenide is stable under the general condition. But chemical reaction with acids may
liberate hazardous gases. Thermal decomposition may liberate selenium products or toxic f
GHS classification is carried out by the information of selenium and its grounds are written
in Sec11.
The solid selenium has low acridity, but it is reported that selenium gas or fumes stimulat
es mucous membranes such as eyes, a nose, a throat, the skin, and acute or chronic int
oxication may occur. But as to acute intoxication and acridity for eyes and skin, GHS cla
ssification is not applicable because of lack of data as shown in Sec11. Toxicological Info
rmation. Other selenium compounds such as selenium hydrogen, oxidation selenium, sele
nic acid, selenious acid have toxicity. In addition, inhaling fume of zinc oxide may cause
chills, high heat several hours later.
Environmental Impact
There is no information available to be harmful regarding zinc selenide.
GHS Classification: Classified on Aug.8,2016)
Physical and Chemical Hazards: Not applicable
Health Hazards:
Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure) Category1
(the central nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, digestive organs)
Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) Category1
(nervous system, respiratory organs, liver)
Environment Hazards: Not applicable

GHS Label Element:

Signal Word: Danger

Hazard Statement:
Disorder of the central nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, digestive organs
Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019
Disorder of nervous system, respiratory organs, liver by prolonged or repeated exposure
Precautionary measuers:
Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
Avoid release to the environment.
Response Precautionary Statement:
If skin contacted and injured (such as an incised wound), get medical attention.
IF eye contacted, flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Irritation persist
s, get medical attention.
If swallowed, rinse mouth with water induce vomiting and get medical attention immediatel
y: Do not try to neutralize by acid or alkali
Storage: Store locked up.
Disposal:Contents/containers should be disposed in compliance with local,regulations
Other Hazards: None

3. Identity Information
Chemical Weight % of CAS No. Classification No. Enforcement Serial No. b
Formula ingredients by PRTR Law y Industrial Safety and H
ealth Laws
ZnSe 100% 1315-09-9 Class 1-No.242 No. 9-333 Table

4. Emergency and First Aid Procedures

Skin contact
Wash the diseased part with soap and water. If irritation persists, get medical attention.
Eye contact
Flush eyes immediately with large amount of water or normal saline for at least 15 minutes
.If irritation persists, get medical attention.
Remove from exposure area to fresh air immediately. Perform artificial respiration if necessa
ry. Keep person warm and at rest. Treat symptomatically and supportively. Get medical att
ention immediately.
Rinse mouth with water. Induce vomiting and get medical attention immediately.

5. Fire and Explosion Hazard Data

Flash Point: Not applicable
Explosive Limits: LEL(%) Not applicable UEL(%) Not applicable
Autoignition Temperature: Not applicable
Extinguish Media: Use carbon dioxide or dry chemicals.
Special Fire Fighting and Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards
This product dose not burn. But decomposition may take place from overheating in air with
toxic vapors. Exhaust adequately and wear air respirator and protective clothing where ZnSe
is being decomposed.
For large fires, which cannot easily be extinguished with a portable fire extinguisher, escape
from fires.
Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019

6. Spill and Leak procedures

Handle solid ZnSe with tweezers or gloves.
Sweep divided ZnSe.
Vacuum dusty ZnSe.
Place in closed containers for further handling and disposal. Do not flush to sewer.
Wear suitable breathing protection and chemical goggles.

7. Handling and Storage

Keep dry and store in a clean environment.
Store separate from acids and alkalis.
If heated, or exposed to strong acids or alkalis, oxides may be liberated which are toxic.
Avoid breathing dusts and fumes, if generated. Use adequate ventilation and protective e

8. Exposure Control/Personal Protection

Local Exhaust: Use for cutting, grinding, polishing and etching.
Special Exhaust: Vent into water or efficient bag house.
General Exhaust: Use good general ventilation.
Respiratory Protection
Use NIOSH/MSHA approved purifying respirator for lighter airborne concentrations.
Use a positive pressure, air supplied respirator if there is any potential for
uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known or high concentration.
Eye protection
Safety glasses, goggles or face shield
Skin protection
Recommend protective clothing such as rubber gloves, apron and whole body suits for
preventing dust.
Personal Hygienic
Avoid dust generation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Change and clean
contaminated clothes.

9. Physical/Chemical Data
Melting point : 1520℃
Specific gravity (Water=1) : 5.27
Vapor pressure(Pa) : Not applicable
Solubility : Insoluble in water
Appearance and Odor : Reddish yellow transparent solid. No odor.

10. Stability and Reactivity

Stable under normal condition.
Materials to avoid
Contact with acids (HCl, H2SO4 etc) may liberate hydrogen selenide.
Hazardous Polymerization
Will not occur.
Thermal Decomposition products
Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019
Thermal decomposition may occur at high temperature due to a fire.
The decomposition products include zinc and selenium fumes, oxides of selenium,
or zinc oxide.

11. Toxicological Information

Zinc selenide is stable compounds under the general condition and the toxicity is not confir
med. In addition there is no knowledge of animal study results. This section shows the info
rmation of selenium and the grounds of GHS classification.

Acute toxicity:
Not classifiable because of LD50(rat) 6700mg/kg (NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008,
ATSDR 2003, ACGIH7th 2001, Japan Society for Occupational Health OLE documentation 2

Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Respiratory (gases)
Not classifiable because it is solid in the definition of GHS

Respiratory (Vapours)
Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Respiratory (Dust/Mist)
Not classifiable. LCL0(rat) ≦33mg/m3(NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008) is reported.
But LC50 cannot be specified which category correspond to only by this report.

Skin Corrosion/Irritation
Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Serious Eye Damage/Irritation

Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Respiratory or Skin Sensitization

Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Germ Cell Mutagenicity

Not classifiable because of lack of data.

Not classifiable. Se classified in group3 by IARC 2005 and in D by EPA 2005.

Reproductive Toxicity
Not classifiable. In the reproduction toxicity oral test using rat with blended bait, though g
eneral toxicity for the parents was not mentioned, drop of fecundity and the death of some
children were reported. But the test was done 1936 in which the method was different from
current one. And the number of rats is small(two male and four female).
(EHC 58(1986))

Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure)

In the route of inhalation, respiratory tract irritation and by severe exposure, dyspnea, bro
nchospasm, bronchitis, chemical pneumonia may occur. (ATSDR 2003, HSDB (Access on A
ugust 2014), Japan Society for Occupational Health OLE documentation suggestion reason
Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019
book 2000, ACGIH 7th, 2001).
Primary injury part is a respiratory organ by acute aspiration exposure of fume or the du
st. (ACGIH 7th 2001, ATSDR 2003)
Acute selenium poisoning is caused by ingestion and gastrointestinal injury, nervous system
injury, respiratory failure, cardiac infarction, cardiovascular disease may occur. (NITE initial
risk evaluation book 2008, PATTY 6th 2012, ATSDR 2003)
In the reports of animal experiments, the primary injury part is a respiratory organ by the a
cute inhalational exposure of the dust. (ATSDR 2003) By the inhalational exposure of the d
ust of 0.033mg/L, the rat had the severe injury in the respiratory system such as bleeding f
rom lungs and pulmonary edema. In addition, interstitial pneumonia was recognized in survi
val animals.
For the rabbit and guinea pig, light interstitial pneumonia, congestion of lungs and pulmon
ary emphysema by the inhalational exposure of the dust. (ATSDR 2003, HSDB (Access on
August 2014)) These influence on lungs was seen in the range of category 1 of the guidan

For human this material may cause the injury for the central nervous system, respiratory or
gans, cardiovascular system and the influence on gastrointestinal tract. And animal experime
nts show injury on respiratory organs is seen in a density range equivalent to category1. T
herefore, in the Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure) division, this material classifi
ed in category 1 (the central nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, ga
strointestinal tract).

Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)

In the selenium smelt plant, 35 of 62 workers who had been exposured in the atmosphere of
0.007-0.05 mg/m3 selenium density showed some symptom, More than half of workers suffered
from the a headache, sleeplessness, inappetence, injury on nervous system injury such as
nausea, a digestive organ injury, and 9 workers suffered from the conjunctivitis and bronchitis.
(NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008, ACGIH 7th 2001, EHC 58 1986)
In addition, there are reports that facial edema was seen in the engineer who was exposured by
the fume of metal selenium vapour and liver hypertrophy was seen in the craft who treated metal
selenium and selenious acid sodium. And by the long term exposure in mixed aerosol of metal
selenium and selenium dioxide caused nasal inflammation, nose bleed, the pain of end parts of
four limbs (NITE initial risk evaluation book 2008)
The animal experiments about repeated exposure are extremely limited. By the aspirational
exposure in the atmosphere of 33mg/m3, 8 times every other day for 4 hours per one time,
congestion of the liver, fatty degeneration were seen in a guinea pig, and the congestion of the
lungs, interstitial pneumonia in a guinea pig.( ATSDR (2003)
These information are considered to support the toxicity knowledge against human Therefore, in
the Specific target organ toxicity (simple exposure) division, this material classified in category 1
(nervous system, respiratory organs, liver).

Aspiration Hazard
Not classifiable.

Others(Producion of poisonous gas by reaction with water etc)

Revision Date: Apr. 1, 2019

12. Ecological information:

General notes: Do not allow material to be released to the environment without
proper governmental permits.

13. Waste Disposal Method

Scrap, waste and rejections should be disposed in compliance with local, state and
federal laws and regulations (contact local or state environmental agency for specific

14. Transport Information

ZnSe material should be wrapped in lens tissue or optical tissue and placed in
individual boxes to avoid possible breakage.
Not a hazardous material for transportation.

Hazard class : 6.1

Identification number : UN3283
Packing group : III

15. Regulatory Information (Japanese Applicable Law)

[Selen and selenide are Class 1-designated chemical substances.
Preparation of SDS is obligatory.: Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry, Ministry
of Environment.]
Occupational Safety & Health Administration Law.
[Preparation of MSDS is obligatory.: Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare]
Law on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of their Manufactures,
Reference Number in Gazetted List in Japan :573

Note: ZnSe without coating film is applicable to Poisonous and Deleterious

Substances Control Law.

16. Other Information

Notes on the following descriptions
The details in this SDS have been based on our best investigation and evidences.
The information may be revised according to new evidences, test etc., however,
the accuracy and safety of the information are not a guaranteed value.
All chemical agents may contain unknown harmful substances: therefore, the
companies and operators, using this MSDS, are requested to take appropriate
actions according to their own conditions on their own responsibility.
* Homepage of Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry :
* Homepage of Ministry of Environment :
* Homepage of Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare :
* Supplier of ICSC Cards :

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