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Practical Statistics by S P Gupta Ch-01

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. 1 Classification and Tabulation A. CLASSIFICATION . Problem 1. ‘‘Without an adequate understanding of the statistical methods, the investigator in the social sciences may be like the blindman groping in a dark room for a black cat that is not there. The methods of Statistics are useful in an ever-widening range of human activities in any field of thought in which numerical data may be ha Count the number of letters in each word of the above stanza and make a frequency table (discrete series) showing the number of words with different number of letters. Solution. Count the number of letters in each word and then form a frequency distribution as follows : FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF WORDS No. of letters Tally Bars Frequency in each word 1 I 3 2 ttl 1B 3 AHH 13 4 Ait 5 5 dtl 6 6 Il 2 7 Att 5 8 tl 3 7 | ! 10 Il 2 1. | 1 12 ll . 2 13 l : 1 Total : 57 i Scanned with CamScanner Dee age a 2.) Practical Statistic, Problem 2. Marks obiained by 50 boy? of a class are as under : yi a te) (eC 4 22 «39-26 1s? «8 23 30 «30 «60 59 «IS 7 1B 409 40 19 SS 32 4f 22 30 35 53 25 Mm 18 19 40 43° 4 W745 2S 43 | j Construct’ a frequency table with class, intervals O—9, 10 J9,.. £0-~ 29, 30— 39 and so on. % cafution. Since the class intervals areto be taken as 0—9, 10— 19, et, it means the datavare to be classified by upper limit inclusive method in | w\nich 9 would be included in the first class, 19 in the second class and | so on. : | FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE MARKS OBTAINED BY 50 BOYS Marks Tally Bars Frequency 0-9 1 2 10—19 AHA I 12 20—29 tl 6 1 30—39 AAU 10 : 40—49 UHH 12 | 50—59 ttl 7 oe 7 2 Toulgsa : Problem o. From the following data of the weekly wages of workers em layed in a certain factory, construct a frequency table with classes ie 19,99, 20— 29.99, 30— 39-99, etc. : | WAGES IN RUPEES 11 10 100; 90 30 9 2 7 3 76 19 | 6g 75 tS 39 9 527 109 42 5397 3 2 BS 36 105 : oy 55 «47 «1087: 12 4 & yo 8 0 7 BS 59 80 3 3 56 ol 8 2 8 HB a 2B, o 4 no 8 7 8 “a . (. Com; Suthadia Unie, 1999 Scanned with CamScanner | Classification and Tabulation 3 Solution. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE WAGES OF 70 WORKERS . ° Waser Tally Bars No. of Workers 10— 19.99 1 2 20 —29.99 til 4 30—39.99 HI 6 40—49.99 a IM 9 50—59.99 Ht a 60 —69.99 Hitt I iz 70—79.99 HH 9 30 —89.99 HU 8 90 =99.99 dit . 100— 109.99 I 4 110 — 119.99 _ ll 2 Total,: 70 Problemi 4. You are given below the wages 17d to sme workers in a Sugar factory. Form a frequency distribution with class interval as 10 paise. WAGES (In Rs.) : 11.10, 11.36, 11.44, 11.55, 11.98, 11.67, 11.27, 11.39, 11.51, 11.75, 11.03, 11,37, 11.40, 11.52, 11.31, 11.81, 11.04, 11.38, 11.60, 11.28, 11.49, 11.46, 11.50, 11.42, 11.29, 11.47, 11.87, 11.47, 11.15, 11.56, 11.65, 11.44, 11 Al, 11.17, 11.69, 11,30, 1145, 11.73, 1.26, 11.42, 11.53, 11.46, 11.19, 11.62, . 11,32, 11.33, 11.47, 11.20, 11.76, 11.09, 11.46, 11.95, 11.16, 11.42, 11.68, 1,38, 11.35, 11.77, 11.66, 11.07, 11.13, 11.67, 11.27, 11.22, 11.36, 11.34, 11.24, 11.25, 11.12, 11.37, 11.58, 11.59, 11.21, 11.56, 11.55, 11.40, 11.48, 11.62, 11.70, 11.92, 11.86, 11.35, 11.82, 11.78. 11.54, 11.37, 11-41, 11:43, 11.57, 11.48. Solution. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE WAGES OF 90 WORKERS OF A SUGAR FACTORY Wages Tally Bars Frequency (in Rs.) 11.00 11.10 {il 4 1110— 11.20 Fill . 7 11.20— 11.30 Bat . 10 11.30— 11.40 St lll 4 (Contd.) Scanned with CamScanner ° Wages Tally Bars Frequericy fim Rs) 11.40— 11.50 AMA AHL AH 20 11.50 — 11.60 4th I 13 11.60— 11.70 AW UM 9 11.70 — 11.80 4H 6 11.80— 11.90 ti 4 11,90 — 12.00- Mi 3 Total : 90 Problens.5. The following are the weights in kilograms of a group of 5S students : 42° 74 40 53 100 °76° 68 69 104 66 «49~« 77 “72 50. 79 60 84 80 90 52 82-15 41 61 75° 83 63 50 67 65 71 77 56 95 79 79° «Sd 73 «59 81 100 81 76. 42° 64 69 70 . 80 113- 96--51- 86 °78' 94. 71 Prepare a frequency table taking the magnitude of each class interval as 10 kilograms and first class interval as equal to 40 and less than 50. Solution. ; FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE WEIGHT OF 55 STUDENTS Weight (in kgs.) Tally Bars Frequency ; 40 and less than 50 dH 5 son "60 At Il 8 cor 70 Hitt 10 2 10 ae 30 HARE 15 so" ON 90. it ll 8 ¢ es 5 100 tl 4 4 Oe tll 3 ee) \ 2 Total : 55 Problem 6. Prepare a frequency table for the following figures relating to daily wages (in Rs.) of workers in a factory taking a class inverval of 5. 70 68 74 7! 76 106° 73° 74 ~=105 76 103 86 76 72 73 83 110. 106 = 107 (9 7} = th 102 94 «8378 8B NOL = 92, 86, 2 96 © 87 6 19) 100 96 71 79 85 ‘ (Contd) « Scanned with CamScanner . Classification and Tabulation 8 39 80 102 8 90 102 76 80 86 95 9 8! «10l «7# 9S «09 75 BR BA 95 69 105 9% 97 108 76 83 77 86 92 70 «(103 «94 «| 96—«*10G6— 72 BAB 100 73—«95—~=—«i dN 78 GBB 110 102«96:~=«C«2:Ss«8« 7G BB Solution. FREQUENCY TABLE OF THE WAGES OF 100 WORKERS . OF A FACTORY Wages Tally Bars No. of Workers (in Rs.) - 65—70 1 2 70—15 _ RUA 15 75—80 | ARH 14 80—85 att I 12 85—90 at 2 90 —95 HL : 12 95 — 100 ARLE one 100 — 105 HL u 105—110 * JHA . 9 1o— 115 ll 2 Total : 100 Problem 7. Form a frequency distribution by taking a suitable class inerval® for the following data giving the age of 52 employees in a _ government department : . ; 67 34 36 48 49 31 61 3 43 45 38 32 28 61 29 47 36 50 46 34 46 32 30 33 45 49 48 41 53 35 37 47 47 30 46 50 28 35 35 58 46 43 34 36 62 69 50 28 44 43 60 39 Solution. The lowest value is 28 and the largest value is 69. Difference between the two values is (69-28) =41. If we take a class interval of 5, nine classes will be formed. This is because a. ; thus 8 complete classes will be formed but to accommodate the fractional value the ninth class will have to be formed. “Depending upon the number of observations, the class interval should be so ‘selected that the number of classes formed is preferably betweea 5— 15. Scanned with CamScanner Se ny ‘Practical FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE AGES OF 52 EMPLOYEES Tally Bars __* Frequency 530 “ill 4 i 30—35 ANA 1 ee 35—40 ANA — w 40—45 dtl 5 45—50 ANAM GB “| 50—55 ti 4 2-4 55—60 eee _ e 60 —65 IN 4 65-70 i 2 Total 52 ‘Sturges suggested the following formula for determining the magnitude of class interval in cases when class interval is not given. : Range . +3322 logN ~ : - “The specific figure secured in a-given instance is likely to be a fractional value quite unsuited to actual use. An approximate round-number close to the theoretical value, may be chosen. If the above formula is applied to problem 6, class interval. will be : 4i 41 T#3322K1716 6.70119 oF 6 Since class interval should preferably be multiple of 5, we have taken 5.as class interval. Problem 8. The data given below relate to the height and weight of 20 persons.. You are required to form a two-way frequency table with class intervals 62" 10 64", 64” to 66", and so on and 115 to 125 Ibs., 125 to 135 Ibs., etc. i S.No. Weight: — Height | S.No. . Weight Height 1 170 70 M1 163 70 2 135 65 12 139 67 3 136. 65 B 122 62 4 137 64° 14 134 68 5 148 69 15 140 67 6 124 63 16 132 69 7 7 65 17 120 66 { 8 128 70 18 148 6 9 143 71 19 129 67 10 129 62 20 152 67 Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation re 7 Using standard deviation and its coefficien ¢| Ht, ii greater variation in height or weight.* lela state whether there ts Solution. As per the requjrements of the i olution. " question, the population i: be a into a classes according to the height of the pei fee in each group and six classes according to the Weight. il See anais ight. There will be thus For tabulating the information in appropriate cells, first, the row to which the height measurement (say, X) should belong is determined. Afterwards on a consideration of the weight (say, Y) the column in which it should be included is determined. The tabulation is recorded by tally bars. Thus, the two-way table shall be prepared like this : . TWO-WAY FREQUENCY TABLE OF THE HEIGHT AND WEIGHT OF 20 PERSONS . Weight} ins] Q 8. 2 8 8S 8B Height ” J J | | | Total __ in inches = = 8 2. 8 s (X) , 62—64 12 1@ 3 64—66 | 1@) IG) 4 66—68 IM 1M 1@ |1@ 5 68—70 | ° 2) 1@ 4 1 —72" la) |@ La) Ja) 4 Total 4 5 6 3 1 1 2 Note. Lines in each cell show tally bars whereas frequencies are shown in the brackets. Problem 9. Prepare a bivariate frequency distribution table of the marks in Statistics and Income Tax obtained by the students from the following datd. Choose class intervals of 7. marks each ie, 10—17, 17—24, etc. e . Income Tax Statistics Income Tax Statistics i 25 27 40 18 16 14 22 25 23 ~ 30 . 2 27 25 31 43 16 12 21 25 29 28 HK 27 (Contd.) *For this part of answer, please sce chapter on ‘Measures of Variation’ Scanned with CamScanner Solution. In bivariate frequency table, two variables are taken together - and the corresponding frequencies determined. On the one side of the table © for the given question we shall take marks in Statistics and on the other side, marks in Income Tax and. write the various classes. We shall then take up each pair of values and place it in the relevant cell. To start with, the marks in Income Tax are 11 and Statistics 25, therefore, corresponding to the class 10 — 17 (marks in Income Tax) and class 25 — 31 (marks in Statistics) we will put one bar. The second pair of values is 18 and 16, This would come corresponding to marks 17—24 in Income Tax and 10— 17 in Statistics. The process shall continue till the values are placed .in relevant cells and then a count of each cell frequency will be made. BIVARIATE FREQUENCY TABLE SHOWING MARKS IN . INCOME TAX AND STATISTICS Marks in In- . Marks in Statistics come Tax |}0—17 17—24 24—31 31—38 38—45 Total . 10-17 12 12 a. — = 6 7-24 | 1M H® 12. le ~— 10 24—31 — [a M® HH® Me 14 31—38 — 12. 1® M® Ia 10 38—45 - - {aq @ 1@ 4 Total 3 9 MW 15 6 44 a Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation class of 32 students obtained the following marks in _ Problem 10, A 1998 and 1999, S.No. of ‘Marks in 5. No. of Marks in Students “1998 1999 | Students “1998 1999 I 41 42 17 38 43 2 53 57 18 18 23 3 46 31 19 7 a ‘ 9. «56 20 10 16 5 40 30 21 36 33 6 2 24 2 3B u 7 sz, «50 23, 48 BO 3 75. 62 24 21 un ¢ 9 48 SI 25 24 6 10 BT, S.. 26 18 i nD 27 61 8 2 23 26 28 29 4 13 31 “37 29° 13 20 4 19 2 | 30 - 30 36 15 45 31 31 36° «0 16 36 45 32 38 30 Classify these marks in the following manner (your answer, should clearly show the actual process of classification). No. of students who obtained Marks More marks in More marks in Total Group 1998 than in 1999 1999 than in 1998 Less than 30 3O—47 * 48—59 \ 6Oand above . ~ _ Solution, The process’of classification is simple, Take each student and find out whether he has obtained more marks in 1998 or in 1999 and put a tick mark in the relevant column. For example, the first student has obtained more marks in 1999 and, therefore, a tick mark will be placed in the row of marks 30—47 and‘the column, 2nd, i.e., more marks in ,. 1999'than in 1998, The same process will be repeated for other values. — . Scanned with CamScanner Practical Statistica 10 No, of students who obtained Marks ‘More marks in More marks in Total Group 1998 than in 1999 1999 than in 1998 Less than 30 Il @ ~All 8) 10 30-47 am atl ©” mo 48 —59 I ao dit (4) 5 60 and above _Ill 3) 1 qd) 4 Total : 32 Problem 11. One of the State Governments as a measure of economy drive proposes to introduce a voluntary salary cut according to the based on average monthly salaries. following scale system Income per day - Proposed salary cut per day (Rs) ~_(Rs.) : ‘Not more than 50 Nil More than 50 but not exceeding 100 5 » yoo "100 8 wso 200 ~ 10 SP 15 - 300 0% 500 25 5000 7 700 50 » 700" "1000 75 » yo00. " "1500 _ 100 » 500" =" 2500 200 ** 2500 and above ; 300 | The average daily income. of 30 employees of one Government Deparment during the year 1999-2000 are = . 100 150+ 200 250 1000 1200 1800 2500 3200 450 600 650 950 1100 180 292 375 475 798 1090 - 120 160 100 425 822 320 2800 46 90 210’ If all the members of the department volunteer to accept the proposed cut, calculate total savings 10 the government on account of this department. ‘Solution, First determine the number of persons in each salary group and then by multiplying it with the proposed cut, calculate. the total savings to the government. The class intervals here should be taken as 1 — 50, 51 —100, 101 — 150, etc. The reason is that in the question the given Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation oH classes are ‘not more than $0’, ‘more than 50’ but not exceeding 100, etc, It means that the first class should include values upto 50, the second class * should include values from 51 to 100, and so on, ASCERTAINMENT OF THE SAVINGS To THE GOVERNMENT Salary Proposed ‘Tally Bars No. of Persons Total Cut (Rs.) Cut Earning Per Scale (Rs.) Salaries 1—50 0 | 1 0 51— 100 5 ll 2 10 101 — 150, 8 i] 2 16 151 —200 10 tl 3 30 201 — 300. 15 Ul 3 45 301 —500 25 Att 5 125 501 — 700 50 I 2] 100 701 — 1000 75 Ul 4 300 10011500100 tll 4 400 1501—2500 200 ll 2 400 2 600 2501 & above . 300 il Total: — Rs. 2026 Thus the government will have'a saving of Rs. 2026 if all the persons accept the proposed cut. - B. TABULATION = Problem 12. Draft a form of tabulation to show the distribution of Personnel in the Education Department of a State according to (i) sex Gi) three grades of salary — below Rs. 5000, 5000 — 10,000, above 10,000 (iii) two years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (iv) Age groups below 25— 40, 40 and above. Solution. Please see page 12, Problem 13. Draw a blank table to present the information regarding the college students according to : (@) Faculty — Arts, Commerce and Science. () Class — Degree and Pre-University course. (©) Sex — Male and Female. 7 @) Age — Below 20, Above 20. © For 2 years : 1998-1999, 1999-2000. « Solution: Please see page 13. Scanned with CamScanner Hon sO 4 Znoge SOUP "AgY Emon SOUP Cssieston and Tabuation Praca! Stee te re ops sana cone ren = emt) sav fect aoc] [or[oe| [ora | [or lc| [ale] tortor a fey] ea} | sav] |e |x| te i ||| | il emeg | een | oma | vem | suey | mw | omy | svg al neg sg iat Gy ae WOU MS cNY GuOVa RTO “30V OL ovtmonov SINtaNLS LUSAAAINTNd ONY AiHDUd 0 NOLES aL ONTOS SBM —_— - \ % 0007-6651 re oven Flelelelsis iste Ele /e}e [ele] s |e a [lle =|l |e § 5 ¥ : 5 S| nowy [8 \8 a |S Le pow] om a os eee oe Ta Gas re Ges aaa Pyoueg eH X48 QNV 30Y “AUVTS OL ONIGYODOY TENNOSWad 40 NOWAGSTO Scanned with CamScanner y vis, Ss | Pil Oth Practical Statistics 14 Problem 14. Prepare a blan! possible of the summary resulls of to sex and four religions at. five age groups Solution. Please sce page 15. : Problem 15. Prepare a blank table to show the following : (i) Number of students in different classes. Gi) Sex-wise distribution, (iii) Resident, Non-Resident. . (iv), Years — 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. (9) Totals and sub-totals. 16. table to give as much information as + the distribution of population according In the different states in India. © ” Solution. Please see page Problem 16. Rearrange the following table 10 make year-wise comparison of the population readily intelligible. . ‘ DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION - Cities Year.| Sex . Bombay | Calcutta |Madras| Delhi Allahabad | Banaras 1997 7 1998 1999 2000 . “ 1 Solution. The following alterations should be made in the table in order to make it ‘more intelligible : (1) Take cities.in the rows and years in the columns. (2) For each year, have separate tables of males and females. @) Add one of more column to give citywise total of the males and females for all the years. When above changes are made the table would take shape as shown on page 17. Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation 15 “sozeuiny saiouap 4 pue “sojeus sarouep yy . roy, sid 5 wis | wHISNYY | ysoperg npwiyy | crypuy . Toy, svg uals + | unsnyy ysopesd : ~ npuyy | eXypeyy qoi0g| a rioy| J |W \rior| 4 | w |roor) a | w jit) 4 | w hos) a | Ww roy anogn puo [Z| 1z—g1 8I—b1 vI—S suk ¢ mojag | uor8yay | aig SaNOUD ADV § GNV SALVIS INTUIIIG ‘NOIDITAU ‘XS OL ONITHODDV NOILVINdOd JO NOLLAGNILSIG ONTMOHS FTEVL Scanned with CamScanner g . “Je101 solouap J, pue siwapisar-uoU sajouep YN ‘sUEpIsas sooUDP Y ; ~ — i ‘MSW - é ne . va persia . f WOD “a | - F FP i ” PE ve ii an |x | aw al Law jalafan[a|& & [of aw jajalan jal & © ofan fal z| ana at 1 “ s3 Soyo sopmuag | “sopoyy saypway | sajoyy sama | soppy | ssp 0002 puo : 6661 ‘8661 fo 110, 0002 6661 8661 © XBS GNY JONACISTA OL ONITHOSV SASSVIO INTYALIG NI SINGGNLS JO NOILNGTALSIG ONIMOHS F1GVL Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation : 17 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION SEX-WISE FOR THE YEARS 1997 TO 2000 1997 1998 1999 | 2000 Total City —— a M|F\T|M|F | T\MiF\T F\T Bombay _ Calcutta Madras Delhi Allahabad | LE | | eral, | Banaras | | | 1 | | Total = I Problem 17. In a newspaper account describing the incidence of influenza among tubercular persons living in the same family the following passage appeared : . “Exactly Fuh of 60,000 inhabitants showed signs of tuberculosis and no less than 6,000 among them had an attack of influenza but anon them only 1,000 lived in infected houses. In contrast with this th of the tubercular per: , ill exposed 10 lar persons who. did not have influenza were still, expos infecti ether, 2 re attacked. by influenza and 37,000 were nfection. Altogether, 20,000 were atta ry ‘ exposed.to the risk of infection but the nu pe cto Oseurad not tuberculosis lived in houses where no other case was only 4,000."" vce Redraft the information in a concise and elegant aes ca . Solution. The information can be presented in the form follows ; Scanned with CamScanner yr we * : ; Practical State . Jost ate ‘i ‘TABLE SHOWING THE INCIDENCE OF INFLUENZA AMONG TU- . BERCULAR PERSONS LIVING IN THE SAME, FAMILY i et : od Attacked by Influenza. | Not Attacked by Influenza 3 8 3 3 Z| 53 z 38 »| of] 24]. |.) 4 del ee] oS oe | oS = #3) Pi) 3 | £3] 2&| =| 2 | 48|/43| 8 | 38) 58] -8 Sj Attacked | = ¥ x 3 | ~“by TB. | 1,000} 5,000 | 6.000 | 2,000 | 8,000 } 10,000-| 16.000 Not : | Attacked ae | by TB. | 10,000 | 4,000" | 14,000 | 24,000 | 6,000,)'30,000 | 44,000 rota | 11,000 | 9,000 | 20,000 | 26,000 | 14,000 | 40,000 | a | | Problem 18. An investigation conducted by the Education Department in a Public Library revealed the following facts. You are required 10) tabulate the information as neatly and clearly as you can. “In 1999 the total nuinber of readers was 46,000 and they borrowed | some 16,000 volumes. In 2000 ike number of books borrowed increased by 4,000 and the borrowers by 50%. The classification was on the basis of three sections : Literature, Fiction and Ilustrated News. There were 10,000 and 30,000 readers in the sections, Literature and Fiction respectively in the year 1999. In the same year, 2,000 and 10,000 books were lent in the sections Tlustrated News and Fiction respectively. Marked changes were seen inthe year 2 There were 7,000 and 42,000 readers in he Literature and Fiction section! respectively. So also 4,000 and-13,000 books were lent. in'the section’ Mlustrated News-and Fictiori: respectively. eee 4 Solution. The given information can be tabulated asifollows? -“ Scanned with CamScanner 4 TABLE SHOWING THE CHANGES INTHE 2+ - : READERSHIP AND TYPE OF BOOKS (1999 and 2000); Lied , 2000 “Change in, 2000 over 1999“ No. of | No. of | No. of | No. of | No. of Readers} Books |Readers| Books | Readers Books ~ Borrowed Borrowed Literature | 10,000 | 4,000 | 7,000 3,000 | 3,000] -1,000 Fiction | 30,000 | 10,000 "2,000 | 13,000 412,000] +3,000 Illustrated | 6,000) 2,000- | 20,000 4,000 |+ 14,000) +2,000_ é rad | No. of | Borrowed News Total. | 46,000] 16,000 | 69,000 | 20.000 | 23,0001 4,000 Problem 19. Prepare a ‘table’ with a proper title, division and sub-divisions to represent the follwing heads of information : (@ Export of cotton piece goods from India. (ii) To Burma, China, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq. (iii) Amount of piece goods to each country. (iv) Value of piece goods to each country., (») For 1998-99 and 1999-2000. (vi) Total ‘amount exported each year. (ii) Total value of exporis each year. Solution, : TABLE SHOWING EXPORT OF COTTON PIECE GOODS DURING 1398-99 and 1999-2000 1998-99 1999-2000 Countries Amount Value Amount Value (in bales) | (thousands Rs.) | (in bales) | (thousands Rs.) Burma . Scanned with CamScanner Practical Statistics 20 problem 20. Draw up a blank table, with a suitable title heading, double tines etc, in which could be: shown the population of India by doar during the 1961 censies, classified according 1? We age groups and “he nwo principal livell"o0d categories — ‘Agricultural and Non-agricultura, Solution. POPULATION OF INDIA BY STATES, SEX, AGE GROUPS AND ‘TWO PRINCIPAL LIVELIHOOD CATEGORIES States Age Agricultural Non-agricultural Total Group cow Fu Trlr jMl ri} t |My FT UP. | Below 15 _ | 1525 ip \ | 25 —35 | 35—45 | Above.45 | * Total HP. | Below 15 | 1525 | 2535 3545, Above 45 Total Note. The table can be similarly extended for other states. M — males F > females, T > Total. Problem 21. The total number of accidents in Southern Railway in 1998 was 3500 and it decreased by 300 in 1999 by 700 in 2000. The total number of accidents in Metre Gauge section showed a progressive increase from 1998 to 1999. It was 245 in 1998, 346 in 1999 and 428 in 2000. In the Metre Gauge ‘not compensated’ case were 49 in 1998, 90 in 1999 and 108 in 2000; ‘Compensated’ case in the Broad Gauge section we! 2867, 2587 and 2152 in these three years respectively. From th 1¢ above report, you are required to prepare a neat table as Pé the rules of tabulation, Scanned with CamScanner Classification and Tabulation Solution. NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS IN SOUTHERN RAILWAYS BETWEEN 1998 TO 2000 CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO METRE GAUGE AND BROAD GAUGE AND _ COMPENSATED AND NON-COMPENSATED CASES 1998 [1999 2069 po [ur T. |oa.[mr] 7. lac.[ar| 7. 388] 196] 584/ 267] 269] 536] 220] 320] 540. 2867} 49]2916|2587| 77|2664|2152| 108|2260 Total 3255| 245] 3500] 2854) 346|3200]2372} 428| 2800 B.G. = Broad-Gauge; M.G. = Metre- Gauge; T = Total. Problem 22. Out of the total riumber of 1807 women who were interviewed for employment in a textile factory of Bombay, 512 were from textile areas and the rest from the non-textile areas. Amongst the. married women who belonged to textile areas, 247 were experienced and 73 inexperienced, while for non-textile areas, the corresponding, figures were “49 and 520. The total number of inexperienced women was 1341 of whom 111 resided in textile'areas. Of the total number of women, 918 were unmarried, and of these, the numberof experienced women in the textile and non-iextile was 154 and 16 respectively. Tabulate. . Solution. TABLE SHOWING ‘THE-MARITAL STATUS OF 1807 WOMEN RESIDING IN TEXTILE AND NON-TEXTILE AREAS Textile Area _| Non-Textile Area Total M | Un |Total| M | Un |Toral| M | Un |Total Experienced - | 247 | 154 | 401 | 49] 16] 65 | 296 | 170 | 466 inexperienced | 73 | 38 | 111,| 520 | 710 | 1230} 593 748 | 1341 Total 320 |-192 | 512 | 569 | 726 | 1295] 889 | 918 | 1807 Type of Cases * Compensated Non-compensated M — Married; Un —> Unmarried. Problem 23. The marks obtained by 25 students in Statistics and Economics are given below. The first figure in brackets indicates the marks in Statistics and second the marks in Economics. (14, 12), (0, 2), (1, 5), (7, 3) (15, 9), (2, 8) (2, 18) (9, 11) (5, 3). (17-13), (19, 18) (11, 7), (10, 13), (13, 16), (16, 14). (6, 10), (4, 1), (11, 14) (8, 3), (9, 15), (13, 11), 14, 17), (10, 10), (11, 7), (15, 15). Prepare a two-way table taking the magnitude of each class interval as 4 marks, the first being equal to 0 and less than 4. Scanned with CamScanner ’ Practical Statistic 22 ~_ wo-WAY FREQUENCY TABLE FOR MARKS Marks in =~ Marks in Economics Sratistics [g—a | 4 “g— 12 [12—16] 16-20] oral Sor tio pie fla | 7 | l@ yp 4 ics |W} — | lm pop oy s—r2 | iam | 1@ | We fa} o— 8 pw | — | — | t@]}l@} ie] ¢ —20 | — | — | = [Io 1a | 3 Total 5 | 3 7 6 4 6 Problem 24, The following are the marks of the 30 students in Statistics: Prepare a frequency distribution taking the class intervals-as 10—20, 20— 3) and so on. 12° 33 23 25 18 35 37 49 34 Sl 37 Is 27° 13, 4% 45.47 55 69 65 63 46 29 18 37 45 2 46 59 29 35 Oy (B. Com., Bombay Univ.; B. Com., Bhartidasan Univ., 1996) w_ Solution. ‘FORMATION OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION Marks Tally Bais Frequency 10—20 ill 4 20—30 : At 5 30— 40. Hill 7 40—50 Hill 7 50 — 60 il 4 60—70 i 3 Total : 30 Problem 25. Prepare a frequency distribution for the following. observations and represent the same as a Histogram*. . 1s 45 40 42 50 60 62 68 70 42 75° 75 80 81 * 25 26 31 32 78 45 31 450 «424 SS SHC 80 81 (62 60 62 S58 69 °70 °45 50 56 72 58 75° 62 68 65 60 ‘70 35 37 40«5 —_————_—_ “For histogram, please refer to the chapter on diagram of graphs. Scanned with CamScanner Space a AAAI EAT ES Bees ° - = Gassicaion ane Tabulation : dagen aad 4 Solition. The ee value is 15 and the maximum 78. The difference of these i is 63 and if we take a class interval of 10, 7 classes would be formed. , FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ee “4 Cras Groups “Tallies Frequency 15—25 { I i 25—35 di 5 35—45 ot Ail 8 45—55 HED 6 55—>65 : HAA IL a2 65-75 it =) 75—85 HM ean) : Total . . TRY YOURSELF r : 1 Make a frequency table for the following data taking the class limits of the exclusive type and a class interval of 3 units each. 5 17 23.14 13 19 15 17 15 12° 16 - 18> 2 15.20.12 9 16-17 16 15 13.22 20 2-17 2 19 18 16 19 EL 18 10 2. Form 2 group frequency table with intervals O— 10, 10—~20 eic., from the following data : 1S 27° 23 32-49 19 50 38 97 25 3 29 42 37°18 «(120-13 9° 18°27 50 32 47 48 29 30 33037: 4. 3, “Statistics neither proves anything nor disproves anything. It is only a tool, ie., a method of approach: Tools, if properly used do wonders and, if misused, prove disastrous. The same is true of statistical tools. If used properly, they help in making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty and if misused they can lead to misleading conclusions. ‘But the fault does not lie with the science of statistics as such."” Make a frequency table. 4. Prepaie a lable, showing the frequencies with which words of different number of letters occur in the extract reprodyced below (omitting punctuation marks) treating as the variable the number of levers in each word. “Success in the examination confers no right to appointment unless the pertinent is satisfied, ster suctenqury as ay be deemed necessary that the candidate is suitable for appoint to the public service.’* ¢ 75 130.135 - 90 -HB- 92.80 142 97 147 98 94-115 109 F4S4- 409 1 «117-120 91h 124 101.104, 97: <398 “126 94 109° 109° 94 2 HO . 82 9@*_119 92, 28. 114 104 169 -107 2 102 83 “9g 77 133-87, «1459 Scanned with CamScanner 24 6. The following are’the mont the data taking on suitable class interval. WAGES IN (Rs.) 1108.5 1112 2302.0 2350 1199.0 2075 1292.0, 2298 1120 1110.0 1109 2220 2265.8 2275 2405 1354.0 2186 2194 2196.0 2219 7, The following is a record of marks obtained by students in two sections _¥ A and B out of a maximum of 150 marks. Tabulate the data in the form of a frequency distribution in such a way that a visual look at them would easily indicate | the comparative performance of the students in the two sections without the use of other sophisticated tools of statistical analysis. monthly wages of 40 workers of a factory. Class Practical Statistiog, wh ao 1116 1145 1166 1192.0 2180 2365 2375 2390 1408. 14296 2365 2485 1191.6 1198.7 27 i 1333. 1234.6 2175 11928 2173! Section A Section B 61° 73 93 107 12 76 78 69 96 n -80 88 96 109° 103 84 84 106 a1 75 a1 92 102-9101 90 77 105 «90 86 3 101, 4727 | 18. 95 63 99 82 100. 106 87 89 92] 107 111 76 8386 106 107 62 94 B 108 m5 85 98 93 10997, 74-98 ~~ 67 | 82104 888892 ‘Count the number of letters in each word of the above stanza (ignore punctuation signs etc.) and make a frequency table showing the number of words with different number of letters. 8. The following table relates to the marks obtained by students in two subjects — Accountancy and Statistics out of 25. Prepare a bivariate frequency table with classes O—5, 5— 10 etc. S.No. Marks in Marksin | S.No. — Marks ‘Marks in Accountancy Statistics Accountancy __ Statistics 1 10 12 14 8 16 2 15 20 is 15 23 3 18 15 16 22 24 4 16 10 7 20 23 5 15 12 18° 17 15 6 i 4 19. 8 6 7 7 10 20 ul 4 8 10 4s 21 4s 6 9 5 10 2 16 10 10 3 12 23 19 1 Al 4 18 24 24 20 12 6 10 25 21 2B 13, 0 5 Scanned with CamScanner Classification ard Tabulation 9. Present the following information in the form of a table with suitable captions as clearly and as conveniently as ‘you can. “In 1990 out of a total of 1,750 workers of a factory, 1. we members of a trade union. The number of women employed ia 300 ar ‘which, 175 did not bélong to a trade union. In 1995 the number of union workers increased to 1510 of which 1,290 were men. On the other hand, the number of non-usiee workers fell down to 208 of which 180 were men. In 2000 there were on the pay role of the factory 1,800 employees who belonged to a trade union and 5 who did not OF all employees in 2000, 300 were women of whom only 8 did not belong ta trade union.”” 10, Prepare a blank table in which can be shown the prices per quintal of wheat and rice for the years: 1990 and 1999 for seven important grain markets of UP. 11. Prepare a table to represent the following information : “The number of students in a college in the years 1990 was 510. Of these 480 were boys and the rest girls. In 2000 the number of boys increased by 100% and that of girls increased by 300% as compared to their strength in 1990..In 2000 the total number of students in the college was 1,200, the number of boys being double the number of girls. 12, In a certain data, the following main characteristics with their sub-charec- teristics are present : - Main characteristics Sub-characteristics Locality Urban-Rural Religion . Hindu, Non-Hindu Sex Male, Female Age 0—30, 30 — 60, 60 — 80 years Prepare a suitable statistical table. “13. State the- guiding principles in the construction of a statistical table. Prepare thesfollowing data in tabular form: “The total strength of a college in 1999-2000 was 1,100 students, distributed as under : First year Com. class 400 : 1. Com. class — 300, Jr. B. Com. class — 260 : St. B. Com. class — 200, In 1996-97, there was.a fall of 100% in the strength of each of the first three “ classes as compared. with their strengths in 1995-96 and the Sr. B. Com. class had a strength of 200. In 1997-98, there was an increase of 10% in each of the four classes as compared with their strength in 1996-9: in 1998-99, the total strength of the college was 1,250. The number of students in F.Y. Com. class was double the number of students in Sr. B. Com. class. The number of students in 1. Com. ~lass was 330." : soe 14. Draft a blank table to show the following information : (Sex (ii) Their designations : Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor and Clerk. (iii) Years : 1998 and 1999. (iv) Age : 18 years and below: over 18 years but less than 55 years, 55 years and above. Scanned with CamScanner Practical Statistics 26. : 4 that statistical approach, though universal in its 15, “It must be rere to fit the pecularities of each concrete problem must ly Statistics in clock book style using underlying ideas. s 10 app! to which itis applied. Wis danBeret” Ti tral study of the ingredients of each the same recipes over afd OVeTs aie ir rd of the above stanza anc make . f letters in cach word of a n A fh Count users Series) showing the number of words withr different frequi ( s of letters. anda or va blank table to show the number af wholly unemployed, temporarily sonnel ad the totak unemployed, each class being divided into ‘males and fe stop) tab unemplo iporari for the following industries females, (a) Cotton manufacturing (6) Jute manufacturing (c) Cement ( ‘Sugar (©) Ship-building (f) Automobiles ; 77. Prepare a frequency distribution from the following figures relating to bonus paid in Rupees to workers. 67 60 «69 «=©70S—s«62s i D7. 58.560 «(57 «s SA SSO O70 0 6 70 56 67. 58 60 59 6. 63 (69 Ts a OSS [>r* 55—60 60—65 65—70 esl 1 10 10 6 5 G (B.A., Madurai Kamargj Univ., 1997) 18. Classify the following data of 50 marks obtained in Statistics subjects appropriately and compute the arithmetic. and ‘geometric means : 64, 26, 46, 85, 42, 38, 10, 55, 72, 65, 15, 47, 59, 62, 52, 54, 48, 62, 81; 31, we 54, 50, 52, 66, 38, 77, 88, 17, 58, BS eS #. Sl, 64, 68, 53, 50, 72, 58. + 61, 70, 80, 90, 05, 16, SI, 61, 52 a (B. Com, . Univ 1998) Points in a fr istributi A a a an ay ion of mp ofp a Spe lass boundaries, and (ii) ty find (i) size of the class ‘measured to the nearest i ie class limits assuming that the bos M4. Com., Assam Univ, 1997) 19. If the class mid. Scanned with CamScanner

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