Determining Coupling For Shielded Cables Using A TLM Approach

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Determining coupling for shielded cables using a TLM approach

Conference Paper · May 2002

DOI: 10.1049/ic:20020165 · Source: IEEE Xplore


3 291

5 authors, including:

Muhammed Al-Asadi Alistair Duffy

Loughborough College De Montfort University


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Alexandros Gavrilakis*, Muhammed Al-Asadi*, Alistair P. Duffy*, Kenneth G.Hodge^, Arthur J.Willis^

* De Montfort University, UK
^ Brand-Rex Ltd., Fife, UK

ZTT = R2 + jωL12 (3)
This paper presents the coupling mechanism for a
geometry consisting of two parallel conductors located YTT = G2 + jωC12 (4)
symmetrically inside a braided shield and grounded at
both ends. The coupling is represented by voltage and
and ZT is the transfer impedance of the braid, YT is the
current sources and is implemented using the
transfer admittance of the braid, ZTT is the “transfer
Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method. Frequency
impedance” between the parallel conductors and YTT is
domain analysis for both shield and inner conductor
the “transfer admittance” between the parallel
excitations is presented and compared against an
conductors. Subsequently, L12 and C12 are the mutual
existing, lossless, SPICE model.
inductance and capacitance of the parallel inner
conductors and R2 and G2 the resistance and
conductance of conductor 2. The transfer impedance ZT
can be determined using [5,6], and the transfer
The subject of crosstalk between multiconductor lines
admittance as,
and incident fields is discussed thoroughly in literature
e.g.[1-3]. These analyses have been based on using a
variety of modelling methods, like SPICE [1], TLM [2] YT = jωCxx (5)
etc. However, in most cases the excitation of the lines is
due to incident fields directly applied on the lines. In where Cxx is the transfer capacitance, described in
this paper, the excitation is applied on a braid shield so Benson et. al. [7].
the resulting excitation present on the parallel Lastly, Is represents the current on the surface of the
conductors depends mainly on the quality of the shield. shield, Vs the voltage between the shield and the
The coupling between the parallel lines has been external environment, and V2 and I2 the voltage and the
included and has been based on the same principles for current on conductor 2 respectively.
the coupling between the shield and an inner conductor.

Coupling mechanism

The analysis for the circuit in Figure 1 is based, initially,

on developing equivalent circuits for the system as in
Figure 2 and then converting them into their Thevenin
circuits, Figure 3. Then, TLM theory described by Figure 1: Shielded pair geometry
Christopoulos [4] is used to obtain the near and far end
voltages of the line. Rx Lx
The coupling takes the form of induced voltage and
current sources distributed along each conductor.
For example, the coupling into conductor 1 is, Gx
Cx ITx
VT1 = I 2 ⋅ ZTT ± Is ⋅ ZT (1)
IT1 = V2 ⋅ YTT ± Vs ⋅ YT (2)

where, Figure 2: Equivalent circuit characterizing the shield

and each of conductors.
VTx Discussion

In the above model the excitation can have two different

sources. In one case, Figure 4, the grounded shield is
2VRxi supposed to be removed, so a 1V dc voltage source is
applied to one of the inner conductors. In the second
Vx case, Figure 5, the only excitation is applied on the
grounded shield so the inner conductors share the same
induced excitation from the shield. As it can be seen on
the results the effect of standing waves etc. is present.
Comparison with a SPICE program, with a lossless
Zox transmission line method described by Paul [8] is good
and the reflections extracted by the SPICE program are
present in the TLM one.

Figure 3: Thevenin equivalent of node n


Due to the symmetry of the line, the formulation for 0.1

Coupling (V)
conductor 2 is derived in a similar way. The coupling
from the conductor to the shield can be formulated 0.01
using the same approach. 3
1 . 10

1 . 10 3
TLM 1 10 100 1 . 10
frequency (MHz)
The TLM implementation involves the segmentation of SPICE
the length of the cable in a number of nodes. Three
different TLM models are required and their time Figure 4. DC excitation on inner conductor 1
synchronization is by using when needed extra stubs

Applying theory in [4] on a node n of the shield (or any 0.01

Coupling (V)

of the inner conductors), the voltage on the left end of .

1 10
node is, 4
1 .10
ITx ⋅ Zox ⋅ ( Zox + Rx ) 1 .10

kVx n =

2 ⋅ Zox + Rx 1 .10
1 10 100 1 .10
frequency ( MHz)
far end (both cond.)
2 k VLx i n 2 k VRx i n − k VTx n
+ Zox Rx + Zox
Figure 5. Pulse excitation on the shield
1 1 1
+ +
Zox Rx + Zox Gx
for x=1,2 or 3 (shield & two conductors) 1. Paul, C.R., 1981,IEEe Trans.EMC, 23, (4), 352-358.
where Zox is the characteristic impedance, Rx is the 2. Christopoulos C, Naylor P.,1988, Int. J. of Num.
conductor resistance, Gx the conductance and VLxi and Mod.,1,31-43
VRxi is the incident voltages left and right of node n 3. Tesche F.M,EMC Expo 1987, 19-21.
respectively. 4. Christopoulos C., The Transmission Line Modelling
Method –TLM, IEEE Press, New York 1995.
A Fourier transform is then used to convert the data to 5. Tyni.M,1976, EMC Symp.Wroclaw,410-418.
the frequency domain. Notice that the time step has to 6. Vance E.F, 1975, IEEE Trans. EMC, 17, (2), 71-77.
be small to take into account the reflections present. 7. Benson F.A, Cudd P.A and Tealby J.M, 1992,IEE
Proc-A, 139,(6),285-303.
8. Paul C.R, 1992, Introduction to electromagnetic
compatibility, Wiley, New York

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