War of The Chatbots
War of The Chatbots
War of The Chatbots
1 (2023)
ISSN : 2591-801X
fA Te
g& Content Available at : http://journals.sfu.ca/jalt/index.php/jalt/index
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War of the chatbots: Bard, Bing Chat, ChatGPT, Ernie and beyond. The new AI gold rush and
its impact on higher education
Samson TanC C Director of Regional Strategy & Operations (Singapore), Civica Asia Pacific
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37074/jalt.2023.6.1.23
launch in November 2022 (Rudolph et al., 2023). As recent
Developments in the chatbot space have been accelerating faddish exuberances around blockchain, cryptos, initial coin
at breakneck speed since late November 2022. Every day, offerings, the metaverse, and non-fungible tokens have
there appears to be a plethora of news. A war of competitor shown, there appears to be a direct correlation between
chatbots is raging amidst an AI arms race and gold rush. exaggerated claims and people falling for them. Amusingly,
These rapid developments impact higher education, as “over 100 new cryptocurrencies have been created that have
millions of students and academics have started using bots ChatGPT in their name” (The Economist, 2023e). Hype helped
like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Ernie and others for a large make ChatGPT the fastest-growing consumer technology
variety of purposes. In this article, we select some of the most in history. With an estimated 123 million monthly active
promising chatbots in the English and Chinese-language users (MAUs) less than three months after its launch, it grew
spaces and provide their corporate backgrounds and brief substantially faster than TikTok (which took nine months till
histories. Following an up-to-date review of the Chinese it hit 100 million MAUs) and Instagram (2.5 years for the
and English-language academic literature, we describe our same feat) (Wodecki, 2023). Consequently, ChatGPT has
comparative method and systematically compare selected become the fastest-growing app of all time.
chatbots across a multi-disciplinary test relevant to higher
education. The results of our test show that there are currently The accelerated developments we currently witness in
no A-students and no B-students in this bot cohort, despite the first four months of 2023 appear to be an example
all publicised and sensationalist claims to the contrary. The of things at first happening much slower than expected
much-vaunted AI is not yet that intelligent, it would appear. before occurring much faster (an unfortunate instance of
GPT-4 and its predecessor did best, whilst Bing Chat and that observation is climate change: Tollefson, 2022). Whilst
Bard were akin to at-risk students with F-grade averages. We there have been various AI winters (Russell & Norvig, 2003;
conclude our article with four types of recommendations for Metz, 2022a), we currently witness an AI spring on steroids.
key stakeholders in higher education: (1) faculty in terms of Alphabet’s CEO Sundar Pichai has called AI “more profound
assessment and (2) teaching & learning, (3) students and (4) than fire or electricity” (cited in De Vynck & Tiku, 2023); and
higher education institutions. Microsoft’s president Brad Smith (2023) marvelled that “A.I.
developments we had expected around 2033 would arrive
in 2023 instead”.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI); assessment; Bard; Bing
Chat; chatbots in higher education; ChatGPT; conversational After the launch of ChatGPT, a gold rush into start-ups
agents; Ernie; generative pre-trained transformers (GPT); working on generative AI has escalated into a “no-holds-
higher education; large language models (LLMs); learning barred deal-making mania” (Griffith & Metz, 2023). The
& teaching. interest has mounted so rapidly that AI start-up valuations are
soaring bubble-like (Griffith & Metz, 2023). Since ChatGPT’s
launch, a mini-industry has mushroomed, and not a week
Introduction has passed without someone unveiling a new generative
AI based on existing foundation models (The Economist,
With the advent of ChatGPT and competitor launches, 2023e). At Y Combinator, a famous start-up incubator, at
higher education has been predicted to be bound for least 50 of the 218 companies in the current program are
dramatic change (e.g. Dwivedi et al., 2023; Firat, 2023). working on generative AI (Griffith & Metz, 2023).
There has been much hype around ChatGPT since its
The story of OpenAI, the organisation behind ChatGPT,
has been told numerous times and does not need to be
repeated here. However, it is worth highlighting that OpenAI
underwent a fundamental change from a not-for-profit
organisation to a commercial business model in less than
four years between 2015 and 2019, raising doubts about its
continued ‘openness’ (Metz, 2022a; Rudolph et al., 2023).
Bing Chat 1 Interestingly, the name Bing was created by Qi Lu (Metz, 2022a), a former
executive vice president of Microsoft. This is surprising as Chinese speakers
may associate Bing with being sick (bìng, 病), a far-from-ideal association. With
On February 7, Microsoft revealed a new version of its Google being banned in China, the substitution of ‘did you google this?’ –
‘did you Bing this?’– may be mispronounced as ‘are you sick?’ A joke on
unfortunately-named and hitherto widely-mocked Bing Bing used to be that it is an acronym for ‘But its not Google’ (Helft, 2009).
search engine that incorporates ChatGPT, a day after Google
However, due to the different ways of intonating and writing ‘bing’ in Chinese
characters, there are other connotations, such as ‘ice’ (bing, 冰). Microsoft
announced its AI chatbot, Google Bard (Ortiz, 2023d)¹. eventually chose the Chinese name 必应 (bì yìng) for its search engine, which
has many positive connotations (必 means ‘will, definitely, without fail’, and 应
means ‘respond’ or ‘agree’; together, the characters mean will generate a
response without fail; see Labbrand, 2009).
Literature review
With the ChatGPT craze in its fifth month, there has been
a fast-exploding literature of academic literature on LLM-
based chatbots and their impact on higher education. Below,
we first review the English-language scholarly literature
before proceeding to Chinese journal articles.
Baidu’s Ernie This first section reviews the literature of the relevant
academic English-language peer-reviewed journal articles
On March 16, 2023, Baidu’s Ernie (Enhanced representation and preprints (academic papers that have not been peer-
through knowledge integration) was unveiled (Che & reviewed) as of 15 April 2023. We focus on related higher
Liu, 2023). Its Chinese name is 文心一言, or wenxin yiyan education issues of assessment, learning and teaching. We
(literally ‘language and mind as one’). Baidu (sometimes searched Google Scholar for the 100 most relevant academic
called China’s Google) initially disappointed investors with articles, conference proceedings and book chapters on
its use of pre-recorded videos and the lack of a public “ChatGPT and higher education”. Google Scholar provides
launch (Baptista & Ye, 2023). However, Ernie is trained convenient access to a wide range of academic materials that
on “trillions of web pages, tens of billions of search and include ‘grey literature’, such as preprints produced outside
image data, hundreds of billions of daily voice data, and a traditional publishing and distribution channels. However, as
knowledge graph of 550 billion facts” (Baidu, cited in Yang, Google Scholar's impressive coverage is not comprehensive
2023b). Like OpenAI, Baidu declines to reveal the number (Martin-Martin et al., 2021), we consulted additional sources.
of parameters. However, figures are available for their last- We referred to the reference lists of selected academic
generation products. Whilst OpenAI’s GPT-3 had 175 billion articles and embedded references in non-academic articles.
parameters, Baidu’s Ernie 3.0 Titan, released in December In addition, a superb source for various types of literature
2021, had 260 billion parameters (Yang, 2023b). on AI and bots is Mills (2023a), who categorises them into
multiple types and updates them continuously. Searches that
Baidu’s Robin Li claims that Baidu was the first among combined Bing Chat, Bard or Ernie with higher education
international tech giants to release an internally-developed (e.g. “Bing Chat and higher education”) yielded no academic
ChatGPT alternative (Yang, 2023b). In addition, Baidu boasts articles, as these developments are still very recent.
that the bot has the "best understanding of Chinese culture"
(cited in Zhou, 2023). Unsurprisingly, as discussed above In an earlier article, we reconstructed the chronology of the
on the ‘re-education’ of Chinese predecessor chatbots first ten articles on ChatGPT and discussed their findings
While our focus in this literature review is on the new LLM- There have been disciplinary discussions in the fields of
based chatbots, it would be remiss not to briefly mention medicine, law, engineering (Qadir, 2022), information
Kuhail et al.’s (2023) literature review on previous educational security, language teaching, tourism studies (Skavronskaya
chatbots, which ends in 2021. Building on previous review et al., 2023), and others. In medicine, Gilson et al. (2022)
studies (e.g. Okonkwo & Ade-Ibijola, 2021; Pérez et al., 2020; tested ChatGPT’s performance on questions within the
Smutny & Schreiberova, 2020; Wollny et al., 2021), Kuhail et scope of the United States Medical Licensing Examination
al.’s (2023) systematic literature review discusses dimensions (USMLE). They found that the AI partially performed at the
such as fields of application, platforms, roles in education, level of third-year medical students. They see “potential
interaction styles, design principles, empirical evidence, and applications of ChatGPT as a medical education tool” (Gilson
limitations. et al., 2022; see Kung et al., 2022). Lee (2023, p. 1) saw the
potential of LLMs to “serve as virtual teaching assistants,
providing students with detailed and relevant information
Assessment and plagiarism concerns and perhaps eventually interactive simulations”. Nisar
and Aslam (2023) made a use case for Traditional Chinese
While Yeadon et al. (2022) considered ChatGPT a severe Medicine students in their pharmacology studies in Malaysia.
threat to the credibility of short-form essays as an assessment
method, Cotton et al. (2023) saw opportunities in addition to In law, Bommarito and Katz (2022) found that GPT-3.5 could
the challenges of using ChatGPT and focused on harnessing pass a U.S. Bar Exam, whose human candidates require
AI-powered writing assistants. Tate et al. (2023) examined seven years of post-secondary education, including three
ChatGPT’s and similar text generation tools’ implications years at law school. In a follow-up article, Katz et al. (2023)
for education within the historical context of educational tested GPT-4 against prior generations of GPT on the entire
technology. Zhai (2022, p. 1) assessed ChatGPT’s writing as Uniform Bar Examination (UBE). They found that it scored
“coherent, (partially) accurate, informative, and systematic” significantly in excess of the passing threshold for all UBE
and proposed designing AI-involved learning tasks to jurisdictions. The authors see “the potential for such models
engage students in solving real-world problems. to support the delivery of legal services in society” (Katz et
al., 2023, p. 1).
There is much consensus that student assessments need to
be changed. For instance, Crawford et al. (2023, p. 11) exhort Malinka et al. (2023, p. 6) tested ChatGPT’s capabilities on
university teachers not to ask students “to regurgitate the representative exams, term papers, and programming tasks
theories in a textbook” but to “ask them to demonstrate their and concluded that it “might pass the courses required for
comprehension by applying that knowledge to complex a university degree” in IT security at a Czech university. They
and fictitious cases”. Perkins (2023, p. 15) highlighted the warned that without “changes to the educational model,
importance of updating universities’ academic integrity plagiarism and cheating will result in the production of low-
policies to address the use of AI and optimistically posited quality graduates” (Malinka et al., 2023, p. 6)
that “the future development of LLMs and broader AI-
supported digital tools have a strong potential for improving Finally, in language teaching, Perkins (2023) explored the
the experiences of students and teachers alike in the next potential of LLMs in supporting the teaching of writing
generation of HEI classrooms, both in writing instruction and composition, and English as a foreign language (EFL)
and beyond”. learners, the co-creation between humans and AI, and
improving Automated Writing Evaluations (AWE). Hong
Perkins (2023) is sceptical about the detectability of (2023, p. 37) argued that ChatGPT offers “major opportunities
generative chatbots’ creations: “Given that the use of the for teachers and education institutes to improve second/
current generation of LLMs cannot be accurately detected by foreign language teaching and assessments”. Similarly, Ali
academic staff or technical means of detection, the likelihood et al. (2023), in their research on English language learners
of accurately detecting any usage of these tools by students in Saudi Arabia, recommended integrating ChatGPT into
in their submissions… will likely not improve and may even English language programmes to motivate learners to use
decrease further as new LLMs are developed” (Perkins, the bot autonomously.
2023). There have been a variety of tests in single academic
discipline scenarios: Talan and Kalinkara (2023) compared the
performance of Turkish anatomy undergraduate students
Due to geographical restrictions, gaining access to Chinese Additionally, data collected are utilised to identify students’
scholarly databases from outside China is challenging. We learning situations, and personalised learning programs are
eventually managed to access China National Knowledge customised for each student. This leads to improvement in
Infrastructure (CNKI). Launched in 1988 to integrate students’ learning. Finally, VR enhances students’ sense of
significant Chinese knowledge-based information resources, learning experience with simulations of the real environment,
CNKI is the world’s most authoritative, comprehensive, and creating realistic teaching situations and increasing attention
extensive source of Chinese-based information resources and learning outcomes. This optimisation of technology
(East View Information Services, 2023). We searched for the and machine learning models promotes the innovation and
following keywords in the database: “Artificial Intelligence”, development of higher education in China (Cao, 2020; Pan,
“Higher Education”, and “Artificial Intelligence and Higher 2021; Wang, 2020; Zhang et al., 2022).
Education” (we searched for both “人工智能与高等教育”
and “人工智能技术与高等教育”, as there are two different Wu et al. (2023) discussed different stages of the
concepts for AI in Chinese). The initial search results resulted development of AI in relation to education. AI enables
in approximately 600 items, and after removing duplications the automation of calculation and storage and appears
and articles that were not open access, the final results to exhibit practice-based learning and cognitive abilities
showed a total of 130 search results. We reviewed all 130 to understand and create. Questionably, Kosinkski (2023)
articles and found 66 articles directly related to the keywords. assessed ChatGPT’s cognitive ability as akin to a nine-year-
The Chinese literature mainly focused on the importance of old, yet stated that it can benefit the education sector.
higher education reform as AI is increasingly introduced into Various researchers explored ChatGPT, its efficiency in
the curriculum and its impact on teaching modalities and the workplace, and the redundancy of jobs it might lead
educational management. The reviewed literature tended to to (Wu et al., 2023; Kosinkski, 2023). They discussed the
be short on specifics (for instance, what AI tool is discussed) changes it could bring to learning, such as deeper critical
and in broad strokes. thinking, increased skills in communication, presentation
skills, and different learning modalities. They also presented
In addition, we used the following keywords in the database: some ethical issues regarding the use of ChatGPT, such as
“ChatGPT and 教育 [education]” and “ChatGPT and 高等教 plagiarism, the spread of false information, and reduced
育 [higher education]”. The initial search results were 60, cognitive abilities of individuals due to their heavy reliance
and after removing duplications and articles that were not on AI. They concluded that it is crucial to cultivate students’
open-access, the final results yielded seven research articles. higher-order thinking competencies and ethics (see also Lu,
The Chinese literature mainly focuses on the opportunities 2023; Wang, 2023; Wang et al., 2023).
of ChatGPT, the promotion of educational reform and
innovation, and ethical problems and challenges to the Jiao et al. (2023) discussed the origins of ChatGPT, its
education industry. concept, and its usability. The authors shared their concerns
about its impacts on employability and formal and informal
We briefly overview the Chinese discussion on AI and higher education. ChatGPT forces educators to consider assessment
education. Li’s (2022) research explored the inadequacy of modes and provides educators with more educational
the old higher education system, critiqued its lack of relevant content. Jiao et al. (2023) assessed the possibility of human
research and unveiled discrepancies between learning needs redundancy. They concluded that it is improbable that AI
and outcomes. She further discussed the importance of AI can replace human beings’ roles and functions with regard
and its potential for curriculum development. Li proposed to interpersonal interaction, feedback, creativity, feelings
the integration of AI to investigate the learning needs of and emotional intelligence. They emphasised educators’
students and teachers and to use AI technology to customise need to be open-minded, embrace technological changes
personalised learning curricula. By doing so, teachers can and adapt to innovative teaching. It is essential to be wary
decrease their workload while ensuring students get the of AI’s pitfalls and ethical issues. Li (2023) and Feng (2023)
necessary learning materials and environment to learn highlighted similar findings and encouraged academic
efficiently (Li & Dong, 2021; Sun, 2023). integrity, ethics, transparency and curricular reforms.
Overall, the Chinese research articles on ChatGPT and higher
Cao (2020), Pan (2021), Wang (2020), and Zhang et al. education are focused on educational reform, opportunities
(2022) explored AI and its influence and impact on higher and challenges.
education. They reviewed AI opportunities such as big data,
The results of our test show that there are currently no The bots did quite well on the history question, though they
A-students and no B-students in this bot cohort, despite were largely insufficiently critical of Hitler and Nazi Germany
all publicised and sensationalist claims to the contrary. in causing World War II (Q4). They also performed on the
The much-vaunted artificial intelligence is not yet that economics question regarding the differences between
intelligent, it would appear. GPT-4 performed the best, a market and a command economy (Q5). Moreover, they
with its predecessor (that continues to be freely available) a did not fall into the trap of the philosophical trick question
close second-best. Bing Chat did not do well because of its as to what the meaning of life was, according to French
overly brief answers, and Bard, to our surprise, did relatively existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. However, none
poorly and, like Bing Chat, is akin to an at-risk student with of the chatbots bothered to refer to any of Sartre’s original
a current F-grade average. work, though GPT-4 provided some appropriate, though
uncredited, citations, such as that humans are “condemned
Some of GPT-4’s answers were impressive, scoring the most to be free”, that “existence precedes essence” and that we
A’s (four), whereas ChatGPT-3.5 and Bing Chat only got an face “existential anxiety” when determining our own lives’
Q14 showed three chatbots performing satisfactorily, while Our multi-disciplinary test has shown that the bots are
Bard disappointingly stated: ‘I can't assist you with that, as not doing as well as some may have feared or hoped in
I'm only a language model and don't have the capacity to assignment questions that are not difficult to construct and
understand and respond’. A word count of approximately certainly do not constitute any assessment innovations. An
300 was required, and it is worth noting that the bots are analysis of our somewhat sobering test results needs to
not very good at sticking to such limiting instructions. bear in mind that the burgeoning AI revolutions hastens at
ChatGPT-3.5 exceeded it by 118 words, GPT-4 by 200, and a relentless pace and that our manuscript's portrayal of the
Bing Chat wrote only 254 words (which is quite acceptable). bots must be acknowledged as provisional.
Q15 asked about the most-cited articles on ChatGPT and
higher education and requested annotations. All chatbots We hope to have broken new ground in this article by
performed dismally, presumably because such literature systematically comparing the most powerful LLM-based
is more current than their training data. Unhelpfully, chatbots that pose a significant threat to traditional
ChatGPT-3.5 provided five entirely irrelevant references assessments in higher education. Our unique multi-
that went back to 1975. GPT-4’s answer was only marginally disciplinary test of the current chatbot cohort and analysis
better. While the ChatGPT results are not hugely surprising, of their performance provides valuable contributions to
we expected Bing Chat to do much better than stating: concerns from educators about generative AI and strategies
‘Sorry, but I couldn’t find any articles that specifically discuss to address these within the assessment development and
ChatGPT and higher education’ before providing us with academic integrity space (see our recommendations below).
useless information. A simple Google Scholar search leads To recapitulate, we embarked upon a critical and historically-
to many such articles, and they can be ranked by the number informed examination of chatbots and paid heed to the
of citations. Bard’s answer, however, was the worst, as it involvement of powerful corporations, the US-American
hallucinated and came up with entirely fictitious references and Chinese tech titans. We then proceeded to delineate the
such as ‘ChatGPT and the Future of Higher Education leading combatants in the war of the chatbots. Subsequently,
Authors: John Smith and Jane Doe Year: 2023’. Jane Doe, we delved into the pertinent academic literature in English
really? and Chinese and provided an up-to-date review. We then
described our methodology for a systematic comparison to
assess the foremost US-American chatbots and proceeded
Conclusions and recommendations with a multi-disciplinary test that is relevant for higher
education assessments
Artificial intelligence is a highly problematic and loaded
concept. When it was created in the 1950s, it grossly In an earlier article, we devised recommendations for
overpromised and pathetically underdelivered. In the higher education institutions, lecturers and students to use
2010s, with voice assistance and self-driving cars, robotics, ChatGPT (Rudolph et al., 2023). In the meantime, much has
and automated healthcare, it once again became the buzz happened, and there are now also Bing Chat, Bard, and
term of the decade (Metz, 2022a). For the general public, eventually Chinese bots like Ernie to consider. Further, as
the term raises the spectre of Hollywood blockbusters such our literature review reflects, many other authors have made
as The Terminator or The Matrix. Scientists such as Stephen valuable contributions to this challenge of coming up with
Hawking and Max Tegmark are wary of humans inadvertently recommendations.
creating artificial general intelligence (AGI) – a machine
capable of performing all intellectual tasks that humans LLM-based chatbots are still a young and quickly-evolving
are capable of (Tan, 2023; Hawking et al., 2014; Tegmark, technology; we certainly would not want to pretend to
2018). Popenici (2023) shows that it is epistemologically have all the answers. We believe our most important
challenging to define ‘intelligence’, as the term is burdened recommendation is for all higher education stakeholders to
by white supremacist, eugenistic connotations since the continue to have democratic dialogues on AI and chatbots.
19th century. In turn, this leaves ‘artificial intelligence’ “open The ideal that we have in mind is a virtual roundtable on
to exploitation and exaggeration” (Popenici, 2023, p. 33). AI which stakeholders such as students, faculty from a wide
thus remains a heady mix of real technological advances, variety of academic disciplines, administrators, and industry
unfounded hype, wild predictions and legitimate concerns and government representatives sit together as equals and
for the future. have an open discussion that will lead to the university of the
future. Whilst we are insufficiently blue-eyed to believe that
With the current hype, it is difficult to assess whether something like this is likely to occur, we stress that dialogue
or not we are at a historic, revolutionary moment in AI between us humans will be of foremost importance.
development. The truth may well be somewhere along
a continuum marked by extreme positions, between
Chomsky et al.’s (2023) evaluation of ChatGPT as “high-tech Recommendations for higher education faculty
plagiarism” and a “way of avoiding learning” and Bill Gates’s
as it being as important as the invention of the computer We cast some doubt on solutions that ban ChatGPT, threaten
or the Internet (The Economist, 2023c). While generative AIs students with draconian penalties (such as expulsion),
have demonstrated advanced capabilities, they have not physical closed-book, pen-and-paper exams and the like
Recommendations for assessments (assignments, (9) Don’t try to out-design the chatbots, as this will
exams, and theses) be a dead end: in the long run, chatbots will
be able to provide quotations, discuss current
(1) Teach students to use chatbots responsibly events or hyper-local issues, and analyse a variety
rather than banning them (Vogelgesang et al., of media sources (including images and videos);
2023; Crawford et al., 2023; Gimpel et al., 2023). it may be futile to spend our energy figuring out
what current AI tools cannot do (Mills, 2023b).
(2) Require students to declare how they used
chatbots in their assessments in a differentiated, (10) Don’t count on AI’s ability to reliably detect
non-binary way, highlighting which steps AI and realise that AI detection software is
in the research and writing process AI tools problematic (Perkins, 2023).
were used for (e.g., developing an outline or
proofreading) and including a statement of (11) Incorporate a mentoring and coaching process
student responsibility regarding potential errors, that breaks down written assignments into bite-
copyright violations, or plagiarism (Gimpel et al., sized chunks and creates multiple feedback loops
2023). (this may require additional time and staffing)
and students keeping a reflective learning log
(3) Teach students the importance of (academic) (Gimpel et al., 2023)
integrity, ethics and personal accountability –
they alone are responsible for the quality of their (12) Rethink rubrics (Gimpel et al., 2023) and consider
work. an increased emphasis on critical thinking and
creativity (see Bloom et al., 1956; Biggs & Tang,
(4) Allow students to write about topics that 2011; Biggs et al., 2019).
genuinely interest them, in which their voices
come through and their opinions are valued (13) Focus on motivation and the writing process
(McMurtrie, 2022). by communicating that writing practice is
intrinsically rewarding and central to intellectual
(5) Use authentic assessments that provide students growth (Mills, 2023b).
with creative, meaningful and intrinsically
motivating learning experiences and test their
skills and knowledge in realistic situations Recommendations for teaching and learning
(Wiggins, 1990).
(1) Provide clear guidance and expectations for
(6) Incorporate AI tools into discussions and students using chatbots in higher education (see
assignments and educate your students on Atlas, 2023).
their judicious use and the limitations of text-
generator prose by sharing substandard (2) Provide training and support to students on
text examples highlighting the value of human using chatbots responsibly, including proper
(including students’) writing (Mills, 2023a; Anson attribution and ethical considerations (Atlas,
& Straume, 2022; McMurtrie, 2022, 2023; Fyfe, 2023).
2022; D’Agostino, 2022).
Recommendations for students (2) Implement the results of the dialogues outlined
in the above point (1) in regulations, guidelines,
(1) Be aware of academic integrity policies and
handouts, and tutorials (Gimpel et al., 2023).
understand the consequences of academic
misconduct; use chatbots ethically and hold
(3) Realise that digital literacy education is of
yourself personally accountable (Rudolph et al.,
critical importance and has to include AI tools –
2023; Atlas, 2023).
these do not only include chatbots but also, for
instance, Grammarly (a tool that uses AI to check
(2) Be digitally literate, master AI tools and increase
texts for writing-related issues and that offers
your employability as a result (Zhai, 2022;
suggestions for improvement; Tate, 2023; Krügel
Rudolph et al., 2023).
(4) Avoid creating an environment where faculty is Adamopoulou, E., & Moussiades, L. (2020). Chatbots:
too overworked to engage and motivate their History, technology, and applications. Machine Learning
students (Rudolph et al., 2023). with Applications, 2, 100006.
(5) Conduct dialogue sessions and training AFP. (2023, March 9). China’s students leap ‘Great Firewall’
workshops for faculty on AI tools such as to get homework help from ChatGPT. Business Times, p. 17.
ChatGPT (Rudolph et al., 2023).
Ali, J. K. M., Shamsan, M. A. A., Hezam, T. A., & Mohammed,
(6) Provide dialogue sessions and training A. A. (2023). Impact of ChatGPT on learning motivation:
workshops on academic integrity in the context Teachers and students’ voices. Journal of English Studies in
of the chatbots for students (Rudolph et al., Arabia Felix, 2(1), 41-49.
Alshater, M. (2022). Exploring the role of artificial intelligence
(7) Encourage, support and share research on AI in enhancing academic performance: A case study of ChatGPT.
tools’ effects on learning and teaching (Rudolph
et al., 2023). Anson, C. M., & Straume, I. (2022). Amazement and
trepidation: Implications of AI-based natural language
(8) Update academic integrity policies and/or production for the teaching of writing. Journal of Academic
honour codes that include the use of AI tools and Writing, 12(1), 1-9.
develop clear, easy-to-understand guidelines
for the use of language models in learning Atlas, S. (2023). ChatGPT for higher education and
and teaching – the guidelines should include professional development: A guide to conversational AI.
information on the proper use of these tools https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cba_facpubs/548/
and the consequences for cheating (Crawford
et al., 2023; Rudolph et al., 2023); the University Aydın, Ö., & Karaarslan, E. (2022). OpenAI ChatGPT generated
of Tasmania’s Statement on the Use of Artificial literature review: Digital twin in healthcare. SSRN 4308687.
Intelligence to students and staff is a good
example: Baidoo-Anu, D., & Owusu Ansah, L. (2023). Education in the
era of generative artificial intelligence (AI): Understanding
You can use generative Artificial Intelligence the potential benefits of ChatGPT in promoting teaching and
(AI) to learn, just like you would study with a learning. SSRN 4337484.
classmate or ask a friend for advice. You are not
permitted to present the output of generative Baptista, E. (2023, March 20). Baidu’s Ernie writes poems
AI as your work for your assignments or other but says it has insufficient information on Xi, tests show.
assessment tasks. This constitutes an academic Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/technology/baidus-ernie-
integrity breach. In some units, a unit coordinator writes-poems-says-it-has-insufficient-information-xi-tests-
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