Soni Updated Resume
Soni Updated Resume
Soni Updated Resume
Linkedin: Soni_pal Mobile: +91-8084903148
● Programming Languages: Python(Expert), C++(Good)
● Frameworks: SQL, OpenCv
● Soft Skills: Leadership, Problem Solving, Time Management, Public Speaking
● Area of Expertise: Data Structure, Machine learning, Data Science
● Tools: VS code, Jupyter, Google Colab
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology Greater Noida, India
● B Tech - Information Technology; SGPA: 7.19 Aug 2020 - Aug 2024
R D Memorial Inter College Budheshwar, Lucknow
● Intermediate April 2019 - March 2020
● Face Detection and Recognition System: Developed a real-time system for face detection and recognition
with features like facial emotion detection and age and gender prediction.
● Technologies: OpenCV for image processing, TensorFlow and Dlib for deep learning models,
Python for scripting and integration, Keras for building and training neural networks.
● Highlights:
■ Achieved 95% accuracy in face recognition.
■ Implemented emotion detection using pre-trained models.
■ Developed real-time processing capabilities for live video input.
● Advanced Option Pricing Model: Created an option pricing model using Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo
simulation, and binomial distribution methods, enhancing accuracy by 15%.
● Technologies: C++ for core calculations, Python for scripting and data analysis, NumPy and SciPy
for numerical computations, Matplotlib for data visualization, Tkinter for building a user interface.
● Highlights:
■ Enhanced model performance and accuracy.
■ Developed a user-friendly interface for input and visualization.
■ Conducted extensive testing for reliability.
● Voice Assistant : Implemented a voice assistant for recognizing and executing basic speech commands.
● Technologies: Subprocess for executing system commands, SpeechRecognition for handling voice
input, Pyttsx3 for text-to-speech conversion.
● Highlights:
■ Developed voice recognition capabilities.
■ Integrated text-to-speech for auditory feedback.
■ Implemented functionalities like opening applications and web searches.
React Developer Intern
● Developed a responsive registration form using React, improving user experience and form submission
● Collaborated with a team to integrate the form into a larger web application, ensuring seamless
● Utilized Git and GitHub for version control, contributing to code reviews and pull requests.
● Won Painting competition organised by Coal India Limited
● 5 star in python on hackerrank
● 4 star in C++ on hackerrank
● 100+ questions on leetcode
● 700+ questions on Coding Ninja
● Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
● Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
● Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
● AI For Everyone